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How to request advice:
>Intended use (media, source, environment)
>Frequency response preference and music examples
>Past gear and your thoughts on them

>Where do I buy IEMs?
Amazon, Aliexpress, Linsoul, Hifigo, Shenzhenaudio

>Shopping Guide (IEMs, Cables, Ear Tips, etc.):

>EQ Guide (Measurements, Targets, Equalizer, etc.):

>/iemg/ Proto-Blog/Wiki

>Frequency Response Graph Tool

>Budget Wire Over-Ear IEMs:
• EPZ Q1 Pro / G10 (Harman) - $35
• TRN Conch (bright V) - $35
• Kefine Klean (bassy neutral) - $50
• Simgot EA500LM (bright V) - $90

>Bullet IEMs:
• Final E500 (dark) - $25
• Tanchjim One DSP (neutral) - $30
• Etymotic ER2XR (neutral) - $100

>Flathead Earbuds:
• Blue Vido (warm) - $5
• Faaeal Iris 2.0 (warm) - $10

• JCALLY JM20 - $24
• Fosi Audio DS2 2024 (CS43131) - $45
• Tanchjim Space - $90
• Qudelix 5K - $110

• HiBy R1 - $85
• Hifi Walker H2 / Surfans F20 (Rockbox) - $120
• FiiO JM21 - $200
• HiBy M300 - $200
• Hidizs AP80 Pro-X - $200

Previous thread: >>103273039
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Remember to fox your cat.
everyone quiet, daddy's speaking
tu foxx to un chad o un beta?
remember to avoid transjimmy pos
>user error
Reminder if you own more than 2 IEM you are addicted
what if my third pos is in transit
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>t. picrel
Remember to bully Crinacle for being too fat.
If I want to hear my surroundings, are my only options tws, headpos, or flathead earbuds?
I have a pair of Vidos and they're fine, but obviously not as good sounding as my other pos.
Is there a better option out there? And how can I know if my Vidos aren't fakes?
5+2/t10 power couple
pos with smaller footprint
Reviews are a meme.
>Reminder if you own more than Chu 2 IEM you are addicted
Post waistline with timestamp
Q1 Pros just arrived. Initial impressions: more comfortable than my Zero2, but their stock tuning is a bit too bright.
I'm looking for wireless flathead in the low to mid budget segment, any recs?
Scarbir.com Oppo Enco Air 3 is the top rec currently.
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You need to offer a young foxgirl (virgin) to foxIEM-fag to impart upon you his wisdom.
thanks a bunch, dude
I bought new iem :)
Why did you buy that pos...
I boughted Artti T10 Pro :D
Anyone recommend earbuds with very strong isolation to use in a loud environment (basically earplugs)?
Reason why you should actively avoid shout galore pos.
etymotics is your best shot
Lmao he fell for it
fucking retard kek
Etymotic ear dildos are made to both be an ear plug, and an IEM at the same time
If you're too autistic to handle noise outside you can pair them with over ear noise protection also, no more over stim issues anon
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Are You Ready?
>28 BA KZ
Absolutely postastic...
>28 BA
>actually 14 BA per side
>only 1 works
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Gonna buy the Etymodicks and Zero Reds for the full Earpussy stretching experience. Legend has it my ears will be able to hear the 4th dimension once I buy those two.
But they're in the sticky? Thought they were highly recommended.
Once the highs are tamed with eq they're not bad.
Ask the seller, the link is not visible in some countries. In that case you order an extra g10.
>Zero Reds
Beaten by the DEUCE clocking whole 7,0mm nozzle.
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Please tell me they'll restock the new Asano figure...
Their stock tuning is supposed to be brighter than zero2, if you EQ it doesn't matter, the comfort and the driver are good.
last time i saw the listing, only 16 figures were sold
seems like it was a rather limited time thing, considering the sun/moon aesthetic
>didn't buy it when it was $13 using coins
Weak shit
Thanks, I may be an autist but I'm also in legitimately loud spots with industrial machinery.
I will look for etymotic clones since the sound quality is not as important to me and they might get destroyed by the work environment.
>etymotic clones
the only ones available are on aliexpress and cost around the same as their entry-level er2 series on sale
if you just want the isolation, etymotic has a series of cheaper sets (mk5, kids series, etc) that can be eq'd for great sound quality
I'd still recommend etymotics, they actually test to make sure their IEMs are viable for loud environments
To add to this, gambling with your hearing for chink shit doesn't seem worth it, especially if you're using them for protection more then sound
I dont want to throw money, im poor, could you all suggest $0.5 DAC dongle
This is the cheapest dongles with no glaring issues.
OK I'll do it if that's how it's gotta be.
I want to cheap out because they'll be subject to an abusive environment but no point in buying something useless.
Why not get any iem that you think suits you and wear ear muffs over them?
what is the best sub $20 pos with the best tech? please no bully
>best tech
any pos + eq (guide)
Required to wear a helmet for safety
Techs = price so whatever costs exactly $19.99
New IEM arrived, i like it. Thanks for reading my review.
added to gazette, thank you
It's over.
is chuzo fat or what?
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Nah i'd win
>all pos
Tragic, my condolences.
All this shit when you could have gotten something good like the u12t or solos lol
>faceplate falls off after 2 weeks
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>bought my first iem 2 months ago
>already thinking of getting a new one
It's over for me...
At least this things are cheap
whats the best min/max for price/quality in your opinion?
u..urghhh why did you...
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>buy JM20
>refreshes page
>Ultra and Max versions pop up with better specs, in-line mic support, EQ, etc
why are chinks like that
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Today is the last day, final pos impressions:

