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slutty blondes edition

Previous thread: >>7645589

- [COM3D2] -

Comprehensive COM3D2 Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/n6Uhi5zQ

Custom Maid Ultimate - 2023 Edition (CM3D2 + COM3D2 + all DLC up to 2023/05/22): https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3885249
Custom Maid Ultimate Master Guide: https://pastebin.com/1SFajwy5
Custom Order Maid 3D2 English Vanilla Repack: https://pastebin.com/1nhpdNML
COM Modular Installer [CMI]: https://github.com/krypto5863/COM-Modular-Installer/releases

-Official English version-

KISS: https://dl-en.s-court.me/top.php
Nutaku: https://www.nutaku.net/promo/custom-order-maid-3d2/
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1097580/CUSTOM_ORDER_MAID_3D2_Its_a_Night_Magic/

- [CM3D2] -

Comprehensive CM3D2 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/qZQGcmxX

DO NOT use Hongfire Patch, Reipatcher, or NTleas, they're old and can break the game. Switch to Japanese locale and install CMI/LMMT

Brief Installation Guide for Custom Maid 3D 2 (Updated 7/31/2017)
A recently made installation guide:

How to Play/English Wiki
Legacy Meidos Modular Toolbox [LMMT]: https://github.com/krypto5863/Legacy-Meido-s-Modular-Toolbox/releases

Latest mod releases:
Twitter Search: https://pastebin.com/kySD2ABv
MotiMoti3D Catalog: http://motimoti3d.jp/

International List of Mods (slow&outdated):

Discord for news of CM/COM Updates and DLC and more:

Presets: https://db.bepis.moe/com3d2
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Adult Enhancement Pack] [PINK] [Vol.2]: https://mega.nz/file/FW8AQYJa#wDPHpIYn0znT7mUzQpjzKGKtm4BYEbEGIOIk4s42i5A
Making loli sub-140cm loli meidos is nice and all, but then you realize that heights below that makes the game's dick to mouth tracking system go off the rails and thus make the loli meido give blowjobs using their nostrils or eyeballs.
Are they planing to moving on and making anther game in next few years? COM is already outdated as hell.
they are currently working on a game that is both a sequel to com3d2 and kanotsuku2.
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What GP-03 could've been.

Never forget what they took from you.
Ehh, I think I prefer the upcoming GP-03's harem marriage over some shota
So what's the opinion on Gyaru? Anything interesting?
Technically even (You) can still be a shota. All that was stated in proto GP-03 was that the main protagonist was (You)r highschooler son.
It's your ball whether he's a 17 year old shota or a Part 3 Jojo "17 year old".
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What are the ladies talking about?
she more like this

i think she is based on this
hairy mangos
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Does anyone know what this skin is, or a skin with a prominent vulva like this? I found it on pixiv and I've wanted something like it for a while. I'm looking through the discord mods but can't find much.
Those puffy vulva (and most variable body shapes really) are most likely achieved through shapekeys rather than skins. So unless you have experience with blender and transferring shapekeys, you're better off looking for a body model that already has shapekeys regarding that area loaded in by default.

If you're already on the discord, you should probably just ask around.
lobody + 4k riaman skin
What's a mango?
it's.....the juicy thing between the legs of a meido...
I know on good authority that's called chinbo...
only males have those...i read it in my biology textbook for homework
in my japanese comics girls have them too
all maids in my game come equipped with one by default

maybe it's just the japanese?
A mango is an edible stone fruit with firm yellow-red skin and a hard seed produced by the tropical tree Mangifera indica.

Mangos are completely shaved, therefore a hairy one is a rarity worth discussing similarly to a hairless kiwi.
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Yotogi Class Skills SP] [+&ACT2 Revival]: https://mega.nz/file/oLMxwS6J#IWLd1k5J5YmbJmAmK6843AIFTHOFZe_mYrWR6QRCg4M
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Close enough.
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animated meido edition
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timeline plugin is great, we are now entering a new frontier for meido
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What background is this?
which player character mod is that?
This is the greatest H game of all time desu.
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that isn't the yotogi master (the blue ghost). it's a male character made for use with the pic making plugin.
basically lobody with several other mods, including >>7964307 's body hair mods.
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How does deflarc work? I'm still playing CM3D2 because nostalgy and don't want to learn a new game and trying to install some mods but apparently I need to 'deflarc' and couldn't find anything on it, especially since Hongfire is gone. I think it's about decompressing the .arc files but any idea how I can use it, whatever it is?
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hi there I find this mod

can anyone please upload?
what fucking wormhole to 2015 did you come from? no one has been using that crap for over half a decade.

delicious bush
Dark release when?
includes v4 and v4+
Thank you so much Mates:)
Would you mind sharing other mods of the author ? Like face parts, eye highlights or body mod etc...
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-- [COM3D2&2.5 Append] [GP03]: https://mega.nz/folder/FuwmXLjA#pE_RYtYEyCec3yiGEvg-TQ
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Can't believe it took needing to marry multiple maids to get actual maid /u/.
It's a nice treat but I'm still waiting for the maid-ntrcorrupts-maid scenario
Don't the three starting maids have a scenario that kinda features that?
In COM3D2 can I hire a maid with personalities from extra maids, like robotic, vampire like? They don't show up in profile in maid hiring menu.
>In COM3D2 can I hire a maid with personalities from extra maids, like robotic, vampire like?
I think anon meant the kai version of 3gp for the threesome ntr scenarios.

I'm interested too
So, what's the catch here? Why is it better than Koikatsu? I assume this gets asked a lot, but how's the mod list compared to Koi?
>Why is it better than Koikatsu?
It's an actual game compared to the Koikatsu.
Model quality and art style is way better than Koikatsu imo.
Is there any other site to get DLCs besides Pastebin? There, all the links are from Mega, and many of them are down...
what's the timeline plugin?, sorry I may be dumb
best method is to use the ultimate edition 2023 torrent and then download whatever dlc has been released after.
Posestream had existed since forever

I've been doing custom motions for years
I hope this works for CRC3D

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