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Keep this shit in the containment thread.
Keep your shit in your colon and off of Jamal’s dick.
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hi what does WWA mean?
Waifu Wrestling Alliance. a wrestling e-fed started on /pw/. This is where we post our lewd renders/stories.
This is a very nice pic of Amy Flame.
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Impregnating Nikki Kade.
when are we getting queen or miss usa in here dammit
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Andi Kestrel flashing the crowd after Robyn McDaid's victory over Kelly DiVanna in the Submission Cage Match:
Very nice.
Goodness gracious that's an explicit picture of Nikki Kade.
Nikki Kade in her standard attire.
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Come home Riley.
Don't bet on ever seeing Queenie in here.
fuck me who is this goddess?
/h/ thread exclusive PWE when?
The dream
Book your fantasy cards
Holly Hope-Again vs May Bea DeCeest
MM vs Zuni, 2 out of 3 orgasms
Nika vs Sola, I do (I quit) match
Amy w/ Colby Jefferson vs Holly, strap-on match
Ash vs Omega, loser goes down match
New Dojo Girls vs Widow Maker Society, Tex-ASS tornado match (all 6 girls in the ring at once, match can only be won by spanking the other side into submission)
Nikki vs Curry Girl, reverse bra and panties match (both wrestlers start completely nude, can only win by forcing their opponent to don underpants)
Warhorse + Oni and Shogun vs The Yellow Peril (Empress, Panda Girl, Masala, Corn Girl, TBD), Whore Games
Musical/striptease performance from Jersey Devil
Priscilla Divine(c) vs Miss USA in a vat of Rinch dressing
how cum colby gets to sit on the side? put her versus carmody on the undergarmentcard
Carmody’s already on the card in the trios match.
Maybe Colby and Otoki in a glasses versus testicles match? What would the story be though?
Colby’s got a history with the Empress so maybe she can be the 5th woman for Yellow Peril.
I need to find spots for The Boss and The Pride.
>glasses versus testicles
>didn't say spectacles vs testicles
this is why you'll never make it in the big leagues kid

but if Colby joins the Whore Games,
Otoki can face The Pride in a Poor Little White Boy match
>Otoki can face The Pride in a Poor Little White Boy match
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Speaking of testicles, just for further notice one of your nuts is hanging out of your shorts
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...only to find herself in a chokehold.

Raquel had swiftly moved to the back of the office worker and held tight her forearms against her neck. The pressure was perfectly applied to completely encircle any pressure point and block all blood and air circulation. The seconds passed, and the energy in the escape attempts of the woman lowered and lowered until she fainted. Once the resistance was no more, Raquel dropped the woman to the floor, grabbed the cell keys, and left the cell.

>Did you really think I would do that? I'm no puta.
Oh shit, didn’t expect this story to take a turn for the /h/
Lumberjill match; if a waifu is leaves the ring she’s fingered to orgasm by the lumberjills and tossed back in. Expect heel and face lumberjills to finger each other when things become especially heated.
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Riley-anon, FartcucK, if you see this please know that we miss you.
I popped for this fakeout, LOL.
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>Priscilla? Yeah, I’ve known her most of my life, we even attended the same boarding school
>She never seemed to like me though
>Can’t say if it’s because I’m part frog or it’s because I’m ‘nouve riche’
>Gramps may have begun life as a lowly tadpole, but he swam his way out of the swamp and now he’s the Toadfa- now he’s the owner of the 2nd most popular pizza chain in Spaghetti Town!
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>Wrestling? Guess that’s what most girls do for a living around here, huh?
>Not me, I scour the swamps for the juiciest bugs and worms to use in our pizzas
>Not that I haven’t given thought to becoming a wrestler. I mean there’s already a precedent for frog girls competing in the WWA, right?
>I heard one of ‘em ate some poor jobber named [withheld] whole, just stuffed the the entire girl in her mouth and swallowed!
>Can you imagine? I can just barely fit PART of a human in my mouth
>And [withheld] was not a small girl. They say she was every bit as tall as Stone Cold Steve Austin and as wide in the shoulders as Brock Lesnar!
>Think about forcing something that big down your troat.. er, throat
>Doubt I’d be capable of living up to my illustrious forebears, but I’d be willing to give it a shot if they’d need an extra body in a rumble or something
>I’d need a cool ring name though
>My ‘shoot’ name? You mean my real name? It’s Bi-leth
>Unusual? No, it’s a pretty common name for frog Girls
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Too hot for /bant/, but perhaps not hot enough for /h/.
Rendered in a crowded library though, which itself is hot enough to merit its inclusion in the thread.
Uh based
Some people have posted nip slips and areolas in the bant thread and nobody said anything, so i'd say that would be more than passable.
I am aroused by this muscular shoulders and back. Who is this?
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I'm bout to heat up this place soon.
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Hundred Beasts Fighter Centipede Episode 3


This episode features Explicit Sex. That's why it's here.

Next episode? October 10!
where I can read the story of this waifumania and be updated?
Come see us in /bant/, feel free to ask any questions or make a character and participate if you feel like it.
One day I will take up drawing again.
Confession time; sometimes I find myself having impure thoughts about girls who are definitely intended to be pure.
Kek I do this too
Which WWA gril is the best in bed?
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Heat rises to the surface of Andi's skin as she thinks about Amy's gold eyes, and that white, thin top, and what the wetness of the foam had done to the fabric. Her experienced, mentorly tone was a bit of a shock after being so carefree and playing in the foam together; would it've melted away if Andi had just leaned forward and kissed her?

Who knows? She probably wouldn't get the chance to find out. Amy's shift in mood had seemed very deliberate when Andi became too flirty.

Andi's mood still hasn't shifted. She was ready to crawl out of her own skin.

In the darkness of the little room that's not officially hers, Andi trades her tight pants for a looser pair of athletic pants, and lays down on her bed. There is nobody around in the Dojo yet. Maybe Sola, but she has to be dead asleep in the other room. Even LILLITH must be out, for the moment. Nobody to walk in suddenly or hear her.

Andi's hand slides down beneath the waistband of her pants. Immediately, she feels how much she had anticipated this evening ending differently, and she draws a quick, shaky breath as her fingers move gently across herself, upwards and towards her body. It's been a while. Her thoughts drift, from Amy to the Bubblegum girls to the guy she'd met at Club Xtacy but never found the nerve to call, and then to..... Robyn?

She bites her lip, and her breath comes in soft gasps. Her fingers move more quickly. Her other hand wanders her body restlessly, finding places to be, some of them very nice, before it finally comes to rest at her side, fingers entwined in the bedsheets. Her body twists and writhes on the thin cot where she's sleeping of its own accord, her hips moving. The intense, rising feeling in her body creates an urgent tightness in her lower abdomen, and without consciously thinking, her hand moves more desperately and more quickly. The fingers of her other hand grip the bedsheets in a sudden, tight clinch.....

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Robyn's hands tremble as she pushes the key back into a pocket and then cautiously returns to Andi's doorway. The sounds of Andi's shaky breaths and gentle moans. The creaks of her bed as she shifts around And what little Robyn could see of her in the dark as her hand vigorously went to work in her pants... It was all too much to resist.

Robyn can feel her cheeks become flushed, and her heart racing as she crouches in the doorway and watches Andi masturbating. She tried to convince herself she wasn't sexually attracted to her friend even after the way seeing her breasts made her feel. But now that all she could think about was how much she envied Andi's fingers and how badly she wished she could have her head between Andi's legs pleasuring her instead, there was no doubt.

Conflicting emotions of desire and guilt struggle for supremacy within Robyn's psyche as she slowly reaches down into her skirt and starts to rub her pussy through her panties. A moan escapes her lips, way louder than she intended, and she freezes in fear of Andi catching her.

But Andi continues touching herself, seemingly unaware of Robyn's presence, and soon Robyn does the same. As Andi's fingers speed up, so to do Robyn's. She bites down hard on her bottom lip, doing everything she can to stop herself making a sound as an intense wave of pleasure starts to emanate from between her legs.

Soon her panties are soaked and a small puddle of own making directly below them expands with every passing minute. Robyn has touched herself before, but never has she felt anything like what she just felt. Was that an orgasm? Incredible. Perhaps... perhaps she should watch Andi more often.
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Andi sits up, her shoulders shaking and her skin crawling with electricity. She lightly touches herself a few more times, sending sweet sparkles of feeling through her nerves, but she's too sensitive and direct touches are too intense right now. She needs a break. Did she hear something above the rush of her own pulse in her ears? No, probably not. Her heart's racing, and she's sweating. Her hand is..... sticky, to say the least, and she can't really keep wearing these pants. Changing into them had been a dumb idea, if she was just going to get herself off right away.

Okay. She's still drunk. Maybe it's best to go get cleaned up, change clothes again, and sleep it off until tomorrow as late as she can.

Andi gets up and quickly goes to the door, and there's a thump and stumble from outside. At the door, she nearly bumps into Robyn McDaid, and freezes.

Andi's aware of how she must look. Her skin is burning and glistening with sweat and probably nearly the color of Robyn's hair. Her hand is glistening for other reasons. She can feel a buzzing in her red ears and swollen lips like they're full of bees. She must even smell like sex. Her body is radiating heat like a furnace.* Her entire existence right now must be like a giant, glowing neon sign that says (I was just rubbing one out!) And on top of that, there's an sense of sensuality about Robyn right now that she can't quite place, that's making her a little excited and even more nervous.

Andi smiles nervously tries to greet Robyn. She raises her hand in a greeting, then quickly realizes its state, puts it down, and raises the other one.

>"H-Hi Robyn. Y-you look nice. Err, shit. Umm, I mean, I hope you're doing all right. How was your visit to the doctor's office?"

Andi blinks. She takes a deep breath. Robyn's lips look so full and inviting right now.

