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Cyber World Edition

Previous Thread: >>8069692

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

cunny feet
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Reinstalled my forge yesterday, and everytime i go over ~75 tokens i get gargled mess. Was there any way to get it over limit. I remember that on previous installation i didn't have that problem.
Do you still need to crop images to 1:1 ratio for lora training?
this was never the case
buckets existed well before loras did
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>Can't run without a checkpoint. Find and place a .ckpt or .safetensors file into any of those locations.
>just trying to use the NAI API
alright then
I have fucked literally 10s of loras by having misclicked in easy lora training when saving my settings and having scrolled down to 6 alpha instead of 8.
loras are really damaged by not doing half alpha of dim...
yeah you need to have at least some checkpoint loaded, probably unavoidable with how extension is coded. you can throw some 1.5 checkpoint so it uses less resources if you never prompt with local
I think you can even use a lora instead of a checkpoint there just to make it work, but I haven't tried it.
Last thread someone claimed aplha should always be the same as dim. That alpha was a workaround for an issue that is long gone.
Why do these threads always get nuked
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jannies hate women
why are /h/ fags so insecure about black men
Because 2D women prefer black men and I hate it!
/hdg/ mental illness edition
These threads get nuked because there's not enough images, only drama and NAI vs pony spam from that one schizo.
There is an extremely dedicated troll (or trolls) that wants to fuck this general up at any cost. I think threads are getting deleted due to abundance of reports or dmca strikes.
That's probably contributing to the reports, yeah.
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why'd u choose a nai op img then?
I heard sd3 was released recently, how is it?
Don't see any links in the op post, so there probably are some issues.
Even if it wasn't fundamentally broken garbage, it'd be irrelevant for genning hentai for quite a long time.
But yeah it's terrible.
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Was is really just 39 last thread?
cursed filename
don't worry we'll compensate with this thread.
I've noticed that threads where people shit on Astralite have a much higher chance of being deleted and/or having mass purges. Might merely be a coincidence, of course.
I'm getting notification out of nothing at least give me some tasteful trap instead of that burnt flesh
what's the style? ty
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best use of lily i've ever heard really (logic agent from the same guy is #2)
but again, fucking shame
nothing is sacred
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smug is good
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having trouble training on 1000 images, always undercooked. What to do bros?
Train longer or raise learning rate. It's not rocket science, more like cooking really. You gotta taste it periodically, and sometimes you get a weird batch of potatoes that take longer than usual to cook all the way through.
1000 images would probably need 20k steps
just no
raising it makes shit overfried, without learning anything.
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vum posters wassup
It's learning something, that's what the frying means. If it's not learning what you want then your dataset is messy and/or poorly tagged.
is the guy named fusho any of you anons here? because you're making a bunch of the most underbaked shit i've seen
Yes, that's me.
more training images doesn't mean that you need to train for longer, it's what's actually in those training images that makes a difference. if you have 1000 variations of the same 1girl, standing then there isn't going to be much of a difference between 1 epoch of the 1k dataset and 10 epochs of a 100 image dataset
Curate your dataset. People really overestimate how much you need for a Lora.
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Thank you. That is an incredible use of Lily.
Also, by visiting that link, found out this one of OИE:
So double (triple if that Logic files also proves a good one) thanks for the nice heads up.
why am i bothering to generate preview images when i'm going to be using the lora on a different model
holy shit this general is bad now
literally worthless replies
guess that's why everyone is in discord now
Here you go https://soundcloud.com/liliam-is-fab/lily-v3logic-agentvocaloid
I was in love with Lily (and resented people misusing her/straight up ignoring her) for years before I became obsessed with Initial D and m.o.v.e. , rediscovering her through Yuri Masuda (she's still so pretty, holy shit) was a really pleasant surprise.
That reminds me, now that I have some spare cash I should hunt down the Lily figure I couldn't get like a decade ago, I got the Bondage Ver. one but not the one with her Vocaloid 2 box art pose.
What did you expect when providing no information beyond "it doesn't work". Post your tagged dataset, training settings and the underbaked lora.
the first two replies are perfectly correct
but you're right, it's replies like yours that show the absolute state of this general
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post more cybers
they aren't
post discord link
seems like the resident schizo changed tactics to pretending to be retarded in replies to random posts
that's at least more creative than console wars bullshit i guess
you cant animate hentai with luma anymore?
fuck you, learn to bake, eat my whole ass
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Okay, I'll bite; how much DO you need for a LoRA? I made one with 60 and I thought it was undercooked, but I have heard it can be done with 10-15 high quality images. Is that true?
characters? probably. styles? might need to fry it a bit
For a character that isn't too complicated 10 high quality images are enough, yes.
100 repeats per image = 100000 steps
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In the settings, pad negative to match positive.
i am pretty sure that i am right since i've actually been testing it
>always get nuked
Last thread is still up, wtf you smoking?
You are a complete and utter retard
How so? He said "always", and if you check last thread, it wasn't nuked, so he's lying.
the character im prompting uses a bandeau, what prompt do I use to make it lifted, upwards? like, on the top of her booba with her booba showing
add underboob
Draw it yourself.
Hi guys, I found a pic with model named EMS-380475-EMS.safetensors and a lora named EMS-339894-EMS.safetensors.
Anyone knows how to find those? Pic for reference and gen params:

I think the model is a pony or similar, but no clue on the lora.
i believe that this is the naming convention that tensor.art uses for images generated on that site
no idea if it's possible to look up which lora it is from just the number though
can anyone on pony try doing "the pose" tag? that itself is a tag and it involves lying, on stomach, from side, feet up, ass
what i'm interested in is the sucess rate and how many mangled results you'll get out in 10 images, the image should be horizontal
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I'm sure someone already trained it for PXL, but here's a Henreader PXL LoRA in the -h- tab.
I'm using it as a base to test artist mixes.
What did he mean by this? I assume PLX stands for Pony in Civit lingo, in which case lurk moar. But "in the -h- tab"?
I got the NAI API extension working, why do images always come out ever so slightly different when importing all the settings through pnginfo? I use SDE so it's not an ancestral sampler issue.
PXL=Pony XL as base model
-h- is a directory in the Mediafire link I gave.
I'm using Animagine 3.1 as refiner for my gens.
drag and drop the picture right into the prompt field and press arrow button on the right
the extension has a bug with incorrectly sending info to other tabs, might be it

I honestly never checked if the gens are identical or not though
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Any recommendations for 2.5D XL model? I tried civitai and google search and everything looks like shit. I used https://civitai.com/models/96629?modelVersionId=224080 and https://civitai.com/models/204962?modelVersionId=251594 for 1.5
Yep, that was it. I also disabled the NAI to webui weight conversion, it's not gonna be useful for me anyway.
Does adetailer work with this if I'm in CPU-only mode? Never used it before.
>Yep, that was it.
alright. that makes sending pics from txt2img to img2img/inpaint tab annoying, so I usually just save the pic, and then manually drag the prompt and the pic itself later. honestly should open an issue on github about this, it's pretty annoying.
>Does adetailer work with this if I'm in CPU-only mode? Never used it before.
no idea, I always inpaint manually. don't see why it shouldn't work though.
>no idea, I always inpaint manually. don't see why it shouldn't work though.
I guess I'll try it out, I've never used adetailer before. I wasn't too interested in it but I might as well try it out since I got the webui working on this thing, I mainly wanted to see if using the API is more reliable than using the site itself, I got like 8 time-outs in a row in like 30 mins
you'll hit the same number of errors, it just notices them sooner and retries automatically
>it just notices them sooner and retries automatically
I got a few "too many requests" in the past when I got impatient, refreshed the tab and hit generate again. Timing out can take anywhere from 1 minute up to 4-5, it's getting worse and worse.
oh, also you can upscale for free with the old sd upscale script

tile upscale plugins etc might work as well but i never had occasion to try them
>oh, also you can upscale for free with the old sd upscale script
Does that use local resources?
'cause uh I'd rather not
Somebody train next pony on hunyuan. it does anatomy better than SD

are you using refiner at 0.3 or something? which model?
think it uses some for setting up the tiling but it would just send it to nai as a series of img2img requests
I didn't try for long but it seemed like the backend wanted nothing to do with both my CPU and GPU (intel+amd on osx), shit just failed immediately even with lowvram on sd 1.5
for that image the Henreader LoRA was active the whole time which is probably causing issues with Animagine. I'm putting the LoRA before the swap now during my testing.
Yeah, I'm swapping at 0.3 right now with 3 artist tag wildcards after the swap.
are you telling me nai is still shitting itself? i was thinking of resubbing in a few days
It is on my end, the generation timed out/connection error, check your connection yadda yadda errors are getting worse and worse and again it takes like 5 mins to time out more often than not, especially if it's anything i2i
Meanwhile my mexican friend is having zero problems with it while using 5th world 4g
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>>8072641 (me)
For clarification, I'm using PXLAutismMixConfetti -> Animagine3.1 refiner at 0.3.
I picked up this rentry from here a while ago and looks like he's cleaned it up a bit.
that's weird and sounds annoying as hell, I was thinking it was doing it for everyone like it did when more people itt used it, I inpaint a ton and it was fucking infuriating
how you guys manage to make luma ai move anime images? it always generate static to me
genning cunnies is all fun and games until they have a traumatic backstory, now it just feels sick
i inpaint with api all the time and encountered no issues this week
cute shondos https://files.catbox.moe/4ls6pv.png
that's good to know
based and checked
Has anyone tried that lolidiffusion pony model? I'm curious
it's great if you're a retard who prompts 1girl desi sexy 20 yo loli vagen and don't mind the environment being warped and the model sometimes looking fried
it's inferior if you know what you're doing with pony
Well that sucks
>20 yo loli
Folks, anyone knows what Euge decided to do now that SD3 is complete utter garbage? Is he still gonna finetune SD3 or will keep finetuning SDXL?
Not a bad thing if you gen them finding happiness with you
would be better if he finetuned Hunyuan, it has better anatomy and promp following.
Excuse me sir, Vram requirements for Hunyuan????? Not an option if you'll need +16gb just to run it
11gb will be less soon
Once again I am asking for good artist combos/ WOMEN Nai can gen. I'm getting bored.
What's up with all these NAI question but no one is actually posting anything?
can be done with 6gb vram with this

Not even local users wants to post anymore, wdym
Stable diffusion is dying, we need something better soon.
Yeap. 6 months since pony release and no other good model from there. People waited for SD3 and it turned out complete dogshit. It's either do or die now.
I mean there is so many questions of api and inpainting for NAI you would think one of these new guys would post something to show their results.
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If you want to coom go to /b/
It's just interns filling their daily shilling quota, they've been lazy like that for months now.
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great question
I came back to /h/ after spending time on /b/, /e/, and /trash/ (because as much as I hate futas and furries, I like a nice kemono cutie and occassionally I get an idea or two from someone,) but it really does feel like summer here of all places. I'd post more, but I've been tempting fate with my cunnoid posting.
I mostly came to share the Henreader LoRA.
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I just like doing my OC. If you have another character or scene I can try that.
catbox/lora? looks nice
>promptlets still seething about sd3
this general is trash
>no image
>post irrelevant
And your hentai SD3 gen?!

box? love the style.
Where can I find the henreader Lora? Was on my list of artists to bake.
>check download count for the first time in a while
>chiguchi miri LoRA has over 300 dl's
huh...I hope people enjoyed it
I struggle so much trying to make pokeball anal beads
make regular anal beads then photoshop before uipscaling
i miss shuten cunny
based, thanks anon
>tfw finally got around to learning regional prompt and controlnet
they done fucked up and gave me the keys to the kingdom
I can steal his artist tags and post instead of him on alt
oooohh shit
looking good bud
they oughta be worried huh
does he upload anywhere else
knifeear box?
I will need to work on my photoshop skills
new models when?
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dunno if character tag does anything, forgot to remove it after taking lora out of prompt
just copy paste pokeball its easy
prodigy feels underbaked, using adamw and upping learning rate fries stuff, it's so sad guys...
I baked a LORA with AdamW with high repeats and decently high learning rates and it modeled the character pretty well but made it so it didn't play nice with styles. Tried clamping the weight norms and now it plays nice with others but lacks some key character details. There's got to be a happy middle but finding it is going to take a lot of GPU cycles
looool Astralite hasn't even started captioning for the next pony model, let alone training. It took him months with 4 a100s and only 2.6m images. Now he wants to do 10 million? That shit isn't coming out for another year unless he magically gets an insane amount of compute. Cant forget the model is going to be completely lobotomized even if he does finish training it. It's all up to Euge now.
he is just talking out of his ass who cares what he says
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So I used latent couple to get two subjects. Why does it look like shit?
>Why does it look like shit?
in my experience regional addons tend to break style loras, do not use more than one or two. Using style already baked in pony would be better
It's entertaining to watch lolcows destroy themselves, don't kid yourself. Astralite is the horsefucking equivalent of bossmanjack, he just can't stop making retarded decisions like quitting a corpo job for this shit.
henreader good lora
thanks anon
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>was wondering why the character would get random fang
>realised it was probably a prompt bleed from bang
are you fucking kidding me?
enjoy, my fellow cunnoid
CLIP is truly a wonderful technology, aren't you glad that we don't have any serious alternatives for the foreseeable future?
>fang in negs
common CLIP L
catbox pls
I mean yeah thats what I did but im still baffled at how garbage this is
The technology just isnt there yet, maybe in a few decades
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Thanks, Anon! I just tried training a second LoRA from the same dataset, but curating the number of images from 60 to 35. Eliminating the low-quality images really helped my LoRA.
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What pony artist lora has the most delicious feet?
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How the fuck are 10 images enough and all the character lora on civit are fucking garbage
Do I really need to learn how to do a lora
WD dudes thinks that CLIP is SOTA
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Some of them are good.
most of them are not
>For a character that isn't too complicated
Means it's a generic anime girl with a unique hairband. More images is better, up to 100 or so. But quality over quantity.
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Whoops, meant to reply to >>8072523
But anyway, the point is Quality > Quantity. You can train a good LoRA on 10-35 high quality images.
30-50 for a single character LoRA
If you're trying to train a specific outfit you need to play with repeats in different folders so one isn't over-represented.
Preference would be ~40 good images. You can make up for limited good images of a specific outfit by increasing repeats.
The more images you have, the more you have to babysit the tagging process. More than 40 won't get you better images.
Source: I've trained >200 LoRA's and I've tried training with low volumes many times. High volumes are only necessary for styles that are wildly different by an artist's subject.
also, nice Sam.
She was on my backlog for so long and I was gonna gen a lot of her when the Reboot Camp came out, but the game turned out to be a bit too poorly managed. The multiplayer was kneecapped too, so I have no one IRL to play with. Maybe /v/ might have an autist or two willing to play.
AWBW is just better.
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>hashing every artist style and saving images as JPG (twice lol)
I understand why saving as JPEG is bad because JPEGs typically have shittier quality due to lossy compression. What do you mean by "hashing every artist style" though?
What is a good image? I mean in terms of pose, composition, lighting, art style, etc.
try prompting mjm

There's a list of them in the OP
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>Clear anatomy
>Accurate depiction of the vanilla design (no stupid, bullshit body-positivity crap)
>Additional Characters don't take up too much premium real estate in the image
>Literally everything about the other characters must be tagged if they exist
>No signatures (especially in low-volume training. You'd need to clean the signature out if it exists)
>Variable backgrounds: you can't have the same exact background or it will bake into the images (if you have only source images from a cartoon, for example, because your subject is too niche, you need to get shots from different scenes and decide which are worth keeping to avoid overfitting)
thanks, that makes sense

>Variable backgrounds
Does this also apply to monocolor simple background, if it's tagged properly? I would expect as long as the model uderstands what it is it will not learn anything there.

