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>DO post tranny & faggot hate webm/gif
>DO NOT reply to tranny bait or jannies will force sage the thread
>DO NOT engage the seething anarchist tranny this faggot is a paid shill
>DO use image MD5 & tripcode filters for tranny porn spam

Message to seething trannies that will inevitably enter this thread:
>You will never be a woman
>You have no womb
>You have no ovaries
>You have no eggs
>You do not pass
>You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature's perfection

Last thread hit post limit because of tranny spam.
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certified hanger
>Shirt where one side is stripe and one side is solid color
>Talking to yourself in a bathroom
>What would you convince you that I'm a normal, healthy person?
Lel, this guy is one of the most pathetic freaks out there. All of his videos are just him talking to the camera while literally nobody cares. No one cares about the "facts" and "logic" he's talking about, literally just standing around talking to himself in a bathroom like some kind of freak.
going out of your way to make fun of a group of people dealing with an uncontrollable mental disorder the best they can isnt a good look.
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>going out of your way to make fun of a group of people dealing with an uncontrollable mental disorder the best they can isnt a good lo-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACKKK
>talking to himself
to be fair. this is how everyone records videos
he already killed himself no need to kick his dead body :(
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its ACKing time trannies
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hmm yes im a women now!! yet my skeletal structure is still of a male
my body is so hecking transphobic!!1
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Tranny got caught stealing a motorcycle and they’re waiting for the cops
Fucking hilarious to post because trannys immediately think he’s getting his ass best for being trans
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there is nothing wrong with the trans community you guys are just transphobic!!!!!1
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kek + deserved
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this is just sad
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for any trans individual in this thread, please you still have time to save yourself. you were brainwashed, this is not who you are. its never late to turn back.
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gypsy crusader vs tranny
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we are not coming for your kids!!!!
To whom it may concern: If you're having a bad day, maybe you're stubbing toes and banging knees. Take a brief moment to witness this sweaty envious trashcel:
Know that while you laugh and party and love and fuck for the upcoming decades it's going to be here doing this as a singular desperate expression. Just so we can compare our lives to it and have a warm smile. I'm having a nice smile knowing I'm not this incel cuck today. I know you are too. Be blessed <[** ]>
I do love stopping by occasionally to watch this sad faggot die alone slowly post by forgotten post. Prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
>>being blessed by not being the keddit cuck
>sides obliderated
Oh my god im gonna throw up
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everyone look at this nigga XD
Trannies do not deserve anything good
>"Call for moderator applications" sticky
fucking kek
imagine that misbehaving 4chan jannies get sent there as a punishment
Kind of seems to me like everyone is going to live their own lives how they want to and you are as impotent to make change in that as you are in your own. So this is like a grown obsessed lonely "man" on the floor of the toy aisle kicking and screaming every day. There should be a stronger word for embarrassing in english. Mortified? Brony?
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unworthy of an (you)

>you can't really argue with people whose whole position is the denial of reality
HAHAHAHA. more proof that troons are literally low IQ
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hopefully im not reposting anything
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Least gay leaf
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god these faggots are disgusting
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nah you good senpai
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cool, have some more
Look at this. Look at this demonic, hideous abomination.

The forced laughter, willing his agenda to the fore of the situation "Oh god it's finally gone, I'm a real woman now!"

The surgeon, bereft of any compassion whatsoever, another $20k in the bank for his family, they think his job is weird but they're not complaining. Summers in the Maldives thanks to the mentally ill.

The only person who will ever interact with that massacred wound is equally as ill.

That man will never be happy. Once that waffled, swollen nightmare has gone through cycles of infection, pus, boils full of ingrown hair and has finally been brought under control thanks to a long list of meds, he'll wonder what he can do about his masculine jaw, his wirey muscle, his receding hair. He'll spend more money in pursuit of the impossible. And yet everyone will still know the truth.

It's so fucking sad lads. It turns my stomach but overall I just feel for the dire sickness these poor bastards must endure.