>"Umm, heh. It's just..... you look really pretty. Uhh..... I mean, great! I mean, look you're really pretty great. S-sorry. I'm being weird."
*(OOC: Almost said "Her body is radiating heat like a computer with a GTX 1080 running full speed with an inadequate cooling system" but THAT kind of jerking off is too much even for the /h/ thread.
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Robyn freezes when Andi sits up, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. If Andi saw her here, now and like this what would she think? There's not a single way she could think of to pass this off as anything but what it is. Voyeurism. Andi would think she's a creep and never talk to her again. No matter what, she couldn't let that happen.

As Andi gets up, Robyn tries to scramble away, but she slips in the small pool of her own fluids and tumbles outside. Fuck. Now Andi will know for sure someone is here. But at least if she runs away, she'll never know who it is. She'd never be able to forgive herself, but at least her friendship with Andi would be saved.

But as Robyn gets to her feet, Andi almost bumps into her. Robyn squeezes her eyes shut and says a silent prayer to be somewhere, ANYWHERE else. But as she slowly opens her eyes she's still where she was, right in front of Andi.

A lump burns in Robyn's throat. So this is how it ends. Her first proper friendship. And she screwed it up by giving into what must surely be unrequited urges, and acting like some kind of pervert.

Robyn tries to say something. An apology. But the words don't come. Instead she just stares at Andi. At her skin, still glistening with sweat after her recent... exertions. At her flushed cheeks. Her beautiful eyes. Her breasts, heaving under that top. How perfect they looked when she flashed the crowd. The way they felt when she grabbed them in an attempt to cover Andi's partial nudity.

Robyn feels her breathing quickening. She hates herself for how much she lusts after Andi. For being a terrible friend to the first person that truly cared. For being stupid enough to think someone like her has any right to feel this way about someone who is as attractive, fun, friendly and just all around wonderful in every way as Andi.
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Then Andi breaks the silence. Robyn is overcome by relief. It seems that Andi didn't notice what she was doing. Or maybe she's pretending not to, so things wouldn't be awkward.

She matches Andi's smile. "I'm f-fine. The doctors s-said I can wrestle again... I wanted to talk to you about that actually...." Robyn hesitates, well aware this isn't really the time to bring up the matter of their entry to the derby that she had wished to discuss. "Andi, I..."

She hesitates again. Is Andi staring at her lips? As if she wanted to k... no. No way, she must be imagining it. But then Andi calls her pretty. Maybe... maybe she wasn't imagining it? No, that's crazy. But... what if...

"Y-you look really p-pretty too, Andi."

Then Andi apologises, and Robyn is overcome with guilt. Andi is worried about being weird just for calling her pretty, while Robyn had masturbated to the sight of her friend doing the same. If anyone should be apologising right now, it should be her.

Somehow, she's been blessed with the chance to get away with her moment of weakness tonight. But she can't bring herself to take it. She takes a deep breath.

"Andi, I... I saw you e-earlier. When you were, you know..." She looks at Andi's glistening hand then back to her. "And i-instead of leaving I.... I stayed and I d-did it too while I watched you. So p-please don't apologise to me, I d-don't deserve it, because I'm t-the weird one, and I'm the o-one who should be apologising. I'm s-sorry Andi. For a while now I've s-secretly liked you in the other w-way. I k-know I shouldn't because y-you're my friend, but I j-just d-don't know how to stop m-myself from having these thoughts."

She folds her arms and looks down. "I know I'm b-being a total weirdo r-right now so if y-you're mad at me and n-never want to talk to me a-again, I'll understand."
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Andi's face heats up even more.

>"Hey, uh, come inside for a second."

She thinks that she hears someone arriving at the Dojo, so she ushers Robyn into the door. This isn't a conversation to be had in the open. She puts her hand (no, not that one) on Robyn's shoulder and steps inside with her, then pushes the door closed.

>"I don't know, maybe I should care that you were watching me. But I don't. If you wanted, I'd strip off and show you everything right now. I can let you see anything. I can tell you anything, you know?"

>"I went out there tonight looking for a good time, whatever that meant. Ended up getting shitfaced and trying to hook up with the Divine Angel with a conscience, heh. So she dropped me off and left me here, and I was still pretty worked up. And that's when you saw me. I'd let my mind wander, and it came back around on you."

Andi's face stays hot. She can't believe she just said that. She's still drunk, and words are pouring out of her mouth.

>"I've had some of those same thoughts about you. When we went up on the roof before your match to see the sunset, I kinda thought about..... well, who knows, if that Kelly DiVanna show hadn't come on and messed up the moment. And then, you know, in Nikki's bedroom, when we getting changed into the bikinis, I was having some thoughts there. But no way. Wrong place and time. Anyone who had any sense would know that, even me."

>"But I didn't think it was what you wanted. You always got uncomfortable and quiet, when we were changing together, or when you grabbed my tits out at the arena after I flashed the crowd. And you've had a lot of people trying to put their own shit over on you, and I didn't want to hurt my best friend to make her another notch on my bedpost, like some girl I went home from a party with."

Andi leans in close to Robyn. Her breath is uneven.

>"But I like you too, Robyn. A lot."
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Andi's lips gently touch Robyn's pink, soft lips, yielding against them as their breath mingles hotly together.
Awww :)
Oh shit, the captcha on this was N0K0X and I didn’t fucking screenshot it :(
absolutely adorable.
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Robyn's heart races and her legs feel like they're turning to jelly as Andi's lips touch her own. Fuck. She's never made out with anyone. As the two gently kiss, her mind turns to a whirlwind of lust, nerves and cluelessness. Her conscious thoughts leave her, allowing instinct and pure desire to take over.

And take over it does, as she kisses Andi with the hunger of a woman possessed. Moist. Intense. Loud. Her heart pounds hard, faster than it ever has in any match. Almost painful.

The two tumble onto Andi's bed, Robyn on her back, Andi on top. They roll over with Robyn now on top and after a few more seconds their lips finally part, with both girls left breathless.

Robyn can scarcely believe this is happening. Especially after her confession. The possibility that Andi may have had feelings for her too never even crossed her mind.

"You're so beautiful," Robyn whispers, her lips brushing Andi's. She plants a light kiss on Andi's lips, then her cheek, then her jaw, then her neck. Robyn is intoxicated by the lightly salty tang of Andi's sweaty skin, the sexy scent of her perspiration, and that smell of alcoho-

Wait what? Alcohol? Robyn forces herself to stop, and takes another look at Andi. She's drunk. Of course she's drunk, she was at a party. What if... what if Andi feels differently tomorrow? Would this be happening if she was sober?

Robyn was a bad friend once already tonight. She vows not to let it happen again, and sits up on the bed. "We can't do this... Not right now anyway. I.. I w-want to, more than anything, but not like this, not when you're drunk."

She smiles nervously and looks into Andi's eyes. "I'm s-sorry if I'm being lame right now."
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Andi softly touches Robyn's cheek.

>"No, you're not being lame. You're being really cool. And..... thanks."

She shifts her position on the bed.

>"It's not that I'd regret anything exactly, y'know? I've had lots of drunken hookups. Some of 'em weren't such a great idea, it turned out. I'm not worried about that with you, that's not it. But there's a lot of new feelings we've just said out loud, and things we kinda understand about each other, landing on us all at once. Let's take some time and do this right. I agree."

Andi's telling the truth about her history of drunken hookups. What she's leaving out is that she hasn't had many long-term relationships built on genuine trust, affections, and..... is love the right word? It might be.

She smiles and brushes aside a strand of Robyn's purple hair.

>"You know, it's like you say, I've been flying around free in the open sky my whole life. It's liberating, but it was kinda lonely up there for a while."

She leans in close and speaks softly in Robyn's ear.

>"I'd say I'm falling for you, Robyn McDaid, but I think it's more that I finally found someone else up here."

Andi gives her a quick parting kiss, then smiles fondly at her. She sits there a few moments, takes Robyn's hand in her own, not caring where each of the hands have been. For a long time, she just enjoys the closeness until, with some reluctance to part, she gets up.

>"Think we should go get ourselves cleaned up, heh. Maybe get a few hours rest, and then if we're gonna make it into that tag team Derby matchup? We better get ready to do a promo for it."
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Noire does a once over of the locker room before disrobing.
No other girls, but for some reason there's nearly two feet of water in showers.
She sighs, and decides to add another inch or two.
It might be fun shower with the other girls, swap stories while scrubbing each other's backs, maybe even have a few unsanctioned matches.
But sooner or later they'd start asking questions.
And the detective should be the one asking questions.
She can't help but frown as she feels the back of her head.
Her cap is getting bigger, she'd have to trim it again when she got home.
At this rate it would only be a day or two before the damned thing didn't even fit under a fedora.
What's under the cap Noire
Hair, skin, and [gross spoilers]gills
If you want even more spoilers there’s a pic in the /bant/ waifu thread that displays what she looks like when she goes “unshaved” for any length of time
I feel like sex with Duna would be wild.
Bro, I’ve been waiting for Duna lewds for so long, bro.
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Robyn smiles as she listens to Andi's words. She feels a sense of reluctance to leave, but knows Andi is right. They could both use some rest before what could be a great opportunity.

"Good night Andi. Tomorrow we'll put the whole tag division on notice."
Has anyone ever asked Dunanon for them?
One day I will work up the courage.
Be brave brother.
Interesting. Lore drop in /h/
Just ask her. What's the worst that could happen?
She shoots me point blank in the head. Or says no. They're both equally bad in my eyes.
Coward. Dunanon won't shoot you. She's too nice for that.

(Just ask her I want to see Duna lewds too.)
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An uncensored feed of a recent WWA broadcast has emerged online.
Anal with Nikki
She's not like that, she's pure.

