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I have secret information that SHA has been broken.
There has never been a better predictor of a shitpost than a frog image.
spill the beans, zhang
>no im not going to tell you a thing about it
OP is a frogposting faggot.
I'm scared bros, if I say anything they will delete me
>scramble all the characters in a book in a reproducible way
>take the first 256 characters
ok retard, how do you get back the book?
I didn't figure it out, one of the crypto-math geniuses did
4chan isn't some leet underground darknet, anon.
Take the "XP leak on 4chan", which had been doing the rounds among the knowbies for almost a decade.
Once they'd finished having their fun, it was thrown onto /g/ for the hoi polloi to play with.
I don't know about all that, I'm just a regular guy at an intelligence agency that accidently caught wind of this. I didn't even want to know.
i knew it. i had a feeling those windows iso's from mass grave were compromised. thanks for letting me know. my intuition is stronger than trusting in dumb crap like SHA256

btw everything has low level firmware, all of it closed source, therefore evertyhing is backdoored. you know its true
you don't need to get back the book, you just need to be produce the same hash with a different key
so true, I recently noticed my toaster whispering ominously...
LARPing is fun, I do it here daily to throw the misinformation off its misinformation tracks. Not onto the truth tracks, just change course for the Ruskies and Chyneze.
Not LARPing bros, i'm risking my life even posting here
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i know that feel
Nobody would do that. Its just teens on cell phones here. They would not be able to do anything useful with the information. Your LARP sacrifice would benefit nobody.
SHA-1 or SHA256?
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>posts here
>implying your life has any value whatsoever
Want to elaborate any more? Reproducible collisions? You don't have to tell us how it's broken, but a starting point would be helpful.
if anyone ever broke sha encryption, the first thing you'd see is someone cash out on all the bitcoins, by either getting a mining advantage or cracking people's wallets
based. it's too convenient that you can just go and download a windows ISO without the gvoernent putting backdoors in

So why not just use blowfish or any of the other dozens of hashing schemes?
This is a good point too. OP should stop talking to us and start making bank off something untraceable like Monero
SHA-1 has been broken forever
Not a secret anon. That's been public information for over a decade.
Not LARPing bros, they're probably trying to trace me right now, I have to go soon
sha256 was broken by OpenAI last year
or was it AES?
>SHA has been broken
don't care.
The only gender I care about breaking is a SHE.
>I have to go soon
Nobody is keeping you from the bathroom.
AES will never be broken, not even 128bit
The vulnerability arises from unexpected correlations between certain rounds in the SHA-256 algorithm, where the non-linear mixing function fails to fully randomize intermediary states.
These correlations allow researchers to create a theoretical attack that reduces the computational complexity of finding collisions
That's all I can say, i have to go now, i've said too much already, bye, godspeed bros
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none of the hashing stuff matters. all storage devices have closed source firmware that record your encryption keys. there's also tpm backdoors in your cpu etc etc

its over

you are and always were living in a sandboxed world, where the elite occultists controlled everything the very beginning. internet was designed by literal dark wizard geniuses (occultists) to be a social engineering experiment. they contact demons and fallen angels using black magic which gave them the ideas for the technology they created. intel and amd are 2 sides of the same coin, both controlled by them

look at all the symbols for linux distrobutions. they're all occult symbols. apple as in the apple from the garden of eden...had something to do with 666 too. windows...its a subtle nazi sun cult symbol. "microsoft" is talking about a young boys penis, because the sun represents the young boy archetype "jack"

4chan is controlled. all the chans are. the infographs released about jews werent created by geniuses anons, it was created by them

they literally have you all living in a virtual machine thats not the true reality. you're in a sandbox of their creation and you'll never break out

its beyond your worst nightmare anon. you are a muggle to them, they are the witches and warlocks. their symbolism is in everything. they invented your english language. there is some elite faggot right this moment watching our screen with popcorn for entertainment

they create 0 day exploits when they feel like it to create e-drama to entertain the dumb cattle
I have secret information that OP is a faggot.
>none of the hashing stuff matters. all storage devices have closed source firmware that record your encryption keys. there's also tpm backdoors in your cpu etc etc
Based except: I use a system76 laptop that disables the tpm backdoor.

lmao, they probably intercepted your package since they have logs of all your purchase history. the guy who made the open source driver is definitely "one of them"
that's fucking rude man, i'm risking my life here to bring this information to the world, have some respect
elliptic curves nigga

