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The credit card company rejected DLsite's compromise request. It seems that DLsite will either completely surrender like Getchu and delete various "incorrect" works, or it will be completely unable to use Western credit cards. With Getchu's surrender, I am worried that DLsite will do the same.
I hope that DLsite will ban American users in the future, just like PIXIV, the Japanese should not be made to suffer from domestic problems in the United States.
The fuck is up with credit card company's anyway? Why have they been policing so much porn content?
i understand this is a serious issue but don't we have too many threads about it already
If all hentai works selling websites are wiped out by credit card companies, then we will have no future.
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I sincerely hope that DLsite stops associating with the fiction morality police association. The masks are off, if you try to bend to their whims you wlll be culled like Getchu.
ESG/Woke mind virus
All of these credit companies are owned in part or in majority by blackrock/vangaurd etc who all are forcing ESG policies on it's portfolio companies under threat of not loaning money to them/downgrading their ESG scores.
They are selective in what they police, you can use cards on OF and shit and see people getting their rectums blown out in 20 felon gangbangs, but if you like seeing 2d futa girls it's a big no no. Very strange.
The tone from that notice seems pretty clear to me, they won't remove any of their works/go the DMM/Fanza route at worst if push comes to shove
This is 100% correct. Kishida let BlackCock take root in Japan this year and they are already trying to implement their ESG scores within Japanese companies. They literally have more money than most first world countries and are more than happy to sink hundreds of millions down the drain as long as it keeps pushing their "ideals".
How is this fair
This is literally the oligarchy that ancient Romans and greeks tried to purge many times isn't it?
It's not fair. If you look into how BlackRock came to be this finanical titan it goes back to the 2008 housing crash and recession. They got rich through peoples misery and then "bailed" corporations out, bailed out in this case means keeping them in their pockets. This isn't even tinfoil hat shit, this is publically accessible information and they are open about their ESG schemes, they talk about them openly at various world economic forums. They have admitted many times that if a company has a good ESG score, they get obscene amounts of money gifted to them so even if the products they sell are poor and lose money, the company is still making bank from the BlackRock handouts. How do you think Disney etc can afford to keep release dud after dud for years, Disney aren't stupid if they were losing big bucks they would nip it in the bud and change their MO. Vanguard owns the most stock in Disney followed by BlackRock irc.
I'm being serious, take 20 minutes out of your day and look into BlackRock/Vanguards goals.. and then look at what companies they have major stakes in. This is easily accessible and will make you realise how fucked this shit really is.
They want you cooming to onlyfans and twitch streamers and mindgeek porn. You masturbating to foreign artwork hurts their bottom line.
This is actually true in many ways you know. Did you know that cuck/interracial/trans porn is actually a small percentage of overall porn consumed by the public, so rather niche some could say. Yet it is the most heavily produced and pushed over the past 6 years? strange eh?
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Kishida is a bit of an idiot but he's not anti loli/sex negative unlike a huge portion of the left (recently invaded by western type feminists) and far-far right in Japan. He had a work relationship with both Taro Yamada and Ken Akamatsu since 2017-19 back when the UN was trying to pass a resolution asking for all member states to ban sexual fictional content with characters that look underage and he basically reiterated the message these 2 and the anime industry had passed him and politely told the UN to fuck off. Legislation wise in Japan any kind of censorship has little chance of passing as long as he is up. I'm actually much more scared if all the stupid scandals the LDP has had lately could lead to a change of government to the Democratic party or for the presidency of the LDP to go to women like Sanae Takaichi (far right) or Seiko Noda (westernized center-left) both candidates in the last election and both of which supported censorship of "unhealthy manga" back in 2010-11. If that were to happen things could truly take a turn for the worse. Pic related is the latter one meeting with the IWF recently, a UK based organization which absolutely despises anything involving loli.
>>7967316 no
Heard about this news. Sad that it’s happening and it’s probably gonna screw over artist on that web website. I get credit card companies wanna do that kind of stuff to stop illegal kind of content being sold but preventing artists from making loli and even futa is low. Think there will be a day where Websites will stop listening to the color hairs and payment cards and continue showing that kind of stuff without any threat of their websites, shutting down?
People can change, especially in regards to politics. Kishida since becoming PM has allowed a large influx of migrants which the Japanese public were against, he also invited BlackRock in. When it comes to politics and money, no one can be trusted. There are hundreds of politicians who have gone back on their previous morals/stances, and that's just over the past 4-5 years lol.
payment processors need to cover their asses in any way possible cuz you dont wanna get caught by any state acussing you of allowing illegal material making money, this includes anything from drugs to "CSAM", anyone itt who talks about esg and shit knows jack shit, this kind of push and pull goes back decades
You're all wrong, the real answer is that they are trying to strong-arm the Japs, their actual goal is to destroy the ticket gate companies
It's why they manufactured the IC-card shortage in Japan btw
It's actually quite interesting that they are keeping their attacks limited to economics, I'm guessing they are afraid of something like RuPay obliterating them overnight if they push too hard, although I'm not super familiar with the CC market so i don't know for sure
Do you honestly think any sane person is going to look at a site that only sells artwork, and believe that they're going to be selling cp too? If that were the case you'd see people unable to do things like buy artwork from galleries, but you don't. People can routinely spend upwards of thousands of dollars buying the most vile disgusting artwork from some pretentious faggot, and not have to worry about their cc telling them 'no'.
>Think there will be a day where Websites will stop listening to the color hairs and payment cards and continue showing that kind of stuff without any threat of their websites, shutting down?

