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Love in White Edition

Previous Thread: >>8077447

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Request anchor here.
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Mob luv
Please post some cunny, catboxed or not

Or even flat chested adult women, can do the trick too
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You forgot the Anchor.
training a lora rn, am at the final steps, I wonder if I should download the lowest avr loss one instead of the latest epoch? like, epoch 20 is 0.809 loss while 18 is 0.787
loss doesn't mean a lot, you won't know which is better without comparing both
What's the best pony model for a n00b? Base Pony, base AutismMix, AutismMix Confetti, AutismMix DPO, or something else? And best LoRA for 2D anime images?
Look at my cute adult wife on her tiny couch
i wonder if the person who made this character knows one man has generated potentially thousands of images of her
Is it a casting couch?
girly abs or cunny abs
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To be fair my ai sloppa version of her is pretty off model

it is now
Woah it moves
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show her (slightly) less slutty sister
I'd say AutismMix Confetti. It's the hardest one to fuck up on. You'll probably want to change later once you figure out it overpowers styles with its generic Animagine model internally.
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New problem. I don't even know. bitsandbytes? Is this some internal library failing? It managed to get through all the training steps again but failed before making the sample images. This is with Anon's settings from >>8080939
You gave this much power to him long time ago. I've simply stopped fighting.
idk just don't generate sample images
I like that idea. I disabled the sample images, but when I tried again I immediately got the same error. I'll reboot, this may be the cuda drivers crashing or something.

Is it usual to face issues like this when local training, or am I just unlucky?
it's not normal, your install seems like it's fucked up
I might just start from scratch then. There are the other lora training UIs that seem more sane, as well as just using command line.
What did you use for it? Doesn't look like Luma
>a1111 crashes when using too many loras
Fuck, Forge didn't have this problem.
Is there any workaround for this?
Alright, so I've never fucked around with controlnets at all, but is there a way to pose a 3d model in something like Blender, and feed that into CN somehow to generate an image? I do 3d for a living, so that part isn't difficult, but I'm not sure what I should be doing on the CN side of things. Is there a specific type of recognition or whatever I should be using?
Like do the models have to look like the characters, or can they just be androgynous mannequins?
>any workaround
Give up on A1111. Either succumb to Comfy's noodle monster or use abandonware that works better than A1111.
>There are the other lora training UIs that seem more sane
the bmaltis gui is probably the easiest one to use since you don't have to fuck with subsets
I meant pika.art
no you meant pikachu
i understand <3
try vectorscope https://github.com/Haoming02/sd-webui-vectorscope-cc
Brave to post here anything but cathag /aco/ shit. Struggling is futile, but I appreciate your efforts.
OUR wife
look at OUR adult wife
I wanna make a picture of two characters together each with their own lora. How should I go about doing that? Make a random 2girls pic and then inpaint them?
Yeah that's its own can of worms.
You'd will need to learn how to use Regional Prompter (if on Auto1111/Forge) I barely figured how to use it the other day and yeah the learning curve is steep
lack of self awareness is pretty bad
and i haven't given anyone shit, i simply don't care about any kind of retarded drama, but perhaps you're a woman or a tranny, in that case it's understandable
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>lack of self awareness is pretty bad
We've all been there, so its okay. If you'll keep reflecting on this - you'll be improving as a person.
>and i haven't given anyone shit
You weren't posting anything, that's how you gave power to /aco/ slop.
Very cute young lady! Love the huge belly button, kek.
Also box if it's okay, haven't seen this style yet.
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im going to mcdonalds any of you all want anything
Yea, grab me a couple McChickens. Thx broski.
I want true love
I want to die.
i want kagami
gimme a big Mac meal and fanta
I want uhhhh
>I want uoooh
Nuggies with sweet n sour ty senpai
>"leash" has bleed from "leaf" if you weight it any higher than 1
Just fucking kill me.
NTA but I think about this a lot. I now have thousands of images of of my waifu which nobody else will ever see. Feels odd.
Why does everyone talk about b- here? What did they do? Do they even post here or is it a meme thing?
>ctrl+f "b-"
>1 result
No shit it's a new thread
what I want to know is this:
who is b- shit talking?
what does this have to do with h
why am I following what b- is saying
I'm so confused
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gimme names of vocaloid(s) you wanna see and some artist names you want to see them in and I'll post some, feel free to suggest poses or anything else
NTA but goddamn, how many of these did Yamaha shit out?
do you guys have any good style training settings?
Revisiting and remastering ancient gens.
Such a good gen. Thank you for your contribution.
A-are you PUMPING, anon??
mmmmm touching myself to your pics feels so good
fondling my balls a little yess i can feel a little pre coming out
i love cat girls like her so much fuuuuck
I hate the gay erp poster
I finally got a new pc and am able to run shit locally. After fucking around for a few days I've wanted to create a style Lora. How many images are realistically required? And is it possible to use black and white manga pages without generating chromatic errors down the line?
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a lot of people are moving to SD.Next as well.
are they, vlad?
how do I extract settings from a lora metadata and load it on kohya ss?
That's the one I've been demonstrating has a myriad of issues both opening images, running OoM with settings that work for other anons on lower VRAM, crashes when trying to sample images, and has preset training settings that take over 1,000 hours to complete on consumer hardware.
Just to be sure I'm not having a fever dream, the UI from https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss
I was going to try https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer next, followed by https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts (seems like it's in maintenance mode though), followed by going back to kohya-ss and using its command-line interface instead.
The "vocaloid" tag is misused by the boorus to represent characters made by other voice-synthesis companies, so it's not just Yamaha there. Utauloids (community made, essentially) commonly get incorrectly tagged as vocaloids. Forgive me for I'm about to link to a fandom wiki out of laziness. https://utau.fandom.com/wiki/UTAUloids
Teto Kasane would be nice.
i think that you should try fixing your install
My biggest gripe still with comfy is the fact I can't store presets well for prompts. A1111 / forged have that drop down I store various presets and just go back to them, if I want the same shit in comfy I have to hope to god the old picture has the same fucking structure as my latest pasta art or I gotta just have a notepad file with all my presets. Like when you get used to it it's okay but it just has some insanely shit features or lack of features like no png info
>just install the extra standalone png info program
I shouldn't have too and 3 different layouts I tried the png info setup in-built to comfy didn't work, and to use it you have to gen an image for it to run. My only hope is the dev gets ebola and dies and someone less autistic runs with it.
Still seems like something that could be solved with custom nodes,ones that save data locally instead of in the image. Like how ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts lets you set up default values for any node, even other custom ones. That could be extended to have multiple presets and load them with one click.
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Still trying to figure this all out. Do you guys use TAESD for encoding and decoding? I've found that it allows me to increase my highres fix upscale considerably without OOM
Just tiled VAE decode
Why don't you guys use animagine instead of pony? I thought this was /h/ not /aco/?
that works. Anything else I should implement for quality? I've got to figure out adetailer again for the hands and face but other than that I'm pretty lost.
I thought maybe >>8081113 is using it or some ponymagine mix, but he didn't want to share catbox.
Other than that it's because /h/ is about sex and sex is too stiff with animagine.
Mods are fine with the /aco/ spam and animagine is pretty bad for sex, so pony remains the best free option.
animagine is awful for sex because the cuck who trained it pruned all the nsfw related images so all we're left with is a Vtuber 1girl checkpoint, its been trained further with nsfw concepts but the last time I tried it I got body horror when prompting seggs
What artists/loras did you use here?
Aren't they just right in the file if you open it in notepad?
Barring that (because who in their right mind would open a 200mb lora in notepad), I think they're even shown in the little menu that pops up where you set up activation tags if you're on Auto/Forge.
notepad++ or pspad
me like
I didn't mention ++ by name, but yeah, that's what I meant.
Why would anyone use regular ol notepad? It doesn't even have a dark mode.
Does make it easier to get an anime look >>8080421
Doesn't actually help with (you)s because it's so basic other than the art style.
I mean it won't shit the bed like opening a 200mb file in regular notepad.
Because /hdg/ is obsessed with 3d western cartoon pony slop and hates anything that actually looks like anime
I posted some animagine last thread and no one even noticed. It just doesn't look that different from pony.
Most of the time people here don't respond to gens unless they want to shit on them
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your image is too based

sure thing, later
that´s luma, but dont say it too loud, their censoring don´t work well with grey skin
Man, I feel like I've filled up my wildcard list with just about every character I can conceivably fap to. Currently sitting at around 200 entries.
I can't help but feel like I'm missing someone obvious, barring any girls from some slice of life hyper weeb shit or Vtubers.
Anyone got some suggestions of generic waifus? Fuck, I'll even take /aco/ girls too, I ain't picky.
>Currently sitting at around 200 entries.
>mfw can only goon to 5 cunnys
Most of the RWBY cast works without loras if you prompt their eye color, and optionally clothes. Even the side characters and villains.

Also fighting games, I only tried Asuka from Tekken but others probably work too.
I don't only fap to cunnies but yeah it's probably like 5-6 characters that are 95% of my gens. I remember trying out wildcards and it felt so purposeless to me.
blue archive characters
I come from a future you may not understand.
(that is an actual flat white and an actual flat black background, go ahead and eyedropper that shit and check yourself)
(I don't understand it either and I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck happened - I have ideas but still need to spend time doing trains to test them)
(I cannot understate how fucking weird and out of norm it is that the black actually works here)
(also I really hate that this is a bigger deal than it should be)
Around 25% of my list is cunny, another 25% "mature_female", and the remaining 50% various /aco/ characters and select "furry_female" entries.
Variety is the spice of life.

