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Previous Thread: >>8072969

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Oh shit I'm first.

Huh, looks oddly like https://x.com/sio_kakeruhito/media

>Those Fore gens
Holy based.
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is there a good prompt for a panel cut in for like if I wanted to add a panel at the top left and then inpaint a character's reaction?

I'm on NAI and I've been trying shit like "cut-in, split perspective, panel, multiple perspectives" but they don't seem to be working
Reminder that Astralite purposefully included gpo and ces in his dataset.
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>Previous Thread: >>8072969
So... What happened THIS time?
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I started talking to a guy on civ and he has a similar FF OC as you, so I shared fore with him. hope you don't mind. I think he's doing her justice.
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gimme your rule 63s
trans is /d/
The rule was you needed to wait 20 images. You now need to wait 20 images to post again. Fucking retard can't even follow a simple guideline to be less annoying
There is also a rule for you, why don't you follow it?
This shit isn't magic. Your best bet is to gen the reaction cut-in separately, find a good unimportant area of the main image, and edit them together yourself.
the entire thread derailed in group hatred of the retarded miqo poster spamming, so the janny archived it
I hate astratroon but
>(g)a(p)ing h(o)le
those two are obviously tag bleed. can't convince me against the hashing in general, though
You will not stop me from shitting on the people actively making the thread worse. If you weren't a retarded newfag, you'd know that user enforced culture is the only time 4chan is good. You want hdg to improve? Stop accepting people spamming and avatarfagging.
I like the miqo posting, better than generic anime crap with washboard bodies
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>the entire thread derailed in group hatred of the retarded miqo poster spamming, so the janny archived it
Was thinking that the /d/-tier OP was behind it but that sounds way worse.
whoops, second quote was for >>8077452
That's great, all anyone has been asking is that it's posted in moderation and not spammed.
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fucked teeth but, man, the hands are in the right place
>>(g)a(p)ing h(o)le
That's not how tokenization works
this why u should tag everything
that is how the tag bleed works, you can see it in a bunch of different prompts and concepts. if you'd ever struggled with pony randomly retarding your lora captions, you'd know.
you have no idea how the text encoder works, newfriend
Nta but that literally is how it works, go type it into your prompt. I hate the horsediddler as much as the next guy but this explanation makes perfect sense
bad bait
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Oh yea I don't mind. It's nice to see Fore appear in random places. Though there's a part of me that's hoping for more degen stuff, but that's just wishful thinking.
tag bleed happens when a tag gets clip tokenized and into multiple tokens and the broken up tokens point to different vectors you don't get tokens ids from random letters from a tag
the power of SD3
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here's your (you)
You literally see that exact thing happen with pony all of the time. The hashing discovery itself would be impossible were this not correct. I'm being trolled, aren't I?
Now put "gaping ho" you retarded nigger.
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compare with an obvious example of prompt bleed
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you're obviously too retarded to explain things to, last (you) i'm giving you
I'm not denying that pony's tag bleeding is horrible. The rationale that the letters coninciding must be why it's bleeding is stupid as fuck. It's because the model is fried as fuck.
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here you go, retard, apologize any time
I'll wait, btw, for your apology. feel free to post a gen to compensate for acting like a smartass when you were wrong
None of this would be happening if you faggots actually did a day0 and leaked v3.
Look closely at how the tokenizer is dividing up the string dumbass. They're going to be separate token ids.
None of this IS happening, anon. You are in a dream. WAKE UP!
that was a different anon btw, i'm still not giving you any more (you)s
when people are below a certain iq it simply isn't worth the time trying to explain concepts to them
it divides it the exact way it divides gpo, accept being wrong with some grace next time instead of acting like a smug faggot with a superiority complex. maybe your coworkers will stop bullying you if you manage basic socialization
you're right, my bad for imagining you had the IQ to accept your mistake even when the proof is directly infront of you. of course it makes more sense he deliberately trained on random gaping holes and named it gpo, silly me!

you must have the world's lowest self esteem to have this level of unwarranted self importance. actually sad.
The token ids will be different you fuck head. Your only claim here is "it's 2 tokens" instead of what those tokens are.
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I don't know why there's a nerd fight going on but from that one anon bring up gaping hole I never bought it because if that's the case why is Houshou Marine, aua? I think I'd rather chalk it up to coincidence and the Pony author being lazy with his hashing.
Bet he isn't low iq, just derailing the thread by pretending to be an absolute retard. "I'm being trolled, aren't I?" while trolling himself. The level of thread shittery going on in this place is something else. I'm amazed...
go ahead and gen on a fixed seed GPO then gap ho, I'll wait for your apology, yet again.
Discussions like this is exactly why the Janny binned our other thread. Fucking at least attach gens to your posts.
You either wake me up or we all stay in this dream, suffering from retarded gpo dilemmas.
yeah that's how any of this works
mjm translates to zankuro because all the letters are in that tag
jesus christ the retardation on display
you might be right actually, that's also a strategy the thread schizo was using recently
if that's so then the joke is on me for falling for it i guess
It's lazy hashing combined with a fried model which leads to single tokens being overfit to be able to express a concept on its own
Because there is both hashing and tag bleed in the list. Why the fuck would he hash whatever gpo is, if it's not literally a malformed estimation of "gaping hole"?
Gaping hole and feces being tag bleed doesn't disprove the hashed characters and artists, you dumb fuck. Autistic jeets should never have been given internet, my god.
NGL, the gaping hole thing sounds reasonable to me I don't get what everyone's flipping out about .. can someone do the gen gap ho vs gpo thing so we can see visual evidence? I'm not at my PC or I would desu
why are you guys fighting
I fucked your moms
gaping hole isn't even a tag, what the fuck?
Because it's more funny when you treat it like Astralite's personal onahole collection.
because this smug retard wanted to talk down to someone for an ego boost and is now mad he's been proven wrong. the other guys are just confused thinking gaping hole = defending astracuck, when in reality no one at any point said there wasn't still artist/character hashing. this one thing just happens to be some kind of fried model tag bleed.
Yeah please post the hf link I would like to give it a try
Also link the esoteric sample, still I forgot how to install a new sampler tbdesu (I'm on forge)
How do you find that out ? You just try genning with it and get nothing ?
wtf it actually is the same... try it with a fixed seed, might be slight ancestral sampler difference etc but it's pretty damning?
What's the effect of BREAK in prompt?
resets token count. attempts to keep his blue hat away from her pink hair. attempts to keep her plump lips away from their body shape.
should you tag stuff like 'bangs' and 'hair between eyes' for lora? I get those anyway without any sort of tagging
Got it, thanks
Attempt being the key word here, break rarely effectively prevents tag bleed. The more prominent purpose of break is to reassert a tags strength in a new token chunk
You tag everything you don't want it to learn. Just use an autotagger and if it throws those in, keep them. Unless you're doing a character lora and you want those to be a no changing part of the character, then don't tag them
check the boorus he named as dataset sources
unless you mean to tell me he was too lazy to hash shit properly (an automated process) but not lazy enough to not manually go through his dataset tagging shit with a tag that doesn't exist
no, if the character has that feature at ALL times, then leave it out (unless its part of an alternate hairstyle then leave it in)
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tag everything except the things you want all the time

if you don't tag sometime you don't want, it will bleed into the lora itself. if you tag it, the only way to get the thing you don't want is by using that tag
He recaptioned the dataset and did other fucky things we don't have specifics on, it's not a 1:1 for booru data
"Gaping hole" could also be part of whatever homosexual natural language captioning he did.
understood thanks anons
Is that the reason why cascade isnt good, because it was trained on 1:1 booru tags with no natural language captioning?
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a caption that somehow got fucked up and shortened by accident in his retarded censorship or hashing attempts. He's put on full display he doesn't have the faintest idea of what he's doing while discussing this stuff in the SAI discord, so it's not hard to believe he'd butcher even a simple script.
"gaping" is a danbooru tag and "hole" is something the model understands for plenty of reasons
I don't know, I've never tried cascade. Considering the compute/funding difference it'd be hard for me to willingly compare them
but simultaneously the fact that pony knows fuckall of SDXL's natural language prompting is a constant complaint here
it just happens to work this time for reasons
still awaiting the gen posting as an apology. any day now, "newfriend".
>if you tag it, the only way to get the thing you don't want is by using that tag
this is definitely not true at all
until someone trains a 1:1 version of the model with NL captions and it turns out better then nobody knows
surely you can't be getting impressed by pony understanding what a hole is
I mean pony is an absolutely fucked model at its core that either lucked out hard, or he reached the "throw enough compute at it, and it doesn't matter how hard you fuck up" threshold. It being retarded is a feature at this point, honestly..
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Threw it in this repo: https://huggingface.co/LMFResearchSociety/Tiantianquan
The org is auto-approve. Just apply on HF and you should get instant access.
true if you have a high quality training data and poor training captions with shit hyperparams, it can still converge and generalize okay if you train long enough. this is what makes it all one big meme, anons think you can fuck up training without the secret sauce, only way you fuck up training is choosing not enough layers or a crackhead training rate. those are the only two paramers that cant be solved with more epochs.
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yeah not 100% but it helps to not get something not desired if it's all tagged
>those are the only two paramers that cant be solved with more epoch
The ultimate solution is having a userbase with low standards
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Anyone know what the hell kind of settings/artist/etc someone is using via novelAI to get this kind of result?
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I see flooxy but I see flooxy in my sleep at this point.
training an underwater ballsucking lora for my onsen gens
is there a documentation on latentmodifier on forge?
wtf all of those things do?
what upscalers are recommended?
4xnomos8k is the only one I ever use anymore. Slow as balls if you were trying to use it for hi-res fix so probably don't do that.
>CivitAI image generator maintenance
>CivitAI image generator
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do tell
Redpill me out of DDIM
4xnomos8k IS, indeed, slow as balls.
I'd recommend 4x_IllustrationJaNai_V1_ESRGAN_135k
We need to crowdfund this man a GPU, /hdg/
lanczos is all you need
Can I get a hildabox?
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Haha my wife Fubuki is so clumsy
newfags here, which model should I start with?
Autism mix to start, grab it on civit (should be a link in the OP). Any lora made for "pony" will work with it, don't bother with 1.5 or regular sdxl loras
thanks anon
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Posting this for you in advance, use 1024*1024 to start. Genning outside of these sizes will give you wonky results usually. Download forge then never update it for the best genning speed (comfy is similar in speed but horrible for beginners). Prompt using danbooru tags, natural language is crap. Look at the images on Civit under the model and find some you like, then study their prompts and try things til you find your groove. Loras in the op are usually more reliable than ones on Civit (,hit and miss), if you decide to download any from Civitake sure they're for "pony".
Ignore the typos, I'm literally falling asleep on my phone kek. Have fun, ask here if something doesn't work, someone will answer
ok will do. I will use forge. dumb question: why not use pony as model?
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I'm gonna try to unfuck my lora once again, with masked loss now that we have the tech. Did anyone experiment with it more in-depth? I'll probably bake some single-image overfit ones just to figure out how it works. Questions I'm looking at:
- Should it be a hard border mask or feathered? How much feathering? Where to place the border exactly, before or after the character outline, or halfway through?
- Someone mentioned composition problems when you mask everything other than the character. How big of an issue is this and would this be resolved with using partial transparency masks? Do you still tag the background when the model can only 25% see it?
- If a character feature is inaccurate in one image and you mask it, will that cause problems? Not my case, but say you're training on AI output and they have bad fingers that you mask over. Would it just learn the character as an amputee, or give her some default hands?
it has very unappealing style and jpeg artifacting issues, requires more understanding how to deal with shit models
autism might be bland-looking but it just works
autismmix is just pony with some style loras merged it so that its style is not all over the place, especially for genning anime. You can try it out too, but it's not as beginner friendly.
how about VAE? which one should I use? is it necessary?
Every checkpoint has a VAE baked in already, you're just setting an override. It's not necessary.
a lot of pony-based checkpoints have broken 1.0 vae baked-in (don't remember about base pony, I think it does)
but yeah if you're using autismmix it's fine
base, ebara, midkemia, reweik, pvc figure, everclear, zonkey...they all seem to use the SDXL base one. I think the only broken VAE I saw was on reproginex, which was an early merge attempt with animagine.
I've used pony diffusion for anime and some other shitmix, don't remember they had broken vaes, some other anons had jaggy lines and didn't even notice. I'm not currently using pony so I don't know about newer models actually
>SDXL base one
that's unironically the broken one.
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I feel retarded, but on autismmix I have trouble getting the ass grab pose where she squeezes her buttock, I'm trying different combinations of positives and negatives but I get an overwhelming majority of images where she does the "ass lift" pose instead. Ironically in sd 1.5 it was the opposite and we had a lora for this.
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Broken how? The same one is also inside autismmix and animagine
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took a random pic from archives as an example
see anything wrong?

it's sdxl 1.0 vae making the lines jaggy. especially visible near eyes.
0.9 is the proper vae
Just saying pretty much every XL model in existence uses the same VAE. And I'm not getting jaggy lines using it. Maybe it is all 0.9, who knows.
yes it's all 0.9 vae. I remember this shit going on almost a year ago when xl released with jaggy vae and people were using "leaked" 0.9 vae instead.
people bake it in most of the models, but not all of them
Requesting this scene with Mio Naruse and Basara Toujou in color and in the Shinmai Maou no Testanemt anime artstyle.
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Anon recommended me this https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-IllustrationJaNai-V1-ESRGAN
for upscaling images for lora training and it was good but it made this particular dataset too clean so now I'm using https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8kDAT which I think another anon also recommended and it's better. It's pretty slow though, my GPU is vrrrring.
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someone needs to fix the roof
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Do you guys have before/after?
> >fe(ces)
What if I prompt something like prin(ces)s?
Are all those gay loras uploaded by gays or are there actual femcels in the AI space?
is civitai worth it?
Forgot the image. oops...
It's not an issue since "princess" is it's own unique token. Feces is not a unique token and is split between fe + ces.
Here's the list of tokens for SDXL:
Never worked with reColor before
worth it...? It's generally the go to place for models yeah
is posting on 4chan worth it?
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Cute, but I'm surprised it didn't show off her tail pentagram.
Requesting this image to be extended to be made into a background, please and thank you.
Going for something more dynamic shown here:
Just so it's less boring by having them in the middle of the screen, but feel free to tweak it to suit your own background as a test if you'd like to see what works best without being too far off to the right.
Background can be kept simple with that forest look.

Artist is Boris (Noborhys) if that helps at all.
I meant the subscription for the buzz.
depends on the board you post on.
buzz is just for genning images right? I guess if ur a poorcel without a gpu maybe
I have a 1060 3gb, I use comfy. I'm surprised it works at all.
I get an image about one every three minutes, depending on the steps, very rarely I'll get an out of memory error if I'm trying to high-res or face detail.
I pressume gpus with more vram/modern make images in under 30 seconds or something.
if you can at all afford it get a 12gb+ gpu, trying to gen online is going to be tedious
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>find out that milking machine is a tag that nai understands
well there goes my whole day.
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Made a dozen terrible loras for research. I'll just leave this here in case anyone cares:
- I saw no difference between carefully tracing her outline, and just drawing a mask in 10 seconds with a paintbrush
- Even at 10% transparency it still learns large concepts from those areas, just a lot slower and with minimal detail. It's better to keep that stuff tagged
- Not an issue. I tried masking her nipples and it still reliably gives her some without needing to prompt for them specifically, they're just not Obui's gigantic ones since that part wasn't trained.

Bonus image from when I reversed the nipple mask by accident.
Is there a rentry for regional prompting?
Also I'm starting to understand anons saying you only need 10 good images for a character lora. Even from a single one it can learn the face and hair very accurately. Costumes, accessories and other fine details are the problem. I don't think I've ever trained from a good image before. Might be worth doing an anime or game character as a tutorial, to see how it's supposed to work.
Like an extended tutorial? Most of the stuff I've seen is outdated, from before attention couple. But we can try to answer specific questions at least.
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feathering doesn't seem to matter much, i just use hard pixels. i place borders outside of the outline.
the fucked up composition issues i think are due to actual image composition and are simply exacerbated by masks. partial transparency doesn't fix it, you need to actually fix the image composition for it to work. doing that is actually very easy, though, since you're masking everything else in the image you can just translate the character's position and pad the canvas without worry.
you can probably mask inaccurate features. it wouldn't learn the character as an amputee, however, since the ai is just being told to ignore the masked areas in its loss calculations
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I updated a lot of my older loras + added in some of the requests from this thread


if anyone's got any style requests or any critique for my loras ill be more than happy to hear them

heres a pretty good guide

Nice. Could you try a style where the milk has more substance? I have an example of what I mean, but no specific artist https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7596442
The most important thing is really just quality data. The problem is that fan art can be wildly inconsistent in how it gets small details and I'm starting to realize that it be more poison than anything, but the positive side to using fan art is that is can serve as regulation which will help from burning in a style.
If you want a good way to learn then find a VN that has sprite rips since that will give you possibly nude sprites, different outfits to train and expression variety and then just hand pick some CGs of the heroine to balance out the white/black backgrounds a bit.
>style requests
I have one
I requested that one some threads ago and one guy said he was going to bake it but it's been several days and he never delivered so it would be great if you did
My lora ideas folder has only one thing left in it, and it's so /aco/ I shouldn't even be asking. But if want something to bake https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108192216

As for citicism, please try to avoid using trigger tags? They're a huge pain. btw the Zumi lora needs one and it's not written anywhere. Also what is the "EU03" folder? The images inside look like they're from various artists, and there's no "main" lora inside, only "other versions".
Thanks, that seems to match what I've seen so far.

