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Royal Corruption Edition

Old Green: >>7723512

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Old OGG:
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Have you ever thought: "Damn man, I love the Pigman Conquest game but I just can't get past the ascii graphics!", worry not then, for I have the solution! Recently I started to develop the Pigman Conquest graphical update for those who would like a little more incentive to the imagination, the pixel art is a WIP still but it's mostly done right, I just need to adapt some small stuff and the graphical update will be live! You can read more on my blog, access my subscribe star page, or if you don't have the patience for any of those you can go directly to my itch or to the f95 page of my games.

> Itch: hentai-kishi(dot)itch(dot)io
> Blog: hentaiknight(dot)blogspot.com
> Subscribestar: subscribestar(dot)adult/hentaiknight
> Pigman Conquest F95: /threads/pigman-conquest-v0-8-0-hentai-knight
Can't find it at the moment. It was on skeb, though. Just search orc or goblin and it should turn up.
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Love shit like this. Where they're struggling with their situation.
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Based. Time to Conquer orc bitches.
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This might seem like a dumb question, but what do you prefer: orcs raping humans? Or elves? For some reason, I prefer if they rape humans, while with elves, I prefer if it's humans who are raping them. Keep in mind, though, that this isn't an exclusive preference, and I love it when orcs rape elves, as well. However, I am curious if anyone else has some particularly and similarly autistic thought process.
After playing Night of Revenge it changed my whole fetish to girls being chained to giants. I'm not in particular whether they be human or elf girls. Really they don't look much different other than the ears.

Though I admit there may a good underlying story of some 300 year old elf being imprisoned and forced to be a sex slave for a 1 year old barely sexually mature orc. Pic related.
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some of mine
This nigga be posting pigs!
Choose your path.
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Or 2
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Both are so hot but I think I rather number 1~ I think I could at least talk with him~ plus orcs are so masculine and handsome~ I wonder what things he’d say while he fucks me~
I guess it would depend on the situation- whether you were willing or a prisoner. Maybe being used as a breeder.
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>Translation never ever
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It's a feel I know all too well.
Love this style of instant loss. Overconfidence followed by utter humiliation.
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I know right?
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Always finding new art of this genre.
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Looks like that milf isekai manga has a chapter with goblins now
What's that sauce?
Nevermind, I found it. Is this AI? The goblins look...off.
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Is chapter 15 out somewhere already or is this a teaser? I thought I was following it pretty closely but I haven't seen this anywhere.

Also, since I guess this is the only place I've seen talking about the series, do you think the author will ever go all the way with the girls? Normally a series like this would just be endless peril, teasing, and near-rape, without anything every actually happening. But this series has been pretty brutal with what's happened to the non-main girls. Not to mention the whole premise of the series means most of them are already some degree of used goods anyways. Hell, Lumina spent centuries as a sex-slave, surely she can get fucked by a few orcs or goblins and come out fine?
People already flipped out when puppet general got fucked by the villagers instead of MC, I can't imagine how people will react if MC's party gets gobbed. I don't see it happening.

Even in these rape-heavy titles, MC's party is typically rape-proof (see goblin slayer, redo of healer, ingoshima). Won't complain if it actually happens tho.
post moar
Bruh.. I gave a link to the whole thing.
I can only hope he goes back to doing hentai one day
Sauce? img search doesn't come up with anything.
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>People already flipped out when puppet general got fucked by the villagers instead of MC
Did they really? I thought MC not giving a shit about her for not matching his fetish was hilarious, and her two scenes with the villagers and orc were super hot.I can understand not wanting the main girls to get it, but how autistic do you have to be to throw a fit whenever a girl gets fucked if the MC isn't personally doing it? Especially when one of the MC's only personality traits is being overly-picky about women.

>Even in these rape-heavy titles, MC's party is typically rape-proof (see goblin slayer, redo of healer, ingoshima). Won't complain if it actually happens tho.
Have you not seen what's been going on in Ingoshima? The MC had a scene where he got a premonition of Aoi being raped if he lost to Gamou, and more recently there were a few chapters dedicated to Akira getting fucked senseless for real by that giant. Plus the author also has Ingoshima R, bonus volumes that are just nothing but semi-canon and non-canon sex scenes of the characters, mostly rape. You're right about those other series though. But it's not totally unprecedented for that kind of stuff to happen though, especially if a series is about to get axed anyways.

