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Wholoid Edition

Previous Thread: >>8081003

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

catbox for op pic?
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The 3 musketeers of SLOP
First one has conjoined dick, second blurry shit and third ultra stretched
so this is the power of comfyui?
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actually usable latent hires fix is nice
how do you get/use it?
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very nice anon.

gimme names of vocaloid(s) you wanna see and some artist names you want to see them in and I'll post some, feel free to suggest poses or anything else
Anon from >>8080991 here. Completely missed that post.
Fow my answer.
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just enable anytest and use your gen's lowres image as the control net image
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>mouth changed completely
>seams on pantyhose went from soft to hard crumpled plastic
>good lighting turned to worst bokeh soap bubbles ever
>gained more ribs
What part of this is "usable"?
I'd take the low res over that garbage.
do you want to see what the normal latent upscale looks like?
Ok so its better for character/concept LORAs than style LORAs then, in theory. Im assuming if it mitigates artsyle slightly it would be beneficial to still supply the dataset with varied artstyle to further decrease style bleed
how do you prevent style bleed on character loras? especially when the source material is very stylized
I don't care for meme upscale, use esrgan or something better retard
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Train the style first, then merge it into the base model and train your character on that merge.

Doesn't even have to be a good style lora.
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>adding fake detail
yo i love sharp contours and smudged details
>fake detail
Yeah so instead you prefer all the other shit I described? Things that are miles away from the original pic?
Forget the blurriness, her ribcage is impossible to locate and her arms are gone.
the only thing that matters is the dataset
do fucking not listen to anyone who claims otherwise, hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size and optimizer only affect the way the dataset you prepared fits into the model (i.e. how computationally expensive the training is and how well the model learns in general)
What difference does it make? it still looks like ugly aco ponysloppa.
And you know you can add "uncensored" to your prompts, right?
NTA but I do. Because original pic is generated at low res and is just a sketch for the final image, it can't possibly have all the things I want in the final image because shit models nowadays can't really draw those at low res. So I want high res to be significantly different so I can roll a couple of times for something I like more than the initial image.
I never used latent upscaler though but whatever.
"The original pic" literally doesn't matter. You are not upscaling an existing image. You are creating a new image in some specific high resolution. If you go straight from text to final image, you won't even know what the "original" looked like.
All the nonissues you point out can be easily fixed with different denoise or controlnet settings.
True SD upsampling will always beat shitty AI upscale, if done properly.
Are there any artists that use both digital drawing and AI gens in their workflow?
Im wondering what the process and end results would be like
yeah theres a tag for it on boorus now
>literally doesn't matter
Make up your mind sperglord
>zero comprehension
GPT 1.5 post
all this happened because you couldn't stop feeding the troll
Says guy trying to justify a gen that looks like dogshit

anyway just sketch some lineart, img2img with controlnet then clean up details and inpaint
HEY NOW, he's gen looks like top-tier cascade gen!!
I explained a thing. Take your meds.
nai shill?
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are there any ip adapter models for pony?
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>gen horizontal/vertical image
>throw result into controlnet and set to resize & fill
>flip aspect ratio and repeat
Zoom-out lifehack.
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I moreso meant as a user than a trainer. if there's too much style bleed in an already-baked lora are you basically just fucked?
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Makes sense.
Lora Block Weights extension, the IN section corresponds to character features while the OUT is mainly style & background details/pose
Train anti-lora: gather the original model generation samples and train LoRA with that.
You can lower the lora weight and hope it still gets her features accurately. Or lower it for the initial gen, then inpaint missing details at full strength. Or overpower it with strong styles, either overcooked loras or above 1 strength.
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This is so fucking good!
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Amazing gens bro.
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'as'ade bros... hows it looking
Top tier TIfa succ
very promising
very transparent
kek the gen is from spammer but its not bad if basic
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very nice
I suppose it's more convenient than outpainting the edges afterwards.
Why does he spam bad AI anyway? Why not...save good AI images?
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just struck me man
it really now feels like I wasted a lot of time here
nothing happened in like 3 months
still same gens
still same spam and whine schizo
still same arguments over nothing
like if I teleported to this general from march nothing new except for anytest would be here
fuck this man, what a colossal waste of time
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ok see you tomorrow
yes, are you retarded?
This place would be so much better if we ban all discussions about model training such as cascade, pony, etc. Nothing but toxicity by idiots who fail to train lora of higher quality than civit bots yet want to shit on people
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Thats the flaw of this kind of thread format. "Pictures only, no usernames, no links, no connecting with others". The only thing we can do is ask for tags/models/sites and that's it.
see you in a few weeks
>spamming thread with tons of low effort gens of content designed to trigger sensitive anons
>resizing images, using file names from existing posts and adding random replies to bypass filters
it's a mystery
I will never understand the lengths some people will go just to mildly inconvenience someone. But then again, seeing some of the replies to the obvious troll, some are obviously more than just mildly inconvenienced by a handful of bad quality pictures.
If you want to make the thread better, ban shitty gens. Discussion about models and shit is interesting, unlike shit gens
you just have to move on, touch some grass and find another hobby that is less brain-damaging
if you're absolutely addicted, then you may as well combine imagegen with that
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does pony do tickling? I can't get it working, skill issue?
Plenty of loras wouldn't get made otherwise. As for how important those styles are, that depends on you. There's also little tricks like >>8084147

He's been slowly killing the thread over the past two months. I too wonder now if there's any point in staying.
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this post is so painfully fucking stupid
wasting time is such a relative thing, to most spending time on 4chan is a waste of time to begin with
if you're incapable of learning anything in 3 months and think you already know everything there is to know then I have bad news for you
Making loras is a busywork for midwits, the only relevant activity is making finetunes and models.
oh no unless i train the next pony model i won't have the most updoots on civit ai :(
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I remember there was a guy who was spamming because he was low-key mad about NAI images. He wanted to make art like Floox so he could make some money from Patreon doing requests but that required more than just prompting. Floox is most likely Nyantcha themselves dabbling in NAI and doing an AI side hustle, which is why their NAI gens can't match the level of detail that Floox does, so eventually he just had a gigantic shitstorm on these threads trying to make everyone hate NAI.
not that guy but i also hate nai
nai users samefagging all their posts help contribute to that
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Like it doesn't matter if you use Sciamano240 as your base image and set it to less than 0.5 denoising strength, because no matter what, human skill trump AI.
Most of the top tier pictures on Civitai are just the people's original art ran through some AI models at 0.25 denoising strength to make it more vivid and detailed. They still made 90% of the image themselves, which is why even the most perfect img2img slot machine wins can't compare.
It's a game of processing power, a game of photoshop skills, and a game of connections.
there's still anti-nai spammer here
>i also hate nai
because it costs $25 a month and I can't make that back when I sell my pictures, since nobody wants to buy them
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>It's a game of processing power, a game of photoshop skills, and a game of connections.
anon im just here to make lore accurate waifu images and to do it for noone other than myself
It's the same guy, don't get baited
crappy business practice and overpromising. also they said they were going to share info on training data till paypiggies started giving them money then they said fuck that. all the people who use it have the same similar art style. i could go on
That's why you choose to harass random anons and turn threads into a bigger shitshow than they already are?
theres more than just me bro but ok
I don't use NAI. And you are responding to a bot.

