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Do you have anything in your will requesting to clear your machines/delete your browser history? What about accounts connected to auto-pay on porn sites? Hard drives filled with your hentai? Do you have someone you want to inherit your collection, and shared, or just have it all nuked like it didn't even exist?
I'm not sure how I'd feel if my family and friends found out I liked stuff like Furyou ni Hamerarete Jusei Suru Kyonyuu Okaa-san, or artists like Maidoll, Radical Dream/Rindou and Murahachirou.
I do possess some porn that I have the last copy of, and want to upload it all somewhere so it isn't lost forever. Though, lots of porn from the 90s and 2000s became lost media. I assume some of my favorites may have the same fate.
Cute shit.
Unless your parents are religious extremist, or if you played the perfect little boy, nobody will bat an eye at your porn stach. Especially, something as tame as this milf stuff. And yes, it's tame, even with the moral degeneration context. Adults aren't sexless, they will understand.

>google Murahachirou
I stand corrected. Your name is going to be written off the family records after your death and your tombstone will stay unattended.
get a Self-encrypting drive and dont worry about this shit
I accidentally found my dad's porn after he passed away. It was ... interesting, but still I was glad to see a side of him I never knew.
You are dead, why would you care by that moment?
>What will happen to your porn after you die?

I stream... so... nothing?!
do you really think they'll comb through dozen and dozens of GB, once they realize it's your porn folder?
delete it
I have no porn on my devices so I'm safe
Most people aren’t coomers like you.
Every time I thought about commiting suicide I then remember if I did it and then when my mom had to clean up my room she would stumble upon "My Mother" by Xter.

And I don't actually wanna fuck my actual mom mind you.
True. But make no mistake, normal people are far more familiar with porn than they let it appear. Especially the internet generation. Also don't ever think that older generations were any less horny, porn mags were money printing machines back then.
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I think I'll be too busy being dead to give a shit; besides, I don't think I have anything *too* degenerate on my phone, which is more likely where anyone would fund them. I do have a certain amount of cloud storage, but I doubt anyone would think to go rummaging in it. Anyway, it'll all get wiped, come the Great Solar Storm of 2066, which'll make the Carrington Event look like a picnic in the park.
*laughs in TB*
>You are dead, why would you care by that moment?
This. You could have the nastiest porn on your hard drive and it wouldn't make any difference.
Eventually I will ask a trusted friend to find my loli USB on a safebox if I happen to die before him
I plan to have myself cryopreserved, so I will want to keep all my hentai in storage in case it dies out as a medium over the years while I am on ice and then enjoy/reintroduce it to future society, if necessary.

Although, they might have something better by then, like full-immersion VR hentai.
>Not leaving a hentai legacy to future family members
My porn folder is labeled "Porn (please delete if I'm dead)" and I am hoping my computer is found by a compassionate person who knows the struggle, but I don't sweat it too much
All my porn is in a Truecrypt archive that has to be mounted using a password.
If I would have the fortune of dying quickly without any forewarning like getting shot, I do not care what happens to my collection. Which isn't that much of a collection anyway to be honest. If I would get to know that I have some years left I would probably head to Chernobyl provided the war is over and bury my hard drives in the contaminated soil. Just so that some random civilian a day in a distant future may find my collection and wonder about how we survived with such bad graphics in our contemporary days. If it's still intact by then that is.
>>Not leaving a hentai legacy to future family members
this. unless it's cheese pizza, why would you bother encrypting?! this stuff is gona be valuable to your zoomer descendants when they hardly know how to access hentai sites on their phones or sites keep getting copyrighted
>hentai legacy

Your children will train their local AIs with your porn media and fap in your honor.
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>Your children will train their local AIs with your porn media and fap in your honor.

That would be some really fucked up hentai.
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with today's AI, yeah.

In the future? It'll figure it out.
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I just want my robo-cat-girl to go into heat every weekend
i have all my porn shared on the cloud with my friends.
what will be kinda awkward is my sex doll. do I even plan for that, or just figure some sad family member is gonna have to throw it out? should i write in my will that someone inherits her?
>Paying for porn.
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>not supporting creators
but why tho
As a pirate, those who pay for porn have my respect. We watch free porn because they pay for us.
always have a final creampie load prepared for her, and will your fortune to whoever volunteers to fill her up with it
they dont really enjoy their work
those that don't are not worth supporting, but plenty do
Hopefully it will spontaneously combust.
Shut up, woman.
>checks your browser history
>everything is cached and is therefore recoverable
>recovers your browsing data
if they do that they deserve everything
>What will happen to your porn after you die?
I really hope I have the foresight to delete and throw it away before that happens otherwise people's opinions of me will drop considerably. Either that or I'll just get rid of it on a whim I happen to have every decade or so.

The stuff on my computer I'm less worried about because the computer and stuff will most likely just get thrown away or donated.

Its funny though because IDGAF about all the "racist" stuff I have oh my computer or might have physical copies of. When people see that they'll think "ooooh so that's why he kept saying the n word and didn't like Israel"
>I accidentally found my dad's porn after he passed away. It was ... interesting, but still I was glad to see a side of him I never knew.
When my grandfather died and the senpai was going through his stuff I found a penthouse forums book in his bedside table. I don't think anyone else had found it yet and I just put it back where I found it. I should've just pocketed it so no one else saw it and possibly think less of him. I feel a little bad about that. Kinda like I missed out on protecting his image.
If my best friend gets any of my electronics (good possibility) he'd absolute go through my external HD (maybe looking for music, movies or personal pictures). I don't know if he'd go deep into the folders to find it but he could accidentally come across it.

So yes.
>And I don't actually wanna fuck my actual mom mind you.
Same. It's just a fetish but no one would understand. they'd see that porn and would think I wanted to fugg her. blech.
Does it matter? It's not like I'll be conscious to bemoan people's low opinion of me, once I'm dead, the world is over
Probably have it nuked.
>hentai legacy
>Your children will train their local AIs with your porn media and fap in your honor.
I would rather have my kid choose my stash over the random deviantart bullshit that i've seen, with blueberries, snake vore hypno and diaperfur that he could get access to.
At least I know my collection will keep him attracted to women, and not deranged hyperbimbo transformation furries with horse cocks.
If you have something rare then start with nyaa.si and other torrent sites.
who fucking cares, you are dead anyway, you dumb faggot
You can't just say that and not tell us what was in it.
Thank you! YTMND
I wish to share my stuff before I die.
How do you setup a killswitch that'll nuke all your hard drives?
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1) Get a program that wipes your hard drives
2) Script it to wipe on too many incorrect password attempts
3)Leave behind a list of all the wrong passwords
>I would rather have my kid choose my stash over the random deviantart bullshit

True dat, my stash has been exquisitely filtered to be based and only the best. I will be smiling down from the Afterlife as I pass the torch.
I would die a second time full of shame if it happen. If i know i'm dying i will just throw my computer in the tub and erase everything on it but if i die suddenly well i'm in some deepshit because i'm 100% sure my gf, my friends or my brother would rummage through my stuff. And i don't want them to know my weird fetishes.
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>And i don't want them to know my weird fetishes.
Now you must tell us what they are. Surely they can't be weirder than romantically breeding with giant bugs....
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All those Eroge and Doujins will be lost in time like tears in the rain. Time to die...
Nothing weird for /h/ standards but not things normalfags would be able to understand. Things like NTR (especially mom NTR), gyaru doing enkou with old ugly bastards, AMWF interracial even though i'm white, /ss/, foreskin/smegma play... and so on. It's not like /d/ stuff but not vanilla either.

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