Life is so ugly for some people. God damn.
this is some of the worst psychological and body horror to read and it's all real.
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I feel bad for them too.................until I realize they're going to molest children
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very good
kek, I was expecting an analogue horror jumpscare. GC is a braver man than I am.
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where is the ACK sound actually from?
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As a gay man, I would like to beat this fella to death with a brick
As 18 purple gay lesbians on Neptune, i'd eat you with a spoon. We're real. This is clearly impactful discourse in good faith.
ITT angry incels lol
Have sex :3
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kys trooncel. no (you) for (((you)))
fucking someone's stinking shit-hole isn't sex. sodomite kys
why are you gae? you like to eat da poo poo?
"Lots of kids gonna die"
Didn't they like that kinda of shit like late term abortion and that satanism
>seething about how children won't be able to make irreversible damage to their bodies using puberty blockers to "cure" what is essentially a temporary mental illness
I want to punch that faggot's teeth out
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How do people argue this isn’t mental illness?
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Savage transformation of a tranny that failed to mention their condition to a Doctor before having sex
molestation camp
>pretending to have a social life when you're spamming the catalog of /gif/ with tranny dick threads alongside your other discord buttbuddies
why are there so many trannies in favelas?
This tranny nonsense is some of the most absurd shit I have ever seen. Up until quarantine or so every term poked fun at the AGP retards
Lady"boy" fem"boy" "trap" "cross"dresser etc etc, outside the west people dress up like feminine faggots and twinks but they still conclude that end of the day they are male and dont convince others that they are female, if you'd ask them they would even say they are male. The people who actually thought were female were made fun of and mocked at, cause obviously they werent, they were males playing dress up and hitting some makeup. But how on gods earth has it come this fucking low that people go so far down their own delusions that they mutilate their own bodies and demand to be called female? Not only that but even worse are the doctors who prey on them and the faggots that support this nonsensical behaviour.

This is literally the funniest and most absurd shit I have ever seen, I wont be surprised if there are some higherups who started and pushed this as a joke but people bit the curb and actually went this far down low lol. I really want someone to do an experiment of sorts, where they get some trannies and fags and dykes, then they go to an area with little to no internet connection, can even be atheistic population if they want, then they show these mentally ill freaks to that area, people would literally be disgusted, repulsed and wondering wtf are these degenerates lmfao. This kind of shit is only entertained over there and thankfully my countries near me might be poor shitholes but atleast faggots get disowned and beaten here.
>kills a tranny in xer own bed
>chops xer up(?), cooks flesh (???)

Fucking dumbass. If I accidentally killed a tranny while I was fucking it in its own bed, here’s what you do: You get a cpap mask and some ash. You use the cpap to pump the corpses lungs full of soot. This will tell the coroner that the deceased died of smoke inhalation.

After that, you’re gonna tuck it back into its bed, splash the floor with gas, dip a candle halfway into the gasoline, light the top and put it on the ground. Depending on the candle, this should give you an hour and a half to drive away and be seen on CCTV so when the candle burns down and light the gas, you have an alibi to use in court. If all goes well, the flames will reduce the corpse to a charred (but unmistakably male) mess, hopefully burning off the bruise marks you made when you strangled it. However, charred corpses are still pink inside, but its smoke filled lungs will tell everyone that it was obviously alive and breathing when the fire happened, therefore this couldn’t have been a murder. “ Obviously this tranny got drunk, passed out, a fire happened while it was shitfaced and it burned to death.”
“Foul play? That sounds ridiculous. “
Using gasoline and a candle would leave a forensic trail that points to homicide over accidental death
answer: First, be smart from the very beginning. Pulverize all teeth, burn off fingerprints, and disfigure the face. Forcing a DNA test to establish identity (if it ever comes to that) might introduce the legal/forensic hurdle that saves your ass down the line. An unidentifiable body can, in a pinch, be dressed in thrift store clothes and dropped in a bad part of town where the police are less likely to question it. I don't reommend that disposal method, I'm just saying an easily identifiable body is an even bigger threat than the opposite.

Assuming you have it inside a house where you can work on it a bit, the first thing you want to do is drain it of fluids. This will make it easier to cut up, and slow decomposition a little bit. The best way to do this quick and dirty is to perforate the body with a pointed knife, and then perform CPR on it. Cut the fronts of the thighs deep, diagonally, to slit the femoral arteries. Then pump the chest. The valves in the heart will still work when dead, and the springback of the ribcage can put apply a fair amount of suction to the artria. Do this in a tub. Plug the drain, and mingle lots of bleach with the bodily fluids before unplugging the drain to empty the tub. This should help control the stench of death, which would otherwise reek from your gutter gratings. Do everything you can to control odors. Plug in an ionizer, burn candles, leave bowls of baking soda everywhere. Ventilate the room in the middle of the night, but otherwise keep it closed. Keep the body under a plastic sheet while it's in the tub.

