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Female sportswomen being inadvertently sexy as they do their thing in revealing attire.
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What's with this older women thread?
haha xD
It's never inadvertently.
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you're welcome to contribute you faggot
Hey, that's not too bad.
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what's her problem
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um have you tried saying please
what if I give a nice <3 instead?
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i'd prefer a please but i've only got two so whatever
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literal godsend
wresting isn't athletes
shit thread
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the thread is for athletes, not actors

God, I love Pia Lastname so much.
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we can go further, a new horizon in upon us
Pole vaulters are bestgirl
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This is from a few days ago, tomorrow is the Spanish championship
>posts beasts
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Pole Vaulters are the top tier, every time.
The first jump was so high for what looked like very little effort
Nerve gas
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I believe most of these athletes all agreed to be apart of a sports broadcast on a television network, so there's not really any "creeping" to be done.
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do you always take things this serious
dont post my wife here
you guys got any of that infrared shit the japs are worried about?
I miss those AI threads.
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finna dump all the old crap if no one has anything to post
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Wonderful. Just amazing. Uncle Ted was wrong about technology.
God I wish that may were my face.
ROFL "Uncle Ted" I knew as soon as I read it, like I was having the same thought! He was right, not "his" solution but the theory
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Sorry you're gay.
Thats what happens when a woman spots a BBC in public their eyes become fixated they can't help it. Most likely whats happening here.
kill yourself racist cuckoldry fascist.
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The fine ass parade
I asked this before but didn't get a good answer, I'm genuinely curious, not judging at all, why do female athletes wear skimpy clothing?
I mean if the argument is performance and less obstruction then male athletes wear a lot more conservative things and perform a lot better so I don't think clothing is the limit.
I've also seen people say "those are mandated by the governing body" in which case I would ask "why is no one arguing against this dumb rule?".
girls like to look sexy
what's the problem
Wrestlers are both athletes and actors, much like soccer players.
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>male athletes wear a lot more conservative things
I dunno. I'm pretty sure what male athletes is also fairly "skimpy" and if you're a gay male or a heterosexual female and you find men to be physically attractive, then watching these athletes in that attire they wear probably counts as softcore porn to you in the same way that female athletes do for us.

It depends on the sport, but in a lot of them athletes are made to wear tight form-fitting lycra spandex and this leaves little to the imagination. If you're into men, then you check out their butts just like we do with female athletes, or their bulges in the front, or whatever.

I don't think it is really that much different desu. But I also admit I don't have any interest in male athletes and haven't done much research on it.
>Wrestlers are both athletes and actors, much like soccer players.
This. Greco-Roman wrestling is a legit sport and real. As for pro-Wrestling, everyone knows its scripted, but the performance of the wrestlers requires a degree of athleticism, so they still count as athletes even if it is a fake sport. I don't understand the anger a small but vocal minority of anons have over wrestlers being posted in these athletics threads. If you don't like it just ignore it, but why waste your time crying about it?
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She's so pretty. I hope she won. I don't like see her sad, even though she has a cute pout.
She's preparing to be serviced by a BBC. I've seent how this video ends. So much of her vagina lubricant coats the Black shaft, as if someone took a paint roller to it with uer ovarian cream. So much lust.
>Wrestlers are both athletes and actors, much like soccer players.
Athlete requires physical competition, so no, """professional""" wrestlers aren't athletes.
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what about bowling?
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she is perfect. omfg
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Wtf i love bowling now
Imagine they buried you in the sand so only your face stuck above
>male athletes wear a lot more conservative things and perform a lot better
1 IQ post
Post some yourself then lazy bastard, also this is for women in sports so they're all wearing sports bras which flatten their tits anyway dumbass
trans people want to take this away from you
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Khaddi is the best
cant wait for the next olympics be full of trannies
Anyone have the gif of the gymnast doing the splits in mid air and a photo flash going off in the crowd at that exact moment. That's a classic.
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Best itt
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Does anyone here know who this is?
you've already asked and been answered you can just post a webm without being an idiot
>you've already asked
No I haven't what?
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she wondering about the size of my wiener (it's really small)
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I'm sure it's perfectly adequate.

