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Previous thread:

Next BISHOP game: Kyousei Shihai (2024-05-31)
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New update from BISHOP's twitter account. You can see several new images.
Cast announced

Blonde -> Tezuka Ryouko (Anna from SNK)
Brown -> Yomogi Kasumi (Mayu from HKG3)
Green -> Shipuu Haru (one of side chara in RJKT)
Purple -> Haori (never in Bishop before)
Pink -> Fuyumine Kosuzu (also never in Bishop before)
>Ryouko Tezuka as Miyuri

Interest peaked.
From the images, seems like all the the girls can lactate (except the pink-hair ones, but to be fair, she has the least amount of promotional CG sample as of now, and I doubt she will be different). So I assume lactation is gonna be a thing for this game, despite the fact it's not currently mentioned in the game synopsis/description. Or perhaps it's gonna be a thing for all future BISHOP games, just like the "heart-eyes". I noticed in the last 3 games, BISHOP put all the heroines in the game cover and put at least 1 Masochistic Heroine. I guess for this game Miyuri is gonna be the M one.
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More images (low res unfortunately)
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Heart eyes at the very first scene of both heroines (look at the blood). Will this MC be even more broken than the Ingoku no Houkago one?
If you look the better resolution of frist picture OP posted, Miyuri is slightly smiling on the
scene and that might indicate she will have an "happy" break rather than just be afraid of mc abilities (like Rikka was).For exemple Hisui as a pazuri scene where she is even a little "sadistic" toward mc, if she could end up like that it be grand.

Ill repost the BugBug page that got lost at the end of last post for you guys, but nothing much aside a bunch of CGs.
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Surely you can already tell it's going to be a "happy" break for Miyuri from the picture of the drama CD Cover? This is more than "slightly smiling". If anything, this dogeza kinda remind me of Mafuyu, so she's probably going to be the M of the game.
I genuinely don't get people that are so obsessed with the heroines being happy. You're playing a visual novel about raping girls until they like it. If anything it's less them being "happy" and more stockholmed into being ok with being your cum socks.
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I usually dont, but KJK2 happened (Rikka, even if she is a bitch, and Noeru ends are horriblly well written i litterlay felt pity for both) and since them i wish heroine to get an "happy break" ending, last game worked especially well in that regard.

Drama CD arent always cannon, but there it clearly seems the case.

Ill attach some IA work of Hisui cause this is bishop thread and wjy not?
Do us all a favor and crop that pussy out of the image. It looks like the "before" pic of a nicaraguan child that's about to get operated on by that doctor charity that fixes mouth deformities.
thank you for that comment, i cant delete so everybody is bound to see my failure, guess i still need to step up to avoid such monstruosities, witch is sad cause the rest of the pic looked really cool so i tough i could share.Guess ill need to watch trice before posting anything IA related.
I think because corruption and "happy break" is considered to be BISHOP's niche in the genre. But BISHOP tried something new with "cruel break" with their first kutsujoku title and many people get upset about it, which is why even kutsujoku becoming less cruel as the series goes on because peope don't expect this from BISHOP's title. Many developers dabble with this "choukyou/rape" genre and many don't have "happy break". Another BISHOP's main niche in the genre is that the heroines are exclusive use of the MC, so no gangbang, etc. Other brands of course have different niche in the genre, for example some focus on NTR (mainly married heroines), others like Guilty focus more on gangbang and less on corruption, etc.
Just went back to Kazoku. Man, I miss Rio.
I just enjoy how some heroines fully embrace their inner perversion once they're tamed in Choukyou games. BISHOP does it best since most heroines in their games have entertaining personalities at best or a few MCs actually took serious responsibility once they knocked them up.
Is she doing any h-games? Her art with other companies isn't as good imo.
I just want more Otohas or Mahos. That's the right level of thicc to drive me up a fucking wall with lust. Anju form Kutsujoku is also another example.
In her VNDB pages she is not involved in any H-games since Dec 2022.
Honestly, I want to see BISHOP make another 'Raising Simulation' games, like another Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG. Especially if the heroines can have several endings based on your choice of training method. I wonder why BISHOP has not made any such games ever since Tokubetsu Jugyou 3 SLG?
Most likely because it hadn't sold well.

Which is the same reason why Bishop hasn't released any new titles in their Royal brand after Yakata.
I see, that's too bad. Personally, I'm itching for raising simulation game again. While Tokubetsu has its flaws, it's not that bad either. I know Escude generally fill this niche but the corruption there is relatively weak (in my personal opinion anyway).
Her last one is the last Milf Factory game. She did great in it imo.
Otoha is her best character. Though I really liked Shuri in SNK2 and Anju in the first one.
For those who wanna know, BISHOP released the intro song for the upcoming game.
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Incidentally, do you guys know any artists who draw hentai of this type of pose? Panties down and flashing her pubes at the viewer. I always loved this pose in BISHOP games, and I recently got the desire to get more of it.
Feature page is out: https://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/feature.html
>Sensibility manipulation.
>Forcing tits to lactate.
>Heart eyes before the fall.
>Cum inflation.