Also AI images. I figure those are probably a last resort and should at least be made by a different model altogether.
should my loss go down when training loras? it always stat at like 0.112, and by 4000 steps it's on 0.111 lol
Thanks, very nice lora
Mine's usually hovering around 0.1 the whole time. Not sure it really means anything.
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>testing tags
>(hemokinesis, casting spell:1.4)
>why am i getting cameras and viewfinders
if you're autotagging, it should catch that and tag it properly. a specific example I have is that I trained a LoRA on niche Japanese ero-gacha games (Midnight Girls R) and I had to clean the backgrounds from CG event screens because they were almost always in a dark, blue bedroom. Tagging the background in those didn't help; I had to clean them.
Simple/White/Gradient backgrounds should be very easy to not worry about in my experience.
Glad you like it
No such thing, it's all subjective
they're not talking about personal taste
When the objective is having a good LoRA, you can go fuck yourself
Well yes, I was asking for his subjective opinion. But feel free to give yours as well, I have time to experiment.
i have great news for you, homie.
they made clip 2: google edition.
models are released, check huggingface for a basic explanation and write some training scripts.
consider totally dropping one of the redundant clip models on a SDXL model, replacing it with a SIGLIP model, then... full-model-fine-tune the u-net with both text encoders frozen?
if you do this on sd1.5, the old nai leak, sdxl, and use ordinary webcrawl or permissive normie training data, you can probably use kaggle or google's TPU research cloud program to do this at scale for free.
you can then publish a research paper on this and get a cushy 500,000$/yr california salary for pretraining a model you 100% intend to re-train on gachasmug oppai armpits or whatever it is people like around here.
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Did the jews give you a greenlight to release this life-hack?
How does this beat CLIP on every aspect
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>also, nice Sam.
Thanks, anon. I published my LoRA on Civitai if you want to gen her: https://civitai.com/models/527587/sami-advance-wars
>published on Civit
regrettable, but noted
easyfluff, can do genitals just fine, has a large variety of poses and concepts, if you don't mind everything else that comes with it and having to look up e621 tags
>Gen is progressing
>Looks great
>Suddenly whole image changes
>Character is grossly deformed
What causes this? Too many steps? Bad Lora?
>if you don't mind everything else that comes with it and having to look up e621 tags
what do you mean? I'm new into image gen
NTA but it's exclusively trained on e621 dataset, that being said if I remember right with the HLL LoRA it kinda makes it a hybrid of both e621 and danbooru.
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it's a furry model trained on e621 images, if you use it as is you might have to negate some furry things and especially hermaphrodite things, you'll need to use e621 autocomplete as it's tagging system is not the same as danbooru
there's a hll (hololive) lora for it, if you use it it'll let you prompt anime easily, with various anime artists, it has knowledge of a lot of vtubers and maybe some anime characters idk, when I used the lora it seemed to make the model a bit more rigid but maybe it was a skill issue
basically you'll have to learn how to make it work to get what you want while dodging the furry shit, if we're talking just sex it's the best 1.5 model for it
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danbooru tags work fine with the lora
Never mind turns out it was the high res fix. I didn't know that changed the entire image, I thought it just upscaled it.
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What's the preferred tagger model at the moment?

Any of them that use underscores still?
Depends on your de-noise. Generally use one of the non-latent upscalers and add a de-noise 0.3-0.5. That will just let it add detail without destroying your image.
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Okay guys, I found it. For anyone interested:
he was right, those codes are from Tensor.Art gens, and the only way to check for those codes were generating non-stop until I found the right codes in the metadata:
EMS-380475-EMS is NIXES Pony XL from Keith:
EMS-339894-EMS is Nyantcha Style from Goofy Ai:

Due the model is exclusive and it can't be downloaded, I used autismmix confetti for a close enough result:

Happy hunting.
Hi-res fix denoise is way too high, if it's too high it's got too much freedomto imagine shit that isn't there in the original,if it's too low it won't add any detail.
Best practice is keep it between .3 - .4
>120 steps
you don't need 120 steps, that's crazy, use 20-30 depending on the sampler, 0 hiresfix steps means it'll do the same amount of steps you specified for the image, that is 240, just no

>0.7 denoise
when doing hiresfix it might fuck up anatomy, the higher the denoise the more likely it'll screw it up, having it around 0.4-0.5 can be ok, high denoise is what fucked up her body here
Thanks Anons, getting better results now. Have to change my prompt though since it's mostly just compensating for my hires fuckup.
why do some style loras only work well in default pony but not in mixes models?
guys, on curated datasets of 200 images, I get okay-ish similarity to styles.
The thing is, I have 1000 images dataset, which I believe are of quality, but no matter the settings on training it seems it's always undercooked or overfried without learning anything.
You could try throwing the dataset here and let people have a look at it.
what you believe doesnt matter only result does
you clearly dont need 1000 pictures, hell you dont even need 200
hol up..isnt this the gundam girl that got raped
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I've personally settled on 50 images as a sort of healthy spot for a style lora, but I have trained on as low as 20 images. SDXL just cannot burn the same way that SD1.5 did. I even did a lora for differential training and at 5000ish steps at BS3 the thing still wasn't burned. It still worked for differential training though.

Currently training a style Lora of a Doujinshi artist's style. Pic rel is a sample pic from the 8th epoch. When it finishes, do y'all mind helping me determine whether or not it works well by critiquing accuracy? I'm somewhat blind when it comes to styles, especially ones that look similar to generic anime. This is the first time I've done one like this so it's very experimental and I'm unexpecting it to turn out well desu. You guys seem to know your shit so I trust your in sight.

The artist in question is Dramus (ドラムス):




(If the exhentai Link doesn't work then just go to e-hentai or follow this guy's instructions:


>SDXL just cannot burn the same way that SD1.5 did
this is true but it also doesn't mean that it can't burn at all, as you can learn from using loras by random civitai jeets
File deleted.
>make a patreon on a whim despite being fairly new
>within 48 hours I've already re-cooped my monthly NAI cost

is....is it really that easy?
nta but is there an english translation of the novel? coulnd't find anything
I thought it was the Advance Wars girl.
Damn you're lucky then, I got barely anyone.
What do you guys do, just post on Twitter?
I don't use twitter, just pixiv and then I also post some of it on r34 and then tag the source as the patreon. I think that might be where most of the subs are coming from.
as easy as it is to make retards pay for ai slop, i have some ethical standards
I don't.
Guess I'm downloading foot Loras tonight.
and thats fine. if anything it just blows my mind how willing people are to throw money at shit
Why is there no CAME optimizer or REX scheduler on Kohya scripts? (Not kohya gui)

It is on easy scripts like some custom things
Can you post one your gens?
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of course he won't because it's the same faggot also bragging about discord and other shit so he can go fuck himself
Yeah, I don't really buy internet get rich quick schemes but hey can't hurt to ask.
Colab cuck here. How much do you pay for month for NAI? Is it worth the investment?
It's cuz of the same reason why there's still no pivotal tuning on kohya scripts. Blame kohya for only focusing on tech that only caughts his attention, and not the actually useful ones.
I have no shame
All Might lookin nigga
very original
Not his fault that blacked NTR dogshit garbage sloppa drains the wallets of many jeets and brainrotted porn addicts
Also the reason why if you open a patreon to be effortposter non-focused on blacked garbage you'll get no subs.
I mean even the artstyle is not original, im so sick of seeing it
Also what do you mean by "no subs" because you can definitely get some without doing blacked porn
I've actually experimented with several similar blends. not just that specific one
look pretty much the same
also awfull anatomy
sadge, welp i'm moving some of my scripts into easy trainer since CAME/REX seems to be pretty handy, specially for concepts/styles.
It's equal parts funny and sad anyone can just grab that same style, gen black'd shit and they'll make shekels off someone new.
the amount of people who can gen decent shit is surprisingly low considering how wide spread AI is. also the average person doesn't have super high standards for art
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people here have impossible standards for decent though lol
personally this is my favorite image I have made recently, decent numbers on my twitter, I am sure people here will complain it's "obviously pony" or "too 3D!!"
People with experience with AI will tend to have higher standards yeah, like her nose looks like some MJ spinoff alone and she's got some sort of 3 finger humanoid setup in the details. It be what it be anon.
I mean you can probably pay back your NAI subscription pretty easily from retard but I doubt you will go really far with how much copycat are doing the same shit
Also after checking some of the paid reward via Kemono its really a fucking scam how people are actually paying for this shit after getting baited by cherry picked pictures and the rest is just melted unscalled shit
I mean its good to have high standard to improve your shit, I dont like the style you use but as long as you are happy with it go ahead. Also twitter doesnt mean much my biggest post has like 50k views which isnt even that much but on pixiv no one cared about it and my highest post on pixiv has 20k on twitter so I gave up trying to understand what people want
Yeah Ive said it before and I'll say again: you really still need an artistic eye for these kinds of things, sure you can gen your waifu taking it at every hole at a few keystrokes and button clicks but to really make good stuff you really need to understand what makes an art piece great.
Small blog post: but I remember at a field trip at an art museum when I was a kid, another kid asked my my teacher "why are there paintings where the people are naked?" and she replied something like "well these artists like the human body and appreciate it" not the same as telling a computer to generate porn but you get the idea you really still need to have a respect for the art to make good shit.
I swear most don't even seem to prune any of their images. they just gen it and release it anyway even if it looks bad. seemingly no inpainting for a lot of them too. mind boggling how some people get like 200+ subs. I guess they just got in early
i'm pretty sure they treat it as a braindead drooling retard
regardless, CLIP is SOTA whether you know what that means or not
I have come to the conclusion that most people dont really care how good a picture look, its like they are looking at the picture with a blur filter and if its good for their dick to get hard then its good enough, its just their daily slop and they will forget about your pictures in the next 10 minutes and never come back to it ever so why bother spend time on it.
If anything we are the retards by putting too much effort into pictures no one care about, might as well join the slop if you dont gen for yourself first and foremost
>not a single shoji/daisuke sato artist lora for pony
Am I retarded?
compare these two images


This guy spamming made practically zero effort in the character, he did some glasses and a generic pony prompt, maybe a small lora. I did the full canon outfit.

No one really cares that much and I know it, I made the full outfit when it was much harder because I wanted to.
Does anyone know what style this is? I think its some variation of pija style, but not too sure.

The artist is GintoAI btw.
yeah this person has a patreon despite having no idea how to use ai, doesn't even use adetailer.
I mean I made stuff for her when we didnt even know how she actually looked like so I guess im even lazier, grats on making her accurate tho, must have been annoying
have you tried running it trough the NAI inspect tool?
he has 3 subscriber lol, having a patreon means nothing
is the NAI inspect tool different from png info?
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its similar but built to pickup the nai metadata in particular
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is there a new aurora model already?
I made that image with a lot of in-painting
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evenin' matey's
yep already tried all of it. Most of his pics dont have meta data and the ones that do are not helpful.
cant tell if ship is broken or if shes blocking the stairs. i dont like this. redo it
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one more bunny sex
how the fuck do have the outfit done for the char on like day 1 of the reveal
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use your imagination, but the ship is defiantly broken
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fuck off i demand answers
Anon this is extremely impressive. I know the pose is probably ControlNet or img2img, but 4 different characters all maintaining consistent attributes is crazy high-effort. Did you inpaint over each character separately?
hello, yeah, inpaint, with a prompt for each, from this txt2img one,

process is kinda like this old one

btw, nice witch :p
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No I dont think I will
hex with sex!

Woah, that's really cool anon. Saving this for future reference, thank you.
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Yep. That's quite good. Thanks.

Whatever is happening over there, it looks Tha Funney but a bit on the uncomfortable side.
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Is there a guide on how to merge loras into a model anywhere that's useful?
Research papers. You'll get no "guide" beyond darts in a pitch black cave beyond that. I have not looked at what civit has in that regard but I guarantee you it's shit.
Not him but sure would be nice to be able to do that because stacking LORAs deep-fries images.
This is exactly why I wanted to test it
Made one a while ago for pony, feel free to check.
pixeldrain тoчкa com/u/FX2d8GyE
at least you're not using 2ch
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I use merge tool from Lycoris


py .\merge.py 'checkpoint_path' 'lyco_path' 'path\output_file.safetensors' --is_sdxl --device cuda --weight 1.0 --dtype float16

weight controls like if you were using <lora:a:1.0>

I have tested only with lycos, but I guess loras should work as well

And this for sure makes stacking loras not get deep fried
KEK, Thanks Ill check this out, I saw that Kohya has it built in and I tried it and my PC green-screened. Maybe it was my fault with the settings I chose. Or it doesn't work with 8gb of vram.
I'm going to start working out so that I can earn the right to gen my wife
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I use the one from kohya scripts for loras only and it works as well but since i started to extract lycos from some models started to use the lycoris tool more often.

also both the script of kohya and lycoris use a ton of vram when merging, i guess make sure to have enough ram/swap when it goes over the vram limit
any useful extensions to gen with besides alternate init noise?
Oh shit, I pulled it off with Kohya. They're coming out Identical.

AutismConfetti+My 2 Style loras

Custom MiqoMix:
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pretty nice, yeap it is a really good tool for stacking loras without deep frying
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Very interesting style. Very hard to imitate without the lora.
what are the differences between autism confetti, dpo, pony? which one do you prefer?
merge all of them together. all autism will become one, and one will be autism
dpo is (old) smart tech. Confetti + spo is your best option but if those words mean nothing to you, get autism dpo. Nobody uses base pony.
>Confetti + spo
tf is spo
and where do I find it
>jpg for lowres shit
>extremely impressive
The main subject's (Red girl) anatomy is completely fucked up in the lower half, just look at that ass.
Navel on the brown one almost down at the pussy, while the other 2 it's in the middle
Also only 1 horn, despite it being off center, indicating 2 horns
And it has a stupid watermark.
lets see one of your gens big man
kill yourself pathetic beggar
Your lack of self awareness is incredible
Anyone got any good nai artist mixes
Extremely well done
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I'm doing more testing on it, but I don't know if it makes much of a difference. I'm using a few loras in each and I'm not noticing any real improvements or changes.

Dont see any reason to switch to my own custom mix.

Let me know if you have any kind of tests I could do that could prove otherwise.

AutismConfetti+My 2 Style loras

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eat (ces:1.3)
Did you go back to 1.5?
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nice cats

