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It's dead. Replacement by someone actually competent when?

>Admin either bans you or restricts you to 10 kB/s or less
>for years claimed that only one schizophrenic cares about a post's previous versions and told people to download the entire website to see one post's previous versions
>refuses to make torrents
>says only schizophrenics use torrents
>only recently lets you see the posts' previous versions but it's such a bad implementation because you still have to download an artist's entire portfolio if you want downloaded files to be sorted
>accuses you of "rent free" when you tell him how to fix something basic
>blames you for making the website slow
>makes six figures (maybe seven) from donations and ad revenue but refuses to improve the website because 99% of visitors are braindead coomers that only leech
>claims the code is free but refuses to give it out
>calls people lazy for not being his slave
>makes six/seven figures from ads/donations

HAHAHAHA! OH! lord... That's a good laugh. Haha!
>It's dead. Replacement by
You could...
>someone actually competent when?
Didn't take long for you to arrive, shill.
Phew, thought the site was dead but nope, it's functioning perfectly, just a shitposter whining about irrelevant forum drama.
It's dead if nothing loads you underage retardq
Putting kemono aside, why is the torrenting scene so shit for hentai? Like, it seems the torrents would be the perfect solution for Kemono. Why is the most popular open standard for crowsdsourcing essentially dead for this kind of media? Where is the nyaa of hentai? And no, sukebei doesn't count since its catalog is fairly weak. Also Panda's torrents are tied to the galleries themselves and galleries get taken down surprisingly frequently.
On a tangentially related note, I wonder why stuff is basically never taken down on nyaa (for copyright infringement/whatever) but it happens all the time on panda?
Because torrenting requires seeding and most people don't want to keep some things on their comps forever, especially age-old porn they don't plan on going back to.
everything loads fine, just don't be an asshole to the admin I guess
Fantia fucking when?
Do everyone a favor and kill yourself instead of lying
I'm not an asshole so I have no need to lie

You literally are.

I don't care who you're shilling for. You need to kill yourself.
Putting your reddit typing aside, www.nyaa.si and https://exhentai.org doesn't have the same admin and Exhentai's admin is an ally of Fakku.
hard to update shit, are you going to put out a new torrent every time some guy puts out a new patreon post?
Torrents can have the same files you fucking autist
is the fanbox importer broken again? nothing but gumroad/patreon imports sinces yesterday
>are you going to put out a new torrent every time some guy puts out a new patreon post?
Sure, why not? There are (multiple) new torrents for every weekly anime release.
sites working for me fine aswell. Move out of your shithole country iraq
Imagine my shock that the shill is also a mentally ill newfag

It's probably a Fakku shill.

Doesn't matter that Kemono ignores Fakku's copyright claims. A better alternative to Kemono will be an even bigger nightmare for Fakku, lmao.
Kemono has that sharty factor, they're near invulnerable to copyright bullshit no thanks to Vladmir Monke's blood war.
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my goon sesh ruined
Do nothing failsons know only how to lie and teardown others, because they lack any ability to do something similar.
It is working you fucking faggot, chill the hell out, I can still access the website just fine so it's most likely an issue on your end

Try and properly fact check next time before accusing people of being retards, retard
No one said the website is inaccessible

Learn to read and how to not breathe with your mouth before you call someone retarded you literal fucking cockroach
i love kemono but whats going it seems to have stopped updating entirely a few days ago and i feel like even before that they've been focusing too much on gumroad/discord stuff rather than fanbox and patreon recently,also if something bad happens to kemono there will be no replacement whenever it stopped working in the past all the content was almost never uploaded to anywhere else
>someone posted cp in kemonochan
the website still being up and accessible means jack shit when nothing has been uploaded to it since saturday
>still dead
it truly, really is kemonover
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how the fuck do you download these?
>Invalid request



its over
>how the fuck do you download these?
by not being a leecher and supporting this artist
Well, everything about hentai is turning gay so well as piracy since everybody is flock off to AI generation and shit.
Remember to always take what you read here with a grain of salt, anon.
Kill yourself paypig faggot.
thanks, that makes me feel good about you not having these pics, had you asked nicely I would've uploaded them but you saved me the trouble

You haven't paid for shit and have no intention of sharing anything because you're a disgusting little actual leech pretending otherwise because you think it won't make you a leech if you attack yourself and fanatically demand everyone to sell their organs to financially support all Japanese artists

Also 99% chance that you're a Fakku shill since I've never met a Fakku shill who wasn't a self-hating leech like yourself
I'd rather not get the porn than paying real money for it. I only consoom it because its free.
I can hear your screeching all the way across the Atlantic.
>I can hear your screeching all the way across the Atlantic.