I get hating them, but there's literally a schizo that attacks almost every NAI post accusing them of samefagging and other repetitive shit like blur and smear. Sounds like you?
Disliking them is one thing, turning threads into shit is another.
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*****spam started again like 2 days ago (I think?)
your shitposting has been almost non-stop for more than a month probably
amazing arts , which model you use ?
this is what mental illness looks like
still less than nai users who samefag every single post they make
thank you for proving my point
when youre in a circus you might as well act like a clown
that is just autismmix
Say the line, faggot
this thread is the circus btw
you seem a bit dim so i thought id clear it up for you
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you forgot to say the line. do it now
Do you actually believe this crap?
And you've been turning threads into shit weeks before the *****spammer appeared so nah it's circus thanks to you partially
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I have a theory that the person who is either a jannie or a mod is the schizoposter. There clearly was a moderator who ran through these threads a few seconds ago but all of the schizo-spam and shitposts are still here. They're most likely from him.
then great job, beautiful and clean arts,
how much time final result takes?for such good gens .
hope to see more.
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I can't decide between two epochs. Send your best training prompts.
He's an artist.
are you a nai user? why are you getting so upset? lol
I want to try this model out. Where did you get it?
ok so all the one word posts to nai images like "cute" or "lovely gen" are completely organic? ok dude
>There clearly was a moderator who ran through these threads
How did you make this conclusion? Nothing got removed as far as I see
plenty of one-liners to local posts
the only one who I suspect of heavy samefagging is the one who catboxes loli posts and failed at hiding his artist prompts
I saw the thread change and the post count drop by 1 but it wasn't any of the spam posts by the schizo
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civitai, but it was a while ago
soranamae really does some of the best fucking saggers. too bad about the rampant sameface
y'all are so funny
This is so good, you have amazing skill at this desu
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>"blurry = bad"
What is this meme?
Artists blur their colors and lines all the time to make the image feel softer.
Most of the "sharp" images posted here look extremely stiff and off-putting.
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Holy shit EasyNegative actually works
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Astralite shills, your response?
it doesn't have to make sense to be annoying
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Are you sure about those fingers? I ran a quick test with nothing, only score_9 and the full score suite. I don't think it has any effect.

If you do want the score tags anyway, using just one of them is a decent compromise. And imo it's easier to fix a finger with inpainting than it is to change the style once the image is done, though both are doable.
there is basically two sides, one wanting the ai art to be as close as possible to normal art, the other wants something that no artists would ever do because it's just too much work
>expecting AI tards to have any kind of aesthetic taste
your mistake. this is the reason AI will never outperform artists. you're all retarded when it comes to what looks good and what looks bad.
i see a newfag
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look at this dumb retard newfag
i've been leaving replies like that on all and any gens i liked the entire past year before v3 was even released
It's a nutjob
At least we tried though
If the mods don't delete those kinds of posts, then they are acceptable. If you want a more curated AI sharing experience, I recommend aibooru or discord
Try something completely different and non-/h/. My favorite is "sitting in a chair, drinking coffee, sleepy, annoyed, oversized shirt, leg warmers, morning hair"
he reminds me of that one schizo who cried how he is a nice person but everyone itt is a mean asshole to him so he went on to relentlessly shit on every gen he could, dude even admitted he was legitimately mentally ill kek
>the other wants something that no artists would ever do because it looks like shit
nemusona guy I think?
As much as I agree with you, I wish you soonest death.
it looks like they kind of pictures you have in hentai VN
That's a meltie, boys.
Those are usually made by amateurs trying to get started in the industry.
There's only maybe 2 or 3 VNs that have good art, the rest is basically slop. Why would anyone want to emulate that?
>aisloppa rules
the same thing was said of 1.5 gens lol lmao rumao keku jej
both say both models suck in their own way
you're just too mentally ill to remember posts that don't confirm to your bias
>Post another flat colored stiff generic anime girl
>Atleast it's not blurry!
AI brainrot is real.
its just the same schizo groidspammer
notice how groid spam stops so he can have a meltie over nai?
just filter him, he says the same exact shit over and over so its easy to do
that's because you're groidspammer-tier disruptive and annoying
That's over-generalizing, some artists have been making VNs continuously for 20+ years. But the high-effort ones take months to make and are basically just variants of a few base images, to save on work.
don't worry I haven't posted images here for months
>It's just the NAI fag
I'm not even talking about NAI vs pony when I talk about the stuff posted here.
There's plenty of good pony loras, it's just that the anons ITT choose the most generic trash loras they can find because they're "not blurry" lmao
Does he have some kind of identity disorder?
I mean I can use the thread as a text shithole like I do now still?
if it wasn't for faggots like you and groidspammer I'd happily post my gens, but why post them in a shithole
and same goes for plenty of anons, nai, pony, whatever
Jordach is now literally posting half epochs while training on his single 3090. How has this retard not realized that speed is key when it comes to AI and that his model will be obsolete by the time he finishes training
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Sameface is hardly the worst problem desu

Good idea, time to gen lifting.
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very nice
I have an issue with them because I'd like this thread to not be a fucking piece of shit it is now
can't talk out a bot out of shitting up the thread
can at least try talking (you) out
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>janny partially did their job
holy shit that's worth celebrating
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Great anon
>you could complain to the mods on irc instead
who the fuck are you kidding
they don't care
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*he replies to images* test
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good stuff anon
try a regular gen-sized image
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>Discussion about models
More like anons shitting on every model and hating for people trying to share their training progress.
I would still have shit gens removed, rather than model shit flinging
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catbox please?
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Legit can tell if this one is a shitpost gen or not
Really? The guy's not black and it is in standard resolution.
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it's not I was messing with a new lora, It's not intended to be used for sex scenes but just the facing the viewer pose, Now that I'm looking at it more I see some of the issues.
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maybe there's a cooldown if it's a bot, like once per 10m or 5m but i can't test that because retarded catfaggot keeps posting
and who is gonna decide whose gens are shit then? you?
there ain't no need to force any arbitrary nonsense rules when it's obvious who's puking in the threads on purpose
>and who is gonna decide whose gens are shit then? you?
The jannies. It works for other threads just fine.
I hate to admit but the skin looks really good
I took a step back and realized I'd been genning stuff that anons might like far more than genning for myself, for a long time now. And they mostly didn't like it anyway. (You)s are a hell of a drug.
>trusting jannies to judge quality
All my posts are manual, genned with love and care for quality. I genuinely compliment other anons' posts.
Sorry if you are a racist. Stay mad ;)
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Thanks. I'm trying out ways to do thicker cum, so it's not just a splash of white color but has its own outline and shading.
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have a non fetish self insert version, I didn't want to join the shitpost
what are you talking about bro?
You can neg "bar censor" or "mosaic censorship" if regular censorship neg doesn't catch it.
Absolutely loving this
Love this lizard
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Is this allowed on /h/
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This is the most /h/ post there is
I don't understand what they are talking about
No, really. I'm not familiar if foot stuff is allowed on /h/ or if it's considered too "extreme" (?) for the standard hentai board and better suited for one of the other nsfw boards.
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He wants to shill the sixth epoch of the 1b model to reddit
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pretty much this >>8084452 although the ponyslop is easily identifiable
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AutismMix Lightning is the fastest model on my shitty hardware. Gotta cope with what we have.
are you draw and then gen , or gen and then draw ?
it's not a gen, it's a real art, no way this is ai
I don't know if you are just being sarcastic shitposting but that is just raw ai with minor inpainting, xayah lora with autismmix
you can merge lcm lora to any sdxl model just so you know
can anyone spoonfeed me the link to anytest model for pony
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this is why i ask
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>lcm lora
Is that what does the magic that lets lightning do good gens in 8 steps? Can I just use it like a normal lora with SDXL models?
are people using CN-anytest_v4-marged_pn_dim256 or CN-anytest_v3-50000_pn_dim256
is there a difference?
I switched from v3 to v4. Never made any tests comparing them tho
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Apparently this is the failed run...
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does it need a preprocessor?
Has anyone ever come up with the idea of creating a big collection of prompts that can be applied to ANY character?