Nikki will make an honest woman out of that Amy Flame one of these days
NTA, but Coco, Nikki’s second personality, is canonically pure. She may very well have every VD known to man, but she’s still a virgin.
How scandalous
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>"Nah, we've already got that covered actually. But thanks."
Where is my Birds of Prey live sex celebration, goddammit?!
They're not like that!
BOP are only for nervous handholding
>The /aspw/vg/bant/ WWA
Sorry I'm new to these parts, the WHAT?
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This is the NSFW spinoff for a waifu E-fed general that started on /pw/
/pw/ used to be called /asp/, so is sometimes referred to as /aspw/
After about 200 threads our general was forced out of /pw/ by mods because having a creative wrestling related enterprise there interfered with all the braindead Kevin Nash was raped posts, so we moved to /vg/ since we simulated the wrestling matches on wwe 2k22 (wwe 2k23 now). Hence /vg/ in the title.
But then we got forced off of /vg/ because the matvhes being run on a video game wasn't video game related enough for them so now we're on /bant/, which turned out to be a blessing in disguise since the flags and IDs weeded out some shitters that needed weeding out and there's no more need to worry about having to move boards again because that board is basically a slower /b/
Damn, that's quite the lore. Thanks for the rundown.
>because having a creative wrestling related enterprise there interfered with all the braindead Kevin Nash was raped posts
Kek that shit never dies
Does Cassie have a hidden masochistic streak or would she have me sodomized to death with a chainsaw if I spanked her?
She does... but I think there'd be a very high probability of that bad ending.
Continuing from >>>/bant/18985760
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Amy locks the door to the pool room and pulls Colby into an embrace, kissing her hungrily upon the lips. They part breathlessly after a few quick, frenzied kisses, and Colby casts off her shoes and socks, then unfastens her top and shrugs it off, letting it drop to the floor. Before she can take a breath Amy is pinned to the wall with Colby's hands pulling at her clothing. With her underwear still clinging to one leg and her sweater only half removed, Amy slips her fingers into Colby's sweaty shorts and slowly slides them and her underwear down.

The two women toss their remaining clothes to the ground and slowly enter the shallow end of the pool. The warm, soothing water feels incredible as it laps against their skin. It is only chest-high to Colby when she sits down; for the shorter Amy it is a little higher, lapping at her lower back when she straddles her partner's lap and kisses her softly. With Colby's arms firmly around Amy's waist and Amy's arms hanging loosely around Colby's shoulders the two Angels enjoy the simplicity of kissing: a slight tremble, the touch of tongues, the electrifying feeling of lips against moist lips.

As Colby gently runs her fingers along Amy's back, the redhead begins kissing a trail down her neck. Guided by her partner, the brunette hoists herself up onto the edge of the pool and lays back on the warm stone floor, as Amy runs her tongue down Colby's navel and onward to her delicate area below. Amy hears a gasp as she runs her tongue across her lover's womanhood; even the sounds of the water's movement aren't enough to drown out Colby's little inhales of breath and stifled moans.

When Amy finally notices that Colby has arched her back and is beginning to pant rhythmically, she can take no more. Without interrupting the movements of her tongue on her tag partner, she places a hand between her own legs and goes to work, hoping that she'd be able to cross the finish line at the same time as Colby.
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Lying on her back on the heated marble floor, a hot tightness growing low in the core of her belly, Colby can hardly believe how quickly the situation has escalated. There was no time to think, no time to pause, no time to be self-conscious and protest and plead for a full shower before she and Amy had flung themselves eagerly into this intimate situation. She's well past being embarrassed of her body around Amy now, but the eager look in those intoxicating golden eyes shows that Amy's quite aware of just how intensely Colby's body is RESPONDING to this treatment, and eager to do still more. And is Amy's own hand down below her belly, working between her legs.....?

>"A-Amelia! I-I.....!!!"

Colby's voice cries out, echoing over the marble floor and walls of the vast indoor pool room. Her vision, already at a disadvantage without her glasses, threatens to go blurry entirely as her eyes unfocus and an incredible rush of ecstasy washes over her body. Her back is arched and rigid, and one of her legs, draped over Amy's shoulder, trembles and shakes involuntarily, her toes flexing at the tip of her foot. She draws in another deep breath, doesn't hold it long, feeling as though her lungs will burst, and her only reprieve comes as Amy's own motions become erratic, her body shuddering.

Colby is left laying on her back, drawing in little breaths that come out as soft, whining gasps, quivering as little lingering jolts trace through her body. She feels one more touch from Amy's lips: a soft, ephemeral kiss that nonetheless sends another intense spark surging through her nerves, and looks up to see Amy gazing at her again. With a weak gasp of relief, Colby sits up and pulls Amy into a loose embrace with her shaking arms.

>"Oh my God, Amy. That was special."

She gives Amy a soft kiss and strokes her thigh.

>"Are you, um..... good for more?"
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Colby slides back into the water and straight into Amy's embrace, for a time they simply cling each other for support, their foreheads touching as both women hold themselves and each other above the waterline. A jolt of electricity breaks Amy out of her stupor as she feels the brunettes hand on her thigh, then lips pressed against hers, then another hand in her armpit. Feeling herself hoisted up onto the edge of the pool Amy submits immediately and reclines backward into a laying position as Colby Jefferson busies herself with tongue and thumb and the occasional nibble to Amy's inner thigh.

With one foot on Colby's shoulder Amy gazes up at the ceiling, even in this large room the air has become heavy with sex, so much so that it's almost difficult to breathe, every surface is covered with a blanket of condensation. Amy's senses were heightened, she didn't need to look to know that Colby was pleasuring herself under the water just as Amy had done before, she could feel Colby's breaths on her, she could hear the quiet gasps as she used her thumb to draw circles around Amy's most sensitive spot.

>"Colby, I think I'm..."

Those were the only words Amy that escaped Amy's mouth before everything turned white, she gasped, cried out, then clenched her teeth, bucking her hips involuntarily as she rode the waves of pleasure for as long as she could.
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Colby keeps hold of Amy's bucking hips as well as she can with only one arm, pressing forward, her tongue moving against Amy's most intimate places, drawing out and heightening the all-consuming sensations until they threaten to become too overpowering. And then Colby herself is shuddering, clinging to one of Amy's legs for support and lurching forward as her own climax arrives at her rapidly-moving fingertips. She wavers in place and leans forward, groaning into Amy's sensitive body, her breath hot, rapid, and shallow. Soon, the intensity and immediacy of her climax recedes to a dull, yearning ache, punctuated by sharp little sparks of pleasure brought forth by the flow of the water around her. Her breath short, her face hot, and her lips and ears burning, Colby looks up and meets Amy's golden eyes with a lovestruck gaze. She gently extends a hand to Amy, who takes it and slides into the water with her again.

>"Damn. I love making your body respond like that."

Amy grins. "It wasn't bad for me either, Colbetta." She gives Colby a playful grope.

But rather than pull away, Colby draws Amy in closer, gently brushing the side of her face with her lips. She knows how sensitive her own skin is now, how her ears are hot and buzzing, and that Amy's must feel the same way. She gently nibbles at Amy's earlobe, then kisses her gently behind the ear, and she learns she was right as Amy falls forward and melts against her. Colby holds her close, their wet skin pressing together, feeling Amy's heartbeat through her chest. She kisses Amy as they cling together, and feels the beat in her lips as well, and then it's her turn to nearly melt when their lips part and she sees the breathless, beautiful smile on Amy's face.

She touches a small lock of wet orange hair at the side of Amy's head, her other hand resting on Amy's lower back, just above her butt. The warm water gently laps and flows around their bare bodies, caressing the sensitive nerves of their bare skin.
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She is storing every sexual encounter she has had in her forehead. Its about to become a fivehead.
Love these two lezzas.
Are these prompts to a higher level of delbooru tag search/combination fap binge. i've no reference point but can only assume so
Wading hand in hand to the part of the pool where the water was barely a foot deep the two lovers lay facing each other and rest their weary bodies. As Amy runs the tips of her fingers up and down the brunette's back Colby reciprocates by gently caressing the redhead's face until the tender touching becomes playful kissing, as Colby stretches out Amy places one final kiss on Colby's lips then nuzzles under her partners arm.

>"Ah, this is bliss Colb, I wish we could just stay like this forever."

Colby makes a affirmative sounding purr and pulls Amy closer.

>"I wish I had the words to explain how happy you make me, Colbetta. I love you and... if you'll have me... I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Colby hums contentedly and nuzzles against Amy's side. "I'd love that so much. I love YOU so much. There's no place I'm happier than wherever you are. Let's just stay here."

Minutes pass, the warm water lapping at their bodies, soaking in and releasing all of the tension in their muscles. Eventually, Colby's feet begin to feel a little saturated, and when she lifts one out of the water, there are wrinkles forming on her toes.

Colby looks at her toes and laughs a little. "Or maybe let's not stay *here* forever exactly. There's a warm, dry bed upstairs in the main mansion, and a splendid VCR that a wonderful person got me so we can watch all sorts of wonderful things together. Shall we go?"
Funny you should mention this.

I stand by my post.
You have no faith in their love.
I dont understand this statement
Divine orgy when?
Based renders
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>H-Here for a physical?!
>Oh yeah, I did suggest come get one
>But, uh.. did you not see the big 'DO NOT DISTURB' sign on the door?
>No sign? (Dammit, Maggie!)
>M-My clothes?! Afraid they were just blown off in a lab accident
>No worries! I'm safe, you're safe, but uh.. if you see a glowing pile of goo around here I'd suggest you not step in it
>L-Let's get started with that physical then
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>Okay, open your mouth and say 'AWWW'
Just a fun shitpost, but if your character wants a physical they're free to come get one.
BTW she really did lose her clothes in a freak lab accident.
Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoy them.
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Trying that Incursios model to see how it does. Moderate degree of edits/inpainting as well.
Thank you. :)
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There's no better way to rest and recover after a hard round of B1 action than with a warm, relaxing bath.
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Well, she's back to tied for the top of the standings, so she's doing something right.
Could any kind anons help a brainlet out and gib tips on how to prompt/what you use?
It depends heavily on what model you use, any embeddings, and addons. If you're using local gen, or some other third party site. Variety of factors really. For prompt help though, look up gelbooru tags, and use those. If something has more tag results, the easier it will be for the AI to understand it. Keep in mind you don't need to use underscores for spaces in your prompts.
Are you using a local stable diffusion generator (installed to your computer) or are you using one hosted on a website?
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I installed de3u and I'm using that. I did some basic prompts which yielded meh results and the rest of my stuff gets filtered.
I don't have any experience with that one personally. Do you have any experience with Automatic 1111/Stable Diffusion?