Says the retard doing the only screeching
It's not even a paypig. It's a self-hating leech who brainwashed itself that it isn't a leech if it attacks other leeches.

It's an abnormality that everyone should have expunged but the mods being faggots by taking bribes from Fakku prohobit it so now we can only do nothing but spectate Fakku brainwash newfags
Go to kemono,select sort by date updated
site suddely stopped updating on 2024-04-13
coomer.su stopped working too,as in no new content is added
The importers did not suddenly stop working all at once the admins shut them down and have not turned them on ever since,they probably ran out of storage the site is too bloated with ai and gumroad trash anyway most of the gumroad stuff is duplicates since artists upload all their stuff to the other more relevant platforms anyway
>the site is too bloated with ai
is there anything AI won't destroy?!

This is wrong you retarded sperg and fuck you for crying to jannies every time your feefees get hurt

Exhentai and Kemono would've banned AI if it didn't make them any money
the site not having any new content uploaded to it since april 13th isn't some schizo delusion, it's the fact that we're here to discuss, you god damn moron
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>coomer.su stopped working too
Cant even search artists lol
it's over
new site in two weeks
just make your own art lmao
you're a
mental ill
Fanbox importer dead again it seems
Forget Subscribestar/Fantia
Downloads are buttslow
Sometimes search is ass, I don't understand why it needs to load all of the creators
i've been here longer than you've been alive
Not having any issues as of a few seconds ago in the US
>they probably ran out of storage
that makes sense with the all humongous multi-GB archives off gumroad I've seen
if that were true you'd have learned not to engage the trolls and schizos
Imagine being a mentally ill newfag and calling others trolls and schizos
That makes you even a bigger retard
we're all retards here, don't try to pretend to distance yourself now
>You literally are.
This can't read as anything other than a whiney faggot response hahaha
You sound like bullying you in school was the funniest fucking shit in the world
Says the insecure retard drinking toilet water for schizo reasons

Keep projecting retarded newfag
This weird schizo seething at everyone for no reason lol,and cry harder i've never even ever had a reddit account
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its not working, nothing has been updated since like the 14th, what happened?
In my time on the internet, I have seen no bigger crybaby bitches than torrent cucks
>You want me to download this without a torrent? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH BILLIONS MUST DIE
t. americuck who goes to jail if he torrents anything
is there any updates? 1 week without no uploads on kemono and coomer
Self-projecting samefagging newfag
Supposedly they're upgrading their storage because of gumroad
>makes six figures (maybe seven) from donations and ad revenue
... do you actually believe this?

Utterly incomprehensible to think that one of the top 200 websites is making a single cent
t. kemono staff cumguzzler fix your shitty site already
You said you're a kemono staff cumguzzler.

Maybe if you knew how to read you'd know how it works.

it's fucking hilarious how retarded you newfags are
i dont think you understand how expensive it is to run a website, how many people actually do use adblockers nowadays, and how few people will be directly donating money to a site they are visiting with the express purpose of circumventing having to pay someone else

Then, money must be growing on trees.

>how few people will be directly donating money to a site they are visiting with the express purpose of circumventing having to pay someone else

Yiff.party which Kemono is the successor of used only a fraction of donations to pay for all hosting bills.

Kemono's owner bragged that he'd made six figures from donations in a single month when the website was in its infant stage.

