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Twinks, femboys, crossdressers. I don't care if they identify as trans or if they have HRT tits. Basically just post males who are cute, don't post shemales with bolt ons. Solo or more people is fine so long as at least one is a cute male.
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its another (((op))) posts gay porn in a thread alone
gross nigger dildo
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would marry
Need names
Please tell me theres more of this person
Read the file name
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such is the fate of the whiteboy
but enough about you
Lmao it looks like a turd
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>leak spot on the shirt
fucking diamonds
Wish this nigga would do porn already.
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all he needs is the financial push, wait until some paypig drops a few thousand just to get a few pictures
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995 KB GIF
do you say shit like this to cope with being a virgin?
he looks like a skinny ben shapiro
sauce? can't fap to a two second 10 fps gif
Trannies are gross, why would anyone destroy a cute boy like this by feeding him estrogen pills? I might even acknowledge my homosexual proclivities with someone this attractive.
Any good apps that I can use to find local tranny cock to suck and swallow on?
Who's this
Need its name
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morgnyan but I think she retired
Most white men hate niggers, all niggroids want to fuck white men.

Why are all niggroids faggots?
tried to increase audio
> Makes thread about cute bois
> Posts fuggo unibrow
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OC :3
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oc :3
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More please! I could watch you all day
rosie kawaii
they trooned out tho
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I thought this cutie only did public stuff, he got fucked by a black dude? sauce?
We need a JazzzBerrry thread. He's gorgeous.
I'd love to dress this one in a skirt and make him ride my dick like a slut.
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That's the only one they've done with him I believe, and there appears to be no full vid out there. Think it's cause he didn't have an of and there's a rule against non of collabs or something.
damn that sucks, he looks like he was getting it good.
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looks so submissive and inviting
just begging to be pinned down and fucked by real men
>femboy thread
>femboy in the OP
>everyone posts women
The absolute state of you monkeys.
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TG: TwinkCorniche
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Is there a sauce for this or similar scenes?
A bunch of sad faggots who will kill themselves in a years time
Finally got around to making some webms. Here's some OC hehe
My ex introduced me to gif I hope she doesn't see what I've become
second this. it's crazy how little he's been caught doing his public nudity shit.
I would absolutely fuck your lovely ass ;)
all of these cute "boys" taking hrt like good little girlies
you love to see it
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who said ass?
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Is that a contrapoints tattoo?
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you look like a drunk salaryman who lost a bet
Bell is my favorite. I want to hold her down and impale my ass on her cock, then ride her while I slowly choke her. I want her to cum in my ass as the last flickers of life leave her eyes.
Fuck you I laughed at this post so hard that I'm not horny anymore
A shame that she supposedly retired.
Nigger, these are sad faggots who will all commit suicide
That's part of the appeal. They hit their peak and burn out very quickly, but the peak is usually spectacular.
Id cum in your asshole any day
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I’m pretty sure that’s Jujutsu Kaisen season 2 episode 9 dubbed running in the background
REALLY what is the appeal of sucking on a silicone dick? Is it warm? Does it taste like dick? I dont get it.
I think I saw the red head coming out of a comic shop one time. I was walking in and he and another person (I don't know if it was the green hair guy) complaining about looking at the gay kids, the other person told them to shut up as they got in their car and left.
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this is so perfect
more with dildo?
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>Always been told that trannies/sissies/twinks give the greatest blowjobs ever
>Search everywhere for tranny/femboy blowjobs
>Little to no results
>The two trannies that blew me did not give a good blowjob at all

So what's going on here? How come theres little material on femboys/trannies giving oral sex? Besides this duo and blondeeyelashes, there's little evidence to suggest that trannies/femboys are the top tier dick suckers of the world
>Until I find proof, have this deepthroat webm instead

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