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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
A private tracker is a torrent website that provides the same functionality as a public tracker but is invite-only. Each member share common goals: collecting, preserving and discussing media.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://igwiki.lyci.de/wiki/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to Torrent Master, wait on account age, and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO

>>103360206; Vinnie is continuing his shitty behaviour on Plebbit. WHERE ARE THE DONATIONS?
>>103360598; Pajeet is trying to get his account back on CGPeers.
>>103360732; Normie is coping. 10/10 copy pasta.
>>103362060; Advent calendar is up on BTN! >>103364943 HDB and ANT too!
>>103367602; HUNO runs open signups. Jeets are celebrating.
>>103368879; Invite-trader VoltaX is looking for SB invite. Perhaps prices are rising?
>>103369902; Anon looks for a tracker niche that hasn't been filled.
Continued news in reply below!

Previous thread: >>103359224
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Continued news:

>>103372153; .moe indexer pops up in invite forums. Anon doesn't want little girl cartoons.
>>103372218; Based Anon wants them though. Hawt.
>>103373078; Tracker "celebrity" Madbudgie passes away. GGn holds a day of sorrow.
>>103374324; Anon gets cucked by a tracker faggot.
>>103374482; LearnFlakes (who?) runs a cash grab. Offers lifetime subscriptions. Vinnie is proud.
>>103375071; Based group of crackers starts distributing free PlayReady API. Will soon release L1 CDM API.
>>103377986; CyberMu8 begs for HDB invite. Gets an invite and no warning (take note curries!).
>>103378199; Anon is looking for info on screeners. Predb comes up short.
Continued continued news:

>>103378521; Naugthy Anon gets coal for Christmas on BTN.
>>103379339; Grohl asks for AoM invite in PTPs custom class forums. He is not a wizard (but still based!).
>>103382272; Another Anon feels the post-nut clarity of having climbing the pyramid.
Event is up for MySpleen too
OPS monthly freeleech got trumped a few hours ago, lol
what would happen if I put pic relate as my avatar on a cabal tracker?
Do you guys trade invites? I have a few extra invites I'm not using on Torrentday
no, please stop. ptg already has a bad fame, don't worsen. lets just stick with the bad mouthing harmless shit
how do we know that cabal isnt infiltrate on 4chan and cant see posters IP?
Enough with the pedoshit. Nobody cares about "news" either nigga
Are there trackers out there where the moderators aren't complete dicks?
It would be nice to be able to post on the forums sometimes without some faggot mod getting xis panties in a twist.
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Shit general tracker, IPT have him
speak for yourself nigger, i admire op trying to create some organization in this cesspool of a general
gtfo here retarded faggot. no wonder a dumb nigger like you cant appreciate good picworks like the ones created by op
This thread is miles better than the previous, which had a meme from Facebook as picrel, and copy-pasted news from the previous bread.

If you don't like the "pedoshit" you should consider whether /ptg/ really is something for you.
You will never fit in, so why even waste your time?
>the news section is heckin high effort and really makes me feel like I'm part of a community!
>I really like the baker! The continuity is really nice :O
>the pedophilia is the cherry on top ^_^
Not even on cabal forums do they suck each other off like that
No one is forcing you to be part of this. Just leave faggot.
>countless trackers dedicated to the seventh art
>all the most desirable trackers are about cinema
>one (1) middling tracker about little girl cartoons, whose few worthy torrents are all on PTP anyway
I don't think I will. I think you guys should start using tripcodes though, so you can fully "be a part of this" lmfao
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here's how wigornot looks
Torrentgalaxy has more unique content...
IPT have him
IPT couldn't handle the WDMA community.
Pathetic. Most of the releases were scene shit too.
Nothing wrong with scene releases.
What's the point of this tracker if most of it is scene releases that you can find elsewhere (with better swarms) on more popular PTs?
They're spinoff communities from something awful. That's it, nothing else special about them.
They'll ban you for mentioning their names. It's a secret.
it would be like if someone from here started /g/tracker
Would you expect it to be better than the top sites? Would you join just for the novelty/community?

WDMA sites have invites to other "secret" sites. Like NZBSin.
>it would be like if someone from here started /g/tracker
>Would you join just for the novelty/community?
Why would I join that shit? For e-peen? I'm here to download stuff illegally, not to pretend to be in some sort of "community"
It was a thing already you fucking neons. In fact there were TWO of them.
For a person who clearly hates this general, you sure seem to post here a lot.

