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File: trice.webm (2.99 MB, 718x656)
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Quick Start Guide:

1. install Stable Diffusion webui (installation instructions on the git page): https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
2. install this extension (installation instructions on the git page): https://github.com/light-and-ray/sd-webui-replacer.git
3. install an inpainting model. Here is just one example: https://civitai.com/models/2661?modelVersionId=15670
4. in stable diffusion, open the Replacer tab and use the following options:
>detection prompt: bikini, white shorts, etc; simple is better. this will detect which areas to replace.
>positive prompt: RAW photo of a nude girl, naked
>negative prompt: ((clothing)), (monochrome:1.3), (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), (hair), jeans, tattoo, wet, water, clothing, shadow, 3d render, cartoon, ((blurry)), duplicate, ((duplicate body parts)), (disfigured), (poorly drawn), ((missing limbs)), logo, signature, text, words, low res, boring, artifacts, bad art, gross, ugly, poor quality, low quality, poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy
>video: browse to the video you want to process

More in-depth guide with frame-by-frame processing:

Even more in-depth guide with ControlNet and AnimateDiff:

Old Thread >>27063002
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can you do animatediff with 8gig of vram ?
Jesus these are some grotesque face filters. You have to have serious brain rot to find these women attractive.
Following the discussion from the previous thread;
It's hard to say how far you could push this. I am having issues trying to get much more realism than the following.
granted I have only tried two so far but with the amount of controlnets I am having to use (tile, depth, normalmap, openpose) theres maybe just too much control over the final frame to really make a huge difference.
someone else might have better luck, I am running out of weekend so likely won't contribute again for a while.
This is definitely possible though, theres more than enough here to convince me that this is definitely a viable technique.
File: Potential2.webm (2.18 MB, 1280x720)
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Posting some webms with fake potential. If anyone wants to take a shot of them, go crazy.
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Potential #2
"The U.K. will criminalize the creation of sexually explicit deepfake images as part of plans to tackle violence against women.

People convicted of creating such deepfakes without consent, even if they don’t intend to share the images, will face prosecution and an unlimited fine under a new law, the Ministry of Justice said in a statement. Sharing the images could also result in jail."

"This new offence sends a crystal clear message that making this material is immoral, often misogynistic, and a crime,” Laura Farris, minister for victims and safeguarding, said in a statement."

An "unlimited fine"
> The U.K. will criminalize

"The Soviet Kingdom" to be more precise
right side is the most accurate representation of lsd visuals i have ever seen in a video damn
Stop posting this gay shit.
Fuck off you gay retard don't you have anything better to do than troll threads?
yeah, i figured that's about where the ceiling was, because that's about where the ceiling is for starting from scratch, not including recent advances.
But the possibilities in my mind lie more with where the floor is. What can it start with and still end on "photorealistic porn, with some glitches" It can do SFM, can it do hentai or flash? When people on /(a)co/ ask for nude edits of like, disney scenes or something, can that now be automated, and if so for both 3D and 2D?
And that's not all. Even staying within the same medium and level of fidelity/abstraction, can it start with SFM but alter the nature of the contents not just aesthetic style? Could I make Tracer Goth, replace Elizabeth Comstock with Tifa Lockheart? If someone posts a Blacked webm and another guy pitches a fit about it, can I shitpost and respond with "and this is what the cock would look like if it were white or chinese?" Can I disarm traps?

There's so many possibilities here beyond mere x-ray specsing kpop idols and plastering the face of your ex onto pornstars.

Oh no, D.Va didn't fucking consent, guess she'll call the cops on him. Aaaaaaany second now.

because the neural nets are built like your visual neural net, but fucked up because they're not quite right, so it's replicating what your visual cortex sees when it's fucking up.
Just a matter of time until someone posts the perfect Abigail Shapiro edit. My dick is diamonds already
Is it normal that the "animate diff" mode with almost default parameters takes SO LONG?

I was testing with a clip of about 3 seconds and literally was like 20-25 minutes processing and did not finish, I had to stop it, the time only went up and barely saw him advance, that if the vram and graphics were being used therefore something was doing.

If this is so, I give up using that mode, it makes no sense that in a test clip of only 3 seconds it takes so long, I understand that my computer is not the best (3060ti, 32gb ram), but more than half an hour for a clip of only 3 seconds?