Yeah. It seems to be learning more useful stuff from the 3 images I have of 1girl standing simple background, than from 15+ pics of various hardcore scenes with a tentacle wall background.
Hey, nice. Unique skin texture, almost like the guy making zombie kemono friends with NAI, only more flat. And inverted nipples rarely get this much detail.
Shit I was just about done sorting my loras
Requesting some styles
I love these three, all very unique
can i request a pair for toned girls
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added maruko_tooto to the mega link and this one doesnt need a trigger word

my main reason for adding them in was to make sure that the lora stays at 100% strength no matter the tags I use, i know its pretty autistic of me to do so since it really only effects the lora by like 3-5% so i'll omit using trigger words for the requests

and the eu03 folder was made to test between different settings/datasets and isnt really complete, but im planning on rebaking it

based oppai loli enjoyer

ill make them either alter today or tomorrow

both of these artists have been on my watch list for a while i'll probably make them tomorrow
forgot to say something,
have you taken a look at my lora folder? a good 50% of it is aco stuff , so your request won't be an issue
Yes, thanks. I wrote half the post first then forgot to edit it when it no longer made sense.
Thanks brother you're the goat for doing these requests for us
Is it over for OS for realsis this time?
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>Addressing major, substantiated complaints about unconsented references to artists and other individuals in the base model while recognizing training activities as fair use.
I'm surprised they mention that as an ethical concern but not cp
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you're welcome anon!

i'm just trying to give back the community, i know we like to shit on this thread for one thing or another but they're some genuinely helpful and kind people here that get drowned out by all the noise
ultra based
wish I had a good enough GPU to train style requests at decent speeds but my 8gbs are not doing the trick
When will Cascade become good?
Well someone already did a good-looking finetune, so it seems jordach will need to find his own way to get good results, as they say, just "skill issue" but the arch is not bad
I'm gonna try the chara lora trick with Obui; where you merge the author's style into the base model to then train a character on, negating most of the dataset's style influence. I'm guessing having an activation tag for the style should make it not work, unless the whole dataset is tagged with Obui. Which would then become a secondary activation tag for the character...probably?
>Well someone already did a good-looking finetune
Wouldn't call it good but anyway, from the last thread:
It's not the "greatest thing you've ever seen" but at least it doesn't looks melted
So my guess is that jordach's finetune is either underbaked or he doesn't knows how to bake in the arch yet
Or the 1B model is just unsalvageable garbage and not worth doing a finetune
i'm one of the people who have been complaining about 1B resonance but come on anon, this jeetmodel is hardly worth talking about
even the resonance prototype mogs it extremely hard when it comes to producing anime art
>Stage C comes with a 1 billion and 3.6 billion parameter version, but we highly recommend using the 3.6 billion version, as most work was put into its finetuning.
even the people who made cascade say not to use the 1b version
It's just fucking sad at this point
It's just going to be another lobotomized model that'll probably be worse than any model Stability ever released. Also, civitai is involved in this - the same retards that wants to partner with Astralite to make his next model exclusive to their site. OPEN SOURCE BTW
the claims by themselves might just be pr, we don't know shit at this point
while some amount of model cucking is sadly almost inevitable, I really doubt we'll see anyone go as far as saitards did
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it's all so tiresome
I don't understand why everyone has such an issue with artist names all of a sudden.
The easiest way to describe a certain style is with names.
All you're doing is making it harder for people to get the picture that they want lol, since the actual images are still going to be in the dataset, just not tagged with the name of the artist.
How is that "ethical"?
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That explains why the proto 3.6B greatly outperforms the full bake in 1B
So I guess we can't judge the model until he starts baking the 3.6B one, at least it will be faster since he's already training the TE so he will just bake unet only
Or 3.6 times slower due to the increased param count
yes pretty much
what I don't understand is why doesn't he or his shills actually say it
there was no hope for 1b to begin with but now almost everyone thinks cascade is a complete failure
mmmmmmm yesss... love you...
i can feel a bit of white goo coming out from my cockhead every time i see her body... stroking rn
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Anyone here ever tried https://civitai.com/models/435207/artiwaifu-diffusion ?
It seems to be able to replicate certain artists really well.
Go back a month, one or two anons were shilling it pretty badly. Bottom line everything it makes looks like ass and it's not better than animagine at /h/ concepts.
>How is that "ethical"?
that's ethical because the people making the model are less likely to be sued
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I see.
I guess I'm just kind of bored with the pony/animagine aethetic.
Hopefully we can get something like NAI v3 for local soon.
The pics on the model page look pretty nice unlike anything that pony-based models shart out.
Is Ligmanese anon still here?
Could you please provide catbox or artists used for this pic?
He said about 6-7 days per epoch if trained with UNet(EffNet) only, using the rented rig of Adas6k
Currently the 1B one is coming 4 days per epoch so it's not that slow imo
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Off to a great start lads
>toxic material
It's over
Use stealth png
Our only option right now is to literally wait 10 years for consumer GPUs to get powerful enough to train models from scratch ourselves.
Adorable, thank you.
mmmmmmm fuck yeahhh i want see insides of her pussy and stick my throbbing cock inside
Hey, feel free to use it. Drop a catbox here if you get something good and others might also give it a try.

The preview images were generated on an earlier epoch that he didn't share. It was discussed itt back then, and people talk about it in the comments too.
because not a single artist consented to have their work used so it make it untouchable for potential investor unless they want a lawsuit up their ass
this is so retarded, because the data is ai generated doesnt mean it wont have artist influence in it it just mean it will be worse and less accurate at every step possible
oi you got a loicense for that gpu mate?
I have a character that has a dress which fits on these three tags: yellow dress, frilled dress, layered dress.
Thing is, pony recognizes these three tags, so in my mind keeping them all would help the model generate it correctly, right? but idk if that's true, if simply tagging it yellow dress would include the others as i'm training the lora
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Pony has it's place for H concepts, but I've been looking for a replacement for pure 1girl stuff for a while.
Animagine is fine but gets kinda stale.
I'll keep trying out this model to see if I can find a really good artist combination.
Depends on how you want to use the model. Including them all will work but you'll have to prompt for all three when genning, whereas just doing yellow dress should retrain the model's understanding of yellow dress into this specific style. It will take a bit longer to train, it will affect all yellow dresses in the scene (if you happen to gen her next to DQ's Alena for example, with regional prompter) and it will prevent you from genning her with a different style yellow dress (such as when cosplaying DQ's Alena)
why don't they just generate an infinite amount of images of metahumans to use for their dataset?
just tagging it as yellow dress will make the ai generate that dress most of the time

Don't bother, it's irredeemable.

t.wasted 2 days trying to force it to shit something decent out
base 3.6 looks better than e5, check for yourself if you don't believe me
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any ideas why my LoRAs don't play nice together? Specifically my styles and my characters - colors and textures go crazy.
Why are short haired girls wearing beanies so cute?
It generally knows more characters than animagine 3.1 and has better styles, it's also smarter despite having smaller dataset the cons are that it features somewhat quirky prompting and blurts this weird jpegged look, but at least it does look like anime.
I heard it might be caused by noise offset during training those loras, never tried to verify if that's true. There's also a soft limit to the total strength of loras you can gen with before the model breaks, lowering CFG lets you go a bit further.
you can also try heart of apple, I've had fun with that one and arti too, I think you can wrangle both of these models and get nice images if you have a good gpu, have time to waste experimenting and aren't a brainlet
>cock sock
you can wrangle good images out of WD1.4, AOM2, EF and even the Cascade prototype, but the difference is that you don't need to fight a good model every step of the way to get good images out of it
guess i should've brought more RAM instead of GPU, textgen sounds more appealing than imagegen rn
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Here's with the style lora turned off, for completion's sake
It's weird that there's no good training config floating around, it seems like LoRAs I get from here don't typically have that problem.
You can just use pony and refine it with animagine, you don't even have to try to get good images with it.
Just use a lora.
Style loras are pretty weak on Pony compared to innate ones on Animagine for the same artist. In part because they're fighting the style influence of score tags, in part because styles are just weirdly hard to train on Pony.

I recommend using controlnet to guide the refiner step, otherwise animagine/arti/apple will keep trying to mess up your anatomy.
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>styles are just weirdly hard to train on Pony
because pony is burned to crisps and you need to burn your lora harder in order to combat it
This. Astratroon himself recommends using the same 100x LR for loras he used for the base model
yeah just like you can have the same results natively prompting danbooru characters and artists on WD1.4, AOM2, EF, and even the Cascade prototype, amirite? what a useless post
ahhhh ahhhh gooning for my cat mistress fuck feels so good i want to shoot my white baby amkkg goo inside her war vagina... ahhhh so much pre is coming out from the tip
if you use even ONE lora the model is SHIT
a good model has everything in the future preemptively!
loras can do everything
innate model style doesn't exist
if you bake a good lora you can get anime style from base 1.5 even!
don't know why you're replying if you're going to respond to something you imagined in your head but sure
Sad but true. The actual difference is that while on other XL models you're fighting for prompt comprehension, on Pony you're fighting for style control.
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i've found what seem to be pretty good settings for training styles, i just don't want to ever post about it on /h/ because part of it is a schizo lightning rod
do you mind sharing? I swear I'm not a schizo
Yeah. Actually, comparing Pony style loras to Animagine is the same as comparing them to Pony innate styles. Those are actually really strong and don't care about score tags, or whether your prompted concept is similar enough to the training dataset.
are they different from what you did for your koikatsu/xenoblade screenshot lora?
you know, somehow /b/ no sharers are gonna look better than /hdg/ schizo gatekeeping lora configs
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Thoughts on ponynai?
I don't see anyone using it ITT, is it bad?
that vagina doesn't look healthy
>anti-lora schizo is going off
jump off a bridge already.
nothing look healthy
>schizo lightning rod
low dim?
Bad lora compatability so its kind of pointless.
1. I'm not the only one.
2. I am not anti-lora, no one actually is. I'm mocking fucking retards who seem to think that loras are omnipotent and models don't make a huge difference in styles.
that's some fucking bizarre symbiosis you have together
literally nobody has ever said this
>Style loras are pretty weak on Pony compared to innate ones on Animagine for the same artist
Not only that, but if you ever trained Animagine, you could see how it **ACTUALLY** learns any style you throw at it if you just feed it some images captioned with WD tagger.
>in part because styles are just weirdly hard to train on Pony.
I have a theory on that, too, and the fact that astra fried the model is not related to its ability to learn styles.
The thing is, he trained in a very specific way. Aside from using retarded score tags and some weird ways to "hash" some tags, he also used NLP captions to improve comprehension. Not only that improved comprehension, but it also introduced a problem: the thing you are trying to train do not align with the model's internal representation of it. This happens because your dataset lacks NLP captions and you only feed it tags.
You can easily prove that theory if you try to use some weak style lora to gen something very close to an image from its dataset. The style will come out significantly stronger, so the problem is that the model doesn't understand your garbage datasets that do not have NLP captions.

Also, iirc astrakike used MinSNR so if you try to train using debiased estimation instead, it also introduces similar problem.
>models don't make a huge difference in styles
show me the post that said that or fuck off forever with your retarded headcanon
he's clearly a gay and enjoys when guys tell him how they stroke their pencils
Do you guys actually think these flat looking bright colored stiff posed images look good?
I can't tell if I'm falling for a meme here or you guys actually have horrible taste.
They do imply that, dismissing any differences in model styles (uhh why use animagine why use nai when you can train a style lora for pony??????) and any attempts at using refiner to improve styles on local.
>show me the post that
Fuck off, do you think I'm an archivist or something?
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it gives me things to prompt
Jump off a bridge.
You are LITERALLY the only one.
Unironically. Every fucking time. It's always YOU and your retarded fucking """trolling""" trying to convince people into doing retarded shit.
Fuck off already.
>show me the post
any "why are yall keep mining pony hashes? we literally have loras!" retard after discovering aua
>uhh why use animagine why use nai when you can train a style lora for pony
another thing that nobody has ever seriously said
maybe you've been falling for the resident schizo's shitposts?
Say something about groids next, pwease.
iirc just the json should do an OK job, but the wildcards should still make it more reliable i think. just adjust the epochs until you hit 1500+ steps. i've tried a few different artists with different styles and that has seemed to work for all of them. idk if the TE LR is too high but things seem to work out fine on the models I actually gen with and i've been able to run multiple styles at full strength without the results looking too fucked up.
if you haven't used wildcards before then the idea is basically that something formatted like {A|B|C} will result in A, B or C being randomly selected and used during each step of training. the tokens in the .txt are all ones that should have an inherent style bias, so if you add that string of text to your training captions and use --enable_wildcard then you're effectively using difference via pony's built in styles instead of just whatever the existing captions produce.
same settings outside of loss masks.
>You can easily prove that theory if you try to use some weak style lora to gen something close to an image from its dataset
There could be other explanations. But yeah in regards to:
>if you ever trained Animagine, you could see how it **ACTUALLY** learns any style you throw at it
This also applies to AOM mixes and EasyFluff. Might be worth trying arti or apple just to check, but most likely it's only Pony that's weird this way.
Fuck it I'll go and search for it. I am fairly certain the tkmiz guy said dumb shit like this, for example.
For anyone lurking, here's the good guide on how to use refiner: https://rentry.org/anypony-science
So no one said that in this thread or the last few thread or it would have been easy for you to find it, you are just making shit up and misunderstanding stuff on purpose, just stfu
Why was it removed from the OP template?
>"network_dim": 32,
the reason we stopped mining hashes wasn't because of loras but because we figured out that the real hashes are way too long to brute force them and the 3 letter tags are prompt bleed from them, so they're too weak to capture the style of the full hash
nobody denies that it would be useful if we knew the full hashes
>loras are bad!
>6GB lora GOOD
fall 30 blocks in minecraft, no bucket.
thanks, much appreciated anon
Who are you quoting sir?
>literal troll guide
go find a bridge and jump off it already dude
You, the creator of that rentry that nobody uses.
buy more storage poorfag
mind posting some examples? am interested
Where's the trolling happens there? Post a reference or a quote please.
NTA but sorry not sorry, 32dim is the bare minimum to make a Style LoRA to look the right way, you can also train at that size dim then resize, 16dim or lower is just too small for the model to learn anything the right way, lower dims are only for super simple ass looking characters with no complex designs or outfits at all. Buy some SSD.
It's out of date, there's a better way to do it now. Finish the gen with just your first model, then use the same seed and controlnet from the finished image. This lets you switch models many steps earlier and get more of the second model's style, without losing composition and anatomy.
>nobody denies that it would be useful if we knew the full hashes
yeah you weren't here when hashes were discovered
Got any for characters? Like, asymmetric characters
I don't need to point out any further.
Toss the link of it into the archive and look at the earlier posts responding to it for why it's retarded.
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Ai sisters.... We're killing the planet
we didn't know that the hashes were much longer than 3 characters when we found them, when we figured that out was when interest in them died out
again, you might be getting confused because of the resident schizo's shitposts
That's just cloud LLMs, go back to /g/
>because of the resident schizo's shitposts
you can't dismiss every retarded take as one schizo's shitposts

Are there any significant differences between schedulers? I've almost always used Constant and have never had any issues with it
So you are not going bother to prove your points? In that case I'm afraid your opinion is discarded.
because anon that wrote this guide was prompting melanin-rich males and it was groid spammer's prime, immediately assuming that he was behind killing thread = guide bad
>heh if you don't retread the same conversation every single time I post my retarded guide... I WIN!
question, don't your things fry too much when using constant?
Why don't you just use img2img at 1.0 denoise with CN enabled at this point?
enjoy your 6gb lora that will completely fuck anatomy and genitalia.
once this current training run is done i can gen some with the styles i've tried
turn off flip_aug and those are also the settings i've been using for character loras but i train with masked loss so idk if those will work 1:1
there is a difference, but i couldn't tell you concretely what those are. i did a few test runs of cosine vs cosine with restarts and different amounts of restarts a month or so ago and found that cosine with restarts 2 performed better with those settings at 1.5k steps so i went with that.
use a suicide lora
>fuck genitalia
I'm too lazy to search for this shit, but I'll certainly point it out when someone say this shit next time and I see it. I didn't just fucking imagine this braindead take myself.
In a couple years we will have fully animated hour long hardcore rape movies animated by Satoshi Urushihara and voiced by Yui Horie and Rie Kugumiya.

It's such a good time to be alive.
>i want to shoot my white baby amkkg goo inside her war vagina
What did he mean by this?
First reason is comfy can do the workflow in one click, saves you having to gen those first few steps twice.
Second and more important, Animagine is often dumb enough to misinterpret background items as limbs, the other way around, or completely mess up 69 or other limb salad poses. It needs more guidance than just controlnet.
Be honest, are you a furry? I believe only furries came up with this "700 mb lora" bullshit meme first and unironically used it. In case that is true, why are you here?
...do you not understand that using a "refiner" means you're using the second model to try and impact the style?
XL models are 6.7GB in size. It's being used, unironically, as a style lora. Except worse, since you're also relying on it to not fuck up any visible nudity.
This isn't even hard to understand.
All true. Though be fair Animagine has more styles packed into it than you'd get in 6GBs worth of 10dim loras.
Except it's able to influence styles more than a lora, that's the whole fucking idea you fucking retarded insufferable autist.
>It needs more guidance than just controlnet.
Well, you can adjust the seed for img2img as well? Also no one's stopping you from using denoise lower than 1.0. The way you suggest to approach this negates the main benefit of refining which is speed.
Never unless I do too many steps. With Pony frying is a damn near impossible unless you have a data set that isn't diverse or tagged poorly.
Stop using watered down civit trash.
Loras can do everything right?
whats the step count for characters/styles?
>Thread in the refiner meme arc again
It's all so tiresome
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>tfw your dataset is so bad you can tell from the noise masks
I should just pay someone to draw me a character sheet and some 1girl standings.
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In my experience, for character specifically, between 1000 to 3,000 steps. I've had character Loras work well with a little as 900 though. It depends on how your data set is. If they have a diverse set of appearances like different hairstyles and different clothing then it might take longer for it to fully understand it. If there are parents is very generic and they only wear one set up clothing, then a thousand or less is fine.

Styles are a different story kind of because those can work well on as little as a few hundred steps or need fucking 10,000 in some cases. It all depends on how well pony understands the style and how well it can adjust. The closer it is to a generic anime style, the less steps it will need. If it is something unique and not generic anime or western cartoon stuff like pic rel, then it might need 5,000 or even 10,000. I know that sounds ridiculous but I've tested this countless times. Sample prompts and sample generations are your best friend.
>Except worse, since you're also relying on it to not fuck up any visible nudity.
So THIS is your retarded take after all.
No this is not true because it just does NOT work like that. If you switch at the right time, Animagine already has everything to not fuck up legs, feet, arms or anything like that because pony has already generated the anatomy part, Animagine only needs to add some smaller details.
Prodigy or fixed standard LR? I think it was 0.0001
Also depends on your net/conv alpha, network dropout and masked loss training that all slow learning to some degree.
did a quick bake for yaki_apple since it was the easiest to get images for, it probably needs a rebake with even more steps to get the style better.

the first version is up on my mega
There's nothing new under the sun.
I wasn't aware animagine could actually do genitalia and sex positions with visible nudity.
forgot to include preview


enjoy my totally original blue archive oc
nah :(
Well, you are now.
V3 was pretty bad at it, 3.1 handles basic pov stuff at least but dicks and pussies look a bit off imo.
nta but that's really nice, looks better than the original style
>There could be other explanations
That doesn't mean the theory is wrong though. To further prove it, we'll need to test not only what it explains, but whether what it predicts is true. In this case, the theory predicts that the detailed NLP captions will significantly improve lora's style capability over not using NLP, simple as that.
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For styles I typically use prodigy and set the unit lr and text encoder lr to 1. Net dim and alpha set to 32 (you CAN set it to 16-8 but I've had better results when the net dim was 32). In theory setting the net dim to 64 or higher will result in the Lora being able to understand a larger number of concepts (useful if you are training multiple characters, concepts, things, outfits, etc) but the downside is that the Lora Will balloon to something like half a gig in size. I only recommend doing that if your Lora has a fuck ton of different concepts or characters like this one


Over 20 different characters so that probably the only justifiable reason your net dim should be set any higher than 32. If it's a singular style, leave it at 32. If it's a person with multiple outfits, 32. If the character only wears like one outfit and/or has a very generic looking anime appearance,, you can lower it to 16. Having a lower net dim will also mean you will have extra VRAM available which means you can set the batch size higher which means you can train it a bit faster.