The Hero Wants A Married Woman As A Reward/勇者さまは報酬に人妻をご希望です
That scene in particular is from the first chapter.
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Personally I think while you shouldn't have a main girl actually getting fucked every other chapter since it would just cheapen it, having it totally impossible just makes it boring after awhile, especially if it's a series where she's getting regularly fucked by MC anyways. Build up to it proper and it can be super hot, like at the climax of an arc or something. I will never understand why people go into these kinds of peril of the week series and throw a purityfag shitfit about things.
>No, you're only supposed to ALMOST rape the girls every chapter, not actually rape any of them!
I really enjoy Satanophany because the author of that just doesn't give a fuck. He has a whole cast of girls and no real male romantic lead, so he can keep things a lot more varied. A few girls are the designated sluts who get constantly fucked by every other villain, a few girls fuck a villain occasionally, and a few more never fuck or only do it with their lover, so when they get a big rape scene it actually has some stakes. Only the MC is almost untouchable, and even she got face-fucked one time, and has another scene with a villain fantasizing for a few pages about fucking her. Honestly I wish more authors would at least use stuff like that, dreams, delusions or visions to justify having scenes where they can draw the girls getting fucked as hard as they like, but without it being canon to halfway appease people. Ero Ninja Scrolls was a series that did a good job with that, at least in it's first half. Or just go the Ingoshima R route and draw side-stories where you can do whatever.
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Not much better than a short-haired, skimpy dressed tomboy waifu getting gobbed.
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Some OC
Always appreciated. This is really nice work!
Sounds like good old Taimanin
Shitty translation:
>Recent (female) orc
>So scary!!
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These would be better if they were delicious brown elves or something.
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New set by Tabbto.
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We've all seen instant loss with fucking. How do we feel about instant loss with impregnation?
The pregnancy is vital. Part of the appeal is not just that these women are raped by this monsters but also forced to bear their offspring. The family tree in >>7889457 and >>7881354 is excellent.
Yeah, maybe Ingoshima wasn't a good example. The latest Ingoshima R in the latest volume supposedly is an entire (dream) rape scenario of Aoi, but I haven't seen it yet

We need MORE
Why are her pubes shaped like a maple leaf?
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I'm addicted to this fetish. Can't get enough of goblin breeding sows. Even set my wallpaper to a gif of sword maiden getting bred
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You're home, brother.
The 18th volume right? Should come out tomorrow. Its probably gonna be on one of the raw manga vol. download sites by early april
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I love your stuff. It's a good thread whenever you post.
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Still one of my favorites.
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Chapter 6 of this can't come soon enough
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The finest wombs belong to goblins
...and the finest goblins belong to human monster hunters.
Any good prompt for making good goblin stuff in novelAI?
every servant should birth for their goblins masters
Don't you just love it when anime whore out their characters for franchising? The anime staff really should start selling those Sword Maiden's gobbed porn they stored in their PCs.
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That one doujin with Code Girl and Speargirl is at Mandarake. How would one go about scanning and translating it?
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I Need more stuff like this where the girl is willing
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From last thread

[Kazuhiro] Inran Elf Oyako to Orc
[Ichinose Land] The Lewd Elf likes the Orc
[Ichinose Land] Come to the Forest of the Lewd Elves!
[Hiroya] Himono Elf, Kozukuri o Suru
[Hiroya] Himono Elf, Kozukuri o Suru.-after-
[Matsunami Rumi] The Servant of the Lady Knight
[Tabigarasu] Elf x Orc Control?
[Sakai Nayuta] Bitch Iincho Elf no Dotei Orc Hatsutaiken Ch. 1-3
[Kasei] My Mr. Orc
[Kasei] Elf Sisters And The Orc

Not elf
[FCT] The Orc in the Forest
[Poriuretan] Famous Female Warrior is Defeated
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This ones great too
Oh fuck dude thanks that was godspeed
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There was one really crazy example that I can't stop thinking about.
Grenze is a monster rape gacha game very similar to the Taimanin RPG (along with a convenient scene viewer, you can find it by looking up the cg)
Asuka 120% is an ancient fighting game classic from the 90s