If you want to bury, I recommend seperating the body into several parts, and burying them seperately. For one thing, it's easier to dig a deep enough hole for a head than for an entire body. this reduces your chances of being discovered while you are actually outside and digging the grave.
That is the one thing you can't do inside the doors of your house, and represents a vulnerable moment you want to keep brief, under 2 hours. Do it between 3 and 5 am. It's also less likely for someone to call the police if their dog digs up some chunk of meat, than if they dig up an enitre body. They may assume it's an animal carcass disfigured by decomposition, and leave it alone or dispose of it. It's also more likely that the dog will consume all of it before anyone knows the difference. A whole skeleton is another story. You can cut a body into 6 pieces faster than you think. It's not much different than boning a chicken, but it takes more work, a big knife, and time. A hammer will be useful for pulverizing joints or driving the knife deep where it doesn't want to go. Anyway it's wise to crush as much of the skeleton as you can along the way. It will aid in making the body less identifiable for what it is as it decomposes.

Don't return to the same site 6 times for 6 burials.You'll attract suspicion from anyone nearby, and you'll wind up placing the body parts close enough together to be found by any serious investigation. Put them in plastic bags with lots of bleach, and store in a freezer until you have enough time to bury them all.
Depending on what tools you have available, you may find that you're get really good at deconstructing the body. You might prefer to slowly sprinkle it down a drain without leaving your house. This avoids the long-term risk of discovery associated with burial, and the overwhelming supply of bacteria in a sewer accellerates deconomposition, whil e providing a convenient cover smell.

Truly grinding down a body takes a lot more work, and you run the risk of fouling your plumbing and calling in a plumber. So don't try it unless you know how to clear bones and meat out of a drainpipe. A good food processor can be useful. But don't over-use it, or power drills or saws. They're noisy and they attract attention. And forget the kitchen sink. It's better if you actually remove one of the toilets in your house from its base, which will give you direct access to one of the largest sewer pipes that enters your house. Follow any disposals with lots of bleach and then run the water for 5 or 10 minutes on top of that. And plug that pipe when you're not using it, to prevent any sewer gasses from backing up into your house. Usually, a U-trap inside the toilet does that for you.
I'm the official notarized representative for the gay jewish black commie toon conspiracy that operates out of dischord dot com. I can speak for every gay toon libermal ledditor when I say. The chick that makes these threads is correct about everything. She has a 17 inch WHITE penis and doesnt afraid ever. This is evident because it's on /gif/ He's caked every based pill that has ever glowed like a troon.
Dang bruh
Hitting body is fine but leave the head alone lmao
Prison really sounds no fun
Stay mad chuds, we're going on 10 years in 2026
Your kid has gender dysphoria, has never had contact with a tranny, no groming of any sort.
What do you do?

Inb4 abandon/kill, etc.. I'm assuming your not a Godless bastard
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Lmao wtf
Hot Damned from Super Meat Boy
Find a doctor who actually swore the hippocratic oath and see about getting the kid actual psychiatric treatment for what SHOULD be a certified condition in the DSM.

When we win this shit--and we will--I sincerely hope that every single person who ever countenanced this stuff--ESPECIALLY the ones who were just going with the flow or trying not to rock the boat, are tortured for confessions and then necklaced.
they are mostly prostitues (who are mainly in poor areas)

Canada is lost.
That's church, anon
As a gay person planning on raising a family, this fills my heart with joy
Congratulations to him. Fuck these nazis, teach the truth
Ancient post from the wild ass internet days

On the real though if you want to know the best way to get rid of a body there are ancient Reddit posts from before the site was gay
Forensics experts larping about how they’d do it but getting super detailed
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Wholesome chuddy troonrald
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its legitimately sad to see the majority hate is little more than people cheering on strangers getting killed for merely existing
Buy a tripod cunt.
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fucking vile bro I'd honestly rather watch a tranny surgery in 8K 240Hz VR than this shit
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ive always wondered what the context to this webm is, and how it got recorded
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A lot of the videos of people being killed is not simply because they exist
You can find back stories browsing watchpeopledie.tv
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Shit is almost always about drugs or oweing money. I almost feel sorry for them, but then I remember that they want to reprogram our children into atomized coomers as part of a population control psyop will milk them of every penny to try and "pass". Troondom is the forever death.
im gonna be sick
the guards should've shot the faggots
Please PLEASE someone post the transphobic webm of tai lung from kung fu panda
If you were real about it, you would commit to the girl voice even in this situation.
Bro, why is this on here?
this guy's eyes are completely dead
what the fuck is that????
>hope you and your cousin still hook up
these faggots need to be lined up against the wall and shot
See? A real man forced his assailants to keep it simple.
asian ladyboys dont consider themselves a s 'women' brasilian shemales know they are not realy 'female', in italy there has been for decades a whole culture of trannyes as sex workrs and no one ever even considered the isea of them being 'women' in any way, in fact thats the whole point, so it is in all the world from like east europe to fucking south pole, its only in wstern countries where this bullshit roleplaing gets to the point of being a political fucking issue
Any toon that thinks I can crooton would be better suited keking a pill truck. Juice. Fort Night.
I want to bash this faggots had into his dashboard till the airbag snaps his neck

why are these faggots so self centered?
his face is hilariously too small for his manly head xD

also why are these brownoids and troons all so spiteful and petty going after ordinary white people?