Fun fact: The size of your data set can determine how much memory you use to. If the data set is gargantuan, like a few hundred pictures or even a thousand, the amount of storage and memory the latents will take up Will use up more memory (learn this the hard way when I config setup I used for a character lora worked fine but then when I did it on a style lora that had a giant data set I kept getting out of memory errors).

With all that being said if you train a style , you can do it on as little as 50 images, maybe even less. Using a couple hundred as fine too but I'd say anything over two or 300 is overkill and has diminishing returns.
Some anons tried putting (censored, mosaic censor, bar censor:1.5) in negs on Arti, maybe it is also applicable here?
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>revisit old prompts
>make schizo prompts
>make /e/ material

If i'm prompting, it basically falls into one of these categories now. There's only so many sex positions you can do.
I was only talking about the alpha, not dim. At dim/alpha=1 it does nothing. Below it slows learning by some ratio, all the way down to alpha=1. As for the dim sizes, /hdg/ just can't ever seem to agree and I'm tired of arguing just to save a few gigs of drive space.

You can disable cache latents or cache them to disk, saves you a bunch of VRAM at the cost of speed. It's really hard to curate quality and tags with a giant dataset, that's probably why having more images doesn't add much.
>cache them to disk
this is the only sane option anon
Do you have an automatic image tagger?
Looking very good even for the first bake, but yeah it could use a rebake or smthn, tysm anon
Who doesn't. But they're all unreliable to some degree, and you won't go through hundreds of images manually even just to clean up their output. I use booruDatasetTagManager and clean up the obvious stuff, emoticons, meta tags, franchise tags, any characters pony doesn't recognize, etc.
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picrel is the same prompt with the character name's weight increased. using wildcards like this seems to have an effect on innate character comprehension although i'm not sure if it's due to the wildcards themselves or just the style being stronger.
>Fun fact: The size of your data set can determine how much memory you use to. If the data set is gargantuan, like a few hundred pictures or even a thousand, the amount of storage and memory the latents will take up Will use up more memory (learn this the hard way when I config setup I used for a character lora worked fine but then when I did it on a style lora that had a giant data set I kept getting out of memory errors).
if you're using sd-scripts then there's a bug of some kind related to the distribution of images in buckets that causes increased vram consumption. a 2000 image dataset will use 8 gigs of vram and then a 1999 image dataset will use 10. the actual number of training images shouldn't have much or any influence.
How can I merge 2 or 3 style loras to create 1 in kohya ss?
>With Pony frying is a damn near impossible
only true if you know what you're doing. if you let jeets train then you get something like civitai where half of the style loras are fried
I have never seen a fried pony lora
fried meaning actually deep fry like we had back in 100 repeat days
It's rare. I tried a Nat the Lich LoRA on civit, was pretty fucked up at a weight of 1. It's certainly possible.
sure, deep frying is way harder on sdxl models, but i mean that half of the civitai style loras give you fried eyes and faces for base resolution gens (and sometimes even after an adetailer+hires pass)
I have but it's the direct result of testing stupid shit or getting an unfortunate fitment timing that just happened to completely fry the TE right then and there.
That said there are a lot of varying degrees of fried. Usually it's the eyes that suffer the most.
Bro you would be surprised, most of the character lora are giga fried and the suggested weight is 0.4 but there is some baker that make loras that work perfectly so respect to them
Do you guys have indoor place that actually work? Im tired of having giant window in all my gen and place like casino are garbage because the floor become casino table
Lmfao poor -1iq manni furryman getting raped right now
Tbf he deserves that, he's just too... Gtp-2 behaviour. HAHAHAHAHA
hello sirs
pic or it didn't happen
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with or without i don't think it's even effective
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Helps if you use diffusion-CG or Vectorscope to reduce the overall light level, otherwise you will get a light source. Even then, you can prompt a candle or a lamp instead of a window. Or controlnet an indoor pic and mask out the "character area" so that it only controls the edges where the background will be.
meant for
We're so back stabilibros!
I was using alternate init noise, dont know about those, i'll look into it
As for controlnet for the backgroud, yeah I could do that but its kinda tedious just for a background
>company reaffirms its commitment to open-source principles while expanding its focus on enterprise solutions
thus contradicting themselves in a single sentence
>and you won't go through hundreds of images manually even just to clean up their output.
>. I use booruDatasetTagManager
What's the problem then? You can target specific images or target the entire data set via removal or adding tags. I've used that before and that's what I typically did whenever I needed to train multiple concepts.
How is that contradictory? Seems to me is that they're going to continue supporting open source shit while also providing solutions to companies too
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>post bondage, cum in pussy
>get restrained, top down bottom up, cum leaking from pussy into mouth
pony's heart is in the right place sometimes
Autotaggers both miss things and produce false tags. Ideally you'd go through the full tag list of every image and check that everything is correct. That a girl with an extreme blush was not tagged as wearing a red face mask, for example. Or a tattered cape tagged as very long hair.
Does anyone here has a script that picks tags from .txt files, sends them to koboldcpp's llava implementation along with the image and then spits out NLP captions?
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Which art style is the best, in your opinion?
autismmix sdxl, 25 steps, cfg 7, Asura LoRa 0.8 strength
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, hilda_(pokemon), (anus cutout:1.1). innie pussy, plump labia, jean shorts, huge ass, presenting anus, 8um
score_5_up score_4_up, text, watermark, artist name, signature, mosaic censorship, censored, artist watermark, patreon watermark, multiple views, 3d, black and white, monochrome
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kek just saw that
it actually does look like some early gpt with extremely short context
I guess we're witnessing the birth of a schizo. looking forward to broken english spamming on the planned forum
post styles
anyway for me it's 2
why are you posting the prompt here instead of a catbox? are you one of those jeets who only use online generators?
from left to right it's Asura, ExpressiveH, Incase, and Ishikei
What's wrong with genning online? It's convenient, doesn't tax my PC and can do everything that offline genning can do.
good morning sir
Holy fuck, do they look like exact same ponyslop albeit with different levels of sepia.
You don't give nvidia money and that's really bad. Have you seen their share prices drop? That's because of the likes of you.
What even is ExpressiveH? It looks like an everything style from the screenshots.
It's like this. Yeah it's pretty much an everything style, it has 4 variants and its solid at lighting/shading.
>Oh No
actually wondering, is gape like this something fappable by itself or it's some sort of corruption/humilation fetish sort of thing?
so much effort wasted on this shit, but you do you if it gets you off
here is one for you
just ask yourself why the ugly bastard tag exists
what did you prompt to get that lad?
this is what paypigs actually believe
How many tokens is too many tokens for a prompt?
If you mean the pose, "hugging" is enough. not sure if "facefuck" helps with prompt, a little rng though
oh ok, too me its more about
turning something cute into horrible, the small into big, weak into strong, the holy into unholy, i think you can try with anything it will land on a fetish.
i dont fap on it, just find it interesting
nah. the gentleman specifically. I like that it's not a roided out freak of human.
Then it's just the onee-shota, shota tag doing its work
being awake 72 hours hurts
I̸̧̯̳̮̘̟̙̣̳̥̪͒̑̈́̇̔͠T̸͚̙̰̤̙̳̰͇̽̈͊͋́͐̾̿̓͂̀̏̽͠'̵̱̫̖̯͚͎̮͓̱̝̹̪̰̾̓͑̇S̵̢̱͚̬̙̞͂͆̏̃̈́̕̚ ̶̨̠̰̠̥̯̤̗̼̼͙̻͓̔͜Ĺ̵̬̻̠̖̫̦̩̪͕̝̤̻͕̆͌̉̐͐̓͘͘͝Ȇ̷͕̻̙̠̞͔̝͉̉̾́̊Ä̴̡͙͎̺͔̳͖̊̒͝R̵͓̫͆̄͛̀̉̓̍̕͝͠N̴̖̔̎̽͂̒͘I̶̡͈̳̹̦̭̰͉̝̰̤͉̓̍͂͒̐̉̑́̀̎̓́͋͗̕Ñ̴̩̗̭͕͓̖̫̮̮͕̩̦͌̂͐̿̂̀̐͒̽̿̒̐͝ͅĢ̶̞̝̭͉͉̠̮̯͙̦̼̒̋͆̾̽̐̕ͅͅ

Cascade 12.5% to e6.

I̸̧̯̳̮̘̟̙̣̳̥̪͒̑̈́̇̔͠T̸͚̙̰̤̙̳̰͇̽̈͊͋́͐̾̿̓͂̀̏̽͠'̵̱̫̖̯͚͎̮͓̱̝̹̪̰̾̓͑̇S̵̢̱͚̬̙̞͂͆̏̃̈́̕̚ ̶̨̠̰̠̥̯̤̗̼̼͙̻͓̔͜Ĺ̵̬̻̠̖̫̦̩̪͕̝̤̻͕̆͌̉̐͐̓͘͘͝Ȇ̷͕̻̙̠̞͔̝͉̉̾́̊Ä̴̡͙͎̺͔̳͖̊̒͝R̵͓̫͆̄͛̀̉̓̍̕͝͠N̴̖̔̎̽͂̒͘I̶̡͈̳̹̦̭̰͉̝̰̤͉̓̍͂͒̐̉̑́̀̎̓́͋͗̕Ñ̴̩̗̭͕͓̖̫̮̮͕̩̦͌̂͐̿̂̀̐͒̽̿̒̐͝ͅĢ̶̞̝̭͉͉̠̮̯͙̦̼̒̋͆̾̽̐̕ͅͅ
orbit side my into
Okay I finally found an artist mix to make Pony good.
See ya.
are you the guy with the MiqoMix model on civitai?
Me in the upper left, de su

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fish tits
Noob here looking for advice on remote execution. Since I don't have a beefy GPU I've been running a1111 on AWS following https://github.com/mikeage/stable-diffusion-aws . However as of now this is highly inefficient, in fact except for a few cases where I wanted to run a huge combinatorial matrix of prompts, I spend most of the time preparing prompts rather than generating, and I can only see this problem exacerbate in the future as I move into more complex workflows. Does anybody face a similar problem? I was thinking of running an AI Horde worker on the node so that I can get kudos with the horde, but it seems that this could be problematic with NSFW content.
Are there other solutions? Ideally what I would like is a system that decouples the UI from the runner, so that I can prepare my workflows and then run them all when ready and optimize my resource utilization.
Also is there any paid solution that accepts crypto? I have been using civitai but, other than not accepting crypto, they don't have controlnet/adetailer/regional prompter.
What's preventing you from just buying a gpu
Even nai posts are /aco/ now.......

>artist:personal ami
It's owa.
Buy some used 30 or 40 series card. Will deprecate less than whatever you're paying amazon
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how do you guys know what samplers and scheduling to use? there's just so many.
Is there any way it can be opened for on-site generation? I can't do local SD and I want to try it out.
If not, it's no biggie.
For you, I have removed all w*stoids.
I am not sure how that works to be honest. I can see if there is a setting I can enable to allow that.
Next gen: you're being eaten by Kirakishou.
Ahh, okay.
I am not sure how it works either, I just know some models you can use with the on site generator and some you can't and I don't know why lol.
I think I enabled it, try to use it now
Gotta be careful

On one hand I don't know which card to get. Is there a comparison? A 3080 would seem cheap enough to buy right away but a 4080 would cost me 3 years of AWS so I'd wait a bit for that.

On the other hand renting the compute from AWS allows me to make it disposable so that I don't have to manage GBs of garbage in my hard drive.
Hmm, don't think it worked.
Refreshed a few times to see if that would work but it didn't.
I could ask in the civitai discord to see if there is anything on their end to do.
I can't tell if you're him samefagging or just genuinely confused. You can just use the two loras he used. You do not need his "mode."
ok actually i think the TE LR is too high. 1.75e-5 seems to have much better results than 1.75e-4 on base pony.
this is the other reason why i don't like posting my settings, it seems like as soon as i do i realize they're shit
I have used to 2 loras in the model and they don't look anything like what he has been posting so this might bridge the gap? I dunno. that's why I want to try it.
the thread on g has a (very outdated) performance sheet. VRAM is the most important thing, don't go with less than 12GB.

>i don't like posting my settings, it seems like as soon as i do i realize they're shit
Seems like you should post them more often then to get all the kinks out :')
I have a different version of those loras not on civ. So that is most likely why. Let me figure out how to enable it for you.
You need to be part of Civitai creator program to have 2 of your models hosted on the on-site generator.
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I asked them on discord and it looks like the "CivitAI Image generator is currently limited to about top 200 popular checkpoints." Sorry friend.
>I have a different version of those loras not on civ.
you literally got them from this thread. Don't try to make it seem like you made anything.
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He creates and posts the sexiest pictures on /hdg/.
Catbox please
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Does anyone know if all loras can be used by the generator? If so I could upload them to civ as the loras for you.

Yeah, you are right I get them from here. I wasn't trying to hide anything, I just didn't say it directly. chill bro.
>Does anyone know if all loras can be used by the generator?
I'm at a gas station btw
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>>8077962 Thanks for the tips on masked loss
>>8077963 Thanks for the Obui lora for style offset
They both worked really well. I mean it's still awful, I got work to do. But it's way better that what I had before, both in terms of outfit accuracy and eliminating style bias.
sweet bring me back some snacks
Imma need that nonamoth lora pls, where is at?
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glad you liked the lora anon! i honestly forgot i even made an obui lora until you mentioned it kek

i wouldn't mind rebaking the lora for you if you think its not good enough
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What's the consensus on TPonyNai?
stroking to cat goddess rn, pre is coming out again
Catbox of pic?
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use stealth png for the metadata https://github.com/neggles/sd-webui-stealth-pnginfo

as for the lora, its an updated version of my usukeninja lora which I just uploaded to my mega link
Nah it's alright. I thought it wouldn't do much >>8078009 but the lora still somewhat works without prompting the activation tag, and that's all it took. I wouldn't ask for a rebake of something nobody else seems to be using. A shame though, it's a great style for hags.
>>8078539 (me)
I have posted the two loras on Civ, they have the weights you need in the description with no tags. Have fun.


I am also testing a new look using 2 other lora's on top of miqomix. It might be a little too /aco/ tho.

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Finally out of Kenyan prison.
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I guess bad gens are better than no gens?
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Working on a special sauce kinda prompt with no lora
>haven't proompted in a month due to lack of ideas
shit bros it really is over for me
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it's a locon. It works a hell of a lot better than the one in the pony lora rentry.
Brother, box please.
What expression tags do anons like to use the most?

Been having trouble finding a mild annoyance kind of facial expression tag that doesn't contort the face into pure disgust or anger.
don't forget you can do (tag:.5)
I'm aware, I've done so for (ahegao:0.2) or something like that when i just want a face that is experiencing mild pleasure. I'll have to experiment a bit to find the perfect expression I suppose.
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blush, expresionless, parted lips
Thanks anon, thats pretty close to what I'm looking for.
wavy mouth my go to
how do I train a character, while avoiding style bleed?
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You're looking for >:( and scowl anon. normally works for me for mild annoyance.
I believe all emoticons are illegal on pony no?
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not to my knowledge but i could be wrong, you'd probably have to \ escape the characters at the very least
only some of them, you have to experiment to see which ones work
no idea why astralite pruned a few of them
let's check into how /d/ is doing
On second thought, let's not go to /d/. Tis a silly place.
I thought exactly the same sentence and was wondering how I ended up already typing it
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Got a message from a decent sized Jap artist. Much nicer than western.
Anyone aware of a prompt to give a movement effect for thrusting? I know about motion lines and motion blur but is there something else?
Thanks anon, I'll check them out.
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Anyone know what might be causing Forge to just completely freeze sometimes causing the entire computer to lag until it finally decides to unfuck itself and obey my interrupt request?
I'm not sure that image invokes any of the creator's intended emotions within me.
activate NEVER OOM tab's tiled VAE
If your entire computer lags it might be not enough RAM (yes, RAM, not VRAM). It's forced to unload shit to pagefile and that's why it happens.
Of course VRAM also plays a part here, as if you have too low if unloads to RAM which in turn may overload your RAM.
>if unloads
it unloads*
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This option right? Thanks ill give it a try

hmm i dunno if its RAM related. I was experiencing this issue before with 16gb ram but then I upgraded to 32gb and still experiencing the same thing.
I have 32 and I routinely run out. Especially if I have many tabs open in browser or have other software running.
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Neat composition. What prompt?
yup that one, it fixed the stuttering to me.
I now have so many LORAs that I didn't properly rename and organize that I can no longer find the one I want :'(
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Hello anons, how do I roll back the latest forge update?
>he pulled
You're stuck FOREVER!!!!! oooOOOOOooooo.... scary....
I imagine google knows if nobody here knows. should be a standard github question and not a forge specific one.
use a lot of different artists/styles. if that's not an option then just use one or two, train a lora for those styles with activation tokens, then merge that lora with your base model and train a character lora using that
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Use "git reflog" to find the hash of the commit you were on immediately prior to pulling (that is, the one right before current).

Then "git reset --hard abc1234" except using the hash you found in git reflog.

This will discard all local changes to the codebase as well but that only matters you were making personal edits to forge code.
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no way, we're hastening progress.
normies see we're running the power grid dry, and the power we're using is polluting everything, so they'll make better power.
AI powered hentai, text porn and sex bots will drive the breakthrough and give us fusion reactors
does dev2 branch has fancy lyco support (4th tail lyco extract)?
>>8078763 (me)
no it is not
its so over for forge
Pony, confetti, or DPO? Which AtusimMix do you use and why?
>You are running xformers 0.0.20.
>The program is tested to work with xformers 0.0.23.post1.
>To reinstall the desired version, run with commandline flag --reinstall-xformers.
good lord i hate A1111
I wouldn't mind this "do your own experiments" LORA thing if it was on the same timescale as testing prompts or samplers or whatever, but it's 10 hours in instead of 10 minutes. Things seemed so much simpler last year when people just posted a couple presets, but now there's like 50 more options including 10 optimizer things and DIM sizes and god knows what else. Scouring archives for 'preset' has given me a few leads at least.
I'm just running the basic AdamW preset I got from the OP's rentry, only thing I need to adjust is the U-net learning rate. Haven't bothered with other optimizers yet, it usually takes 2-3 hours to train something on RTX 3060 12GB.
I am retarded how do I use stealth png viewer?
I got better results with prodigy, even when people say it undercooks stuff, it fries a bit less than adamw for me and learn minor details better
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Character or style? I read somewhere in archives (or maybe it was a recent thread) that suggested prodigy was better for characters than style.
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>Which AtusimMix do you use and why?
reweik, it just werks
I've been collecting analytics from catboxes posted here for a while now and have definitely seen an uptick in Reweik usage. I've noticed that V1.1 is the preferred, is it just better than V1.2 or is there something else to it?
With activation tokens?
Whoa, almost managed the ghost face
I don't see the issue. You have the incorrect xformers version installed. Just do what it says. Every open source program would tell you the same thing if you have incorrect dependencies installed. If it didn't straight up tell you you would eventually get a stack trace telling you what was wrong
Do experiments in small scale when possible. You can reduce the step count to 100 and bump up LR 10-20 times, it's enough to see the effect of what you're testing in like 3 minutes and compare. Train on a few images or even just one if you're changing stuff about the dataset, it's easier to see the effect of your change and you don't have to edit them all.
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Don't they do this like every other week at this point? Has there been any actual breakthroughs in these lawsuits? Do they even win any of these?