cool gen

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Why the fuck do you faggots even use litter? It makes no sense to not use normal catbox, your gens stay permanent and will go down in history and you'll avoid people re-asking for it. Litter is for files above 200MB.
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Are people really going to come back for a catbox after 3 days? Every image we leave on there forever costs catbox man a (tiny) bit of money.
normal catbox shits itself more often than litter
top tier, subject, effort, and technical details. I can only hope we get to this level of prompt comprehension.
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Even though this was reposted I like this
here u go
need a boxo for this
scared of her bellybutton but i really like this
schizo begger anon is back
Anyone know why my training on Kohya SS is so slow? It used to be decently fast at about 2it/s, but I had to reinstall it, and now it's like 30s/it. I swear I had this problem before a few months ago, and I fixed it, but I can't remember what the issue was.
I'm using a 4070ti with 12GB of VRAM. Like I know training XL/Pony stuff is slower than normal, but this is ridiculous.
Batch size is 1, 1024x1024 res (I've trained just fine before at that res), cache latents is on, Xformers is on, memory efficient attention is on, No Half VAE is on, not sure what's causing the issue.
Scratch that. I'm a retard that forgot to put gradient checkpointing on.
Sounds like your overflowing your vram, is that shtty use system memory for vram thing disabled in your nvidia driver?
The system fallback policy?
I had tried with no system fallback, but I was getting OOM errors with forge so I put it back to default.
I get that that's the point, but I'd rather gen slow than not at all.
Will training at a lower res (768x768) impact results all that much? I'm training a concept, not really a character or style.
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It's Nai so should still have Metadata.
god damn it, of course it's nai...
no biggie just find/bake some loras for the artists
my biggest gripe is you can't get this, as nai-meltie schizo would say it, well, "melted" smooth look. that's the main appeal of nai for me. pony can't replicate it.
been dead for a while, now i'm alive. What's the news on cascade?
1b E5 should be tomorrow
it's slowly getting coherent
which pudge lora is this?
just train a lora for it
I'm giving up hope with Cascade. The're busy making a 4chan rip off, a chat, a booru. They're at epoch 5 (the finished line!) and are saying its needing now 10-11. Jordache is talking of baking his own base model instead (wtf). Weight emphasis explode, eyes are not defined, hands horrible, and every one complains that it a shit every release. The solution given to broken gens is to turn CFG to 12 and burn your image if you are wanting something that resembles a worst 1.5 picture. They upload the most fried shit image proudly. Tell to use ",by novelai" like a joke, turns image to sepia piss worst than any. Their GUI is glitch, has memory leak and confusion icons. You can't pick sampler. img2img uses wrong compression, breaking it. If you bring up any of these Jordache is a melts down. I regret donating to the shit show. The anti Cascaders were right. The highest wth to me is why they wanted used a massive dataset. If the plan was to let it cook for the short period, they shouldof pruned the dataset so it learn what fed really well. A jack of all trades and master of no one. I left this discord today, it's a trash. Faith in narcissistic, autistic, homosexual furries shouldof been a wake up call. Sorry guys I didn't believe on you, what a shit. Sorry of my English, I am so mad right now I cannot care.
I'm sorry man, how much did you donate to that scam?
Does that mean it's cascover?
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While you could train on a bunch of nai pictures to replicate it, it's never going to be as flexible.
nta but even a good lora can't amend the jeet veneer on every pony gen
we're never getting a leak are we bros...
I mean not like that's a revolutionary pose you are doing KEK
Yeah NAI LoRA are probably the best LoRAs on pony for whatever reason. It's the ones I mostly use.
yeah I found it to be pretty weird
people used to say that training on ai images is an awful idea
just refine with animagine
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True enough, not that it was ever about poses. More about the inherent differences in the models.
Atleast I'm posting an image.
I wasn't shitting on your gen just a weird statement to make while not really showing anything crazy.
How about finetuning meta chameleon?
You can easily consider CLIP as SOTA. T5 has zero image understanding so you have to teach it everything which is hard as fuck. The advantage of CLIP is that it was trained on everything, including NSFW. It's hard to do now with "safety" and copyright stuff.
>WD dudes
If you mean the screenshot some anon posted thread or two ago, it's just random janitor from their discord, not their dev.
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First time training a lora, doing a character for pony
Is it normal to look optimal after epoch 5-10 and only look worse thereafter?
If you overtrained it, yeah. Generally though, I just give it a good bunch of epochs, and test to find the better one. Usually it's near the middle of the mix a little more than halfway. Of course, that means I can just increase the LR, or train less epochs, but if it ain't broke...
It's a good idea to test flexibility as well. You might have an epoch that gets the character down 100%, but is extremely hard to get it to do anything outside of the training data.
having faith from the outset was a bad move, they hadn't showed anything promising.
it was repeatedly proposed that they massively scale down and present a hyper tuned tiny dataset example, but even that resulted in melted features
then they did some epochs which were still bad, and SoteDiffusion happened which trained on good compute for a long time and that too was melted. at that point you could see the future, this shit was gonna be melty on launch no matter what.
there is still the possibility that they just have shit upscaling tech but they haven't shown a single good looking cascade gen (as in fully resolved features like eyes, hands)
the weird part is that the base cascade could decently sharp and high quality (HDR, composition, coherence) images but finetunes cannot. it's possible that we're all inferencing wrong or that fine tuning is just broken, or something more retarded like SD3 2b, whatever the case, this was the expected outcome.
character lora's generally take .5-.75~ the amount of iterations as a style lora generally needs. Push them much further and they generally overfit.
What happened to the Waifu Diffusion one by the other furries? Dead as well?
lower the LR and train for longer if you want to get rid of meltiness and capture smaller details
be very careful to not fry text encoder accidentally
>by the other furries?
Waifusion was jordach's another project dude.
Holy esl, can someone translate?
Oh so everything's dead, and with stability dead we won't even get new base models anymore
>Are people really going to come back for a catbox after 3 days?
>costs catbox man a (tiny) bit of money
And people should care why? He can afford it anyways, storage is cheap as fuck.
I've hardly ever had problems loading images from catbox, fix your pajeet internet.
Keep choking on that dick faggot
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Flexability with outfits seems decent. My data had several, but I think I failed to tag the hair accessories properly which is making them morph in randomly unless I negative prompt it. I'm still learning what all the settings do but I'll lower the learning rate and refine my dataset a bit more.
Also do I need to escape parenthesis in the tag txt files?
Yeah I can see where the outfits and style from my data start to blend in.
>Also do I need to escape parenthesis in the tag txt files?
I always put them, though I'm not totally sure if you do need them. The way I figure, I'm going to be prompting with them, so I might as well put them in.
Make sure that you don't have any style bake as well. That's a fucking huge one. You can always tell a shitty character lora by the fact that the style changes to whatever the dataset looked like.
It's something I completely try to avoid when training a character lora, and I go to great lengths to keep it from happening.
>refine my dataset a bit more
This is what matters at the end of the day.
>Also do I need to escape parenthesis in the tag txt files?
You don't, you have to escape them in A1111 only because A1111 implements prompt emphasis, there's no emphasis in kohya by default so it reads "(" simply as "("
If you are this retard >>8073440 then you will have to prompt what you trained with "\\\("
So I successfully trained a concept TI, and the concept works a little bit, in that it affects gens and the part I want to change, but all the epochs look exactly the same. I trained 16, about 2k steps on prodigy. Epoch 1 looks the same as 16.
Not sure what to glean from this.
>Also do I need to escape parenthesis in the tag txt files?
No. Not unless you're a retard that enables weighted captions in training(don't do this).
>don't do this
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It's definitely getting the style baked in a bit, though I've seen worse. Is there a good way to avoid it when all of the data is by a single artist? She's from Takeda's H-game so 99% of the art is from him.
Got it, I lucked out then
A1111's trainer is broken, anon. You may as well replace the embedding with the initializer string.
>Is there a good way to avoid it when all of the data is by a single artist?
Someone here gave me a useful tip for those situations where the dataset is extremely homogenous.
You train a style lora on the checkpoint you want to train from, merge that lora with the checkpoint, and train your final character on that merged checkpoint. When you use the character with the normal checkpoint, it'll subtract the style and output the character with the model's base style.
>Is there a good way to avoid it when all of the data is by a single artist?
tl;dr merge takeda style lora to the model you train on, generate on the unmodified one
I used Kohya.
Then you should check your xformers and bitsandbytes versions.
Where would I do that?
There just isn't a reason to. It'll 'break' any parenthesis you have in captions since it'll interpret them as +emphasis weight and it's probably not going to actually improve anything, either.
It's just one of those weird old holdover "experimental" settings from ages ago that should probably be removed but just hasn't been since it's a "working" function.
>pic rel same params at epoch 15 rather than 5, style is heavier
That makes a lot of sense actually, good idea. Once I nail down the data and training bits a little more I'll give that a shot.
pip show
try training without xformers in fp32 also
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forgot pic
pip show in cmd? Doesn't give anything. Just says to provide a package name.

As for without xformers and fp32, I've got my VRAM maxed out training, so I doubt I can turn off xformers or train in anything but fp16. Hell, I even dropped my train res from 1024 to 768.
is using a prompt at -1 strength the same as putting it in neg?
I asked a similar question a few days ago and never got an answer. Here's hoping you do. It'd be handy for wildcards since you can't have a wildcard inject into the positive prompt and negative at the same time.
Yeah thats exactly what im trying to do by putting penis at -1 for some deeper paizuri
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I mean there's no harm in trying it out. I had only asked about lower weights. I didn't think about negative weights.
It does affect outputs, but I don't think it's working on my end.
>1girl, standing, nude
>put (huge penis:-2)
>get roblox porn
wtf pony will never stop to amaze me ahahaha
-1 only seems to work for Loras since you cant put them in negatives
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>put (huge penis:-2)
I just get some nice woven fabric
Prompting emphasis on something in positive means that this particular token will matter much more when generating positive CLIP embeds.
Prompting emphasis on something in negative means that this particular token will matter much more when generating negative CLIP embeds.
How the hell are they supposed to "cancel" each other out?
well I don't see a huge penis there so it works
yeah -2 only worked when I used a style lora for some reason, it get (shit) result at higher strength like -1.5
Well sheeeeeit.
Wish the dynamic prompts dude figured out how to add negatives. Cause I guess we ain't doin it with negative weights.
failed gens like this really reminds me that we're essentially fapping to computer hallucinations
I like to think of it as the computer lying to itself.
You give it an image of noise, that it knows fuck all about, and go "no dude, look, it's a girl that's completely nude, standing, and she has a really huge penis" and the computer, still just seeing a bunch of noise just goes "oh yeah.... I see it. That bit there is the tits, and that's the huge penis". Then you tell it "No, you fucking retard, her hair looks like this."
It's a bit like cloud-watching.
thats a really funny way of looking at it
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Oh damn nice, catbox? Where do I find the style LoRA
>using the thighs girl for breasts
how novel
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Is this NAI?
it looks like 90% of what people using NAI are doing so I would guess yes
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I really don't get it man, it doesn't even look THAT good... you can try so many styles and everyone just spams nyantcha and redrop.
Well are there any good profiles out there posting NAI on pixiv or something
yeah, there are, lots.
they post amazing cunny
top tier cunny on pixiv
dont know about other place
Any examples? I'm not familiar with the site and I've never found anything great there
I don't really open pixiv recently, I just gen for myself, just seeing what people repost here and it's almost always just variations of this same style.
>only lora for a character is from some retard that only tagged "1 girl" when doing his lora
>no other activation token for anything
what do you expect from jeets
LMAOO I went to look at the
cascade iscord after ESL-kun's post here and holy. Its worse than we could've ever imagined. It's OVER. Jordach will dig his heels in until every last cent has been wasted. All of his other models were crap, even the furries had no trust in him. Why anyone thought this would be different, I don't know. Lmao. It's BAD.
how hard is it to make a model vpred? is there any possibility that horseshitter would do it for his next bake? cosxl is not gonna work out due to licensing issues from what I understand
Can pony do golden showers?
Uhhh... asking for a friend.
female giving is much easier but yeah it can
you can go look for a lora anyway
Uhhh... from my friend!
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It was junk for all the reasons I said before (>>8039951), what a surprise!!
Cascade as a model is fundamentally incapable of learning because the core dataset is so tiny and censored. It's basically prototype SD3. Everything they fucked up with SD3 started with cascade. It's beyond repair, you're not getting anything salvageable out of it as evidenced by the model STILL being incapable of 1girling properly. Having cascade generate sex scenes with reasonable hands like autism is simply never going to happen.
gift me 25$ for nai pls thx
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most of the laion dataset is absolute junk
wurstchen itself is a functional model. i haven't tested it extensively but it doesnt feel like it's completely lobotomized
> It will never learn intercourse, it will never learn positioning, it will never do more than melty 1girls because the base model does not have enough information.
can you please explain how does incorrectly tagged SEO spam help with understanding intercourse
do you even know how ponyv6 was made?
>Having cascade generate sex scenes with reasonable hands like autism is simply never going to happen.
It did already happen in prototype. Reasonable feet were a bit much to ask, but hands and pov sex were very easy to get right.
The problem is that prototype is still leagues beyond e4 and soon to come e5. 1B model sure is a waste of time. Is TE going to be reasonable trained in pair with this pathetic unet? Hard to say, 3.6B will probably be held back by it.
honestly how does this shit even happen
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The only winning move is to never have faith or expectations in anything. I think the WD days showcased why it would be a bad idea to kind of have any kind of hope for anyone. Best case is someone just puts out a model and it just works, because the longer you follow someone during the development cycle then the more retarded you realize that they are.
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>skirt is thigh length in every training image
>skirt is randomly above the groin or at the ankles during inference
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It's mostly whatever shit they scraped from web without actually tagging it
that one I can understand but how is a picture of venice tagged as wedding sexy tranny
lmfao, what ponyv6 brainrot + desperation can do
not even reached a month since cascade started baking and people already giving up, jordach must be laughing rn
guys i get it i am tired of pony walls but you guys are not patient enough. do i need to remember you that ponyv6 was a project of 6 fucking months which 2.5 months were spent on baking, its just too early to tell that its a failure and you do not want to realize that
but oh wait nobody fucking waited 6 months for pony because no one was waiting for it really. it was kind of a surprise for the community, nobody actually cared for astracuck. if u dont wanna wait for cascade then just forget about it exists for a couple months and thats it, results will either come sooner or later, i mean you can even stop genning and find another hobby to do while you wait not for only Cascade but for any future model that is able to replace pony but it seems your porn addicted monkey brain cannot allow that, then jump off a bridge whatever
good morning b- sir
okay, fuck a1111, i'm coming back to forge...
fuck that bitch, im simply tired of your whining, you really think the only cascadeshill is b-
If the model works it will speak for itself, not sure why you gotta get worked up about it kek
its meanoldtree actually
i hope you didn't donate too much to that trashfire ma'am
its lordseek actually
it's either cascademelting or roidspamming provoked by naiposting in this thread
literal mental asylum
its metal63 actually
this literally a chat thread now
shitposting and some occasional gossip
if you treat it as such it's okay
>not sure why you gotta get worked up about it kek
why dont you ask the nogens complaining about cascade then, they really seem to enjoy whining instead of posting gens
Why does NAI still not have proper prompt editing?
i don't know what's going on but my forge gens are way better than on a1111. it's almost like loras doesn't function as intended on a1111
there was literally a single post complaining about cascade in the whole thread compared to your multiple posts crying about it
if you want to complain about nogens then at least have the decency to attach promising resonance gens to your posts, otherwise fuck off to jordach's trooncord
it was all drhead actually so he can make more people fed up of cascadeshills and start shitting on cascade instead
really the problem is everyone overhyping themselves and now that it does not seem that amazing its a high height to fall down
just because astrabitch is bad doesnt mean someone else has to be good and training like this is more likely to fail or suck ass than to succeed
reminder that drhead is the groidspammer
the pixart team is sponsored by nvidia and is making a 16 channel vae for the next release. /g/ was right
>next release
in two years?
they are getting a compute from nvidia retard
this changes everything
Why so angry sissy?
no im not shilling a model that hasnt even finished baking, the most i could do is to shill the proto but im no retard
im just waiting patiently, is that so hard to do or understand even
excellent so amazing thanks jewidia now you saved us for giving 1xA100 to pixart we re saved guys
naisiss- i mean localsisters we won
if you're not going to post anything of use then why don't you go wait patiently in their trooncord instead of shitting up the thread when anybody expresses even the slightest doubt about cascade
guys jewidia gifted a rig of 2x3090s to pixart its so over for naikeks
nai cluster could never
Wanna get another 3-day?
two whole 3090?
owari da...
two USED 3090s actually
that mean they have training and experience under their belt, they will go even faster
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this is all your fault stupid idiot cat fuck you trash
gen her jumping off a bridge
there hasnt been an image posted in an hour and you guys are just fighting on a hentai thread. if anyone should be jumping off a bridge it would be you.
I wish people posted more cat girls
>Monkeys paw curls
>there hasnt been an image posted in an hour
It should have stayed that way. Way to ruin everything...
What is it?
god please post more catto this is so fucking good
Last night I made my own model mix and merged my style loras I use into it and I couldn't see a difference on most of my tests >>8073294 (me)

But, today when I used a new lora I found with my new model the image came out a lot better than the normal autismmix confetti+my 2 style loras, which came out pretty gross and fried. I know that's the purpose of making your own mix, but from my previous testing last night it didn't happen. Is that the fault of the lora I used being over-tuned or something entirely different?

I'd like to know why it happens.


Autismmix+2Style loras
no because of how neg works
if you want negative weights in prompt to work, try this:

something in the prompt is probably interfering, post your prompt

loras are made for the model it is trained on, so it would have a weak effect if used on a model that is not close to the model you trained on
your new merge probably is closer to base pony, hence the better lora effect
Autismmix has style loras already merged in, so stacking more style loras might not go well
i've given up on ever organizing my folders. i will simply live in the hoard of images. they will surround me like dead cats in a real life hoarder's house.

i keep organizing them, i keep trying, new images keep popping up and it only keeps getting worse
i can't seem to figure out a good way to categorize them
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huh, I don't know how my new merge could be any closer to base pony tho since I used autism mix as the merge base with 2 other style loras though. Guess I'll run with it for now.

If you are talking about images/catboxes you get from people here I have folders if I know its a specific anon or not. Other than that I just dump it in to a folder I have, and its all mixed together.

For my images, the date system it uses by default is good enough for me.
Can one of you lora gods train this for me? I tried but literally the lora didn't do anything. I was fiddling with my setup to hopefully improve upon my last shitty lora.
I want this one to go well and to learn by example, like how to get the first caption word to trigger("Keep n tokens=1" right?) that concept and to have a good understanding of the suits without overfitting it too much. My last 2 were way too overfit, I think because they didn't have many images but I trained them for a long time. idk

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Forgot my cursed picture offering.
how do you name those specific anons?
there is nothing abnormal about this image
So is this supposed to be a Final Fantasy Tactics style LORA?

>My last 2 were way too overfit
Yeah no shit, your images are all in exactly the same pose, just with different hair/outfits. AI only puts out what you put into it and if you only put in a single pose with uniform lighting then it'll just capture that pose/lighting. It's a miracle you can get it to output anything that isn't the source images.

Your LORA isn't shit because of some setting it's shit because your dataset is complete ass. There's like 100 pieces of official reference art for FFT, just grab that if you want a style LORA for it. The best LORA bakers ITT couldn't spin what you've got into anything but straw.
>Your LORA isn't shit because of some setting it's shit because your dataset is complete ass
Seems like this is almost always the case.
Dataset and tagging is quite literally the most important thing. You can have perfect settings, but think your settings are shit because the dataset was shit.
I have nicknames for them, Succubusanon for the redhaired succubus oc poster, Foreanon for another guys oc, the OG Miqoanon, etc.

I don't have too many but if I can categorize any I will try a little bit.

Other than that its a mess lel
Yup, you can fiddle around with learning rate, schedulers, and maybe weight normalization but if your core dataset is bad then you won't ever have a good result.

This is why I always encourage people to share their datasets whenever they have LORA baking issues. Like sometimes there are borderline cases where maybe the images are all good but it's too small/there are too many repeats, or the size is good but you have some low quality bad apples spoiling the bunch, etc etc. But most of the time someone is having trouble it's because their images/tagging is trash and it takes all of 5 seconds to figure this out.