I don't know if I have to configure something, (I left everything by default because that mode has always given me problems), yesterday several extensions were updated and it seems that it was going well, I don't know if I have to configure something of the values so that it doesn't take so long in a simple 3 seconds clip.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
I would suggest (with the experience that I have so far) that the floor is extremely low. Like I said previously, I’ve dabbled with this idea before and the limitation was always how far you could push the changes before losing cohesion. This was before replacer had interactivity with animatediff however, and since then, the difference is significant.
The key here I think is differences between body shape. Taking someone like DVA and using an SFM to make something with Tifa instead would be really pushing the boundaries (both characters have completely different body shapes) however I don’t think the answer here lies with SFM or Blender but rather with VAM. VAM has a lot of potential but just lacks the graphics quality to really be capable of making realistic depictions.
However with VAM you could very easily make what every scene you wanted with what ever body shape you need and extremely easily slap a relatively low control controlnet animatediff over the result and get what every character your rotted out brain desires. Hell, I think vam can even output a proper normal map/depth map video output, which would make animate diff scenes a piece of cake.
There really is very little reason to manually make models, scenes and then key frame the animations when VAM could do all the hard work for you and animatediff could finish it off.
With a technique like that, and decent hardware with SD2.0 or even 3.0 models, real life pornography will have a serious contender in the AI Generated scope when someone like you or me could generate a several minute scene in less than a day.

The future is here, and contrary to what might be the mainstream consideration, humanity might well be better off for it.
Anyone has a fix for animatediff out of memory? I have 24gb vram and I can't even do anything past the masking phase
It can take a long time, especially with a 3060ti it will.
Try turning on xformers in your launch options if you haven’t already (add —xformers to your launch parameters) that should net you around a 25% increase, but yes, animatediff takes a very long time especially if you have less than like 12GB of vram.
I understand that it is a complex and new mode and it may take some time, but we are talking about a simple 3 seconds clip, in the "frame by frame" mode it takes me 1-2 minutes, but in this one I didn't know when it was going to finish, I don't know if it is wrongly configured or what, because I don't know very well how to configure the options and if maybe for a clip so short and with less frames I have to change something (like the frame lenght that is by default at 36, or some option like that).

If it is normal that for a 3 seconds clip it takes more than half an hour, I will continue using the other method, I'm sad.
I only have 8, but I have to drop the context batch (8) size and fragment length (12), also lower the fps and width/height. Lots of adjusting.
Perhaps you misunderstand.
This shit takes a long time.
Frame by frame is exactly that. It analyses a single frame and renders an img2img of it.
Animatediff references (depending on batch count) 12-16ish frames all at once and it does this for every frame.. you do the math.
Enable xformers and be thankful you can even generate them at all.
>detection prompt: bikini, white shorts, etc; simple is better. this will detect which areas to replace
Can it be made to detect robes and dresses?
When I use animatediff instead of frame by frame I get an error "please download models manually". Are there specific animatediff models I need to install? If so where do I put them?
anyone getting frame by frame batch inpainting to be as consistent as possible with generations? any controlnet settings i need to use? most of mine have very different inpaints compared to other smoother frame by frames on here
It's having to check each frame to make sure it makes sense with the ones before and after. Of course it takes longer than frame by frame. The results are smoother than having each frame drawn separately though. See example from last thread >>27081594

Mmmmm, a fair point.

For that matter, there have even been people piping Replika into VAM.

So someone could fully act out a scene, slap a voice replacement on it, slap a animatediff on it, and Bada bing you've a whole-ass custom porn scene in photorealistic style with the closely replicated waifu of your choice ready to publish and it only took a few hours. No casting and crew, no animation skills and days of sculpting, rigging, and key framing.
It can detect whatever you want, but the less it has to guess the better the results.

From the computer's perspective, the ideal replacement clothes input is 3 non-fleshtone bandaids. The worst case scenario is a niqaab (though by that point why not just let it start from scratch?)
Can u guys help me pls
Gitgud and do it yourself faggot. You haven't even tried because you're not even posting errors.
The more you spam and demand handouts the less we want to help.
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Can this be done in 3d?
hot af
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Can someone do her pls
I have a 4060ti 8GB and I can use the default batch size, at full FPS at 512x512 without issue.
I did this one and it turned out great, thanks for passing. Best coom in a week.
Any chance for the result to share?
>thanks for passing
Don't tell me this tiktoker has a dick?!
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Nah pure women
>Nah pure women
Good good.
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Oh lawd I'm still tryin'.
download a better graphics card then. you might as well be mining bitcoin here for the amount of calculations that need doing.

try it and find out.