They are going all out with the MC, lol.
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What do you think about the stockings + panties dress option?

Personally I will probably never use it - like some other options that Bishop puts into their games.
I really never use any of the special outfit options. I'd prefer they go back to something like MK4 and their bra flashing. Or even back to the standard issue panty flashing like what >>7956645 posted.

Specially with how dumb some of the outfit options are, like I remember one of the Kutsujokus just has tanned and topless as a special outfit, and that's a bit... Really? Tanned and topless? I guess someone in the staff was nostalgic for OLE M games.
Kinda weird that the feature page doesn't spoil all the dress that the heroine will got. Either they really want to make it a surprise or the dress choice will be very few
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Voice samples and leaflet are out: https://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/character.html
Actually, BISHOP usually update the feature page several time. Since the game is more than 1 month away, they usually give content little by little, just like how they release the OP song without the video just yet. So just wait and you will see it in due time.
"Sensitivity Manipulation" is more accurate. Also causing the heroine to be uncontrollably horny with his power. BISHOP just put several fetishes at the same time with this MC LOL.
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Well, the chance of it returning is unlikely, since Bishop changed how the pregnant endings are selected compared to their older releases, but is there anyone else misses the cum options from the older Bishop titles ?
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So do you think that we will have even more adult MC with special abilities in the future, who are definitely physically stronger compared to their schoolgirl targets instead of the older type of adult MC's, who used their natural abilities and sometimes the help of a competent assistant to conquer their targets ?

I'm aware that there is a reason why Bishop went in that direction but still... I can't help having a mixed opinion about an adult MC needing a supernatural ability to conquer a few teenage schoolgirls
Might as well go with more rapey franchises instead of sticking to Bishop if it's not rapey enough for you. The Guilty Games thread is somewhere around /h.

The problem is not that Bishop wouldn't want to do a normal protagonist with standard issue vanilla rape, it's that standard issue vanilla rape is cliche now. Almost every single way to blackmail a schoolgirl into being rapebait has been overdone for ages now, by other VNs, games, doujins, light novels, etc. You need something else to mix it up. Even more so with Bishop, where the vast majority of games are either teacher or schoolgirl rape, they need something else to mix it up and make it interesting again.
Can you give me some rapey franchises
Not really. I like Bishop, but it's less about the rape for me and more about the teachers. I enjoy a woman in power being brought down to being a slut, and a teacher is a position of power over the student protag in most Bishop titles.

The one thing I could recommend you that is rapey, is Silky games. Specifically these two:
BISHOP is mostly school girls though. But I agree the reason why BISHOP dabbles in creating many unique powers for the MC as of late, it's to help differentiate their games. Since BISHOP can't really "escape" their school setting and the rapey genre itself has been done many times by different studios in various H-games for decades, this is the only way for BISHOP to differentiate their games, ensuring it's not similar/repetitive to other games in the genre or even to their own older titles. But I have to say, they are packing different fetishes for the MC for this game.

Honestly, BISHOP can try different formula at least. I like games where the heroines can have many different endings depending on how you train them for example, giving some choices for the player.
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There is a 5th episode adaption for Kazoku, although I doubt anyone cares since the Poro Adaptation has been lackluster.


Another thing is if people are interested in the preorder bonus for the newest Bishop game, they finish the art for people buying it from Trader.
I wonder if Bishop will finally make a game that isn't a school setting now, given all these e-shops are not allowing them to sell their games on their fronts anymore if they feature girls in school uniforms.
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Miyuri as maid. I guess fitting for her character's fall as the strong queen-like character.
Demo Movie: https://video.fc2.com/a/content/202404245bBtShVZ
It's not that they don't want to, it's that the fanbase doesn't buy anything that isn't just teachers or schoolgirls. They've already done games that are out of the school setting, CS and CS2 for example, but they don't sell like the schoolgirl and teacher rape. Hell, even when they take a risk they have to involve schoolgirls, like Chikando having 2 schoolgirls (one of them the main girl) and the newest game, Shinshoku still being about students, just college students instead of the usual vanilla sailor fuku rape bait.

And Bishop, just like every other xenophobic japanese company, sells only to the proud yamato master race, if they sold internationally they could more than likely get more money. And hey, I get it. Rape game. It's not like they can just put it on Steam or shit, but all they would have to do is start accepting money from overseas, and give away download links. And maybe, just maybe those other games outside of high school could sell more and Bishop could do more outside of school.
>it's that the fanbase doesn't buy anything that isn't just teachers or schoolgirls
Well, thanks to these card companies, soon that fanbase won't be capable of buying those games at all on any shop hosting their games digitally.
The digital sites will probably find out an alternative that works for their Japanese customers, but will make it more difficult for the western fans to legally buy and import the H games from Japan.