That way all you need to do is download a lora, specify the character, then pick from this "collection of prompts" which puts them in all sorts of sex positions.
Is this the final version? If not it doesn't look bad
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It is this version
based and young sakura pilled
I use big strings to produce grids comparing characters and positions
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Ah yes, that's the idea. Looking good, are you willing to share your list of "actions"? The strings on the side.
I only started yesterday putting together a list like this.
if you didnt know, pony has hidden keywords for artists/styles
4chan community doc here:
it can help with making pony stuff look less generic
shut the fuck up NAIpaycuck, you lost
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The final version will include some e621...
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nice, are the ass-clapping effects edited in?
Based post right there
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Nope, the lora did a good job and only needed minimal inpainting. This was the original gen
Yeah they wanted to do a quick dirty run so they have something to compare future runs against. The actual cook should be really good, all artist tags are included with no censorship, and the people baking aren't retards like Astralite.
Including some e6 isn't a bad thing; they aren't stupid enough to make 50% of the dataset furry slop. Majority of the dataset is danbooru/pixiv (including all gold images btw).
where can i found your soraka art ?
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what lora did you use?
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I generally upload my stuff at https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=touchfluffytails
How the fuck do they have 64 h100s?
Did you know that you can rent hardware?
Neggles works at a company with compute and uses it to train
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>failed run
No, this isn't a failed run. That's how making models actually works. You do various test runs with different settings and datasets to find the best combinations and the bad ones serve as a baseline that goes to trash after better one. But Anons will look at this and call it shit, judging it like a finish product
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sometimes it feels like im the only one here who enjoys gigantic breasts
Renting that many for 3 days is still like 10k.
I like them but when I gen some im never satisfied, I always feel like they are either too big or not enough, its annoying
I do too but I don't post any cause its "borderline" /d/
speaking of which I need to rebake the Ogin Bara LORA I said Id do, Dawntrail ended up sucking lizardcock
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you definitely are not the only one who enjoys them
i like to push the weight of the tag as far as it can go without breaking, that can be fun.
i feel like anons are too scared of being borderline /d/, that anon above thought a footjob didnt belong like what the heck
They have even more, 128x h100 if I'm correct. Most of them are DGX h100 nodes. Seems like they have access to it when they are not busy at work.
yes i think that was him lmao

nice this sdxl?
>"enablerefiner": true,
Local might unironically be saved if they have that much compute. Can only pray at this point kek
If they don't reach her belly button she might as well be flat
i still see the animagine/xl blocky shading. bake harder
It's funny how both cascade and cosxl are non-commercial so shit like civit is getting fucked regardless and the horsefucker using sdxl is literally their last and only hope.
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I fucking can't wait, this "dirty run" already has some serious NAI energy in it, looks like wdV will actually btfo everything that existed before combined, the thing that bugs me the most is that they apparently don't have the cogvlm captioner ready right now. I don't know about their captioning strategy and their release cycle but holy fuck if they already have NLP captions similar to pony (taggers -> llava) ready then...
Actually this looks too good to be open source AND open weights.
That's exactly what I implied, anon.
cosXL is SDXL that understands v-loss.
>"enablerefiner": true,
cosXL doesn't provide any refiner though??
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Random bullshit prompt gave me this girl that seems kind of familiar. Anyone else seen her design before?
Horsefucker isn't even close to finishing captioning for the next model, let alone attempting to bake. Cascade/wdV will both finish baking before the next pony model at this point.
its jordachover
it would be hilarious if the wdxl team releases a prototype better than resonance 1B e6 (which shouldn't be a problem considering their hardware) right before jordach does his reddit shill
jordach personally insulted them in their own discord so this would be the perfect opportunity for them to get even
Uh, where's the porn?
wait when did this happen?
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i'll say that jordach ended up being partially vindicated about sai being a bunch of idiots and sd3 being a trashfire but that doesn't mean that cascade will save us
Neggles bros.. are we winning?
If he was smart enough, he could probably train his own cosXL lmao.
>wdV will both finish baking before the next pony model
I don't expect we will get "full" wdV in the coming 2 months honestly since they're yet to finetune CogVLM2, recaption everything and test.
Their trooncord guidelines don't allow posting porn there, but given how they made making porn on SD2.1 of all things possible that shouldn't be a problem.
Honestly I'd rather have blacked spam than this autistic model and e-celeb warfare.
>If he was smart enough, he could probably train his own cosXL lmao.
Didn't the horsefucker say he didn't even know how to train a lora?
begone naigro
He said he "never really got good results with it".
wdv success will finally render a1111 obsolete
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might be a vocaloid
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ON MY KNEES praying that this succeeds
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Anyone know the tag/prompts to generate this type of underwear?
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NTA but do Maika. There's barely any porn of her.
wdV is a meme
>next "failed" samples coming in two months.
stop getting baited
I'd rather do this than playing vidya tbqhwyf.
good morning jordach sir
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does anyone know what these Lora+ parameters do?
it does some kind of math shit that allegedly improves training but in practice may not do anything at all
surely they didnt prune random parts of the dataset for no reason right
what's their trooncord so i watch this trainwreck?
>Spend hours making a lora
>Gen only one picture
>Never use it again
How do I stop?
of course he is not done with captioning, do you realize how many tag there is to censor before its actually safe and moral to use? Truly gods work
If you share it, is it really time wasted?
anyone ever use LoKr for Loras? I keep getting errors when starting it
heres my settings:
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What scheduler would you prefer in this one?