Never got into RWBY. As retarded as it probably is to say, I didn't like Monty's "contributions" to RvB, and just swore off watching anything by him. Don't get me wrong, the action scenes were cool, but it turned a comedy "show" into anime BS and sidelined the main characters for his OCs.
As for fightan, I got me some Juri Han in there, and some Chun-Li, but that's about it. I don't really play much apart from Soul Calibur, and I have the obvious pick from that already.

I should mention my taste in anime is extremely focused. I only watch action shit.
I swear I crank tsurime all the way up to :2 in Reweik and it refuses to budge and just gives me the default eye style. How do you fix this?
I don't play blue archive either the girls are just really hot
Cunnypill is dangerous, couple of months ago I was genning lolibabas, now I'm at platelets using henreader, possum and diathorn... barely even catboxable
Fair enough bro. Me, I gotta have some "connection" to em. Which I guess makes coming up with entries even harder, since I might have a show with a character I like, but not the entire roster.
Maybe it's just time to start coming up with OCs.
Sadly relatable. Used to put loli in negs most of the time, now it's in at least half of my gens I think, and it's increasing.
Honestly it looks like black and white is clipping here (you can see it in the hair) and with more complex scenes with large color pallette this will backfire in a big way.
Your styles are TOO simple, maybe whatever you did works with them, but I don't think many people will be using them just because blacks and whites are 0 and 255. It's not like postprocessing is rocket science.
What is "lolibaba" tag? It first appeared in 2011 on gelbooru but its only 166 hits.
>now I'm at platelets
Pony or NAI? If Pony - can you share lora? Pony can't get her right at all.
Hmmm, never had this problem. I've been genning hebes 2 years ago and I'm still genning hebes now.
>loli in negs
hah, rookie cope
600+ year old lolis
I wonder if people here seeing that their loras and artist tag combos being used for scammer pixivs has lead to reduced will to share.
A lot of people got shit from here and used it for their patreon grift later, it's actually crazy when you realize that this place is basically made of suckers in that sense.
Ah, hags in cunnys bodies. Tewi, Remilia, Flandre, Kona-chan...
Now ya got it
inpainting at low denoise to make text blend in?
>Honestly it looks like black and white is clipping here
Because the hair is actually black. It's intended as a demonstration. Here's red.
Either way it's a 512,512 train so detail clarity isn't the best for obvious reasons.
> but I don't think many people will be using them just because blacks and whites are 0 and 255
I mean, I train the shit I want to train. And it's not like this is going to be restricted entirely to just the dataset I'm using - restricted to config, probably, but not really to dataset.
Frieren? I hate how most of them still act like children, saying they're old is just a cheap excuse.
>And it's not like this is going to be restricted
Yeah but you see, there is no detail at all on the black choker and black hair scrunchies because they clipped to being 100% black.
I'm saying that for styles with complex shading this will be highly visible and will look horrible, while it kinda blends in with the style here.
Why call them scammers? They're pretty clear about what they're selling, cheap fap material for normies that don't mind an extra finger or melted eyes.

As for sharing, you could say the same about pony dude, or kohya, or so many others. Sharing helps the AI ecosystem overall, in a sense we're all in this together.
>basically made of suckers in that sense.
Depends on how you look at it. If you have a good job and don't need to make money in this questionable way, there's nothing wrong with a little bit of communism. Sure greedy people will exploit your work for their benefit, but why should you care if you never intended to make money from this in the first place?
The pluses are that whatever good stuff you discover and share might inspire some other person to improve it even further and share his results so in the end quality of YOUR images will improve. So IF your goal is the best image quality - sharing is good. But IF your goal is for your image quality to be better than everybody else's (for Yous or for money) - sharing is bad. Just remember that in the second case your image quality is not going to be better than in the first case, only your ego or wallet will benefit.
you can, in fact, specify colors you know
It going hard blacks on some of those details could also just, as you noted, be part of the actual style since it is blending into it. Different styles could react differently.
Either way, this is all result of trying to streamline a config that just "werkz" without having to try and guess at ideal steps. And the important part is that it's demonstrating that actual 000000 black backgrounds are possible. Flat whites are pretty easy and I've had those working for a while; but actual flat black is completely unexpected.

also, tangentially sort-of related reading, here's a fun paper dealing with "fitment"
It's technically directly talking about another unrelated ML field but they also go out of their way to test it in other unrelated ML fields and found their observations still apply, and it talks about shit I've independently observed and noted before I even knew the paper existed(meaning: it also applies to image gen). And I have suspicions that it may also be related to what's going on with actually managing to get white/black out of these lora's.
Neat. Diggin the nice dark shades.
Really wish that Pony and gens in general were better at low-key palettes. There was that glimpse with noise offset or whatever, but then it went nowhere. Or at least I haven't heard anything about it recently. I just want some punchy ass contrast and some actual dark scenes.
kys naigro
It went into diffusion-CG and Vectorscope. Give one of them a try.
>There was that glimpse with noise offset or whatever
'Original' noise offset is garbage and a bad idea. There's a lot of reasons for it but it mostly just clashes with and breaks a lot of things.
What is a good idea, however, is multires(pyramidal) noise offset. Values between people seem a bit varied but 0.4 discount, 10 iterations is what I've been on for a while and it fixes a lot of contrast issues(and is what allowed white backgrounds to actually be a thing)
I don't believe there is anything false about spirituality.
It's one of those stories we see over and over again often, where the superhuman behaves like a child.
heys anons mind sharing some catboxes for me to try different styles?
You can go back though six months of threads and grab catboxes
He needs something fresh for his patreon.
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He's back! :D
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Plot twist it was actually >>8081266 and everyone tried to help him
I had a similar thought when I saw the post but I doubt he's this articulate kek
What was me?
I just started adding random OC girls as wildcards. All of which are goth or goth adjacent.
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Good stuff! I'd add Cathag to your roster.
where Saber and Hinata?
I'm sure cheater cat would get you banned here.
Who? It's such a common name. I even searched for Fate and Hinata, it keeps finding artists instead of characters.
i meant Hinata from Naruto
and it was joke about groidspam
Any tips for prompting non-standard skin colors (without character tags, loras etc) other than fiddling with alternating tags?
does "colored skin" and "x colored skin" not work?
Usually does for me.
I have no trouble with "red skin" and "blue skin" at least. But black or white veer towards natural language rather than monster girls, and purple is weak.

You can add a weak slime girl or demon girl to help the colors, or prompt editing [slime girl:1girl:0.2]
Anyone got these settings working properly? My trainings are going NaN after like 70 steps or smthn, probably Lora+ shenaningans
No, but it sounds awful. Retraining tags with style bias towards your one lora means it will not be usable with others. And mixing styles is maybe the best part of genning.
>It's such a common name.
That's the joke. I was referring to this cat though.
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How to fix hands?
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you might need to be using the dev version of sd-scripts
>Retraining tags with style bias towards your one lora means it will not be usable with others.
no it doesn't
I'm already using dev branch, I know Lora+ is working
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Good stuff as always. Thank you for your input.
Add the forbidden tag
.................aged down
does this nan?
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How reliable is that and its counterpart? I thought the ratio would be a lot worse.
how much cleanup do you guys do on a lora data set? If I have images with white borders and stuff like that would you crop them out?
yes, crop those out, if a lot of images in a dataset have those itll burn into the LORA
As a general rule, prompt an image with the thing and see how close the output is to your training data. If the model can recognize and produce a white border that is similar then it will not affect training. Same with basically every other tag, that's how the training works.
It's only a few of my images, so its most likely fine but, I am new to training so I didn't know how much people manipulate datasets. I use the magic eraser tool in Windows to remove any text/watermarks I can tho.
youll be fine then, just tag them when they appear
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>got banned from r34 because they interpreted an inkling boy in one of my images as shota
why is there a tag dedicated to them then asshole
I have a serious problem with wildcards, my characters one is at 500 and my artist at 400, hell the one for pose is getting close to 600
I didnt like noise offset either because while it did do the job it was intended for I dont think fucking with the noise is a good long term solution
No idea about multires(pyramidal) noise offset tho, might look into it
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Nice gens.
I tried halving the LR's, it did 140 steps before going NaN again this time, so my guess is that factor of Lora+ at 16 is insanely high
But anyways I'll try these settings now
I do not find long pencil dicks appealing. Looks goofy to me. No hate. Just my opinion.
Feel free to hate the spammer more directly
So non-pencil dicks are appealing to you? pretty gay ngl
What if it's b- you are talking to? Didn't think that far ahead, did you?!!
Unironically yes. Dicks are naturally aesthetically pleasing. Denying this is just lying to yourself.
I cant get good projectile cum it always stop at the first obstacle, like it goes behind the chin, merge into the hair or a passing cloud or just straight up disappear, any trick for this?
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lora anon here

i added dorachefu,reiq,iwano_kenta and a WORKING EU03 lora ,along with some wip request loras (gonzo,maruzyruku and kunabishi )