Who do you think encouraged, funded and gave a platform to those people? the whole "sjw" crowd are basically the useful idiots of these corporations, back in 2014 when this really started taking off they could have just ignored them and they would have died out, but they did the opposite.
Well he also has three young male sons and in his entire career has never talked against it or asked for censorship. Seems like the less evil option right now compared to what Japan could get. There are some genuinely openly pro censorship people all over Japanese politics it is not all rosy. Foreign credit card companies acting as moral busybodies is already bad but actual national legislation making things criminal would be a disaster.
Jesus f Christ man. What a blackpill. Can't believe retards will set themselves on fire (essentially dedicating the rest of their life) but won't even take the slightest, legal action against BlackRock for even a day.
>their actual goal is to destroy the ticket gate companies
>It's why they manufactured the IC-card shortage in Japan btw
QRD? Why?
Because if you have to pay for your train ticket with your credit card they get a cut
Can these fuckers just adopt crypto already? Bitcoin, ether, tether, usdc, bnb, anything holy shit
These companies are going to have to get more creative with payment methods.
It is depressing man, when i first read into BlackRock and Vanguard i was down in the dumps for like a week. They are untouchable really, they have their finger in every pie and can bribe anyone. Irc as of 2023, they had approx $15 trillon in assets. Do you know how much money that is?
America is such a pozzed corrupt country. It's actually a little interesting seeing the parallels between America, and the Soviet Union before they absolved.
Blue Archive's publisher office and DLsite's parent company are literally on the same building in Akihabara right to each other, one on floor 11th and the other 12th.


According to various JP news there are a lot of personal relationships between many of the people at both companies and shared views. I'm hopeful Dlsite will hold the line and leave the cunny alone. That message strongly hints at that.
+1 for keeping us informed but what are they trying to accomplish here with these negotiations? Normie westerns are at their most righteous when it comes to the topic of minors and sex. As far as these credit card companies go your entire site is full of "literal" CP (yes even the JK stuff). You are pure evil to them. They will never concede a single inch to you. DLsite staff needs to get out of their JP bubble and stop wasting time trying to make them understand in good faith. You're not going anywhere.
Also, why now and in unison too?
What exactly does ESG/"wokeness" have to do with wanting to wipe pornography off the internet? Leftists support pornography, right wingers are the ones who don't.
There won't be an /h/, Pip.
Their main target is anything "non-consensual". That's why Patreon made that really dumb rule where your character has to openly say they're consenting. Loli, incest, bestiality, etc are just a side thing
What happened, bros? Everyone used to laugh at soccer moms wanting to ban video games because of "le violence"
This. I can guarantee you it's right wingers who are to blame for this.
>What exactly does ESG/"wokeness" have to do with wanting to wipe pornography off the internet?