euler a
non-2M SDE.
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others samplers

rip karras?
doesn't it require a higher step count? its images were more spatially coherent but id rather just gen more images
will you make a PR on forge? >>8083257
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Okay this is more steps (25 to 50). AYS shouldn't get worse results with more steps ig

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benis in butt
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so this is why nai hasnt released the v3 technical writeup
Anyone know any directional tags for Pony? Trying to get the woman to be positioned a certain way for regional prompter so that it properly associates the regions how i want them.
where are these league loras from anon? civit?
Impossible with prompting. Either use controlnet or play the gacha until you roll the right orientation.
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For the anon asking for help with forge in the last thread
>leave for a week or however long i was away for
>i gained multiple impostors
What the fuck?
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don't think he actually claimed to be someone else and you don't have exclusive rights to 3dpd shoebill posting
the pics are pretty cool btw
I invented it and then I perfected it so that no living man could best me in the ring of 2.5D Shoebill pics.
Sexualizing the Friends is NEVER acceptable, even 7 years later.
just wanted to make her in my style hehe
It's very acceptable, I just sexualized another.
Okay, I get it. I caught on. It's funny, really.
It's not "worse results with more steps", it's "less steps needed to get a good result". As few as 10 supposedly. 25 is already overkill for it since that's how many a normal scheduler needs, you're not getting any benefit from AYS if you go that high.
Anyway, did Cascade get anywhere yet or?
yes but wd team just got real fucking huge compute and jordach is very unlikely to win against that, how can he even compete
You are saying it with weird negative connotation as if those following cascade closely will lose something if some other finetune comes in and saves the day. But you are wrong, as a cascade shill (not b- though) I can tell you that if wd turns out to be something that jordach can't compete with, I will be ecstatic.
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Come on dude, League is about as mainstream as it gets. More so than Genshin perhaps, of course they just work.

Other than like Nami. Can't compete with Onepiece on anime boorus, and she's too /d/ to be widely popular anyway.
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I messed up... but where?
Will the WD team resume from their old WDXL blueprint? It did NOT look good, they were basically gonna make the same mistakes as astratroonie.
If not more.

>"helper embeddings" (???)
>very broad date ranges converted into 4 tokens, no individual years?
>aesthetic gradient based on an aesthetic score predictor (it's CLIP-based L M A O)
>booru-based QUALITY gradients on top of the AESTHETIC gradients, based on booru scores (because boorufags have the best taste ofc, totes)
>extra tags to wrangle the generation even further because there's too much shit in the pot ("waifu, anime, deleted, real life, instagram"
>dataset compr(om)ised of boorus, instagram ("models, influencers, actresses + japs, chinks and gooks), gravure and cosplay images
>all images are processed by 5 fucking captioners
>fucking carbon emission report at the end lmao what is this

Please don't fucking tell me they're wasting their new compute on the same fucking WD 1.5 blueprint.
Are you a retard?
What style is that?
None of the people from this version help with WD. They went of to get hired by random AI companies. Now it's different and simpler.
Oh holy shit thank fuck.
Ebara + Reweik + Autism self-made model.
Well, Kino compositions being 1/20 about gacha really sucks, but when you get one, it comes out real fucking good, y'know?
You wanna post it too?
On this shitty ass thread? No thank you. I thought we all agreed this is text chat only
>Ebara + Reweik + Autism
Huh, does it look like that consistently? Seems like a strange mix to me
How is it with loras?
Can relate, was trying to improve twerking/ass shaking prompt and got this one out of 22, base res gen. It even looks like a cnet pic but is not lol.
are there any evidence that they're actually doing a model? there's no actual eta, as far as i'm concerned it would never be released
Isn't that the entire point of wildcards?
That's how I've got mine set up. See >>8083673
>I use it for a shitload of things. Characters and character specific outfits, styles, sex positions and situations, where they're looking, where they're fucking (backgrounds), in what hole/s and if/where there's cum, the time of day, which side (front/side/back), composition and cropping, emotions and expressions, lighting, you name it.
>I think I've got around 100 or so different wildcard files. I barely even prompt normally anymore, just toss up a few of the above and gen batches at a time and save the good ones.
so do we get to see their failed runs every 3 days?
lurk moar
It is semi consistent on the style, which it inherits mainly from Ebara. Works well with loras, save for complicated hairstyles, which I think will need training for it alone.
this is a genuine question, they might just do 2-3 runs that are unsuccessful and say fuck it, we're trying it again in 6 months.
this is a geniune advice, you just have to find the answer
Okay bros, make your bets. Choose one, WdV or Resonance Cascade?

I personally would like Cascade to triumph first since it has e6 tags and mixed dataset along with anime, so I can prompt e6 artist to do big juicy butts while doing my fav anime waifus. Also, the next iteration (R2) will have a bigger dataset and custom captions so I'll get even better. But wdV can now potentially do something BIG.
Why not both? Also 90% sure I'm not throwing away Pony even after both of them come out. Just like i still use Animagine sometimes, it's good to have options.
Just read the news that SD3 is crap. Guess things will remain the same for years from now.
I've been observing nu-wd for a while and I certainly have more faith in them. It's true that mixed dataset could plenty of advantages but I'm not so sure about Jordach's ability to deliver, sadly.
i wouldn't expect wdv to be released anytime soon (not within another 6 months at least)
But neggles said wdv will include some e621?
A pretty small amount iirc? And it's not in the current train set.
> finetune CogVLM2
Will they release it? Because tagging is the key.
Sure, but just some e6 pics. Less than 1M, at most. Jordach has basically the entire e621 database as his dataset for Cascade, that's about 3.6M pics. Definitely not the same
>Less than 1M, at most
I would not assume that, in the earlier test he complained the furry part was bleeding which suggests that it's a significant part of the dataset, and I think there will be more than 10M pics in the whole thing
How could a cluster of 128xH100's take so long? The only reason I can think of is that they got stuck hard at finding good training settings or got bad seeds
more please