do you want them to? AI can do that now.
do you not want them to? AI can do that too.
Bmp again. And yes i havent tryed my own. I hope someone is kind enough to help with these 3 girls. The other clips are not from me. Hopefully a future ty
u need to be checked
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Matching skin tone seems to be a problem for me for some reason.
Can you try SparseCtrl RGB controlnet? Maybe it can help with skin color, but I don't have time to test it

I've a stop motion one of this with some speed. https://rule34.paheal.net/post/view/5859399
anyone getting frame by frame batch inpainting to be as consistent as possible with generations? any controlnet settings i need to use? most of mine have very different inpaints compared to other smoother frame by frames on here
Is someone able to make this 1 in a 3d model?
>do you not want them to? AI can do that too.
The future is now
For the love of god fuck off with your shit requests. Learn to do it yourself or take it to the requests channel.
Not that Anon, but would you mind pointing me towards this requests thread?
Is it just me or has the latest update to a1111 (1.9.2) completely broken Animatediff?
Found the gay fatso
I believe it has. There was some discussion about this in the last thread. Reverting to the previous version will fix it.
... oh.
How would this work to for example switch faces
>face swap

would it be worth it? I kinda want to face swap
my wife to porn
Are there Miyeon ones?
how do you get started? Is there a program?
Use roop-unleashed
You can find it on github
I think my zluda install might not be jiving with this particular controlnet module - I get an error saying there's mixed utility service happening - that is to say, there are queries to use CPU and CUDA at the same time. Maybe someone with nvidia or a directml install might have better luck.
>At 4:30 pm on March 30, 2002, Israeli military forces took over Palestinian TV stations when they occupied Ramallah in the West Bank. Shortly after occupying the Al-Watan TV station, the Israeli forces began broadcasting pornography over its transmitter. The Palestinians were outraged and bewildered. “Why in the world,” one woman wondered, “should one do such a thing?” The answer is simple. The Israelis broadcast pornography because pornography is a weapon in the arsenal of psychological warfare.
face switching is literally the first thing people used it for. that's old tech by this point, should be relatively easy.

that's also probably the single most wholesome use of deepfake that's ever occurred that's still pornographic. good on you for being so loyal.
Out of morbid curiosity, what kind of pornography? What did they consider the most destabilizing?

also, good thing we're making our own then, can't be hit with propaganda if the media you consume is self-made.
No it's all done by hand with colored pencils. Check the OP for tips on which pencils to buy.
Tell the British they can eat my turds
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first real attempt at a video using frame by frame (can't get AnimateDiff working probably because I'm retarded). Did this at 12 fps and interpolated up to 24 + manually fixed some frames in photoshop and vegas. really wonky but I'm surprised how relatively consistent this stuff is even doing it frame by frame. i didn't put alot of thought into it either.
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bros I swear my computer was going to melt itself generating this. Computer just...shut off three times in the process. I had to turn up the fans to 100% manually and the GPU hotspot still pushed 112 °C. I don't know if I fucked over some thermal connections at some point through all this or what but that's pretty insane.

Also...yeah you can see the borders of her clothes. I tried a really tight detection interval given the stark difference between clothing and background to see just how form-fitting i could get.
I would stop immediately and remove your GPU and service it (clean heatsink and redo thermal paste).
112 degrees is well above what most GPU's would consider thermal limit and honestly I am suprised you were able to complete this at all.
Nice vid though.
I'm trying to get it to work by following the OP, but I just get an KeyError when I try to inpaint.

KeyError: 'uberRealisticPornMerge'

Doubt I will get help here, just wanted to complain
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different attempt. only wanted her top to be masked out but i can't seem to find a balance between avoiding the skirt and not. think I'm better off just removing her clothes entirely and masking it back in in post.
i mean, there's been help with errors in the last 3 threads, even polite about it.

it's just people spamming requests begging for handouts instead of trying it on their own first that get told to take a long walk off a short pier with cinderblock shoes.

speaking of the last 3 threads, most of their webms are dropping from the archives, has anyone been saving the relatively successful attempts somewhere or are all those just lost to the aether?
>shut off three times in the process
>hotspot still pushed 112 °C
Bad thermal solution,
Airflow problems aren't to be expected to cause such high temps,
but different causes:
Missing one or more thermal pad,
Thermal paste on the die is either incomplete (It's to be spread manually, unlike with CPUs) or simply dry (for any reason, not just age of the application)
I want to install, but too many files to install
Found out if you have color correction enabled in ui settings it matches to the image more but in this case the image is mostly white so i'd try turning it off.