Not to insult anyone ITT but it really can't be stressed enough, you have to have a good, VARIED set of input images. Trying to take a shortcut on this part of training is a recipe for disaster.
>The best LORA bakers ITT couldn't spin what you've got into anything but straw.
nah i could
I almost want to be a known anon poster, I even have a particular girl I gen over and over and over like the others, but the difference is that my girl is too /aco/. Kind of a shame that the /aco/ thread itself is mostly just request spam and people posting raw gens. Mostly SD1.5 derivatives as well, really bizarre stuff. /h/ is, for better or worse, the only place that seems to be up to date on generation/training/inpainting techniques.
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>the only place that seems to be up to date on generation/training/inpainting techniques.
they are months behind everything except training developments.
see: excitement over ded architectures
it's you
How much patreon money is decensor good sir?
Does adding lineart improve results when prompting colored art? I've got a lora with 2 concepts, both have 50 normal pictures, 16 face pictures and 6 lineart pictures. They concepts are characters, I'm using the same artist for both. I'm training a pony lora.
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let us see her anon
>ai accidentally made vergil from devil may cry
im keepin it
Well, what do you post?
Stock pony art? I'm still in the process of making the lora, removing backgrounds ATM to see if it makes a difference.
Is there anything like the 'Easy Settings' from this rentry https://rentry.org/59xed3 but for training Pony LoRAs? Or just settings that overall work? I'm training on cloud so I can't afford to screw up much or they'll take all my credit
>I almost want to be a known anon poster
I don't, this is not a fucking forum
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Not the most /h/ picture but I don't have time to generate anything more appropriate (and also worth posting) right now. Not an actual OC but it's a character LORA from a game so obscure I'd be surprised if anyone recognized her. Fat assed, pear shaped short stack girl with horns, black skin, and a loincloth that only ever barely covers her ass. Somehow has a hold on me. Has blue insides, like how some artists draw Midna. Currently trying to re-do the LORA I made so it doesn't also give her blue nipples and understands her body markings a little better. It's a work in progress and might never be fully 'done' but so far it's going well.
Would plap, she's cute, when you get the lora done share it.

Some people would prob say shes more /d/ material since shes kinda monstergirl ish, but I don't care.
dead general :(
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>Yeah no shit, your images are all in exactly the same pose,
I didn't successfully make a lora for that set, I was talking about some others with much much smaller datasets, one of which was much more static(if you can believe it kek). It turned out decent considering but I think it could be improved a bit which is what I was trying to do but I ended up with a burnt offering.

>There's like 100 pieces of official reference art for FFT, just grab that if you want a style LORA for it. The best LORA bakers ITT couldn't spin what you've got into anything but straw.
>It's a miracle you can get it to output anything that isn't the source images.
You're selling lora gods and prompt kings short. To begin with, the official FFT art is practically just as static and there are lots of cool loras using those. I just wasted a bunch of time with this one earlier and was hoping to see how someone that wasn't retarded handled it. Before I wasted some more time.
Dunno if the LORA will ever really be good enough just because there isn't enough raw, good input images for it. I've considered commissioning actual artwork just to fill everything out, but that costs money.

As for the monster girl thing, I feel like there's a venn diagram for what's acceptable when it comes to /d/ and /h/ monster girls. Obviously anything non-human like lamias or centaurs is /d/, but people post kemonomimi and demon girls on /h/ all the time. That said I wouldn't balk at their presence in /d/ either. So there's some overlap. And I don't want to post in the /d/ AI threads because there are just too many dick girls. I don't begrudge it, that's why we've got the board after all, but it's not my thing.
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I gave it a shot, but I have no idea what you were hoping to get out of it and if this even is close to what you had in mind.
I'm retarded, I meant to respond to this: >>8073743
keep in mind I don't know anything about training, but is it possible to just use different art styles and gen images and train your character from the good ones you created?
I admit I was just asking to see if I'm in too
horns and elf ears? If anything it's the impossible ass that would be /d/
I actually did create a kind of "reference image" in an A pose for the dataset of this latest training cycle just to see if I could, and the answer seems to be yes, but I'm hesitant to include any more AI generated artwork in the dataset just because there are things about it that are fundamentally "wrong" but likely impossible to see. Like details in the image that the AI sees but humans don't, and this would produce a butterfly effect, screwing up the LORA as a whole. For now I've grabbed all of the good images from the game itself, the 3 or 4 pieces of acceptable fan art, and made a list of some artists who do commissions at a decent quality for under $50. We'll see how far I want to take this, but honestly I wish I was better at doing characters in Illusion games. The body shape itself would be easy enough, as would the hair, but getting something exact like the guy who's doing the Xenoblade character LORAs and then just taking screenshots would be such a huge boon.
why don't you like eyes? they are the best part
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Can they stand at different angles?
I was thinking about the black skin

I bet there are artists you can commission these days that make images just for training purposes for people. I don't know any but that seems like a market to capitalize on if I was an artist.

I do, I just prefer that character to look like that. Ive done versions of her recently with her eyes showing in the previous thread, check those out if you are interested.
thank you i will check the eyes out
They are near the end of the last thread, just so you don't have to scroll around the entire thing
what are you even trying to train?
glad to see im not the only one having bukkake ending up in dick sharing their cum trail
what does one write to get shota pov/short person pov?
just looks like AOM3 to me
Hello? What happened to Euge?
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>I bet there are artists you can commission these days that make images just for training purposes for people
I've wondered about this but after looking around I don't think there are. A lot of artists have a negative opinion of AI art in general, and for practical purposes a "commission that produces an image for training purposes" isn't really any different from "a normal commission". Obviously there are some additional constraints to the former category, but it's still a piece of artwork, and you'd still offer your services through the normal channels. Maybe it does exist, but if it does I don't know about it.
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Murdered by Astralite.
fucking based DFC
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I look like this
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Was training some other Loras so I couldn't gen for a while.
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>opens civ


Yo dawg I heard you like Kafka
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i think better captions would go a long way here. there's a lot of typos and weird shit like male focus, 1girl, solo all being in the same caption file or something like cosplay being in the dataset at all

also lots of jpg artifacting which has fucked things up quite a bit
the unfunny forced meme is back
What would Kafka think if he knew that some day an amalgamation of rocks and electricity would be used to produce japanese, hyper sexualized pictures of a girl named after him?
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here are some random 1girls generated using a lora trained on the ff3 dataset posted before.


the prompt is just score_9, 1girl, solo, outdoors. i didn't use flip aug or anything but i think it worked out well enough. getting around a static pose like that isn't too difficult.

this reminds me that i want to try training a fe:sov style lora
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Imagine you're brought in as the new CEO of Stability and you get roped into talking with a horsefucker. Poor Akkaraju doesn't know what he is in for kek
>WD in +6 months
>Euge dead
>Cascade results are unknown since it's the first big finetune done on that arch
it truly is over
owari da...
welp i guess i needed some vacations from this anyway (definitely not coping)
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Oooo, kinda in love with her body type over here senpai, breasts especially. Been months since I last saw something so tailored to what I like on /h/.
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Good coloring
if you do want to train a style lora on a bunch of sprites that have like one pose or whatever then imo you should use controlnet to make a bunch of variant images with that pose in different styles, train a lora on it, and then use that lora to train your style one. this should help prevent the pose from being baked into the final result
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average furry math
I kid of course, they're bright guys, but sometimes man
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what a waste of time, they also almost all look like shit and people wont bother checking all of them anyways so its just a pure waste
god damn, box?
its blurry as fuck so its probably nai
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Yeah that looks good but I was mainly interested in prompting the outfits too. Can you upload the lora and your settings please?

FFT Loras.
I'll clean up the captions a bit. They were also pretty low resolution and I just upscaled them in the extras tab. What do you suggest I do to the images next time?

Nice fashion sense they have. That doesn't seem overtrained at all lol.
But also it's cartoony as fuck, the lines are all jagged and shadows are disgusting, likely pony.
Yeah it does look like nai and there is no way pony can get that pose properly
Now make the long hair without ponytail permanent.
Those are XL fingers.
I think she needs more cum.
how many times are you going to samefag your own post?
use 4x_nosmos_8kDAT to upscale. it does artifact removal
even doe all nai pixiv pages are full of lucious BBCs only capable on the cluster
That upscaler looks amazing from the previews, thanks.
Bro, what in the world makes you think I'm the same person? I'm just a guy with a cum fetish.
>Kafka LORA spam on PajeetAI
shitty meme or publicity stunt, I cant tell
jeetcoin withdrawal symptoms
some fags are like
>pony sucks, nai sucks, when's the new model imagegen is dead
all while genning basic ass shit that looks worse than base 1.5
try actually learning the models youre using
Bold of you to think that faggot who do this can afford running anything newer than aom3.
Good morning, lykon sir
are you brave enough to try 6+girls in your gens?
Is cn allowed?
Best I can do on NAI without inpainting is 4
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If you add blood, you can make the fleshpiles make sense.
I can do 5 (me on the left)
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Settings can be yanked from the metadata.
See Catbox for the typical generation settings I use. You can also generate without the chibi tag for a slightly weaker effect.
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>Settings can be yanked from the metadata.
Oh cool, I didn't know you can do that. I hope a lot of loras have this baked in.
>You can also generate without the chibi tag for a slightly weaker effect.
It's funny how much the style seems to rely on chibi, you have to really yank it to get away but then it's pretty diluted. Mixing it with other FFT loras would help preserve the facial features though.

Thank you very much for your help, this lora is basically perfect too. It crazy how close it can get to the source material.
Can I merge 3 lora into one for better compability?
Why not? I can merge them into a checkpoint and then use that checkpoint, wouldnt that be the same process?
what are the best pony mix models? Autism and what else?
it would be the same, and it's also effectively the same as not merging them and using them separately
reweik is the only other one worth trying IMO.
alright well fuck me then guess I cant use those loras together without frying my gens
if it's two loras that hate each other, there's no solution other than trying to mess with block weights.
if you're stacking 12 loras and it only becomes a problem at that point you can merge most/all the loras back into the model to use more loras without frying I believe.
You could try these
PVCStyleModelMovable_pony100 (the 1.0 not 1.5)
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ran the dataset through a quick and dirty 512,512 test train.
It works, but absolutely has a pretty heavy "head turned to the left" bias(can't be helped).
if you want to play around with the 512,512 trained lora you can grab it here

and here's the generic'd config that was used, set to train for 1024,1024
it's set up train on 12GB of vram, if you're at 8gb change the batch size to 2 and gradient accumulation to 8 and I think? it should be fine. Otherwise suffer even harder at batch1 gradient accumulation 16.

also catbox for image related with 'chibi' tagged:
I'd honestly probably suggest just pruning the chibi tag from the dataset. With this config it doesn't impact things super heavily but it's effectively being learned as a soft activation tag.
Was trying some lora with similar settings vs loras and so far, I think they're better for styles but have gotten some mixed results with concepts

What values are suggested for unet LR/text LR if using CAME?
>I'm giving up hope with Cascade. The're busy making a 4chan rip off, a chat, a booru.
Models don't exist to me until they're in a form that's on my drive, but personally I think this sounds great. Anyone that makes an imageboard instead of a discord has my approval. This is unfortunately now a technical feat that someone knows how to make a website when teenagers were doing it in the 90s.
also, you may actually just want to review and revise your tags in general. looking through to check outfits and a lot of them are a bit wonky. both the female bards are listed as 1boy, male focus(the second one also tagging 1girl in addition to it), the mages are pretty nondescript, etc.
anyway here's catboxes with checking some of the clothes options:
cat hood https://files.catbox.moe/bfc1uc.png
cat hood+chibi https://files.catbox.moe/jgzqa5.png
blackmage https://files.catbox.moe/hckimp.png
blackmage+chibi https://files.catbox.moe/s6gmgt.png
geomancer https://files.catbox.moe/613hut.png
geomancer+chibi https://files.catbox.moe/3ll4qu.png
>I'd honestly probably suggest just pruning the chibi tag from the dataset. With this config it doesn't impact things super heavily but it's effectively being learned as a soft activation tag.
I actually did initially but then I redid the tags because I wanted the jobs to have activators, then I forgot to remove chibi after the wd tagging.

Based. Do you use wd1.4 tagging usually or do you manually do it? It worked well for another couple of loras I did but I agree these did turn out worse. I'll redo them by hand I suppose.
I'm still using swinv2 because I'm a lazy sod who can't be bothered to jump through the hoops to update to v3. Used to go fairly low on weight threshold but have come around to doing .65~, but I'll usually also do a quick manual pass through and change anything I think might cause trouble and add on things if I think they're necessary. Usually datasets will have a few "obvious" things that you'll need to handhold the captions for and I just start there and work my way down.
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Here's the superior white cock version. With some extra emphasis on the pink shaft. Usually artists can drag a couple sliders down to get a dark skin version. But it's not too hard to play with color balance, tonal correction, hue, and saturation to get a white cock version. And you make a new layer for the cock and use the "screen" blending mode to lighten the dick.
gay, but based
>I'm still using swinv2 because I'm a lazy sod who can't be bothered to jump through the hoops to update to v3
there are no hoops, literally all you have to do is use catboxanon's fork: https://github.com/catboxanon/stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger/tree/feat/wd14-v3
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Guys what happened to SD3? Why are people saying it's shit? People said SDXL was shit too bc it was censored in the beginning.
Because no one is going to burn money to finetune sd3
Last I checked everyone hated the license and in terms of styles and anatomy it's even worse than SDXL.
Why does it need finetuning? Surely someone will step up to the plate.
Hard to imagine that is possible. So NAI is better and better right now. Although I have never tried it.
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>Why does it need finetuning?
Because the base model is trash and they gutted it in the name of safety.
>posts pony
>Why does it need finetuning?
Can't be serious
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someone give me a setting or an outfit idea. My creative juices are not currently flowing.
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sure, why not
Taimanin/ninja or some other skintight ensemble
armored maid cleaning up the battlefield
>portrait res
>get an on side shot
Alright then.
You might have to sprinkle in some "from above" and "dakimakura \(medium\)"
It's just a one-off so far. Still funny that it happened.
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Hell yeah
This looks like one of those branch things where you need to switch branches in git checkout or whatever. Not as retard-friendly as people think.
I tried installing it but it didn't work for me but I am very stupid.
literally just go to extensions, install from url https://github.com/67372a/stable-diffusion-webui-wd14-tagger
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no idea if this is what you were thinking of or not.
Oh, looks like I don't need the catboxanon fork then?
The issue was that the url here is valid as a github extension install button thing because it's a tree or branch or whatever it is (tree/feat/wd14-v3) , but the main one of catboxanon doesn't have V3 so you have to do the git checkout thing and I can never remember how.
But, if the main tagger thing support V3 then I don't have to worry about any of this. Thanks.
>The issue was that the url here is valid
invalid, that is
I ran out of ideas for new styles so I tried stealing yours but my wife has the ability to ignore/neutralize style mixes. Serves me right.
I like her more with the eyes showing
amputees are /d/, bestiality is /b/
Which wife, and why no post pic
>I ran out of ideas for new styles
that and experimenting with shit is a chore thanks to NAI shitting the bed 9 times out of 10.
...is what I would say if I didn't just try to use the API via the webui extension and it Just Works™ without erroring out every 2 femtoseconds so fuck it, webui it is.
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yeah maybe I should do more eyes showing stuff, it is a bit more expressive.
>Which wife
>why no post pic
I didn't like any of the results, this is the only decent one.
I've switched back to beach pics and it's even worse.
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I think the face/eyes is just too distinct for most tags to work normally
>I think the face/eyes is just too distinct for most tags to work normally
You're right about the 'most' part, some styles work but they need to be really distinct. I tried negging official style+art but to no avail.
It works much better if I move her tag right after the mix but these mixes outright forget characters if you do that.
that same witch outfit but very pregnant
>>8074324 (me)
>but these mixes outright forget characters if you do that.
You CAN somewhat bruteforce it with {{{{enough emphasis}}}} or by moving the copyright tag but both have their own issues and both approaches are inconsistent.