>Symphonium Crimson
Bright detailed treble, and equally detailed bass. However, the Crimson lacks sub-bass slam (because it’s a BA-only set?). The bass is punchy but there’s no physicality to it. Unremarkable mids, with female vocals being slightly recessed to give a sense of wider soundstage. Guitar plucks have that summit-fi extension and detail but low-end instruments (like the tuba) sound lifeless.

Overall, nicely executed V. Decent “techs” which competes against other IEMs around its price range. The pros outweigh the cons. 8/10.

>Nightjar Singularity
Incredible bass - detailed and very deep. Timbre is natural and accurate. Female vocals are clean, and plenty of sparkle despite the boosted low-end. However, on certain songs with a constant low-end presence, the bass becomes distracting, as the Singularity gives you a persistent sub-bass rumble which never stops.
The bass-heavy tuning also results in a peculiar soundstage: the cello is too close, but the violin is too far. The timpani is too close, but snare drum sounds too far. Piano timbre also varies because low-end keystrokes are too pronounced.

However, the midrange of Singularity is still surprisingly clean: there’s good resolution and no mud. 7/10.

>Eminent Ears Ruby
Another summit-fi IEM with hot treble. I call this the “class 3 listener” tuning – lesser bass and more crisp and airy treble. Also sacrificing mids for female vocal specialization. Male vocals sound anemic. Joins the likes of the Empire Ears Odin and Aroma Feiwan. Summit-fi manufacturers really love doing this sort of tuning.

