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File: TikTok.jpg (216 KB, 2500x2500)
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How do you feel about Tiktok? Are they actually a security and privacy risk?
1) Suppose China controls the feed to change the perception of the world for kids
2) Even if 1 is not true, they have all the sensitive data on kids
they are less of a security and privacy risk than whatever meta/google currently have
links to videos on their website don't load with ublock + privacy badger
>1) Suppose China controls the feed to change the perception of the world for kids
Didn't happen when it was musicly; and it's not happening now in spite of the NPC:Amerimutt-%26-Jewish-overlords update package and its' new dialog prompts.
You know what's changed the perception of the worlds to kids? Childless cat ladies "educating" children in Rockefeller daycare centers

>they are less of a security and privacy risk than whatever meta/google currently have
And unless you're going to have feds on your ass, the implications of these risk are 0. Don't make me pull you arent even important to need privacy card. I really dont want to make that argument. On the other hand, nobody gives a shit about you, and Google is just about as powerful a shitty yellowpages clone. What are some chinks going to do with even less power? Scalp some Amerimutt "talent" into working for the CCP using an Aliexpress or TikTok mailing database?
risk/risks, worlds/world *
I cannot understand how pathetic boomers and mutts sound sperging over an internet service company half a world away. Your child is right there. Go talk to him. Go be a parent for once. Remove him from "friends" that have bad social contagion side effects.
Infinite teenie bops.

Happy gooner.
>sensitive data on kids
you mean sensitive data on future political and business leaders
and our culture is only building itself to be even more and more intolerant of making 1 wrongthink mistake in your life and you get dumpstered
chinks play the long game, be sure of that. the movers and shakers in the west only care about the next quarter
Yeah but thats part of 1. 2 is just the simplest form of argument. They collect sensitive data on kids.
it's not part of 1. they don't need to alter the feed to users, whether on a cultural or individual level
the west is changing its culture already.
what they can do instead is collect information that they can later expose to exploit the existing culture's intolerance to wrongthink
like some anti-chink in 2060 senator is revealed to have sent lurid text messages to a 17 year old when he was 20.
or that the CFO of intel was in a group chat saying nigger nigger nigger during his college years
>Are they actually a security and privacy risk?
they have the same ability to spy on you as every other app
if it was actually a vulnerability they would have assigned a CVE and fixed it
Id be more worried about shit thats bundled with hardware "you need our addon program to run 24/7 to use your mouse lmao"
fucking armoury crate

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