Shame, I'm a sucker for 2.5D styles/mixes.
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I did get one (1) nice pic out of it so... W.
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Shit, didn't see this thread wasn't dead yet.
Is DeepCreamPy still used today for generic decensoring?
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>other Friends work fine and the mix actually affects everything
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Man, I can't even get pony to gen amputee without a lora. Don't get what magic arcane ritual you need to pull off to get it. Hell, I don't even think it's present in the model.
you were probably trying to reply to the guy above me
I was, pardon me.
Why did they make the bag so cute?
Her name is Kaban (bag)
Goblin version.
That's not a goblin, that's Shego. Or a frog.
"Kaban" is "boar" in my mother tongue.
many times now
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What's with the kafka spam on civit
oh, it's Honkai
I expected Arknights for some reason
Sure. A goblin generally has pointed ears. But there are limits to img2img.
Yeah, it's weird. Might even call it kafkaesque
>I expected Arknights for some reason
nobody cares about the pinus sylvestris :(
Kafka is too smug for the pinus team
It looks like some coordinated effort, because every single kafka upload links to another kafka upload
It makes it almost look like a protest of sorts
it's a shitty forced meme, they did the same shit last year
Been trying to get NAI to error out while using the API and it's just not happening. But the site itself is a wreck and errors out constantly, especially with i2i requests.
My retarded ass just trained up a TI to 8 or so epochs before I realized my captions were named wrong.
Image files are 0001.png, I forgot a 0 on the caption files, so they were 001.txt
The concept still trained alright and surprisingly works, but I'm gonna give it another go with the proper files.
I wonder, does only blacked stuff works well? I started a pixiv and don't get many views but my stuff is a lot more diverse compared to only bbc stuff. I've been asked for it (once)
low effort nigger shit being this wildly popular completely disillusioned me
that must be a similar feel to how artfags felt when the whole internet got flooded with basic bitch aom2 spam
only posting pics on chans now, any sort of engagement on those pic posting sites like pixiv feels fake and worthless and I couldn't care about it now
Jordach been real quiet since this one dropped
any aom slop style lora for pony?
The other thing is doing "diverse stuff". Real artists gain followers by sticking to their style, with AI you can also choose to stick to a character or concept instead. But guys who keep changing stuff are hard to even tell apart, why would you follow someone like that?
You can just prompt AI-Generated
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Did another few trainings after improving a bunch of captions and lowered the LR as suggested and it turned out better. All the epochs seem pretty flexible content wise but seem to fuck up hands at random, any idea why?
Jordach can't see past his own ego. Anything he touches will be doomed to failure. Wasn't he just calling himself a pony killer? Woof.
>I can't get consistent hairs on oc characters
>some haircuts are plain impossible to get
is this a skill issue? I'm still using autism
Hands are hands and are difficult to gen. Could come down to any number of things, like the model, seed, your dataset, etc.
Fleshbeast hands though are a sure sign that training went too far. Better to just leave that and any epoch past it out of the testing phase and only focus on the good ones.
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That would be an annoying aspect to running a patreon, I usually like genning in 4-5 different styles at any given time. I don't know how you would maintain any kind of consistency when new models come and the tech upgrades. Maybe it's OK if you only change things up one a year.
torso is deformed, most likely because of the base resolution is not well supported, you could try outpainting
>I don't know how you would maintain any kind of consistency when new models come and the tech upgrades. Maybe it's OK if you only change things up one a year.
From what I've observed yeah the popular ones usually change their style when something major gets released but kinda try to be consistent otherwise.
I'd like to post my gens somewhere because there's plenty of them that I think are pretty nice, but my themes and styles are so wildly different that it's really only makes sense to post it on 4chan anonymously.
Dunno it feels really boring to force yourself to be consistent when doing AI, unless you're aiming for money I guess.
its just rng because pictures are not properly tagged
long hair and short can mean anything and unless you get really specific or want something simple you wont get anything consistent
Unless you use some wildly different style people wont really be able to tell or care if its still of good quality
Every character you use has an heavy impact on the style anyways so you might get something different while using the same loras
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Well, the pubes/happy trail TI was a success, and even has some slider capability. Obviously, they're not super realistic, but this was a particular look that I was going for.
All under 64kb. Not meant as a brag, but why do people train big ass loras for simple concepts like this? 90% of the time the shit they're training is already in the checkpoint.
can somebody who successfully baked lora from mostly monochrome manga share dataset?
idk how to prepare this shit, especially because doujins panels are usually noisy as fuck
the more hairs the wider the hips, is it a bug or a feature?
if you have a lot of bushes then you need more soil, basic gardening
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Great question. I did prompt for wide hips/thick thighs, since I'm partial to that, though it def seems like a bug. I'm guessing it's pushing the hips out to make some room so that area makes sense, or since it's focused on changing that area, it does that. None of the training images had a bush completely covering that region to where it's all hair and no inner thigh area, so I'm guessing it's pushing them out so it can keep that ratio.
I'd call it happy accident.

Here's one with a char with more modest features. Different weights seem to flip the image for some reason.
On an unrelated note, pony/autism really does Rukia really well. 90% of outputs with her are really nice to me for some reason.
Like this is just a 1girl standing, but still.
I usually don't bake for more than a few epochs because the hands start melting. Generate a few xy grids to make sure the % of fucked hands is tolerable on the one you settle on and make peace with it.
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Also seems to have a weird effect on hair at higher weights as well. Tends to feather it and make it overall more... primal? Really strange, considering that wasn't anything present in the dataset.
I'm training an alt version using hand made captions, this one was just auto generated. We'll see if the other one has any effect. Probably won't be until tomorrow though.
Can I get the .. Lora?
Sorry, .. is for internal use only.
pureasu undastandato
i will share my loras when cascade comes out
Just checking, you do know that ".." was me just typing in .. to search and replace, right?
It's been a long night.
Is this any different from just prompting (excessive) pubic hair at various strengths?
Yeah it was just a joke
all i see in the last ones is this
>Is this any different from just prompting (excessive) pubic hair at various strengths?
It is indeed. Believe me, I've tried, and so can you. Only reason I trained this was because all other avenues failed. I had a lora that could do it, which is what the training data was based off, but 200mb for something that should exist in the checkpoint already just seemed excessive. That and it was a test to see if I could do it with a TI, since TI's apparently don't add new data, just interprets the existing model differently.

Fuck, it reminds me of some character, but I can't put my finger on who.
that's Ryuji Sakamoto for me
>Ryuji Sakamoto
God damn it. That's it.
My brain kept wanting to go to Ichigo, but I knew that wasn't it. It was someone with a similar build though.
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hi, is there any meaningful update for forge? I didn't updated since february i think. I'm in the 4gb vram gang so i didn't really updated yet cuz i was kind of afraid it'll need more vram or stuff.The last new thing i got were the sgmUniform samplers i think
uploaded it somewhere?
Not yet.
I'm still testing it out, and training an alternate version.
The better of the two will probably be up tomorrow.
ban pube posters
give me a (You) when its done
Pic unrelated?
best type of pubes is landing strip
do you plan to post it on civit?
Will do.

Yeah, but I'll also post a version here just in case people are averse to that.
Now that I've figured out the basics of TI training (plot twist: it's exactly the same as lora training), there's a few more concepts that I'm hoping to give a go in the future.
i'm lost... is there even any point in training text encoder in loras? i feel like pony is fucked up to the point that unet alone does all the work.
try training only te
Is this real?
Why is everyone shitting on cascade so hard right now? Was e5 supposed to be the final epoch? I don't remember.
what's a TI?
jordach has a huge ego and the shills have hyped it up for a couple months and theres been no results besides "see its learning!"
so its easy to shit on it
4chan would become good again if every single faggot that unironically uses the word "shill" dropped dead right now
A textual inversion/embedding.
It was the thing that came out before loras. People widely regarded them as shit because they couldn't do characters or styles very well (due to how it works), and when lora came out, it was quickly tossed aside. TIs have their advantages though, in that it's extremely powerful for concepts, poses/sex positions, and things like outfits.
Loras add brand new data to leverage alongside a checkpoint, a TI uses what's already there in the checkpoint. It's why a TI can be so small (kb in size), compared to loras which can range from 10s to 100s of mb. The TI basically just tells the checkpoint "look here, you've got a bunch of shit already that the user is trying to go for", wheras a lora is like "yo, I brought a bunch of shit that the user wants".
Loras have their place, and I use them just as much, but (obviously I'm a bit biased) TI's really haven't been given their due.
good morning jordach sir
sanest cascade shill
>Was e5 supposed to be the final epoch
That was the original claim. Jordach has been saying he's the 'only non retarded baker' and throwing shade at every other model. Add on that he depends on crowd funding to be able to train it further and all he's got to show us after saying 5 epochs would be gold is:
Lol. Speaks for itself. What you're witnessing right now is that even the shills have shut up.
feeling enthusiastic about something?
using something and recommend it?
discuss something?

last few years it has become impossible to discuss anything on 4chan without being called a shill. it's not even about cascade now. it's just a subhuman buzzword
finally someone says it
you're 100% right
if you seriously think that 1) people only started calling each other shills in "the last few years" and 2) that this is the biggest problem with nu-4chan then you're obviously a retarded newfag zoomer that should fuck off back to whatever trooncord you crawled out of
>'s not even about cascade now.
I almost believed you til you said that.
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i miss the days slop was for goyslop not normies calling things bad
I miss the days when the elegg poster wasn't here
oh right, textual embeddings. I knew the acronym was familiar. Pretty sure you can just train loras with unet turned off to achieve the same/better result though?
just set a low dim
i think this is the new, stealthier way to groidspam
Back on 1.5 there were a lot of TIs for real people. Not just celebs either, even literally who insta sluts who didn't exist a few months ago. So I think it has to add add something at least.

Or maybe a person's face and hair are not really unique among milions of human pics. Less so than anime girl faces at least.
so raging butthurt mad you try to guess anons like some leddit detective retard and guess wrong
Sure I could, but that's not the point.
You don't have to swap in and out TIs into memory like you do with loras (especially with XL models taking up huge amounts of VRAM), they just pop right in with the prompt, and they don't affect the style nearly as much. I like loras, and I think they're great, but I've been burned so many times by retards that don't know how to train them properly. I've seen 500mb+ loras for simpler shit than pubes (like different eyes that you can easily prompt). I'm just fuckin sick of it. I don't need 5-10gb of loras to do things that are in the model but hard to prompt.

>So I think it has to add add something at least.
I mean if the original model knows how a human look, all you're really adjusting is the facial proportions and hair. Which is why they never quite looked perfectly right and always seemed a bit off.
Try to add something completely new and novel though, and you're gonna have a hard time with a TI. Like maybe a checkpoint was trained on images that only had blue skies, you can't make the skies red or green with a TI (since you're giving it images of those colors and telling it to look for it), but you can with a lora, since the lora kind of bootstraps the checkpoint with images of a red/green sky. Which can also contribute heavily to style bleed if it's an especially novel concept and your dataset isn't large enough.
dont insult elegg like that
what are you even talking about retard?
> Ginger bush
Does it consistently control the color of the bush (at least matching the hair color)? Been trying to get silver bush but could never get it working with pure prompting.
Use 1344*768 if you are aiming for 16:9. That's the closest supported native resolution to avoid deformation.
Because the model was revealed to be trash by epoch 3. Remember the claims of "if the prototype is this good wait till it sees a full fucking epoch of the 8 million dataset" yet here we are 5 epochs later and it still looks like melted shit. I had no desire to shit on it when it was still in planning, as the idea of moving from dull sepiaslopped XL to a new model that hasn't been tried sounded great. But the training results have been lackluster compared to 1epochs of similar models like arti and kohaku. This was originally shilled as a 'learns super fucking fast' model yet all it has managed to do is melt itself even further.
There are no shortcuts in AI. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. NAI can fire off 50 different experiments by the time Cascade finishes one. You basically need to get your settings 100% perfect the first time or you're fucked. And nobody is going to crowdfund that shit if it can't even produce results better than 1.5
>the furries will save us! (again)
>the furries dit not in fact save us (again)
only asstroonlite can save us by releasing v.6.9 with extra safety censoring
everything he has said about v7 just make me more convinced that v6 was a fluke he will never be able to replicate again
remind me of based64
They wasted compute on retarded 1B. While I don't believe anymore that 3.6B will be way better than prototype just because of bigger dataset, if it at least could be the same but with more artists and characters, I'd be happy to use it for 1girling (and maybe even something more than that). But they went and killed all the hype with 1B.
no idea what the point of the 1b shit was. it's just burning money on useless garbage. should've just done 10 epochs of 3.6b instead, with the 1b model being a stretch goal if they get enough funding. they don't have enough to blow on two shitty models. and if the 1b was supposed to serve as a way to find the settings for 3.6b, then it fucking failed because it still looks like shit.
ah, a schizo
Iirc there's enough money to do 10 epochs for both 1b and 3.6b
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Good morning /bag/
>that's why this place is only suitable to be a textboard.
kek, true
>no idea what the point of the 1b shit was.
training the TE
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Ohio, Anon.
TE is going to be shit trained with this unet.
I know that rover lora is a piece of shit because I always get annoyed when I use it but what even is this gen
>no one makes extensions for auto1111 anymore they just release a comfy node
nodespaghettihaterbros its over...
auto has been dead for a long time, only retards use it
im including forge too
Is there a tag (that actually work) that make the hair flowing to simulate movement?
usually its "floating hair" or some sort of variation of "dynamic movement"
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whats your problem?
I don't really mind people posting their OCs here since it isn't like they're roleplaying or anything. If you want complete and utter trash then check out the Dall-e threads on /v/ or the SDG on /g/. These threads are not as good as they used to be, mostly due to us being in a period of stagnation again, but at least they are not complete and utter trash.
his posts are groidspammer-tier repulsive
Any naiggers got tips on more coherent tattoos?
"to train the TE so the 3.6b model would be better", but Jordach has no idea what he's doing so its waste. I asked how do they know when the TE is ready, they don't know and they're yoloing. It's a failed project and Jordach too stubborn to hear any advice. He talks about moving onto new projects and has been silence since epoch 5 finished, deep down he knows it's shit. He is not someone who should be in charge of these things and he make it worse running his mouth.
cASScade is his PONY KILLER
Next he is making a 1.5 model to kill FR!
>He talks about moving onto new projects
Was he the guy who was training that 1.5 model, waifusion? Did that go anywhere?
>I asked how do they know when the TE is ready, they don't know and they're yoloing.
wow i wonder why
why does finetuning always attract the most confidently retarded anons in /h/?
1b looks like shit but not because it's only got 1b params. You faggots think 3.6b would've been good because the proto could mimic styles, but it will be the same shit as 1b. The proto was only semi coherent because it had a small amount of artists to learn and still had base knowledge lingering. It'll be no better than the 1b because the baker is shit, has a track record of being shit, and even his own furry community knows this. Look how many supporters every other project has on the furry discord. Why doesn't renosance? They know Jordach's track record. He is training Cascade 1:1 the same as his previous failed models, because his bloated ego is delulu and thinks they were good. Writing was on the wall, anyone surprised had their head in the sand. Pony V69 will be trash too, V6 was a fluke entirely. Astrakike is a jeet and that's why he got a chat with the new Sai ceo, jeets are happy to shake turd hands together. He has no knowledge or competence.

