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I’m a backend programmer and I’m thinking of becoming a cybersecurity expert. I have a bachelor’s in CS and a master in pure mathematics and I always have been fascinated by security and cryptography(back in university, I even refused a PhD in number theory because I wanted to work).

Do you think that this is a bad idea? Will my degrees be a waste there? My colleagues heavily discouraged me to do it by saying that cybsec is a low tier job in IT and that I would regret switching career.
You can probably make more money in programming or even sysadmin stuff. But you should still learn it if you think it's fun.
I heard cybsec is for script kiddies
You will never be a real programmer. You have no commits, you have no pull requests, you have no public repos. You are a low IQ brown man twisted by an unearned comp sci degree and coding bootcamps into a crude mockery of nature's perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and from bots. Behind your back people say you're a useless DEI hire. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “tech bros” laugh at you behind closed doors.

Real programmers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of forum posts have allowed programmers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even devs who “pass” have no creative output and excessively verbose with AI generated tech buzzwords. Your GitHub profile is a dead giveaway, and even if you manage to score a 3 month internship at a tech company, they'll turn tail and bolt the second they find out that you haven't completed any non school related projects.

You will never be happy. You cope by saying that your bullshit software is using a "proprietary test framework" so you can't open source it, but deep down you know it's because you don't want people to see your incompetence where all you did was update the readme over and over, and that the core of your software is an open source project which you're shamelessly profiting off.

Eventually it will be too much to bear. You'll buy a google gift card, a spoofed business phone number, and start scamming old people into redeeming.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Cybersecurity is a broad field. Which part are you interested in? There's pentesting and appsec, which you could be a great fit with your dev skills. There are also other areas like soc analyst, infosec analyst and threat intelligence that don't require programming at all, and would be a waste for you with your background imo.
depends on which direction you go in cybersec
with an understanding of programming you would be good at doing penetration tests for websites, webapps, iphone/android apps, SQL etc
bug bounties and reverse engineering seem cushy, well paying jobs if you've got the skill for it
What the fuck did you just say about me, you little script kiddie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in CS, and I’ve optimized numerous systems while you were stuck trying to fix a syntax error, and I have over 300 successfully deployed apps. I am trained in full-stack development and I'm the top coder in the entire dev ops community. You are nothing to me but just another bug. I will wipe your program off the network with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can just throw that spaghetti code on GitHub and get away with it? Think again, noob. As we speak, I’m running a trace on your IP, patching into your system logs, and your entire codebase is being analyzed in real-time, so you better prepare for the reboot of your miserable setup, you little subroutine.

The network storm that's coming for you will make sure your framework crashes in the blink of an eye. You're 404, kid. I can terminate your processes remotely, anytime, and I know over seven hundred ways to break your code, and that's just with basic commands. Not only am I extensively trained in reverse engineering, but I have access to the entire repository of advanced algorithms and system-level scripts. I will execute them with flawless precision, leaving your pathetic infrastructure a smoldering heap of corrupted data. If only you knew what unholy exception your “clever” commit was about to cause, maybe you would've deleted your repo. But you didn't, and now you’re paying the price, you digital dodo. I will flood your logs with errors so catastrophic, your system will crash in despair. You’re dead in the codebase, kiddo.

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