Download rope-opal, much faster standalone

I ended up pulling it apart to inspect. Thermal paste still seemed tacky but was definitely just center-beaded on initial assembly - pads looked okay too. Cleaned off the sink and the die and reapplied a full even layer across the whole die surface.

I also have a support arm inside the PC that keeps the GPU from sagging, and while I can't prove that it was out of sorts during disassembly, the rubber support pad was definitely out of joint on reassembly. I've had temperature/stability issues with sagging GPUs before that caused sudden PC shutoffs.

In any event I fixed both those things and the GPU hotspot has improved to 85 - 90 c during the 100% loading image inpainting phase so that's a plus.
Average cuck/tranny thread contributer
No verification required lmao even the website knows you a bitch
I have no idea but you could try a different model. There are many options: https://civitai.com/models

I believe you can do it bro. You have my full support
You guys are heroes, fighting the good fight on behalf of your fellow low status men who have been Alienated by feminism and modern dating culture
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This one is pretty smooth.
I followed all the instructions but I only want to use it to "deepfake" photos.

I might be missing a step or something but it doesn't retain the original girl, it just replaces her with someone else.

Thanks for all the instructions.
Bro you should be able to get better results than that even without animatediff. What are your prompts? Can you post the original?
this usually occurs due to the mask missing a couple of pixels on the clothes leading the inpainter to draw the body whatever color those pixels are - see if there’s any settings to expand the mask border
deepfake as in replace the face, or deepnude, as in replace the clothes with nudity?

if you just want to replace the face, see >>27110436 and >>27114218

if you want to nudify and not replace face, then follow instruction in OP.
If you followed instructions in OP and it's also replacing the face, then you have done something wrong. But at the same time, are probably getting the best results possible that aren't potentially a lawsuit, so consider if it's worth it to you to fix it instead of stopping while you're ahead.

If you can't figure out the mistake, i suppose you could always run the nudifier, then faceswap the correct girl back into the ai generated girl.
Can someone for the love of Christ do a decent Dana Perino deepfake plz?
These are great.

>george W bush's 52 year old press secretary
She's sexy as fuck, that's why
the only explanation I see for this belief is that you too are also 52. actually, that would explain why you're not able to make it yourself, since boomers are allergic to advanced computer use. go watch fox news.

He's interesting and funny, you're lame and boring, IMHO.
i'm still not deepnuding a post-menopausal woman for you.

No one cares.
clearly you do, or you wouldn't have asked me to do it.
Either be productive or just lurk. basic social rule of the site.
Begging in a general thread that literally has step by step instructions on how to do it yourself, and where people have been giving advice on how to fix errors (at least when given enough info to assess the problem) if you mess up, is effectively shitposting. The recipe and stove have been supplied to you, you could make it yourself, to the exact specifications of your desires, but instead you're here demanding other people prechew and spoonfeed you, you poor helpless baby bird.

Not reading that.
didn't expect you to, we've already established that you can't fuckin' read

It's true, you've got me there.
Ok. Here is my first attempt at generating a scene with VAM and using animatediff to overlay it.
I tried to make this look as "realistic" as possible, in the sense that I used a realistic model (HelloRealistic) to really see how much potential lies in generating a pornographic scene solely with computer/ai generated data.
For a first crack I think this turned out pretty good.
more plz
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this isnt animatediff or replacer. this is just img2img, and its a terrible one at that.
that looks pretty neat, my dude. doesn't look like a Replacer job like the rest, did you do this in the animatediff section of the img2img tab or did you use something else like comfyui?

golly i wish deforum's RIFE functionality wasn't fugged on my install
when I generate it kind of just places shit without any proper context, like it'll put the torso on backwards so she's got a front-butt and other bizarre shit
man what an improvement. I don't know how people use VAM, the before picture is uncanny as fuck, like one of those $2000 sex dolls come to life.
Excellent work.

though I see they've never quite ironed out that hand problem, lol.
These use very old models. Newest shit is pretty much 100% stable up to 60 seconds. Shame that it is not yet available to the masses.

Can you be more specific what setting? I checked the UI settings but I couldn't find this option.
OP's method is for video. It's way overkill for just photos.
Install automatic1111 and an inpainting model (if you've followed OP's instructions you've already done this I guess).

Now go to img2img -> inpaint
add your selected picture
draw a mask over the parts you want replaced
under "masked contents" select "fill"
further down set the dimensions to match your photo
type in prompts
hit run
short video for dumps?
a short video on how to install?
Yeah it's not avaliable for a reason sadly. /h/ have been waiting and begging for years and ended up creating their own model. "Pony", which does everything, not just poses and 'photo' gens.