xyz of a bunch of eu03 loras for comparison

still working on yuzutei,hokuto_(tokuho),akita hika,degeneratepai,jadony and harsh-mallowz

and to the anon who requested lilmoonie you're going to have to make the dataset yourself and post it here for me to make. that shits way too cursed for me to spend more than a minute looking at it
You are a homosexual.
I'm sad.
Very aesthetic
t. closet homo
How can it be aesthetic without a dick?
>Gonzo WIP
I'm already using it in half my gens, it mixes nicely to flatten out pony's shading.
There's some cum.
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What the fuck is that thing in the middle? Looks like something from a '80s horror movie.
>prompt pants+tight clothes
>pants become a bodysuit instead of having tension on the fabric
How boring...
Any good Nai artist combos? Loving hungry clicker and incase, but want to branch out.
There is a specific "tight pants" tag which avoids this problem.
Tell you what anons, without this upstanding gentleman above this thread would be at about 7 to 1 post to image ratio. On track to end with 2000+ replies by the time image limit hit.
Xe came in and single-handedly saved the thread. Saved all of us!
It's safe to say that xe together with the 2 most notorious hag posters should be canonized. Their deeds shall forever be remember and immortalized in /hdg/ history. Our saviors!
I see no difference, maybe the loras im using are just fucked
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lol i had the training lora's weight set to 0 in the merge, no wonder this shit was worse than usual
>Baking lora requests from anons
Doing god's work, marvelous
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Those blacked gens are nice. Posting most demanded fetish is always good. Thank you.
Why shitpost with sarcasm instead of posting good gens?
>posting good gens
They're already in thread, my input is not equired. Also, my gens are /c/ at best.
why would I post anything good here
Where else would you post them?
There are plenty of places on Internet to share images.
Mostly pixiv, discord, other boards/chans. Certainly not here.
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>participating in hugboxes
imbressive persistence
most gens can be redeemed sar
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Still better than overflowing this thread with good gens. Blacked anon is already doing the deed.
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tianliang duohe fangdongye style,
<lora:XL_tianliang duohe fangdongye style(pony)-000006:0.4>
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can someone translate what this means?
What is using platelets?
What's henreader, possum and diathorn?
Also, congrats on finally acquiring taste for young and healthy female body types rather than old hags with saggy tits.
Yes. Problem?
Yes. Problem?
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doing the deed.>>8081547
Wish I had a good gpu to inpaint fast
Inpainting one roll per 55s is not even funny to me, I don't have the patience for this
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I think it's from that "how your body works" anime. White blood cell was a janitor with huge tits. henreader had a style lora here, I assume a loli artist along with the others

Shouldn't you know all these as a pedo?
Sorry was sleeping

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I know the pain of spending 3+ hours baking a LoRA with random settings, only for it to turn out shit. Having someone who knows what they're doing make it for you is a much better experience.


thats an interesting use for it. will probably be done retraining it tomorrow
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very nice
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great stuff anon
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yeah I started genning bizarre shit too when I got bored.
good thread.
I started genning bizarre shit ever since i got my hands on this technology, don't ever get bored with it
That's my secret Cap, I'm always bored
Sd vanillafied me. Barely gen anything more than /e/ anymore
First I genned bizarre shit then coom shit, then coom shit again. I don't like combining coom and bizarre
Why the fuck did you post this censored garbage?
its nai it naturally looks like that
>and to the anon who requested lilmoonie you're going to have to make the dataset yourself and post it here for me to make. that shits way too cursed for me to spend more than a minute looking at it
It's me.
But do you seriously not know how to use a scraper? Just use gallery-dl and grab their stuff from either twitter, e621, gelbooru or sankaku.
Can you buy anals directly? Or how many gens are in the 10$ tier? I travel a lot, might be nice to gen remotely. And it should be easy to learn now, with so many images in the archives.
You can buy anals without a sub, but it's more expensive. The 1000 from the $10 sub give you like 50 gens at default resolution. Basically, only the $25 one makes sense for genning images.
actually groidspammer got his loli posts deleted and vowed to ruin the thread
why do you lie?
so he's a poorfag and a loli fag and also a moral crusader. what a character.
for free (You)s and to derail the thread
why do you? i was there when he made the post
all me btw
Yeah that's like a bad joke, 50 images is barely enough to figure out one working prompt.
that's why you get 25 for unlimited low res gens
figure out the prompt in low res then, gen in high res with anals
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it only made my weird and obscure but still vanilla-ish cravings stronger

>I don't like combining coom and bizarre
same goes for most decent artists, which is why i'm glad this exists
it's unlimited 1024x1024 (or anything else with that much pixels). It's not that low, but after getting a good gen, I usually "enhance" it.
wow offtopic and a blurry smeary mess
im tempted to pay the 25 a month now
anything under the 25bux tier is a ripoff for image gen
>all those negs and still some of the most repulsive shit youve ever seen
money well spent
>believes all made up bullshit about a person he doesn't like UNTIL someone makes up more bullshit by associating person he doesn't like with thing he likes, then it's suddenly an obvious lie because thing he likes could not possibly ever be associated with person he doesn't like
i might starting replying to each of these with quick novelaiâ„¢ by anlatan gens
do you have enough (you)coins for that?
>very displeasing in negs
looks like it ignored your prompt lol
thats the power of the cluster
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how do you all organize your images? I've just been dumping everything into one folder and it's getting a bit unwieldy now after doing this for a year
i've saved up way too many