For some reason they had a crossover. And more than that they let their flagship girl get mindbroken by orcs over multiple scenes. Maybe I'm crazy but the context makes it a really hot for some reason. That this cute 90s girl would decades later be (canonically?) bred by orcs.
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So now I'm curious: consensual vs non-con, what is the general consensus around here? Me? I love the idea of the monsters capturing women and keeping them as prisoners and breeding sows.
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It's gotta start out as non-con but eventually the women accept their fate and love being breeding sows.
I generally prefer non-consensual, but I do love the idea of a woman being such a disgusting, degenerate and perverse whore, she actively engages in sex with orcs.
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It's already out, someone needs to scan.
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Personally find it far hotter when the girl desires to have the monster's offspring.
I just stumbled upon this fantastic thread and love seeing the two best fantasy races getting what they deserve [spoiler]i.e. using, abusing, breaking, and breeding the fertile women of other races[/spoiler] and figured some of you may enjoy my goblin oriented story:
Its about a female knight accidentally taming a goblin, rough lewdness ensues.
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General consensus is noncon
But personally I like forced orgasm into mindbreak
Or the rare "I'll spread my legs so don't kill me please"
This story is great. Can't wait for more.
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>what is the general consensus around here?
non-con because they're primal monsters that need slaves to breed, then. after breeding them and training them that non-con becomes con.

Is a law for the setting, all the moral erosion and mindbreaking programming makes it alluring.
Give me the links, I'll do it.
This one is this here >>7906204 and the issue is that it doesn't exist online, unfortunately. Just remember someone posting that there was a doujin with a character practically no one knew about outside of 4chan and thinking that was awesome.
Well shit, here's a link that works https://doujinrepublic.com/product/product_page_2001251027.html
great to hear. hopefully once ch 6 gets scanned someone will pick up translating 4~6
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>eats goblin assholes
kinda funny lol
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They should collab with Taimanin like Black lagoon did. Even if they go for the safe route and have no lewd stuff for the GS girls, just having the two universes connected in a collab would be enough to serve as fuel for all kind of lewd scenarios.

And I would love to see Cow girl getting kidnapped by studly orcs with aphrodisiac semen, they would forcefully mate with her all day while giving her breast enlargement and lactation drugs, modifying her body to make her orgasm just from having her huge udders milked. After being forced to cum repeatedly from both her pussy and massive breasts, she would forget about her old life and embrace being a cow for orcs.
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I like Non-con that eventually borders on Dub-con, but never fully consensual.

Imagine a group of girls getting captured by a tribe of orcs with no females of their own, the first month is full of forced baby-making sex. But eventually pregnancy arrives in the second or third month, and something about being pregnant with an orc baby causes changes in the female body, and now every girl libido is sky-rocketing, their bodies starting to crave sex against their will. And the longer the pregnancy lasts, the more insatiable the girls become, to the point most of them start to secretly crave sex all day, and the orcs too are getting more and more aroused from looking at their swollen pregnant bellies. Things get to a point where both the girls and the orcs want to mate all day long.

But the thing is, despite what their bodies want, most of the girls still hate those monsters, they hate being turned into baby-factories for those lowly beasts. So you have this delicious situation where the girls hate their orc husbands, but the changes caused by the pregnancy is forcing them to enjoy and crave having their pussies ravaged by those fat orc cocks, and they can't hide how ashamed they are from enjoying this abnormal pleasure. Its even more sweet if the girls are living close enough to hear each other breaking down and cumming like crazy every night.

I like those situations where the girl has maxed her heart Hate meter for the orc at 100%, but her pussy has maxed the Love and Lust meter for the same orc at 100% against her will.
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Well, I've TLed the preview pages, this is all we've got so far:
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And that's it. Once again, if some kind anon could retrieve the remainder of this scanned doujin I'll do the whole thing
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If the orc doesn't have extremely repugnant looking penis, then he is no orc.
Thank you! Sadly, I think we would need someone with an actual copy to scan it themselves. I've looked and haven't been able to find the whole thing online.
Artists pixiv account. https://www.pixiv.net/users/3095
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I'd been skipping Ingoshima for quite a while, but that image of Akira getting slammed by a fat giant got me to power through ~120 chapters to get to it.
I love me some strong women getting turned into cock sleeves!

Damn shame its so short and R7 was just some shit tentacle chapter with the idol group.
I still have about 10 chapters to catch up on, here's hoping for more.
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>mfw my race doesn't have the ingrained belief that a singular color is better than all others due to the idea being engineered by the hundreds of millions years old frog man race that created you and da boyz

>mfw green iz best
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Asanagi 5 page story
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God I love Asanagi's work
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>Another L for humans
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>strong amazon warrior forced to rim goblin assholes
hot af
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Does anyone have any recommendations of good hentai games with goblins or orcs in it?
>pic not related (Nympomania Priestess for those wanting sauce. but its pretty shit)