If ad block usage is widespread, why isn't YouTube, Twitch and other websites that live off of ads not dead yet?
Looks like this is the end for both kemono and coomer up until end of April and no updates
Tell me if there's new site coming guys.
I know if it were dead or sued they'd have said something and they're probably just working out a hosting issue but the silence is deafening
>used only a fraction of donations
>bragged that he'd made six figures from donations
not asking incredulously, i actually haven't seen those and would like to if you can provide.
>why isn't YouTube, Twitch and other websites that live off of ads not dead yet?
because they don't live purely off ads, are constantly working to circumvent blockers, command top dollar for ads put on their services, are owned and operated by multibillion dollar corporations with massive resources and thousands of staff and see visitorship in the billions each month. youtube is the second most visited website on the planet, behind google. twitch is #38. you really don't understand how economies of scale work, do you?
Ah, sirs. But I'm an insanely poor third worlder Europoor from Luxembourg. Spare me, please.

Don't be a retarded newfag by not typing like a redditor and you might get someone to spoonfeed you.

>because they don't live purely off ads

They do.

>are constantly working to circumvent blockers

Do you have any evidence that copyright, anti ad block technology, DRM, etc, increase profit?

Of course you don't. You're a disgusting little liar.

>multibillion dollar corporations with massive resources

Where is Kemono getting the money to serve terabytes of data to millions of people every day?

You are clearly underage or a manchild for not knowing how servers work.

>thousands of staff

Twitch laid off 35% of its work force a few months ago. YouTube has less than ten staff members.

>youtube is the second most visited website on the planet

It's funny how you contradict yourself because you can't keep track of your own bullshit.

You've been arguing that a website having many visitors doesn't mean anything but now you're making the opposite argument.

Since you're a retard like 99% of today's internet users, you're going to ignore this and keep spamming.

>you really don't understand how economies of scale work

You literally think websites run for free.
nice job not even attempting to answer either of my questions dipshit. leave the ad homs at the door next time and maybe, just maybe, you'll have a head level enough to have a substantive discussion without seething so hard for... all completely made up reasons, apparently?
>They do.
they offer premium content and an ad-free paid service. plus, google sells viewer metrics and data to third parties. today's youtube is not 2006's youtube
>evidence that copyright, anti ad block technology, DRM, etc, increase profit?
uh. the very small number of people who will turn off adblock and settle for it or buy the premium
>Where is Kemono getting the money to serve terabytes of data to millions of people every day?
again, making up shit in you're head to argue against. im not debating kemono's operating costs, i'm asking for where exactly the admin or owner or whomever bragged about having fat stacks of cash leftover AFTER the obviously very large site maintenance/server bill, considering the database size and bandwidth requirements
>YouTube has less than ten staff members.
that's such an astronomically bullshit claim i'm amazed you could type that out without thinking about it for half a second to realize how wrong it is, let alone spend the five required to fact check it.
>arguing that a website having many visitors doesn't mean anything but now you're making the opposite argument
PLEASE enlighten me where in my post did i make that argument i am on my knees BEGGING you bro
>You literally think websites run for free
my post two replies up >>7967313 is directly mentioning how expensive a site like this would be to run and how hard securing enough money to do so would likely be. all i want is to see the forum post or tweet or sekrit discord circlejerk discussion where the owner is bragging about donations, that's all i want. just show it to me. the only site i use for porn is dead, ive got nothing else left, have a little courtesy for fuck's sake
Is it really an hosting issue? Isn't it that fanbox, fantia, patreon and all upgraded their API and you can no longer rip them?

Of course you have a 4chan pass, you retarded newfag

>they offer premium content and an ad-free paid service. plus, google sells viewer metrics and data to third parties. today's youtube is not 2006's youtube

Accept that you're wrong and move the fuck on. YouTube and Twitch themselves say their biggest source of income is ads.