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I left for a while and the thread became so dead lol
I have another hobby now
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damn thats some nice blur
nai is way too good
scraping images blindly without even looking at them is one way to get a shit lora especially for a style plus the dudes got like 10 different styles and just training them as is will get you a lora that barely works
>doesn't know what blur is
>pays 25 a month for gens that look like sludge
>ur da groidspammer even doe majority of nai pixiv accounts are full of the darkest BBCs you can imagine
in progress/trash/finished/prompt storage
Good enough, just have to go through the trash pile once a month and delete stuff.
>doesn't know what nai is either
Has anyone tried https://huggingface.co/shadowjourney/shadowjourney already? I don't really know the guys who trained it, but on their discord it says that it focuses on anime. I don't have a setup right now so I can't try it
>no readme
>no model page
>no external links
Assume it's trash until they clean up their shit.
Then sort it.
If he expects me to do all that work myself, I might aswell just train it myself aswell lol.
not sure it has any anime at all, or what the secret prompt is
tried to gen raiden shogun the easiest one to do for any current anime model and got this
Wow, it's trash.
Hetero cunny was the only thing that was keeping these threads barely alive, unironically.
>gen cnuy
>comes out younger than intended
what did nai mean by this
>Recommended Steps: 60
>not a single sample image to show what it's capable of
Entirely depends on what artists are you using
>put blurry and smeary in negs
>it comes out completely blurred and smeared
what did nai mean by this
You can't even tell which gens are NAI and which aren't mate.
True, but only if your definition of "alive" is pedo /e/ spam followed by 10 uoouh replies.
Anyone here use anytest with heart of apple? it performs a lot worse than on animagine and i'm wondering if i'm doing something wrong
im not the mass replier above
which ones did i get wrong? anyone with eyes can see the smear clear as day
wow i can't wait to use this free 1.3 to 3x effective training speed increase that also improves the accuracy of the end result
surely this time it will be real
Better than nothing. Also, the gens were good too.
>chinese paper
lets fucking gooo
adam-mini when?
which ones?
its only just jordachbegun!
Completely fine as long as he uses his 4090s to give that a try, again
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I made my elf like your cat
Only need some (dark-skinned male:1.3) and you're ready to upload to patreoon.corpe
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very nice Corpe
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Like this?
Yes, this will be a hit with the ganges water slurpers
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>cumming from thighs
slop town called, they want their slop back
it's nai
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this but with the girl's hair long and down
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>using ai
>still censored
you are a faggot
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He's a faggot for wanting Mami without drills.
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>Your donations will be used to speed up training
>We have enough money for both 1B and 3.6B
>I'm doing all the training on my 4090
>3.6B was always going to be on my 4090
>Your donations will be used for our plans that have nothing to do with this model
Scammed. A better finetune will be out before we ever see the version of this worth using.
the next good model will be from china
they care about waifus and AI
the west has fallen
Is there some way to trick pony and pony-adjacent models into generating dark scenes and poorly-lit characters? Autism mix seems to be especially fond of outputting blown the fuck out overexposed characters regardless of the rest of the scene.
Sadly. What we really need is someone working on a NSFW finetune for the Chinese models.
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I just take the img2img base I want, put it into Photoshop 7 and add a transparent purple/blue/black layer over it to make it darker.
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This one is close to being good but the aspect ratio is off and it looks squished
Yay miqote fapbait
I think this is the OC I fap to the most in these threads
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anyone tried out DORAs instead of LoRAs
Using Forge, and is there a way to limit how much system resources it uses? I don't mind if gens take longer as long as they don't stress the system too much. I know undervolting is a thing, but are there any settings or commands in Forge itself?
That's not really a thing for GPUs, it always runs on full blast unless you limit the hardware through underclock/undervolt
I'm not much of an Explorer, haven't tried them yet. I'll probably need a map to figure out something that advanced. Oh man...
Lovely! What is this girls name? I remember seeing her a long time ago in 2010
Why don't we have both?
I am a devoted Automatic1111 fag. I tried to install ComfyUI but Python kept telling me there were errors and I gave up trying to get it to work
hiiragi kagami from lucky star, she is my wife
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There is an extension that lets you set temperature limits.
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We was kweenz.
What happened to the shotas in that timeline?
Ugly. Uninstall sd, noob
the pyramids are in egypt you fucking retard
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Not born yet. She will have a harem of authentic Ancient Egyptian servants, maybe.
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saar, SAAR! Did I just detect a racism saar? Janny do the needful and redeem this postsaar!
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saars, my hydrus watcher is downloading your indians, to not redeem image slots
Please don't waste the image limit like this. Asking politely.
she has 3 breasts anon
stop genning slop faggot
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Is she shocked because she suddenly grew a pair?
>blacked spammer mindbreaks another retarded /pol/ user
how is it so easy
this does seem to actually work, the results i'm getting with 1girl, standing at 1600 steps are largely superior to my results of 1girl, standing at 2600 on the same dataset. much better recreation of fine details that i had previously chalked up as unworkable due to the VAE
the catch is that my dataset is mostly 1girl, standing, and it's doing way worse at poses or actions that aren't in the dataset, which may be a side effect.
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Fucking HOT OMG
How do you pull it when it hasn't been merged yet? GitHub is fucking confusing
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Catboxes pleaseee
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>some chad is going around on CivitAI doing LORAs of the SMT demon girls
super duper based
Catbox please?
At least wait before samefagging your own posts you retard, the thread is slower these days so it's extremely obvious
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Not going to waste the image limit but here you go.
Honestly love sleepysex/somno content, wish Patreon didn't ban it
Is that drogod/hella P I see? I love his art style a lot, especially his succ faces
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Thank fuck for AI.
>Should've thought of that when you refused to help report the nigger spamming cathag for months on end.
Shadow what the fuck are you talking about?
>he doesn't know about something that takes up 10% of the images in each thread
Hello newfag
LESGO thanks
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Oops didn't meant to quote >8081941
><lora:ALTXL_001_4:2>, <lora:sinfully_stylish_SDKL:0.5>, <lora:AIイラã‚1トãŠã˜ã•ã‚“:0.6>,<lora:onono2-ponyxlv6-64d64a-e05:0.3>, <lora:sdxl_fkey_v1:0.5>, <lora:8i49kc:0.3>
Anon what the fuck is this mess
And a LoRA at strength of 2?
Wtf even is that 3rd LoRA, just a bunch of moonrunes.
Holy mother of slop
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I genuinely have no idea what I'm doing.
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>And a LoRA at strength of 2?
>he hasn't downloaded alien language LORAs beamed from the moon
>a LoRA at strength of 2?
There's "slider" loras with different effects based on weight. ALT is probably the "anti long torso" one.
I love pics like these, this is my fenty
Problem solved by not genning at retarded resolutions not meant to be genned at.
>5 consecutive replies
Holy shit I'm famous :')
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now gen a bit titty milf version with a stomach full of cum
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based but there should be more cum and the tits a lot bigger
it's some mentally ill sissy having a mental breakdown, don't give it attention, you know what to do with off-topic posts
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sexy af, slime girls are hot
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Smh anon. Just like Rome, tits were not built in a day.
do yall have any good settings for training characters? mines always eat the style
Get a better dataset with varied artstyle
>optical illusion window
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>cathag poster is back
I remember seeing a guide to adjust the weight of my loras again, like setting the currently 0.5 to be the new 1.0, does anyone know how?
dora are shit do not bother
use cheat engine
miqoanon is cathag
do you not know what cat or hag means?
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Those are actually false flag samefag posts.
cute as fuck!
Someone make a lora that adds intricate details to fabric. I need my sluts wearing skin tight clothes full of creases and dimples
I cant believe pony can do background
also that pyramid look like a giant hut
>and it's doing way worse at poses or actions that aren't in the dataset, which may be a side effect.
So it just overfits even more into the dataset. Amazing. What a fucking joke.
Why do you have this?
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groidspam, pajeet hate and bonus bird poster, that's by far the best thread in very long time
golden era is back
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Controlnet nonsense.
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I'd appreciate a helping hand, keep getting this error when trying to run the webui-user.bat for Forge
>tiny tits
>inverted nipples
do you get breasts shape like this consistently somehow or that's just gacha?
it's either flat chest or regular small breasts for me, tried combining flat chest and pointy breasts tag but without success
What the actual fuck is the context of this? why is this guy raping his granpa?
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i hate having to give tits to dfc girls, but, you know
you ever save a complete fuckup of a gen because you thought it was funny?
How are you people too retarded to paste an error log into google
Anyone got any concept lora ideas? I'm trying to get better at training and I cant think of anything to do right now.
peter griffin death pose
may i see it?
Only in 1.5 days
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just gacha, i guess it depends of the model / loras, I use wildcards mostly.

Can you be sincere or is "le hecking ironic reddit man" your entire personality?
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is there any way to block my lora's text encoder weights permanently?
Same anon here. Tried with l2 loss and with the LR's you used on the json, doesn't instantly goes NaN but I get crazy high average loss values, like 0.24 or so. I tested the epochs and it was all random blue noise. Now I'm pretty convinced that the LR depends entirely on the dataset.
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i have too many
>that first one
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a couple of these look like they could be elden ring bosses
that's weird, it's worked with every dataset i've tried
copy and pasted the contents of the text file. there's a proper way to do it but that's a lot of effort
it seems about as good as the baseline lora would be at that step count without using it so i wouldn't call it overfitting.
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well fuck, sadly models don't know shit like this, but to be expected due to being rather niche shit
>using ai
That's Belko's art though.
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I love tharja
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>public service announcement
if you make lora with amazing pussy make sure to tag it uncensored,perfect pussy to avoid roasties
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Thanks for the upvotes, kind stranger.
>Raiden wins
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we've got another one
the cockwyrm

What a shit thread
Another Nochekaiser nuke has landed, please evacuate and keep your loras safe from him
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quite literally, tons of shitlogs on images presented by n-spammer
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Is there a tag for boobs tent or am I just fucked?
I already have a recursive wildcard to cunni-fy any wildcarded character inside the character setup (so instead of rolling a character, it rolls the cunny tags, which have a __character__ wildcard to roll another character), but I was not aware of this tag. Wonder how it performs. Gonna have to give it a go.
I've also got a kemono-fy wildcard in there as well (that wildcards from a list of animals), and one that prompts "mature female" traits for the select individuals in the wildcard list that aren't already.
Also got a goth and emo one too.
I mean I could have those as part of their own wildcard setup, but I just find it easier to have it in the character wildcards to begin with.
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bro prompt some life into your gen
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So how are you faring today, anons?
le soulllllllll
Thanks, could you link your hews dora though, I think that's the most important part, kek. Megas I'm following don't have it so it's probably something you trained?
Going through 1girl standing hell, again
settling for sloppa out of frustration
realizing my page is dead and it's time to move on with my life
is there such thing as TOO many images for a concept lora?
File deleted.
Man, you faggots are such nihilistic losers.
Im not talking about soul since it means fucking nothing but the fact that you take my comment that ways means you are just clueless so whatever
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The point stands.
yea i guess
Really happy with the pictures I made
What page?
damn this shit really died majorly. so much for agi
SD3 being unusable killed local ai
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pixiv and twitter, think i'm just gonna delete them and my slop in the coming week and move on
fuck me I tagged myself sorry
Agi requires much more compute than currently feasible (80+ billion neurons in human brain). Compute isn't really doubling every 2 years as per Moore's law anymore. So the pace is going to be really fucking slow to get there. Maybe in 20 years or more?
But as far as imagegen goes I think there's plenty there still to optimize and invent, so I believe we'll see a couple more breakthroughs soon enough (even in open source).
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How the fuck can a pixiv page be dead? I only post cutesy sfw shit once or twice a month and I get several likes and bookmarks.
NTA but my page died a few days ago
>get mail I was top 50 of the day
>get another mail an hour later that I was banned
What did you even do to get banned? People post guro shit and nothing happens to them.
Yeah my old pixiv page was banned because I forgot to censor an image, made a new one but it never got back to where the previous one was.
>he was top 50 and banned the same day
Probably copying artstyle.
https://litter.catbox.moe/xepjrq.safetensors it's a wip but lmk how it goes, pony by default already knows hews better probably
Just forgot to censor an image
I really dont think you can get banned for that considering 90% of the ai on pixiv looks the same, I didnt know there was a top 50 but when checked all the gens looked the same
Has there been any LoRAs trained on some of the common NAIv3 artist mixes?
That's an awesome Teto.
No, those mixes are just too mysterious to be able to attempt that
>just too mysterious
Not sure what that means in this context; too esoteric for me anon.
Was just wondering since it seems like it wouldn't be hard to create some synthetic datasets and since a few of the mixes feel distinct enough that I was expecting someone to have done that by now.
So it turns out wdV/wdxl isn't a meme and they're actually baking it, the WD discord people were taking prompts requests. They actually got their hands on a real cluster and are doing lots of tests, we might actually be saved kek
Proof, or didn't happen.
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lots of them yeah, search on civitai
Considering how long neggles has been at it those gens barely looked better than that 5 epoch cascade finetune.
They haven't really been able to start training yet is my understanding but now they finally have the cluster, so we will see. There's no way it can be worse than pony kek
We are saved
>that mess
. . .
>Cascade finetune tier gen, using a fucking cluster
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Think you can do IA (or GUMI) like that?
>They haven't really been able to start training yet
They posted a preview about 3 months ago from a broken checkpoint of WDV but I wouldn't be surprised if they restarted for some reason.
Absolutely the best gen in thread. I would also add (score_8_up:2) and (black lipstick:1.5) to your prompt for perfection.
Your other blacked gens are great too, thanks for input.
amazing stuff, man. there's one thing that can make this masterpiece even better though, try adding (ces:1.3) to positive prompt. maybe it could amplify the magnitude of perfection that black king has
That post doesn't have any image attached to it, so there is no positive prompt.
Wait, what does their "cluster" actually consist of? 16xA100s?
>There's no way it can be worse than pony kek
You would be surprised
>anything with dark-skinned_male is blacked
Terminal /pol/ brainrot.
We haven't seen your gen yet.
If you are gonna bicker on inane shit at least gen something.
Look at my hot and sweaty oni wife (adult)