Literally nothing,, but they take the shots when they can.
Leftists only support tranny and interracial porn. It's true that right wingers are againts porn but they currently have little to no clout and wouldn't be able to push for this porn ban on the other side of the globe.
You fucking retard ESG is literally abot enforcing the virtues of blackrock. They allow onlyfans interracial porn because it fits their idea of "good" porn.
Why the stupid doomerism OP? You can't compare a loser no spine site like Getchu which isn't even in the top 1000 sites in Japan to fucking DLsite (at 32). You won't even find a single news article on yahoo.co.jp commenting on the Getchu situation. That's how irrelevant they are.
If you care about Galgame (visual novels) and H-anime, you will know why Getchu is important. Although Getchu is not as large as DMM and DLsite, it is a very important website for traditional hentai works. In addition,Some old works are only sold through Getchu. Getchu also specializes in live-action COSPLAY works.Getchu also has some information and intelligence pages that are not available on other websites, which is very important for anime archeology enthusiasts.
You should ask some old otakus before you spout off your nonsense
This is why I compared this bad news to the destruction of the Bamiyan Buddhas, which you should go to Reddit/Visual Novels
You're decades late. Everything of value still left on there will be posted again somewhere else. Like I said Getchu has pretty much become a non entity in Japan. They are nuking their entire site and it is getting basically zero attention even from the otaku community itself. I swear their CEO must be using this as an excuse to pull the plug on that rotting carcass of a site for good. There isn't any other plausible reason for the retarded shit they are doing.
why are they going after drawings and not girls prostituting themselves over the internet?
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It's worse than you realize. Blackrock is an agent of the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Reserve is a private corporation that has the power to print U.S. currency with no audits and no oversight from any government institution. Blackrock is basically just a fingerpuppet for the Fed, and the Fed is an illegal and explicitly unconstitutional parasite that's been sucking America dry for over 100 years.
That's the issue. Too much laughing while the soccer moms of old and their offspring learned new tactics to enforce their dogma on us. Should've been developing new workarounds just in case shit hit the fan but everyone was lazy and the few following the attacks on porn were insulted and ignored.
>not girls prostituting themselves over the internet?
They already did, it's called FOSTA/SESTA. Fucked up a lot of prostitution sites years ago. If you're referring to onlyfans the prudes are attacking them again over claims of hosting cp.
Lmao wut? Lefties hate porn too, they just only like the "appoved" kind. Both left and right hate anything that's 2d/3dcg.
So that's why they still haven't reverted the tags after dropping them. Still trying to negotiate even though they themselves admit is an issue pretty much impossible to resolve...
>I'm actually much more scared if all the stupid scandals the LDP has had lately could lead to a change of government to the Democratic party
If the abysmal double blunder of their handling of the pandemic and botched Olympics weren't enough to even really dent the LDP I seriously doubt they'll get ousted anytime soon.
>or for the presidency of the LDP to go to women like Sanae Takaichi (far right) or Seiko Noda (westernized center-left) both candidates in the last election and both of which supported censorship of "unhealthy manga" back in 2010-11
Considering how much politicians who actually do try to push for censorship (the JCP in particular) get shat on relentlessly over there I doubt anyone in charge would try to make that sort of move. It was easier to push that sentiment back in 2010/2011 but nowadays I dont think any politician trying to stay in power would make the attempt. The JCP having a small group of cultlike followers is the only reason they even still exist. Even the CDP dislikes them.
Good news:

>Irc as of 2023, they had approx $15 trillon in assets.
I thought it lost a massive amount (in trillions) back in 2022?
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Blackrock can't lose money, they're supplied by the Fed and the Fed has access to infinite money. They print it at will and then double dip by charging the American taxpayers interest for every dollar they just printed for themselves.
Protect themselves legally if they get sued for facilitating “illegal” porn, and because “stolen card” use is common with “illegal” porn so lots of “fraud” claims and chargebacks.
Nonsensical. Most transactions in Japan are done in cash, and tourists can just get IC cards anyways, or you can just grab a pasmo commuter pass (Your phone can also function as an IC card...)
The idea that credit card companies caused global semiconductor shortages and price raising in order to attack ticket gates is fucking retarded.
You're holding a hammer and searching for nails.
I thought DLSite sales dropped for a few days after the cut-off and then went back to normal.

So they're getting away with money laundering? Checks out.

Stay mad r***d typing retard

>Most transactions in Japan are done in cash

You lie about literally anything while contradicting yourself to pretend Japan is based and trad
You're so enlightened, dear centrist who totally isn't a fascist
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not my problem
What's wrong with that? Prudes are made up of all political/religious sides, one gets to be more prominent than the other depending on where the pendulum currently swings.
everyone calling it leftoid or rightoid shit is a fucking retard. go look up exodus cry. it's a conspiracy tier organization that is trying to ban all porn for stupid christcuck reasons and they are the ones with their fingers in the pie of every credit card processor (several of which have exodus cry members in high ranking positions). thank me later.
I dont buy stuff on sites like these but they could set up bitcoin or credit system on another site and use those credits to buy stuff on another website. Or just sell sfw content and give download link to a patch with nsfw content.
Brics countried are planning dollar free payment system so this problem of your might end then.
Imagine unironically calling someone a fascist lol
It's been a known fact for fucking decades you shitwit.
For the metro line, cashless is preferred (so you don't have to wait in line at a terminal to get a ticket printed), but for overall purchases, cash is preferred. This is a known fact that the Japanese government, other governments, all media (mainstream and niche), and statistics admit to. The Koreans and Chinks like to use it to pretend they've advanced.