IMO, if you want that clinical resolution just get the U12T. Even the cheaper Crimson is more enjoyable. 5/10.
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Cherish the time when you are genuinely excited about pos and the setup and have the will to consoom
I am already burnt out so just don't care
jm20 is a reference cs43131 implementation, when chinks start adding their own twists on the implementation is when things go off the rails. If you want mic specifically get jm40, mic is a stock part of es9280c.
What are some /iemg/ approved android music apps?
Inawaken Dawn or Supermix 4
That middle pos looks like your average $35 chink set. That cable looks dreadfully cheap.
Poweramp for excellent EQ or any app + good EQ like JamesDSP Magisk or if you don't have root, Wavelet or Poweramp's standalone EQ
USB Audio Player Pro, Musicolet and Auxio
Poweramp for PEQ and decent UI, same for UAPP, or anything + wavelet/jamesdsp. Most standalone PEQ apps have flaws, including Poweramp's EQ app (non-ideal filter implementation)
The actual best is Symfonium, which is made for both local files but also hosted music (plex/jellyfin/emby, navidrome, etc) and features wavelet-like EQ.
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Black Player EX
If you find something that's comfy, looks good, and learn EQ, then that feeling goes away.
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That cable retails for $525 btw
it probably comes infused with techs so no wonder
Chinkapore can't stay complacent and keep half assing anymore, mainland chinks are raising the standards. Their mouthpieces on headpos.com can only do so much.
finally an aful cantor competitor
more like a knockoff Cantor which by itself is a knockoff Canpur
Dang loved the look of that Nightjar Singularity, until I checked the price.
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it's just midrange buddy
kill all headfi niggers
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oh my gawd ! imagine if pros had Chu 2 + EQ instead of SE215...
pos getting clogged right in the middle of match would be devastating
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Those are the se846 Mr poorfag
>but 5th IEM
>Same left right channel imbalance as the other 4
How do I stop getting chinked lol
How exactly can you tell
show measurements
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>Are You Ready?
BAs produce unnatural sound. Theyr'e all shit. The only good thing about them is small size. They suck shit at actual sound reproduction.
sounds like your ears might be imbalanced bro
it might be over for you
Can I ask what iems with BAs have you tried before?
you're not wrong at all
>The moving iron speaker was the earliest type of electric loudspeaker. They are still used today in some miniature speakers where small size and low cost are more important than sound quality.
Literally everything exhibited at CanJam Dallas 2024 from a couple of weeks ago. I must have tried 100+ IEMs including all the kilobuck shit.
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>hexas start sounding a bit quieter on the right side
>very slight difference, but just enough to be noticeable
>think that some earwax must have gotten to the little sound tube
>fiddle with a small needle and try to blow some air into the hole because some guy said it worked
>sound is completely muffled, assume they are fucked beyond repair
>dig out an older set of iems for replacement
>channel imbalance is still there
>try the hexas again after an hour
>now they sound like before, but the imbalance is still there
>pop my ears and the imbalance is gone
I feel like a retard
Ah okay so Bellsings and B-Stock Knowles and Sonion, thanks.
>you're not wrong at all
It's impossible to make BAs sound good. They move so little air that you need a lot of them to make anything sound good. Not to mention that due to the physics, they're always 'slower' than DDs.
I have no idea what to get during this sale. I'm looking for good fitting, good looking, non-metal sets with good stock tuning (ie nothing too extreme in tuning philosophy) but that's rather hard to find.
I think I'll just get the FiiO BTR13 and some tips, and declare this a victory for my anti-consoomer part of the brain.
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>Ah okay so Bellsings and B-Stock Knowles and Sonion, thanks.
you can replace filters, look for knowles filters or their clones and the filter removal tool
>use hairdryer
>maximum heat
>blow air in ear
>immediately wear pos
>high temp = high speed of sound
worth the ear infection
If it's not Jerry Harvey, Westone, or Etymotic, then it's not the real deal.
Literal garbage, garbage, garbage.
Contrarian moment
etymotic is good
So is the Westone Mach series, at least 60, 70, 80, but people too accustomed to 10+ ear gain, treble peaks (le sparkle), and limp mids, and also need their iems to look like women's jewlery will bitch about it/pretend it doesn't mog their trash. I will admit Jerry Harvey is trash doe.
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I wouldn't be so confident about that, at least Westone isn't. I ain't paying a grand for this kind of measurement.
Daily reminder that IEM's eventually lose their techs as your ears get used to them.
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nta but that's not the mach
pretty bad, but not unlistenable
the absolute state of mutts LMAO
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shit wrong graph, still doesn't change the fact
The engineer can't hear above 8k?
That's like every sensory enhancement device ever
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Can't tell if you're being disingenious or simply didn't take another look, but there's literally nothing to complain about their sound, aside from the low treble peak on 80. They are more faithful to 'The Meta' than the current choices we have. Yes we all have preferences, but I sincerely doubt in a blind test people would turn their nose up against this line up, as JM-1 10db, from 200 - 6000hz is similar to the SoundGuys target, which we do have a bit of information that people (32 participants, with 27 of them 'trained') do take a liking to this target.
they are just poor and seething
it doesn't matter anyways, you can eq it to whatever you want
correct on most fronts, but that treble extension is grim
tfw inbalanced ears + tinnitus
tfw perfect channel matched ears + 1dd congruent hrtf
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show price, you better redeemed for ~$70
bajillion rupees saar
absolute meme, enjoy treble ringing up your skull
>hiding price/currency
something smells funny here...
>Discussing Treble extension
>via 711 clone measurements
Honestly though, take this with a grain of salt as I adore iems like Quarks, E500, or Fan 2, I also own the Mach 70 and I think, with the blue silicone tips, they aren't missing anything in the treble department, in fact, I had to tone down a peak @11600hz by 6db. That being said, I don't care to change anyone's mind here, I'm just really autistic about Balanced Armatures. I acknowledge that DDs are stronger at everything you can think of, but still I can't help but find BAs to be a very neat tech.
yeah you're right, i usually would ignore treble features, but i'm just a bit concerned by the fact that everything after the 8k resonance is held up by the related second resonance. i don't doubt that they still sound fine, most anons here have no idea what they're talking about.
i would still take the magicones over most 1dds just based on isolation, so there's that.
you're absolutely correct, a lot of people here have hearing loss and they think KZ 10K rape peaks are "neutral" because it looks good on a graph
Burn in for IEMs is a meme right? Like every other audio device?
Got any recs for a small, non-Android based DAC that doesn't lag when you scroll through a large amount of tracks?
depends on how you define it, but burn in for drivers is indeed a meme
hiby r1? linux-based hibyos
It's brain burn in.
>s12 pro over the s08 or s12 2024
'Burn in' is part of the manufacturing process for speakers to ensure quality control, which was appropriated into a marketing point by high-end boutique manufacturers. Eventually, it trickled down to headpos and iems, and is now so heavily misunderstood that became audiofoolery
>intended use
media. casual music listening
>frequency response
Flat or detailed bass-centric
>past gear
Had some old IEM's in the past but generally only used wireless earbuds for a few years since
edc pro
Aoshida E20
ogey rrat
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shut up rat
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why the fuck did you post this webm
it's what kz rats deserve
kefine klean is good
im rather impressed by how many of these you have
oh i'm not the usual ratposter that's the only one I have
oooooooooooh the $66 s12 pro is calling my name
i REBUKE it in the name of /iemg/!
How does it compare to Kefine Klean?
Should've got prx
Plot twist: the remaining gutter oil after rat fry is used in pos shell and cable production
Based, chi-fi applied the zero waste principle so well
$1000 rat oil soaked palladium cable.
IEMs have stagnated hard huh
>epz q1p/g1
>simgot sm4
Seems like nothing has surpassed those in their price ranges
>epz q1p/g1
it's fine, nothing mind blowing
surprisingly rare stock tuning, meh ergonomics
only value is that it's harman from a reputable brand.
Show me your comfiest IEMs pls
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kz bros we keep winning ! SOTA tuning !