Basically I doubt the credit card issue will have a huge effect on how the eroge companies operate, since it's not the first time that an incident related to them has occurred.

Well, I suspected it, but the demo movie pretty much confirmed that Rumi (pink haired) is the secondary character this time around and probably will have a lesser amount of cg scenes compared to the other 4 girls.
From my understanding, rape games is illegal by law in most countries. So it's not just steam, but you simply can't sell these games legally through official channels, so it's just going to cause more problems than it's worth. There are many VN/Eroges that have English Localization, and of course none of them are rape games. So the genre is the problem.

For the second topic, BISHOP can technically move to college students, since they don't need to wear uniform (just like Shinshoku) and hot female professors is still an option for such games,
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Wrong you can easily release rape games on steam, although it's a bit of gray area.

You simply release a censored version on steam with no H content, but also provide a free / paid patch on the official website.

Example is Liquid's Saint Dorei Gakuen which got released in the west and on the steam as well, despite being a rape game, that features schoolgirls - https://vndb.org/v4414

It's just that Bishop has never been approached by those companies, that use the tactics I described above, to release rape content through official channels - probably due to the amount of text that a typical Bishop game has.
New cg scenes: http://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/cg.html
Well, with all the new released samples. Who's your favorite heroine so far?
I'd say Iori>Sarasa>Miyuri>Yuuhi>Rumi for now.

Iori because Keiko Yoshino's heroines all had great routes, Sarasa's CGs are really lewd, then Miyuri because she is voiced by Ryouko Tanaka and Yuuhi has an okay design even if she doesn't wow me much for now.

Rumi is a side character, so I just hope she has an okay route or a certain presence in the game like Kirie had in Ingoku no Houkago.
*Tezuka, stupid autocorrect.
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Personally I'm interested in how Miyuri's character is going to develop.

After all this is probably the first game where the hostile to the protagonist, prideful girl is the protagonists first target.

In the actual game naturally, since chronically Runi is the first victim, but that will be portrayed in a flashback like with Yumeka from Shinshoku.

So considering that, the order for me is Miyuri -> Sarasa -> Iori -> Yuhhi -> Rumi
The art style in these games always looks kinda generic to me, but I guess that's part of the draw for the people who play 'em.
I mean. Yes? Like, I dunno what you expected, but art style is one of the reasons why people like these things. If the art and the way it was drawn wasn't of importance, we would just read smut at bedtime like 40 year old single women.
Wow, your order is the same as mine. Queen-prideful girls are almost always my favorite in BISHOP games, so Miyuri is number 1 by default for me. Sarasa is quite interesting, since I think this is the first time we get cock-tease/little hot devil as one of the heroine. As for Yuhhi, emotionless girl is just not my cup of tea so she ranks lower on the list.
Every eroge company has their unique art style. Personally, I don't think BISHOP has the best art out there but certainly on the better side, especially if you consider smaller/cheaper/indie eroge games. So you can look around and see which company is best suited for your taste
The hourglass figure is generic. Doesn't mean it's not attractive.
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Updated poster images (hope the outfits that aren't uniforms are also going to be in the game)
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They're not against the law itself (no legislation on something that specific), just against the rules of most platforms that are looking to avoid controversy.
Yuuhi. Her body type is just great and I like sporty girls.
But everyone is looking good this time around.
Their previous game (Shinshoku) wasn't school setting.
Yep this one. This is the one I'm looking forward to.

YO wait is this Oonari? Is this one of Oonari's girls? BRO
When did this cat get into unorthodox angles again? I'm telling you the guest artists force our boy to step up his game. That is one of the most top tier anime asses I've ever seen.

Also hoddam Bishop returning to the darker shading and better colorists was the best move they ever made.
Like a heroine from an ero jrpg where you slay the demon king before slaying your heal slut's puss. I like it but I'm not into stuff that's not actually in the CGs
Sarasa is drawn by Kinmedai Pink who previously did Kaya (Ingoku no Houkago) and Tsukasa (Shinshoku).
oh. well that explains that. I still like Oonari bro but...man, these guest artists are the tits.
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Features page has been updated https://www.bishop.gr.jp/products/kss/feature.html

Includes all the outfits as well.
I like Iori and Miyuri's pregnant ending outfit. I think this is the first time we have a pregnant maid ending, cementing her character's fall from a 'queen' to 'maid' in servitude. Sarasa's pregnant ending outfit kinda confused me though, it's just a normal looking dress to me? I wonder if there's more to is as she is originally the 'cock-tease' character.
Well, this confirms that Rumi is a sub-heroine.
>Sarasa's pregnant ending outfit kinda confused me
There's nothing to be confused about. The outfit implies that instead of being a cocktease, she's become a more traditional woman. I'm gonna guess her ending is gonna be at your home going on and one about her otto-sama.
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Maybe Sarasa gets broken into some kind of doting, loyal slave - wife mentality and that's what her pregnant outfit represents.