Also some bonus sloppa album because honestly I gave up on this prompt after many attempts to work it
catbox.moe /c/15io2v
any suggestions on how to get a bit more... color saturation? i guess

i'm using the sdxl vae + ebara. i haven't genned anything for months, so i'm a bit behind
you mean less sepia? get vectorscope-cc
stop using score tags
Use a different VAE, modify saturation with an external image tool or use vectorscope but this last one won't give you 1:1 gens with the same seed.
>different VAE
>modify saturation with an external image tool
too much hassle + will look weird if you're not good at color correction
Cute wife as always. By gave up you mean you didn't get what you wanted? Looks good to me.
Did you want something like this? https://files.catbox.moe/c91acq.png
(this is just anime OP screencap)
Sort off yeah but, I mean generally not happy with the angles more than anything
thanks, i'll have a look at that when i get some time later on

any reason why? i read that it's beneficial for sdxl gens
granted that i haven't done anything for months with SD.
>>different VAE
Werks on my machine. I don't like that vectorscope butchers your pic. You are supposed to apply a color fix, not change the composition on top of it.
Sexy perfect angle!
man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qU90_SJe3g
now i wanna try genning something like this on pony (and fail miserably)
>not change the composition on top of it.
most changes i've seen are fingers being displaced in one way or another and those changes are indifferent from usual t2i gacha slop i was getting previously without vectorscope
good gen will always be worked on so small t2i shift doesn't bother me
perturbed-attention guidance.
a meme?
Why is it perturbed?
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your posts are the only redeeming thing about this shithole of a place, thank you.
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NTA, but which VAEs do you recommend?
NTA but this https://civitai.com/models/140686
everything else is a meme
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Anons, I have a very important question: can your wife shake them booteh?
These niggas (samefag) unironically think they're some kinda marvel super hero fighting the good rebel vs empire fight like harry potter vs dumbledore by submitting false reports for content they don't like, and then they get butthurt and start fantasizing about the victim of some grand conspiracy. Holy shit imagine being this fucking fried.
Falsehood and OOC. Sylvie would not move her ass without the express purpose of extracting every last drop of semen out of the doctor.
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>Out Of Character
Isn't this, like, the purpose or AI image gen in general? To be able to gen what is supposed to be fiction only (instead of paying an artist)
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I know. I am just joking with that anon (you?).

If I was serious, that would make me a hypocrite, you see.
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Many of the people doing the hard work for this tech stuff have six figure jobs already and do this AI stuff as a side hobby. In video game modding all the huge framework stuff is created by truly brilliant men who provide their tools for free and then there's a hoard of third worlders selling mods utilizing it on Patreon. This has been the setup for like a decade now if not longer.
AI is just a new frontier. The people that are monetizing this stuff need the money whereas the people doing it for free are generally in a better position in life and don't need to think of "how can I make money from this" and instead just focus on masturbating. I'm happy to be in the "just focus on masturbating" position myself.
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I admire your dedication, anon. It's inpiring to me.
Yeah still me. Ah I see, lol.
Also, she could actually Indeed move her ass just to make things go to her, y'know? Sometimes you need to let the fish take the bait, something like what happens with the nurse scene or naked apron scene in-game (kinda).
WD shills, are we back?
No wait, did even the shills actually existed, in the first place?
Thank you and godspeed anon. For jadony, make sure to get some of them huge anal gapes in the data set. Jadony does them amazingly

It's very funny how hard eu03 tries to keep the tits above the belly button no matter how big they are. Women always end up looking like giantesses in his art and the loras
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/e/ post
rule violation
Based gen.
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>I admire your dedication, anon. It's inpiring to me.
Thank you! I don't have NAI or Forge/Comfy but I do my best with A1111 and AutismMix. Making Charlotte hentai is so fun.
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dude just return to /b/ this is no place for aco
>this is no place for aco
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I think I'm getting pretty close to what I want for simple concept generations. Anything else I should add to my workflow?
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Sexy hair pull.
based anon please reup
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Had to edit the base image I saved a bit to get the tail to stop being turned into an ahoge
cute wife
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are you using i2i or a controlnet or something for these?
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i2i, I have not dabbled in controlnet yet
Platelets are from hataraku saibou
Henreader is a loli artist, large heads, big foreheads with a pastel color scheme often. Guessing this is to make the style look anime.
Possum must be possummachine, has gone from mostly loli to toddlercon art.
Diathorn is a western semi-realism loli artist, very distinct NAI blurry shading style, draws over 3D models.
Think all of them have had loras dropped here at some point.
>Compute isn't really doubling every 2 years as per Moore's law anymore
I feel like competition, or lack thereof, is really what's driven the stagnation.
Manufacturers just don't give a shit. Nvidia is perfectly fine selling garbage that hasn't really improved, but uses "fancy AI techniquesâ„¢" to make it seem like their GPUs are improving in power, when really it's just driver-locked DLSS shit, and twice the power draw for 25% of an improvement from the last gen, if that. On the CPU side of things, AMD is starting to get full of themselves and Intel is perfectly fine just doing whatever the fuck it's been doing since its inception.