No motherfucker out there besides you, the dumbest gorilla retard nigger alive, has ever argued that the Japanese don't prefer cash. They do and they always have.






Find me a SINGLE source that claims otherwise, you inbred nigger.
because porn has the biggest charge-back recurrence. Too much people are cancelling payment transactions after jacking off. it has nothing to do with censorship.
a credit card user is able to dispute a payment up to 60 days after the bank sent you the notification of that payment.
Japan has a culture of paying for porn.That's how this industry even exists.
There's no way it's the same case there.
If that was the case then they wouldn't be going after specific tags only
Do you know who owns the banks and stuff?
it's a general policy; porn is bad both for the reputation and the business. Credit card companies are getting more and more pressured by anti-sex trafficking associations and since that field has higher charge back demands, they just drop it. Even onlyfans almost lost its access to credit cards; they have to pay a much higher operating fee than non porn merchants. Same for Pornhub.

No young Jap uses cash you illiterate retard aka Weeb

Because old Japs make up a majority and use cash doesn't mean it's widespread

You can't debate without making shit up or moving the goalpost

Fucking hilarious that you thought this was your moment because you rarely post links yet none of the links agree with you
Imagine being offended by a word that describes you lol
Who knows what's wrong with you being a chicken shit fascist.
They will lose money and customers whatever they do at this point.
except it only describes the people who use it. everyone who goes around screaming fascist this fascist that is an actual fascist who wants to control and censor everything they don't like.
Leftist Funination dropped Interspecies Reviewers. The card companies are also run by leftists.

Not if they don’t censor.
>Leftist Funination dropped Interspecies Reviewers.
Interspecies Reviewers was a special case.

they lose the CCs, then they lose customers and money... they suck on the CCs dicks, then they lose devs/artists/circles/etc, customers and money.
>I hope that DLsite will ban American users in the future
how will i support the artists then?
Then why doesn't anyone tell DLsite about the Onlyfans thing so they can offer to just pay the higher operating fee too? There's a chance they're not aware of that kind of deal happening.
In patreon's guidelines drawings have to "demonstrate consent" or it's non-consensual lol. And drawings can't consent to SM or anything close to that.

>It is paramount that Adult/18+ creators demonstrate consent in all works (real or animated; photo, video, written, audio) between adult participants or characters; specifically, a freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of consent by a statement or by a clear affirmative action. Additionally, participants and characters must be able to give consent (i.e. not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hypnosis, blackmail). “Consensual non-consent” works, in which participants or characters engage in simulated non-consensual encounters, are not permitted. Accompanying a work that features a non-consensual encounter with a statement claiming that the encounter was consensual is a violation of Patreon guidelines.

