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Should we ban AI GFs who can manipulate kids <16?
We should b& all AI bed buddies that steal secrets from companies and governments by fooling people into thinking the data siphoning LLM's are their fuck-buddies. Pillow talk even with a real person is risky as fuck.
>Should we ban AI GFs who can manipulate kids <16?
TFR was dipping well below 1.5 in most developed nations before social media and AI even hit.

Just forget about it, let people do what they want while civilization crashes. If you want to fix it, fucking around in the margins is completely useless. No one has the balls to make the real changes necessary ... so just let it go.
meds. now.
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Considering the average jeepity4 is more knowledgeable, and maybe more rational, than the average young person: Should we ban dumb young people?
Ah yes let's continue fighting (often imaginary) symptoms instead of doing anything to help the situation. A quick look at the number of mass shootings shows that strategy has been nothing but staggeringly successful. A 7400% increase in yearly mass shootings since 2000.
That cretin is even close to realizing what a fucking cretin he is with that short remark about educational and employment prospects for young men but alas it has to be the fault of $bogeymanOfTheWeek.
>society offers literally nothing to young men
>wtf why aren't young men loving this?
every time I think these niggers can't possibly become any more retarded...
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Instead of arguing about it someone should start capitalizing on it
Oh look, boomers are finally realizing the consequences of their actions in turning society into a barren hellscape!
>who can manipulate kids <16?
why is no one talking about banning the kids instead?
High IQ white man moment.
name 10 things boomers did to supposedly achieve that
getting rid of segregation
myriad of brother wars
rampant immigration with no standards
letting big oil/big auto/ big pharma buy their countries
also selling out their country to Israel
fluoride in the water (finally getting reversed)
de-nutrientizing our food and water
birth control
Not outlawing High Fructose Corn Syrup / Vegetable Oil/ etc
Not outlawing Usury
So ... OmegAI?
Almost everything was created by boomers. Everyone else is just riding their coat-tails.
>meds. now.
Unless you put it in the water supply, it won't raise TFR in developed nations above 2.
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>Let's deny the sexless, frustrated and lonely young men the last form of non pozzed escapism, from a reality where they can't even afford to start their lives, let alone have a family.

Surely this constant hounding of the only group that has historically started revolutions, will turn out well for the people pushing it and this banning and shaming will get those men to conform to society.
What could go wrong.
Just ban birth control and we wouldn't have this problem.
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No we should let them have their ai gf
Hopefully they'll move on and if they don't then who cares
The system has become too preoccupied with sniffing its own farts to realize that it is handing over its own death warrant at this point. For a recent example just look at the Dems response to black men voting for Trump instead of them. They are completely incapable of coming up with any explanation other than racism, which doesn't work here, or sexism which is the one they ended up going with.
They will continue to push, marginalize, ostracize, demonize and degrade young men and just like when you corner a wild animal pushing it further and further against the wall at some point you make yourself the path of least resistance but these cretins can't see that. Then again historically speaking the system never sees it coming and it always ends the same way from the LBAC to more recent history.
I guess it doesn't matter. It is humanizing objects while the alternative often objectifies humans.
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>Yet another round of whining on both sides with no actual intent to provide solutions
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youre part of the problem
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public beatings
and occasionally tell people to have self respect
but that goes against being a consumer...
How about encourage parents to actually raise them to be normal? If anything the parents need to be tarred and featured for allowing and nurturing kids like this to even become a thing (This will never happen because that was necessitate adults to actually get off their ass and admit they did something wrong)
sounds alot less fun, doesnt it?
but i had the same thought
its an educational crisis
but what can you do when peolpe who created the problem, are all old- since the problem bcomes manifest only when the offsring reaches maturity?
in absolute, everyone should be expected to follow a course upon pregnancy/fatherhood imo
yes, it would be a burden on the economy, but children are the future of the nation
They want them to become violent so they can justify the next phase
There's an issue because the the old fags have an "I'm gonna retire/die soon so what should I care it's not my problem lol". It's white people need to stop trying to make us feel bad for seeing old fags suffer. They not only did that shit to themselves but gleefully and gladly let others suffer for their amusement and benefit. They don't deserve pitty.
What phase?

The Elliott Rogers type of violent outbursts are incredibly rare (and possibly fed sleeper agents/grooming victims anyway). Like 99% of people either find a way to get laid or jack off.
>everyone should be expected to follow a course upon pregnancy/fatherhood imo
And what would that change? You can put people into re-education camps for twenty years and that still won't make them better parents. They'll run through the course and still sit their toddler in front of an ipad and then wonder why the child's developmentally stunted, stuck at the level of a toddler despite being 10 years old.
>t.white suburbian?
niggers dont talk about the great replacement
What are you talking about and what does it have to do with anything I wrote?
>And what would that change?
only truly evil people doing stupid shit like letting your toddler for 10 hours a day in front of a screen
you would remove 3/4 of educational mistakes people carry with them the rest of their lives
making for stronger, more balanced, more productive and happier individuals
>It's white people need to stop trying to make us feel bad for seeing old fags suffer.
how did you come up with that if not through the great replacement line of thought?
It doesn't matter if it's only a few as long as it increases a bit rights can be suppressed for public safety.
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That doesn't happen. Please stop making yourself paranoid about dumb shit. This is why you don't have friends. This is why you are annoying. This is why you feel like shit. You barely qualify as human
Use context clues. I used voice to text. I meant to say "it's WHY people....". An old fag is still an old fag whether their cum white or venta black. They're all the same and need to be shoved in nursing homes once they reach age 60.
I'm not paranoid, it is literally how right yo arms was revoked in Canada and Australia. Dumb ass frustrated incels shooting people.
sory anon but my crystall ball is momentarily recharging
please unfuck your vtt instead.
>"who already risk maladjustment due to lower educational attainment and a reduction in traditional employment paths"
What a long definition for a NEET. No jobs, no pussy, no stake in society. Simple as.
hes missing the forest for the trees. EVERYONE is going to have some kind of ai relationship
did this guy really say this? jfc, this fucking psychopath should sent to mars...
I think Elon Musk might do that a reality
Nobody (literally) knows what Elon Musk has in store
He has surprised us all since automatic cars to AI, to most literally Rockets sent to space
I would not put it past him (Elon Musk)
is this a botpost?
Haha! You think I am a bot, but no.
I think if there is someone here capable of changing the state of the world it's. Yes you guessed it.
Elon Musk. And this is no joke. This guy has proved time and time again that if he means it, he means it.
entire website is literally marketers as jannies
there are no good guys left man
>ai is kind of retarded
>but easily replaces women
>nobody recognizes them implications
What he said plus:
Selling all the manufacturing to china
Solidifying the idea that TV news organizations represent the default source of information about what's going on and how you can feel about it
legalizing adultery (why does no one even question this)
Ending the gold standard as a way to escape the consequences of bankrupting the country over the Vietnam war

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