>inb4 bwhahahaha the THD goes crazy at 130dBSPL!! kz bad
ok deafzos, just listen to music at normal volumes , okay?
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>he considers that a win
>SOTA tuning
>"I am going to recommend CCA Trio although there are better choices out there"
>pathetic distortion at 104db
the bait wasn't even believable
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thx i knew a noob would be a noob
it's because amir is old and he forgot to measure the one that is more compliant, otherwise he would be gushing even more
>epz q1p/g1
Like ea500lm but shit
J-mud 1 garbage bald tuning
>simgot sm4
Jewish drivermixing memes
i suspected that as well, but he does mention he tried the different switches and they only increased bass
hard to tell if this is indeed what happened and kz fucked up on their end, or if this is just amir's dementia kicking in
Mh755 + Bluetooth adapter/mini dap
I don't see you proposing any alternatives
inb4 any IEM+EQ
ea500lm is still the goat
ea500lm is like 3 times more expensive than q1pro and not an alternative to it in its price range
but noted
edc pro mogs furfag trash
it really doesn't
give me your EQ
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measures like Zero2 + 4 dB more bass
>less isolation
>less comfy
they would do worse
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should i unseal and listen to em?
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lmao we get it, ea500lm is your only iem but sorry it's literal dogshit and it being on recs is a joke.
ok we get it you're trans
seek supplements.
What supplements?
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About as good as decade old free pos.
fucking lol
now compare it with epz trash
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bought novas last year and I enjoyed them. What should I get next? preferably ones with anime girls on the box.
Just got some Tin audio t515s from my audio store since everybody says good stuff about Tin, are they alright?
damn that's a bit nostalgic...
no, they're fucking garbage
I just bought cvj yukimi which has a qt girl.
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Sometimes I am intimidated by my own genius.
Tin C5 and some QCY melobuds tips put on the wrong way around, cut to allow it to stretch over it and not interfere with the vent, with a bit of tea bag over the nozzle. Glorious. But definitely don't bother unless you do actually have comfort/fit issues normally.
Just what I expect from /iemg/eniuses, what a revelation!

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