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Why isn't Dart popular?

It's basically Java without most of Java's flaws.
It can be compiled both Just In Time and Ahead of Time without requiring a VM. It has very easy to use C foreign function interfacing (harder with C++ but still possible), is multiplatform and actually quite fast, has a sound type system, powerful lazy initialization, much faster/easier deployment than with Java, fast allocation, asynchronicity.

The only problems is a lack of libraries/frameworks for many things(outside of Flutter) but other than that it's such a comfy language.

Programming in Dart and reminding myself of how it feels to program in Java, reminds me of the first time I used Go and compared it to how it feels to program in C.
honestly? dart is just so amazing i use it whenever i can, as a flutter dev it's just so elegant for scripting.

i even had some mbox json files absolutely lousy with escape chatacters, and using dart to clean them was the only way that worked.
google internal project that lost to typescript and react native so they had to revive it with flutter
emphasise that it was completely dead without flutter
>The only problems is a lack of libraries/frameworks for many things(outside of Flutter)
And that's why it's dead or at least on death row. A language without a library ecosystem is very limited, and will end up steamrollered by something with a big library ecosystem as those are long-run more convenient to use.
I could see it getting more popular thanks to dart_frog
We dont need more single threaded, isolate bound, garbage collected, forced threadpooling async all the things, toy-runtime, shit tier languages. Especially not one designed for webshitters and andjeets by gooyle. You know what's also JITable? JavaShit and Lua. Why don't you go use these instead of being even more dependent on a toy google project? You clearly aren't above the average webshitter if you think dart is competing with Java and C#.
The Flutter ecosystem is shit and the performance is worse.
dart can easily multi thread
>>It's basically Java without most of Java's flaws.
This is your brain when you're stuck in Java 5
Average /g/ shill for the Big Goyim. No, you complete and utter mongoloid, it's isolate based. I don't give a fuck if you can spawn more "isolates," you have no threading whatsoever. Reinitializing your program n-times over and communicating via channels and pipes is not the same as multithreading, you spastic Google-shilling jeet.
>It's basically Java without most of Java's flaws.
Fucking KEK. The JVM performs the shit out of Dart VM. Dart is an absolute shitty choice for backends https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=test&runid=fd4f1f27-72cd-4e89-92c6-0d965fadb733&hw=ph&test=composite
>It has very easy to use C foreign function interfacing
So does Java https://blogs.itemis.com/en/calling-native-code-with-java-made-easy
>is multiplatform
So is Java
>actually quite fast
No it isn't. Darf is actually slow AF. You think just because Dart can be AOT compiled it's fast but that's not how it works
>has a sound type system
be specific
>powerful lazy initialization
Woho, big fucking deal. Use Supplier.
>much faster/easier deployment than with Java
Fucking async/await. Imagine developing a new language with a runtime and giving it colored funcitons. I mean C# has an excuse because it's an old language but WTF. Java got Goroutine like Virtual Threads now and that's the way it should be done in a managed language.

And let's not even get into Dart's dead ecosystem and job market.
dart doesn't have a fucking mountain of bullshit like java does, and pubspec.yaml is legit the best way to handle package requirements i've ever fucking seen.
>dart doesn't have a fucking mountain of bullshit like java does
like what?
Because it's made by Google and you can't trust Google products to exist

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