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we are slowly healing
Competence crisis.
Unironically, FUCK GO BACK
This is an Alegriaized zombie of the original Pepsi jesus fuck
I usually don't like flat design, but left is good, I don't like right.
>I hate this new trend in design
Admit it, you hated the last one and you will hate the next one. In a decade everyone will be crying over flat design as some soulful masterpiece compared to the next era. It's the classic new bad old good syndrome
You're probably a nigger
Too bad pepsi fucking sucks.
what a waste of trips
Explain anon
You fags just can't be satisfied, huh?
The new font is bad
I like it and looks cute, but the font clashes too much with the retro design.
Yeah I think that what they wanted to do is to modernize the old logo rather than to fully bring it back but the result is not great
Yeah that new font is making me seasick. It's like waving at a different rhythm than the rest of the logo.
I will be satisfied when they go back to the Aughts version and keep it there.
wow, bold writing good

like, where is the texture. where is the passion. where is the reflective skeumorphism that makes you wanna lick the logo. where's the water droplets.

until they add those back, its mid
I started to hate flat design when Microsoft came with the MetroUI of Windows 8 and still hate it to this day
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right design blows mad dick, it fucking sucks. Looks like a cheap sticker for some corrupt greaseball Guinea politician running for mayor in small town Iowa.

Contrast that with the symbol on the left. Simple, sleek, futuristic, y2k, a little bit oriental a little bit robotic. If I saw this around the year 3100 on a hologram billboard amidst a crowd of 7’ blond haired blue eyed aryans, it would not seem out of place.

I appreciate a lot of 20th century art and graphic design, and the majority of it is significantly better than the bs our society is producing now. However, this logo fucking sucks. It’s the (and I do mean THE) most boring crappy logo to have ever glazed a cola can. Tesco, Lidl, Aldi, ShopRite, Meijer, Whole Foods, Costco have better name brand Cola soda designs and it’s insane

you negros have no taste and just jerk off anything that evokes your personal nostalgia for the 80s
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You can't tell me the new one is somehow "better"
I don't like minimalism, but I still like left more because it's simple, effective, and reminds me of the insane document, which always gives me a chuckle
Right feels busy, and the font is ugly...
i just dont want high fructose corn syrup in my drink.
sugar bad, big whoop, use real organic sugar like coca cola does in mexico.
I am a fat fuck professionally, and the one logo to the right makes me hungry. The answer is simple
New logo is way better, I always hated the lack of saturation in the 2010s logo, very unappetizing. The cans also looked like dogshit, with that terrible shade of light blue. Overall the minimalist rebranding just made Pepsi cans look sterile.

The rebranding hurt them really bad too, they lost more than 1 billion pounds on the following years.
the lettering still feels wrong
rest in peace, halo reach...
>can't unseen
this is fucking hilarious, made my day, anon.
unrelated to this image--
how the fuck do you niggers feel self-proclaimed as "graphic designers" when you can't differentiate between a font and a typeface when describing words in a logo?
font &the color could be better
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with old colors and old font
are you fucking high, their 2014 rebrand was disgusting
is everybody on this site fucking retarded
I hated the old new one when it came out but after all the color changes and adjustments, I came to accept it. The new one is extremely bold, very readable, but I simply don't like it.
I think it looks very nice...
new logo ugly asf i used to jack off and cum to the old one
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There's a better version.
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At first look the last one seems better but the new one is kinda cool too, sometimes changes are good and this last was already soulless.
the new look grows on me.
reminds me of fortnite's consumer goods' logos
actually pretty fucking good
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really surprised this hasn't been posted already.

here's the document with the Arnell Group's outrageous explanation of the pepsi logo redesign
ever since phoneposting came about yes
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What's old is new
Hi, Arnell group!
They're both flat
this logo was a troll logo 50 page document was funny and was a good marketing stunt
are there even more incidental things that offend you, bby?
in english doc
alegria is one (of many) names for the widely used illustration style that you associate with tech companies.
you can find the wiki article under its more widely known name 'memphis':

people here have a tradition of equating this style with political believes they themselves do not identify with, which keeps them stuck in a perpetual cycle of unintelligently ranting against it.
it is the careworn midwit version of a political statement, "disguised" as an artistic/cultural criticism (...or sth. I am not even sure what it is supposed to be). sure, you *could* have interesting conversations about artistic characteristics of that style or the anthropological context it is coming from. but from experience this forum is not the right place to do so in a productive/insightful manner
It's better but it still looks like a gas station logo. I don't care how much people muh fat people the old design, it was comfy and futuristic and represented the last time I held a naive hope for the future.
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fixed it

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