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Thread for BBC related content
>What kind of content are we allowed to post?
Original art, edits, anime-styled game screenshots, and template sharing are allowed. Vanilla and NTR content are welcomed.

Guidelines to follow. PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING:
>Follow /h/ rules

>Raceplay content involving racist slurs, other races/ethnicity except the bull and girl, or hateful remarks on any race/ethnicity is NOT allowed (Black Male Property, Refugees Welcome, Snowbunny, and etc. tattoos are fine)

>Content and discussion mentioning BNWO, Black New World Order, and race/ethnicity statistics is NOT allowed

>Subtle edits are NOT allowed (Casual Wear edits that are very clear and obvious are fine)

>Discussing your thoughts on an image's content, waifus, or new ideas for content is welcomed HOWEVER;

>Cuckposting is NOT allowed (Cuckposting is defined as discussing yourself in a NTR scenario. Discussing in third person or posting first person POV content is NOT Cuckposting)

>When criticizing edits/screenshots, focus on aspects to improve rather than just leaving a hateful reply

>Respect people's taste. There are people here that likes Blacked/Queen Of Spades for different reasons (Interracial, Corruption, Humiliation, and etc.)

>We strongly do NOT encourage posting edits outside of this thread

>Do NOT reply to trolls. Report them and the BOTS and their post

>Create a new thread only when the current thread reaches page 10 and is in the bottom threads (Sort by Bump order)

Templates/Editing Tutorials:
/h/ approved templates zip now hosted on mega: https://mega.nz/folder/y3QlES4T#VP7nJWBysv3S0WGHpXIH1Q
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Request Anchor

-Request must follow guidelines
-DO NOT post the unedited image here
-Post link to the unedited image
-Reply to this post for requests
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Delivery Anchor

-Edit must follow guidelines
-Reply to this post and the requester
Requesting a Drawing and a AI request anchors
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Requesting him to have more muscular arms and more developed abs, please.
Just bigger in general, thanks.
Above is a decent reference for similar abs, but his arms as muscular as i'd like.

Swap the skin tone of the dude, and about the tattoos, lots, if is not much to ask one of "refugees welcome" at her stomach
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can these guys stop spamming already I'm trying to use the thread
Main pic:

Tat all these hotties up

I have a ref for the blondie with the beanie's tats. Her name is Amitie
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Requesting tattoos for skadi
spade vine tattoo on her thigh
Spade tattoo on her neck
QOS crotch tattoo
spade tattoo below her hidden eye and near her armpit
spade tattoo on her neck
Thank the anon from previous thread for this piece
it was great
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Why are all the hentai websites being flooded with blacked shit from AI "artists?" And they all have the same artstyle for whatever reason
What model and how is this guy generating these?
This artstyle is exactly what i want
His pixiv
Porn is profitable and the quality-floor is low.
It's a potential gold rush if you think about it. Use ai to make porn very quickly and host it, the eyes drawn to it will bring in advertising money. On the other side if you know how to manipulate the ai tools pretty well you could probably charge commission, though I'm not sure how successful that is in comparison to ad revenue.
I don't know if the gold rush will last but that's the state of things. I would recommend using sankaku or something else and making an account so that you can add the ai tag to your blacklist. That's how i am avoiding them.
The boob sperm circle is a personal fave of mine
Some tats on these femboys pls
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Post subtle edits, those are my favorites
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holy fuck this one is so fucking hot
you would recognize the shape but you wouldnt know if she picked it deliberately
Skin fix please! Some of the guys are already Black so you can leave them like that. Different shades of dark/ebony skin would be nice~
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Requesting decensor
This is the only place I can request this because no one in a normal editing thread would possibly take a request in a blacked picture
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>someone commissioned Shu, Ling & Nian
holy shit
Skin edit, pls pls pls!
This is just Ugly Bastard shit
Not even Dredd is this ugly, why not draw Black guys who look like Jayson Luv

Would make the NTR even harder if the girls are simping for their overall looks instead of just cocks
Requesting tattoos for Cerestia

