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All it does is jack up Color Saturation up to 200%
This is RETARDED, everything looks awful with HDR enabled. If you like this, you're probably the same kind of person who's amazed by the Soap Opera mode that generates frames on TV's.
Anon, have you been trying to watch SDR with force-HDR turned on again?
SDR content will look terrible with HDR enabled. But HDR content looks amazing.
>/g/ talking about anything that isn't about saving porn
>everything looks awful with HDR enabled
no, the range of the color gamut is wider with HDR enabled; the blackest of blacks is blacker, the whitest of whites is whiter, and there's more gradation between them.
What you tend to not get when you turn on HDR is access to the brightness and contrast controls; you've instead enabled full software access to what the display hardware really does.
what's the difference between HDR10 and HDR10+? and does HDR12 exist? I assume HDR10 and HDR12 have less differences than SDR and HDR10
HDR10+ is HDR10 plus dynamic metadata, meaning stuff can change over the course of a program.

There's no HDR12. HDR10 is a 10-bit format, meaning a billion colors instead of 16 million. HDR12 would presumably be a 12-bit format, which means about 70 billion colors instead of a mere billion.

Two things: In practice, a billion colors is enough. Even the shallowest gradients won't show visible banding on a 10-bit display. 12-bit is ludicrous overkill. The other thing is that those Dolby motherfuckers actually went and wrote 12-bit color into the Vision spec, so if we need ludicrous overkill we've got it.
I think there will be a difference once HDR12 material comes out. but I think HDR12 will be the final increase in bit depth.
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I can see the HDR in your jpg with my 1080p led monitor clearly.
Obviously HDR is a scam.
>12 bits per pixel
>all the screens do 8 or 10 at the best on the high end
Before we can start making HDR12 material we need 12-bit displays. Those are not right around the corner.
>All it does is jack up Color Saturation up to 200%
No it doesn't, why does /g/ still spread this nonsense.
Only retarded marketing image do that, they make the SDR image almost gre and the HDR image way too contrasty.
What HDR actually does is basicly let you see more detail in very dark and very bright areas.
ANd no you can't show it in an image if you just have a normal TV/monitor.
I meant in the future. I don't think we'll get HDR14 or HDR16. it's like how 4K or 8K will be the final resolutions.display tech will improve in other fields
that's useless without OLED. IPS has washed out blacks
I'm still on Laserdisc actually, for most films. It's the only way to get the classics without (((regrading))) and uncut.
This is what happens when you raise an entire generation on purely digital content and they never go outside. Anything that breaches their safe little world of low def, low contrast, dull goyslop throws them into crisis
I think analog is max equivalent to 8K, which is why I think either 4K or 8K will be the final resolutions
Good quality THX LD's are at least 16k quality.
HDR seems like a meme. I set my Alienware OLED to HDR1000, used Windows calibration, and downloaded a few 50–100 GB HDR movies, but I didn't appreciate it at all. Everything is just blindingly bright.
The problem is there is no standard and none of the shit is compatible so it doesn't actually "take" the settings from disc to player to screen.

It's why analog is still king. HDR is basically padding bits and pumping up black to super dark grey along with all of it. It's a very primitive way of trying to compand video data.

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