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African American Thread
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I dun gea a fhuk. I dun gea a fhuk.
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The culture
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>gun violence
>gun problem
>assault weapons
are all other terms for African Americans in the American media?
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Of course you can hear the fucking smoke detector.
i had to replay it a few times because i thought i heard it too. i couldn't stop laughing
Don't know why you felt the need to tag every post. Is this supposed to upset us?
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You seem upset nigger. Get your act together.
top kek
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bad ending
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>The victim's helmet was crushed, police said, and likely saved his life.
>The man is hospitalized but his condition is stable, police said.
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The better life you're getting? How about fix your own country and not just move to a different place. The entire reason people immigrate to the US is bc my country is shit. So imma move my shit family to a new country and turn it to shit also. Ns are parasites. The infest areas. Make them crime ridden. Leave and infect another area.
Same thing but worse with trannies. That Kentucky faggot that shot up the church left like 40 pages and the victims family don't want it released? If it was a Maga dude every page would have been on reddit in a day with 8k resolution.
Woman driving.
Tell woman to drive cock stoves, not cars.
Oh but he ha beig blwack pewnus. Give me good sesy time. He ownly beet me becwase I no do anawl. I do awnal now.
They them did it for the greater good. Lol retards.
Oh a black dude fucking a white girl. She probably did it to piss off her dad or boyfriend. White girls don't actually want to be with niggers they want to piss off someone. Unless they are NFL players but they soon find out the sub human with money is still a angry monkey and will kill you for disrespect pay the toll mudshark
This one is just depressing
>misses the first 2 shots
>at point blank range
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goddamn niggers are so exhausting.
crabs in a bucket
nice, dubs on the webm of the kiddie rapist getting domed.
chek'd and kek'd
Not sure if typo, but it works

his instagram is still there

>iKeep hating btch um on da rise

LMAO its like poetry
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we have a winner!
>police stopping clowncar.webm
he's just grugmaxxing
>is on the ground
>let me up, let me up
>attacks again after being let up

niggers dont know shit about honour in a fight
yasuke be wilden

Think how much lower our taxes would be if not for negros. We wouldn't have to pay for as much police. We wouldn't have to pay for as many prisons. We wouldn't have to pay to feed their kids. This is why I support abortion, it's the number one in negro population control. Followed by other negros.
damn she sexy
new name to add to the list
bro i need sauce
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But this comment gets deleted. Stellar performance jannies, he truly was the big bad guy breaking the rules.
Crazy how the only things niggers do is violence and sex, there is not a single good thing about them.
so happy this dumb faggot got hit for the shit he was pulling

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