Nikki x Sola when? don't tease us and not follow through
Carmody Jefferson nudes when?
If Priscilla keeps rizzing her up I'm sure it's only a matter of time
Looks good
Duna nudes when? Fuck!
I'll make some for you right now (not real) (fake) (false) (0 per cent true)
I'm waiting
Still waiting.
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When and if the time is right. :) In the meantime, this exists.
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Covered by a towel in this one.
How did you get a towel? It never manages to do one right for me.
10 bumps
I just did the prompts for it and let it run a bunch of renders. Most of them were fails, but this one was close enough, and I'm using a upper-level supercomputer that cranks out renders so stupidly fast that it wasn't a problem to generate 20-25 bad ones for one good one.

I also admit I cheated a little and filled in a small gap with inpainting.
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>no nudes have been posted all year
Finna ruin this thread with a hideous Stephanie B. Nude render
When are the Dojo Girls doing their smutty New Years calendar?
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Carmody slowly exhales. Her skin feels warm all over, her head swimming, her body full of tense energy. Her lips feel like they're buzzing. She turns around to Sola and takes in the sight of her again: her slim, graceful body clad in tight cotton and denim again. There's an intensity in her blue eyes, her mouth opening to speak. She has something on her mind.

Carmody does too.

She closes the distance between them with intense speed, pulls Sola into her arms, and presses her lips to hers with a frightful hunger. She reaches down and grabs Sola's thighs, and Sola obliges by wrapping her arms around Carmody's neck, holding tight and leaping into Carmody's grasp, her hands in her hair, her lips parted against Carmody's. Carrying Sola to the kitchen, Carmody sets her down on the edge of the counter bar that separates it from the living room, then clears some space on it with the swipe of an arm, sending salt and pepper shakers, a rack of spoons, and a cereal box all clattering to the floor. Their lips part, and her hands move to the clasp of Sola's jeans.

>"Ever had a girl go down on you on a kitchen countertop?"

A shocked laugh bursts from Sola's lips. "What? Hahaha, no.....?"

Carmody looks up at Sola grins, lust burning behind her own brown eyes. Her fingers curl under the waistline of Sola's jeans.
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Sola gasps, and Carmody brings her jeans and panties alike down to her ankles and then off to the floor with a steady tug. Her eyes drift up to admire the view between Sola's legs, then up her body to her face, blushing with bright pink heat. Carmody can feel the rush of hot excitement in her own cheeks, her lips buzzing with anticipation, and steps in close.

>"God Sola, I'm so excited. I've thought about this for so long."

She kisses Sola lightly on the lips, then drifts past one side to her ear, and whispers in it, her breath hot:

["I want you so fucking much right now."]

After a couple of quick kisses along Sola's jawline, Carmody plunges down to her knees and nibbles lightly at Sola's inner thigh. She hears a gasp, feels Sola jump, and traces an excruciatingly slow line upwards and inwards, but when she nears the center she moves her head over and kisses the other upper thigh. She hears a hiss from Sola, feels a trembling hand come to rest on her scalp, and takes the hint. With one hand on Sola's thigh, and another on her waist, she descends to Sola's pussy with a kiss and a light press of her tongue, tracing it up and down, then pressing more, the tip sliding lightly inside her.

She looks up, hoping to see the rapt expression in the beautiful blue eyes that capture her heart every time she meets their gaze, but Sola's eyes are closed, her cheeks nearly scarlet. Her tongue slides along Sola's inner petals in strokes that grow in intensity and pressure, drifting higher as Carmody loses herself in the taste and intoxicating warmth of Sola Fire, her sharp, inhaling gasps drifting through Carmody's burning ears.
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Sola Fire has never felt anything like this before. Exploring herself on the lonely nights in the Dojo, especially that night of the Night Villa party where she had all but begged Carmody Jefferson to stay the night with her just didn't match the way Sola felt right now. What Sola could do with her hands was nothing compared to the way Carmody's tongue and lips were sliding across her vagina, kissing and licking all over, providing a pleasure Sola never thought possible. A moan escapes from Sola's lips -- she worries for just a second Carmody will stop to laugh at the noise she so accidentally made -- but Carmody is lost in Sola's pussy. As her right hand gently grabs at the back of Carmody's head, Sola moves her left hand to her breast, gently squeezing it as her hips begin to gyrate.

Sola has no idea what kind of experience Carmody has in this exact situation, but as if by psychic link, just as Sola wants to tell Carmody to angle her mouth upwards to start sucking on her clitoris, Carmody does so on her own.

>"Oooh, God, Carmody. Yes."
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Sola throws her head back as something builds inside of her. Carmody seems to take the feedback in stride, and continues doing exactly what she's doing; there is no position change, no speed alternations and no different amount of pressure. It's exactly what Sola wants; oh God, what she needs right now. As Sola falls back flat onto the counter top, she grabs the back of Carmody's hair even tighter, grinding her crotch into the hungry mouth of her smoking hot girlfriend. Even with the inclusion of another this whole evening, Carmody has been the only thing on Sola's mind from the moment she stepped into the apartment, but never in her wildest dreams did she think it would end like this.

>"Carmody, please, don't stop. Carmody... CARMODY!"

With her girlfriend's name on her lips, and her lips on her girlfriend's mouth, Sola Fire climaxes, feeling her first orgasm overtake her. Unconsciously, her thighs begins to gently squeeze the sides of Carmody's head, and her legs begins to shake. Carmody's tongue doesn't stop working itself to absolute perfection until Sola Is gasping and panting, and her hand falls loose from the back of Carmody's head. They rise to her face, where she covers her eyes and feels her cheeks burning red.
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Carmody moves away, and Sola can't bear the idea of what she must look like at this time. She dares to open her eyes, just in time to see Carmody moving to the side of the kitchen counter. Sola instinctively crosses her legs, as if it wasn't far too late to be embarrassed. It feels like an eternity before Sola finally speaks.

>"Hey, Carmody"--

Carmody leans in and deeply kisses Sola, her tongue gently sliding inside Sola's mouth. Sola sits up to match the intensity, and soon is sitting on the edge of counter, her tongue jousting through her own lips to meet Carmody's. Sola can taste herself on Carmody's lips, and she continues to probe Carmody's mouth to get every drop. Breaking the liplock, Sola begins to kiss Carmody's cheek and neck, moving slowly down until she reaches Carmody's massive cleavage. As one of Sola's hands begins to fondle her girlfriend's incredible breasts, Carmody's hands find their way to the back of Sola's head. Sola reaches her other hand down between the two of them, accidentally (or not) brushing against her own crotch, now slick with arousal all over the countertop. Sola's hand moves further downwards until she finds what she is looking for; Carmody's panties, already wet to the touch and clinging to her pussy.

>--"my hands are cold."
With three fingers she presses upwards, feeling her middle finger sink slightly inside through the thin fabric. Carmody gasps as Sola begins to move her hand in small circles, thoroughly enjoying the moistness she feels. Sola slides her hand sideways, underneath and immediately plunges her middle finger in Carmody's vagina. Her first thought is how similar it feels to her own, again remembering those sleepless Dojo nights, but her immediate follow up is that Carmody probably likes the same things, and she curls her middle finger along the inside walls as she had done to herself so many times. The feeling of the fabric on the back of her hand spurs something on, and Sola inserts a second finger, pressing her palm up flat against the hood of Carmody clit. Continuing to kiss the brunette all over her neck and chest, Sola does everything she can to keep the movements even and equal, following the unspoken approval from her girlfriend, the One to Watch. When Carmody's legs shake ever so slightly and Sola sees goosebumps form across Carmody's cleavage, Sola knows it's time to move somewhere more comfortable to finish this properly. She breathes her thoughts between kisses, to Carmody's breasts and neck.

>"Couch. Now."
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Carmody's breath becomes short with the sweet sparks of ecstacy rising from her pussy under Sola's touch. She gives in to the feelings, practically melting against Sola, shivering at the warm lingering spots of pleasant feeling as Sola's lips on her neck and breasts set her nerves aflame. One of them is making soft, desperate whining noises with each breath, and it is only after several breaths that Carmody realizes it's her. Her thighs flex, her hips undulating involuntarily. Finally at her limit, she braces herself to surrender fully and come on Sola's hand, only for Sola to stop and summon her to the couch.


Carmody shivers. Every nerve is charged with electricity, her skin practically enflamed with passion. In that moment, she would have followed Sola anywhere.

Bristling with sexual energy and unfulfilled desire, when Sola leads them to the couch, Carmody unzips and shimmies out of off her dress and tosses it aside. She jumps up on the couch, standing over Sola, knowing full well that this gives her a close up view of her sodden panties, soaked through with her arousal. Her voice is tight and strained with lust when she speaks.

>"See what you've done to me? Look at this mess. What're you gonna do about this, Sola?"
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Sola's response comes in the form of pulling Carmody down to the couch with her and kissing her deeply. Carmody groans into Sola's mouth and returns the kiss, pulling her in close, and Sola's hand slides down again, between Carmody's legs, into her panties once more. Sola caresses her again, rolling her palm over her clit, caressing her inside with her middle finger, and this time she is not stopping. Carmody devours Sola's lips with a series of frenzied, passionate kisses punctuated by desperate gasps for breath, until finally she shudders and falls forward against Sola, her thigh shaking, her voice trembling and breathy.