Both are retards.
Bet Jordouche is right, WD was always shit and stopped being relevant after nai leak
I think it doesn't matter, because both would be just slightly better than pony and there will be stagnation for local image generation for the next few years. We are doomed at least for now.
Blackedbro please resume the spam and save us from the discord faggotry.
how is knowing names of several finetuners "discord faggotry"? it's not like they come here to say good morning with their avatars like they did on sdg
god bless you anon for the jadony lora, I appreciate it
>a pair of delusionals arguing and competing to see which one of the will be able to make a good model, despite both of them never fucking delivered anything good in the past
kek, both models doa.
and you'd be right with those guesses.
or they'll simply won't use the cluster for training and for something else instead.
this guy
>speaking about other models
>"yooo look what [some retard on discord] promised about his as-of-yet nonexistent model! [other team]bros our response??? XDD"
You are huffing and getting high off some grifter's farts. How about talking about models that actually exist and are finished products?
Alright let's talk about pony hidden hashes, 1 repeat vs 2 repeats and nai artist tags for 2304983250987th time already, yaaay!
we're doing that already, if you somehow didn't notice
how "blurry" nai is. how fucked and shitty pony is
At least 10 repeats.
Honestly, talking about nonexistent but currently being in development models is actually more fun (and gives hopium) than genning your daily sepiaslop/naigger pics at this point. 6 fucking months and nothing new besides anytest has come out. We're eager for a new finetune.
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Let's talk about latent merging.
>let's talk about something that not a single soul knows about
sure, let's
ah yes let's talk about how pony stores all the actually important model knowledge in one place so it makes it impossible to do a good merge
no wait let's talk about how we can train loras on nai- ah it's a saas you can only use ipadapter i forgor
then let's talk about uuhh ummm errrrr w-well i think we can talk about emmm well ah well uh
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let's talk about how to catch mermaids
eh. just post gens, people. 1.5slop accepted and everything
>pony stores all the actually important model knowledge in one place so it makes it impossible to do a good merge
Yeah why is this? Did ponyfucker train it wrong, as a joke?
not as a joke, he's incompetent as everyone else is, just cranked the LR way up and burned the model
absolutely retarded then
I wonder if he's learned anything for v7, but I doubt it
What I'm refering to as 'Latent merging', is in fact, 'Merging latents of two separate models periodically during generation', or as I've recently taken to calling it, 'Autistic refiner'. Latent merging is not just another way to cope like refiner is, but rather completely unique workflow based on the active knowledge sharing of two models at runtime, made possible with ComfyUI and the node for it, comprising an entirely new 7B-sized model.
I think Ni-chan is doing a great job filling up this thread, I'll just stand aside and let the most passionate post images.
>possible with comfyui
you ended this talk very quickly
i wonder how many times do jannies fap daily to his gens, jannies really seems to defend him with all they've got
not like it takes any active effort
they actually do
you can get warnings/3day vacations if you report his gens
Because youa re accusing anyone of being him if the dude is lightly tanned or not whiter than the girl.
He's posting on-topic content. You break the rules by posting racist remarks.
It's not rocket science, bud.
How can it be on-topic if I don't like it? Don't the jannies know I am the protagonist?
He has perfected his shitposting over the span of more than two months. At this point the only thing you can safely report him for is avoiding filters, and I'm not sure if that's ever enforced. The rest would require a lengthy explanation to both the janny and the mod.
Actually never mind, that seems to be meant for avoiding built-in word filters like soÿ, snh tþh fäm, and so on.
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But it's worth talking about. Although it takes twice as long plus overhead to generate, the quality is stunning. This marine was made without a single 'aua' token and without any loras.
Yeah sure play it however you like. It's not rocket science that posting activity plummeted here either. But that was the goal of moderation all along. Probably some anti AI activists there.
Post your gens.
very nice 6gb lora!
Okay, I don't like this place for multiple reasons besides this one, but I promise I will immediately post my gens once all spammer posts are removed and it is acknowledged by mods that they break the rule of being "extremely low quality".
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You ever feel like you've found the holy grail of styles? Only to find out others are far less excited about it. It's kinda funny, everyone wants something else out of AI.
Is the aua token somehow damaged and not usable otherwise? I mean it's a cool idea, but maybe show it off on something that's not already doable with less effort. Like the 2hus, Arknights, Blue Archives. Pruned or unknown characters.
You are a subversive little snake
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Indeed it's very nice, but it's not a lora by any means. It's fora if anything. Another good point about it is that vramlet faggots cannot access it.
Is remilia promptable on pony?
I did post her once, but I think I had to specify her features? https://archiveofsins.com/h/full_image/1712594721129857.jpg
>complains about low quality spam
>does not contribute anything himself
>begging for some authority figure to come and remove something he disagrees with
You are a loser and a cuck.
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It's character understanding goes as far as the base models goes, in this case Arti's. But you can still use loras if you need them.
Not him, but what is the incentive to post pictures here now?
This thread is absolutely fine as a text chat.
How much vram do you have?
You'll get a (you) from me, but only if you post fate
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24 but it actually utilizes around 14
Which node is that? I can hack it together with regional sampler but it's a pain.
Rather I would be a cuck for posting here.
Here's the fault in your logic: moderation outside of /b/ HAS to do more than just remove posts that break the law. This is to ensure high-quality posting uninterrupted by subversive 3rd-parties, otherwise you will just have another /b/.
Mods actively abuse and overstep their boundaries with the "loli" rule, but then also close their eyes when thread is filled will lowest quality batch gens (come on, stretched aspect ratio? the fact it's not removed is just trolling at this point). So /hdg/ gets the worst of both worlds. The quality is in the gutter and then you also get vacationed and removed randomly.
My workflow is centered around this node https://pastebin.com/f4c5e6qz, there's no built-in one or from an extension afaik
>Go to f95
>Half of all new releases have the aicg tag
>The art looks worse than base autism
Did you expect any better from the same people who use DAZ3D?
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It's truly bizarre how people are so bad at creating AI art. It's so easy to make something that looks relatively good and yet SOMEHOW people end up with mangled garbage
I can't tell if that's supposed to be an example of relatively good or mangled garbage.
That doesn't sound too bad. I was fearing you would be one of those people with a cluster of GPUs.

If only GPUs went down in price a little bit though.
I just posted a random image I had, judge it as you will
Just use the animagine anytest controlnet
looks good
> artist stops being active
make a lora
> artist changes style
make a lora
> artist makes only scat/futas/traps now
make a lora
> artist asks a fortune for commissions
make a lora
> artist becomes a patreon whore, posts only promotions
make a lora

power to the people
imagine posting pics here when the only possible outcomes are:
1. you get reply with either "acoslop" or "blurry nai smear"
2. your post gets removed
3. your post simply gets called garbage
4. you get a (you) that is later dismissed as samefagging by trolls
this place has accumulated so much bad will and tribalism that even /b/ is less cancerous to post at
>Just use the animagine anytest controlnet
What does this mean
>animagine anytest
Do you mean the webui? The controlnet model? I am using the model, but the fingers still come up fucked up hardcore.
I'm also using full fp16 weights, it should be possible to load both models with fp8 precision, it should fit under 12GB
Just use a lora!
>trying to imrove things is being a cuck
>watching someone fuck your general is the chad move
Something wrong in your head.
Use controlnet to get something usable out of animagine rather than falling for the refiner meme. Way less hassle
the general has already been thoroughly fucked, creampied and degraded by a gang
you are the cuck that is trying to lick the cum out of a rape victim
That's pretty much what I did. After Takabatake Enaga just went up and died suddenly, I have been struggling to recreate his unique style.