The only way forward is not dealing with foreign payment processors unfortunately.
>Leftists support pornography
Wrong, leftists support tranny porn, traditional heterosexual sex is frowned down upon because muh protect women standards and all that crap.
as far as i can tell both want to destroy it for different stated reasons , neither the right or left are our allies, we are at best "useful idiots" for them.
A few onlyfans content creators are truly popular, much much more than any dev/mangaka on DLsite. Because of that, lot of people went vocal against visa and mastercard to defend Onlyfans. Economically, DLsite is also not important enough; onlyfans had more than $3 billions of revenues, DLsite? only $150 millions. The truth is that visa/mastercard could ban dlsite and would barely notice the effect on its revenues.
they don't want to be associated with porn.
the type of corporate culture things like ESG created is partly to blame, bill ackman directly mentions about how business has a duty to live up to these standards as ESG values are taking hold, when business insider interviewed him about the pornhub purge.
funnily these days bill ackman did a 180 and calls himself the leader of an anti-woke hedgefund after ESG money started to dry up for him.
>they don't want to be associated with porn.
And? The visa/mastercard duopoly that has control over the financial infrastructure of the world shouldn't be allowed this luxury.
That describes the left and the right on every issue. You'd think by now people would realize that there is no such thing as left or right, that all of this is theater meant to keep people distracted, and that what's actually happening is that we're suffering under the leadership of a single entity that wears two masks that pretend to disagree while actually working towards the same goal to avoid taking responsibility for itself.
Left and Right are empty words with no true meaning anyway.
I swear, sometimes it feels and issue becomes left or right by a fucking coin flip, that's how it feels.
But you're right insofar that the traditional right (in the US Republicans, christians etc.) have been against porn forever, and have been pushing for more and more restrictions for decades now.
However, while in the past non-right porn haters existed, it's only in the last few years that an authoritarian progressive ideology developed, the so-called "woke" (which so far is mostly an exonym, but that might change). The woke are big on being anti-western (the only civilaization that doesn't murder them on sight) and anti-male, having brain farts like advocating what's basically muslim dress-codes (women got murdered for defying those) and being generally pro-censorship.
They mostly lack the power to actually push most of their anti-freedom of speech-views, but they're often anti-porn, ESPECIALLY anti-drawn porn and double-ESPECIALLY anti-manga. So they found useful allies here in the conservative right-wingers.
Especially sad that the woke basically devoured liberalism. Progressive liberals, for all their bleeding-heart faults, were generally very anti-censorship and pro-freedom of speech. Wokes are neither. Plenty of those olf Progressives now feel like right-wingers, simply because they refused to give up their views.
On the flip site wokes seem to be generally supportive of RL porn and prostitution.
Maybe because "Woke" is a catch-all term and no formal movement or ideology. By this I mean, those who sympathize with "sex workers" (or whores as we call them) and make this a core issue of them might not be the same as those trying to persecute drawn porn. Groups mostly overlap when it comes to tranny shit (including ruining kids with puberty blockers), multiculturalism and representation.
or they're simply not extremists.
The real answer is they are purposefully trying to remove the usage of credit cards, and merge into crypto currency only. So, they do bad things to make the credit cards look "bad" all leading up to their eventual removal, and re-instating a new digital currency that they control. Credit cards are on the way out. Crypto offers more controls, and less losses on their back end. Money printer doesn't want to co-operate? Who cares? A few clicks/key strokes, and we have everything we need now. The second people stopped backing a currency that was tied to a physical "good" was the start of the "end". It won't stop until everyone bands together to stop blackrock, and the elite that hide behind police, and UN soldiers, so they stop creating literal hell on earth.
Use the 4plebs archive and you can BARELY to ZERO find any discussion about anti-porn conservatives Duster Deevers or organizations like Exodus Cry on /pol/.

These brown as fuck dipshits are hardwired to think conservatives aren't doing anything and when they notice, they cheer for it in spite due to all the shock material they digested down for years.
That's the big solution, the issue is getting people on it and assuring they don't lose their cash over stock crashes
Do people really go through all this to buy some loli content? Its not exactly rare on boroos or pixiv, or obscure imageboards

Leaving money trail seems like awful idea, at any point in the past, let alone present
This sparked something I haven't seen anyone address, how does this affect Comiket 104? I've seen a couple of artists on twitter speak of having their works rejected because of loli and/or objects/outfits associated with under 18 girls like the randesoru. We could be hearing a disaster in a couple of months.
I remember reading an author comment (of a doujinshi) that comiket is putting more restrictions on what can be selled during the event , but nobody were talking about it
I can't find anything about this searching in Japanese. Source?
It's pretty clear by now that there is nothing DLSite can do that won't result in a lost of money, customers and potentially circles/artists.

and aside from the "things that would appease CCs but piss off circles" and "things that would appease circles but piss off CCs" categories.

1) require login to view adult content. Could help appease CCs and moral guardians without pissing off too many people.
>not sure why Japanese companies seemingly hate that one
2) be more careful/mindful about the "using other people arts/assets/musics/etc" part of copyright infringements, that would appease payments processors and quite a few circles.
3) ?
that was only for doujinshi resellers, not at the convention itself
For now...
Except you're a little bitch and a fascist for wanting to eat Palestinian babies, control and censor everyone despite claiming to be against it, getting mad about a word that describes you and crying to the mods to csnsor anyone who laughs at you
but all of that's what you do. you're the kike lover.
>be /pol/tard aka (You)
>give tens of billions in cash to jews every month to kill palestinian babies