Please at least don't pollute /e/ with your shit, they deserve better.
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Playing around with some Tsuyu gens, let me know if there's something you'd like me to try.
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Damn, ebara is really good.
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She's ready.
Yeah it's really easy to use, seems to undo much of my lora's jank and pushes everything towards one anime style. But it's not as versatile as autismmix is with styles, and it doesn't have reweik's backgrounds.
I made a fork when he gave the "lol I'm ruining forge" announcement and it's not changed from the main branch, so unless dev has and you're using dev it updating right now shouldn't matter
Confetti because it looks the most anime and gives me less acoslop outputs
Search for the lion toml in archives and never use another preset again. You're welcome
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Apparently you cannot prompt a girl with huge tits without the AI giving her a couple more pounds.
Looks normal to me?
Yes, but this character is a bit more slender.

And if I use "slender" I get loli sometimes.
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She looks like she's enjoying it.
I don't mind a little extra plump myself.
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I agree, some chub is fine, but I was testing how to keep her weight while increasing her breast size.
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almost there...
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An anon did an amazing job at this request, but I just have some tweaks i'd like done please.
Mainly just that her hand on the left side should be a similar orientation to the right side with her wrist, hand and fingers in more of an upwards direction.
And the guy's bicep and hips look a bit strange. I think the bicep's a bit too thick and his hips might need thickening or widening?
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Had trouble getting the internal cumshot to show up. Impregnation seemed to work okay though. I have some better "o" faces but the cumshot/impregnation didn't show on them.
Copy the cross section from the other image? Not everything has to be a raw prompt.
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she looks so satisfied.
I could, but I'm about to go to bed. Just having a little fun before I crash for the night. I need to buckle down and learn inpainting. I have a lot of gens that 99% perfect but have a fucked up hand or a small detail throws off the composition. I'll deal with it later though.
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it was probably that specific pose, I'm getting more consistent cumshots with regular vaginal and legs spread.
>I need to buckle down and learn inpainting. I have a lot of gens that 99% perfect but have a fucked up hand or a small detail throws off the composition.
photoshop and upscale via i2i/multidiffusions if you wanna fix stuff that was genned through t2i, learning (E)raser and (B)rush shortcuts will help immensely
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A nice ahego blend.
sure, when time permits (probably never). Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
>they deserve better
Do they? It's back to being forgotten low-effort shitgen board.
anyone use dynamic thresholding? what settings?
This negates some of the burning from using excessive CFG? I'm struggling to imagine a real use case.
omg, better catposter is back!
Sometimes adding different weights to tags completely breaks it and just spits out a mess of pixels. Is there any way around it?
I've seen some users use "BREAK" but where do I put it?
Nice one
Catbox the mess? BREAK is used to split the prompt because old webUI couldn't handle more than 75 tokens at once. These days it's just a gimmick for messing with token emphasis, those that come early or after a break have slightly higher strength.
>spits out a mess of pixels
Set emphasis to "no norm" in settings.
>"BREAK" but where do I put it?
BREAK isn't really necessary. If your prompt is larger than 75 tokens, it will be automatically split in chunks of 75 tokens or less. BREAK is there to split the chunks manually. Some say tags at the beginning of the chunk are stronger so that can be one way to use it, put BREAK and then put tags that you think are important but couldn't fit them at the beginning of the first chunk.
If you use pony score tags, some people do stuff like
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime
BREAK actual prompt
>mess of pixels
if you're on forge - change emphasis to "No Norm"
if you're on a1111 - god bless you
Hell yeah!
>because old webUI couldn't handle more than 75 tokens at once
It's a limitation of the CLIP model not the UI.
Makes one wonder what "yes norm" is actually useful for, and why it's the default.
Thanks, I'll switch over to forge then.
Eh, sure. I remember Comfy not having to deal with breaks ever, maybe they just implemented automatic splitting earlier.
Well if you do stuff like (:1.2) the magnitude of vectors or whatever the fuck represents the tokens in your prompt gets bigger or smaller and the normalization divides it back to be the same strength as before. It turned out to be shitty idea for mathematical reasons but it supposedly helped back in 1.5 days but is bad for sdxl.
>why it's the default
ask a1111, he niggled with emphasis two years ago for some reason, all it does is it doesn't take (1.1) emphasis as is but also tones down other parts of the prompt, and it hit like a boomerang after pony got released
Forge is the one that has the emphasis bug.
If your gen is breaking on a1111 then you must have some ridiculous weight at high cfg.
then why "sd-webui-prevent-artifact" extension that fixed this has "webui" in it instead of "forge"
I use CFG 7 and I have 3 weighted tags, 2 at 1.5 and 1 at 0.8
Is that too much?
Because comfy never implemented promptable breaks so you have to spaghetti two clip text encodes into a conditioning concat to replicate break without an extension.
The concat behavior is the same as webui if you exceed 75 tokens within a single clip text encode.
I gen at 3-4 for anything pony
The lora I use doesn't work well at low cfg.
Forge's default emphasis mode was bugged with sdxl which the extension you cited literally mentions
I gen at 8 and upscale at 4
I'm gonna say that is bad prompting not the CFG, CFG above 4 starts to look fried IMO
Even copying the prompts from the civit page I can't get it to look the same without atleast CFG 6.
I just tried a few tests with original vs no norm in forge and it looked basically identical btw
NTA but i think the no norm doesnt work on forge sometimes. if i send images from image browser to txt2img it says that the image was genned normal emphasis
it definitely made two different images the changes were just really small and neither looked specifically better
It had better results back in 1.5 days. I can fucking bet cumrag had a part in making non-normalized weights perform better for sdxl.
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Tried training another embedding today.
Not only did it not get the concept (front tooth gaps), it creates nightmare fuel at higher weights.
That was a waste of an evening editing training images and painting in gaps.

>inb4 lora
I could, but I don't wanna.
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did a rebake, though it only improves it slightly , anymore steps will probably cause it to burn in the poses/characters

i added it to the mega so let me know what you think
>nice gen, I'll just fix her fingers and I can post
>wait actually the background perspective makes no sense, let me inpaint that
>hold on, the dude's "large penis" is bigger than her whole arm, let's fix that
30 minutes later
>oh, her pose is anatomically impossible and it's too late to change it
I found a new artist and I have never been so quick to gather a dataset in my life. Only got about 78 images though so we'll see how it bakes.
>30 minutes later
Try an hour (or maybe even two dunno) of obsessively inpainting one gen and then realizing that it has some irredeemable anatomy/perspective issue and it's better to throw it away.
you forgot to say who
Didn't want it to sound like an exaggeration but yeah, sometimes. I wonder if real artists have a name for it, not seeing the image objectively while you're working on it.
when using an artist lora or other style do you find going back to pony rather than using merges like autismmix helps?
Alright it's even closer to the style and just hits the spot, now I think it's a pretty good bake, excellent work anon thank you
Looking forward for your next style bakes
You are a real artist, anon. Don't let anyone tell you else
The opposite, usually I find that ebara or reweik work better. They already have an anime-adjacent baseline style, and they do not rely on score tags much, which removes even more /aco/ bias. Unless you're going for a mixed style, or using Pony innate artists along with your lora.
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if you want the style to come out at its highest strength then you can move to base pony,

pony has amazing prompt comprehension but that comes at cost of making any tag very strong including score/soucre stuff
so make sure your tags on autism are correct first for example only use these score tags in your positives "score_9, score_7_up, " and don't use any source_whatever in either your postives or negatives

and leave your negatives minimal "greyscale,monocrhome" only

take a look at picrel for an example

you're welcome anon!
increasing the steps from 3000 -> 6000 did the trick
There's not a word for it, but it's a common practice to "take a step back from the easel" every now and again. As you work on something, you kind of go blind to the piece as a whole, and occasionally need to step back from it and view it as an entire piece again. Stepping back meaning either physically (as in actually getting up and looking from a distance), mentally (doing something else to come back with a fresh mind) or temporally (taking a break from it to also come back with a fresh mind).
You'd sometimes hear stories about people who shoot film, where they'll go out and shoot a whole roll, but not develop it until a year later so they can look at it completely objectively. It's the same kind of thing.
can you replicate this but with her hair down?
>50k+ views on pixiv ai posts
okay I underestimated how much engagement you can still get with ai
The watermark suggests it's from more than 6 months ago.
Didn't mean to reply.
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I did a quick bake to see how it'll turn out for now, the artist is e-note. The way he draws nipples and cleft of venus really stood out to me
There's already a lora in the rentry
Really? Did he go by another name because I did a quick search for 'note' in the rentry and didn't find anything
don't forget to share it
Fuck off freloader
>>hold on, the dude's "large penis" is bigger than her whole arm
don't see a problem with that
you've described 95% of anons ITT
Couldn't find it, looks like he put it up on Civit directly >>7997062
Something about the coloring feels too base AI to me so I think I'll stick to mine for now lol

Sure, it's pretty much just a dataset and with autotag but it seems to do fine enough so I'll upload it after genning some example images
Yeah I went through the other loras and they all look kind of same-y to me, I think he just doesn't know how to gen. Recommends using scores 9 to 7 which kills most of the style already.
>Recommends using scores 9 to 7 which kills most of the style already.
is it even possible to get good gens without those?
Yeah. If a style lora is good enough you can honestly try genning without any quality tags at all. I personally just run with weak quality tags at this point and it's good enough for me. Everybody should also throw score_8_up into the trash because that quality tag alone is a huge part of the Semi-2D style built into Pony.
this is a gateway to sakimichan shitteiru
score_5_up and score_4_up seems to be making gen more weeby but i've never bothered checking it thoroughly
On my experience V1.2 feels less responsive than v1.1 and also seems to have a stronger style bake it which fries my gens a little
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Are (You) (me)? a like how many of my gens came out but they make 0 fucking sense so I don't post that much
here just to confirm, no updates on anyone managing to un-retard SD3 yet, right?
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Yeah I can kind of see what you mean? Seems a bit better without tags

Anyway here's the lora, for a 40 minute job it seems great
its fucking poisoned, un-retarding it is not worth it
I forgot to post the link
fucking hell... so what's next? I'm getting tired of the limitations of sdxl
pony such a great model innit folks?
thats why nai beats it, unironically. base gens on nai are more consistent about coherence overall, plus their inpaint model is just great, but 25 shekels every month is annoying so i stopped paying after 3rd month
Seems to be poisoned, as >>8079046 said but could be fixed with a huge finetune, but good luck finding quite some A100's for that
Anyone finetuned chameleon yet?
what's even the point of releasing a model in that state? If all it can do is standing portraits, sdxl was already good with it
I thought cascade is back
Who knows. Maybe they were insane enough to think that it would be a positive to release a new model, but I don't think I have seen praise for it anywhere.
Because they promised a public release, so they released a shitty lobotomized one. The actual release is their saas which works much better.
does it even run on forge webui?
sorry for the noob question but what's a saas?
>thats why nai beats it, unironically. base gens on nai are more consistent about coherence overall
Totally agree, I can't get pony to do cool poses with swords at all, pony sure is great for porn but fucking sucks at everything else unless you do use some hacks such as controlnet
we don't know
this cascade model https://civitai.com/models/529792 suggests that cascade is workable and Jordach should fuck around with it more in order to make it work because his current tune is ass at best
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>nai does something
>cascade magically becomes good
>you win the lottery and fund something

There's literally nothing else, now that sai is bankrupt and everyone else is allergic to pictures of women in this field.
novelai accounts to try it out
that's a different version of cascade
China catched up on llms, no image gen release from them?
For me it's just backgrounds. NAI's tune, even though the backgrounds are worse than 1.5, just produces way more interesting backgrounds and details than Pony. I've just flat out given up with Pony and backgrounds.
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It's easy enough to test, just grab and existing gen and rerun it with fewer/no score tags. Try source_anime too while you're at it. Here's something I was just messing around with. Left is nothing, right is score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source anime.

They add details, but details you don't necessarily want, or would prefer added in just the upscale step. They fix anatomy, but by moving it towards a single ideal, which actually fucks up chibi, loli and exaggerated styles of all kinds.
Software as a Service
They have an online generator like NAI running the full-sized SD3 model.
Thanks anon!
>I've just flat out given up with Pony and backgrounds.
Fucking same bro, now my /e/ gens have a simple background and my /h/ gen are either on the beach, in bedroom or on the bed with nothing else going on
>anti nai sentiment too strong in /hdg/ so we didnt get any accounts
reweik has alright ones
or you can do the animagine meme, it's as good as old aom for backgrounds
that model is pretty much just base cascade with a sprinkle of nsfw, why do you keep posting about it as if it was impressive at all? even the resonance 3.6B prototype is a better showcase of what a cascade finetune could do
very anti nai
>prompt white background
>open in photoshop
>select subject
>modify selection, contract 2 pixels
>copy and paste on image taken from google image or standalone environment generation
>img2img the whole thing at 0.55 with the prompt edited to mention the background instead of white background

it's gonna slightly change the character but it's a good chance to make it high resolution, like a manual HD fix
>some low quality garbage and samefagging
nai will never be accepted here
ermmmmmm why is it in the OP althougheverbeit?
>why do you keep posting about it
thats was first time though
>as if it was impressive at all?
its more impressive than what Jordach baked atm
you literally are alone here samefagging, haunting this thread every waking moment of your miserable existence schizo
See? you need to use some sort of hack to make pony don't suck on those aspects
Take the extra step and make an inpaint mask out of your selection. Won't change your character beyond a few pixels of the outline...which is usually black anyway.

In both cases tho they'll end up looking like a cardboard cutout, not interacting with the background at all, not even feet on the floor in some cases.
EF+HLL is in the OP and also irrelevant howevernonetheless
Come on guys just ignore the troll, do we have to do this every thread?
my bad then, there's a sperg here who keeps talking about that model like it's the second coming of christ
>its more impressive than what Jordach baked atm
it's better than the current 1B bake because it's a finetune of the 3.6B model but the resonance 3.6B prototype still mogs it hard
It's not a troll, it's a legitimately mentally ill man.
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sometimes pony/pony loras make neat backgrounds and i'm not really sure why. some of the most interesting ones i've ever gotten are the result of a character lora i trained with masked loss and no background descriptions
only a fool would hate nai its only 25 a month for some smeary goodness
Okay, you do have a point meanwhilefurthermoreyet
>Forge is basically abandoned and buggy version of A1111
is this true?
It's a lie. Now can someone tell me the commands to add dora support again?
nai is so great how can you hate the blur you have to be insane
nai is so great that the desperate turk has to advertise it like this >>8079070
25 dollars is nothing for such great blur as nai
let's all pay for nai it costs so little
its just 25 dollars for the smeary blur just sub
If Novelai is so novel how come they been around for years now
its novel as in literature, not as in new, because they've initially been created as an ai dungeon alternative forsenScoots
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My mom could beat up your mom.
25 dollars for blurry smear sounds like a great deal
When will 3.6b Cascade be finished?
just pay for nai its only 25 dollars a month only a fool wouldn't
>all expired
it's over
What the fuck, are NAI devs monitoring those threads ALL the fucking time?
Wouldn't the keys have to come from them in the first place?
No, anon, those accounts look stolen/hacked
Is the real reason why pony is so seethed at is that it gatekeeps VRAMlet turdies from participating?
Nah, I got almost all of them. I don't know why the hacker-anon posts the keys in this place, but I know for sure that the only way retards here are going to use it is to post fried failed gens and troll.
Thanks for posting accounts though, I'll have some fun.
not if the interactive part is included with the character or you inpaint shadows
>Nah, I got almost all of them
What do you mean? You changed passwords?
Yeah. Someone else did too for 3 of them.
Ah. Then they're most likely monitoring logins. If the account is used normally then gets 20 logins from different IPs all of a sudden it's pretty obvious.
kill yourself
No, see above >>8079123
Sure, that's why those vramlet turdies make convoluted vram-hungry refiner workflows and try out different XL models that have literally same hardware requirements.
Next time I'll post them as a proxy I guess.
i'm still fucking amazed nobody made a public proxy without ability to use up anals and just make free gens
even fucktards at /aicg/ are more generous
Well, there's no drama to be had compared to what /aicg/ has, so maybe that's why. Also because:
- NAI keys are very few and are not easy to find
- Spending $25 * 10 accounts or something (to not have suspicious usage) is kinda a lot for giving it away for free
And NAI is a small company unlike Anthropic/OpenAI/AWS so they monitor their shit much closer and actively revoke the free gens on Opus accounts that gen way too much (like 24 hours a day every day)
are there any evidence nai bans accs who publically share?
Just fucking sell them somewhere.
I know I did a shitty thing but last time someone else did this, and the accounts that didn't immediately get their passwords changed were used to troll the thread with dumb shit like "why nai so bad i prompt 1girl anus fuck shills".
There's their own official announcements that they revoke free gens capability if you gen too much (with scripts or by sharing with other people)
surely you don't need all 10, post a couple of them
>Just fucking sell them somewhere.
WHERE???????? Anon I have lots of them, tons with no sub and a little anlas, but there's no true market
that's pretty fucking gay of them if you ask me
There were plenty of free public Opus discord bots in december but they all got revoked later.
Is it? Do you really expect a $25 monthly service to provide unlimited image generation with SDXL models?
looks like a troll to me
The fact that the accounts were mentioned within a few minutes of the tribal war starting is already suspicious.
all nai gens are awful its not troll posts paypigs actually think that jpg artifact blurry mess looks good
Give me +5 karma and I'll make a NAI proxy with https://gitgud.io/khanon/oai-reverse-proxy in a week or two
>I know I did a shitty thing but last time someone else did this, and the accounts that didn't immediately get their passwords changed were used to troll the thread
No need to make excuses by bringing up the actions of a single schizo, you can just say that you want to hoard all the accounts.
At the very least I'd expect a clear definition of how much is too much, and a higher tier that is truly unlimited. This way you don't even know what you're paying for.
sending my prayers
>At the very least I'd expect a clear definition of how much is too much
Something along the lines of a human who sleeps for at least 8 hours, spends most of his daytime on something else and doesn't gen more than ~1000 pics per day.
>This way you don't even know what you're paying for
You do, you're paying for unlimited personal usage (no scripts/sharing), so as long as you're truly the only one using it without any macros/scripts/bots to auto-gen images, they're fine with it.
Thanks for the advice, astralite.
This isn't /aco/ though.
Don't acknowledge the creature.
you could make a black market on civitai to sell them for buzz and then get banned eventually, i think that would be funny
Thanks, I was able to get one of them, now I'm having fun prompting lolis with no long torsos or making them giantess

And no I won't post pics
Seriously, we need a separate thread i get angry when people shit on nai im gonna report all posts that say its bad
Someone could technically make a proxy with a queue and max 16 hours usage every day and no one would get suspicious
The only useful thing would be gifting the schizo an opus sub so he could shut the fuck up already, 25 dollars is actually a huge sum for Indians.
you can ask people to post something they genned locally with a burner email in their post and send it there but thats not ideal i guess, too many ways to fake it too, unless you request very specific gen

i don't use the shared accounts but i think sharing them is a good thing, the other anon is right about some of them falling into the hands of spammers/trolls/retards, but i don't think hoarding them is the way to go
you could also go around some random anime related generals on 4chan and leave some accounts there for waifufags, but then you gotta explain what this even this, in the end it's all a bunch of hassle for no reward, you do you, just throwing out some ideas
But would anyone buy an account that maybe has some anals left over, if they guy's not lying. When they can just buy an actual NAI sub.