These types of images has been a part of /ptg/ culture for way longer than you've been around. Go look in the archives if you dont believe me.

This new OP is keeping the traditions going, while providing more value to /ptg/ than you probably ever will.

You're on 4chan. Everything here is Anime related.
[spoiler]/mu/tracker, /g/tracker, oppa... nvm, unrelated[/spoiler]
I wasn't counting /mu/tracker, just the two /g/trackers.
I knew about the /mu/tracker already.
Proving my point about how the small sekrit clubs focused on "community" are retarded.
>I knew about the /mu/tracker already.
infamous or bad reputation is what you meant

*hasn't infiltrated 4chan

who even is a madbudgie?
also >ywn get a special announcement on a tracker when you're gone
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Wrong. Easiest requirements too. I am so /pure/
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Reminder to miku lovers that she's actually a glowie that loves you
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Is aither using poonit3d?
Have you tried going outside and enjoying nature? Your seed box will work even without you babysitting it all day long and watching number go up
EMP has a nice forum
I miss the OT forums
they were dead
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Yandere Miku, I love her
this whole general is coping with not being on cgpeers
I was there once but then I realized I'm not a jeet who wants stupid blender plugins so he can toil away on Fiverr
Remind me what cgpeers is again?
Is BTN has pakistani tv series?
no btn is for indian tv
Daily reminder that I will NOT use OT until they allow junior idol
omg that is so incredibly hot
copypasta good too
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Why is handbrake's de-interlacing so fucking shit? Look at all the detail lost in his blue jumper. Why is it so fucking blurry?
ew..Lot of pedos in this sub, go see a doctor.
But number go up is fun
>he doesn't know
oh no no no
I am not on Tik but judging by the screenshot, HDB started recruiting there.
BTW how to join Tik?
You were already on hdb faggot, but you can't help it but suck MM's dick at every opportunity!
it'd be cool if comparisons were of the same frame
What's going on at /r/usenet? I just got this email from nzbfinder:

>Hi anon,

>We want to share some recent developments regarding the /r/usenet subreddit:

>The moderation team there has undergone a change, with a new mod (AQ97) taking charge. Unfortunately, his newfound power quickly led to misuse of authority and his actions have been alarmingly authoritarian. Straight out of Orwell's 1984.

>We've always relied on Reddit to quickly update a large amount of users and engage in conversation. So we thought you should be made aware of the following:

>User Bans & Post Removals
>Numerous high profile users have been banned just for voicing their concerns. A second mod with a 0 day old account at the time was also added. Presumably these accounts are the same person.

>This morning our account was also banned, and any threads created to discuss these issues are being swiftly deleted by the mods. They are trying really hard to keep their misuse of power hidden from regular users.

>The reason for many of these deleted posts according to the mods is "no rude comments", even though no rude comments were ever made in most posts. One user who got his post deleted, attempted to bring attention to the situation in another subreddit and faced a permanent ban from /r/usenet within a day. If you want to read some more, this link will have all the background information.

>Alarming Wiki Edits
>Additionally, the /r/usenet wiki has been heavily altered by the new mod, with several indexers and forums removed, very likely due to personal conflicts. The wiki also has gone from being a non-biased alphabetical list to some kind of random order chosen by the mod.

>Going forward
>As a result of this entire mess, we will no longer be posting or engaging on /r/usenet with updates or deals from NZB Finder. We've also heard that most other indexers plan to do the same. Moving forward, discussions may shift to /r/UsenetTalk as an alternative.
don't know, don't care
Isn't this the pychopathic madlad that used cadavers from CCP executions for his Body Worlds exhibitions?
Nobody asked you, moron.
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bluecarpet begging for musicvids
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Thank you for leaking this for us. I hope you don't get caught, Anon.
>what the hell!??? The rules don't apply to the big guys???
Of course not lol, neither should they. Why should someone who uploaded hundreds of torrents to PTP, uploaded tens of TB go through the humiliation ritual that is refreshing the forum for unofficial invites?
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>how to join Tik?
Thats the fun part, you dont. 1TB uploaded is the requirement for HDB LOL. I guess he just just really loves TIK. Rightfully so, it is the best tracker TIK>HDB/PTP for full discs. And yes, full discs are awesome when you are not into slop
musicVids has an application?
>missed huno again
I will kill myself tonight
It's shit you didn't miss anything of value