>accuses everyone else of being jew lovers
>he thinks /pol/ doesn't vocally support total kike death and are glad to see palestinians kill israelkikes
i can't even imagine being such a tone deaf retard
Ignore the retards who say credit card companies are woke. They're policing porn because Pornhub fucked up a few years ago with keeping childporn on their site. Only Fans almost pivoted away from porn content a few years ago because of pressure from credit card companies. Card companies panicked, basically they don't want to associate with anything that could be illegal.
Mastercard put out similar requirements years ago. Blame porn sites for being so shitty that financial institutions had to keep them in check.
>Pornhub fucked up
They didn't.
It got removed as soon as it got reported, but it took a while to actually get reported.
IIRC the girl was in her teens already, so people likely gave it the benefit of a doubt instead of smashing that report button.
Shit like that happens, but the anti-porn crusaders managed to convince a judge that credit card companies and pornhub are guilty of profitting from child porn (the ads, you see). This is a dangerous reasoning.
Adding to the Credit Card Companies do it because they're woke/right-wing/porn causes financial trouble":
probably all of that. There's likely plenty of neo-progressives and old-style-conservatives in leadership and management positions that only agree that pron is bad, add frequent refunds to this, as well as clueless managers who just want to look good and you have the perfect storm.
The real problems are that they're so powerful and that they're allowed to do this in the first place.
But honestly, why are wokes so bloody obsessed with child porn? Seriously, not even the christards spend so much time screetching (and it's always screetching) about how all anime characters are literal real life babies and you are all pedomobiles and molstors for liking it. "Lewds of Sailor Moon?! But she is 16!!!! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHH!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! A LITERAL HUMMEN CHILD!"
It's the result of a guilty conscience. They think they can throw people off their scent by pretending to be staunch moralists. In reality, just about every single person who adopted that act got outed for having actual 3dpd cp.
Yes, some prominent figures, but surely not all those jumping on the bandwagon.
It honestly feels like a cultural thing. American are really weird about this, you probably saw some scene in an american movie or cartoon were one character goes "Wow, she's hot!" and some other "Dude, she's 17!" and the first character acts like he just got accidently sucked of by his grandma or something.
This is, frankly, not normal behaviour.
I know that America is culturally hostile to sex in general, but this is kinda new and feels so strange and faked.
The Age of Consent is treated like a literal divine wall that separates toddlers with no sex drive from adults with all the rights. And online it spread to people being hostile to anime and manga, since most characters there tend to be in their teens.
You also get weird shit, like a girl insisting she got groomed as and underaged, she was 24 or so, but described herself as mentally underage, whatever that means.
And that wokes are really rapid about this is especially strange considering the left used to be more sex-positive. I don't think there's some larger goal or conspiracy behind this, it likely has it's origin in the beginnings of what we know as "woke" in the mid 2010s (yes, the term is older, but has lost it's old meanings), which got influenced by Gamergate and MeToo. It's now one of the boxes you have to check to be accepted by the crowd.
Just weird, and so bloody random. And I can't even talk anywhere but here about this, because of the stigma attached to it (oh, you just want to bang children! SCREEEEE!).
I think it's just the culmination of years and years of the media propagandizing shame in those areas. It's no different from how Americans treat race differences, like it somehow makes you a hateful bigot to simply recognize the fact that Asians have different eyelids or that black people can't absorb as much vitamin D naturally. The more they heap the shame on, the less people want to be associated with it, which consistently moves the goalposts away from the reasonable and towards the insane and out of touch with reality.
>It got removed as soon as it got reported, but it took a while to actually get reported.
The videos were on the site for two years and werent taken down until law enforcementgot involved despite multiple requests. That's also not including the fact that pornhub would taunt one of the victims on social media over her child porn.
how do you know about RuPay anon?
Is it growing popular in other countries too?
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They're not even guilty, they just think it will immunize them from accusations. There are tons of cases like pic related. It's not like they did it in the past and regretted it so they virtue signal afterwards, they continue to do it until they get caught.
I mean they don't feel guilty, of course they actually are guilty of being child abusers. I'm will to bet all the big finance guys are on epstein's list.
You need to kill yourself instead of eating Palestinian babies.
How much did you Weebs pay this for this retarded false flag

Also using your retarded logic means you're a murderer because murderers breath air lol

So stop breathing air, you hecking murderer
>How much did you Weebs pay this for this retarded false flag
We don't have to pay anyone because it just keeps happening "sister". Why would someone care so fervently about the rights of drawings? They're either huge moralfags or they've got some serious skeletons in their closets.
https://archive ph/U23XK
This pedo is mad.
I think DLsite is deleting 3D loli items. For example, RJ203741, the Mai & Rei video from atelier KOB is no longer available. I purchased it few years ago, and I can still download though. I don't see Petite on the genre list either.

is it just affecting 3d stuff or is 2d being hit too?
I checked on JP Twitter and it seems like it's mostly realistic to semi-realistic 3D loli that's being affected. At least for now.
god damn it, this may be the beginning of the end for dlsite
Spread the word and let people know that shit's gotten to the point where DLsite is deleting stuff. There's no telling what else they'll delete and which sites will follow suit.
What exactly does Dlsite gain from deleting these 3D items?
Western lawyers or whatever could argue that 3D loli porn with realistic or semi-realistic artstyles are on a similar level to AI generated CP.
>The fuck is up with credit card company's anyway? Why have they been policing so much porn content?
Because kikes are rebranding ESG and DEI into "BRIDGE" and Master Card is one of the partners in this shit.