The only reason I can think of is anonymity, what you gen gets paired with someone else's credit card information instead of yours. I'm honestly surprised they don't do crypto payments when fucking Nutaku manages it.
>you could also go around some random anime related generals on 4chan and leave some accounts there for waifufags
that's an interesting way to say that /hdg/ waifufags sucks ngl
Hmm, that's an interesting idea. Yeah, I think I'll try that later. Thanks for the suggestion.
too much is basically if ur genning 24/7 - if its obviously being shared between people. You can't really run into this through normal service usage
all accounts have exactly 3000
all accounts have wordNumber password
so all of these accounts were likely idle/randomly mass created and got a free 3k topup due to nai downtime freebies
so what's the meta, mass create new accounts and wait a year wtf
I feel like some of you are really unaware of how much it takes to be rate limited on NAI. I have done loads of artist loras based on artist mixes through V3. My dataset building is usually 50 images done 3 to 4 times with adetailer so each set is about 100 images. The only time I was limited was when I went for around 6 hours straight which would have been 300ish images an hour.
animagine is garbage
those are also credible mail providers so something like cock.li or proton might won't work and you need phone number for gmail if you're thirdworlder
some helpful advice: all local is garbage rn
yeah and nai is even worse not sure why people want that trash
guess we'll wait for chinese finetunes
Do you want to expand on that? I kinda like it as a 6GB style lora, and for 1girling it's better than Pony or anything on 1.5.
>NAI is based on a local model
Owari da
my ideas were more about ways to give them away for free but yea like you said i don't think anyone is gonna buy them normally as you can just buy anals yourself, unless they want some extra layer of anonymity lol or those who want to use crypto

they're just not posting anymore, gotta wait until the new big model to see them return, maybe
petite wives are forbidden and that kills many
nta but even for 1girling arti is better at actually capturing characters and artist styles, although it's a bit harder to wrangle than animagine
>petite wives are forbidden and that kills many
At least we have cathag and miqo gooner, aren't you fucking happy?
Unpopular opinion but Cathag>shutenposter
Yet no one can replicate anything as good so we're still stuck with this godawful ponyslop
hello cathag faggot
>as good
just add a blur filter to your local gens and itll look really similar
Didn't we already tell you to go back to /aco/ where people like your sepia cartoon slop, astrakike
i don't even consider that as waifuposting
It's just that the ones that stayed behind wouldn't work on NAI anyway
whats his problem? its just sort of blurry, and there are a lot of jpg artifacts, and its a bit smeary...
oh dear...
>petite wives are forbidden and that kills many
i fear the day when kagami-chan will enter wanted list, just like kona-kona and rika...
Why are you replying to an actually mentally ill person, are you retarded yourself, seriously?
Didn't you hear? This thread isn't for posting gens anymore it's for arguing with retarded spammers
stupid retards I cummed into your mothers
>This thread isn't for posting gens anymore
It really isn't. You can still have discussion here without acknowledging schizophrenics.
>implying its multiple people defending nai until they piss their pants
its literally one schizo
Can we go back to posting naked anime girls please
I never stopped, just not posting them here.
Is there some trick to get DDIM to not shit itself when using regoonal prompter?
yeah, stop using ddim
>train LoRA overnight
>it only gens completely blank images
>this one doesnt need a trigger word
Style LoRAs should NEVER require a trigger word... Calling the LoRA itself should be more than enough. What else would you use the LoRA for?
It only makes sense if it's a character LoRA for multiple characters, or maybe a style LoRA for multiple styles, but that's just dumb.
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Fine I guess Miqo should work, even if the same tags will give a her a different look on NAI. I can't tell if cathag is just Kali with lipstick or if there's more to it. But there's the guy with the chest jewel...elf? I think she's from Xenoblade. But with like zero images from what he said, so she wouldn't work. Are any others still around?

The Shuten and Konata guys wouldn't have any trouble on NAI, but I haven't seem them in a while.
nta but I'm starting to suspect that styles on Pony might work a lot better with a trigger word. And I hate to say this because I have a folder of shame for loras that need one, and barely ever use them due to the hassle. but I've noticed they're all very strong, Asanagi and Rustle from way back in pony release, and now jetpuri, zumi, etc. And they seem to ignore score tags to some degree. usukeninja can even punch through a 3D neg and deliver its intended style.
Soon we'll revert back to tagless training
you can make a lora with 0 tags and it works """""ok"""""

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But this is okay though, no? They didn't say that they will censor NSFW.
>no pedophilia
>primed to make loras for
the future is looking bright
Pedophiles should kill themselves.
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Well yeah
average r*dditor thinks that cunny = cheese pizza, its DOA unless some astracookie-tier degenerate bakes another non-fluke tune (and it won't be good at cunny either because we'll be dealing with another astracookie of a person)
Sounds no different from Pony v6 really, other than missing asurauser and those few hashed artists we managed to dig out. Both art styles and lolis will need a lora. The first point is about celebs and deepfakes which only a subset of /aco/ cares about.

They do mention some form of style control without referring to specific artists, which would be very nice if they manage to do it (and then we put artists back in). Right now even simple tags like "perspective" or "scenery" don't work well, much less "no outline", "cel shading", "sepia", etc.
>haven't seem them in a while.
>unconsented artist names
what a retarded phrase. DOA.
oh, right
It's more about who is involved with the project that makes it DOA.
the best part is they threw out LAION
you will never achieve even 1/10 of what they did thou
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>744 / 135
Does anybody here even post images that aren't reddit and discord screencaps?

Don't worry anon, I sub to NAI so I don't really care either way.
Would rather have no images at all.
hard to post images if some dumb janny will do whatever mental gymnastics they need to to justify giving a vacation despite any sane person being able to recognize the subject as being as "of legal age" as you can get for a chinese cartoon themed caricature.
just go to the /aco/ thread fucks sake
also the "shota" proportions are completely fucked
just slap "large breasts" on t2i and catbox worked out i2i gen
what's the proper pony tag for really cocklusty glazed over unfocused horny eyes?
train a lora
Here is an Ogin Bara LORA I baked months ago but never shared, why? I dunno because I'm gay and forgot about it.
doesn't actually work, janny doesn't give a fuck.
If the tits aren't comically, backbreakingly large you still risk getting vacationed.
I'm talking from experience.
Some mix of torogao and naughty face, it'll never work. Best to just inpaint the eyes.
"bedroom eyes" & "seductive gaze" maybe
Bedroom eyes and heavy breathing is my go to.
This looks like default ebara. Did you forget to enable the lora, or trained an activation tag? The shading is completely different. https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5574860
It's very likely that janny removing any non-hag gens for """loli""" is just a case of anti-ai faggot using that as an excuse, he simply wants to ruin the thread, which he succeeded at. This bullshit doesn't happen to the rest of this board.
no, you can see the fried eyes, lora's working
im slapping [small|medium] breasts on wife and it just werks, only vacations i had (so far) is ZACked and footjob duo w/ kona-kona
>LAION already bailing on the "Open Model Initiative" and Astralite getting involved in their place
I love watching a trainwreck in motion
yeah I think some combination of all your suggestions might be the best it can do, probably would need a lora to get that glazed over look because something like "blank eyes" ruins it
You can become a productive member of society for 3 days, then come back to post another one.
if you wanna post toddlercon just link a catbox why are pedos so dumb?
Yeah I think I remember why I didnt share it and its because I was going to rebake it, either way fuck it, yeah just consider it a v1. The dataset is all over the place so I need to sit down and organize it and revise the settings.
LAION got thrown out because they were the most for-censorship and everyone hated them being in. Go look at the initial reddit post.
Now explain how they're going to get a decent dataset without LAION involved. It's DOA
I can gather a better foundational dataset than laion by sending them a zipfile of my meme folder
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>The dataset is 300+ images
yeah nvm, just use that one for now and I'll cull some images and rebake at higher steps. I think that one is like 1500 steps or something pathetic.
I genned konata as an office hag and it was fine
probably just luck on your part.
I've gotten too many retarded bans at this point.
Even with obvious and self-censoring pubic hair, if the breasts are just "too small?" Well, that's a vacation.
laion hasnt made a useful dataset in years, and their 5b remains taken down. they are effectively useless and the guy in charge keeps trying to make useless crap like an 'emotional voice classifier' where he asked people to record themselves reading text while making dramatic expressions. or the dall-e dataset where they just took a bunch of shitty dall-e outputs and captioned them with the input prompt, regardless of how inaccurate it was. they're ultimately fodder and haven't done anything helpful since they initial dataset over 2 years ago.
>Please don't profit for free off our hard working artists & producers like slaves only we're allowed to do that UwU

No, I don't think I will.
their goal is to bankrupt people with bullying tactics, it means no small start ups can exist
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kek, how could they possibly fail with brave JEETs like this contributing?
what's the difference between kohya locon and lycoris locon?
Aren't you tired of samefagging?
Why does r*ddit love the ponyfucker so much?
its the only nsfw model
yeah but why do they suck his cock so much?
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to the retarded jeet mind imagegen looks like literal magic, so astralite must look like a deity to them
I'm surprised not more people on plebbit think about this

I suppose the sub is just filled with midwits
is he talking about MLP?
Bro im hispanic and even I know how this shit works, everyone on that part of the Earth is just a street shitting retard and probably thinks its some hindu magic that astratroon possesses that makes it possible.

Yes, during the 2010's (when MLP was at its peak popularity) bronies were 34ing images of the horses getting fucked and shit like that, its a show for little girls bro.
yep it belongs here
retard posted pictures in this shithole
>people on plebbit
good shit, have a (You)
>Our stance is that training is a fair use activity, and that removing the names of individuals & artists from captions (therefore preventing for isolated prompting of an individual or artist) while retaining the content itself provides a substantial ethical improvement, without inhibiting the capabilities of the model.
yeah its DOA
nice boobs
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Breasts too big got me a warning.

100 post gap withjout an image flaming. All will remain unbanned. Actual content posters if the content is even slightly not /h/ ban.
so you look at this jaggy piece of /aco/ trash and think yeah i should upload this
i think you got banned for mini girl which is considered /d/ but actually giant boobs may be /d/ too so who fucking knows, jannies are retarded eitherway
just add "milf, narrowed eyes, curvy" into decoy post
why dont you use nai instead of using this ugly local shit its only 25 dollars
we should all sub and pay anlas for upscaling
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uh oh nai sissy melty
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If your dataset is 99% nude images, you're gonna get fucked either way, activation tags for a character itself is retarded
How to reliably gen girls holding back their bangs? Something like this https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4350314?q=hair_slicked_back+hand_on_own_head+

hair_slicked_back, forehead. hand_on_own_head doesn't work
activation for characters helps immensely
stop spreading disinfo
>activation tags for a character itself is retarded
did you know that character name is an activation tag by design?
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uh oh naigger melty...
It does not, stop coping.
If you're using a LoRA for a specific character, you should not need to specify the character yourself, unless it's a multi char LoRA.
Now having activation tag for a STYLE, that's 10 times more retarded
thread is either being spammed or full of low effort nai posts
This is garbage for so many reasons. Never post again.
Base catboxes pls
Futa is /d/ but I'm not complaining and would love to see more
why post here instead of /aco/
want to post here sub to nai, its cheap
Post XY
>If you're using a LoRA for a specific character, you should not need to specify the character yourself
so how should I invoke character? "1girl" and describing character's features? why though?
fellow nai-sissies just got word from the higher ups at novel ai they said to tone down the seethe in our posts so it looks more believable
Is this thread now just this retard samefagging? I'd rather have the groidspammer back.
That would not change based on whether LoRA uses activation tag for the character or not. Using a LoRA by itself should prompt the character.
You do it faggot
Your ass is a samefag
I'm asking for the boxes for real, any problem with that?
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activation tokens aren't real
no everybody wants his shitty /aco/ gens trust me they're so good
not anyone thats been in the discussion so far and I have only baked a lora on a single person (with a couple dozen iterations now).

With an activation tag I can make it work better with multiple actors. With no activation tag it likes to make every actor the character.
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Sounds like you just have a skill issue
but the blur certainly is
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people who say nai is good are more believable than this dumb fag
all chara loras i've got from here has character name in it how it would be tagged on boorus and they're working good
can you provide any good character lora without character's name in tags?
now gen her sexing a shota
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i keep character names in my loras and they'll frequently create the character without them
kys pedo
Says guy unable to make multiple characters be different without activation tag. Ever heard of regional prompter? How new are you?
Go find LoRAs yourself, I'm not your slave.
The fictional drawings appreciate you defending them :^)
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I always hate doing angles like this because it does look like that. But it's not supposed to be.
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>I always hate doing angles like this because it does look like that. But it's not supposed to be.
Did you forget to add male and pov to prompt?
>talks nonsense out of ass
>refuses to back up nonsense with proof
seems like even nochekaiser slop works better than character loras without character names in it
Oh, I forgot to mention that it's one of the things I saw. Thank you very much for telling me this, though. I hope others test it out.
dont use lion anyone who tells you to is trolling
use adam or prodigy
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I should. That one was more of a floating out of frame one to start with.
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Booba too big.
What's that style? Swear I've seen it somewhere but can't remember the name
>samefags and /aco/
the absolute state of this thread
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Furina big booba is a sin but sadly it's the only way to not get b& in this crap
Pedos seething when they have to look at the embodiment of female charm
at least make her sex a shota
Isn't she a minor? Yikes.
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Thanks! The style is really bad and I love it.
all of my wives are minors
except one I guess
yet most of them are from shows that are old enough to drink. curious.
i know youre from /b/ retard
return to that shithole and never come back
What the fuck caused the meltdown this time? Hacked accounts?
sounds like you need to go back there as well
Are you trying to imply it's more nostalgia than pedophilia
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it's very easy to not be banned
I got banned for telling someone who posted l*li to go to b so....
who is this again?

I thought she was an adult in-universe, being an opera actress and all that
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It's Controlnet and Inpaint
inpaint and a bit if /aco/
Based, thanks
i see
>chest jewel...elf
everyone has their own level of autism, some are satisfied with a relatively vague reproduction, some will bake the same lora quadrillion times for perfect 100% authentic reproduction

i feel like it's just a matter of time until most websites start putting "i consent to everything i upload be available for ai training" into their terms of service, it's all more money for them, they're already selling all the data they can

i wanna see artists draw images tailored specifically for ai training and sell their own datasets
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Sorry, somehow I couldn't recall any details about her.

>bake the same lora quadrillion times
For me the hardest step will be moving from official art to making my own images. I'm guessing you got over that hurdle ages ago?
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nia from xc3
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>Finally someone points it out
Surprised it took this long. I kind of like the style because it produces nice shapes but it's a bit too sketchy so I'm back to searching for a nicer style.
>Ever heard of regional prompter?
The one that applies loras to every region in attention mode and completely shits itself in latent?
Sounds like more skill issue on your part
Ah. So she does have plenty of images, but you're trying to make the lora more reliable. I saw those 3D images you showed and completely misunderstood.
Question, is this artist even trainable https://twitter.com/kira_boshi27
cuz all I can see is lots of text, speech bubbles and onomatopoeia
You replied to the thread spammer btw but this thread has so many unironic /aco/ gens that people don't even really bother now.
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Tips for NovelAI AnimeV3 tagging? Seems like using 3D and photo (medium) helps with consistency, maybe even nendoroid. I used them together with artist tags and it works well.
You can edit or inpaint them out, or only pick the textless images. And some text is fine, just forces you to use text, speech bubble in negs when using the lora. If the dataset's completely full of it, or it's not properly tagged and recognized by the model then they might get baked in.
>No tongue in anus cross-section lora
>Don't wanna bake cause my room is already hot
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Can anyone help me ID the artist/style here? Signature looks like LUINN or LUIHN or something but none of those turn up results on CivitAI.

Unfortunately I don't have the metadata (cropped from a bigger style comparison). I know it was made with a Pony LoRA but that's it.
if you mean nia then yeah there's a decent enough number.
i started looking into training 3d models because of na'el though. one of the first bits of fan art for her got a few of the details of her character design wrong and basically every piece drawn after that has referenced existing, off model art instead of her actual model. so while she also has a decent amount of fan art almost none of it is usable for actually recreating the character accurately.
nia sort of does have a similar issue though since she has fucked up legs but that's kind of hot afaik no fan art really captures it
might be too /aco/ for this board to recognize
iFag spotted, kys faggot
Something that /aco/ might now? Whwre the fuck are you retards coming from?
>two sets of ears
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does a degeratepai/degs lora exist for pony? I know there was one for 1.5
i cant even get face sitting to work properly let alone facesitting+something else
if you ever genned anything with small_breasts you're a sicko, a menace to society, and you will be sentenced and imprisoned
if you deleted the image but saved the infotext, this is still incriminating evidence
yeah i was not really a fan of the bkm style for your pics but the fact that it was already baked in means better compability, I couldnt get the same with a style lora for some of the pictures you posted
god damn im getting ultrababo tho
also where is that modeus from?
Uhhh based
I cant help that plana is so fucking sexy
Hi jannie
based that's why I prompt flat chest
ran out of space on her head
What can i say, artists likes to draw huge honkers on small breasted characters and i prefer to stick as close to the original as possible.
it's controlnet
you still taking style requests?
yeah kinda figured, still wouldnt mind a catbox tho
Dual controlnet with anytest and canny
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The guy also ended up red somehow
Prompt regionally.
Become proficient.
Oh wait, you can't lmao.
>Oh wait, you can't lmao.
You can, it's just not as easy.
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Did you put "urethra" in the prompt, or did the model add it by itself?
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Soft tiles...
have fun with your thousand node solution for something that's intuitive to do in the webui!
me on the left
Thanks, I have no idea how to do that tho
Yeah I'm getting that sense. I'll try over there.
what are you trying to prove?
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great pose. what'd you prompt for it?
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i sure am, i already baked everything i want to bake atm, and i feel like my gpus is wasted if i don't do anything with it.

if you can provide a dataset i can get it done for you in the next 1-2 hours, if not then in the next 1-2 days
You activate one controlnet and then a second one?
dont have a dataset so take however long you'd like, here's my request
one anon was going to bake it but went MIA a couple weeks ago
I mean, i haven't used webui since pony became a thing, but that sure as hell wasn't my experience back then.
forge couple makes it ridiculously easy
western artists, but degeneratepai, jadony, and harsh-mallowz are a few I love that I haven't seen a lora for. do you do them for pony specifically or is it xl in general?
I'll take your word for it, if Comfy ever fucks up beyond repair i might have a look, i prefer to only have one installation at a time to reduce any risk of shit breaking.
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Arguably easier. You get a separate textbox for each area, instead of having to ADDCOL ADDROW. And you can draw masks yourself in any shape you wants. Does Forge let you keep the regional prompts and areas when inpainting? That one is kind of a pain.

