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The LED and its consequences cannot be understated. Outside of on/off indicators the LED should be eradicated from public life as much as possible.
Roads are much more destructive in this regard
6000-7000K lights required for the cameras so AI can read lips when subjects are too far from the microphones.
Good morning sir
Birth control pills are even more destructive but so what?
LEDs don't have to be cold white. That's a particular choice of the government responsible for the street lights. Atlanta and Los Angeles both have LEDs in their recent street lights but Atlanta uses more traditional color while LA uses "pure" white.
retard color temperature is measured in Kelvin, doesnt stand for thousand like 500K.
back to grade school...
They should shut off all public lights and encourage everyone to do alike twice a year so people can see the stars.
Best also close all public transports and roads as well, let only emergency vehicles drive.
If it's only for a couple hours, then it's worth it.
Sir please doesnt be angry
>Birth control pills are even more destructive but so what?
By nighttime ecosystems I assume OP was referring to animal life, not humans
Little bit of both honestly. The prolific use of LEDs destroys the circadian rythms of people and animals. Along with the fact that they completely fuck up your night vision and are more dangerous than something like a high pressure sodium light that might put out less light but it spreads out a lot better and the temperature of the light is a lot healthier as well. Poorly spaced streetlights will illuminate a single spot underneath them perfectly fine but with LEDs being so directional, the areas around them appear significantly darker and checkerboard extremely hard since your eyes dont have the chance to actually adjust to the night around you. The genuine feeling of night has been effectively taken away from most people.
>post full of lies
name 1 (one)
TL;DR cities suck and I agree.
All of them.
Circadian rhythm doesn't get fucked by LEDs, but rather more by any bright light. I have full LED lighting, including my night stand, and I go to bed around 10pm and fall asleep within 5 mins.
Temperature has nothing to do with health. Lower light just means poorer visibility.
LEDs are not really any worse than other lights in regards to throw except designs, you can put a lens or mirror in LED lamps and most actual streetlights have those things.
And the genuine feeling of night hasn't been taken away from most people, except by choice. You choose to live in the middle of a fucking city and that's your problem.
Only genuine piss yellow LPS lighting is good enough.
Wheres the explanation of LEDs increasing crime rate?
Only lighting completely undetectable by those cells.
The Sun is not a blue star.
Kill all shills.
So happy my town does warm street lighting even along the main roadway.
The need for ultra bright white lights is caused by people without blue eyes that have almost no night vision.
LED’s are more efficient. They have replaced the orange low sodium vapor lamps. The issue is they are commonly white and not the orange glow. The reason is

1. Cheaper to manufacture
2. They increase reaction times during accidents by providing greater color rending.

The cons are

1. Soulless
2. Circadian rhythm disruption.

The ideal compromise is to have high speed rail, trolleys, and trams across the entire country lit by sodium vapor lamps.
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I want bright af white lights so i don't even have to use my headlights while blasting my loud ass car in a residential road at night
NTA but is this how dumb racists are? this is making me reconsider who I accompany with

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