They all know that they're approaching the physical limits of what's possible with what they've got and how they manufacture, but instead of pushing to it and innovating on something new, they're content to inch their way slower and slower (the whole, infinity approaching 0 thing) so they can get people to pay for shit without them actually investing much into the tech.
Innovation and ripping shit up from the ground to create production lines for something brand new is expensive as fuck, I'll admit that, but damn, they can only sell me the same gussied-up pig so many times.
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Requesting a few tweaks to this image, please.
Mainly just that her hand on the left side should be a similar orientation to the right side with her wrist, hand and fingers in more of an upwards direction.
And the guy's bicep and hips look a bit strange. I think the bicep's a bit too thick and his hips might need thickening or widening?
Here's the original image so you can reference the hand:
Do it yourself.
You've been at it for days.
Tyty. I don't like how faces are drawn with innate hews on base pony (hey maybe I just don't like hews IDK!!). It's actually okay with checkpoint from your catbox though, checkpoint style helps. Lora is underbaked I think, depending on prompt the difference is subtle to none with it activated at 1.0.
I reupped with 3 days for you: https://litter.catbox.moe/pdzbe3.safetensors
i don't understand why consumer gpus still don't have sufficient vram. even 24gb is considered premium for some fucking reason. you'd think at this time of ai dominance vram would be more accessible. is vram that expensive? or is this just jewish trickery at play?
very nice and clean artwork. can i know what model you use ?
>jewish trickery at play?
Probably this.
I mean for fuck's sake, the 4070ti shipped with 12gb of VRAM just so they could sell a super at 16. Meanwhile the fuckin 4060 has 16 by default.
Nvidia are shitbags.
stop samefagging retard this looks like shit
nvidia is a monopoly
they have no incentives to increase vram for consoomers if they still buy their shit
Because they can. Clearly people are still buying them. AMD can't match their AI performance, and nobody else is even trying to.
VRAM is the main separator between the consumer line of cards and the enterprise ones. It's 100% because they don't want enterprise users to start buying up consumer cards for a fraction of the enterprise price. Even ancient enterprise cards still cost 2000$ only because they have 40GB VRAM while the compute is complete garbage.
I don't care because I like it. Then show me something better.
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nooo, bara...
Is that Apollonia?
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why would big corporation give good compoote and capacity for an average user?
yeah, was foolish of me to expect anything good ever happens
this exact thread is a example of this...
These threads were an example of something good happening almost continuously for over a year. We still have the lora rentry as proof.
what style?
Holy lmao, I'm imagining this poor soul refreshing the thread every 10 seconds just to find any reason to seethe at something
nice gudako
>samefag sissy mad he got called out
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I want baulders gate 3 but in a style of frank frazetta, and 90's fantasy anime.
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so blurry wow did this only cost 25 dollars?
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sounds like a dalle prompt
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https://cdn.discordapp com/attachments/1220146790943166514/1256506572989792378/image_00013.png?ex=6681046f&is=667fb2ef&hm=356f561b6f3c4f28ffc528b36b6c146a48d449247dc8b8152ddb0c9e39c3b7e8&
Are we cascading?
fuck off shill
wow so blurry and smudged is it really only 25 dollars?
yes it applies smear on every gens and costs so little, that's the power of their cluster
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don't worry guys, wdxl will save us
hnnng I want to fuck those hands
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>tripping over itself fucking up the most basic of hand poses
another day another $1k wasted on the useless 1b model. how does he not see that it's simply not fucking learning at all?
Have some faith. We just need one more epoch
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did ur adetailer fuck up the resolution or something? why is she so wide
It's a spammer bro. He used to just batch gen and dump, but then some people filtered him by filenames and when he started changing up those people filtered him by resolution so now he also stretches randomly.
wow that is dedication
>watermarking something that is blatantly ripping off a singular artist
at least make a mix you retard
then it does not belong in this thread faggot
Catbox? I love the style
This new cunny model isn't half-bad.
new cunny model?
Thanks for doing my request Besollo
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Doesn't follow poses as well as pony or autism, but very good for cunny.
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need somebody to just extract a lora from this
Judging by the previews, it can't do anything else
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Wouldn't that be the same as loras from loli artists? Which we already have.
yeah, then i don't see a reason to use this
i'll just stick to wasting 50 tokens both in pos and negs for my cunnies
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most /h/ gen in thread
>i'll just stick to wasting 50 tokens both in pos and negs for my cunnies
Can you share prompt and negs?
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stick to whining about blur faggot
>Anyone I don't agree with must be samefagging!!
Go fuck yourself.
seethe piggy
>naisissy mad he gets called out for obvious samefag
nice style
its nai garbage
just look at all the artifacts
samefagging your garbage nai posts is even worse
>oink don't call out my nai samefagging, let me pay 25 dollars in peace
>It's somehow less annoying than this.
What a stupid thing to admit. Now he'll keep spamming thread with the whine.
I will pay you $25/month to take your meds
seems the paypiggy NAI samefag is awake
just 25 dollars a month for blur and smear what a deal thanks nai
technically that's hetero D:
stick to /b/ for your own sake, thread is unusable
this thread is beyond saving anyway. More jeetspam than civitai at this point.
Who are you quoting paypig sissy?
>assuming /b/ is not the biggest pile of dogshit you've ever seen
It is.
It's still better than /hdg/.
don't forget that he shills pony trash (pruned all loli from training data)
interesting idea but why is this have so many artifacts? looks pretty disgusting because of that
looks like latent upscaler lmao
or base pony
It's the anal dildo guy, his style is always like that. Gotta be intentional at this point.
uh oh naisissy melty...
Explains why he hates the Cascade bake too which is trained on lots of cunny
fellow nai-sissies just got word from the higher ups at novel ai they said to tone down the seethe in our posts so it looks more believable
nice deflecting, retard. we already know its the cathag /ss/ idiot
i love cunny>>8082790
The image hurt my anals.
>jpeg artifacts in negs
>adds a ton of them instead
I want to have sex with anime girls
do another enhance upscale maybe it will fix the artifacts! (it wont)
Is it actually usefull to do (score_9:1.2) ?
just b urself
There's literally 0 jpeg artifacts
>can turn on/off (You) in 2 simple clicks
Hetero is attraction to the other gender. Female on female is not hetero.
Could I have a catbox of that please?
When? I'm the "I provided a sketch anon", I just got a job and didnt have time to sketch and request.
Can't gen anything, wondering why I still come to this thread with no GPU in reach.
how do I remove the _00001_ suffix from my comfyui outputs?
>if your image isn't super flat and smooth to the point where a single magic wand click selects half of all pixels (the remaining half being a character), it's bad
if you click on a file name in windows it'll let you rename it homie
Make your filenames unique in some other way. Change the filename on Save Image to input, then noodle something else in there. Like the gen seed, a Primitive set to increment, or whatever.
>just manually rename thousands of images instead of changing default saving parameter
sir, idiot town is in /b/
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its my own custom mix

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This is historically accurate.
Is she kissing his thigh?
Does he have manboobs?
Why is the pyramid truncated?
Is this supposed to be Gilgamesh?
So many questions.
That's not how I remember the Sphinx
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Didn't think Ebara knew Disney characters.
>Is she kissing his thigh?
No. That's perspective.
>Does he have manboobs?
No. Pony just keeps giving every male mad pecs and I forgot to edit it out.
>Why is the pyramid truncated?
It's a truncated pyramid.
>Is this supposed to be Gilgamesh?
No. There are no Final Fantasy characters present.

All questions answered.
You are an ultra faggot and need to kill yourself NOW
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>generation parameters
nah, I'd say based
That's not even remotely the same
>light mode
Further proof that you are a faggot
>>light mode
Yeah I'm racist and I prefer white. Problem, dark-skinned_male?
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I enjoy playing with other anon's prompts.
I feel violated
If you prefer white, you would use dark mode, use dark skin as slave, as your PC is a slave.
Since you are using light mode, that means you want to enslave white people, which makes you the black faggot here.
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Prepare you're anus.
>your PC is a slave
What the fuck is wrong with you? My PC is literally my best friend and companion.
Then you are doing things wrong
No you're just an egomaniac projecting his mental illness.
pls no anus noo
muh deek though!
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Mesugaki civitai lora is too strong. It overwhelms characters loras.

subhuman 20 IQ retard
This says a lot about our society
>subhuman 20 IQ retard
Go back to kissing your boyfriend (yourself)
for your sake I hope you're trolling and not genuinely this retarded
there are numerous reasons why someone would use jpg and have no metadata in the image
not when sharing the catbox
at least some metadata would be left from doing gan upscale or photoshop edit
he wiped the meta from the pic
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Point merging is a mixed bag of dicks. None of my loras work correctly with it.
looks really bad anon
that image was clearly not a simple text2img and it was posted as a means to share something bannable rather than sharing the metadata, if you asked for catbox of his original image and he refused then you can call him a faggot all you want because that is faggot behavior
as I've said jpg and lack of metadata can be a thing for many various reasons, even if in this case anon wiped metadata because he doesn't want to share, jumping to conclusions about why someone posts a jpg is fucking retarded and makes you look like a brainlet
If you mean the hands, sure.
Looks really great
is 0,003 learning rate too much for a character lora?
looks good except you need to make the male much younger
you can stop samefagging your trash
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It's kinda high but I guess it depends of batch size and optimizer.

For AdamW for example, IMO it is high.
Sure thing, after you jump off a bridge
it depends on your dim/alpha, your batch size and your optimizer
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>male much younger
I am not into that, anon.
Don't listen to him, your gens are perfect. Seriously
any ideas for how to prompt liquid on the "camera?"
for example the top half of this image
male anus and testicles?
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Water drop effect on camera lens? You may need to do that yourself on a image editor, anon. I don't even see the tags for that on danbooru.
did you mix up the speech bubbles?
your editor fucked up Anon, fire them
what would be a good one for adamw?
nah, I'd goon to both
my little cock is throbbing and leaking with pre every time I see their gens
>something bannable
If you think that image was shota, then you are an even worse ultra faggot.
Just a smaller guy or a bigger woman.
Even if you were to inpaint after text2image, the metadata would still be there.
You'd have to do something retarded to make metadata go away, like compressing it as a jpg.
Either way, if he wanted to remove metadata, he doesn't have to make it a jpg. You can remove metadata from pngs aswell.
>jumping to conclusions
Vast majority of the faggots posting jpg on catbox do it for the sake of removing metadata, mr faggot
Retard, can't even get simple text right
Your inpaint seams, anon.
Btw you need to post your gen if you want your opinion to be even considered
Where is your gen retard?
it depends on your dim/alpha and your batch size
batch size 2, 16 dim and alpha
NTA but I still dont know how batch size affects the end result
you probably need a dim/alpha of >64 if your learning rate is that high
16/0.25, 32/0.5, 64/1, etc
imo that seems fine then? i train at 0.0006 UNET and 0.00003 TE at batch size 3 1:1 dim/alpha. but also other anons have tried my settings and they apparently immediately NaN for them so ymmv
we are still waiting on an anon with a 90 series card to actually test it but it mostly shouldn't matter.
If at all. I've read a bunch of different opinions on it, the only thing they agree on is the effect is minor. The main purpose is still making training go faster, at the cost of VRAM usage.
what? could u explain the process a bit more to choose the learning rate?
prolapsechads rise up
Wouldn't it make farmore sense to choose your dim size first, then adjust LR accurdingly?