>"Sola..... yes..... YES..... I-I'm cominnng.....!"

Carmody clings to Sola and groans as Sola's palm and finger continue to stroke her through her climax, sending warm waves of pleasure rising up through her, crawling across her skin and spine. Finally, she drifts backwards a bit, catching her breath. Through a haze of desire she gazes adoringly into Sola's blue eyes and eager, beautiful smile, and then she moves in again and kisses Sola lightly with hot, bee-stung, trembling lips.
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As their lips part again, Carmody becomes aware that her panties are even more soaked through with the fluids of her arousal. So is Sola's hand, as it slides out into the open again. Her middle finger is glistening in the apartment's light, and when she pulls it apart from her ring finger, several strands of fluid hang between them.

Carmody takes Sola's hand by the wrist and draws it up to her own face. With an impish smile she takes Sola's middle finger into her mouth and seals her lips around it, caressing it with her tongue. She bobs her head a few times, letting Sola's finger slide in and out of her lips, before letting it slip free with a giggle. Carmody licks her lips and smiles, then leans forward and caresses Sola's hair.

>"Sola Fire, you are fucking incredible. I don't know if I've ever came that hard before. I'm completely soaked....."

Carmody steps out of her panties and slides them off, then starts to set them aside, but Sola snatches them out of her hand with a laugh.

>"Hey! What're you doing with those!"

Carmody lunges for Sola to take the panties back, but Sola intercepts her coming in and pulls her into a kiss, and soon the two are making out on the couch again, tongues mingling together as their breath comes hot and shaky. Carmody leans in on top of Sola, grabbing one of her breasts through the thin white fabric of the top, hand drifting through short blond hair that is now damp with sweat.
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Sola Fire uses the momentum of Carmody's movements to flip her onto her back, ensuring she fits comfortably with her back supported on the arm of the sofa. With Carmody's panties in one hand, a million thoughts run through her head... but maybe not things for a first night together. She can't let Carmody know how much of a freak she is on night one of hopefully thousands more to come. Letting the soaked fabric hang loosely from her fingertips Sola trails Carmody's underwear along the inside of Carmody's thighs, letting them brush against her vagina, but not stopping. Moving further up her abdomen, Sola makes sure to let them so gently brush against each of Carmody's nipples, as they head ever higher. Carmody's mouth opens ever so slightly as Sola's hand draws closer to her face, but with a sharp inhale, Sola stops.

>"Next time, Carmody. We're going to have a lot more fun with these. But right now, I..."

Dropping the panties to the side of the couch, but ensuring they are still in reach if the moment arises, Sola begins to kiss down Carmody's body once more. Starting at her neck, Sola is careful to give equal attention to each of Carmody's now very hard nipples. Sola buries her face between Carmody's breasts with a little laugh, kissing right up against Carmody's chest plate as she presses those tits against the side of her face. Emerging, she can't help but give them a little squeeze.

>"God, these are huge."
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Moving lower, Sola takes her time building up the anticipation by kissing across Carmody's well-toned abs. It's clear she did all sorts of athletics and swimming through college, and Sola loves it. Carmody makes another small noise as Sola places her hands on the inside of Carmody's legs, gently spreading them apart while kissing right underneath her belly button. Up close and personal with Carmody's lower lips for the first time, Sola sees how smooth they look, and worries slightly her own small strip of hair is a turn off to Carmody. A discussion for another time. Sola plants a few soft, very wet kisses on the inside of each of Carmody's thighs, and --

>"Sola, you don't have" --
>"I want to."

Sola presses her lips against Carmody's pussy for the first time. Sola honestly didn't know what to expect, and she is surprised at how it is at the same time so similar, but so different to the taste of her own. With little kisses all over the Sola does her best to draw some sort of reaction, adjusting her angles and intensity with every sound made by this most beautiful woman in the world. Almost instinctively, Sola slides a finger from her left hand inside with ease, a combination of Sola's heavy kissing and Carmody's arousal. Finding a rhythm that Carmody seems to enjoy, Sola continues to kiss around the opening while her finger, and then two, piston in and out with gentle intensity. Carmody's hips begins thrusting back against Sola's hand, and she knows exactly what to do. Moving her right hand to her own soaked cunt, and without stopping the moment of the fingers of her other hand, Sola moves forward and pushes her tongue inside Carmody's slit, using long, flat licks to taste as much of Carmody as she can. Sola's top lip comes into contact with Carmody's clitoris. She takes the hint, and opens her lips around it, letting her tongue press flatly against Carmody's clit.
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Carmody's hands continue to grab, almost clawing at the back of Sola's head, pulling her face in to meet the oncoming explosion. Sola does her best to swallow, but Carmody has her held so tightly against her crotch, Sola has to pull away to take a breath. Finally able to breathe, she looks at Carmody and sees her eyes shut tightly, her abundant breasts rising and falling to match the fast gasps. When Carmody's beautiful brown eyes open, they meet Sola's and Sola moves up the couch once more.

Sola feels a tug at her shirt and despite everything, tenses up. She pulls away from Carmody so slightly and goes to cover herself up... but the look of lust, love and excitement in Carmody's eyes are all Sola needs to know she's safe. Sitting back on her heels on the couch, with a single tug she takes off the tank top, revealing her breasts, and standing up.
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Carmody's heart flutters as Sola kisses her way down to her pussy. She even tries to warn Sola off, a sudden fear of rejection shaking her. She's reasonably sure Sola has never done this, that she'll lose her nerve, or decide she's not THAT gay, or think she's gross, or..... oh. OHH.

Heh, never mind, she just went right in there!

Carmody is shaking with excitement already, and every touch, every lick and caress that Sola performs on her pussy is a new wave of lingering, intense pleasure, building and building upon itself. One hand rests lightly on Sola's hand, and with the other she traces lines over her own breasts with her fingertips, leaving little trails of tickling, burning sensation behind as Sola works her magic down lower. Her abdomen tightens and flexes with anticipation, her legs shake, and her toes flex and straighten at the ends of her feet. Her back arches, and a sharp cry escapes her lips, no doubt ensuring an awkward look from the neighbors tomorrow.


Her vocalizations devolve into a wordless groan; Sola's tongue is inside her, working its magic, her upper lip against her clit, and the incredible feelings rise higher until her breath is nearly gone.

Carmody sits up with a groan and tugs at Sola's shirt, only for Sola to remove it herself, baring those beautiful breasts. Those enchanting blue eyes gaze at Carmody with adoration, shining like the light reflecting from her wet chin. Carmody leans forward, noting that she'll need to clean the cushion covers later, and kisses Sola deeply, pulling her close so that their breasts press together. Both of her legs swing over one of Sola's in an awkward position, but she can feel the damp heat radiating from Sola's vagina against her knee.

>"I am SO lucky to have you in my life. I love you, Sola Fire."

Carmody ruins the gravity of her own expression of love by giving one of Sola's breasts a cheeky squeeze, then giggling.
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After a few more moments of intimate cuddling, Carmody stands up, unselfconsciously naked, and extends a hand to Sola.

>"I want you here with me. You wanna stay here with me tonight, Sola?"

Carmody grins.

>"Maybe all the rest of the nights too. If you want."
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>"You still have to show me your bedroom."

Sola once again jumps right into Carmody's arms, gambling that the night's events won't have drained the One to Watch just yet. Because Sola does want to watch... and touch, and taste and love. Pressing their breasts together, the two stumble around the lounge room, as Sola whispers all sorts of filth into Carmody's ear. Carmody's strong arms hold Sola up, as the two continue to kiss passionately, eventually making their way into Carmody's bed, where the giggling and creaking off the wooden frame would continue, long into the night.

[End... for now. Oh God, there's more to come.]
holy shit
GOODEST GIRL MY ASS! And no, Sola, that was not an invitation to peg me you sex maniac
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The next morning, Carmody awakens next to Sola in bed. She takes a few minutes, but only a few, to gaze at her while she's sleeping peacefully, looking beautiful in the dim light of the bedroom. But Carmody Jefferson is an early riser even at the worst of times, and she quickly gets up, puts the coffee on, and starts getting ready for a big day.

Sola Fire comes out in her jacket and panties as Carmody is moving around. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she looks Carmody up and down with a smile.

>"Oh my. This is quite the sight first thing in the morning. Maybe I'm still dreaming."

Carmody hasn't dressed yet. She looks down at herself and laughs.
>"Where are my manners? Please, Miss Sola, excuse this assault on your delicate sensibilities."
(She ducks a roll of paper towels lobbed playfully in her direction.)
>"How'd you sleep, anyway?"

Sola directs a bleary smile at Carmody as she goes to the coffee maker and serves herself a cup.
>"Still a little sleepy. Some girl kept me up all night. God, she was gorgeous. You should see her some time. Couldn't keep her hands off of me."

Carmody comes up behind her and wraps her arms around her. Sola sighs, the happiest sigh you've ever heard.
>"Afraid that's gonna happen a lot around here, if you stick around. You're gonna hafta get used to it."

The smell of the coffee, and Carmody's warmth pressing into her, have brightened Sola's mood considerably.
>"It better happen a LOT. You know, so I can build up a tolerance to it."

Carmody kisses the side of Sola's neck and steps back to get her own cup of coffee.
>"We've gotta record your movie down at the hospital, and then I need to stop by the Dojo and speak with Coach Ash, since I know she's back. But once all that's done, brace yourself."

Carmody pinches Sola's butt just before sashaying over to the coffee maker, and she makes a happy sound somewhere between a laugh and a yelp.

