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Previous >>8015977
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Hello paizuri thread. Hope you've been well.
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Boob morning!
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Nothing better in the world than to wake up to paizuri.
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Having a big titty gf who wakes you up with her boobs every morning.
You know what? I think you're right on that.
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That feel when some guys are legitimately dating tittymonsters and get to fuck their tits as much as they want. Life just isn't fair sometimes...
Why even live?
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Man, paizuri skill rankings always do it for me. Definitely should have measurements somewhere in there too though.
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glad I posted this previously lol
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It will be us one day anon.....
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Very uncommon zuri position here.
why would i want anything else other than paizuri?

huge tits and paizuri fetish is a curse to me. Ill never get to experience it, but there is nothing sexier in this world. Im addicted to hentai paizuri comics, any recommendations?
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That is my dream. I have gotten a titfuck before. It only happened once and she was only a DD cup, but still, it was nice to feel those soft, milk mountains wrap around me. I want to feel bigger.
Maybe someday.
It's kinda hot that DD isn't that impressive to you when like 20 years ago it was considered super big.
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Assisted paizuri is so good, especially when it's a girl with smaller boobs doing the assisting, and especially when she's enjoying it.
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I have always been a tit freak. Probably really skewed my view when I happened upon a program when I was little that was interviewing women with huge tits. Blew my mind and I have been boob obsessed since. I have always wanted massive. My dream is to suck on a pair bigger than my head. I want to titfuck them until I can't move anymore.
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Nice, basically the same here. I remember seeing some big titty porn clip online when I was like 12 and getting insanely fascinated. It was just some blonde woman in a field taking her top off and rubbing her big boobs, and just like 30 seconds long, but even that did it for me.

I've heard the average breast size has legitimately been increasing over the year for a number of reasons. There's a chance.
I hope that I can find a massive pair to cherish and adore.
I have many stories of my tit adventures. My desire for hefty hooters has given me some fun times for sure. One woman even told me;
>Wow! You really are tit obsessed. That's fucking hot!
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This is one of my favorites
Perpendicular paizuri is so fucking hot
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>Just plain, constant, relentless assertive paizuri milking that goes on and on
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[Ootori Mahiro]Hot Spring Hotties: Pits, Tits, & Paradise


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