I'm not really a math guy, but what i've been told is that there's been advances in differential cryptanalysis that have made this possible AND that the computing power that the government has for breaking cryptography is FAR more than the public knows about
basically they are applying AI and machine learning to cryptanalysis AND ever more datacenters keep coming online, it's become an arms race and the guys designing the hash functions are losing
>Vigenère cipher will never be broken
>RC4 will never be broken
>AES will never be broken
>any cipher will never be broken in a universe where computational power keeps increasing

"encryption" look at the name anon, ENCRYPT

(((they))) created it, and the meaning behind the word encryption is simple. in the occult world, when the ego dies, it's absorbed into "the all" or collective, so what you're doing with files when you encrypt them is disassembling or destroying its identity, it then turns the file into a bunch of gibberish, which is symbolically the same as being absorbed back into "the all". they know the meaning behind the word because they created it
trying to have a serious thread about cryptography and this schizo just wants to talk about the occult lol
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>trying to have a serious thread about cryptography
>completely ignores the fact all firmware for all their devices they've ever plugged in or used is closed source/backdoored
that could be true, but only some entities have access to the backdoors, with the hash-algorithms broken, we're all fucked
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none of your cryptography means anything unless its all open source anon

theyve got you fooled thinking you have control

you dont

you are marked cattle, like a cow with an ear tag

the more you try to get privacy, the more they focus their attention on you

searching about privacy in the first place trips their wire. should have stayed a normie
lmao i've been aware i've been marked for a long ass time
can you generate same SHA fingerprint along with a malware? if not it is nothing burger
SHA being broken means every computer system on earth is compromised, bitcoin is compromised, your bank is compromised, gmail is compromised, your text messages and phone calls are an open book for the highest level of government if they take an interest in you
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money is all invented anyway and they print as much of it as they feel like it. how do you think all these box office bomb woke games and movies keep generating revenue...protip, they dont. nobody likes them, but they create it anyway because they control the world
Still not selling my bitcoin, kys
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>Not SHA256 / SHA512
A nothingburguer, no one uses sha1 anymore.
>AND that the computing power that the government has for breaking cryptography is FAR more than the public knows about
anon, it hasn't been the case that the government has secret advanced technology beyond the private sector since like 1970 at the very latest
there is no excuse for still believing in the myth of hyper-competent government at this point
they are retards
>Thinking breaking encryption matter when devices already have Hardware Backdoors that bypass any encryption and security
i've been to the NSA headquarters and that simply isn't true, it's an open secret that they have huge datacenters
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This thread wouldn't be complete without a reminder of everything that this chad confirmed for us. The intelligence capabilities of the government are EXTENSIVE.
>they are retards

they made the world a clown show to make you think that. in reality they're serious and intelligent asf whilst you on the other hand have a brain fried from memes and the stupidity of the internet. your entire perception of reality is warped and its by design
insane cope masquerading as wisdom
you want to believe an cabal of competent evil geniuses controls everything, because that scares you less than the reality that everything is chaos and stupidity
This. Some people would rather believe that there is an evil plan than that there is no plan.
And they are always weirdly smug about this belief, too.
none of what he revealed involved secret advanced technology
How exactly do I use SHA? Can you walk me through it as if I am a retard?
this is the absurdist take, but there are a lot of competent people employed at the NSA and there are a lot of government officials who have access to their work and have various political agendas, jobs, and personal missions. "Things are complicated and chaotic so I should just give up on making sense of it", is the wrong attitude to take.
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it scares me more. the fact there are people out there, that far above me. they probably were educated into elite schooling right when they were born. they were fed the best food, raised by elite parents, maintained their elite bloodlines. the fact they're all collborating together and sharing their secret knowledge while treating like some cow to be farmed scares me more

think if this is all purposefully engineered, that kind of intelligence is frightening anon...like, you've been deluded your whole life, due to people with an I.Q catastrophically higher than yours. its jarring to think about
intelligence programs and advanced technology programs are compartmentalized and need to know, even the president and congress will be purposely and legally kept in the dark if revealing their workings compromises their mission
you clearly _enjoy_ believing this, this is not what genuine fear looks like
you're quite obviously having fun talking about it, which means it's a larp
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i have fun with it because its freaking over, thats why. i've given up completely. its human nature to want to vent, complain and unpack your shit somewhere, even if its too a bunch of bots
i'm people with a catastrophically higher IQ than you
i haven't been invited to a secret cabal yet
>well, why haven't intelligent outliers been able to organise such a cabal?
death is the greatest equaliser
historically there have been such groups, and there exists such groups now, but they are different groups
there is not any one exclusive continuous bloodline of shadowy puppet masters
that's cause we don't let in nerds unless they have money or something else we want

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