There is a busy day ahead for the Goodest Girl and the One to Watch.
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Mushrooms thrive in dark, damp environments even when they don't want to.
It takes Noire a moment to realize the black scraps of fabric sailing across the dojo are the tattered remains of her own bikini.
The heaviness in her chest suddenly feels more literal than metaphorical.
A quick glance is enough to confirm her already ample bosom has swollen several cup sizes.
She screams, wraps her trench coat around her body as best she can, and tears off at top speed for the locker room.
Fortunately nobody seems to have noticed the embarrassing incident... right?
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Several hours in front of a blow dryer and Noire's breasts are back to their regular size, or close enough to it anyway.
Sadly she's neglected to bring a change of clothing with her today.
She'll have to rummage around through the lost and found for some new ring gear or make do with just her trusty trench coat until she can get back home.
Nice tits
i never thought i would live to see this blessed day
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The finger poke of doom is one of the most legendary manoeuvres in all of wrestling, it is rumoured to have felled giants, and now Noire is about to experience it for herself.
She's about to discover the move is no less devastating for being delivered by an incorporeal hand.
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One mighty poke and Noire, already spent from the brutal triple threat match, collapses in a heap on the locker room floor.
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The chill subsides and Noire struggles to her feet.
She can no longer sense the presence of her mysterious assailant.
Noire gets the distinct impression she being punished for not acknowledging the pivotal role someone or something played in her most recent victory, but she can't imagine who or rather what that might be.
literally just made that same face

god damn

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Andi twirls around a few times, then abruptly takes off her sweater and whips it towards the tent, standing topless in the chill winter air.

>"WHOOOO!! Nothin' like getting your tits out on a cold winter day, huh!? Hey, Robyn, get a couple pictures of me like this! It'll be great!"
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Robyn gleefully gets behind the camera and begins snapping photos of the topless Andi in various poses.

"Oh wow Andi, you look incredible!"

She's seen Andi topless before of course, the first time being in front of thousands of people in a crowded arena. But for Robyn, seeing her gorgeous partner like this is always just as exciting as the first time. Everything about Andi is.

Before Robyn even realises what she's doing, her hand drifts down the front of her skirt and she begins to touch herself.
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Andi positions herself for each of Robyn's pictures in a series of audacious poses, and then stops and freezes for a moment when she sees what Robyn is doing. Seeing Robyn begin touching herself brings her back to that first night, the one where Robyn had watched her drunkenly pleasuring herself in her Dojo bedroom. It had ended that night in a confession of their mutual feelings and a storm of frenzied, passionate kisses, but gone no further - Robyn did not want to take advantage of Andi in her drunken state, and despite her free-spirited outlook on sex and love, Andi had thought better of rushing into it with Robyn when she was less than fully present.

That didn't mean she hadn't thought, many times, about how that night might have ended differently.

Andi watches Robyn, smiling, and slowly slides a hand down the front of her own pants. Her other hand plays with a stray strand of her hair for a second, then moves down to her breasts, and she begins touching one of them as the hand in her pants slides under her panties, and starts rubbing her intimate spot. It feels good, and Andi shudders, but not from the cold. Smiling, she continues watching Robyn and touching herself, not yet saying a word.
Dunanon here.

Duna lewds exist, but seeing as how she is inactive at the moment in the WWA, I can't rightfully post them. This thread is just for active members of the roster, after all.
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Robyn's heart begins to race as Andi starts to touch herself in front of her. Unbeknownst to the blonde, Robyn’s mind also drifts back to that night in the dojo, and the intense desires she felt that night. As those feelings return, her fingers quicken, sliding in and out of her now soaking wet pussy with an intensity that sends tremors down her legs.

She wanted Andi so badly that first time she saw her playing with herself. To taste her. To pleasure her. To be with her. Robyn had never wanted anything more in her life, and was sure she never would. But Andi had been drinking. She didn’t want their first time together to come with the risk of regret over a decision fuelled by alcohol.

But now that urge to taste Andi. To pleasure her. To be with her… it was back. And even stronger than before. The doubts of the past were gone. Right? She and Andi were a couple now. But still… she hadn’t… they hadn’t…

Maybe some part of the old Robyn remained. That girl that would have never had the confidence to take the next step. But why? She’s known for some time that her feelings for Andi are mutual.

As Robyn watches Andi vigorously pleasure herself, and the heaving of her girlfriend’s breasts as her breathing quickens, she can hold back no more. The ecstasy her fingers have sparked between her own legs reaches fever pitch and crescendos into an intense orgasm, and Robyn closes her eyes and moans Andi’s name. Her legs shake and she sinks to her knees, her wetness trickling down her inner thighs.

She grins as she looks up at Andi. If they hadn’t met and Goldman had his way, her life could have taken a very dark turn in front of a camera. But now, as she glances back at the tent and the camera she and Andi filmed their promo on still set up next to it, she can’t help but imagine her happiest ever moment happening on camera, on her own terms.

Still grinning at Andi, Robyn gets to her feet. “Wanna make a movie, just for the two of us?”
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one (1) leaked K-Chan lonelyfans post
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Andi is transfixed, watching Robyn touch herself, and she does her best to match Robyn's motions with her own hand, bringing herself close to a rising peak of pleasure. But her pants are in the way, and with Robyn's undeniable excitement, she gets there first, falling to her knees in the grip of a powerful orgasm.

Andi's breath catches in her throat. It's the hottest fucking thing she's ever seen, and it nearly takes her over the edge as well. But when Robyn gets up and suggests the camera, Andi realizes that more than getting off herself, she wants Robyn to be the one to take her there.

>"I-I'd love that. Fuck, Robyn..... yeah, let's bring the camera the camera, I want you to make me cum like you just did."

Andi steps forward and kisses Robyn, enfolding her into a tender embrace as she does. For a few moments, it's enough just to make out there in the cool winter air, her tongue teasing into Robyn's mouth, her lips pressed together again and again, their breath mingling between their faces in the cool air.

Then, when they part, she takes hold of Robyn's wrist and brings her hand up to her face. She takes Robyn's index and middle fingers into her mouth, tasting Robyn on them, and sucks them gently, tracing her tongue along the fingers. She bobs her head and sucks Robyn's fingers, as if giving a blowjob, and looks deeply into Robyn's eyes until the silliness of the situation overtakes her and she pulls away, laughing.

>"Holy shit, you're fucking hot, Robyn....."

Then, tucking the camera under one arm, she embraces Robyn again and kisses her, guiding her inside the tent.
She needs her panties ripped off and 3 BIG BLACK DICKS in ALL 3 holes at the same time!!! Way up her pussey and Way up her ass as far as they will go but even farther. And the thickest cock goes down her throat so it make her gag and convulse as those big black cocks pound away it feels like from the start she's being assaulted but it's made her cum nonstop. Just one continuous constant orgasm and just before she passes out those big black dicks squirt their loads of cum inside her! As she lays on her stomach the cum is coming out of all her holes, i'll turn her over and jack off all over her
9 loads, Paule
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It’s like a dream come true for Robyn when Andi tells her how she wants Robyn to make her cum. Since the day Robyn saw her masturbating, she’s wanted nothing more than to do exactly that, to be the reason for her pleasure, to have the taste of the girl of her dreams on her tongue as she takes her to the highest of heights.

And now, holy fuck, it’s really about to happen. And dear god, did she really suggest they film it? What if she screws up, what if her lack of experience is obvious and Andi doesn’t enjoy being with her? Robyn’s heart starts pounding, and her breath comes in quick ragged gasps. This was the happiest and most exciting moment of her life, but now she was getting into her own head, and it was suddenly becoming the most nerve-wracking.

Then Andi holds Robyn in a loving embrace, and all of her insecurities fade away as they kiss. In their place, the fires of the passion that drove Robyn to masturbate to orgasm in front of Andi and suggest making a sex tape return, stoked by the feel of Andi’s body pressing against her own while her tongue slides into her mouth.

Robyn hungrily returns the kiss, her tongue moving in sync with Andi’s as her hands explore the exposed flesh of Andi’s warm body. The need to breathe inevitably forces their lips to part, but then Andi grabs Robyn’s hand, the one she touched herself with. For Robyn, time seems to almost stand still as her hand approaches Andi’s mouth, until finally Andi starts to gently suck the fingers she was penetrating herself with moments before.

Robyn is hypnotised by the action, and the way Andi stares into her eyes as she tastes her feels like one of the sexiest things she’s ever seen. When Andi grabs the camera and starts laughing, seemingly a little embarrassed, Robyn is quick to reassure her as she follows her into their tent. “That was so sexy. You’re sexy.” She pulls her top off. “I want you. No, I need you. I need you so bad, Andi.”
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With the camera set up and recording the intimate moments to come, Robyn and Andi exchange passionate kisses in the privacy of their tent. Before long the topless girls have rendered each other completely naked, and Robyn is on top of Andi, their fingers interlinked and bare breasts pressed against each other as they kiss.

Robyn drifts down, gently kissing Andi’s neck while fondling her partner’s breasts with one hand. She goes a little lower, planting soft kisses along her collarbone, before continuing to make her way down to her lover’s large breasts. Andi begins to moan gently as Robyn’s tongue rubs against her erect nipples, before she slowly starts to suck on one, prompting more moans from her partner.

It takes all of Robyn’s restraint not to instantly bury her face between Andi’s legs and make her moan even louder, the way she’s long wanted to. But she resists the urge and gently plants kisses along Andi’s tummy.

As Robyn’s kisses approach her pubic region, Andi’s breathing noticeably quickens. Robyn smiles up at her, before slowly spreading Andi’s legs to reveal a smooth pussy that glistens with arousal. “Beautiful,” Robyn whispers, her voice breathless.

She kisses Andi’s inner thigh, before drawing closer to Andi’s sex. Just the scent is exhilaratingly erotic, and Robyn can’t hold herself back a second longer, hungrily licking Andi’s pussy. The taste of her lover sends Robyn into overdrive, and wetness trickles down between her own thighs as her tongue slides up and down Andi’s pussy. After every upward motion she wiggles her tongue from side to side over Andi’s clit, prompting the blonde to grab the back of her head.