Our best hope for local right now is some new party uncensoring one of the Chinese models. If you can't see this you're misinformed or entirely ignorant to reality. Hopium otherwise if you want, but if you do the tiniest bit of lurking you'll come to the same conclusion.
Now that the dust has settled, was SD3 really as big of an evolution as SAI made it out to be?
Ntayrt but if you are trying to say it's because "new arch hurrdurr" you're mentally handicapped. They aren't even trying to adjust based on results, they flat out said they picked some arbitrary number (Epoch 5) and decided to freeze it there. Even their resident discord shills said it needs more cook time, and Jordach's answer was "bake a lora if it doesn't understand (the high number count) tags on the CSV". I shit you not. He's done with this project already, gonna waste the remaining donations and go "whoops, guess it was a bad arch lol!". If you're not going to acknowledge his track record of fucking up models in this exact way, then that's on you.
SD3s only claim to fame was shitty text on flat backgrounds you could've mspainted in with better results, so what do you think lmao?
The architecture is amazing, the model is not.
what does he do that makes his bakes so shit? its just a few settings and a dataset, its not like everyone else is hand captioning their massive datasets. shouldn't this stuff be common knowledge? I can bake a lora and it comes out fine.
Not a NAI user, but I download skyrim tattoo packs and use the textures with ps and low denoise inpaint.
>architecture is amazing,
as someone who doesn't understand this shit, why do people keep saying this? how can you know an arch is amazing when there is no proof of concept? can someone explain to me like I'm 5 how that's not cope?
Probably something to do with the fact it can actually generate text. But it's trained on absolute slop and looks like shit.
There is proof of concept in the 2b model. Give t a complex prompt that doesn't involve living things, and it'll do it perfectly. Something like "A red sphere atop a green cube next to a yellow pyramid"
it's not common knowledge because effectively nobody finetunes. the gpu requirements are significantly higher, and as a result it's much more expensive and time consuming. any time you see someone in /h/ posting confidently about how finetuners need to be doing x y or z you should just ignore them and file whatever you read in the delusional retard category.
I can't tell you exactly what it is because despite claims of transparency he speaks in autistic nuances that don't actually explain the details. If I had to guess based on what I'm seeing, he gets impatient with LR and fries it, and he butchers tag order so it becomes very rigid and refuses to learn variety (making a large dataset useless, it'll just learn a few concepts badly and the rest not at all). He chose to make his own tuner to bake his models and anyone whose used it has had bad results, so it's not impossible there is something fundamentally broken and not working with it. Backwards passes aren't functioning properly and the model is unlearning things every epoch, for example, and not in a normal training way. When he was offered help and suggestions on his tuner's coding he spazzed out and argued and kept baking while admitting stuff flat wasn't working as intended. He's too far up his own ass, he'll keep doing things wrong because he thinks he's sticking it to someone by doing so. Jordach is far too immature to head this kind of project.
that's not rocket science or proof of concept, it just proves they over trained on 3d models of shapes in different positions. you guys actually believe this shit??
The difference here is that Jordach has a track record of these exact same problems with his other models and has refused to listen to any feedback or concern about it. Instead of actually trying to combat known problems, he thinks there is no problem. When his shills were talking about poses being non existent he said it didn't matter, people should i2i if they want poses. Remember this is the model that he frequently brags will "kill pony".
Try it with food items or animals. All my usual comprehension prompts turned out a lot better on sd3 than on cascade or xl.
This is from his discord and is up weighting huge breasts. Notice how there is no change? He ruined tag ordering and drop out and now the model doesn't know variance. It's one set size, perma baked in. That's it. The model will already be so far past the point of fixing by the time he quietly accepts he was wrong that it's pointless. His stubborn, spiteful, immature ego poisons everything he touches. To ignore this in hope it'll "get better" is cope. I get it. I used to defend it too, but eventually you can't ignore the crap.
Is this the power of SD3?
Itll get better faggot, trust the plan
Yeah I was among the cascade copers but I think it's time to admit it's fucking over.
I really don't have any will to keep cucking for nai and I fucking hate current local models. It's not a bad time to hibernate till winter. Could play vidya.
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Can anyone fix the pr of pivotal tuning on kohya sd-scripts since the guy who did the pr has no interest in fixing it for SDXL? So we can keep coping with pony for some months please thank you
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Has anyone done a lora for this pose?
I'm pretty happy with current pony so i'll just be enjoying the incoming meltdowns
just use controlnet for that
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I think my dataset image wise is pretty solid but I think I'm just letting it train for too many epochs. I was just curious since so many of the presets have high default epochs.
Just curious, what LR and epoch range do you usually aim for, for a character?
Overall on this bake it looks like 10 and 20 are giving me the most clean results in terms of hands and character features.
I downloaded the CN-anytest_v4-marged.safetensors
can anyone tell me where I put it and does it work on forge? honestly I've no idea what it's even supposed to do in the first place, I downloaded and used various 1.5 controlnet models in the past but idk if this is any different on sdxl
the crime prevention buzzer lora on civitai can kind of do this if you prompt with "hands up, holding" but it's inconsistent; or you could use controlnet like the other anon said
it works like any other controlnet model but it doesn't use a preprocessor. it's kind of like a mixture of pose, depth and line controlnets that can copy image composition while remaining mostly style neutral
place it into (models/contronet) since controlnet is already bult in
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can i have the prompt for that please?
somebody redeemed cunny https://civitai.com/models/518834/sifw-annihilationxl
An era in /hdg/ is over. Now it's the time to hibernate, for quite some months. See you when a better model arrives to our hands.
i enjoy this decadency, it feels like barren land in end of the times, rarely crossed by lunatics
>check the last few thread
>barely any anal
Post anal NOW
>Astratroon isn't even close to finishing captioning for "v6.9", let alone training. The model will be completely lobotomized regardless.
>Cascade is unfortunately a meme compared to expectations and will never come close to pony or NAI
>Anlatan is removing artist tags in v4, assuming it ever actually releases
>Pixart team acquired by Nvidia
>Euge MIA
>WDXL is a literal meme with a schizo troon at the helm who keeps repeating they have access to compute that never materializes
It's going to be a long winter anons.
Worry not, anon! I just bought GTX1080!!! Starting training for the best model right fucking now let's gooooo
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Yeah it does. Unprompted.
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>Only learned about the [SEP] operator in adetailer today.
>So much time wasted manually masking
Imma kys
Got some moderate consistency with the tattoos, it's really a dice roll though
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Also if you just want to avoid applying adetailer to the male you can set "Mask only the top k largest" to 1. Then pray that the detection model ranks the female face higher.
Oh my I'm getting hard now. Could you regen the silver hair fox girl with 1.5 weight on the TI? I wanna see how the silver forest looks like.
>consistency with the tattoos
honestly it's something I wouldn't expect even with high-effort loras (unless you are ready to give up your sanity), let alone with OC character rolling on nai.
My best success has been pruning the amount of artists and being specific with character features and colors. Seems to help with piercings and some clothing too.
why does this bitch have a triple clit
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Is there a way to get tags frequently tagged together with tag X?
Trying to make wildcards for characters together with its characteristic tags
Thanks guys some variety is always appreciated
thanks for the help, it's working
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new friend
>NAI can fire off 50 different experiments by the time Cascade finishes one.
You are completely right on this. If you can't burn money on R&D experiments, you can't make good models. NAI is basically a bunch of coomers from /aids/ who understood early on that they'll need a lot of money to make uncensored models, so they went and made a for-profit company for the whole thing.
>Butthole made for popping sounds
>WDXL is a literal meme
At least their samples of test models looked better than anything Cascade tune produced
that means nothing if nobody outside their trooncord has ever seen them
Anyone found a reliable way to prompt males that are shorter than females but without going into shota?
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From 3 months ago: wdvwdvxl-fsdp8-e00s00039500safetensors, not even a single epoch. There are more that show different styles.
>nobody outside their trooncord
Install discord
>From 3 months ago
and? something newer? or do we need to wait 6 years for a model with that pace?
wow it looks almost as good as WD1.4 already!
WDXL shills are so pathetic. i hate cascade shills too but at least jordach is actually trying, meanwhile the waifu diffusion team hasn't done shit in over 1.5 years
Who knows, ask their cult leader where the compute is. Only thing I know about it is that wdxl can only be worked on when the gpu nodes are not doing anything important at his job
>at least jordach is actually trying
And yet both gave us nothing
Nani kore?
You said
>At least their samples of test models looked better than anything Cascade tune produced
Here's a little folder of gens I made with cascade:
sir, your metadata?
How tf are these pics superior to any pic ever made with the actual current bake
The prototype is the 3.6B parameter model.
Current bake is the prep-run with 1B parameter "StageC lite" model to train the text encoder to use for the 3.6B parameter model.
Honestly 3.6B proto is pretty capable as long as you work within the range of what it learned from the limited dataset.
What artist were you using for the Remilia gens? Looks like an artist I wanted to prompt but I didn't see them in the csv.
Still, 1B shouldn't be THIS fucking bad, right?
i want to report this patreon that's using one of my not for profit character loras for this cringed queen of spades spam but they edited the metadata. this is why i didn't really want to share any of my character ones
The current one is trying, but it's probably safe to say now that 1B will never reach prototype level:
Hands, feet, eyes, anything that required fine detail -> not happening.
(by butterchalk:0.7), by kawakami rokkaku, by aaaa \(quad-a\)
See catbox above, it's not stripped of metadata, just replace current models with prototype models and you'll get better gens.
Also I should mention that for prototype cfg should be 6. The catboxes cfg (whatever the fuck I used there) will be too high for it.
And if you want emphasis (these things -> (xxx:0.5)) to work, you need to use comfy++ style emphasis, so use capgui with style(comfy++) at the beginning of your prompt, or install
it's cascover
iirc jordach said that he was copying the training settings from the cascade paper and the cascade paper said that almost all of their time and attention went into training the 3.6b model so the 1b version was shit in comparison.
They probably trained TE together with the 3.6B though and then trained 1B model with that frozen TE. Not the other way around that jordach is doing. I swear it will gimp the TE and thus any potential for this model.
why is he training 1b to begin with? is there really any interest in it? I feel like even poorfags would rather use some sort of online service to gen with a 3.6b than deal with a shitty outdated model
You obviously never explored 1B proto. It was like a drooling retard compared to 3.6B proto.
I'm actually surprised how current 1B bake is performing because I didn't have high expectations for it.
NTA but isn't 1B like barely above SD1.5? What's the meaning of that?
people already mentioned it here, but the idea was that since the 1B model is cheaper to train then it would be easier to figure out the right way to train the resonance TE with it first and then use that TE to train the 3.6B model
but the recent epochs are so shit that it's hard to tell if the TE is actually being trained properly
eat shit samefagging retard
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jesus christ anon is this really how bad the general has gotten? i just want a fucking box to learn to make better shit
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>ran the dataset through a quick and dirty 512,512 test train.
Why did you do this?
are there working controlnet models for pony yet?
shut your mouth
thanks for that box, finally figured out how to use that regional prompting bullshit correctly now
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Trying to make some a duo image (don't mind the crappy looks, this is without hires or anything else) but how do I get people to look at each other? Promptlng looking at another, looking up is not cutting it.
Getting the hang of it can be tricky, but once you figure it out its quite simple. If you are on Forge I would check out Forge couple as well, it can be just as powerful if not more. Heres a catbox of one I did with couple so you can see how that's done too.

are we dead yet?
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appreciate it. heres my first attempt. i have a long way to go but it was worth a try
nice, that's an amazing first attempt
looking at viewer in neg.
Doesn't work. They just stare off into the horizon
“staring off into the horizon” in neg
>looking at another, eye contact
If that doesn't work adjust weights until it does.
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use underscores, looking_to_the_side, looking_at_another, from_the_side, profile,
based, thanks for you sacrifice
what's artist?
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What tag do I use when I want the person sitting indian style, but like with one knee up? Like one leg is folded underneath like you're sitting criss-cross, but the other leg is just up instead. I've tried "sitting, indian style, knee up", but it's not quite getting there.
Pic related is the pose I'm going for. I don't like control net, so I ain't fuckin around with it.
forgot the image like a retard.
<lora:Borscht:1>, (by kapibara:0.8), alp,<lora:possummachinexl:0.6> possummachine_style, (moisture \(chichi\):0.8), kawakami rokkaku, <lora:artistsautism_lora_XL_dim32_8e_v2_civit:1> <lora:Expressive_H:0.4> ExpressiveH,
>indian style
"outdoors, pants pull, squatting, (ces:1.3)"
Do people actually use this many artists or am I being meme'd here?
Isn't having twenty different artist loras counterproductive to your prompt?
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Thanks king, (ces:1.3) did the trick, kinda. What a strange and useful tag. I wonder what it means???

On another note, I'm having too much fun crafting waifus instead of actually genning showcase images for the TI.
>tfw no punk metal gf ;_;
how the FUCK do i remove those damn wide hips from my cunnies?
fking pony man...
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add some ulqui
(added one forge couple pic I made to the folder also)
negatives and/or artist tags
what year is it?!?!
the guy who trained pony is a retard, i don't know what you want from me. (they can legitimately make a difference because booru tags)
put this is negative
long torso, narrow waist, milf, old woman, wide hips, curvy
and this in positive
loli, small, short, petite, skinny, flat chest, flat ass
artist choice influence cunny-ness aswel but overall t2i woman by pony tends to have fat asses and hips no matter what, you can always open up photoshop, shrink them manually and i2i the result but that requires more work sadly
if you're into higurashi this lora https://civitai.com/models/154232 is decent at t2i rika cunny but has burnt-in style

baker-kun we need cunny body type lora...
wait so pony performs better if you include underscores? I thought this was only about score shit
I'm experiementing with different artist styles and ranbooru, this just happened to turn out nice. The main reason for so many artist is trying to gen decent loli anatomy. I don't think there is any set rule on how many artists you can use, it's completely up to you.
>moisture \(chichi\)
Apparently "li" is the obfuscated tag for loli in pony. According to the style spreadsheet anyway.
Adding "young" and "child" also helps.
But you didn't get it from me.
>"li" is the obfuscated tag for loli in pony.
im not believing that astratroon hypocrite ass left cunny in dataset
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I'm just going off the spreadsheet anon.
Row 242
replace abs with plump
There's a reason why I reduced the weight, I like how they draw curves.
honestly the fact that pony fandom STILL exists, is active and even gathers so much attention is fucking crazy
it's literally one child cartoon, not a huge fandom like whole furry and other stuff
We talking people that exclusively get off to "equine_pussy, anatomically_correct_genitalia", or people that genuinely enjoy the show and characters? I'm sure there's a good bit of overlap.
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I'm organizing my loras, is the guy who made this awful thing still around? You never gave it a name, not even sure if it's the character or a style. Feels like it's both.
make her sex young boys
pony can generate clothed cunny just fine but torso gets stretched immediately if you're trying to expose body
fucking ponycuck...
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Alright, the PubeSlider TI is released.

I'm probably going to train a v2 at some point in hopes I can fix some of the weird hair issues, but I think it's fine to fuck around with at this point.
Here's your (You)
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I have another question for the lora gods. I'm almost done tagging this by hand and I wanted to know if I should add "multiple characters" or one of the similar tags to all of these, or if that would be a bad idea since they're all pairs. Doing that would make the lora more biased towards pairs, right?
I already trained a lora on this before and it was fine even though most of the captions were messed up, but I want to try it again with what I learned the other day.
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Tag what you wanna change, leave what you don't.
That being said, considering that the dataset is all pairs, I don't think it's gonna make a difference whether you tag it or not, it's gonna gen pairs.
If I were you, and it wouldn't disturb things too much, I'd try to separate them out into individual images. For the ones you can anyway. Then you can tag the ones with pairs as multiple characters or whatever, and hopefully the trainer will get the difference.
>decent loli anatomy
and what is that supposed to look like?
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The thing is that I'm kind of stupid and I'm just trying to learn what tagging does exactly, since you can train loras without tags.
>If I were you, and it wouldn't disturb things too much, I'd try to separate them out into individual images.
These actually came in compilation images so I already did that and it took a while lol, I could do it again I suppose. But I also liked the dynamic and my other lora retained it pretty well.
>Then you can tag the ones with pairs as multiple characters or whatever, and hopefully the trainer will get the difference.
This is a great idea, I'll do that.
nta but multiple characters, 1boy, 1girl. Might even add "brother and sister" to make it clearer they're male/female variants. I don't think there's a better tag for it, twincest is only for nsfw.
After some experimentation, I've found that "butterfly sitting, one leg folded, one knee up" with "spread legs" in the negative prompt could work, but it's very gacha.
Yeah, I wanted to use butterfly sitting, but for obvious reasons it added butterflies. Of course, I could just add negative prompts, but they don't work in wildcards.
Still, thanks for hashing it out.
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Doing some research into regional prompting and I have to say it's fascinating how exactly Prompt Bleed as a concept works across distinct chunks. In theory the AI shouldn't generate anything from one chunk into the next but you can clearly see in pic related how the black skin bleeds onto the leotard and Nia's blue body markings bleed into the first chunk. How does that work? There's a global affect line but that doesn't include anything about the characters themselves, and one character is a private LORA.

On a funnier note there was a sequence of 3 generations where their faces got closer and closer together until they started kissing. I swear the AI just knows sometimes.
Depends on whether you're using latent couple or attention couple. Latent bleeds less but is prone to hard borders.
unet portion can bleed through with attention couple iirc
if you want complete segregation you need to use latent couple
Interesting. Can either of you go into more depth? I'd like to understand more about what's going on under the hood. In my experience with using the latent setting for regional prompter with any LORA it bleeds even more, to the point where it's not much of a regional prompter at all.