XL + Pony + Realism model would be insane. You can hack it using LORA's tho

>>27123285 Read OP >>27097229
If you get any errors come back
It is actually replacer, just with a few controlnets, then passed through img2img batch with a low denoise to smooth it out a bit.

Ikr. VAM had so much potential but it just looks like a fucking fever dream most of the time, though, with so it might have it’s uses.
i lost the orignal video kek
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I really like what you've done here, anon. Good consistency frame to frame, high fidelity to the image. I'd be very interested to know more about the specific steps and modules used - to what degree replacement versus full prompt generation was used, that sort of thing.

Keep it up, very cool.
im confused. which video is the original?
blessed thread
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Not bad at all--I'll see if I can replicate/improve your workflow. Which controlnets did you use to generate this webm?
I think this one was likely depth (depth-anything), probably normalmaps and a weak tile with a denoise around 80%. thats usually my go to workflow.
report back if you do please im curious.
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i used that comfy setup

i dont know what is the source lol

The age of AI,
What a time to be alive, young faggits.
alright you convinced me.. Im gonna figure out how to do this shit and start doing requests here for a little while for shits and giggles...

I stopped making my own sdg gens becuase so many folks here were contributing... I want to do this shit and recontribute for anons...

if theres any quick advice please lmk, otherwise im gonna continue what I did last time which was basically piecing this shit together little by little until I fry my gpu .... anything helps thnx
I would HIGHLY recommend you don't cut your teeth on these videos. they are bad for multiple reasons. too much rapid movement, clothing too similar to background color, multiple subjects in the frame, reflections, etc etc. bad bad bad.
Start with a video with one subject, with little movement and good contrast between foreground and background.
Oh, and also, the more of the frame your subject takes up, the higher the quality will be without having to increase resolution.
somebody do neekolul's tiktoks
this tooo
proof women are just fuckmeat if you remove the clothes
Another bump
Second after another
None in that post that's for sure

just use clothingremover.app
getting this when i try to run replacer...

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\DF\Stable Diffusion\modules\call_queue.py", line 57, in f
res = list(func(*args, **kwargs))
File "D:\DF\Stable Diffusion\modules\call_queue.py", line 36, in f
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
File "D:\DF\Stable Diffusion\extensions\sd-webui-replacer\replacer\ui\generate_ui.py", line 285, in generate_ui
animatediffGenerate(gArgs, video_output_dir, resultFrames, fps_out)
File "D:\DF\Stable Diffusion\extensions\sd-webui-replacer\replacer\video_animatediff.py", line 115, in animatediffGenerate
initImage: Image.Image = processedFirstImg.images[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
File: neekoniii.webm (393 KB, 432x768)
393 KB
lol gave it a shot. keep getting these ghost tanktops appearing for a few frames.

It seems like her still images are very robustly AI nudified online already.
I just ordered a gaming PC with a RTX 4090 to start doing this shit and I don't even play games.
>men jerking themselves off alone in a room is hurting women
Imagine people doing this on children lmao
Has anyone managed to do this for one of those cam whores who deliberately don't show nudes, then have it reposted to them? I'd love to see the reaction of them having their vagina shown to the public without their consent, it would be funny asf
this tooo
only inbreds would look at this shit and actually think its literally removed their clothes. its nothing more than realistic looking r34.
Then how come they're trying to make it illegal? If the nude parts aren't real then why care?

In the end that's probably what will kill this. It wont be their "right to their likeness", it'll be a commercial argument that "our businesses are being stolen from." Because feminists have convinced society that worthless whores who contribute nothing to society except the holes the were born with are somehow valid people who deserve resepect.
In telegram when I use bots to deepfake, using one picture with the Fake face is enough to replace the original face and have good quality. Is it the same with this software or do I need an extensive photo database?
there is an automatic11111 extension called reActor that I've had decent luck with using a single photo of a face to generate good quality work. You can give it an image to create a model with, then tell it to use that model for face replacements.