Robyn takes this as a signal to intensify her focus on Andi’s clit, not stopping until the blonde’s moans are loud proclamations of intense pleasure, and her back arches. Only then does Robyn grab Andi’s hips, and plunge her tongue as deep into her partner’s soaking depths as it will go, before sliding it back and forth.
Robyn could be completely debt-free if she just filmed this
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It's so easy for Andi to lose herself in Robyn's embrace and kisses. Their skin is hot against each other; it doesn't even feel cold in the tent despite being the middle of winter. And when Robyn goes down and starts to lick her pussy, then entire rest of the world seems to vanish. Andi had thought Robyn was inexperienced, but she's so GOOD, and Andi blushes and writhes in the tent, both with the rising pleasure and the knowledge that she's absolutely FLOWING onto Robyn's tongue and making all kinds of undignified mewling and gasping sounds. She tries to talk and it sort of works a little:

>"Ohhh Robyn fuck oh yesyesyesyeeeeesssss....."

She doesn't even mean to grab Robyn by the head, doesn't mean for her hips to tighten and rise to meet Robyn, but she can't control these responses any more than she can control her own body's responses. She looks down at Robyn hungrily licking her through blue eyes glazed over with ecstasy, and it's one of the hottest things she's ever seen. She quits trying to control it, quits fighting the feelings rising in her, and lets her body respond and the overwhelming pleasure take her.

>"Oh Robyn I'mgonnacumfuckfuckFUCK!!"

Her next breath, and the one after that, come out as a sharp exclamation of passion as she explodes against Robyn's lips and tongue with a powerful orgasm. Her leg is shaking involuntarily, her toes flexing, her body bucking and writhing, and Robyn just holds onto her and keeps going, driving Andi nearly out of her mind with seemingly endless waves of pleasure. Andi's cries of passion pierce through the insulated lining of the tent to echo across the mountain peaks and countryside. From the corner of her eyes she sees the reflection from the camera's lens, looking right at them, and it occurs to her that the camera's capturing every movement and sound she makes in this most intimate of moments. The thought sends a further spark of excitement rippling up from her belly.
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Eventually, Andi comes down, and they part slightly in the tent. Her breasts are heaving and slick with a sheen of sweat despite the winter chill, and the inside of the tent is oddly humid and smells like..... her. Unsurprising, since the glistening on Robyn's face is even more dramatic too.

>"That was INCREDIBLE, Robyn. I love you SO fucking much. Come here."

Andi sits up and takes Robyn into her embrace, kissing her, letting her lips graze over Robyn's messy face, tasting herself on her in between kisses. Seeing Robyn topless like this in front of her, she gives into an urge that she's been feeling for a long time and feels her up, feeling the thick, bouncy flesh of her breasts, and the hard press of her big nipples against her hands. Andi's never felt a pair of tits quite this big before, and when their next kiss ends she looks at Robyn with a naughty grin as she feels her up.

>"Your boobs are amazing Robyn."

She giggles and kisses one, teasing the nipple with her tongue. Her hands drift down lower and stroke the outer reaches of Robyn's vulva, feeling how hot and wet she is now. She lets her palm rest above Robyn's clit and slips a single finger inside, feeling how slick and hot she is inside, then starts to roll her hand against Robyn's pussy. She nibbles around Robyn's huge breasts, then takes her other nipple into her mouth and sucks on it briefly. When it slips free, she looks up at Robyn, blue eyes shining bright with passion, as her hand keeps stroking her.

>"I want you so much Robyn. Fuck, I can't even put it into words....."
genuinely not sure if this was a joke or not

love these little lezzos
9 humps.. er, bumps
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Do not walk in on girls when they're coming out of the shower!
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Why aren’t these cuties conserving water by showering together?
Is this the closest we'll ever get to The Queen in these threads?
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>The bathhouses in Spaghetti Town are alright I suppose, but I still prefer the ones back home in Japan
>Is it REALLY proper bathhouse etiquette here for the new girl to let her seniors lather up her breasts?!
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>Huh, empty again today
>Well that's just more hot water for me then
Flat chest.. er, back
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The sounds Andi is making. The taste of her. The way Robyn can feel Andi’s leg shaking against the side of her head at the same time her face is soaked by Andi’s climax. And the fact this is happening on camera... it all combines to send a flood emotions cascading through Robyn’s mind. When they part, Robyn has no doubt that the sight of Andi basking in the aftermath of cumming harder than Robyn had ever seen someone come will always be the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.

“I love you too, Andi,” Robyn breathes. “You’re everything I ever wished for and so much more.”

The taste of Andi Kestrel is still on Robyn’s tongue when the blonde wraps her in an embrace, and they lock lips in a kiss overflowing with the flavour of love. Heat rises to Robyn’s cheeks as Andi’s hands then begin to wander, fondling her breasts. She’s never been touched by someone else like this before, and she tenses slightly. Does she feel… normal? Does Andi like touching her?

Robyn’s unspoken question is swiftly answered and she relaxes, giving in to the moment. She was so fixated on wanting to pleasure Andi, she didn’t consider how much Andi would want to return the favour. And how damn good she'd be.

“Andi I.. Oh… fuck…” Robyn closes her eyes as Andi kisses her breasts, and gently moans as the blonde’s tongue teases an erect and incredibly sensitive nipple. Fuck. She wanted more. She needed more.

That need deep within Robyn continues to grow as Andi’s hands drift downward. It became a hunger. A desire that simply had to be answered. One that could only be satisfied by Andi Kestrel. And with every moan that passes Robyn’s lips, every moist sound made by Andi’s soft, wet mouth as she sucks on Robyn’s tits, that desire comes closer and closer to overflowing.
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Robyn instinctively parts her legs as Andi begins to rub her pussy. The motion of Andi’s intimate touch is similar to Robyn’s when she touched herself. And yet the feeling, the sheer pleasure of the act was worlds apart. Was this the power of being with someone she loved? Robyn manages a smile as she gazes at Andi, before giving in to her lover completely.

“That f-feels so fucking good Andi!” she gasps. “Oh… Oh, oh my God oh FUCK!”

A single finger slides into Robyn’s soaking wet pussy and she grips the sheet she and Andi are lying on with both hands and cries out in pleasure. When Andi starts to suck on her nipples once again, what little coherent thought Robyn has left completely leaves her, and she wraps one arm around Andi while instinctively moving her hips in time to the motion of Andi’s hand. This feeling she has right now… how did she live her entire life without this? God. She wanted nothing but more of it. Every day, every night for the rest of her life.

When her breast slips free of Andi’s mouth and the two share a tender moment, Robyn can just about manage to breathlessly get the words out in response. “I want y-you too Andi… I need you.”

Andi responds by fucking her pussy with a second finger, sliding both digits back and forth in Robyn’s soaking wet hole. “H-holy shit! Oh god! That’ssogood!!”

Robyn’s cries of pleasure echo out loud as Andi finger fucks her pussy, and anyone on a hiking trip which took them within the general vicinity of the duo’s tent would be left in no doubt as to just what sort of fun the two were having.

As Robyn writhes and moans under the spell of her touch, Andi casts a cheeky grin toward the camera, and prompts Robyn to spread her legs wider with a gentle nudge of her elbow against Robyn’s inner thigh. Then, in a moment the two would surely relive over the months to come, she rapidly slides her fingers in and out of Robyn, making sure her lover’s soaked pussy remains in full view of the camera as she does.
Goldman in shambles
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Andi Kestrel loves Robyn McDaid like no one else, a love that has been building since early summer. Even first seeing her on TV, she had sensed something special about her. The way she moved, the soft lilt of her accent, had been intriguing. Then when Andi met her, she felt the quiet strength and courage behind her meek demeanor at once. Together they fought, and together they won, both of them growing in confidence and achieving things they never thought they would, finally becoming true tag team superstars together, and lovers as well. Circumstance and coincidence, the lack of privacy in the Dojo and the rhythm of their lives, had denied them this intimate moment for so long, and only now did Andi begin to satisfy a desire that was stronger than she had ever realized.

The sight of Robyn's body, writhing in pleasure under her touch, is spellbinding to Andi. The rippling of her enormous breasts, the sound of her moans and whines, and the hot, slick feeling around her fingers inside Robyn have driven her to a frenzy of excitement. It is winter outside the tent, but it no longer feels the least bit cold in here. But as much as she enjoys the effect she's having on Robyn, she wants a little more.

Andi slides her fingers out of Robyn, then briefly spreads her open for the view of the camera before holding up her glistening hand. She hears Robyn start to whine in protest, and she places a sticky finger on Robyn's lips to quiet her, then kisses her on the toned belly before moving down further and beginning to lick. Her tongue quickly picks up with long, rapid strokes along Robyn's vulva, then moves up to the sensitive button above and licks here, as she slides a finger back into Robyn. Her blue eyes gaze up at her, watching Robyn's blushing, pleasure-struck face as she continues to lick her. She wants to experience Robyn's climax with all of her senses at once, sharing in the moment as much as she possibly can, as the camera records every blissful second.
A trend still continuing too.
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>"Made ya look!"
As luck would have it, she is (https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/18665905/#18687708 and https://archive.palanq.win/bant/thread/18689858/#18698361) and they are ( >>7783062)!
I'm still looking
Someone do a spanking match
This is how the WWA gets a million views
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Waves of pleasure, each more intense than the last, radiate through Robyn’s body as Andi’s tongue works its magic on her. Then those fingers. Oh god, those fingers, sliding in and out of her as Andi’s tongue moves up to her clit. Fuck. Andi is good at this. Really, really good.

Robyn’s back arches as the pleasure intensifies further, and her legs tremble. “T-that’s so good Andi! S-so fu-fucking good!” Robyn’s words soon become unintelligible.