Also, when you say attention/latent couple, is this a setting in the Forge Couple extension or something else?

artist tags help, proper image dimensions help, proper pose tags help, you have to think about it and learn to troubleshoot your images as you go
loras obviously help but they can work better if you prompt the right artists alongside them
some loras affect only the style and not the anatomy and some give better effect on base pony
in the end it's more about finding ways to do it right in a style you like
seems like i've lost that discoverer spark after being spoiled by so many models
thank you for input
i made a couple gens like this back in May dark skin female + shota and the latest one i did was on june 2nd
i was looking at kloah's latest work and i saw this https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10210215&tags=kloah which was done on the 16th of june
is there any chance one of my gens made it to a booru and somehow it got this commissioned
just a thought haha
Keep us updated FFT AI art is what first caught my eye in the first place. Other than using the artist names for the game I haven't tried genning anything since I was trying to nail down styles for a different project but that sounds awesome.
Is this NAI? https://kemono.su/patreon/user/101285860
Can anyone knowledgeable say what could be the actual reason for ponytard pruning emoticon tags like :<, :o, :3 etc? Like was it some training/tagging issue? This triggers me so fucking hard.
>characters that didn't even exist yet when NAI was released
nice images, can you explain what's your prompting technique?
like which do tags you put first, what are you achieving with BREAKs, etc.
for safety and respect to the original artist
I'm not knowledgeable, but short 2-3 character tokens seem like a bad idea in general.
>short 2-3 character tokens seem like a bad idea in general
they don't seem to cause any issues on naiv1 and naiv3 so may I ask why?
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I guess I posted this in the wrong thread yesterday, anyway fox and rabbit
this is a bit "cooked" for better way to describe it, I think you have loras too high or need to high-res fix because it's close to good
Amazing. Are you an artist?
Wtf is she licking? Some cancer lump on rabbit girls neck?
fuck you why did you make me look at that
the bunny is squishy and she pushed down on her
look at all the cancer lumps coming out of her thighs as well :(
thanks, not really, I do a lot more editing in photoshop with my tablet before inpainting than a lot of people though
Damn, that sounds hard, but it pays off, the quality of your gens is off the charts.
I think this sort of effort makes you somewhat of an artist still, and I think you could get a decent fanbase with those pictures.
the way i prompt isn't consistent and it's not based on anything i was extensively testing, i feel things out, type shit in and it just works (most of the time), so don't take any of what i'm gonna write as solid advice. afaik break resets the prompt order so the tags that go after it are given priority but i mostly use it to make my prompt more readable, i'm also not too bothered with minor anatomy fuck ups cause if i like the image enough i just fix them with inpainting

if i had to describe prompts in those particular gens - first part is where i put in all the artist/style tags, followed by subjects/appearance, if the clothing is minimal then i might leave it in the first part, if describing clothes takes a lot of space/tags i usually move it to the second/third part

second part (after the first break) is clothes, background/scene related tags, but since i put artists in the very beginning of the prompt, i can place some tags in the beginning of this part that i deem as most important and want to see their effect

third part is usually where i'd put the pose/sex/interaction tags first and whatever else at the very end

and now this is just some random schizo shit: where i place some tags depends on how important i think they are and on how strong they are, (sometimes it's completely random), i usually try to group related tags together. i often throw in a lot of tags that i don't necessarily expect to see, to add extra bit of randomness. after i use the same prompt to the point where i already visualize what it's going to give me i think of what else can fit into the scene or what kind of similar images i've seen and what was in them in (can also just look them up) in order to get more ideas for tags. if you want to get more interesting poses using something like alternate init noise or prompting off a random image in img2img can help, just don't use either of these with strong photo tags

tl;dr it's all schizoprompting
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ohhhh fuck yes moar of this perfection, im gooning to your gens
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fuuuuck pre is coming out
stroking so fast now
she's perfect wanna suck her tits now
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can you show her feet and make cum out of her vagina im gooning hard rn
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kek, didnt see it for a minute
>combination tissue dispenser and picture frame
>lad clearly says he's gooning
>genned him cumming
baka senpai
i just wish something like this was simply promptable
It almost is
With Dalle
But you can't see it :)
it's not /h/ if there's no cum my friend
damn hes literally me
you can have /e/ with cum you know
not according to the board rules at least
>/e/ with cum
we call it spilled milk at best there
How does aspect ratio affect lora training on Pony? Should I crop every image to a standard ratio and resolution or do buckets completely take care of it for me?
goonanon suddenly quieted down
one can make a conclusion
buckets, don't worry about it
Thanks, I'm trying to figure out how to make faces less deformed. I've added some 1024x1024 face closeups and the model definitely works when making closeups, but with full body pictures some of the facial details either aren't there or cause deformations. Might be problem with my settings as well, I'm still using AdamW with cosine scheduler and tweaking the learning rate.
Get some pics in-between, cowboy shot and upper body. If you don't have any you can just crop an existing pic if it's high enough res, give it fewer repeats.
the effect of aspect ratio depends on your dataset and the composition of your training images
basically if you have a bunch of training images of 1girl, standing where her right foot is in the right corner, and her left foot is in the left corner, then it will try to make every image you train have that girls feet in the corners, regardless of the aspect ratio, because it learns that the feet go in the corners just as much as it learns that the feet are attached to the legs
that just sounds like you're using pony, though. if you want to get good/detailed faces you pretty much have to use adetailer.
Right now I'm training a model with 50 pictures including various poses, 16 face pictures, and 6 portrait syle pictures with head, shoulders and chest. I'll see how it goes in 50 minutes, I'll add more upper body shots to the next iteration if it doesn't work. I've dropped U-net learning rate to 0.001 too as 0.003 kind of overtrained the details on previous iterations.

Yeah I'm on pony, the issue with adetailer is that i don't like how it doesn't fit in with the artist's style. There's a guide on how to train adetailer models on civitAI, might give that a try later.
wtf do buckets do, theyre just virtual repositories the LORA trainer uses to look at images and train right
>Yeah I'm on pony, the issue with adetailer is that i don't like how it doesn't fit in with the artist's style.
then use the lora in adetailer ?
these architectures can only train on multiple images in one batch if said images are all the exact same dimensions. bucketing is taking your training images and then resizing/cropping/transforming them so that they're all matching one of a selection of predetermined dimensions. those are the buckets.
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>Yeah I'm on pony, the issue with adetailer is that i don't like how it doesn't fit in with the artist's style.
Do you have a generic prompt or something you are using in your adetailer prompt?
Get rid of it and just let it apply your base prompt twice because that means the style lora will get applied to the face detailing which is how you can fix flawed faces.
Adetailer is just a detection model for faces, it creates an inpaint mask which is then piped into a regular inpaint workflow. It's using the same model you gen with. Someone with A11/Forge experience will tell you more, but you probably just have some weird settings.
I see, so its an autosize/autocrop feature for those specific training dimensions built in for training. Pretty cool, well I trust the buckets over my own handmade crops
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the built in bucketing algorithim in sd-scripts should be fine for styles and stuff but imo it's not ideal for certain character designs
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Well fuck me running, that explains why some of my more unusually sized chara datasets came out like shit, guess I'll have to resize them
What was the trick to get a better handle on color again? I hate how I cant select what green or blue I want due to my skill issue
>Pixart and Hyuandit better than anything Sai has ever offered
>No NSFW tuners working on them
>Astrakike huffing his own farts recensoring sdxl
>Jordache too stupid to wrap his head around t5 TEs
>Euege MIA, probably couldn't do it anyway
>Rest of the local community still stuck on 1.5
Fuck you guys, as soon as Kohya finishes Hyuan lora training support I'm teaching it NSFW concepts and freeing myself of the hell. I will barter with other like minded people to trade Loras, or for interesting style prompts or other info for those who aren't able to create Loras. We will foster the beginning of a new and prosperous age for /hdg/, and those of you still clinging to sdxl will be left in the dust. It's time to burn this shit hole down and rise from the ashes.
yeah that's why i use an external bucket pre-processing script.
i train loras using cropped images with transparent backgrounds so i have a lot of images in the dataset that are something like 3800x1100. the built in sd-scripts would either crop or stretch the shit out of it.
Yeah I fully trust a random retard who has done nothing so far to uncensor anything
Is it as simple as turning the buckets off in kohya or do you need to take other settings into consideration?
So, what if NAI4 has artists and is actually much better than NAI3?
>He doesn't understand how loras work
You will just end up as another one of those retards.
i'm not sure what you mean, if you turn buckets off then every image needs to be the exact same size
So its gonna be another 1.5 where you need loras for everything, awesome man cant wait
How retarded are you? Anyone can train a lora on NSFW and it'll "decensor" the resulting output. It's not rocket science - maybe for jeets, I guess.
The future is now, old man. Learn to bake a lora or start looking for rope, soon your gens will look like shit here in the same way 1.5 gens do now.
>Train Loras
>Merge them into model
Literally how autism mix fixed pony, only difference is concept instead of style Loras.
Then I'm gonna be stuck with the retards that thought replacing the download picture button with a button to submit the picture to their gay contest was a completely fine UI change
I fucking kek'd from this
added the button to ublock filter list (same as their scam features such as upscale and variation seed btw), but seems like they moved the button now
Can you "finetune" a censored model using this method? LORA merging into a trained checkpoint I mean, I assume if you do it too much itll eventually burn the model right?
it's a bait
>trying to make sena's head in KK but it always looks slightly off no matter what
>see that someone made a head mod using her XB model
>$350 paywall
i see
anon, wrong tab
What resolution do you crop them as? I'm assuming if you're generating 1024x1024 the training images should be the same resolution as well or does the model benefit from having larger resolution images?
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>trying more regional prompting
>it fucks up
>makes this
rolled with it, that was better than expected
i don't use a set resolution. the script i use crops the image, sees how many pixels are touching the top/bottom of the canvas and then compares its aspect ratio to a pool of bucket resolution aspect ratios depending on the pixel check. it selects the five closest aspect ratios and then randomly picks one of them to use as the training image's aspect ratio. it then downscales the cropped image to fit the chosen bucket dimension's height. then randomly downscales again by 0-15%, randomly rotates the image by 0-1 degree, and randomly shifts it horizontally and vertically within the canvas. if the initial check found that X number of pixels were touching the bottom then it shifts the cropped image down so as to maintain the composition of cowboy/upper body shots. if it found enough pixels were touching the top then all of the image transformations outside of the initial resizing are skipped since those are usually portraits.
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how does this help though
it also crops them right
also i don't think that the model benefits from higher resolution images, you start running into composition issues if you gen at dimensions much higher than what the baseline model was trained at. the benefit would probably be the VAE being shit has less of an influence but i don't think that's going to offset how fucked up it'd get.
it helps by making the training program not crash
you train on the resolutions defined by buckets, not just 1024x1024
i don't know what kohya does exactly but it either crops or resizes them if the images don't fit the bucket perfectly
So is (almost) everyone here just tired of genning now or not posting pictures here anymore?
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I had a rentry guide for the various Akihiko Yoshida loras but I stopped updating it late last year and people kept making loras for his work lol. https://rentry.org/FFTactics
His art might have the most loras made, at least between what's posted between here and civitai. Raita and Range Murata had a bunch too but I think Yoshida has around twice as many as both. I really appreciate it.

I made a Tactics Ogre lora for pony using an old dataset anon had made(https://mega.nz/folder/o4sUFAZZ#tJrV5pCTgSrTdsZiNdWcCA) but it didn't seem very good. I'll just upload all the stuff I've put together so far here. I got someone to upload HQ FMVs from WOTL too if you want to grab those.
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why would i generate images when i could be training or creating datasets for training
why would you be training if you're not planning to use it for genning
In one training batch, all images (tensors) have to have the same size, because GPUs are really bad with variable length shit. Before bucketing, people just dropped out the center region of all images and trained on a single resolution because of this, so you get lots of cut off heads, feet, guns, swords and so on. NAI came up with sorting images into buckets for NAI1 and released the code and now people use buckets, although they might not use the NAI bucket code.
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Where to get <lora:yd_sdxl_dora_prodigy_rex_v2-000014:1>?
>3-4 day threads
holy shit we got back to stagnation speeds fast
guess the cascade failure really killed the momentum
It's because we have 2 threads going parallel. Why did the other one even get made?
you're giving the furry retard and his pet dog too much credit
Because retards keep thinking certain things justify 2 threads instead of just ignoring retards.
how many steps for a style lora? whats a good baseline?
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i don't know honestly
it depends
for 300 images?
too much
your learning rate, batch size, dim/alpha ratio, learning rate schedule, etc. also matter. lower dim alpha or lower LR will require more steps.
i've had pretty good results using these settings and shooting for 1500-2000 steps. you probably can resize the lora when you're done down to something like dim 8 without losing much/any detail.
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It is some tries I'm doing when training some doras, with yd in this case, restarted retraining like after 4 months kek

If you want to try it here it is

Why does it say "li"
But also say:
>"Loli" hidden as "ll". A concept.
is it Li or LL?
And how much cope is it? As in, does it actually make a difference compared to just using generic loli related tags?
no idea about the tag but do yourself a favor and stop relying on loli tag alone, think about size difference, poses, artists and so on
Does this cat illicit some primordial response in jeets? Why does it spread like some gooner-zombie virus?
NTA but which tags do you recommend to do loli?
see >>8075359
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someone asked me to share the model I use so I made it public.
you a crab
she sexy black lipstick seductive i goon her. want to suck her big titties sir
I want to die
Hey be glad all those "people" like these sickening clumps of fat. More cunny left for you!
I want to die on Kagami's lap
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Had it lying around on my PC from some dumb thing I used in a discord a while ago so I just threw it on.
Do I need any optimizer extra arguments for AdamW?
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people like to use some weight decay and betas

conv dim and conv alpha if lyco
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Taimanin suit apparently works on base pony, as do some of the characters. But the suit is always just a generic one vaguely resembling hers, and it carries a lot of style.

Weird, It even gets her double-circle eyes but they're the wrong color.
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The Civit lora gets the outfit right. But it breaks fingers, and fucks up her eyes so bad even adetailer can't fix them. Prompting both is even worse.

I wonder if it would've worked better if he trained on the same trigger word pony already knows for her, instead of making up a unique one.
So now that the dust has settled, what happened to Cascade? Looked at the discord and Jordach has been silent for days, furries are saying outputs from e5 look bad and Meanoldtree is saying e6 was deleted?
>I wonder if it would've worked better if he trained on the same trigger word pony already knows for her, instead of making up a unique one.
This never works better, you never fight a models knowledge with lora training. If it's behaving like you described it was overcooked.
b- got her nudes leaked and jordach was too busy gooning to keep and eye on training so now it all went to shit
they probably finally accepted jordach's homebrew tuner had bad code. they screwed up six epoches of training because he wouldn't accept help.
Link? How ugly? I'm not really into troons but...
The discussion is more active in the Fusion Generative Collective discord rather than in Furry Diffusion nowadays for some reason. Though what do you actually want discussed? It's a waiting game, forget about it for a couple of months until first couple of epochs of 3.6B appear. Before that there won't be any good outputs. Hell, maybe there won't be any after that too, but at least there's a non-zero chance then.
so 1b was expected to be complete shit like it is now?
did you use dalle pic as a base?
what settings do you usually use for only masked inpainting
nice anon
I don't know what they expected, I sure as hell didn't expect anything great from 1B.
Their reasoning is training TE with 3.6B would take too long/be too expensive, so they train it with 1B, then train 3.6B with TE frozen.
That's just the copium. They'll both be shit. Even if their training methods weren't jank, the amount of compute needed for the dataset size they have is beyond their reach. By the time Cascade reaches a 'good' (lol) epoch we'll have moved on to some new arch. Most of /g/ has already transitioned to Sigma and Hunyuan, only a matter of time until there is a NSFW finetune of one of them.
1B params isn't even bad, the difference between base Cascade 1B and 3.6B is extremely minimal. The problem you are witnessing is that the dataset is too big for a small, unfunded finetune. 3.6B only appears to have been better in the proto because it had a focused dataset to learn from. I don't know why you retards think params is all there is to this.
Jordach has said that he thinks the current 1B epoch looks better than pony, so that's the level of delusional we're dealing with here. Reminder that this is the same guy that was training an 1.5 model and claiming that SDXL was shit at the same time that the rest of the community was moving to NAIv3 and Pony (and he somehow still thinks that NAIv3 is bad, lmao).
>3.6B only appears to have been better in the proto because it had a focused dataset to learn from.
You know there's 1B variant of the prototype you can download right? The one that was trained alongside the TE that 3.6B is using.
yeah if what you're saying is true it's truly cascover
>The problem you are witnessing is that the dataset is too big for a small, unfunded finetune
I don't understand the logic here
He also constantly refers to his previous models as a godsend and is trying to tune cascade in the direction of them. Very obviously has learned no lessons. Whoever was in the thread early on going off that his ego would ruin this bake was correct.
I can understand not wanting to admit your own failures or have the realization that the time you spent on training was pointless because the model isn't going to improve, but he has to take responsibility at some point because the path to improvement is admitting to your own flaws.
I doubt he will though and just keep being delusional.
>to his previous models
What models though? didn't he only release some shitty irrelevant EF finetune or something?
so exactly what I said 6 months ago. furries have zero sense of aesthetic which is why all their models look like shit.
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I don't want to chalk up these stupid egos to just being related to the AI space but I swear it's like someone gets an inkling of how to do something and suddenly it's a god complex of the highest order. Was with ponydev, based64 anon, this guy apparently too, the SD3 guys, comfyui dev.
My question is how do these people even develop these insufferable ego's?
Ponyfucker obviously let the success of Pony go to his head and didn't realize the only reason Pony was a "success" is because local literally had no other option.
Jordach has no success and he still has this huge ego despite only having failures to his name.
You mean the 1b proto that was trained differently for testing? Yeah. Sure do. Was there when it released, tested the 3.6B too (it was absolutely garbage you had to hard wrangle even for 1girling, by the way).
It has too much data to try to 'learn' properly when their goal is a max of 10 epochs. How is that hard to understand?
>My question is how do these people even develop these insufferable ego's?
narcissistic personality disorder
It'd be one thing if he wasn't publicly admitting failure but still progressing. Instead he has completely stagnated and chimps out on anyone who offers advice, help or points out errors, even when his own asskissers do so gently. You can't grow like that, so everything he cooks will continue the same pattern. He has stagnated his own development.
I think you are wrong just because proto 1B looked worse than current 1B, so there's a decent chance that 3.6B will look better than proto 3.6B as well.
it's a shame
he seemed like a reasonable and chill guy to me before
I feel for that one anon that donated 1k
>chimps out on anyone who offers advice
Most of the advice I've seen has been about the dataset and captioning but that ship has sailed and that's just unproductive at this stage because it's not like he can stop and redo the dataset, recache latents for another three months
It was his own choice to cough up money for something that had literally nothing to show off at that point.
The minute that anyone asks for money is when you start to question it.
I think it's generally a plague in all "nerd" communities because the autistic demographic frequently lack socializing and interpersonal skills. They end up in some arrested development state, finally feeling important or acknowledged for something in their lives, and it all blows up from there. It'd be kind of sad if it wasn't so fucking annoying to witness and deal with. I'd rather a moron with humility who keeps trying than a walking meltie on an egotrip, but usually the latter's low self esteem is what drives them to produce more local content. They desperately want the recognition.
There has been advice on how to fix code, why his tuner is broken, etc, and he gets mad about all of it, even when in some cases he comes to the same conclusion (after way too much time). Dude takes everything as negative criticism and can't handle it.
The small fame and following they get is getting to their heads too much.
The "normal" ones get hired by corpos the moment they show any skills in image gen training like devs of wdxl leaving for NAI and Nijijourney or already work at other AI companies.
hello b- sir
>sdkeks slowly realizing why open source is a complete joke
and why again did anyone think ai would be any different?
Isn't Astralite going completely delusional and trying to start his own company as well?
I kind of cannot blame him since NAI was formed from a group of coomers who all got burned by AI Dungeon and local text generation just didn't have the same offerings back then that there is now, but the difference is that they were a group while Astralite is just a single dude.
Maybe he can be when he's not under pressure, but he's obviously not equipped for the position he's currently in. This whole thing should've waited for Meanoldtree to be done with his work commitments. Jordach could bake in the shadows while Mean speaks to the public and relays advice and information back to Jordach. Something clearly fell apart early in.
i hate pony
what is b- even
What is his plan even? SAI from now on will be using similar licence to the one that they use now, so he won't be able to use those model, assuming SAI is still going to open source them. NAI can make their own foundation models. His finetunes will be always worse than NAI. He has less compute than them. What's the end goal?
Seems to work as expected? Tag is just halterneck btw, without top
the tag is halterneck top because i trained the lora. it's not working as expected because the bikini top is supposed to have that bridge in the middle but it doesn't show up unless i include the word cleavage in the prompt
> i like donuts
HEY! Catbox is for children! Not for your 24-year-old "I can still get a rich handsome husband if I just try hard enough" delusional and long past expiration date type of girls.
I don't know who's that character so can you post sample pic for reference?
she's 18
It's just 4chan realising that training models at scale of millions of images is not the same as theirs loras with 40 images. The cascade tune that people paid for to be a final product would be a one of many small test models for something like NAI that they just throw to the bin next to dozen similar ones that were made probably just to see if the training code is working.
Yeah and Biden is 12.
yeah it was this pic
and that was sloppy nai inpainting, so no settings, usually i don't do masked only inpainting on local, if it's a large image i just crop a piece out in photoshop and do whole image inpainting on that part, the only time i do masked only inpainting is when i want to make a certain part of image look clearer or more detailed, like face, body, etc, but the sampler, denoise all vary depending on the style or loras i use
wtf is this off the meds shitpost
It's a joke probably
made me chuckle anyway
>off the meds
At least I'm free! Don't you dare restraining my majestic soul with some pills that make one dead inside.
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I'm personally satisfied if 1B's current range of concepts and artstyles gets translated to the 3.6B model and trained up to 10 epochs.
Don't really care if it becomes mainstream or not because I didn't like downloading hundreds of loras anyway and I can always bake my own.
What I do hope for is more development on the technical side of cascade(wurstchen) in general like cnet and whatnot.
Anyway, kagamin
stay in their trooncord 1s1rxkstrr8sdeke sir
Well, it makes sense to include cleavage since it influences the space between breasts. Like you can't include cleavage and naked robe at same time.
it doesn't make sense to include cleavage because cleavage is inherent to the outfit. tags like that routinely fuck up the loras i train, it's very annoying
I don't really like their weird memes they post so I'd rather lurk here if possible.
weird memes?
if it was /b/ i would have posted dis
Cute children, nauseatingly bad pony style. Anyways, if she's puking blood from her mouth, it's guro. Guro goes to /b/.
Is she okay!?
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Read the site rules stupid
No wonder this thread get archived everytime