Give this bitch some tattoos
Any of the pictures you chose is fine, all are basically the same
*remember to click the picture before downloading it to load the full resolution, otherwise you'll download a sample
Just simple skin edit for male


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nah its better if you are a decent looking guy and despite that she would still rather tongue fuck a homeless nigger's shithole
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Any recent blacked 2hus edits?
Beyond this, I dunno
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Did my best
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La Pluma
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Not the requester, but good shit
Requesting Subtle tattoos on them, but not too subtle, they are sending this picture to someone and they want him to now.
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visible tats on the face and neck and anywhere else is good too
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I feel like i always use the same 5 tats lol
the playing card one is just too perfect
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Keep them guessing
requesting some tattoos all over her body
Somewhat of an unusual request

This is an overlay thong for the game Honey Select2, so a 3d character can wear it. Add anything you think looks good. It can be as extreme and fucked up as you want, or just minimalistic, whatever. I'll appreciate anything
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Can anyone please tell me where to get the latest blacked resources??? I'd love to get that spade-sperm and newer stuff (apart from the op)

I assume many are private as the best creators probably don't like sharing their designs.
Thank you.
Has there been any news on the next (last?) chapter of Terasus transfer student story? I saw that he has released a post with announcements in the title so I was wondering if he said anything about the Hiroki story.
Dont really read/watch that much hentai stuff and only check evey half year or so if this story has gotten uldated and the last thing i know is he was supposed to release teaser pics in august but that never happened
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Supposedly he's not updating because he's getting death threats
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This one plz
Can someone give her some tattoos?
And some body writing stuff too pls
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here you go, https://files.catbox.moe/s4ud4e.png

If you've got any requests, I can see what I can do, anon.
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not the other anon, but could you do some Dunkerque? as in, im in a party with her, and a black lieutenant grabs her in front of me, telling me that he is going to fuck my pretty wife, Dunkerque doesn't put any resistance, she only asks if i can watch.
Here you go
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at first i wasn't into rimjobs but its kinda growing on me
Fuck, that came out great, wish you could continue with the "aftermath", maybe she leaves for a few weeks and comes back to tell you she is pregnant.
Still, thanks for doing it.
Skin fix please.
File: bunny-plap-edit.png (2.01 MB, 1423x2000)
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Here anon
thank you.
Tattoos on the face and the tits please!
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Requesting the same as him, subtle but not too much, she sending the picture to him so he knows
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didnt have much room to work with lol that dress does not leave much to the imagination
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As hot as being bold is, being subtle has its perks, heh
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full body tattoos if possible
Requesting tattoos (1 each is more than fine) on these three ladies
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Here you go.
Dunkerque coming home after an extended leave of absence. And here are a couple of pictures from the last time Shikicuck saw her

feels too cluttered
much prefer the subtle ones

feel free to send suggestions on some really racey subtle concepts
Shit thread made by jewish mods
skin fixes for these two?