A pity that I cannot make a lora of a composer of Umemoto Ryu's caliber. His genius is lost forever.
You can use a second canny controlnet with only the fingers masked to fix them
zoom layer, (multiple views:0.9) is kino holy fuck
Wrong. Trying to improve something when the entity with more power than you (moderation) is against you is futile.
I think you are confusing the reasons for my refusal to post. It's not the spammer, it's moderation. I would only be a cuck in the first case. In the second case I'm just being a realist.
Contact the 4chan manager and file a formal complaint.
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Oh. I see. Very interesting.
Ha-ha, funny. But "bud", it sounds like you want me to post more than I do, so maybe you should do it. Wise people are those who know which fights to take. This isn't one.
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>this place has accumulated so much bad will and tribalism that even /b/ is less cancerous to post at
That's why I only ever post the funny rolls that wildcards shit out.
No because they aren't autistic enough to work on weeb porn model 24/7 like Pony guy and the compute is not guaranteed to be available because it's busy doing other more important stuff
What I meant was the base style looks good but simultaneously her eyes and fingers are melting
Complain about what? AI-generated hentai in AI-generated hentai general? Or rule-breaking posts being removed?
the model won't come is what you're trying to say.
Can animagine actually produce coherent advanced poses with anytest?
It doesn't have a choice with so much guidance.
yeah that logic doesn't really work, see 1.5
why don't you just use anytest why do you even need a base model
I mean, telling it to gen things in specific places doesn't help it know what a penis, or pussy is supposed to look like from that angle, composition, perspective whatever
i just run anytest on photoshop, no model needed
anytest really feels like a cargo cult now just like loras were
while a great and very useful tool it gets turned into a joke by trying to use it as an omnipotent bandaid for every fucking issue ever
It knows, only it may have seen it in five images instead of hundreds. So you have to limit its options for drawing other things in there.
also as soon as i started using anytest my view count started growing exponentially
Such as?
No, but it's enough for basic positions
Once again no. It will just take time and anons here can't handle people having life outside generating and making models
using anytest increased my penis size
>groidspammer returns
>people stop posting images
>thread becomes unusable again
>jannies get paid nothing to do nothing
What we really need is ipadapter that works with pony
It was shit before him too. He's just an icing on a diarrhea cake.
>it was shit before him too
>it's either the cathag or the groids (almost never seen together btw, weird coincidence)
It was basically the same. People were refusing to post gens due to all the shitposting and post removals.
perhaps it's better to shit in the sink than sink in the shit
still pooping your little girl panties over couple of melanated males? lol
If you're complaining so much about refusing to post images, why do you still post here? At this point it sounds like you are just trying to ruin the thread (and you're the groidspammer)
autism and refusal to let things go.
also as it's been pointed out many times it's still fine and potentially fun for discussions
oy vey
First of all I'm not one person. Even amongst those who start sentences with capital letters there is at least one more poster that says the same things I do, then there's at least another one who types all small letters. But I bet there's way more.
Second of all I post gens both on other boards and other imageboards, just not here. At the same time this is supposed to be THE thread where everyone who cares about imagegen gathers, so I am here too.
well said
i'm too tired to use the shift key, i've been up for 25 hours to rebuild a raid, please understand
t. shoebillchad
calling yourself "chad" is pretty cringe my man, are you 16 or something?
sorry about your self-esteem issues man, try detoxing from irony
I love all the hentai gens being posted in /hdg/ as always people!
ughh did you want to post your sepia shit or blurry smear i wonder?
just larping as him, seems like it was believable
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Not by itself, from my quick tests. Only as a refiner, img2img or that anon's gimmick. It needs both anytest and a partial latent to not mix up anatomy.

And it's still a 1girl model at its core, spent so long inpainting the penetrated pussy I just gave up, more than 20 attempts. I assume this would be less of a problem is you switch models after every step.
>Model: naiP03C, hash: 610ee3838a
>Model: P03C55545, hash: 6be75d7078
Bros, where to find these models?
I read somewhere than you can search on civitai by hashes
See how lightning fast they are removing racism? They could easily be moderating this thread properly if they wanted to:)
Already checked, none of them are there
Maybe the spammer was the gens we made along the way
Meant to reply >>8085086
Suurely it's not (You) deleting your own post
Hey there, easy on the conspiracy theories, they belong to >>>/b/ and >>>/pol/.
It really isn't hard to remake
you can save his gens and resquish them
or gen your own considering it's known he uses hero neisan for the touch of disgust in his gens
I really think it was the poster himself deleting it.
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Did anyone see a lora for the Witchblade girl around? Given it's ecchi I expected several, but there's only one for her human form on Civit, and a few 1.5 ones.

She has some 360 booru images, but they mix both forms into a single tag which is probably why it doesn't work, not even on Animagine.
YEAH BABY https://files.catbox.moe/kroj41.jpg
>/hdg/ 2023 and anime girl
>/hdg/ 2024 and "le anime face" cathag by homo pedo
>he likes the top one
that's problematic
she's basically a child
go back to >>>/b/
>uhh sweety she only 34, maybe you should take interest in adult females and stop grooming childrens
>>8085109 (You)
>>8085112 (You)
>>8085115 (You)
>>8085118 (You)
congrats maam, you have correct 2 out of 4
all me
Shit, I missed, friendly fire!
Conspiracy theorist.
damn actually true
Legit question for all /hdg/ anons, are you a virgin? Or not? Elaborate if untrue
yes i am
why u ask
Because in eastern europe it's easy to buy alcohol as 14yo kid.
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yes, but I never tried to change that
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some parts of the prompt are a mess

alt faces
there's more but i'm not done with them yet, i'll probably just post them here whenever
will post IA later too

>17 pics
>only 1.5/SDXL loras
sounds like a fun challenge, i'll get to it eventually
that's what happens when you leave your wife unattended for so long
but really some of the artist mixes you posted are just too good, i've been itching to play around with them for a long time, so thanks for that
kek it's like a snorkel
I wonder if this is a resolution issue. It seems huge/gigantic breasts result in long torsos. I have already tried putting long torso in neggs
no its just pony being a piece of shit, there is workaround but its annoying
It needs to put the breasts somewhere. This is mostly for a side view, right? You can neg sagging breasts and/or add bikini + undersized clothes to mitigate that somewhat by moving them forwards. Or gen with just large ones then inpaint them bigger.
no, my cousin molested me
if we don't count that still no though, girl basically came for me from another country after we had ldr, I wouldn't bother otherwise probably
I copulated with everything that moved when I was a teenager, then I grew fat and bald and now I'm a broke wannabe wizard without any friends or a girlfriend. I think my last time was when I was 19 or something, it's been over a decade for sure. Btw my name is Juan and I live in the South American region. I can leave my discord if you're interested. I exclusively generate blonde haired goth girls with huge tits. Ever since I turned into a creepy basement-dweller who is afraid to interact with women I've started trying to learn magic so I can summon demons to rape me.
>exclusively generate blonde haired goth girls with huge tits
must've been a while since you posted a gen
why continue lurking this board with no interest in AI hentai
just post gens bro xd
Well, do you remember a single big titty blonde goth in the past month? I'm not saying post something "right now", but if you never do then why even come here.
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Ah shit even autismmix can't solve it?
No its a front view also it seems it hard time knowing where arms are behind breasts
When I say pony i means pony and its variant, I think its just the model being garbage and starting the torso where the breasts ends without taking into account the size of the breasts themself
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idk if this is any good
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Would've been easier with a catbox, I'm not seeing the same effect.
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New prompts
Already tried that doesn't seem to work
Tits would go down to the thighs in his image if the torso was correct length, probably something pony isn't trained on. Your gen doesn't quite reach that level of disgusting which is why you don't have that problem.
for me it does work, at 2-3 strength
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Doesn't seem to be a pony-specific issue. Same happens on animagine, and 1.5 struggles to even get big enough without loras. I think it's because of artists, frontal views where the pussy is completely obscured by tits...they're extremely rare. The tits either fly off to the sides (for which there is no tag) or it turns into three quarter view.