>pov, anal, looking back, penis, standing sex, high heels
By adding the shoes I was actually hoping for...not even sure what it's called, standing doggystyle? In pov. But that never works, this was a nice surprise and seems to be reliable.
my brother in christ 50% of my loras are aco material, and yeah they're all for pony, no idea why anyone would train with base SDXL

both artist seem fine enough but I hate how different their art styles are from piece to piece, its why i prefer people to give datasets so i know what style they want but them both a shot
It's "bodyguard position" apparently
Artists really don't like those kinds of pov shots https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7014352
>Arguably easier.
I mean, yeah, that was my original thought, but i started wondering if it was really that easy so i became unsure.
I know there are regional nodes but i'm not entirely sure how they work, i might have to really look into that at some point.
Henlo, requesting this one
Linking also his X acc cuz his booru is almost empty but his other links doesn't
>might have to really look into that at some point
Nah just take this and go from there https://litter.catbox.moe/m2yq3w.png
Isn't that just FakeFace
those horse scenes look like the same style
Thanks, seems pretty straightforward.
Forge broke without me doing anything to it? Just hit the run.bat and it started crying about jax and then told me to kill myself.

Any of you fags use swarm? How is it?
just the model/lora
There is a fix a few threads back
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theres a fix for it. Swarm sucks.
Not looking to fix a dead repo. The only critical thing I'll lose is re-light but someone will remake it if they haven't already.
Have you actually used swarm? If so what sucked about it. Been playing with sdnext and fooocus.
Swarm is the worst aspects of comfy and the webui combined
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>By adding the shoes I was actually hoping for...not even sure what it's called, standing doggystyle? In pov. But that never works, this was a nice surprise and seems to be reliable.
Did you actually want them to be standing up, or are you talking about reverse cowgirl?
Nope they're not the same, just checked
But now that you mention him... Would be nice to have a lora of him too
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rip r/hdg/
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>post on /hdg/
>get no replies
>post on pixiv
>get 100 likes and 200 followers in a day
>no schizobabble to scroll past
really makes you think why these threads are dying
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Well yeah, most good posters moved to twitter circles and discord where they don't have to deal with promptbegging jeets.
which one is your post?

nice post moar plz
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pixiv is also filled with bots
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likes and followers will make you happy temporarily after a while you only get happy when you get a comments and then nothing make you happy anymore and you just post out of habit
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And it doesn't have to be porn either. Just make something people would like and people will follow.
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You must be fairly young and well to do. I have never seen someone be so nihilistic about fucking porn.
After some testing lion does seem weaker than adam, although it seems significantly faster to train, or at least the presets I tried did. I can't say I'm happy with it, so I'll try prodigy next I suppose.
Im nihilistic about social media thats why its better to post your stuff into the void here that way you only do what you want to do
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Bro, I literally scrapped together the long abandoned site of a japanese man who died 20 years ago and keep it online. There is not "posting into the void", unless they are only in your drive.
>Bro, I literally scrapped together the long abandoned site of a japanese man who died 20 years ago and keep it online
based immortalizer data hoarder chad
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How do I prompt for multiple characters? im very good at prompting 1girl, but how do I prompt so Asuna has the blue bunny suit and Karin the black one? same goes for pantyhoses, Asuna wears a pantyhose while Karin wears fishnets, using Autism Pony.
forge couple
conditioning masks
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Im on auto1111, is it forge exclusive?
isnt that an img2img feature? I was hoping for a way to txt2img this, sometimes it gets it right by itself but trying to make it more consistent
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regional prompting is good and should be on A1111
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I've been posting Furina for the past few weeks. What can I do to improve? Which ones do you like the most? I've been trying to do Hutao and Furina for a few days now and It's slowly getting there but more problems crop up and the harder they are to solve the more knee-deep in LORAs I go. Furina has a specific eye look that needs a LORA but the problem is that the LORA mask on the face is obvious when using dramatic lighting and shadow on the rest of the body. I use Adetailer to apply the eye lora. What am I doing wrong? Also how can I get the eye lora to apply to just one set of eyes? Is there a better method? Example:
still more of a void than pixiv
you can use [SEP] and multiple prompts with adetailer but which face the prompt is applied to is still a crapshoot. and i haven't run into lighting differences, are you using one lora for the character and a different one for the face?
the furina eye lora is a piece of shit that fuck up the style
if you dont want the eye to be on both character you need to gen twice with and without and mash the pictures together
>[SEP] and multiple prompts with adetailer but which face the prompt is applied to is still a crapshoot.
anon you need to also set adetailer to do left to right.
>conditioning masks
Is this from an extension?
What do you guys think is the minimum number of images you need to train a good style lora? I know that's a vague question and it depends on a ton of factors, so let me try to be a bit more precise:
Let's say I have a dataset with 50 images that are accurate and high quality representatives of an artist's style, and I could add another 50 images that are either less representative of the style or of lower quality. Would you guys in general prefer to bake with the smaller or the larger dataset? Would you normally expect a bake from the smaller dataset to be better at capturing the artist's style and a bake from the larger one to be more flexible for prompting and for interacting with other loras?
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I tried but the adetailer is using a face detector, thus the hair strands etc get altered as well
character lora and eye lora are separate, with the eye lora applied via adetailer face_yolov8n.pt an a short prompt with the lora and trigger.
combine them then, using two different loras is probably what's giving you issues. i haven't had any issue with adetailer lighting looking weird when using the same character lora for the main prompt and adetailer
Depends a bit on the style itself, how actually "good" or not the dataset is and how much work you want to put into stuff.
You can get usable lora's out of 32 images. You can get pretty decently good style lora's out of 40 something if the dataset works well enough for it. If you really want to put in effort you can get workable stuff out of 16 images so long as you have multiple artists in the lora(this allows other artists datasets to fluff out the regularization).
60+ is generally considered fairly solid territory though.
someday i'll stop adding 'half-closed eyes, smug, naughty face' to EVERY prompt. but today won't be that day.
Thanks for the answer! I hadn't considered the possibility of using multiple artists when training with low image counts for regularization purposes, I'll give that a try at some point.
Keep in mind it inflates training time and not in a particularly linear fashion. It'll take less time to train per artist compared to training them individually but you still need to increase step count per artist.
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worked perfectly, thanks
Edgerunners is an anime
Did not like the downer ending though.
>do /h/ gen
>man I should be doing something cute instead of this degeneration
>do sfw gen
>man I'm a fucking retard, why I'm not doing porn with her??
Why I am like this bros
Just run wildcard gambit overnight and come back to shit gens you dread cleaning and just keep the 90% cleanup ones and never get back to doing anything with them.
Wow, you anons have outdone yourselves! Not a single good image for weeks on end?
Pathetic. No longer the central English-speaking ai board, huh? Leading the imagegen my ass, more like getting left in the dust by every other place.
Hell, /b/ is full of lowest effort pedophiles that don't know what inpaint is yet they manage to produce 1 or 2 interesting images a day. That's not low enough though, /vtai/ does better. Seriously.
Fine, I guess >>8079488 showcases some technical ability, but it's so obviously pony in a bad way (the famous ai-generated aura emanating strongly) that even this one feels kinda gross to save. Don't get me wrong though, the few nai posters are even more creatively bankrupt and boring. Just how much can one repost the same image with a slightly different girl??
What a broken general. To think of the not-so-distant past glory...
is milk machine allowed here
>no gen
but also
>no examples from the other boards
somehow the least believable part of that bait is that there's anything at all of worth in that jeet shitting street known as /vtai/
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I have seen lactation be given a free pass. However, inhumanely grotesque bloated breasts and body modification I have seen get banned on /h/.
>mfw most of the comments are shitting on the slop merchants
I would post, but most of the shit I have been making is pretty much /c/ or barely /e/ related. Why would people here want to see it?

share any quality content through any means
just add a random penis bro and it's good. maybe a spot of cum in the drink. la de dah. nice gen by the way, that's a nice one
Something saved from /b/ in the last couple of days. Excluding where the kids are on the younger side to upkeep the moral integrity of this place.
WARNING! High effort: https://files.catbox.moe/io48un.jpg
This guy is posting here as well I guess: https://files.catbox.moe/e6djnj.png
This pair is just funny: https://files.catbox.moe/dcdv79.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/o53aa0.jpg
>High effort:
>hairband switches color three times between three shots
idk man, you either go ballsdeep into "high effort" or post raw t2i without any photoshop
Yeah, those are great gens with good styles but, do you actually find those interesting?
Your idea of "high effort" is photoshop compositing?
I mean. Yeah, technically it's higher effort than most people bother with but that shit isn't really impressive. Just autistic.
Preach, brother! What could me more interesting than some more CATTO. Post more CATTO for the glory of /hdg/!!
we successfully took the bait
good job /hdg/
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Porn needs more enthusiastic women.
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>he actually likes images here enough to think it's /bait/
Ah well this happens sometimes. Doctors drop a newborn baby head first on the floor and it just grows up like this..........
If taking the time to edit is not considered high effort, can anything done with AI really be considered high effort at all then? What is even worthy of being considered effort in your skewed view of the world, you fucking contrarian?
>he actually likes images here
never stated it, stop hallucinating
baities always resort to the good ol' strawman anonny
So then it's genuine post describing the state of things. Well it can be that and bait at the same time, but there's no shame responding to a post if it has merit.
It's film grained to literal fuck in a bad attempt at hiding imperfections.
Clothing is melting into other pieces of clothing. Features are fucked. They spent more time doing garbage shit to make things less noticeable than they spent actually trying to FIX anything.
The autistic part is that the compositing isn't hard. It's actually incredibly fucking easy. A grade schooler with minimal teaching could do it. It's only effort in the most technical sense, hence the "just autistic" line - because if all you're doing is poorly constructing a scene and doing the lowest bar shit to try and hide imperfections rather than just fixing them it's not effort. It's autism. There's a difference.
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I mean sure, I don't like neither of the cat posters styles tbqh but I wouldn't say they are bad perce, sure you are seeing it more often because the thread is fucking dead right now but my niggas dindu nuffin, you can always, you know, post your gens to try to improve the thread
shitposters and j*nnies ensured I will never post pictures here again. Most effort posters have fled to greener pastures either on 4chan or otherwise.
there are no greener pastures
12 fingered fox... the /hdg/ special
pixiv is the only place prolly, trooncord is allergic to S-tier wives and i ain't posting anything on /b/, that place is vile
I don't have inpaint in this workspace,so it is what it is
okay then, let us commence
>first catbox has 4 toes on each foot
>2nd one, melted eyes and hands
>3rd and 4th are fair and high effort
>5th is nai and /aco/ garbage
>6th is actually nice, but usual 1girl standing
>7th, 8th and 9th are just slop with crappy upscale
>10th looks very detailed, is nice
nice cherrypicking, idiot.
you could only be able to showcase 4 pics out of 10 that are actually good. youre a failure and you should kill yourself. im not even gonna go into details at how /b/ is the biggest pile of dogshit ive ever seen in my entire life, constantly being ruined with nigger3dpdgayzootrannyfurry garbage. this is coming from a person that likes cunny and tried to visit that place a couple times. yes this thread is dead but we at least try to post inpainted pics with actual 5 fingers and use adetailer for eyes instead of the copious amount of pathetic samefagging troons that are in /b/. scum only posting ultra low effort garbage it makes me sick, just for the sake of getting a (you). also, if you actually thought that the rest of the 4 pics you showcased here are even interesting, then youre just too used to lazy low effort garbage and your brain is convincing itself that what your eyes are witnessing is not aislop. theres plenty of high effort posters here (maybe all gone into a deep slumber, waiting for a better model) and even if the thread is dead, we do not need ugly garbage like what /b/ can offer. puré cancer. why do you think we all say that pony is garbage? because pretty much all of the people here actually putting effort into things have just felt the walls of this poor, disgusting joke of a model, with a fucked up text encoder and an unet even more melted that the only way to kinda unfuck was doing mixes. return to the pit where you came from and do never even dare to come back here.
>wall of text
not reading allat fr fr :skull: :100:
tl dr version: /b/ fan dude is an idiot with half a braincell and should jump off a bridge
Wait there's at least one thing missing...
>coming from a person that likes cunny
Oh, just a long ass request then. /b/ cunny:
This one is /e/ actually but it got deleted immediately, so I guess next time he'll be posting on /b/:
Fuck you!! only others need to improve. I am of course the image of perfection
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What was the name of the forgeUI thing that lets you prompt multiple separate models? I swear it was called multiforge or something.
you mean refinery?
so hdg doesn't enough cunny is the only thing I am getting from this kek
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Sorry, I meant figures, not models, like you could ask for two separate characters with different traits and it would actually spit them out correctly.
forge couple
finally some decent ones. sad to know half of them are nai. really tells a lot about pony being the biggest dogshit. still, my point is that /b/ is well known for being 99% ugly ass garbage and 1% nice stuff, contrary to what you can witness here in /hdg/. i can already tell that all those catboxes you posted were saved from lurking constantly the threads, which already tells a lot about how shit that place is. /d/ is just about 75% similar to /b/ in terms of being garbage and /e/ is dead and has been like that for a long time.
Well... not really, I don't like those posts. Personally I prefer tall slender girls (literal lanklets), but yeah, they are banned from /hdg/ together with cunny.
Short toddler-like cunny that /b/ loves so much is too degenerate.
>Short toddler-like cunny that /b/ loves so much is too degenerate.
its the most based one wdym
I'm in this thread to access and share information, but I will NEVER share intimate images of mai waifu
share clothed waifu then (catboxed)
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Thank you, anon!
wtf, /b/ likes basically disguised cheese pizza its not even appealing, they often like to make things look kinda realistic and that is the most fucked up thing, even worse ignoring the fact that they just all dump hundreds of sameprompt lazy low effort garbage
people have been treating this place as text-only for months already
the community's still kinda there, discussions happen, but only newfags and catfaggots would post gens here now
jannies and shitposters made sure to remove any incentive for people to effort post here
I immediately knew exactly what you liked, bro. But you are wrong that the cunny posts are superior to the other /b/ catboxes. It's just your preference clouding your judgment. The cunny ones have even more imperfections.
you are not allowed access to her bro sorry
you can tell which ones are nai by the extreme blur and jpg artifacts
only a retard would pay 25 a month for that trash
just kill the metadata idiot
>extreme blur and jpg artifacts
actually it's butter and grease smeared across the image
even i share kagami-chan desu...
The other reply wasn't me, but sorry I can't. I feel protective over her, you know.
Also I'm training right now and the VRAM is barely holding on as it is.
>It's just your preference clouding your judgment.
>The cunny ones have even more imperfections.
i saw in almost all of them at least good hands and composition but yes could be.
idk what to gen bros
spoonfeed me ideas
I'm stuck in the endless training loop and most of anything I do at this point is largely test prompt stuff and/or older, slightly reworked prompts that I'll end up upscaling and cleaning just to stay in practice. A chunk of which also isn't /h/.

Handstand while anal sex>>8080054
i knew whose post its going to be from the first 5 words kek
Foreshortening with spitroast
>cowgirl position,pov,torogao
it doesnt get better than this
Both standing, yes
you shouldn't, no one wants to see this ugly /aco/ slop
If you actually care about the pic do a regular inpaint for the eyes only. Not like adetailer does anything special, just marks the area for you and then inpaints the same way.
good bait but im checking reweik + 4th tail lyco extract rn sorry
Extremely based marital seggs
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I'm trying to train a lora locally of about 500 images using the kohya-ss scripts, but during the bucketing phase it gets stuck on an image: "OSError: unrecognized data stream contents when reading image file". I converted all images to JPGs and tried again. The bucketing continued. But then it got stuck on a different image after a while.
I did a sanity check and grabbed ten random images from the set and did the training on that, it worked completely fine. So I have this folder of 500 images and some of them don't want to be tbucketed. I have converted ALL images in the folder to JPG using the same tool (imagemagick). So, is there a way to actually see which image is messing it up? I'm okay with just removing the offending images, but the problem is I don't even know which one of the 500 it could be.
flat hags
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Tell me about it. Autism is a harsh mistress.
Disable compression and encryption on the folder (if on Windows)
in properties-general-advanced
I neglected to mention this but here are my specs:
OS: Nobara Linux
GPU: Nvidia RTX 3060 12GB

No special properties on the folder or files. I'm using the btrfs file system (the default for Nobara iirc).

If there's a tool I could just plug all my images into, and it automatically converts + makes sure they can be bucketed, that would be great. I'm searching for something like that but coming up dry. If I do work this out I'll make a script myself and share it, because this is an annoying problem to face.
Do you have a screenshot of the error?
I'm not convinced it's the images themselves, jpeg conversion should've either crashed or removed all issues that I can think of.
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I don't know... but I did try a stupid thing. I uploaded the training images to train a lora on civitai and then downloaded the training set back. Running local training on the local set works fine. I wonder if it's just aplain old corrupted file made by imagemagick itself?
Try disabling cache latents to disk.
Also I'd reinstall pillow just in case.
You could add a debug statement to before the load_image on 2352, see which image is causing it
>they often like to make things look kinda realistic and that is the most fucked up thing
OMG the horror!!
>continues to post old hag with breast size of heads, blacked slop

I'm late to the party did we laugh at this yet? Plebbit is destroying them and throwing in some good jabs against Astra. How is the Cascade project the only one that hasn't cucked to censorship?
Unfortunately no difference.
I haven't messed around with Python virtual environments before (kohya-ss automatically installs it for you), so I'll need to look into how to do that.
I'll try that next.
Thanks for the help, for context I've already tried a few different things with the set itself like renaming every file to avoid unicode errors, stripping metadata and the whole conversion thing. Felt like I had run out of options but now I have something to try.
i don't really feel anything from getting likes on pixiv. sharing pictures and discussing stuff here back when threads weren't shit was the best imagegen experience for me.
Wait til cascade guys post on reddit and reddit will cry about CSAM and rape.
Almost as if reddit was more than one person
Is it really that bad? We're slower now but still talk about genning and baking, I thought this was a pretty comfy thread.
it is. slow is fine.
thread where you get banned for anything that isn't balloon tits and the most likely (you) you might get is from the shitposter isn't.
as you said, it's fine for talking though.
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>get banned for anything that isn't balloon tits
>hag lips
Hey, that's cheating! No way she's under 30.
But yeah, no way to know the extent of jannies hate of small breasts without testing.
>random post deletions
>random thread deletions
comfy indeed
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Gonzo is itt, Disgaea and Trillion are from Civitai.