>have a little courtesy for fuck's sake

Go on their forum and ask, someone might have the screenshot or even an archived link to it. Have fun monitoring their forum more than the admin because he regretted posting that screenshot.
How long is it going to be down for? I'm losing my mind! I jerked it to a locked post, the blur, silhouettes, and my imagination were enough, is it over for me?
wouldn't explain the loss of updates for all sites simultaneously, all updates stopped on the 14th

I think the most likely explanation is a surge in storage requirements from people panic backing-up gumroad threatening something and forcing the site owners to shut down the import service.
On the 17th of this month? Anon there is some artists where the update stopped for months, since 2023. Kemono is dying since last year.
that's because nobody has shared those subs with kemono since fantia banned accounts and fanbox threatened it, nothing they can do about it, everything you see since october is a sub newly shared to kemono
Go to "newest" under artists
The last import was the 14th of April
There's a difference between people not putting in keys or the updater being slow and the it just being down for ten days
alright, it’s increasingly clear you just don’t understand my meaning at all or something, I’m very sorry
Are you a bot
>they're not even bothering to clean up the cp
things are looking grim, hope they dont delete everything at least
I've spent more than $3k on commissions and art and I don't mind to spend more but I use kemono more often because it's just fatster than retarded pixiv fanbox.
Patreon, Fanbox and the rest should just tell the creators to fuck off and start making archives.
whats kemonochan?
Go to kemono click on the icon on the top left of the home page and scroll to partychan and click its next to the link of their telegram channel
its a small imageboard
So it's just 1 post with 52 files that you have to download from some paid shitty site and no one deletes it?
read >>7960706
we had this fucking argument back when the fanbox importer broke, just wait for it to get fixed
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Seems like they're getting new servers
Some artists haven't been updated in forever / don't get updated anymore or are slow to be updated. It's dead.
you know that's the fault of the users not supplying sub keys for these artists, kemono doesn't "own" any subs and relies on users for all content
Credit cards and Paypal fucking over Jap sites will eventually spill over to Patreon, it has cratered Fanbox already.

They will never fix the Fantia/Subscribestar importer.
What's the name of that mascot character?
Nevermind. Found it but there's no R34 and the original artist just draws low-effort futa.
where were you when kemono was kill
I cannot predict the future
Is Kemono down for anyone else?
Yeah, down for me atm
it's down for me too
is over...
works on my machine ;)
assuming they're migrating to the new servers if it's down?
At least it means they're doing something, it's better than what we had through April. I just hope they'll come back, I really can't afford to pay for all the porn I'm consuming daily.
seems to be down in theuk, works properly on vpns.
Must be migrating servers then
it's up
you sir are a cunt
i trusted you...
DNS has changed, your computer must not have the new address yet
I can't acces it from germany anymore. Though I'm not sure if it's on their end or my ISP blocking access. Same happend with dl-site late last year.
yeah I used to shell out a few bucks every month for creators but artists are so busy stopping leaks they make just accessing and saving their stuff impossible.
>authentic with my website
>join le discord
meanwhile I just dump a kemono url into hydrus and their stuff is updated for the rest of time.
Works on my end. Try using DNS-over-HTTPS
it's working again
Not to panoc but both the main site and the chan are fucking dead
works fine on my phone, just not on PC for some reason.
go beg for updates on partychan then, someone still needs to pay for them
>Credit cards and Paypal fucking over Jap sites will eventually spill over to Patreon
>he doesn't know
Does flagging a post even do anything? Whats the point of this site if only the most popular artists are kept up to date?
Mine is dead, even on mobile. I hope they're only moving stuff since the last thing I heard was that they were buying more storage space and that's why the importers were not working.
I always thought it's so that when someone does import in the future it'll update the post.
Its wierd on my mobile and pc its dead but i tright it out on tor and its working there
yeah it does, if nobody imports the artist the post can't be updated, so especially the $10+ tier posts will almost never get updated
Yeah, site's on its last legs
Sites down in England and Canada I believe. DNS over HTML works for it, as does tor. Using a VPN will also let you onto the site. The admin is getting new servers for migration.

Basically just use a VPN or google the IPs of coomer/kemono and put them on your host file. This shit could be fixed anywhere from tomorrow or take up to 2 weeks. Importer likely won't be fixed until the migration issues are sorted.
Its back in the EU
>told you kemono was kill
It's owari da...
Still down for me
i gave up on that site and am using the korean day marketsite now. It doesn't have an archive but at least its updates are the fastest there is. It's like reading the daily newspaper, but with 3d hentai
it's back on the EU they just ran out of storage apparently so it's time to just sit down and wait
>korean day marketsite
Editing the host file made it work for me.
You still need someone to paypig for that artist/creator and the balls to share it.