You might have better luck on /d/, this is what they do semi-regularly, in-between all the 1girl(male) standing.
Is that stealthPNG or something? I can't see the negs, it refuses to import and my output looks completely different. Also NAI-style emphasis for some reason.

Can't really help you, just wondering.
>wdV shilling
is it actually being baked finally? are they releasing early epochs to use or are we waitmaxxing still?
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uhhhh, I think something is wrong with her anon
>yo dawg, we heard you like bobs?
>off to the sides (for which there is no tag)
breasts apart works fine for that unless you mean something else?
But yeah its probably due to a lack of data or badly tagged one
Thanks. I was relying on e621's supposedly amazing tagging and it wasn't there https://e621.net/posts/3782146

Seems to only have 1K images total, when the hyper breasts tag alone has over a thousand candidates.
yeah, im using the danbooru tags so im missing the e621 one myself
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I don't mean tits down to their thighs more like




The Y W X cup range in this

No Its regular forge but the prompt were
skinny, (gigantic breasts:1.2) and wide hips, thick thighs, narrow waist in neggs
Trying to make P shaped girls
i wonder if it would be better to animate without background or by using a mask to avoid the schizo effect
this is animatediff right?
how do I close a webm with 4chanx or the catbox extension or whatever's removing the close button
no, no and yes
i'm pretty sure all the wdV posts come from a single shill
no model discussion allowed or you are a heckin shill! just use the heckin pony, suck the knot and smile
retart here. which kohya preset can i use to just.. start? i do not have the hardware nor the motivation to check all the different settings to make a lora
there isn't one
Any pony model for more "western" but not cartoony art?
the catgirl fruit seems to be ripe for harvesting
just put source_cartoon in the negatives
That's every pony model though.
You're asking in the wrong board and without examples.
It's a good thing we don't use reddit
god i hate the level of fake enthusiasm, like cryptobros.
it looks like actual slop but with no sarcasm
it's like cryptobros because that same demographic migrated over to grifting AI related products
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If one is lucky you will get some sort of hallucinatory progression.

>Is that your penis?
>It's not mine though
>Whose is it?
Excellent tits. I love seeing giga tits on normal (and/or skinny) girls
lol you faggots sound like a bunch of old ladies in a knitting circle bitching and moaning
Not a model issue, it's an artist issue. Vast majority of artists who draw hyper tits lengthen the torso, which means the models all learn it too
hi, I was told it's is better if I use only 1024x1024 or 1216 x 832 pictures in the dataset. So if i have for example 1500 x 1800 pictures, am i supposed to downscale them?
That's just for genning, don't worry about the dataset res as long as you have buckets enabled.
having dakimakura aspect ratios is still bad
yeah dont do daki aspect ratios or the buckets will just autocrop a random spot on the image (could be legs, feet, torso) and train on that
I was gone for 2 weeks, so there's now a new future model wdv that might have better prospects than the furry cascade one? What's wdv's base model?
this perfectly captures the vibes of 3dpd porn video with a woman wearing kugurumi mask
generating in dakimakura aspect ratio is ok?
any dimension over 1024 is usually best acomplished by highresfix or upscaling. daiki if not dual pane would be something like 256x1024 or in sd 1.5 fashin 128x512 then upscale
I mean you can try
at worst you'd waste 1 gen time lol
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these are your "safe bet" genning resolutions
Doing kissing position is so hard, you would think something this simple would be easy but no...
You guys know if there's a way to get a "picture-in-picture" view? Like how some h-manga will have a panel that's just a zoom in from another viewing angle.
that is sdxl. forget it for sd3 that one will crap out at anything over 1500 or so and sd 1.5 will halucinate above 768
training should also fine, they are just stupid. you configure the max and minimum image edge size. most SDXL configs that i see are something like 2048 max and 512 min
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why was this deleted
i can see it not really being /h/ material and its even wrongly tagged base model sdxl not pony on civitai... but most likely because
It's a derogatory word, mister sir, please understand. This is a civil place, we have to be polite or the karma goes down!
mods have been banning the use of the p-word lately. as they should, it's finally time to take a stand against the heckin racism on this website
Black lipstick? Check. Hair covering eyes? Check. Cat ears? Check. Popularity, here I come!
Is this picture an example? Did you generate an image with some empty space to later inpaint and then use a different prompt for that additional picture? If so, how did you ensure that your original generation had enough empty space?