boring af
I mean, it is. Text is without limits though (as long as you are not racist!!)
it is
use coomer threads for pic posting
Interestingly /d/ is only meant for eastern art, according to the rules. But what about /d/ shit in /aco/ styles?
guys what are some good outfits to gen? tired of base character clothes and nude/naked.
I know of bikini, swimsuit, bodysuit, and school uniform
Office lady.
Bike suit, center opening, pubic hair peek
denim shorts, fishnets thighhighs, croptop, underboob
It still goes in aco. Nothing about aco inherently says it's vanilla, the common denominator of the board is simply that it's aco
My favorite is baggy shirt + bottomless + leg warmers. That feel of sitting at home on a rainy saturday.
denim shorts, crop top, cap
beret, dress, lolita fashion
loli, pinafore dress
magical girl
military uniform
reverse bunnysuit
when it comes to picking images for training, is using all of these fine for the concept?

Or would I only want one of them? I am working on making my first lora.

this is what happens when you don't use custom trigger words for outfits. if you tag it halt3rt0p or something gay like that, it'll work fine.
you usually only want one of them, otherwise you risk overfitting on that particular image composition
In my experience variant images are broadly fine as long as they're not too large a percentage of your total image count. So for example if you had 50 images and 3 of them were just one image with some variation, that'd be fine. If it's 25 images out of 50 that would cause some problems because you're introducing a huge bias into the training data towards one particular pose/composition. Remember that a LORA is like a line of best fit through a scatter plot of data. If a lot of your scatter points are clumped in one area it skews the whole line.
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I did that in my dataset and haven't noticed any adverse affects yet. I only used the ones with enough significant changes to justify though
t. also first time
I see, and for images where there are cumshots I would want a few with and a few without I would assume?
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no incentive? anons are set in their ways
pony isn't the only one that can pony... if you catch my trot
gross on multiple levels
That sort of criteria is less important IMO. The base model can already do the same image with and without cumshots, so the important stuff is everything else in the image. The core issue with too many variant images is that the AI learns "Oh, when I invoke this Low Rank Adaptation I should lean towards [a bunch of fundamentally same-y images]" not that it forgets what a dude ejaculating looks like. If you're only getting two or three variants per "base image" then what varies between them probably doesn't matter much.
gotcha, thanks for the info
i gen like crazy just not /h/ things or things that i can't be bothered cleaning up in order to post em
aside from image shitposts
nothing's wrong with slow threads as far as i'm concerned
I train style loras and then just run them through my testing prompts. No point in posting the same images with different styles over and over again.
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guess im the (almost)
Yeah... Could be someone great, but we're stuck with you.
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This was kind of fun to test character LORAs and their flexibility or lack thereof. I won't post too many because a lot of them were more /e/ than anything but there were some interesting results. For example this character with black skin had some serious outfit bleed from the usually black reverse bunny suit bits, but adding "pasties" to the prompt prevents it like 95% of the time. I wish I knew the keyword to generate a more appropriate background, but trying "club" doesn't get me anything

Talking shit as a nogen is kind of like a homeless guy calling someone broke, but this is also why so few people post gens. So many people criticize everything just to drag everyone down, like crabs in a bucket.
I'm a proud nogen. Beats genning body positivity monstrosities 24/7.
>proud nogen
Really curious why do you bother coming to these threads?
This place is like /news/ for imagegen.
Can't tell if you're joking or being serious
Serious of course. With the rules and the way mods are interpreting these rules for me personally (I'm suffering from a severe case of fatphobia) this place can only be a text-only place.
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>So many people criticize everything
Someone should criticize my gens so I know if I need to retrain my lora or test something else.
Nta but how new? Until the spammer started up /h/ was fairly ahead of the curve with relevant info and updates - with /g/ being more future upcoming stuff center. People stopped posting gens for 2 reasons
1) burn out, everyone who isn't new is tired of pony and it's dogshit. You can only try so many jeetmixes and gimmicks until it loses all novelty. Most of us are waiting for a new NSFW finetune to relight the fire. I'm personally hoping for something to come out of Hunyuan, but I think Pixart will be more likely. Even then, that will take some time to even be in the works, so most of us are chilling.
2) melanin rich and schizo spammer shitting up the threads and mods giving 0 fucks. Anyone who still wants to post images is doing so in different generals, simple as. Most check back here to see if anything interesting has happened, at best
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Nice little office lady 2koma. I really should prompt this stuff more often

Well what's your LORA going for? I think I recognize the style but not the character, but I don't have a great point of reference either way.
Yeah /h/ is miles ahead of most other generals but if you're just here to read news updates there's no reason to make posts bitching about people actually genning/posting images. That other guy is just trolling, don't feed them.
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shilling this mix
Ano ne, anon-kun...... What do you mean trolling?! I HATE fat "people" from the bottom of my heart. Thankfully, just like I can't stop you from posting your ugly fat menace, you can't stop me from posting my 100% geniune thoughts that have nothing in common with trolling btw!
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Arika from Takeda's wip game
Seems pretty accurate, especially if you're also using a Takeda style LORA with it. My advice for further testing would be to try out the character LORA with different styles, just to make sure it retains coherence and key details. Also, not sure if it was your intent or not, but try to see if you can generate uncensored art as well. If you've come to expect it from /h/ content that's fine, but personally I dislike pixelated censorship. Either way, a good LORA should be able to produce either, since the underlying model can do both. If it can't, it's a sign that you may have overtrained.
that look nice but im so tired of soft shading
actually fuck AI im tired of everything, im going back to black and white doujins
>at catbox with catboxes
For me it's the reverse. I want soft shading but that looks bad. Another cheap soulless "nai" ripoff.
I'm not using a style lora, but I plan on retraining with the exact settings and everything using a technique someone told me about the other day where you merge a style lora with the base model and train it on that to remove the built in style when using it with the base model. For now I'm doing test gens to make sure I have everything else in order with this bake.
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A heavily learned internal style isn't terribly unusual when you're likely sourcing most or all of your character art from the same artist. I wouldn't say you HAVE to retrain it, but just make sure that it's still compatible with other styles. For example the LORA I'm using is a character LORA where most of the art is sourced from a single game, but it's still pretty compatible with other style LORAs or even Pony styles like source_anime and such. But if you want to try a special technique to improve your own abilities as a baker, then that might be worth doing regardless.
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Finally someone says it. I've been
>Western artworking
the posts but I don't have much faith left in the jannys
Miqo getting ready to binge game Dawntrail eh
Honestly no point trying to immitate NAI and I would rather find my own mix that I like but if people just want to gen tianliang duohe style then get nai
how is miqomix doing?
someone should flood/spam miqo anon at this point, too. let the thread be slower you spergs, you're killing the thread with samegen and off topic images more than us nogenners
This is what mental illness looks like
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gotta get ready somehow. I used to play ffxiv but I stopped a while ago. Dont think I'm gonna get back into it.

I'm enjoying it, I think it is helping not to fry my images as much. I posted it to civ today if you are interested in it.
how can I keep the same sceneario while modifying the actions and characters in pony? I've tried inpainting but it leaves some areas smudged out, and img2img either modifies everything or doesnt modify anything depending on the denoising strength
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I'm going to at least try it and see if it comes out better. But there's a few choices I'm still questioning, like I don't know if I should tag the pony score stuff, source_anime, or stuff like solo, 1girl, etc in my dataset.
can you share the training settings when youre done maybe? it looks good for a temada LORA, I might bake one for out bros here.
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*Takeda not Temada
Jordach if you lurk these threads don't let the shit flinging get to you, keep cooking. Whether it turns out or not, you still put effort into trying to produce something free for the community and I think even the naysayers have to respect that.
The man who donated 1000 bucks and is in maximum cope.
Inkling gives me black and white a lot, must be the word ink in the name.
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I put source_anime in the prompt. But what if I added a JP style LORA as well. That do anything for you?

I think minor stuff like that probably isn't worth worrying about. A good set of tags is descriptive but getting into the weeds on exactly what to tag just leads to going down a rabbit hole of comparison testing. Which IMO is pointless just because LORA training has an element of randomness to it, so you're never truly in control of the process. It's more art than science, even though there's a lot of computer science involved in the backend.
The usual way to force soft shading in pony is to add zix (which seems to be sakimichan) at low weight.
I did donate, but I can't afford that kind of donation. I'm actually with the anon(s) who have been saying the Chinese models will be the way forward and Cascade is an irrelevant arch, but I can still respect someone for trying to give us something. Maybe I won't even end up using Cascade, who knows. Anons here are shitting way too hard on a guy doing something for free. He's never come here and shit on us like Astralite either, can't monetize the project even if it did turn out. If all he wants out of it is to come off a little narcissistic then I'd say fuck it, let him.
what if he was like a millionare or something
You're pretty obsessed with cascade more than the people who nonchalantly donated to a free model.
It doesn't matter what lora or prompt words you use if the end result is still western art.
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if you're training a training style lora then you want to use an activation token for the style that you want to train and include a random assortment of r34 and gelbooru images to act as regularization images. i'm not really entirely sure why but preventing the lora from inherently creating images in the trained styles has produced better results for me. resizing the style lora may also help some.
then just caption whatever images you have in X style with X style. you shouldn't really need to worry about score stuff or source anime.
I respect Jordach in the same sense that I respect Linaqruf, Euge, Kohaku and even Astratroon. That doesn't mean I have any hopes for any of their future projects or that I won't shitpost about them when they make shit decisions because of their overinflated ego.
vibe transfer is so fucking cool
Don't bother, it's just TORtanic syndrome. Some people don't want anything to improve or progress, they just want a car wreck to laugh at. It's the same people who buy celebrity gossip tabloids at the supermarket. Specific subject matter and all logic is irrelevant. This could be a thread devoted to basedbean cultivation and you'd have spaztics saying shit like "Edamamecels stay seething over tofuchads"

What's western about it?
how to understand tagging
if you dont tag it? the details get absorbed by another token
>"1girl" and you dont tag "blue skin"? also tag all other skin colors? then "1girl" will be majority of the time blue or shades of blue and other colors
>if you tag "1girl" and "blue skin", "green skin", "blue skin", and dont tag "white skin"? then "1girl" is mostly white skin.
>if you dont tag for "white panties", but do so for other colors such as "blue panties" and "pink panties" then "panties" will mostly be white
with quality tokens, they help the model train faster, if you perfectly line up camera position and quality tokens you can reduce training time a significant amount. remember though, there is a token limit of 77, you need to decide which tokens are most important
But edamamecels are literally basedboys
I'm one of the anons who was shitting on Cascade/him upthread and yeah, you're right. I won't take back my words because I do think he needs a perspective/attitude adjustment, but could I have said things better? Undoubtedly. I think I (and probably others) are frustrated with how things are going and since he's talked big, it's easy to take our greivances out on him. If he takes anything away from my posts, I actually hope it's to rethink his kneejerk reactions and be more open minded to help, find a bit of humility. I don't think Cascade is gonna be "it", but yeah, good on him for putting the effort forward and actually doing something.
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Come on guys, only 18 images to post and we can finally ditch this shitty thread.
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Ah the long bodies of the SHAFT studio style. Not hating, just takes me back
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This was one of those cases where the aspect ration dictates the characters' proportions.
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I like the styles, feels like a walk through the decades of anime style. What LORAs are you using?
Most of the time I've been experimenting with different weights of innate artists in the pony model: Kawamoto Toshihiro, fyx (ke-ta), zds (possibly Gotou Junji), Hews. I've used the Megami Magazine and Fujishima Kosuke LoRAs before. Here's a more distinctive retro artstyle, Mikimoto Haruhiko.
And Houjou Tsukasa, which isn't as useful of a style as I thought it could be.
The base style of AutismMix.
(qppp, aax:0.9). I still don't know who these artists are.
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huh? we had 2 threads going on?
Yes. who knows why.
Given by that OP's pic. That beaker was desperate to put "that" as an OP pic.
>stop relying on loli tag alone
Can you not read? I said generic loli RELATED tags. Not just "loli".
Also why are your gens censored?
when he made the lora he didnt tag censored on all the sex and nudity. the lora now thinks pixelation is part of the artstyle/design
the other thread has been nuked, what a surprise
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Shocked Pikachu.jpeg
based {{{{{{{{{{1girl}}}}}}}}}} sameprompter
Inb4 it's because janny was six years late to it being a dupe thread and not because of all the retarded text posts
>nooooo you can't text post in a text thread
Next thread rules: minimum of twenty images must be posted before miqocat is allowed to post another image.
I wouldnt put it past those retard to delete the new one instead of the older one
sorry sir i can only gooooooon to miqo
I wonder if the last deteled posts have something to do with it
I unironically think that happens here for 99% of all thread archives. If it was based on off topic or reports, they'd have archived all the groidspam, but they don't.
what was deleted? I must have missed it
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It was an entire reply chain
schizo v schizo meltdown
what, why delete that if the thread is being archived away? janny confirmed cascade shill?
>prompt anal+clothing aside
>literally never work
>panties just get cut off
retarded model
should I use cosine or constant for adamW?
>clothing aside
cosine or cosine with restarts
wait is clothing aside just the clothes on the ground?
You've been hit by - you've been struck by, a thread archival
actually both tag dont work so whatever
anyone else feel like we're actually fine not making a new thread til this one falls off? could catbox images if someone really needs to post one
Imagine one entire thread of no miqo, no cathag, no melanin rich posts... even if the gens were half-assed it'd be so refreshing
New Thread:


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