The demo version is going to be released soon (probably next week, if we take the previous releases into consideration), so we will get more hints about Sarasa's and the rest of the targets personalities soon, along with Miyuri's defloration rape scene...
Ah, good point there. But I have to say, this is quite a surprise seeing a 'fallen heroine' actually wear modest clothes for once. Doesn't happen too often in BISHOP games.
Genuinely surprising that Miyuri has two maid-themed outfits, which means that her route will be truly about destroying her queen-like image to a pure slave maid…

Otherwise, I'd say that Sarasa has unironically my favorite pregnant outfit due to how intriguing it looks.
Both Myuri and Iori costum set are great, Sasara is disapointing but judging for her CGs he route will be great regardless.Yuuhi is boring sadly.
Rumi has two interesting outfit, the bandage and the succubus, even if she is the "helper" with a shorter route i like those. Order of play should be Sasara > Iori / Rumi > Miyuri > Yuuhi (might skip her). Man id wish Sasara would have the succubi costume due to her being alittle devil type but it seems she is more breaking as a traditional/wife rather than that. Looking forward the game next month!!
Exactly, I fully expect Sasara as the cock-tease character to wear the succubi outfit, but I guess her character development will have a twist instead. To be honest, it's a shame Rumi is a side character, I really like her character design. It's funny to think that in older titles, pink-hair is almost always the 'main heroine' of the game.

Speaking of tradition, I wonder why BISHOP still keeping the tradition for having the fifth heroine as the sub character. Is it for cost saving or just to keep the tradition alive? I understand that in BISHOP games, traditionally if the games focus on student heroines, they will have a teacher as a sub-character, and of course if the game is about older heroines (such as a teacher), then they will have a student heroine as the sub instead. But Rumi is also a student heroine just like the rest of the cast, so there's no need to have her as the sub character. The same with the last game.
Do any of you guys have the CD Dramas of the previous games?
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>the tradition for having the fifth heroine as the sub character.
Well, we had a period of time (KTJK3, CS2 where we had only 4 character's and still one of them had a lesser amount of cg scenes due to being a secondary character.

Personally I think that while it definitely falls into the cost saving category the reason is, efficient personal management, since Bishop Visual novels have multiple scenario writer's (the latest one has 5 of them) - meaning, that one of those writer's has less time to do his own route work, since he has to also check through the other scenario writer's work to verify if there aren't any inconsistencies between them that could affect the final, overall plot of the story.

Naturally that's something that could be avoided if the visual novel's only had a single scenario writer, but that would also lengthen the production time ... so I guess it's something unavoidable.
I honestly wish they would focus more on content for the main heroines instead and just get rid of the helper character. Just imagine, for example, the extra scenes we could've gotten in Kazoku if we didn't have to deal with Otoha's assistant and whatever the collection of anime cliches that the sister's friend is called.

But no, we're stuck with the half-route of the already broken character, which sucks for everyone because it's a waste of resources to the people who don't like them, and nothing more than a cosktease to the people who do like the character in that position.

Being fair, there's some games where they do get rid of the helper, Both Kutsujoku 1 and 2, as well as Gakuen 3 don't have a helper, at least that I remember.
Gakuen 3 does have a helper, which is the protagonist's maid. Although that game is focused heavily on the main heroines and have a huge amount of scenes compared to other Bishop titles.
Expect that Gakuen 3 was created about 14 years ago.

Obviously, the production costs of an eroge game have been different at that time, compared to now.
Even though production cost was different back then, I do think sales for Bishop titles were usually consistent.

The amount of scenes are usually dependant on how many artist they got, and IMO, I feel Gakuen 3 is similar to Reijou Kanritou in that there are only 3 main heroines and they are each drawn by a different artist which was the reason it had more scenes than other games. In games like Kuro no Kyoushitsu where it was just Oonari, the game got scenes heavily cut, where everyone only has about half of the post-corruption scenes. Which is a huge shame, since those are usually the best scenes.
Two of Reijou Kanritou's main heroines were drawn by Oonari (Inori and Miharu) while Rio did Nanao.
While the convo you guys had is interesting, I'm here to admit I'm a retard. I meant Houkago 3. Not Gakuen 3
The sub-heroines in Kazoku is mainly there to create many threesome scenes. You have to admit, there are many such scenes and combination for threesomes in Kazoku. Curiously, threesome scenes (outside the harem route) is pretty much gone in recent titles if the game has 5 heroines. It's been a while so I might be wrong, but I don't think there's any threesome scenes in Shinshoku or Ingoku.

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