If you think those are cat ears you need to get your eyes checked.
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I generated an image, then deleted the part I didn't like in Krita, then img2img inpainted the white section to something else.
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Just use this in controlnet
He's using self-aggrandizement as a trolling strategy. Most often he looks for a specific person with a short-tempered vicious character and low stress tolerance as his victim, possibly on the autism spectrum. Once he identifies his target, he aggressively pursues friendship, carefully following the common rules. He strives to monopolize the target's time through constant mind intrusion. All conversations between him and his target are deliberately structured in such a way that the victim would be as unpleased as possible. He can force his partner to remember past traumas and suggest actions or ideas that the partner obviously finds unacceptable. At the same time, he does not take any insults or aggression too seriously and ignores it, continuing to call himself a loyal friend of the victim, unbothered by his reputation in the slightest. He is always happy to expose himself to everyone's ridicule, irritating those around him. Even when vacationed, he always comes back.
To combat him, instead of berating and ridiculing the painful topic, the victim needs to start praising him. His target has to tell everyone how wonderful the attacker is, write poems in his honor and argue passionately that he's absolutely right.
>inb4 ima not raedin all dat shit
thanks gpt-4
They're the best she could do on short notice
wdV is based on CosXL, but they have done additional work like Anlatan did with NAI to make sure it's not fucked. The examples so far are from a 3 day dry run for a few epochs so they can get a model to use as a baseline for comparison with future runs. The examples so far have proper dynamic range/real black(white) backgrounds, and aren't sepia slop like Pony. The dataset is all of danbooru(including gold images) + millions of pixiv images. They are working on the captioning w/ cogVLM iirc and it will be trained with 128 h100s. None of the people associated with this trained the original waifu diffusion model, this is as close to the real deal as we're going to get. All you can do is hope and pray.
ETA for the full model?
maybe before the end of the year
pretty sure they're just using the WD captioner by smilingwolf
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Ah, it's "some" cogvlm tags, my bad than.
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huh last i heard it was up in the air until they train a VLM on hentai
Hopefully they take their time, with that much compute it's worth it to get things right instead of blind firing and praying for success.
>not pruning artist tags
>doesn't give a shit about ethics
>UHOH enjoyer
>has access to an ungodly amount of compute
>hates astralite
Jesus has risen from the dead to save local
Even better
Jordach do be exactly like that, except the ungodly amount of compute part kek
then why is it going to take 8 months to be ready? we're going to have a new architecture before this shit comes out
Jordach is training with a fried dataset that's half furry slop.
problem? if they have such godly compute then hurry the f*** up
>instead of blind firing and praying for success.
>he doesn't know
Hadn't considered just deleting portions of the generation and then inpainting that area. Sounds like effort but might be good for pseudo-paneling.
Hello sir, how are you today?
It's more than half actually. 60% of it is furry to be exact.
>fried dataset
No lol, dataset is fine and doesn't bleeds or fries from the furry part, I've seen quite some gens made with the current bake and it still is able to do true black/white pixels and doesn't generates sepia, and even if it does, you can solve that with negs
just fine bloody bitch i rape you next week
What a retarded take, NAI came out month ago and is still relevant because the model just work
churning out blurry smeared slop is working?
but cosxl IS kinda the new architecture.
That's the power of the cluster chud
the blur is a skill issue, try to use pony without adetailer and see how it goes
Go look at whats posted on gelbooru and how the images are tagged
all nai gens are full of blur and jpeg artifacts they have an enhance feature but its shit and the images still look like a mess
We love SMEA here white boy
he doesn't care, it's just a way for him to vent pent up anger
seems like we're gonna have another meltdown though
does SMEA stand for SMEAR
heh localfreeturdtards owned
time to reup my 25 dollar nai sub for some smeary goodness
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This >>8085566, if wd team said that when they did a test run with some furry dataset and then noticed that the furry part was frying or bleeding it doesn't means furry dataset in general is bad, it just only means they just used shitty settings or bad tags for the furry dataset
That's a Gelbooru issue only, retard. Not an e6 problem. It just tells how shit the anime community is at tagging or doing anything big without getting paid for doing it.
why are pony gens so fucking ugly and full of sepia?!
you know it's a retarded bait but you still gettin angry, right you fucking schizo?
sepia, sepia :D
sir sir calm down i can hear the seethe chamber starting to boil over
y'know what they say, if you can't beat them, join them!
What's been new in SD world lately? Only thing I heard is that SD3 farted loudly.
Glad to see that saber beat her bbc addiction
where's ni-chan when we need him so much
pretty much this
anytest controlnet is fun I guess
but it's gonna be stagnation and waiting until autumn
Whats up in autumn?
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in autumn... well... lets just say we're winning
nai v4 is releasing any day now
theyre running 10,000 experiments a day to make the perfect model free of blur
they have the cluster
let's say more
if the cluster and 25 a month is what it takes to get rid of...
i'll take it. it's so cheap, right? ;) and so much better than local garbage! LOL
audible kek
You really gotta stop throwing rock all the time if you want to fuck that goat.
Good, good, give another free (You), come on
I can hear his teeth grinding
uh oh :D
that's a meltie alright!
>do NOT call out my samefag
>i WILL piss my pants
thoughts sir?
>naigro finally shows his true colors
you are valid sister
oh my god such an amazing bbc
only 25 a month! localtards OWNED
heh, nice
that actually sort of works
where's the blur and smear line? seethe harder
im sure youve inspected the picture very closely since you love BBC
im not going to open it
yeah he's boring
hoped to get at least a bit of fun out of this shithole
local is so ugly
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Has "hands" been solved in SD or should I come back in 1 year?
I don't get what this is supposed to convey
imagine wasting your time on this blurry mess no one is going to read your garbage lil bro
im so fucking tired of this guy cutespicyroccy I keep seeing his shit everywhere
Can anyone explain why isn't this considered to be avatar use?
If it isn't then what its?
>ugly /e/ post
thanks for your contribution sis
i actually like it. i would kindly ask for cat box mr >>8085646
uh oh pedosister samefagging...
Yeah people bring it up sometimes. There's more leeway here just like on art threads, as long as you don't roleplay or be really obnoxious with it. The rule is meant against people who use images like a name or a trip, to be recognizable in an argument. You don't see waifufags getting into arguments here, at least not with their gens attached.

Besides, everyone else is free to gen the character. In his case some even do, since it's so easy with just a prompt.
fuck off circlejerk samefag bot. your post doesnt even make any sense.
Is that the Log Horizon girl? Don't see her smiling much, not even with her clothes on properly.
yes its her. there is like 1 lora on civitai. i doubt that pic is not NAI though
it's not nai
t. knower
proven: nothing

all you made me is trying to solve this ridiculous captcha 10 times
just going to leave this here
we'll just have to see if the guy gives a catbox
i use both so i can tell
Can you tell me what's funny about making fun of a legitimately mentally ill person and how is it going to improve the thread?
it's funny if you're retarded
some fags don't realize that acknowledging the shitposters is what's making this place worse, you can't control the actions of a shitposter but you can control yourself
>Image Deblur
nai users arent gonna like this one
Thread's done either way.
It's the absolutely retarded kind of fun I admit but I couldn't resist.
Wish I could post images but there's a schizo who makes fun of me for my love of lucious BBC nai posts
Some very obvious tiling seams on those super-res examples. And that's the only real use-case, other than an upscale for vramlets.
new schizo pony merge dropped
Every single model this guy has done was shit.
Surely this one will be different!
>And that's the only real use-case, other than an upscale for vramlets.
The entire usecase of controlnet tile is retaining image composition while upscaling with high denoise values.
This jeet was shilling his model on Reddit, someone here pointed it out earlier
anytest gives you the same, but with full image context instead of a small tile
anytest is absolute garbage for upscaling.
Even chink CN tile was better for that. Anytest is only good for t2i.
post was deleted so I didn't see it whoopsie
If you're gonna try it, can you report back on how well it works?
i love indians
indian males are the best looking and smelling males in the world
they are also incredibly smart and romantic
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It might have potential as a schizo merge but it didn't work with pony loras so I dropped it for now
is this the result of using this model with a lora?
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no just a random image from wildcards with it, using pony loras does nothing basically (meant to be mirko)
Seems like they understood people's issues and are going to tweak it. I also notice the anatomical correctness of pussy is poor which is my main issue with merges.
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Backgrounds at least seem a little more like 1.5, which I do count as a genuine compliment. Modern SDXL models are more specialized and it leads to a lot of 1girl, standing in a blank white background, like it's supposed to be a reference image.
>Modern SDXL models are more specialized and it leads to a lot of 1girl, standing in a blank white background
sdxl can't even do true white
>Optimal CFG scale optimised at 9 (7 to 10 recommended)
Nah Bro. Just nah.

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