How "real" it looks depends on how much like your subject the original looks like, and it's a post processing step that replaces the face of an image rather than generating it as part of a prompt like a LoRA would...but it can get the job done.
Wut. You sound like a fag. Dude like a milf and you're here crying about it? Kek. Also, you sound like you're 10 years old.
He probably does watch Fox News, to fap to it, since she's an anchor there.
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Tried it for the first time today and other than it being inconsistent due to limited prompts i think i can work with it to make it better
can someone post a screenshot of their controlnet settings in the replacer tab pls
I've gooned to her tiktoks before but now I can really put a dent in the ceiling thank you for this
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3.65 MB WEBM
I've definitely found dynamic movements that occlude the regions you intend to inpaint does take some doing to prompt around.
magnificent effort
Can anyone make one of Maisie williams?
how about you follow the simple instructions in OP and make it yourself, then post it for all to enjoy?
>feminists have convinced society that worthless whores who contribute nothing to society except the holes the were born with are somehow valid people who deserve respect.
This is fucking hilarious and sad at the same time. They want people to see past their holes, but at the same time act like whores milking men for money. Quite sad how no one points out this blatant hypocrisy.

Why do you want to see his dick?
What makes tools like automatic1111 or comfyui safe to use? How do you know they won't rat on you?
Well most normies who download it won't be able to say for certain. But the downloads and programs are hosted on github in a visible way. To those with the proper knowledge, they can check the programs to make sure they're not reporting to the outside world in an inappropriate way, like uploading your images or reporting you for using certain prompts.
The pearl industry is taking off with sales through the room from so many being clutched by the ancient crypt keepers. Why can't we have leaders that aren't 3000 year old closet faggots?
basado , keep em up
Another one
File: mika1 (2).webm (3.87 MB, 1920x1080)
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3.87 MB WEBM
Not bad i guess (frame by frame method)
Shot in the dark.

When I try to run Replacer with AnimateDiff, first I get a bunch of these errors:
"C:\actions-runner\_work\pytorch\pytorch\builder\windows\pytorch\aten\src\ATen\native\cuda\IndexKernel.cu:92: block: [402,0,0], thread: [64,0,0] Assertion `-sizes[i] <= index && index < sizes[i] && "index out of bounds"` failed."

Then, I get these:
"Exception in thread MemMon:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
File "G:\Here\sd\sd.webui\webui\modules\memmon.py", line 53, in run
free, total = self.cuda_mem_get_info()
File "G:\Here\sd\sd.webui\webui\modules\memmon.py", line 34, in cuda_mem_get_info
return torch.cuda.mem_get_info(index)
File "G:\Here\sd\sd.webui\system\python\lib\site-packages\torch\cuda\memory.py", line 663, in mem_get_info
return torch.cuda.cudart().cudaMemGetInfo(device)
RuntimeError: CUDA error: device-side assert triggered
Compile with `TORCH_USE_CUDA_DSA` to enable device-side assertions."

I've googled and tried a bunch of supposed fixes, but nothing works. Any help, before I give up?
Excellent actually.
try going to the UI settings -> Optimizations and check "pad prompt/negative prompt". then restart stable diffusion, and see if that works.
I think this is how I fixed the same problem, but it's been a little while so I'm not positive.
WTF bumpussy
anything i could add to remove black box censoring or should options from op suffice?
because you won't guillotine them
should be fine, but results might be slightly wonky because it doesn't have any info to work with from that area.

not sure there's anything to do about it though. Other than maybe run it back through a second time to fix the bugs of the first time, since it's working with something closer to the desired product. No idea if that would actually work though. Still, worth a try if the first pass isn't great.
Anyone ever run into issues with a file not found error after mask creation? Its looking in the output directory for a `<ouput_dircetory>\\fragment_1\\frames/image` and it generates the frames directory with images with `frame_<x>.png` in there, but nothing about image there.

I'm guessing there was a change in a naming convention somewhere and Animation Diff is looking for `image_<x>.png` instead of `frame_<x>.png`

Actually looking more at this, I think I may be hitting an issue with ControlNet not saving images further up. an error with `invalid load key, 'v'` digging into it more.
Did anyone save the Sunmi - Pporappippam one?
Okay, figured out the issue, I pulled the ControlNet files with git, which I guess left some pointers rather than pulling the actual file. Downloaded each file manually and seem to be moving again.
Oh, also I was using an older version of AnimateDiff (1.13) and now I just pull from master.
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Sometimes it makes stuff that looks pretty good...sometimes it looks like trash like this. I've yet to achieve anything similar to what I've seen other people put out here, but maybe I'm just choosing challenging content to mimic.
Also the delineation at fragment boundaries is really annoying maybe I need to go single fragment.
anything good posted in the previous threads?
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3.88 MB WEBM
this was the first replacer over animation test. looks pretty good to me imho.
you know what? fuck you
*throws a pic of you into sd and jacks off to a deepfake of you*
lol, there's something very meta about this. it's like she's aware how weird her breasts are acting and ends it with the 'Wow' at how absurd it was haha
extremely good
Tutorial on how to uninstall/delete if shit doesn't work well on pc?
File: makeba.webm (1.49 MB, 576x1024)
1.49 MB
1.49 MB WEBM

this tooo
Why is it always only about the women? Why not make the ban and its reasoning gender neutral? Or is it still perfectly fine to generate these for dudes?
File: MarishWash.webm (3.61 MB, 612x512)
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3.61 MB WEBM

If you can't figure out how to uninstall this, you aren't smart enough to be using this in the first place...