I know I've played a good amount with orcs and goblins in them, but none with more than a scene or two. There was that game about managing a goblin cave and breeding adventurers that tried to invade your goblin den (ala Goblin Slayer from the goblin side) but I forgot what that game was called.
>There was that game about managing a goblin cave and breeding adventurers that tried to invade your goblin den (ala Goblin Slayer from the goblin side) but I forgot what that game was called.
Goblin Burrow, or Goblin no Suana. It also has an anime adaptation that's pretty good so far.
>Goblin no Suana
Ah, sounds familiar.
So that's what brought that resurgence of poor quality hentai videos I kept seeing on various sites. They reminded me of those bible black hentai videos from years ago, but the game this time was "Base Building: Gobbo Rape Factory" instead of "Satanic Gang Rape School Club" if memory serves.

Nice to see, I guess.
I need to give Goblin Burrow another chance then I suppose. The last/first time I played I fucked up and killed my Goblin Champion a turn or two after he was born and got fucked by the DLC characters.
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By good you mean good gameplay or fap material? RPGmaker slop? VN nukige? Untranslated?
Anyway Tower of Ardia is a good RPGmaker one that was translated. It's got one orc level, but that has four good scenes, and slut/pure effects.
And an instant cheat mode to skip the time waste.
I'd say all of the above (in a sense).
Maybe mentioning how most games only have a few goblin/orc scenes was a mistake, but I meant to ask what games do you all think have some good GOBBED/ORCED scenes in them?

Orcs and goblins always seem to be a side focus or early bad end in erotic games, so I'm wondering if anyone has found some jewels that focus on the greenskins, or ones that have some real good scenes that stand out.

Whether it's a bad end, battle rape, or the focus on the game, what games (whether eastern or western) do you think best exemplify /OGG/?
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The depraved vampire game has an orc/ogre scene where they sit on her face and make her rim their shitholes and then piss on her.
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>Translation never ever
Seems someone heard you
Reminder that Fighter from Goblin Slayer! has singlehandedly made this kink famous.
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[Nishiarai] Elf no Kuni - Goblin Kyoushuu
There's nothing I love more than fallen queens. Highborn women, born from the oldest known bloodlines, clad in the finest gowns and the most incredible jewellery one could imagine, only known a life of adoration and luxury. But that all comes to an abrupt end when the greenskins set their sights on the ancient kingdoms.
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I commissioned some more art of my favorite gobbed girl. The artist shared this one, so I figured I could share this one here. https://twitter.com/MF021405/status/1773916564498362682
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Try pic rel.
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>wears a panty
>doesn't wear a bra
I notice none of these female adventurers wear bra despite it's established that it exists in Goblin Slayer's world.
So why doesn't Fighter wear one?
Look at how voluptuous her bust are, nearly on par with Cow Girl despite Fighter being as young as 15 years old at the time the goblins stole her underage chastity.
She's a "fighter" for DM's sake.
Those 30G cup breasts must have been bouncing around as she did her agile martial art moves.
The gobs must have had fun when they fought her.
What kind of bra did fighter girl wear?
couldnt find the source on this one
After being defiled by the green cocks, fighter girl develops a deep dark kink.
Consensual love making just can't satisfy her anymore.
Only hardcore interspecies gangrape by goblins can make her orgasm.
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And here's the second part of that commission. https://twitter.com/MF021405/status/1774095227218997689
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The opening rape scene of the three sisters in Goblin Slayer Year One is still the most erotic goblin sexual assault scene I've read until these days.
Not even a single porn manga has come close to this level of eroticism despite the former hardly shows anything explicit.
How did the artist do it?
looks like blackgg
thanks king
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>six fingers
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Stable diffusion did not looking that hand angle.
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>not looking
Very hot pics and OC.
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She's actually not OC. Just... super obscure.
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Well for instance I enjoy nukige VNs even if I can't read JP, cause the visuals and voice acting together are really good. In that sense there are two standouts, the games made by Dieselmine
https://vndb.org/v24333 (machine translated)
And Zion
(google searching SiglusEngine regionlock once led me to a workaround to the JP regionlock)
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>image2image removes nipple piercings
I love AI, but that's one hell of a downgrade.
nothing better than a beautiful and ancient noble lineage's family tree turning greenskin
There's not enough orc'd material with the Sailor bitches.
Hello there! Here I come again to inform you that a new version of Pigman Conquest has been released! The purely ascii based erotic roguelike!