This is just me speculating, but I thimk they're maybe still trying to reach a compromise with these Western payment processors and realistic 3DCG loli is somewhat niche enough that they're willing to let it go while still gaining their favor.

But given what's happened with Gumroad and Patreon, that won't be nearly enough to appease the soulless suits that are behind this bullshit.
The fact that DLsite is starting to bend the knee has me real worried that all these storefronts will not be able to survive without these payment options and that they'll be forced to cave into whatever demands these passionless cunts gives them.

This shit cannot be allowed to continue.

the fact that dlsite is starting to cave to these dickheads' demands is a bad omen
yeah same, my already bad anxiety's getting worse thanks to all this
I'd archive as much as possible, the purge is inevitable at this point
Nips are going to be happy about this
Confirmed. 3d "realistic" works with possibly "young" characters
This guy's work got hit for being too "realistic" what the fuck?
3d modellers getting fucked but they still insist on selling AI trash
Oh hey, it's this retarded schizo again- get out of this board and thread.
And many of those sites cannot survive without content to sell either.
Plus, this is a problem for many artists/circles/devs/etc.
also got hit
>butthurt homosexual malding over 5-day-old posts
>account suspended
Anon, I'm sorry...
Just ban western retards and use a different payment service, there is like a billion region less /anonymous payment services for westerners to use in Japan.
>track down a direct link to it on twatter
>click it
>redirects to homepage
I fucking hate these bastards.
dont they have jcb already for non forgeiners ?
Never heard about that famous video. Who was the girl? Is she a porn actress now? By the way you can find real japanese CP easily on PH back in the days but now they are really paying attention.
No new day without renewed anxiety I guess.
Jesus, one never knows what's next.
Did at least "banning" bongs and murricans from certain pixiv content do anything good for once?
I ran across this yesterday.
This might be at least tangentially related to our plight:
Also, anyone remembers the Adpocalypse in the early 2010s (maybe even 2010, don't remember), when a lot of hentai sites at least temporarily removed loli and sadpanda got created because loli scared of so many advertisers?
This is so much worse now. But things eventually settled and went their way again. The only thing most of us can do is prepare for the worst and hope that things settle down again. Things will never go back as they were, but we might get some normalcy back.
Not that many, especially since the Russo-Ukrainian thing started.
There are also quite few that we should be able to use in theories, but can't for some reasons.

there was issues with NSFW ads being on SFW sites as well.
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unrelated, but i how do i download this for free? please help i love kukuru so much
I will add; better policing the use, misuse and non-use of tags.
according to cc companies you aren't allowed to say what the content is
So dlsite and getchu bent the knee. What sites are still there that haven't been affected yet?
Fanza hasn't removed content that I know of. They block foreign IPs and cards, and dropped mastercard a while ago.
They only force you to censor randoseru.
That's only on the product page but yes it's a meme
I told you fags they were going to use stable diffusion against the legality 2D/CG lolisho
I fucking told you

Hang yourself and stop sliding discussion, delusional retard.
Conservatives isn't going to protect your porn either.
Okay, the where's the Japanese paypal/bank i could sign up with a robust payment process/transfer where neither BRICS nor BRIDGE coalition can tamper with?
It's not limited to loli, it's if the 3d cg character could be under 18, which means the normal asian female body isn't allowed because "western standards".
Goes regardless, creative expression is dying in the west and soon the east
They killed the loli 3D items, but no sign of any credit card company returning to DLsite. What's the end game then?
>Conservatives isn't going to protect your porn either.
This. He'd better pray the boot doesn't snap his neck after it snaps ours.
>All porn must have omake
I see no issue with this.
Cant they separate "problematic" content onto another site?
Gifcat did the same when they sold the site. Buyer didnt want porn so they moved into another site, Redgifs.
>transvestite replying to itself out of sheer asshurt

>moved into another site
Yes because four chan is different from four channel
Oh wait they merged into one now despite their pathetic attempt to please (((advertisers)))
It did work for Sadpanda
kek I wouldn't be surprised
Thanks to UPI, credit card use has crashed in India over the past decade, banks are literally calling customers and begging them to take credit cards.