She instinctively reaches down, grabbing Andi’s hair and slowly grinds her hips in time to her partner’s movements. She can feel something building up inside of her. Something familiar, something reminiscent of late nights alone in bed. But so much more intense than that.

“Andi,” Robyn gasps breathlessly, “oh god I’m g-gonna come!” Moans escape her lips as the shaking in her legs extends to her entire body, as an INCREDIBLE sensation boils over within her, and explodes.

“OH FUCK ANDI, YESSSS!” Robyn screams in pure bliss as she experiences an orgasm unlike any she’s had before, her very first from someone else. Her wetness floods Andi’s mouth and splatters against her face, leaving the blonde drenched and seemingly even more aroused as she then goes down on a squirming Robyn with increased vigour.

Robyn’s head lolls back and her eyes close as her mind enters a state of pure euphoria, able to comprehend nothing but her own pleasure. Is this normal? Is it supposed to feel this amazing? Or is Andi just that damn good?

And… oh god, yes! There it is again. That feeling, building up, once more. Was she coming again? Or was this the next phase of one long orgasm? It was impossible to say, quite literally so for Robyn. “A-An-An-di-di, I lov- OHHHH!” Robyn’s entire body shudders as another powerful orgasm explodes from within her, soaking Andi’s face in a fresh coating of her juices.
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Robyn’s heart races and her breath comes hard and fast as she lies on her back, staring up at the tent roof, her mind still in an almost dazed state in the aftermath of the most intense experience of her life. Andi giggles and kisses Robyn’s inner thigh, before making her way up and lying on her side next her, trailing a hand along Robyn’s defined abs then fondling her breasts playfully.

“How was that?” Andi whispers, with a cheeky grin.

Robyn smiles as she looks into Andi’s blue eyes. “Greatest… moment… of my life!” she gasps.

The blonde laughs as Robyn then wraps a well muscled arm around her and pulls her into a tight embrace. The two kiss passionately, with Robyn becoming aware of her own taste on Andi’s tongue as it becomes entwined with her own. The two continue to kiss and before long Robyn finds herself on top of Andi, with the blonde’s legs wrapped around her body, pulling her in close.

Andi giggles as Robyn then peppers her face with quick kisses that become slower and longer as Robyn progressively becomes more and more aroused by the fact she can also taste herself on Andi’s face due to her explosive orgasm minutes earlier. God, she made such a mess. Andi made her make such a mess.

“You made me feel so good,” Robyn whispers, between kisses. “So I want to do something really nice but also kinda naughty for you.” Robyn giggles, her confidence growing by the second. Andi probably wouldn’t expect what she had in mind from her. And Robyn found the thought of going beyond Andi's expectations thrilling. Her voice drops to an even lower whisper. “Bend over.”
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As Andi gets on all fours, Robyn positions herself behind her and takes in the glorious sight of her partner’s shapely ass for a few seconds, before grabbing those irresistible ass cheeks with both hands. Andi’s tight asshole comes into view, moist with sweat, and quivering invitingly.

Without hesitation Robyn lowers her head, and allows her tongue to gently rub against Andi’s anus. She gives the tight hole a little kiss, then continues to lick it in a circular motion along the rim, alternating between loud, wet kisses to her lover’s asshole and gentle rimming, prompting gentle moans from Andi all the while.

Robyn turns her face slightly and winks toward the camera, before continuing to savour the intimate flavour of Andi’s behind with firmer, vertical licks. With every passing second, Robyn’s heart pounds in her chest and her excitement threatens to bubble over. The up and down movements of her head with each lick become rapid, frantic even, and Andi’s moans intensify as Robyn hungrily eats her ass, and then slides two fingers into her pussy.

Back and forth. Back and forth. Curl the fingers just right. Andi’s moans are really getting louder now. Robyn wanted nothing more than to make her cum on her fingers while she eats her ass. Andi’s anus pulses against Robyn’s tongue as she reverts to a rimming motion, before stiffening her tongue and pushing against the tight sphincter, this time plunging into Andi’s sweet depths.
oh holy fuck
This has got to be the most incredible render I’ve ever seen. Absolutely in awe.
Colbyanon is a magician
rise up
Based WWA sex thread
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Andi Kestrel had been caught up in kissing Robyn, feeling her body pressed next to hers, in the warm moist air of the tent. Despite the cold outside, it is if anything getting hot in here from all of their body heat. She loves the feeling of Robyn's warm, strong body, her huge breasts, her sweet full lips against her own. And when Robyn tells her to bend over, she's really not sure quite what to expect, but she does it anyway. She trust Robyn. She loves her so much, she'd do anything for her.

Then she feels Robyn's tongue.

>"Oh, I..... Robyn, I-I-aaaaAAAH!"

Andi Kestrel is left speechless when Robyn starts to kiss and lick her ass. As..... adventurous as Andi Kestrel's been in the last few years of her life, this is actually a new experience to her. That sweet, inexperienced Robyn would do this, all on her own, sets Andi's heart racing. And the way it feels is indescribable. The way Robyn's tongue moves, and the feeling when Robyn's fingers slide into her and begin their magic.....

>"Oh, ROBYN. YES!"

Her voice becomes increasingly shorter, high-pitched, and non-verbal with several loud, sharp cries as the incredible sensations brought about by Robyn's tongue and fingers resonate and mingle together. Her heartbeat is rapid, her nerves tingling with energy, and the feeling of Robyn's tongue swirling around, *pressing into her*, is so unfamiliar and exciting and WONDERFUL that it drives her quickly towards a peak of pleasure.

Andi cries out, her fingers digging hard into the fabric of their bedding, her body tense, shaking, and lightly bucking in Robyn's direction as she shudders and quivers around Robyn's fingers and tongue. Her legs tremble, nearly buckling as she's tosses in this intense maelstrom of ecstasy, but Robyn has one firm hand gripping her hips as she continues to lick and finger Andi through her climax.
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When the tent has stopped spinning around her, and the explosions of pleasure have faded to sweet, aching tremors, Andi sits up with light, shaky limbs. She sees Robyn's face, smiling and blushing and damp, and feels warmth flood through the core of her chest.

>"God I fucking LOVE YOU, Robyn McDaid."

Her voice is a little raw and cracked from shouting out so intensely in her orgasm. Andi leans forward and kisses Robyn gently, holding her close.

Time no longer seems to matter around them. It feels like they could spend two months together in this tent, or maybe they already have. Warmed by the heat of their bodies, they continue making out for an indeterminate time before finally cuddling up together in a warm, nude tangle, just enjoying the closeness.
Someone can make it happen
It's just practice, a simple inpainting/editing routine, stubbornness, and most of all a good video card for lots and lots of rendering.
Official thread theme
i love these girls so much
Is this Red's only official appearance in these threads? I can't remember, I think it might be.
Got a good feeling about this upcoming party scene!
Is it too much to ask that the party devolve into a massive sapphic orgy? Probably, but I'll ask for it anyway.
That's what I'm hoping for lol
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Valari dons the bikini with her back to Nikki Kade, unable to resist a single glance over her shoulder. Was Nikki watching her? Should she be self-conscious? Her heart quickens.
Butt. I like it a lot.
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Don't want to hear anyone say that the new Red ain't for the people
If Red were for the people then why does she hold hands with boys?
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That was the old Raging Red. This is the new and improved version, who is truly for the people, can you tell?
Too late, she's used goods.
will he be able to?
You just know!
I don't think so
Pure Botafogo
No bumps, only humps.
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Just wanted to say thanks to the anon that pointed me in the direction of SD. It's been a long road but I've learned quite a bit.
It's a very useful tool, and once you learn other little tricks like img2img you can make some impressive stuff.
Where did you guys go?
dead fed. everyone important has left.
Literally anyone worth anything has been bullied out or had their passion killed.
If you want to lurk, there's a link to the discord on the youtube channel and wiki homepage.
Sadly. A lot of cool people got pushed out by drama and then a bunch of other cool people got tired of the drama and left.
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The only people who left were the self marks, good fucking riddance.
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>Onigiri when he hasn't shit talked someone behind their back in 5 minutes (he will act like it never happened when they rejoin the fed)
Nice try but wrong
Go cry over losing a single match and kill your characters off, but do it in real life, maybe you'll finally get over this time.
>Posting revenge porn of a fictional character instead of talking to me like a man
At this point I'm not mad or disappointed Oni. You are a lolcow, I'm amused.
Bump for Buns.
What buns, that nigga flat lmao
But PD and Kade are still here.
Gotta wait for her to bend over and pop it out anon.
post it then
So no booty?
Who is she?!
Seconding this.
Thirding it
Google reverse image search says Tifa Lockheart.
10 more posts till we won't have to see this FLAT ass again
Bumping for limit
Take a bump, flat chested.
Take a 2nd bump, flat chested.
New OP lets go
No more flat
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I'm not sure it's Tifa
Limit reached, lets fucking go. No more flat ass
I'm on it:

Hey bootlicker, dedicate some of the time you spent monitoring this thread to Titanic and you might be able to put on shows more often than every 2 weeks
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My feelings would probably be hurt if I knew who you are. Why shouldn't I be looking at this thread? I put half the images and stories here with y'all.
Well it seems a little odd to me considering you don't go here now. I'm sure you're not stupid enough to think we're actually gonna use that thread you made though, right? You'll have to go from half to all if you want any use for that.
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Come on, let's not argue, it'll make SHEE6 upset. Do what you like about the other thread LOL, I don't care.

I'm glad to see things are still running along smoothly over in the WWA. You guys are doing great Best of luck! <3
Then stick to not caring and get back to RPing with the people you shit talked for a year.
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Come on now, be nice. <3

And this is the WWA /h/ thread, friend. Probably the best one of all time, in fact; and I'm detecting a serious lack of sexy pics and stories from you right now. Why not send it off in style?

If you want a friendly chat you can just DM me instead. :)
Which you're not part of. Bye.
Onward to the next one

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