Is Moe indexer even good? To me it all looks pointless when nyaa and tosho exist.
YIFI has small rips too, poor person
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Damn. Can you view the custom class forums, or this specific thread at least, without invite privileges? Asking for a friend.
There's a thread in TM forums or something where you can ask for invites but you can't access it if your privilges are removed.
I imagine this is CC because from what I recall you can't ask for certain trackers in there still, HDB being one of them.
t. 400 uploads deep
well cant say really. i still have my invite privilege intact. what i can tell is getting to cc just for that thread isnt worth it. both tm and cc threads have the same blacklists, have very similar probability of getting an invite for a given request
Really? I'm pretty sure you weren't allowed to ask for HDB in TM.
That would have been true if there are seeds and no dead torrents.
are you sure that was the case for tm thread at the time of cybermu8 asking for hdb invite?
overrated tracker for collectors. no one actually wants to watch some weird french dvd
No clue, the date is censored.
As things are, if I were starting over, I would have kept a lower profile than I did before. Attracting the attention of difficult people is more trouble than its worth.
It really is just a sekrit club where some people just get around everything.
why is nzbs.in anal about secrecy?
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You only watch soislop and porn. Your opinion is worthless. Be gone, >80IQ dilettante. Meanwhile, all the discs get uploaded to TIK first, HDB/PTP peasants have to wait so they can get their precious little 480p rips.
Is there a reason to collect .moe if you already have AB
tik users dont get anything either, the torrents are dead, they are worse than public trackers users
well, they're fags.
It's just animetosho but le sekrit club
>the torrents are dead
You are not on TIK/PTP/HDB. TIK has more discs than PTP+HDB. PTP doesnt allow every version and HDB has dead discs. TIK is seeded and dead stuff always gets reseeded because they arent poor. TIK users love cinema, those soislop trackers dont. TIK gets everything first. Show me the 13 disc set All the Haunts Be Ours Vol. II on either PTP or HDB that TIK internal Kruppe/KYTICE is uploading right now. Never mind all the pranzis discs that are nowhere to be found. Add raminmehr and you have the holy trinity of proper cinema online.
Snahp have him soon
Tik is useless, the only people that snatch discs are encoders, and once they are done with the remux/encode they delete the file. And some wonder how there are so few seeders and a big pile of dead torrents. Bingo!
judging by their no. of torrents stat posted on red, they probably achieved that in less than a year, imagine how big they will be in future.
> ab is not getting enough donations to stay afloat
>ab is maintained by a single user

so i think it’s def worth it to join? I hope to reach tm on red soon so I can apply for it.
Kek more than 45% of torrents are ded
Mikunny tot
>"I want to download full discs to watch my movies"
Said no one ever
I think full discs are more for extra content.
private tracks you know... we track other's privates..... in private...........
>so i think it’s def worth it to join?
You faggot, do you or do you not?
Did you miss my whole explanation, you make the decision based on that not my question mark.
Would you jump of a building if I tell you to?
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And you're coping that you're not in the forums
I will never ever start with the sekrit club bullshit. I will not register. I will not beg for access. I will not be waiting when registrations are open. I will not seed the way you want me to seed. I will download what I want, when I want, how I want and no one will tell me what I can or can't do. Not ISP, not the content owner, not the government and least of all not some power tripping assholes running some shitty tracker or website that expect me to do this and that. I will always use the site that just let's me click the magnet link button, download my slop and expect nothing in return. I will rather pay for the content than start to play by your bullshit rules. Fuck you.
>anon fails to understand the simple concept of private trackers: share and preserve among peers
Alright, you are not the first jeet who cannot grasp this concept and behave accordingly and you won't be the last either.
Many have survived using public shitholes and so will you.
my bhd advent gift errored out, what is this crap? useless useless tracker
works for me
what you want is ddl sites and usenet, bye bye
Idk how to do that in mpv, and my question wasn't answered
use , and . to go frame-by-frame, this works on youtube too btw
and I dunno, I don't encode shit
I just find it annoying that comparisons aren't of the same frame, this is surprisingly common for some retarded reason
use staxrip, don't use shitty handbrake
Do you have th source image for the Miku?
Is Pakistani has BTN docu-crime dramas?
Yeah, use lens
They should either be friends with their inviter or they should go the official route, fuck off about your "status". That should only earn you friends, not the right to break the rules. If they don't wanna spend 20 seconds sending a PM they should ask their irc fuckbuddies somewhere besides forums. They're essentially begging on a 4chan thread for invites, only diff is it's a limited access 4chan thread.

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