There's apparently been talks about introducing such a system in Japan as well, which would eliminate another lucrative market for credit card companies.
Wouldn't be surprised if this is a reactionary move to flex their power (but it's highly likely to just push the govt into making their own domestic payment system).
the (((bankers))) are at it again huh
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They could make a dent into the content by getting "Loli" and "Rape" as terms to be blocked.

The problem starts coming in when you have to start applying the west's pretty standardized 18+ rules to years worth of content where age 13 was the age of consent and age 20 is when you were considered an adult. The schoolgirl going on compensated dates with old men, the cheeky artist drawing the 17 year old getting her top pulled off by a mischievous friend, the heartwarming story of how a boy and his tomboy girlfriend grew closer and started fucking in middle school and now they're looking back at an old picture remembering those times. Oh and the MILF fucking her daughter's boyfriend, but the only tags on the work are NTR MILF and Schoolgirl Uniform (which the mature lady is wearing her daughter's outfit.)

It's doable but not very practical.
Current local models are not good enough to sustain fap material forever, so nah. I'm a proompter addict myself but if we stay on same shitty local crap for years it's gonna be awful.
>They could make a dent into the content by getting "Loli" and "Rape" as terms to be blocked.
What? This already happened. It wasn't enough apparently.
Also the 60 "banned" words covers the majority of content on the site.
>a site so shit now
Respond if trains right.
Leftists only support gay coded porn. Just look at this most recent event surrounded that new video game with a sexy female lead.

Leftists are incredibly puritanical under the guise of progressiveness. Think of it like how the republicans use to be very progressive but now are the conservative party. Same shit is happening to the left.

It will be the standard leftist position in 20 years that all porn is wrong and exploitative and should be banned because only incels jack off anyways.
>was a special case
And is that not applicable to everything the left deems unsavory in porn such as high school girls, loli, rape ect ect.
Why the fuck would a credit card give a shit, they're not legally responsible for anything. Pornhub might get in trouble, the credit cards they processed are completely safe though. Bullshit excuse.
With Interspecies Reviewers, they did their researches, unlike with Redo of Healer and the like, but the source was tame in comparisons to the adaptation, they didn't know the adaptation would pretty much be porn until it started airing, hence "special case".

guessing almost everything the CCs are asking is also pretty much everything DLSite refuse to do.

Yeah, sure...
>they're not legally responsible for anything.
Are you forgetting SESTA-FOSTA and MasterCard sponsorship with BRIDGE (neo-ESG)?
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Banned words are a starting point, but as I said: It's not a magic bullet for sorting out content that goes back all the way to 1996 (the earliest product search results I'm getting are 2002)

Japanese Otaku gaming and anime culture has always been ignored or had special exceptions carved out whenever addressing real life issues when it comes to sexual depictions of minors. Aside from the blatantly obvious 1000 year old loli dragon and schoolgirl uniforms, so many characters just do not hit that magic number of 18 that the credit card companies will want.
>so many characters just do not hit that magic number of 18
drawings aren't people and don't have an age so this is impossible in the first place
I'm not the one you have to convince of that.

Even so you have to argue against the official Japanese profiles that go out of their way to give a character a Birthday, Age, Height, Blood Type, and Bust/Waist/Hip measurements.
>character age stated as under 18
This has been against the rules for commercial porn games for a long time.
None of the banned words have to do with age anyway, it's all noncon/incest related.
Starts with J and ends with EW, of course
because (((they))) only want you consuming pornography created by their own kind
the age consent was never 13 it was always a reddit meme
anime-sharing and hentai-sharing had this game (and probably still have, I didn't bother to check the links)
If the links are dead/premium locked, asking in the right thread probably can get a kind anon attention to dump the game. Better check high and low first.
You can say it's Bill Ackman and AIPAC-backed conservatard plants, you dingus.

Get straight to the point instead of acting like a thread-derailing shill.
Ackman is a lifelong democrat donor, you absolute coping leftist retard.
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Always these guys
I think it's time to start thinking about alternative payment methods. Credit Card Companies, PayPal, Apple/GooglePay have been censoring for some retarded puritan values for too long. It's not only about pornography, PayPal doesn't allow the sale of firearms too.
What exactly are the alternatives?
>Direct Bank Transfers
Too slow. Maybe sites like DLsite could allow buying credits but it's a shitty option
Would would theoretically, but won't unless there is mass adoption and a way to directly send crypto with your bank account
Is there really no way to conveniently send money from A to B without the permission of private companies?
Japan could take another whack at getting adoption of the JCB card into western markets, but that is unlikely to happen.

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