Lua or GameMaker's GML language?
>>103295833i learned GML when i was 12. no idea what lua is like but GML is easy.
lua is easy but it's so simple that you have to be good at programming to make shit with it, the standard library is anemic on purpose to keep it lightweight
>>103295896I was thinking of learning lua to make games with the Defold engine
They are easy enough to learn. Do you know any programming languages already? They are both kind of retarded little scripting languages, so you will probably learn some retarded things if they are your only languages. But if it's for (simple) gamedev that might be enough.
this thread again?
>considering a one-off proprietary shitlangJust learn Lua, it has tons of uses.
>>103296942such as? and I wanted to learn a language to make a 2D game
Lua is very reasonable overall. Use it.
>>103295833Da fuck is GML? Use lua and Love2D.