Comfybros is there some way to include lora hashes in the metadata?
genuinely peak performance
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Somehow I am tempted to inpaint her face into an exhibitionist
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It's melting all over the place but it's still one of the sexiest images here (because NAI of course!)
Hey bro how's it going, looking forward to a happy and productive weekday?
Hi, "bro", sure, always love triggering you!
NAI - youth energy, can get cute 18-year-old girls without the need to prompt {{loli}} at all, painterly styles, pleasant to look at
Pony - hag energy, fat deposits, rot, decomposition, /aco/
Pretty much, unironically. Worst part of prompting on pony is that you constantly need to fight its disgusting acoslop style if you don't want to stick to literally one style all the time. Exhausting.
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You people are paranoid
anyone got any concept Lora ideas that hasn't been done with enough images?
I was going to keep testing younger and younger until something happened. But lost interest due to not enough tits.
>muh energy
it's crypto all over again
how do you merge loras with a model? I have an unholy mix of loras to get my style and I'm interested in doing it too.
hot. based. good shit.
Do you guys use a refiner model with pony? I'm trying to improve my gens
except it's even funnier because at least with crypto it was something running constantly, you could push a narrative with that. but image gen would only be used about the same amount as someone playing video games or watching movies would.
yeah animagine
Not really. If I'm finding something low quality/not to my taste I adjust my prompt keywords/weights/loras. Seems to cause as dramatic a change as switching models around does, but far less waiting.

Image gen in general is still such a crapshoot there's no one way to "make things right" with any amount of settings, too many "what if" situations.
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I'm sure someone's done this already but I batched all the wildcards from https://rentry.org/NAIwildcards into a zip for easier usage. https://files.catbox.moe/6i49ad.zip
There were some duplicates so I merged them in/separated them into new topics as appropriate.
comfy users just know how to use advanced ksampler and we don't have to feed the auto tumor anymore because it isn't going anywhere
thanks bro
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miquotemix seems to work well, I can see the thing floor pixiv/patreon
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Has anyone used deforum on Forge lately?
Do any of you comfy fags use an upscale model with your Ultimate Upscaler or do you just let it do its thing? Personally i find the upscale models fucks too much with the image, leaving it worse off than the input, but i'm curious if i'm just doing something wrong.
why spam thread with this shit though?
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I user SwinIR_4x at 0.2 strength.
the fuck are you talking about? they're completely different images (and judging by filename different posters).
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That's a pretty nice style. How are you geeting it?
I find Ultimate Upscaler fucks too much with the image, just use animesharp hiresfix
ig "nicer /hdg/" is the way
I did this, and added the following lines into kohya_ss/sd-scripts/library/train_util.py at line 2403:
This is above the line that calls the function:
image = load_image(info.absolute_path) if info.image is None else np.array(info.image, np.uint8)
And so I could see the precise image that was causing the issue. I opened it up in krita, exported the image as png and started training again; it worked. And there were no further issues with bucketing. So I guess it was the case that one image got corrupted somehow during conversion.

Now to move onto the next problem; the training has begun, but the estimated time of completion is in 5,406 hours. Based on the actual rate of epoches being completed and iterations remaining, this is an accurate count after an hour of training (6,000 iterations completed of 300,000 after three hours of training). I suspect my graphics card may not be being used at all and it's fallen back on CPU mode. I'll investigate this tommorow though, to get to this point took way too long. Thank you for the suggestion.
What the hell are you training? 2k-3K iterations is the usual target, and that should take about an hour.
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I was just using the built-in "character v1.1" lora profile, but maybe it's worth actually investigating training settings. Picrel is what I started with. I haven't trained a lora before.
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settings pt. 2
I thought that too but without an upscale model, base res tiles (using yaResolution Selector for latent and tile at 1024 constant resolution) and 2x seam fixe values it's pretty okay, a definite improvement.

I feel like a ton of detail is sacrificed in favor of sharp lines, hard to say without the input to compare to though.
One epoch means going through all your images once, times the number of repeats. Easier to just set an exact step count.
Is iterations controlled by the "Max train steps" setting?

Default settings would be 50*500=25,000 (still way smaller than the iterations it wanted to train to, I've since cancelled it).
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I just do a normal pixel upscale with NMKD or Animesharp which I then decode again and run through a ksampler with a low denoise like 0.1 - 0.3 depending on how much extra detail and how much I want to change the upscale
>generate a beach scene
>notice that the horizon doesn't line up perfectly behind the character
>into the trash it goes
I feel like I've become far more of a stickler in my gens lately.
that's good tho
how do you use the anytest controlnet?
Where can I dwelve deep on these settings?
"block_alphas": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625",
"block_dims": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8",
iirc, sdxl loras and locons have 12 and 20 weights respectively, but these settings affect 25(?), at what should I be looking here?
That's basically the same thing minus the tiling for reduced VRAM usage, if you have a lot of VRAM that way would definitely be preferrable.
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Sub to my Parboon for more quality Japanese cartoon art.
Worst part about >8080289 is you can't do anything to him, and if you dare to try - (You) will get warned instead. Now I understand doomers and fear mongers.
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By typing "controlnet tutorial" into YouTube and listening to Rajesh ramble for 45 minutes in broken English over blurry bandicam footage of his screen.
those are my sd 1.5 settings that i used before sd-scripts was updated to have block weights actually work with sdxl.
i think that sdxl loras are 19 or 23 weights, i'm not really sure.
in the kohya terminal the blocks look like this:
[?, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, IN, ?, MID, ?, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, OUT, ?]
you have 9 input blocks, 1 mid block, 9 out blocks and whatever is going on with the ? ones.
You can try going for shota maybe, but why? I would understand before but he changed his style a lot, it's more anime now than many gens itt
Kinda bummed that you diverted from the /aco/ style and black shotas. Had infinitely more butthurt potential that way
Yeah, I hated it but it's sad to see people succumbing to rules. Same with the lolifags.
what does that controlnet even do?
I'll just go with posting content elsewhere to not bother (You) or people working hard to keep this place clean.
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Are there any upscalers that make black lines blacker? Or upscalers that add crosshatching or other aesthetic noise? I could only find 3 that add aesthetic noise, the best being Ghibli Grain but it's pretty subtle.

What you want is a filter and photoshop has plenty of those
hmm I see thx, and do you have any new values for xl?
It's some black magic mix of depth, canny, normalmap and maybe other controlnets
Anytest you mean? It's some sort of mix between lineart, depth, normals and maybe openpose. It's really good for transferring composition and poses without carrying over the art style. There's no preprocessor and it generally works at 1.0 strength so it's super easy to use, just feed it an image and that's all.

I have an extreme example going from almost flat color to 3DP, https://litter.catbox.moe/hy9fk5.jpg
You can also go the other way around easily. So if you can't get a pose to work with prompting just find an image or sketch it yourself.

It's also good to learn masking, so you can disable the controlnet for specific areas, like when doing huge chibi faces or exaggerated proportions.
>pony v6 description page says it's meant for use without negatives aside from stuff you don't want to see (3d, cgi, etc)
>Get shit outputs
>Copy some random's negative prompts from an image I liked
>Get kino (even the nails are drawn correctly and don't need much inpainting)
Why do they lie like this
[32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32]
i switched to doing 32 DIM and 1:1 alpha. for some reason certain details in some datasets weren't being learned at lower dimensions even if the resulting lora could be scaled back down with them preserved.
He doesn't know how to use his own model. Though to be fair nobody knew for the first few weeks, and the description was never updated afaik. You'd better grab autismmix anyway, and some catboxes from this place or /e/
It's not a lie. Pony is just a shit model with noisy tags. You can omit negatives with little impact if your positive prompt is long and descriptive enough.
>pony v6
>Get kino
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anytest is black magic. No clue why it isn't more popular
Funny, if not for the 3D model I would've said her leg is broken. I think the shading is off somehow.
I just downloaded the posing software today and the limits on joint flexibility are generous.
Nah you can do the pose irl. But it looks off for some reason, or maybe it's just me.
what are your negatives? I get awful hands with pony
Fellas I think I might be retarded, but none of my loras are showing up in webui and they should be properly installed. I'm confused.
You mean whether he's using "mutated" or "deformed"? Negs don't help hands. Stick to simple prompts and no loras, anything more you add makes hands slightly worse and it adds up.
>properly installed loras
you're retarded, sorry
i bet you're trying to use 1.5 loras with SDXL
>and no loras, anything more you add makes hands slightly worse and it adds up
I'm cooking with 3 loras, one artist name and one artist tag, no wonder I'm cooking with the deep fryer
thanks, i will check it out
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explain what the fuck is wrong is with using 1.5 still to this day? xl is a placebo and scam, always been, 1.5 model with a lora is capable of anything that your shitty placebo capable of.
first nai shills then pony shills. this general is a shell it former self, all good lora bakers are gone
good morning sir
1.5 is peak /e/ but it's dogshit for actual porn
You could explain further. I don't even know what SDXL is so I doubt it.
nai3 was a shill placebo, local was years ahead due to shear amounts of content created for it it came too late for it to be good it was purely astroturfed fake project, you can see shills working hard to astroturf it her.
pony same just look at the marketing campaign it had. you ve been lied to retard
there is countless amounts of loras for any position you ever want and have amazing controlnet
wtf it is black magic
post gens
goo girl or slime girl?
SD1.5 and SDXL are base models on which anime finetunes are trained, any loras you train on one of them don't work on the other. if you're using pony or autismmix you're using an SDXL model so you can't use loras trained on 1.5
it's blue board stuff, but i am glad i can now make characters play instruments without the hands turning into a jumbled mess
They both look like melting latex girl on pony, I can't seem to get any translucency
idk what xc3 character to make a lora for next
just use adetailer and add cum on face or something and whatever image is now /h/
half of the anytest images people post here are sfw anyways
>there is countless amounts of loras for any position you ever want and have amazing controlnet
Yet is still dogshit, glorified img2img turbo at best but feel free to demonstrate otherwise
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for fixing faces with adetailer, what is the go to inpaint width/height during img2img upscale? I noticed if separate width/height is not used it will often distort the faces, for example with multiple noses, if used with 1024x1024 the effect is fairly low.
So what models are there for good anime shit if I don't want to use this pony thing?
anon, you responding to thread shitter or third worlder, but that's same shit tbdesu
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I find the smug cats more fun to prompt.
You either continue wrangling pony styles to enjoy its prompt comprehension. Or you go back to animagine/artiwaifu/heart of apple and hope you can at least get a convincing pov cowgirl shot for your thousand folded nippon art style.
I don't make images of people having sex. I just like having nude images of my dissociative alter that I have an intimate relationship with.
unrelated but i always think it's kind of silly how people talk about heart of apple as if it's an independent sdxl finetune and not just a kohaku finetune. it's not like people bring up aingdiffusion or t-ponynai3 when they're talking about base models but they do for heart of apple for some reason
Then /e/ might be able to help you more, they also use OlympusXL and the old 1.5 models since they don't need complex anatomy.
I appreciate that you took my reasoning completely seriously. But I guess we are on 4chan after all.
>complex anatomy
anatomy on pony is shit, sex poses and composition is way better
I don't actually know what kohaku is, like most people probably. Apple gets brought up here on occasion.
I count sex poses into anatomy. Not getting the limbs mixed up when doing a 69.
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How do you properly prompt for two individual characters?
Using regional prompting.
you don't, you either use some variation of regional prompter or play the roulette.
You're gonna have to explain what regional prompting means.
Has anyone tried to train a character LoRA while training different activation words for poses? Smthn like "miku facing viewer" on a folder with pics of miku only facing viewer, then "miku three-quarter view" on a folder with miku only being from a three-quarter view and so on
Or am I just retarded
Asking cuz if it's a thing then it could help with asymmetric characters
Which UI? In general terms, you split the image into regions and make separate prompts for each.
it's an addon letting you prompt individual regions of a picture, be warned it will fuck with your loras and cook the picture
Using WebUI. I just tried separating both character descriptions with a full line break and it seems to have understood that.
Okay it tried except it mixed up their hair colors and the wrong one is a futa.
tagging the direction that the character is facing didn't help much/at all with asymmetry in 1.5 and pony doesn't recognize three-quarter view. i think that using TI embeds and giving each direction that the character is facing its own bespoke set of tokens is what you'd need for that to work atm
what you can maybe do is specify certain features that are only visible on the asymmetric feature when they're facing a certain direction. i think that does help to a small degree.
specifying the actual pose that a character is in, like what angle their limbs are at, does seem to help a great deal for things like tattoos/scars.
It's not nearly that simple. Can't help you with webUI but there must be many guides by now.
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does anyone have any advice for how to get my style loras to work worse? there's a noticeable amount of bleed whenever i use my style in a prompt without the activation token. this is outside of my area of expertise but from the sounds of it a lot of people here or on civit are knowledgeable about this technique
Style loras are supposed to work by default, the activation token is a meme. Just disable the lora when you don't want it to work.
i need it to not work while it's enabled
that's nai or pony https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119812795
im almost certain that's nai but it has somehow pony look
why bro
>i need it to not work while it's enabled
just put weight at 0.1
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how do I get nemesis now?
Jannies don't understand soul.
i have noticed that there's a positive correlation between a training lora looking like the base model without the activation token and the accuracy of the character trained on it during inference. the issue is that there's very clear style bleed going on with my training loras, so i'm in a catch 22 where the more accurate style causes less character accuracy, requiring additional training time which results in the character lora learning the style more. and if i reduce the style bleed that reduces the style accuracy, which results in the character lora learning the style more.
i can not
Take a selfie
What is the posing software? I have been looking for something braindead to use
your lora suck dicks, I really doubt the result you get is worth working around a piece of shit
well yeah but i'm stuck with pony until something better comes along
It's definitely NAI. Seems he did some other gens with 1.5
>i think that using TI embeds and giving each direction that the character is facing its own bespoke set of tokens is what you'd need for that to work atm
I've never trained a TI embed before, where do I start? I use sd-scripts. Any tips or something?
>specifying the actual pose that a character is in, like what angle their limbs are at, does seem to help a great deal for things like tattoos/scars.
Wdym? Can you give some examples? I'm interested, It's for pony
you are not stuck with that shitty lora tho
did the situation with SD3 change at all?
yeah, his older gens made me believe that maybe he is using some lora or something
unironically i wish to know how he made some of 1.5 stuff, even if it's slop by current standards
Shit like this could get 50k views back during early days
it's over. Now grifters are trying to fill the vacuum for the demand of open source model by making a community based open sourced one, but they say they will censor it just as hard so go figure, another grift and no good news so far.
that's typical slop but i still like fe those https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/88398564/post/5090373
distorted af but it has sovl, tried even replicate those but without success, probably some lora lost in time
>but they say they will censor it just as hard so go figure
they will also refuse to put in artists tags I bet...
It's called DesignDoll
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They will. Only closed weight commercial models are allowed to artist tags because they do it in a safe, ethical way.
man why are all pony gens so fucking ugly
zoophile psyop
>2.6m finetune
>around 550k of anime only, the rest is just derpybooru/e6
you tell me. sepiaslop dataset and 2 times converted all the dataset to jpeg garbage
Jordach? Are you here? Are we cascading/resonating yet?
Their discord is already a drama farm with power tripping slop merchants banning people left and right, all while jerking themselves off over how ethical they are. Oh, and don't forget that Astralite and Civit are also involved!
Shit will be another DOA meme like Unstable Diffusion, gonna be funny to see how many retards they bait into donating to them. At this point I just want local to burn to the ground, the only person still baking that isn't a moralfagging retard is Jordach, but its hard without a shit ton of compute. Maybe he can capitalize on the backlash to this "open model initiative" to further his training goals because that's our only hope at this point kek
Not Jordach but Cascade is still cooking despite the issues with the compute provider, the 1b model is on e6. Once it hits e10, the 3.6b cook should start unless things have changed. Unfortunately these things take time, there's no magic button.
Will b-'s nudes get included in the 3.6b training data?
i think he is still reading these threads but doesnt want to say a thing, hes baking the model with his 4090s atm since the ada6k vendor killed itself or smthn, the good thing is that hes not wasting money from donations if he bakes with his 4090s but now every .25 of epoch is like every 66 hours
also he reduced the learning rates and it seems it made things to settle down and reduce meltiness, effnet is so weird to handle. but seems okay so far
man ebara 2.1 is good
is 0,003 too much unet learning rate?
>it seems it made things to settle down and reduce meltiness
he's literally said the exact same line for every single .25 epoch so far
but nobody (besides his shills) cares about the 1B model at this point, we'll just have to wait for the 3.6B model to start cooking 4 months from now
the word "shill" needs to be filtered by 4chan, I'm serious
you literally are not allowed to like or anticipate something, even if it's free
I can understand if it's related to some commercial paid project (although it's still schizophrenic bullshit), but fuck off with calling everyone you disagree with "shills"
Insanity is, baking the exact same epoch over and over again, expecting shit to change.
good morning newfriend sir
using TI embeds isn't doable on SDXL models unless you're one of the the ten people using one trainer or w/e.
and i don't have any good examples of what i mean, it's hard to get poses to actually match to show the difference
i want to be, though. for me this has long since stopped being about trying to make just good loras and started being about figuring out the best way to do it with weird gimmicks.
stop shilling your censorship bullshit
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Wow this looks incredible! How do I subscribe?!
>i think he is still reading these threads but doesnt want to say a thing
I don't blame him tbdesu. These threads became shitty even for just a text chat, not to mention all the mockery towards him or his project when e5 came out. But this is 4chan, it is what it is. In the end he's doing all this effort for the community, to deliver an uncensored model and to dethrone ponyslop but not having the hardware for that makes things very slow. This phase is literally wait for results and that's all.
Is this still up? It gives me a 404
404 because you don't have access
read the rest of the post
right, my bad
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No, the reason he doesn't need to read these threads anymore is that he already got all the money he could get from this place. Now what they're focusing on is on how to get 30k out of the retards on reddit.
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>Your request to access this repository has been submitted and is awaiting a review from the repository authors.
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Nah I'm super lazy. Is there a small program that quickly batch applies filters? I'm not going to hunt down PS and learn how to use it just for that.
I've always wondered, does irl nipples are actually able to have a tiny hole at the center of each nipple? I've never seen such nipples like that before, only on anime or cartoon
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photoshop is easy and is a very useful tool for all people.
Where else is the milk supposed to come from?
Any chance for a lilmoonie LoRA?
They're not really holes, they're like pores, but yeah they can do that.
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How do I stop the torso from getting stretched out like this?
I've never milked a woman IRL but the few porns I saw with lactation had the milk shoot out of multiple small holes at the base of the nipples instead of the top center.
Yeah that's what I thought, my ex had just plain nipples then I asked her the nipple hole and she said that milk actually comes from different "tubes" that are inside the nipple, her nipples also looked plain and without a "hole" in the center
Remove all the horses from the model dataset.
Usually this happens when your base resolution is wrong.
Try a different resolution, one that is officially supported by SDXL.
pls spoonfeed me on the prompt for that perfectly generated pussy
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Well I think it's a waste of time to find it, learn how to use it, and then fire it up whenever I need it just to add some dots or scribbles to pictures that people just passingly glance at. There's almost no benefit to myself and it would take up hard drive space too. Although PS does have that AI tech that selects and deletes stuff, that could be useful compared to llama cleaner, but it's much more resource intensive so I think I'll continue to pass on it.
I'm a naigger so it was mostly RNG and adding a western artist to the prompt, then RNG with anlas for the enhance. It's the end of the month and I have a ton of anals left over so I'm just kinda brute forcing stuff.
Image resolution is wrong. Stick to baseline SDXL resolutions/aspect ratios. Closest thing to that specific resolution would be 892x1216
>nooo asking for fundings bad evil
isnt this like, the behaviour of every big finetuner? even astrakike does this, retard. no compute=no model
what 3d lora is that? beautiful.
When you squeeze milky boobs the milk will shoot out in different directions, it's not like our reliable chad penis with only one big hole.
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v10 with a very simple prompt using "score_9 score_8_up by xylas cotora chromapan" style stuff. I also had color enhance cranked up pretty high, the model is a bit desaturated.
>asking for fundings bad evil
nobody has ever said this, but i understand that reading is hard for pajeets like you
Deliver catbox and we ball
I know it's not 2D but boobabox?
i'd count some sort of image editing software among the essentials of any system. Just go for paint.net or gimp if you don't want to search a ps torrent
Lemme just shout-out open-source paint program Krita and its ComfyUI plugin Krita AI Diffusion, I gen all my stuff with it.