You literally just delete the stable diffusion folder.
File: output.webm (309 KB, 1280x720)
309 KB
It actually worked!
Thanks a lot dude!
you have reading comprehension issues
whats the original video?
How so? The entire reason they are doing this is to "tackle violence against women" because this material is "often misogynistic". There is zero gender neutral reasoning for this, it's all about protecting women. You can piss yourself in seething but that won't change what they said.
the ban is gender neutral
Oh please give me all you have of her
I love you anon
Pls more marish
Unexpected but HELL YEAH !
File: testrun.webm (272 KB, 1150x512)
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I'm trying to get a feel for when and how controlnet can be used to improve outputs. In this case I like that the depth map preserves the torso more accurately, but there are definitely artifacts that start to enter the image when certain creases of fabric alter the depth map. Maybe it's a function of tweaking its sensitivity, I dunno...
I have no idea of how this works but Im amazed by the fact it is her you are using...
Pls everything you have
Looks so good I love this style

enjoy how music videos used to be, zoomer, before something like this would get you cancelled.
i think so too. if I ever free up enough ram I'll maybe try to do some.
try using a combination of openpose, normalmap, and depth
Theres already nude versions of all the dances she does on tiktok whats the point of this
File: marishfight.webm (120 KB, 416x280)
120 KB
Tried the three in combination on this image here; lots of movement and shadow, so it isn't perfect by any stretch
Alright, I've been fighting through errors for a week, and finally got it to output a file for the first few frames of a video, but the masked area is just a black/pink noise pattern.. Anyone experience anything like this before?
Does anyone have the hi-la kl-ein from h-3h3
This is the best marish thread ever
Keep it up
this tooo
bump for more naked bitches
Sounds like you might have the wrong checkpoint selected in one of the options. At least thats what happened to me.
Lmao, the REAL #fakebody

Would this help?
Any new stuff/progress on her ?
hello guys would like some suggestions on what settings to use for animatediff + reactor using a 2070 super 8vram for performance with still good quality?
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lol why did it think she needed braids. is it reading context clues from seeing a scene from a fighting match?
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tried this with multiple controlnets and without and each iteration seemed to get worse.

Single image inpainting seems to work great...controlnet inpainting seems worse. I can't get good nipples to save my life...or at least to save the gif.

Maybe it's a resolution thing, idk. but 512x512 is the SD1.5 native model resolution so...I dunno.
OP could easily share screenshots of his configurations
When you are guys going to start grafting big waggly cocks onto these bitches?
Just dont overdo the size. The futa bullshit is ridiculous.
File: notbad.webm (366 KB, 1080x1080)
366 KB
I'm fairly pleased with the results here. I think it's been done though, and better. But I think it looks alright. Didn't have time to render the whole video before bed though
please more neeko or pokimane

I fucking love you man
Please more of these redheads
Keep a consistent seed, change it from -1
Remarkable work, anon.
File: fastahfastah.webm (263 KB, 1080x1080)
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whats the og videos???
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2.1 MB
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Alright, I'm guessing I'm dumb, so from the uber realistic porn merge, should I download both the inpainting model _as well_ as the base model?
In painting model I'm assuming goes in with ControlNet Models and I'll select it with AnimateDiff inpainting model.

There's other errors going on when I do that, but want to make sure I'm understanding the process correctly.

I've also tried just the inpaint model and just the safetensor base model with other errors, so trying to find the correct path.
I'm not an expert but I'll tell you what I've got:

I've got the inpaint and base models. I choose the inpaint as the overall model. I allow the controlnet inpaint to use the base model to override the overall model (this is recommended within the UI I use).