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Requesting skin edit for guy on the left.
If you only want to edit one image pls do the cumless version.
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Fuck, that was so good, thanks for making these, wish i could do the same
Also forgot to ask, what programs do you use for the text?
Perfection, thank you!
Blacked Vtubers are too good
I really like those boob tattoos and that thigh tattoo the most
Looks perfect, doesn't it?
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glad, you liked them, I'm still very rough with the edit work so I'm still learning. Feel free to make more requests, I need the practice.
>what programs do you use for the text?
I use GIMP for the Tattoos and I just use Microsoft Paint 3D for the text. I just use the 3D text and then paint behind it with the watercolor paintbrush to make the text pop more.
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omg thank you, i knew about gimp but for the life of me i couldn't remember the name when someone told me about it, and i didn't know about 3d paint. thank you, my gens are not as good as yours but now i can caption my slops.
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Requesting heavy tattoos
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https://twitter.com/AIPotions , It's AI
This is cumworthy ai. Love it.
Give me som Yor please? Loid comes home to find she hurriedly put her clothes back on, but she was obviously just having sex with a black man that also works with twilight and what staying there temporarily.
You know. This entire fetish is making me understand why black people don't consider lighter skinned blacks as black. His skin color is too light.
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what artist did you use in the prompt? since you've already posted in the thread >>7939716
The dude is just a yanqui, there's nothing blacked related besides the earring
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something kind of like this?
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i love ai
Yes, thank you, she would probably get pregnant but Loid being the good agent that he is won't do anything.
It is great indeed
Based cuties
Can you do Ilsa from granblue fantasy?
kek this
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Requesting skin edit
Anybody know if there's a full collection of skin corrected thanabis images? There's only a few on shitty booru and I've seen some floating around, but not everything.
What's the matter~? See something that caught your eye?
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requesting some body tattoos
bigger res
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Requesting the image to be AI extended to be larger in all directions to further show the size difference between the two of them, please.
Preferably with the guy being rather muscular.
Requesting Skin and hair fix for the guy
Reference : https://blacked.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=79483
The anon who did the reference edit said he used AI for the hair so you can probably get the same result if you imitate him
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Forgot the fucking picture
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anyone got this template to share?
Tats please. This oc drives me wild.
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send ideas for discreet QOS pictures
Requesting really subtle spade tattoo
You guys should add https://blacked.booru.org/ to the OP next time. We really could use an archive.

I'd love to see both with skin edit for the stud.
Which anime chick would actually be a Queen of Spades? Has there been any anime girl that has expressed a love for black men?
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>Major from GITS
Requesting a ton of tattoos
>Makima:what?dominant women need to cum too.
What is that tool on the bottom left meant to be?
It looks like a syringe gun but I don't understand it.
That's tattoo machine.
What prompts/models do you need for results like this?
File: Martha.png (1.66 MB, 1670x3094)
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Requesting a ton of tattoos for Martha
Fill her body with tattoos please
this one goes hard
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Finally finished my first edit, please rate. I know it's aisloppa but it's not my fault blacked rimjobs are so hot and so few. I used gimp and just painted a layer over the guy and played around with transparency. Any feedback or tips would be appreciated. Thanks
QOS tattoo on her neck
Where are all the Vanilla-ish stuff
Why is it all Ntr
Would you anons be interested in a /aco/ /QoS/ thread?
As much as I enjoy this stuff, blacked edits aren't even necessary for me anyway. I already imagine them with superior black cock
People here are interested in chocolate, not vanilla
I don't browse that board but if it's good enough I might just appear in that specific thread
Anyone have a a bunch of the charts/graphs so white rate dropping or other BNWO stuff?
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Could someone just put a queen on spades on her cheek? Want it for a profile picture.
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rusty trombones are so hot
god bless ai
rims are incredibly weird icl
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Are there any good blacked hentai games that aren't visual novels? Only reading is just boring to me. Thank you for any suggestions
This /h/ a slow board, is not like /trash/
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This. At least Floox, Mirham, Truck kun, Lucyla, MrTeardrop, WaifuLover and probably more use the same base model for their generations. It looks somewhat similar to Orangemaru's/YD's style but don't know for sure.

You really seem to know about this, wanna exchange stuff? I also know a bunch of AI creators
Labrynth of the BLACKED Castle
I love blacked but hate edits. Where is the thread with only original content
Most of the images in this thread are ai gen not edits but if you want original stuff look at stuff drawn by artists like laliberte,terasu mc ...etc
We all know she's thinking about BBC
Requesting uncensored edit please and thank you.
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Why does Marin have such a strong race mixer vibe?
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Love her confident look
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I want to get a cute blonde like Marin teen pregnant.
whitebois lose again
yor is so great for bnwo content. and i love that self-assured look as well
I dunno. For some reason people would rather give AI people Patreon bucks instead of having BBC doujinshi translated.
Requesting skin and tattoo please!