why dont we just bag them with a couple alley cats and throw them in a river
i heard a good joke by that kike Pauly Shore.
I would make a webm and tell you all the joke but it requires a sense of humor and not a complete schizo fixation on how big of an insane faggots trannies are.

look it up; Pauly Shore vagina

I fucking died when some right wing e-thot posted it all upset and in the video the left wing podcast thot also gets upset

it really doesnt matter what sane people think you can always wind up retards
this guy is just autistic and gay but cant adapt to the new information so... ich bin ein Klein Mädchen, sagst die schwule.

Nennst du mich Karla oder ich bring du die Totalen Krieg! Achtung Ami!
where is the part that he squares up with a little old lady and towers over her screaming this shit at her?
I remember something like it, it was fucking hilarious
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Here’s the full thing with audio
oh kek that sounds kek i bet woke and broke seeth copin libmatards seethe cope about paula sures vagaina hahakek
As 7 martians planning 12 families. You don't have plans. Up is down. My cock is 8 years long.
the kids you own will genuinely hate you with a passion. you will never raise a family, unless you rape them, just like daddy did to you.
OP is gay
the "T" word? You mean Tranny? Isn't that what you are? what's offensive about shorthand for Transexual, that's what you are.
being some gay guy with long hair passes as "trans" now?
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Im mershinary. 14 children. Rich. Women. Wife. Habe gun an house an car. Pills based on seethe cake. smert
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The fuck is sam hyde doing there??
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I started making these threads to gaslight myself about the guilt I feel from my only sexual experiences being paying negro men to let me suck the turds out of their ass dressed as a female pony. But y'all are making it unfun. Thanks obummers. Going back to tumbler.
You talk like a sad faggot.
Reminder true anon;

>Do not engage troons or fall for troon n8

>The jannies are in ot with everyone and agInst me.

Fuck yourself its only becuz this is all i can do and there obsessed with me. U must be seethin
That dude more than just a dude with long hair
He got them estro tits
Kek this shit is 100% some billionaires got way too coked out on a yacht in the pacific and started brain storming what the most fucked up social engineering troll they could accomplish would be
Either that or it’s China/Russia taking advantage of how elderly and digitally inept our leadership is
There is 110% absolutely no way this movement started organically
You mean public school anon.
so I'm not a tranny but I do have an obsessional freakish obsession with pregnancy and I've always been surprised that since this whole tranny thing started no biological male trannoid has ever found some jew doctor mental enough to give him an artificial ectopic pregnancy via surgery and hormone therapy, it's uncommon, but so long as there's a blood rich organ a fetus can implant on to it and grow as it would in the womb (in women) I'm pretty sure there is no reason this wouldn't work on a man

I'm aware the ethics of it is completely fucked and the man and/or fetus would likely die, but it still surprises me no one has even tried it.
>their neighbourhood
>bunch of pakis in the uk
They don't even understand why labor starts but speculate it's a hormonal ratio of oxytocin to a couple of other hormones. Even inducing labor in a woman with pictocin can be tricky. You honestly think the complex process of 9 months of pregnancy without a placenta is easy/peasy? Just predicting what the fetus' hormones released in to a male body would do to him is almost impossible.
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ty anon, saved
Somebody kill this retarded faggot before he kills off more family lines
>If God showed Himself to me, I would believe.

Lol, no you wouldn't. You would just convince yourself that you had a hallucination. Judas watched Jesus raise a man from the dead, and he *still* sold him out for 30 pieces of silver. Seeing God with your own eyes is no guarantee that you will believe in Him.

As for what it would take or me to believe that men can become women? I have no idea. No argument from the transgender camp has convinced me so far, so I can't imagine what insanity would convince me that these people are normal and not just severely mentally damaged people.

I know that the transgender movement will die off one day. It butts heads with reality, and reality always wins (not to mention how the coming demographic crisis will push people away from LGBTQ stuff and back towards traditional family structures for the survival of the species). But, man, this has been such a crazy ride.