Also I've never heard of dim size affecting learning rate, it's the ratio of dim to alpha. Because alpha is meant to slow training.
>Because alpha is meant to slow training.
alpha is meant to prevent rounding errors in fp16 my multiplying the reported size of the weights for loss calculation
>Even if you were to inpaint after text2image, the metadata would still be there.
Why would you want metadata of the last inpaint step out of a few dozen? You are just arguing dumb, pointless shit for no reason.
I open the final image in Irfanview, apply CC, resize, and hit save as JPEG 90% without chroma subsampling, and it saves me 85% of storage space at ZERO perceptible quality loss because I still value storage efficiency despite having terabytes of free space; comes from growing up with expensive 80 GB HDDs. Wiping all generation data is a side effect, but it's not like it's possible to reproduce the image from whatever was there in the first place.
pointless verbal diarrhea to ignore a very simple fact

>there are numerous reasons why someone would use jpg and have no metadata in the image
assuming and sperging out over a jpg only shows everyone that you're a dumb retard
Right. Which slows training unless alpha=dim where it gets multipled by 1 and thus has no effect. Afaik the rounding errors were fixed last year, so might as well train with alpha=dim and have one less variable in training.
why even keep the option anymore then lmao just have one number do both
That's a good point. My guess is Kohya keeps it in to not break older training settings. If you had alpha set low and suddenly it goes away, you'd have to reduce your LR by some ratio to get the same learning rate you had previously.
>JPEG 90%
>ZERO perceptible quality loss
You are blind as fuck then if you think anything below 95 is even acceptable. Then again, you're probably a street shitter with a 720p monitor bought from aliexpress
>I still value storage efficiency
Even as PNG, they're like a mere 3-4MB in size. With just a single terrabyte of storage you can store a whopping 333-250k images.
>Why would you want metadata of the last inpaint step
Depending on how you do shit, the inpaint prompt could be the same as text2image. But you're a retarded faggot who uses irfanview so probably not.
with what did you apply a sepia filter to your gens?
>right hand finger moved to left hand
At least there's a right amount of total fingers lol
you can't get the same LR, which i assume is the reason why it's being kept in
There's a dick though.

In your mouth
hot give more
matrixhentaipony does it
make her sex a young boy
>uses idiotic audiophile-tier excuses to waste space
>inpaints with base prompt
>talks shit about the best image viewer in existence
>calls others retarded
Trolling in a porn thread? That's just pathetic.
>audiophile-tier excuses
I can see the jpg artifacts you faggot. If you're that desperate to save space, use either AVIF or JPEGXL.
>best image viewer
That windows 95 looking shit is not the best in any way.
>calls others retarded
I call retards for retarded, go cry about it retard.
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showing my wife my jr
animagine refinfer is so good
everyone should use it
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i am a naigger thoughbeit
why did you give up on animagine refiner
its the best 6gb lora
the power and knowledge of 2 models
>I can see the jpg artifacts
You literally can't unless you zoom in 300%. That's the entire point of JPEG compression. Sampler smudge and noise is the only thing you can see, and lossless won't fix that. Stop coping.
>You literally can't unless you zoom in 300%
Maybe not on your shitty 720p aliexpress monitor, blind street shitter.
But us normal people can.
There's no heaven
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¡Hola amigos! Estilo clásico.
Refiner is still retarded. Just use the animagine version of anytest
imagine spending 40 minutes inpainting this piece of trash
smaller males
Immaculate gen. Don't listen to the haters
my character lora has a black strapless dress, but I just tagged it "black dress", to avoid extra tags. thing is, sometimes it generates lines holding the dress on the shoulders, should I just put strapless back in and retrain, or is it an undercooking issue?
Honestly your posts is the best thing in those generals. I would really grateful if you posted more frequently, no need to spend so much time inpainting/refining your masterpieces, I believe your gens would be great even without so much effort.
based, post more please
just do black strapless dress or switch it to strapless dress imo
Yeah I don't see the reasons for all the hate. Your gens are the highest quality here, by far. If we had more posters like you we could bring back /hdg/ to its former glory.
All me btw
e6 is kinda refilling my cascade hopium
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I made another lora to improve milking machines, I think it works pretty well.
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>not black
>"Put it on, no border baby please"
(I can make that joke I'm hispanic)
does his cock grow out of the stomach?
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>decide to make a nice and easy character lora next
>spend 24 hours creating the dataset
i have a problem
You are me, I spend like 10 hours autistically curating datasets for the simplest characters, and then even longer cleaning if its full of watermarks/text/
and then archive the lora after doing 10 gens
time well spent
i upload all of my character ones so they presumably get dozens of uses
are pony score tags placebo?
not at all
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It's not for him.
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How the FUCK do I make a person lie flat on the back without raising the legs somehow? I even tried to put legs_up in negatives.
so funny.
im running out of xenoblade 3 characters to make loras of
Have you considered Rule 63'd males?
make style loras now
Catbox Pyra lora plox
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used all my day to implement this shit on forge from a1111, it finally works, i'm done


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kek based
i have thought about making a post op bridget lora
i already do
making a xenoblade 2 lora is PROBLEMATIC because the freecam software that i use to disable the UI isn't compatible with version 2.1.0 and i haven't been able to find patch 2.0.0 anywhere on the internet. it's fucked up
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which styles have you made and can i download them?
El controlneto y mucho inpainto. The CN image is actually an ancient gen of mine I picked at random, but I can't find it in the folder of 10k images.
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>making a xenoblade 2 lora is PROBLEMATIC because the freecam software that i use to disable the UI isn't compatible with version 2.1.0 and i haven't been able to find patch 2.0.0 anywhere on the internet. it's fucked up
you dont need a lora for pyra, even the swimsuit version works
nice ty
Using civit ai, How do Make it so the The white guy has a big dick and the black guy have a smaller one lmao, also any sites like civitai with less censorship
ais are limited to recreating concepts found in the training data. as a result outlandish requests like this may not be possible
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can I use the same settings for a character lora to a style lora? or is there anything important I should change?
The number of images and training time are different.
Character consistency is a "don't need" or "need" strategy.
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>same training settings work like shit on a different dataset
pretty amazing that a single shitposting spammer made me realize i'm racist.
this has happened to me a bunch
way i figure is that each image is made up of noise and images get denoised differently or something like that
latent space is black magic
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with most datasets the explanation should just be that you're using a variety of different training images and dataset composition. that doesn't really apply to me though since i make my own training images, the only difference is the subject. not even random noise should make much of a difference here since i'm using that PR that filters noise samples unless they look sufficiently like the training images or w/e. this shit is just constantly weird
I could do some Apollonia! But no that was just a Nobara pic
Fucking excellent! Love your catgirl gens
now make her a shortstack
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Oh, I see. The body type was more in line of the grown up Apollonia, but the hairstyle is more in line with Nobara's.
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>since i make my own training images
how difficult is it to do this? do you just gen like 1000 images of shit youd like to see overnight and -pick the 100 or so that can be used for training?
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i use screenshots
oh youre Xenoblade anon, yeah makes sense
i have actually generated random shit from pony to make regularization images for style learning but that was easy since any image worked
>koikatsu training lora
Mind explaining or doing a small write up on what that is and how one would use that?
NTA but heres some stuff from the 1.5 days, It works on Pony too iirc
I was curious about the masking data and stuff. It's a bit different than what I have seen before when it comes to kopiki.
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basically see >>8083440
it's a lora trained on the lighting/shader conditions shown in the screenshots, although it's also trained to reproduce xenoblade screenshots since i use those too.
i just take a bunch of screenshots of the character from various angles in various poses and run them through some pre-processing scripts to pad the images and create masks. i haven't ever bothered with 1:1 posing since i've noticed some serious composition issues going down that path in the past.
if you want to try out masks i uploaded a script that will automatically generate loss masks based on transparent images under a subfolder in that mega. and one that will automatically pre-bucket images since that can cause problems in my experience.
you can also just use the image's transparency as a loss mask as part of its cached latents in sd-scripts but the implementation seems to suck a lot and it takes significantly longer to generate those and they're huge. if you want to use separate loss masks then you need to use a dataset config file with this format: https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss/blob/master/test/config/dataset-masked_loss.toml
How can I copy style but not pose with SD?
Distinctly ugly and boring, as always. Bravo.
should I use constant or cosine for style loras?
constant, always
I use either cosine or linear (or rex), idk how constant behaves with styles
Sorry for the late reply but thank you for this!
Anyone know if there is a decent way to disable just one or two specific LoRA in ADetailer without pasting the edited prompt? Sometimes a LoRA will be fine on early steps for the whole image but fry the face if left in for that.
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>forge tends to generate >5 fingers but it's cleaner in everything else
>a1111 is more accurate with fingers but it's slightly worse than forge in very small details
Goodbye forge, this time for real.
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Its been a while since I generated stuff.
Whats the current meta?
It's a pony world.
NoveAI v3 for anime/hentai, pony-based models for cartoon porn.
> Whats the current meta?
Praying and waiting for Cascade release.
ugh very organic posts sisters
woah, this is majestic. thanks
are they wrong though?
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they aren't wrong they are just making me SUPER MAD!!!1111 >_____< :((((
i've made terms with it a month after naiv3 released.
but up to that point i was fuming as well.
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fucking nice
gonna be real here chief, that's very close to Virtuallylewd
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I have no clue who that is, looked her up and see some similarities. I got the lora from an anon here a while ago.
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damn, the /aco/ thread is even worse than ours
How so?
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Eh, never mind. Guess my first impression was skewed by the art styles.
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very good.
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is this what I need for generating a sequence of prompts in automatic1111?

im going to generate all stages of a blowjob
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From my experience, it mitigates style bleed. It's a bit like averaging out the images together, rather than hyper focusing on a single image at a time.
It's helpful for homogenous datasets that are all the same style. You'll get style bleed for sure, but you'll be able to train more before then.

I don't find it to be much faster, though I tend to train a good chunk of epochs regardless of step count. So if I train 10 epochs, it could take an hour or 10.
No. That's for wildcards.
You make a list of shit in notepad, and you can add __list__ to your prompt and it'll pick randomly from that list and insert it into your prompt.
I use it for a shitload of things. Characters and character specific outfits, styles, sex positions and situations, where they're looking, where they're fucking (backgrounds), in what hole/s and if/where there's cum, the time of day, which side (front/side/back), composition and cropping, emotions and expressions, lighting, you name it.
You can also put those __list__ entries inside your list to nest them.