Camila Giorgi
I hate it but I have to agree, bbc should be the only cock allowed for such a perfect woman
I asked my wife, who played D1 volleyball, about the booty shorts and she said something about performance. Pointing out that the guys don't wear the same shit kinda broke her brain and she blamed toxic masculinity. Personally I think they like the attention. I mean in theory female athletes are young, in shape women. Prime of their lives. They're hot and know it and nobody objects to it because the fatties aren't on the team
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why aren't they kissing
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championship did not leave good camera shots
I want to destroy her with my mighty 4" ram
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/ourgirl/ possibly?
This thread is for straight guys, not faggots. Jesus, you homos even invade girl's kissing threads
So you're gay? STFU.
greek women's 60m posted by ajyari the third - anyone know sauce
name? no other videos of her
Shut up, retard
Are you retarded?
Because people watch male athletics to appreciate the pinnacle of human physical capability.

People watch female athletics for the entertainment novelty. Skimpy outfits adds to the novelty factor - which is the only real appeal of female sports/athletics in the first place.
>electricity and GAS
>printed on their butts
don't tell me that wasn't on purpose lmao
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At last,Women we with ass
Thankyou sir
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The angry Itialian waving the finger!
Our angry Queen.
Little cock junkies ...I love it
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first time coomin to the god damn olympics, a new low. thanks
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cameraman looking out for us here. what a mastermind.
this is that spanish long jumper. best ass in the world. on YT. laura martinez.
wow. no shit? is it? really? wow. never knew. if only anons were talking about her before it was posted.
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my favorite female athletes are anal acrobats and whatever this one is doing follows closely
Great thread, 10/10 =)
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fully agreed
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>holding the bar parallel with her hands and getting both her feet to the inside position without letting go of the bar..

Her guard retention would be awesome.
Thank you, anon.
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best of the best
nice view !
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so sexy thks !
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Men and women are different. Men look like shit dressed like that. They look cooler wearing baggier clothes

Because they're women. It's their sexuality tomfo so. Any of the men you'll insist on are faggots. Women will never be as good as men so they utilize their sex & fertility
>gay men and heterosexual women are the same
Kill yourself
>women are like men just flipped around
>creation and nature are very bit as stupid as I am
Kill yourself
anon please hush, the non-retards are talking
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>gay men and heterosexual women are the same
I did not say this. Why are you so butthurt? Oh... nevermind I don't want to hear about it.

Nevertheless, I didn't say they're the same, but they ARE the same in the sense that they are both attracted to men. But that is literally all I meant. And I'm right.
Literally not a single fat ass in sight can somebody please post a thick ass in this thread
you're welcome to contribute fren :-)
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>Literally not a single fat ass in sight can somebody please post a thick ass in this thread
the guy is obviously retarded, save your breath

you'd have to go with weightlifters or like shot put
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some ugly old hag?
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Impressive that the fabric can hide the camel toe so good.
so is that your mom?
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clara fernandez you retards
underwater women wrestling?
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very nice !
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its a shame baseball is really fucking boring
Brehs will you give me a clear plastic straw (nothing that will hurt anyone just something to breathe with) and very shallowly bury me in the sand before it's her turn to jump?
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Women's underwater rugby. It's a fucking goldmine for this kind of content. Here's the sauce:
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Every single thread
>why isnt this gay? where is the manass & dick?
>where is the cock worship?
>where is the legging & rimjobs?

The best part is their passivity & vulnerability. you faggots hate that. you NEED manass and dick. you need women to be sodomites cuz you're a gay retard. you need your dick to be the woman because you're a cunt.
kill yourself
she asserted dominance at the end there
How many balls do you guys think she managed to shove in there while the camera was focused on her?
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The human body is so beautiful
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