This one always cracks me up for some reason
This is the peakest form of irony ive ever seen
Where have i seen that nose before...?
Alot of new stuff I've never seen on this thread. Thanks anon. Seeing the LGBT suffer puts a smile on my face.
The guy doesn't blink. You think they're prostatic?
Me too. You and I and him are entirely seperate people with a community of peers who respect us and not just one lonely incelled aspy. The few people that witness our discourse..between all of us individual, stable and successful adults, they don't suspect our replies to each other at all. Because we're real.
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obama would've tapped that
what is it
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>guy troons
>family tosses him out and cuts contact
>ends up in favela
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Didja no that there aint even value 2 money anymore its the contrails
Kill yourself.
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>Kill yours-AAAAACK
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Trannies are literally subhuman
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Ah kip dogheddin deez dum fuggin caltroon lil
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Based quads
They're just lost souls that need help.
Go have an ACK attack
Help on the way to hell. You provide the tree, I'll provide the noose.
molesting other people's children that you adopted is not what's called raising a family
I've foggy memory this being posted on bestofgore and the white guy used to be some rich town/city politician who groomed 18-20yo poor african american men with food, money, drugs etc. And would film fucking them. Word got out and this nigga decided dat fat faggot cracka aint gona rape our kiids no more and put plan his in motion.

I can't confirm this since i cant find any evidence about it.
Genital warts pretty sure.
Most likely HPV. That shit causes anal cancer and is super contagious by skin to skin contact.
If they are willing to listen and help themselves thats cool. But some trannies themselves come to these threads and start seething, even if you argue with them nicely they wont listen. Many such cases they hit the point of no return and lead themselves to the 50%.
Many such cases indeed they seeth and based and pills. Its not kek.
>if only deyd lissin 2 me an talk 2 me

Closet cuck gave it away again but he's too country simple to be aware of it. This is a good one. This is a fun cleetus to watch. Feel bad for the stray animals around his trailer park though.
>instantly seething
>reddit spacing
>first thing he thinks of is cuckshit
>obsessed with ameritards even tho im eu
Thing is I cant tell if this is bait or you're really that low irl
>their weakness is their true name
he literally pulled "I'm not crying you are" card
>wall of text because of some troon mentioned God
Do americans really?
>>Talking to yourself in a bathroom
That's literally every second tik-tok
cute dog
>trying to pretend like incel hicks have borders.

Told y'all it was a live one. Keep an eye on it. Max Ent.
sad af really
at least some of them are honest with themselves
scrawniest chechen
manliest russian
absolute mongoloid who never ever was really interested in forensics
probly a fucking redneck
aw man don't click this shit
common folks just like you and me
The stats at the bottom of these desperate threads used to clearly indicate that 90% of the posts came from one obsessed chaser. Then when it was pointed out the numbers disappeared. Is cuck-chan grapeape and grapeape is cuck-chan? Just asking questions. It explains so much.
Are you trying to imply that nameless environments such as this are magnetic hot bags for creepy peasent faggots to fake a consensus and project their pussy faggotry without risk? It's impossible. If you don't believe me. Ask this guy:
I'm literally Obama and he's correct.
>The man denied he was a cannibal
>that porkiest of pork
I am >>27478499 poster and due to you and the further agreement including Obama..I can see now that unsourced radical views made anoymously on a pord board are not to be witheld to any scrutiny. It's certainly not just one sad fucked up lonely incel. I see my my mistake now. I'm flying back to lizard people planet where we build 5g covid towers to rape kids in pizza parlors.
>redneck weedhead vs dyed troon
such a picturesque America
As a gay faggot zoastrian mullotto dandy Margeret Thatcher and I both agree. Also let's put difficulty levels on demon dark's
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>as a black man, i fully support the lynching of other niggers
This is what you sound like faggot. You're not getting spared just because you think you're one of the "good" ones.
Anybody got that edit of that irish retard's "TwAmS PeEpU aWe My FwEnDs!1"?
>uses biology to prove his point
>refutes word salad with word salad
I don't give a shit if you exist, but I would prefer if you taught my kids to fucking read. Kids these days are better at explaining 400 genders than basic math.
Jesus didn't say he was a hen, he said he wanted to gather the wayward jews together _like_ a hen gathers her chicks.
>cut my balls off
>lost libido
>my kids
>my kids

I'll have yew know dat I'm his uncle neighbor and he has 8 strong alpha mail boymen and theys been solicited to be a 400th gender everyday but they flexed den obummer cried..then...the south rose up again..then..the cow jumped over the moon.
I Have No Dick And I Must Scream
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