The controlnet folder is not where I place the inpainting version of my model - there is a specific controlnet model called 'inpaint' that I think you are obligated to use there, but I can't say I've done much searching for alternate controlnet inpaint stuff.
You're the best !!!
More old scully perhaps ?
Bump for this
File: sayitanon2.webm (207 KB, 1080x1080)
207 KB
Wow !
Holy fuck
Keep it going pls...so detailed
I've tried different combinations of where to put inpainting and non inpaintings as I didnt understand completely either. I believe, when using replacer with animatediff-, the very top overall needs to be an inpainting, there is another under advanced which I do not check for overriding, the controlnet inpainting which im using "control v11p sd15 inpaint" in the animatediff mode section, motion module "mm sd v15", and stable diffusion checkpoint under animatediff as the NON inpaint. So as to the first question, yes you need an inpaint and a non inpaint. As for controlnet im not sure as they ahve their own settings/models, the small bit i played with em i just let it choose its own. Someone suggested try using a combination of openpose, normalmap, and depth. It takes forever atm.

they are fighting back against stuff like this. it's too powerful
OP will never post any configuration settings but here's what I've been using for frame by frame:

Detection: body, torso, chest
positive prompt: [use your own w/Loras]
Negative: [use your own]
Sampling: DDIM Karras
Inpainting mask blur:25
Inpainting Padding:80
latent noise w/denoising set at 1
Controlnet0:Normal Midas 0.5
Controlnet 1: Openpose 1.0
Controlnet 2: Depth 0.6
Fuck BBC, no cucks, plz. :p
>Big black cock news
Australia is doing the same shit
All my animatediff attempts come out slightly orange no matter what settings I change. Anyone have the same problem? Frame by frame works fine, so it's not an inpainting or mask blur issue or anything else, but animatediff is always orange. I've tried systematically changing practically every single setting and no dice.
I have found, occasionally, that I need to play with a setting called img2img_color_correction depending on the clip to improve odd colorizations. Sometimes it keys off the background to a significant extent when doing the inpaint with animatediff/controlnet, and women in RGB environments get RGB bodies for example. I've also seen people recommend adjusting your detection mask expansion, since it might include some pixels that are distinctly not meant to me masked and keying off it for color.

Grain of salt, random faggot on the internet, etc.
File: GinnyDi.webm (3.74 MB, 568x480)
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WOW amazing stuff

got moar like her? or even of hers
Pls more scully
Any younger 90s scully
not only that she also does porn. kind of a waste of time, really
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1.31 MB
1.31 MB WEBM
something for fa/tv/irgins
latent noise eh? now that's interesting. I've been doing fill predominately myself but I might try that out. might get rid of some bizarre artifacting.
Would EBSynth be better at this?
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2.62 MB
2.62 MB WEBM
pls do this webm senpai sama
Just skinify her clothes at this point
What have you done... IT'S FAPPERINO TIMEEEE
as the Figo Fago BFF brothers sing "there is nothing more exciting than a dressed woman" wert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOEVHQoHzM
More Marisha ???
Miss these already
Heads up for anons using automatic1111
The sd-webui-animatediff github page says you have to use his version of the motion module. Apparently it's different than the regular AnimateDiff motion module (the one linked in the OP instructions).
Go to the sd-webui-animatediff github, scroll down to "Model Zoo", click the link to his huggingface repo, click the motion module folder, and download "mm_sd15_v3.safetensors." That's the one you want to use. This solved my issues with weird colors and flickering.
Op of these here.
It can be, the TemporalKit workflow does have benefits over this technique however it struggles greatly with aggressive motion.
I’ve done many EBSynth conversions like these, it’s much faster and gives pretty good results, however generally animate diff gives far more consistency with the ability to really push the denoise much higher. It takes much longer, and requires much more powerful hardware, but it generally is better.
You can see examples on my civitai profile:
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the weekend has arrived, lawd have mercy
Could you post the original? Would like to see the transformation.
Good catch, i'll test this out later
more EXID and AOA plz

can i suggest using this for source material

is this bitch still around even? whats she up to?


Thanks. AI was VERY generous with her boobs lol.
Fuck yes !
Any ashley too ?
Is her pits A.I too or real?
idk probably just rich and doesnt need to do that shit anymore

I think she acts in a k drama once in a while
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865 KB
I'm not especially enthused about the tone of the skin. Tried using sparsectrl and the img2img color restoration at the same time and I think it keyed off the couch too much.

Also there are very few videos of Ashley out there not wearing baggy clothes and/or slouching, which makes it have to guess more. I generally prefer to run a leaner detection mask and fill in as little as possible to make the result more believable.
for the controlnet model and animatediff model should i use the non-inpainting model like epicphotogasm and override it, but the webui model being something like uberrealistic or should i use uber for both because animatediff is working but not really making the subject nude
Damn thats good
Not as hot as marisha but I like the cartoony tits

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