In this 0.9.4 version I fixed some bugs and implemented some stuff such as:
> - Cleaned up some files and reduced the size of the executable
> - Enemies now cannot be on top of one another
> - Broken Frame is now fixed
> - Having sex with enemies now consistently recovers 1 heart
> - More enemy variety
> - Files now include a changelog and a small how to play guide

I'm a new developer so I would appreciate people playing my game and giving me real constructive criticism. Feel free to read my blog too where I post my thoughts, go to my itch io or f95 zone thread to download the game. Support me on subscribestar if you want for many new things are going to come so stay sharp!

> hentaiknight*blogspot*com/
> subscribestar*adult/hentaiknight
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It's just a b-plot of this (almost) softcore manga
It's a pretty hot idea though
Thanks brother
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I could have possibly prevented this from happening if I put nipple piercings in the prompt.
I checked this out. The scene itself is fine to jack off , but this manga it is the stupidiest thing I have recently read. I am honestly sitting here after cumming wondering if I suffered brain damage.
non-con, it always starts off with the women resisting and fighting back, either holding out in hopes of revenge or maintaining their honor. it's never fun when the woman is a helpless victim, feels bad. they then slowly accept their fate and new role in society as their will gets withered away.
New chapter from Ichinose Land
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It is surprising the story has kept up Kukoro's subplot, and periodically check in on her every couple of chapters. In manga like "Goblin Slayer" and "The Hero Wants A Married Woman As A Reward", normally the unsaved girls disappear from the plot after they have been captured by goblins or orcs.
I'm pretty sure that's normal for practically any manga with goblins/orcs and unsaved girls. Either they're going to be mistreated and die in fairly sort order in which case there's nothing to check in on; or they'll be carefully treated as a resource and will be spending their time performing menial labor, being fucked, and giving birth to goblins/orcs, in which cases it's difficult to make it interesting enough to be worth checking in on them.
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This is awesome!
Using SD to uncensor heavily censored images. Thoughts? Of course only practical to do for single images that aren't part of a set.
very minor improvement
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Does anyone know what is this from?
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Source and/or artist? Is there anymore of this?
ok I found it, it's a unreleased game
Definitely 2
Getting captured and raped by small impish creatures is far more humiliating than by big Brutish ones.
Oh yeah?
Well the hottest concept is that they are primitive monsters that capture helpless females to be used as breeding slaves but the MC is a all powerful ancient sorceress that could eradicate them with a thought but every now and then she goes and gets captured on purpose so she can spend a few years as a breeding slave, vacation of an short her way to unwind.
1, mostly because I enjoy the idea that the girl kinda lets it happen despite having an opportunity to fight back even if the chance to escape is nil
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Doesn't matter what character, doesn't matter what series. ALL WAIFUS GET THE GOCK
Have anything in particular like this?
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Even better!
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We need more of this with Darkness. It fits her.
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Waifus getting corrupted by orc dick never stops being hot
Mostly noncon but consent can be fun. I've been playing a lot of Skyrim as an elf woman with a goblin follower and copious amounts of sex mods; TES high elves canon keep goblins as slaves for house chores and manual labor, so I kinda like the fantasy of bored rich elven women breeding goblins for strength and virility to pretty much use as walking sex toys. Eventually it just gets to the point where it's socially accepted for elf noblewomen to have packs of pet goblins fucking their brains out every night while they only halfheartedly put out for their husbands once a year
elves are better
There's nothing better than a fearsome warrior suffering a defeat at the hands of an orc, forced to accept her new fate.
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After taking over the kingdom, the orc tribes seized the best prize there was.
Personally my favorites are the ones that show scale. Like a knightly woman, being a part of an army or it’s leader, defending her land and by extension the nation against the attacking Orcs. Only for her armies to fail, the men being cut down as her horse is killed from under her and she is raped in the field while the men all flee and panic around her.

Then for it to show how that armies defeat led to even more towns, illages and eventually entire provinces and castles falling, as further women are captured and raped, all the while they use the defeated knight as a sort of cursed battle standard, or maybe just bring her out to the field, beside the war leader to pleasure him in front of her fellow countrymen to show the enemy their fate.
Not exactly an Orc, but the point still applies in this one, a non steroid creature, taking this fertile woman, maybe she planned to marry someone. Or maybe many men were vying to make her their wife, all thinking of the kind of children they’d have with her. Only for her defeat and capture leading to her perfect genetics and strength going into young orca, goblins and Beastmen who will be killing their mothers very own species.
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Why is everything under the goblin tag on pixiv lately AI slop? It's so disappointing.
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Play the game online on https://vnpocket.com/Game/paradise-angel/
Consensual sex with goblins is kino
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