I think I've got around 100 or so different wildcard files. I barely even prompt normally anymore, just toss up a few of the above and gen batches at a time and save the good ones.

The only thing about em that sucks huge fucking balls, is that you can't use it to put text into the negative prompt alongside a positive one.
>The only thing about em that sucks huge fucking balls, is that you can't use it to put text into the negative prompt alongside a positive one.
You can maybe try negpip for some things you would normally put in negatives
i was there. also check the archives ;)
oh shit.
No idea something like this existed. I had tried a little while ago to see if negative weights did anything, but obviously they didn't. This is fuckin great. Though it's probably added uncounted hours to curating all my wildcards again. But I guess it gives me something to do while genning a batch.
Thanks a ton.
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It fuckin works, pic is just a quick and shitty test.
Even with "orange hair" in the prompt, tossing another one with negative values completely negates it no problem.
It's a gamechanger to me. I'm gonna have some real fun with this.
No problem. I think I had a similar dilemma at one point so I'm glad to help.
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Yeah I noticed shortly after I posted.
Unfortuntely I can't take it back. What's done is done.
My only solace is that the dude I meant to respond to got the message.
hi guys, i want to make clothing lora. This is the first time I'll try that. Can you give me some tips? Fox example long ago before pony i heard that somebody said that cropping out the head gives better results. Is that still recommended? Or any tips are welcome.
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>Fox example long ago before pony i heard that somebody said that cropping out the head gives better results. Is that still recommended?
It does. You should also strive to crop all the images to same resolution, it gives much better results than bucketing.
You need to hide the head, if you dont want your lora's face mixing with other chars.
put black or white boxes over the head and mark those as censored, make some images also with cropped head.If your outfit has coplicated details/ornaments, then make a few close-ups of those at at 1:1 AR.

If you do crop out head in ALL your training images, then most of you gens will come out cropped and "head out of frame" in neg wont help you fix it.
On Pony all you have to do is make a character lora like usual and not prune any tags.
Just use loss masks for head.
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You should.
is there any tutorial on loss mask?
didnt use those yet
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Yeah, pretty much.
If you want to try an unpruned char lora to see how it works, there are a bunch in this mega https://mega.nz/folder/L7Q3XaQC#jg7_M_gCun-aQenQmLISIQ
Imo that's already pretty good. If you have multiple characters in the dataset it should be totally fine. And yeah you can mask the faces >>8083704 but I would leave at least 10% transparency.
i'm not sure i understand. Do you mean i impaint the pictures first and put a black mask on the face, right? But is it enough to tag them as censored?
Like drawing any other mask. White is visible, grey is partial based on white amount, black or transparent is not visible at all.
No you don't do anything to the picture. You just tell the AI not to learn the part where the face is.
Just create a full-white mask and paint black where the face is.
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thx for the help guys, i really appreciate it
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is that the girl from nagatoro
does anyone have a chisato (lycoris recoil) lora for pony?

all the ones on civitai don't do her red hair ribbon properly like old sd1.5 lora's

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Is there a plain text wildcard just for these tags? I dunno how to work with this .csv.
what are the different school uniforms I can prompt? there are many with weird names lol
csv is plain text (Comma Separated Values).

U could use html if you are a brainlet
weird names how? please don't tell me you don't know what a fucking serafu is
our ship has sunk, hasn't it?
kita high school uniform, for example. there are many with unique names.
What do you mean?
wow, this still mostly works
>waaah I don't like hentai posted in a hentai thread, it's over
Yes, finally.
I downloaded the basic stuff maybe a year and a half ago, maybe more. I get okay results, and I just learned that increasing the sampling steps can generate cleaner images, as well as how to do inpainting and sketching. I still get goofy looking faces and nothing I create even comes somewhat close to the average stuff in these threads. I'm using nai.ckpt, are there newer/better checkpoints, or is it all practice? I'm also using loras to minor success, but they tend to make things more unstable
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guys give me some different outfits for me to gen
I still don't know how to only grab the first column here, I am beyond a brainlet btw.
Why the fuck hasn't anyone tried making small NAI3-style finetune with 5-10 artists and 5-10 characters?
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very nice
Why would we need Nai when we have pony and cascade is coming?
Damn, vegita looking a little dark hwre...right?
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you got to be trolling...

>goto https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
>CTRL + left click on the "A" to select all cells of the A column.
>CTRL+C to copy those
>CTRL+V into your text file or anywhere you like
I am now enlightened. Thank you very much.
What's so funny about it? It's literally the best compression algorithm to date.
Let me guess, you still use shit like VP8 and H263 for videos?
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sure thing. I already generated some, imma clean them up and post em when im less busy
Catbox please?
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Fuck off slop anon, I did not ask you
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kinda yeah
good idea anon, maybe if we tell everyone that the spam bot is making us seethe the person running it will realize that he's actually hurting our feelings and will stop
How do I stop high res fix to open when sending stuff to text2img? Its really annoying
I have the dataset ,give me the optimizer and parameters i need to use for the fine tune and ill do it.
i dont know if it just brute force or anythign special they trained it but nai is simply better at inpainting trhan anything else.
i damn near use it exclusively as a touch up tool rather than outright gens
can you say that again, but in english?
The highres fix drop down tab opens up when send the png info txt to txt2img and its pissing me off
don't gen garbage using highres fix, simple fix
I never use highres fix, doesnt stop this fucking tab from opening
Nice. Can I get catbox?
does not happen on my machine, get fucked retard
I haven't followed the drama, is sd3 DOA?
No it's KOF.
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anon, please, stop accusing everyone of being a samefag, I hadn't realized it was NAI.
just fucking finish this thread already
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obviously not an exhaustive list but you can also look for variants of _high_school_uniform and
or if you're based _middle_school_uniform and _junior_high_school_uniform
actually I'm retarded
go here
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Uhh sure why not, I can post old gens
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it's over
>old gens
Still better than vast majority of gens posted here.
Mind catboxing them?
Here you go
Thank you
Pony model mixes are kinda boring desu.
lol these threads are over, atp now over 2 days old. really nobody gives a fuck about local anymore
>thinking this thread is only for local
>atp now over 2 days old.
That is considering that half of the thread is spam. Without spam it would be even slower.
Local is shit rn and nothing has changed for a while. Anything good comes out and these threads will see more actual activity
What the fuck does atp stand for???
Redpill me on regularization images. What do they do?
i forgot about using controlnet to do latent hires fix upscaling. it's very slow for me but looks nice imo
they have their loss multiplied by like 0.1 or something and training loads an equal number of reg and training images
Prompting backgrounds is like pulling teeth.
How do I prompt a ribbon starting at the neck, going between breasts and finally covering like a pelvic curtain? I sometimes get it randomly
Nobody told me NAI3 img2img was garbage...
Oh well, at least the normal gens are nice
Ou est le nouveau thread?
tabard and/or pelvic curtain?
why are there ugly 3dpd whores on /u/
it's like the only board that allows that
was going to do some yuri gens but I'm sure as hell not posting them in that ugly normalfag shithole
/aco/ allows them, but they get a separate AI thread
I meant the anime focused boards
>they get a separate AI thread
even that place has more sensibility it seems
is there a way to influence eye shape with the prompt or it's hard wired into the style/lora?
there are some eye size sliders lora on civitai.
the tag "big eyes" work a bit.
the same as "mature woman", changes the face shape a bit, as do "loli".
U can also put loli on the negs to have smaller eyes.
In theory https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=tag_group%3Aeyes_tags
Report back on which ones work.
what's wrong with it? it works like I'd expect it to work lol
I'm bored. I have nothing left I want to train.
One could think that imagegen is for generating images. Crazy.
what I'm looking for is keeping the overall style but change the shape of the eye. For example aikra toriyama has very specific eye shape for the women of dbz but the eye shape is often lost when applying a very different style
Like anon said, in theory. But in practice you typically need loras for it and it may or may not work with what you're doing. You can inpaint too.
do not make a new thread
just put your gens in a catbox
i think we still have 400 text posts left
if that's your idea of avoiding the spammer then we might as well have a thread on a blue board where we catbox all /h/
If I was a baker I'd probably give up at about this point anyway. When mods are working together with the thread wiper, makes you wonder what good can even come out of this thread anymore?
You are very funny, ni-chan.
might as well spam blacked in every single general
he only spams here because his loli gens got banned and then said if he couldnt post loli he would ruin the thread
>his loli gens got banned and then said if he couldnt post loli he would ruin the thread
this was a couple months ago he made the declaration
>t. spammer
Got a link? Anything?
Even if you have it, is it really a proof? You could write that post as a "proof" because you hate lolicons and want everyone else to hate them too.
If he wanted to make his intentions clear he'd probably make the claim with one of the spam posts.
New Thread:

itd probably take me like 20 minutes in the archives to find it. some guy had a melty about his loli posts getting deleted and then the spam started. you cant be 100% sure on an anon board but if you witnessed the melty it makes sense.
Thank you.
"loincloth, cleavage, bare shoulders" does that.

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