I really think if you want quality, it's better to have a good paint program with usable AI integration than a great AI program with mediocre paint.
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long black hair , beach sunlight, score_9 score_8_up by xylas cotora chromapan chibi elf female, wet shiny, nude, big butt, rear view, lying on front, BREAK
looking back BREAK
low angle view

I do use paint.net but I don't see anything for adding stuff like that in batches. Can it do it? I put gimp in the same boat as PS, I used to use it before I found out about the lighter paint.net.
That's about as uncanny valley as it gets
Either go full realism or stay 3D
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I for one am a fan of the uncanny valley.
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Regional prompting is good.
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Yeah, for some things. I have yet to manage a sixty-nine with two named characters.
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If the characters are similar, it is nearly impossible. The AI assumes it is the same character and just blends them together.
>not a single image in the past month can match this quality
Gen at a smaller supported resolution and then use hires fix set to 2~3.
>install a1111 Optimizations *NEW*
>gens come out worse than a1111's main branch
Nice """"""""Optimizations"""""""" you have there.
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I meant this one. This is a failed prompt that just homogenized two girls into a single entity.
Did anyone really try? I don't like those painterly styles.
no matter how many blur filters i apply to my gens they dont compare to the sludge of nai...
>resonance's mystery donor just gave jordach another $4000
brothers are you ready to resonate...
just 6 more months, we're almost there!
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How do I get the AutismMix to generate more anime-looking women? Artist tags like nyantcha don't seem to work.
>96 hours per epoch on the lite model
>still looks like horseshit
it's a lost cause anonny
Big if true?
Try source_anime.
Since when is Nyantcha anime-looking
>8k in the bank
>Tell everyone the hardware provider is awol
>Train for free on used 4090 that smells of kebab
>Use money for high-end fursuit
For me it sometimes happens even if they're different enough, just a weird seed. Other times I can get two long hair blondes no problem.
try "KAB" tag
Pony is trained on special tags for controlling the style of your generations. My favorite ones are "ces" and "gpo".
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RIP Gainax. I still cannot believe they went bankrupt considering how much they whored EVA for nearly 30 years,

Yep, that happens too.
comfybros when will we have a intuitive way to use attention couple
Gainax hasn't owned the rights to Eva in over 15 years.
What's confusing about the current way?
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SDXL has crisper lines, hands, and better sexual atonomy
1.5 is if you have the mixes, loras/embeds/hypernetworks. all the prerequisites that only oldfags filtered
how to do cunny on pony based models? or it is censored? loli tag doesn't seem to work
id rather not set up an array of nodes with individual masks when there's older nodes (using worse methods) with a similar GUI to forge couple
>Their discord is already a drama farm
Lmao, good. I bet astrakike and the like are venting their anger from how much reddit normies shit on them, if only reddit could see the true character behind the supposed OMI, the arrogant powertripping I mean.

In the meantime I still have my sdxl and various pony finetunes, which I still enjoy. I don't mind a dry spell for a couple years, just hope it won't turn out to be 5 or more before local gets something good again.
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Surprised that it still somewhat got this one
if nai3 leaks i honestly wouldn't mind not having anything else for a few years desu
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What are you talking about? I am constantly battling against lolis appearing in my outputs if I am not careful.
Depends on what you need i guess, there's a simple plit section node if you just want to split it in two, just a single node with two positive prompt inputs.
bro getting filtered
Really? I get kinda long torsos for some reason

that looks nice
Bro, this bitch has two left feet.
my ideal node would just be
combined with attention couple
i am a codelet unfortunately so i dont really know where to begin if i were to make that lol
Bro upset that online services is better than his GPU, need more VRAM bud?
This seems like a lot more work than just drawing your own masks.
>kowakami rokkaku
The state of lolifags...
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Post some diffused hentai.
Why? Is it listed in the rules somewhere?
I think it's because people have different definitions for loli
it hurts freetard feelings so it's very bad
You are the reason why I've stopped posting anything.
yea you need to keep in mind that anons itt will tell you that they just mean women with small breasts but they actually mean toddlers around 100% of the time
is it listed in the rules that you shouldn't post gens with 4 fingers and melted eyes? do you need a rulebook to tell you that you should shit in the bathroom and not the street? i just don't want third worlders who can neither afford a gpu nor a nai sub to post here
Post some past gen so that we know if we lost anything of value
THE reason? Damn.
KAB works pretty well!
Who is this anon who constantly whines about Pajeets?
it would be a repost
Yeah, that warning was last straw. I'm tired.
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Probably the same one who complains all the time, is nihilistic and want people to leave, and never actually posts anything.
do we use Clip Skip 1 or 2 for SDXL/Pony?
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Meant for >>8080690
These are fucking beautiful anon
clip skip isn't applied to sdxl
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Thanks? It's a failed lora of mine, based on pictures of a plastic model. Vaguely resembles the girl in question.
The hands are super fucked when using KAB, otherwise it's a great anime tag for the prompts!
What did you use to make that pose thing?
Also what is even the point of the preview? It just shows the same image twice? What is it even supposed to "preview"?
do u guys think well ever get undiffused image generation?
Why the fuck did this anytest thing have to release when I'm off with my laptop and naikeking. This looks a really fun thing.
i think so since we already have it
it released like 2 months ago
Preview does nothing on anytest, since it doesn't have a preprocessor. I just click the button by habit
Only got to know about it a month ago, I don't feel like it got immediately popular.
And it feels like barely anyone even uses it outside of this place.
I've seen someone else have preview on for it aswell, guess it's contagious lol.
it mostly gets discussion on the japanese side of the internet
the first person who posted about it here was also a 5ch lurker
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It's surprisingly good for a lot of things.
Anyone else getting error 400 with NAI api?
Main site seems fine
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Fingers are a bane on my existence.
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>TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
what the fuck did I do
you didn't read the part of the error that says what the problem is
Coreweave maintenance today, so yeah, it's a bit unstable.
The dumbasses who made the UI use the text to get the selected value in a combobox, and do not do proper error display. Most likely the high res fix one.
I mean I havent changed anything in weeks so why am I suddenly unable to see my gen, even the adetailer pass get done
I dont use high res fix
Check the console for the actual error
I did but somehow missed this retarded line because it was between 20 others line of the console freaking out and I scrolled past it
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
So yeah im retarded
we used to have multiple word filters for a reason
the fact there haven't been any ever since then shows how little of a fuck hiroshit gives about this place
Top kek
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>No space left on device
>>8080700 >>8080706
Unsurprising that it's always people with the most junk gens (crappy fingers, (ai-generated:1.8), 1.5-tier melting genitals, what is even the point of showing them, just mosaic censor that ugly nonsense) who are happy and content with this thread.
Now that your shit is less /aco/ it's just generic ponysloppa:( Awkward. Like the little fang though.
imagine willingly giving someone that much power
That's pretty neat, and yeah, that would be great, development seems pretty dead though.
Yeah but just that one drive
Thats what doing 3k pictures per days does I guess
>3k pictures per day
What the fuck, that's a picture every 30 seconds for 24 hours straight, and there's no way you're not sleeping. Power bill must go insane, you're basically running a crypto rig. In the middle of summer too, how's the heat?
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average patreon genner
TE should be 1/2 or 1/5 of unet when training?
I use between 1/10 and 1/5
WTF Jordach too late to be asking THESE kinds of questions????
so this guy is genning with some 1.5 shitmix without ever using inpaint?
I got another 4k$. I'll take the chance and start from scratch. Problem with the first run was probably that the dataset was too small. I'll start caching latents tomorrow
No clue. Just looks like some generic, flat anime style.
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let me guess, it's blacked?
Even worse, it's shirou
no but he added big boobs
>thanks but no thanks
This dude thinks he's hot shit.
>425 paid members
kill me
I think it's pony with MemaXL lora.
Actually I only did 3k one day, usually its between 1k2 -1k8 and I dont gen when im asleep
1152x896 gen take me 10-15sec
The heat fucking sucks, I havent genned much in the last few days and my ac is full blast so i dont want to think about the power bill
missed that you linked to other post
just by this thread, i was exposed to so much Saber blacked porn, that without it seems uncanny
wtf how are people paying for that
and how is this retard not able to gen saber, like 26 out of 5000 is crazy
>just by this thread, i was exposed to so much Saber blacked porn
wat? I haven't seen this here
I actually posted Saber myself before but it wasn't blacked
groidspammer was posting Saber, also people often linked to pixiv/fanbox and patreon blacked accounts and Saber is the staple there
ah fuck forgot about him
people seem to love blacking fate characters for some reason, sad
that's any popular franchise, especially shounen and gacha shit
why are all bluvoll loras so bad
xe's too busy sucking jordach's dick to experiment with xer settings
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You're right, Anon. I have betrayed my fans and myself in pursuit of the lowest common denominator, and I should be ashamed of myself.

No baking skill, huge ego.
bluvoll's trans?
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>r3c last uploaded a month ago
>last lora has a furry preview picture
Why does jordach corrupt all our resident bakers?
do not worry, you still post worst trash
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Is there a way for my gen to have this by default? Like with a vae or something?
Keep posting. Getting hostility on this board means you're doing something right... unless you're the bird poster
guys b- is talking shit about is in furcord..
3090 vs 4070 Ti vs 4090

Which one would you guys buy for the best performance/price ratio? Or would you wait for 5x generation? I don't know when they release it
Dawn of the next day, trying loal training again. Picrel are now my settings and after a few minutes of training there's 104 hours remaining:
steps: 0%| | 54/109400 [03:05<104:26:07, 3.44s/it, avr_loss=0.0839]
I'm not sure which setting is the one that actually affects that 109400 iterations number, it doesn't seem to be the "Max train steps" like I thought it was. Or maybe there's a multiplication between that and the max epoch setting? But the number of iterations doesn't round off perfectly if that were the case.
Whichever one has the most VRAM.
That other style is better though (except for toy pony dicks), face is expressive. This one is just plain boring.
Hmmm, sound logic, anon!! Maybe it's time to start posting scat, that will probably maximize hostility.
3090 is unmatched among consumer grade hardware
Whichever has the highest VRAM. Supposedly 4090 gens almost twice as fast as a 3090, so if you have the 2k shekels to spend, and you slop a lot, that's the obvious choice.
Personally I am waiting for the 5000 series and will just cope with my 3080 until then.
screenshots kudsai
are you using a toml?
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In the 3D model, the girl is facing the viewer, the pose here is anatomically possible. In the generation, she's rotated clockwise, against the direction of the bend in her knee, resulting in a pose that would ordinarily break someone's bones.

Saber bros how do we recover from this
I'll never use it, but my hoarding nature compels me to download it. Thanks.
Thanks that makes sense. 3090 seems like the best deal but 4090 is also tempting. I'd really like to wait until 5000 series, rumors say they gonna launch it late 2024. Let's hope they add more vram
iirc it's rumored they're only giving it 28 gb of vram
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>That other style is better
It's more vibrant and less "dirty," and thus easier on the eye, but also feels kinda soulless. Like pop music.
Never heard of that, so I guess not. Should I be?
go back to the anime style
it also removed the 1000 yard stare this one has
>1000 yard stare
I mean it's a hag isn't it... Seems fitting. Probably...
no, it just overrides that max step setting if you're using it.
as an additional parameter
but also don't use constant desu
even the males have it unfortunately
>1000 yard stare
I don't know what that means. We don't use imperial units here in Zamunda.
You could use the alternate latent noise extension, it allows you to start off with different colors of noise instead of just random. The model, if strong enough, can override it though.
That doesnt work, not like the noise is yellow tinted anyways its just pony being full of piss
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That seems to be it, thank you. 5,000 iterations, estimated time of completion 2 hours. Now I can actually start messing around with settings and see how they affect the lora.
Man, this UI is set out in a very confusing manner, I should just learn how to do this in the command line instead.
I see, I don't know of any extensions or controlnet models that could do the same. Maybe looking for a lora is your best best. Perhaps using "Cold Night" at very low weight 0.1 would do it? https://civitai.com/models/264290?modelVersionId=363874
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Im not a fan of using lora to color correct but i'll try
Im pretty sure a VAE can do just that but I have no idea how to make one
have you tried vectorscope
this poor character.
only built for sex
only genned for sex
sad existence
with piercings that big you could grab her tits with a finger through the rings
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she plays piano too


I wish, I need a good nipple pericing pull lora
now gen her getting sung a lullaby by (You) as she falls asleep
add her abs
hm kinda work but not as well
Now that I've got a base working training configuration, I'm looking into tomls. I'm looking at the google collab from the OP stickies. Unfortunately AdamW8bit causes OoM, but AdamW is okay. I'll try out cosine instead of static, and also adding in some noise (the character one had it set to no noise at all).

I can train batch at 2, but that causes my computer to become unusable, while training batch of 1 is fine. That just controls the speed of training, not its actual quality, right?
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like this?

kek, that gave me a good laugh
>That just controls the speed of training, not its actual quality, right?
Correct. Higher batches is like running the operation in parallel. Jealous that you can do stuff on your computer while training, I can fuck around while genning but training seizes the damn thing up. You might consider batch size 2 for training longer epoch LORAs overnight.
nice abs, moar
Yay! Catanon is the best! Love how you consistently get your miqote to come out
the bmaltis gui uses .json files for actual training settings. .toml files are used for its dataset config settings, which you don't care about, or are for easy training scripts, a different gui
if you want some settings then try these:
these should use around 8.3-8.9gb of vram at batch size 3 unless you're getting fucked by the bucketing vram usage bug. if you're training an asymmetrical character then turn off flip_aug, otherwise just adjust the epoch count until you hit 1.5k steps and it should probably work ok.
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bootlegged it
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as you command

ty, I think I do a decent job at that for someone who doesn't use a character lora.
how the hell did you manage this? are you some kind of inpainting wizard?
for some reason I thoroughly enjoy inpainting
inpainting is honestly the thing I hate the most, I've tried to learn it a few times but it comes out like shit no mater what I do.
you dont hate inpainting you hate your lack of prowess in inpainting
did we deserve this? probably
im gonna stop spamming now.... people did a few things that warranted replies.

sorry for catspam. I kinda get it now.
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can you do it like this one >>8080923 with abs?
What exactly does the BREAK tag do? I saw it as a tag on the Autismmix Pony civitai page and on many pictures below
when reading your prompt the text encoder take a short commercial break before going to the next blob of word
Most obvious use is in stuff like Forge Couple or Regional Prompter to separate regions. Outside of that context I believe it tells the model to begin a new chunk. What does that mean? I'm not sure.
you dont need break to separate region
it's fun for me when it works, annoying when it doesn't
If you keep going back and forth between an image editor and the inpaint canvas you can iteratively make a piece better and better, more and more to your tastes. it's like customising a food order, it hits the reward centres in my brain
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inpainting just fucks up no mater what I do I d rather just reroll an image til I get what I want, than mess with it rn.
NTA but since I didnt get how to make inpainting work properly (unless rerolling 20 times is what you are supposed to do) I just end up redoing the same gen with either controlnet then mashing stuff together outside of sd also just changing the words order can work well too
Dont know if im lazy or retarded
this guy's a knower
Kinda late I know but, am I supposed to reach 1500+ steps divided by the batch size (1500/3=500) or you mean total steps (non-divided by BS)?
1500 training steps
based abs, catbox for that one please? looks really good
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Other Vocaloids WHEN

sure the aiuncle lora is this one I had to rename it since its in Japanese, it adds the shininess.

File deleted.
I posted Rin sucking dick earlier and you didn't say anything.
Wasn't there a guy claiming to be the 4k donator a couple threads back saying how regretful he was? Why would he donate 4k again if that really was him?
Shit. This one is a mess. Deleting it.
New Thread:

So I go tto the end of the first training session, it completed all the 5,000 iterations after 3 hours, and even generated the sample images, and then it OoM'd.
Trying your config now, training will be completed in thirteen minutes apparently?
This response is not ironic: >>8080968
The model's text encoder can only handle a maximum of 75 tokens worth of input at once. When you enter more than 75 tokens, your UI will typically split the tokens up into 75 token chunks and feed them into the model one after the other during generation. BREAK manually specifies where you want that split to occur. It can help avoid situations where a token is splitting down the middle of a tag like "bridal BREAK gauntlets".

Honestly though, you don't really need it. It's best to use as little tokens as possible, and BREAK forces you to tack on blank tokens until you reach 75 for every time you use it. So unless you have a valid reason (like tag breaking above), avoid it.

Forge couple/regional prompter use BREAKS as a shortcut to specify "move onto the next section". This is specific to those extensions and does not apply to general usage of the model.
>It can help avoid situations where a token is splitting down the middle of a tag like "bridal BREAK gauntlets".
The UIs are not that stupid. They only split along commas. You can check yourself with the help of token counter.
I'm doing a quick and dirty lora to whip up a bigger concept (since there's not many ref images), and I'm gonna give prodigy a try. What should the LR be? Civit defaults to 0.0005, but from what I understand, Prodigy needs to be close to 1, right?
I'm not training a character or style, this is purely concept.
that's neat, so the advice is just avoid BREAK for general usage.
vectorscope maybe? https://github.com/Haoming02/sd-webui-vectorscope-cc
i listen to miku
i gen miku
simple as
sweaty anime girl titties

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