Kinda difficult to get you the source for this one because it's a cropped decensored edit I got delivered in the /h/ request thread a long time ago
The characters are called Anne Bonny and Mary Read tho, you can probably find it on pixiv
The character
>stumble upon this thread randomly browsing /h/ (rarely come here for porn)
>from OP think this is a watered down version of blacked
>but because it is, it feels like "more accessible blacked"
>making it seem like not a fringe internet thing but something everyone is on board with
>this gets me going super hard and I get a rush like never before
I don't know if that was intended but holy shit
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Have some OC
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And here's the followup, glad you liked it
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Asuna is such a lovely snowbunny
God I need a schoolgirl like Asuna to taint her perfect genes.
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Rate outta 5 stars
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Simple is better
Mosaic censor is a nightmare to skin swap. Only a Blacked edit master can do this
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Too subtle or maybe too obvious? Rate outta 5 stars
The tats aren't for you. It's for other pathetic whitebois still coping
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The Q is shitty because of how small the tat has to be, so I hope it's what you were looking for. Rate outta 5 stars
found it, ty
waistband and bra to say blacked
waistband and bra to say blacked
waistband to say blacked, spade on breast
waistband to say blacked, whatever tattoos you see fit
If you add a little bit of pink/red on the head - it will be perfect. A-a-and maybe make a highlights a bit 'brighter/whiter'.
>>7985700 I dont get you, are you into blacked or not
Is there a way to hide deleted posts in the archive? I want to scour for pics but there's so much fucking spam
Thread bem mengão
He's saying that this thread is not as hardcore, so it's not as scary to newcomers and that is what gets him aroused
Requesting tons of tattoos for Gorgon
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Wished my waifu had more blacked content.

Lots and lots of tattoos! Also make the popsicle chocolate flavor
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Desperately needs a skin edit
Dead fetish
Requesting skin fix and tattoos
If it's too much to do all pictures, edit just the second and fourth please
Requesting for https://files.catbox.moe/vwiauz.jpeg
Edit the text, tattoos on sideboob and lower belly would be appreciated
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Are the editors gone or do they just don't like the pictures being requested? I don't see a delivery in ages
Editing is dead but not the fetish itself editing is kind of redundant now cuz you can ai generate anything you want so most now moved to the blacked thead in /trash/
This thread is dead cuz of the retarded rules that of like no raceplay/cuckposting..etc
Nah, AI can't generate tattoos, those were the best part
The best AI can do is to get girls breeding black but that's the limit
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>This thread is dead cuz of the retarded rules that of like no raceplay/cuckposting..etc
Maybe we could experiment with a rule change to allow cuckposting at the very least? I can understand why raceplay isn't allowed because it'll just end up into extreme levels of shit, but there's nothing with cuckposting to keep things interesting. If OP is reading thing, can we update the rules a bit?
I would hate for raceplay to be allowed, really dislike those sissy post in the other thread as well as those extreme ones like the cages or bnwo, personally i only want to see waifus getting blacked.
Cuckposting might certainly help, OP would have to also add rules to stop the other fuckers from ruining the thread, since not everyone is into gayshit.
but i genuinely don't think it will happen though.
i love her haircut
Anyone else imagine they're taking black dick when they shit? I imagine a bull sliding out of my girlbussy whenever I do.
m-me... i got a scat fetish from BLACKED
Dick cheese has always been nasty for me...
W*ite bois just keep losing
Same thing here
kind of hot
IDK man, it has such a strong smell, it turn me on
nghhh... shitting out a superior black cock...
IDK it's too subtle, and not really in a sexy way
Just go all the way, make the tat's bigger and more elaborate
is from earth!! why?
b-because poop reminds me of bbc... its r-really hot...
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doeos anyone have any content with mah waifu? i love her so much she needs a strong rugga bvll, not a geg like me
god im such a slut for her taking a bbc
Never goon
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Gooners lost
Blacked waifus won
to be a jartycuck a jartycuck a shitskin shitskin cord using cuck
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Colorful dicks>brown shit dicks
i wanna kiss that butt
4chan is a bbc website newfags
behead blacks

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