Anything above $10+ is rare, most are on the $5 basic bitch plan.
It was extremely amusing to find out people panicking over the site being kill just turned out to be Eurofags.
america and europe are both subhuman regions
Uma delcia?
the fuck is the point sites is up again but no updates? Still stuck on 4/13/24
how do you expect them to update after running out of diskspace... not like you're paying them anything for their service either

Are you a shill or the admin?

Why the fuck are you pretending you don't have ads and beg for donations?

Ops my bad, I forgot retarded newfags who make up over 90% are going to fall for your retarded scam.
Why should he update? Not doing it hasn't lowered ad revenue and donations.
take your blood pressure meds
The importer was fucked, even before the site went down.
The migration of servers is sorted out now, but I think there was still another thing they had to deal with that'd take a couple of days. After that's done, I assume the importer will be back up and running, so just give it another week tops and it should be fixed.
.su is still down for me, is there a new domain?
It isn't exactly down.
I can't access kemono from my PC, but for some reason I can access from my phone, and both devices use the same network.
Try it out.

Kill yourself you fucking retard
This isn't Reddit, newfag
I can only access it with a VPN
With all the crackdown and kemono refusing to update, I wonder how much stuff will be lost cause we can't archive them in time...
you're really upset for being on a board built around relieving stress
maybe you should try it sometime lol
That's funny coming from the retard sperging out after getting exposed for running a scam and thinking 4chan uses the same text editor as Reddit lol
ok so you really are schizophrenic, alright then
>n-no u!
That's so funny, you literal retard schizo
>10 minute delete cool down

Oy vey

Answer >>7987040
Are you retarded? They're using that money to buy new servers that should be up by May 6th. Read nigga, read.

You're a /pol,/tard lol who are you calling retarded?

First you lied that Kemono doesn't make any money and how we should thank Kemono for being generous

Now you've admitted that you lied by lying yet again that Kemono uses all of its ad revenue to upgrade the server (it uses only 1% of the ad revenue for the server)
I don't think you can do artist requests on Partychan anymore coz they removed the request thread for w/e reason.

I tried doing a request in a new thread but got banned, so...
French guy here.
Our government restricted access to the site because of CP. Maybe that has something to do with this bullshit?
That explain why I can't go on kemono without a VPN... fuck.

That make me laugh because you can still access to 4chan or twitter, but kemono "No! No! No! You can't go on this site!", fucking hypocrite.
Actual CP or just loli shit?
Because I thought your government was ok with the later. Anyways, I can access the site again, I'll back up as much shit as I can, see if can get a couple HDD before the site goes down again or something.
>Actual CP or just loli shit?
Idk, and it's not like that matters to normalfags.
There is a replacement that actually also has fantia scraping too, but it's really slow. Their servers can't handle anything.
>still no update
It's genuinely joever.

>Loli isn't children

Yeah they're clearly 9000000000 year old dragons to your reddit brain
>Since a reform of the French penal code, introduced in 2013, producing or distributing drawings that represent a minor aged less than 15 years old is considered the same as producing real child pornography and is punishable by up to five years' imprisonment and a €75,000 fine, even if the drawings are not meant to be distributed.

The gross 3d stuff also tends to aggro the cops no matter the jurisdiction
The 6th
If you can't identify the difference between fantasy and reality you picked a hell of a board to browse.

What does that have to do with that Japanese word that quite literally means a female child?

I do find it intriguing that you claim to be able to separate fantasy from reality when it clearly isn't the case with you because you're sexually attracted to it by the very fact that you're masturbating to it.
I have confidence that you'll be able to connect the puzzle pieces on this one.

It is quite obvious that you substitute cheese pizza with "loli" because you want to be in a public space and think "normies" don't know what you're doing
I hope you don't play Mortal Kombat and GTA. And I hope you don't watch "Saw" :)
They're operational again!
People don't watch SAW or play those games because they've a sexual attraction to people dying :)

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