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Hairsex Edition

Previous Thread: >>8096582

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png (embed) | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif (embed)

kill yourself samefagging nai bitch
love yourself quality-appreciating nai GOD
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Don't worry friends, wdv will surely drop tomorrow. Neggles only has one day to release it and xhes certainly not the type of person to make empty claims and drag things out for a year.
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that's from the emu paper right?
bad at text != fried VAE
get your understanding of VAE and latent space sorted out 1st anon
so that's what you meant when you were calling it fried? thanks for giving me a good laugh, anon
>people were shitting on nai
>spam starts
really gets the noggin joggin
please sir, redeem gens with handsome indian male
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>disgusting ponyslop thread
fik yall..why yall wanne ruin hentai with bbc sheit
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Alright, I'm resubbing.
>bad at text != fried VAE
yea it's a good thing that the VAE translating the entire image into a blurry, smudy text would only effect text. because outside of things like pupils, lines, paint strokes, hair tips, eyelashes, fingers, basically any fine details at all, there's not really anything else that i can think of that this would have a negative impact on
yes, we all know that having a 4 channel vae is a problem, that's exactly what i meant when i sad that the sdxl vae had an architecture limitation
please don't post again until you learn what we mean by fried in this context
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flavor of the gay
this is what happens when you go against nai
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fucked up
i never called it fried... ? ? ?
nai sent all the freetards into a frenzy. it won't be long before we're hearing about the localjeet suicide epidemic
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sirs, how can i gen handsome indian man? last time when i genned indian chad, hot blonde babe with blue eyes got mustache instead of male
He only posts pony gens. He's mad because he can't afford one.
>if i cant samefag my nai posts i will ruin this thread!
least insane nai user
>he spams with pony because he knows its uglier than nai
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treatment lesson
>no promise
>anon takes is as granted
It's amazing how there are like 5 NAI users and they manage to shit up the thread for the remaining 100 or so localchads
I went through this shit months ago and I'm not going down the rabbit hole again. You also can't really do any demonstrations because there just isn't an alternative VAE(every XL VAE is exactly the same but with minor block shifting/compression shit/whatever, it's all the .9 vae)
The original XL VAE was replaced with an earlier version within a day of XL releasing because it was so bad. the .9 variant is just an earlier revision of it. If you've done any training, you know that frying is generally a gradual process with median ranges. And in .9's case it's less fried but still results in corruption around the right border and really shit color depth.
That's an example of why XL vae is less than ideal but that's just related to channel depth. More channels=more context when generating=better/more precise contiguous details while the VAE does its shit.
very nice
How did you even manage to do this?
lurk moar newfag
It's amazing how there are 100 localjeets yet they all blend together into the same sepiaslop
Makes no sense at all, but sure. Believe in your fanfic.
This, I was there. Someone (not me) should dig up the archives of it already.
So what if I don't? Will the next thing you're going to tell me is that the earth is flat? Fucking schizo retard go take your meds.
just smash random buttons. if seriously, it’s only 3 hours of inpainting and fixes :D
no, i was there and i was 100% sure that this was just a falseflag to misdirect people
not that it even matters at this point
Incredible. One and half braincell is al you've got. Go take your meds and never come back here please.
i think that shotafags are behind the spam
the reason why is because i don't like them and they're subhumans
Based schizo thread. All 2 of you.
thread was actually doing ok for a bit, his range ban must've lifted
Of all the things that were ever discovered by anons (neggles retardation and incompetence, b- nudes, etc) that were deeply buried and were dug up anyways, then why there's no actual proof that the spammer is a pedo? Oh that's right! Because it's all made up! Exactly what >>8099835 is saying but in the end it's also true, why would it even matters at this point that someone is trying so hard to falseflag lolifags as the spammer just to make people hate lolifags? Let this thread be consumed by the frenzied flame, fellas!
'neggles retardation' is made up and there is zero proof she censored the datasets. it was a fake screenshot from cascadekeks to stir up shit
Are they the one who was posting all those aki99 princess peach loli pictures and insisting that everyone who didn't use aki99 had shit backgrounds.
Why would it matter to you if he's a pedo or not? Lot of words to defend something that shouldn't concern you
He was never banned. He's always lurking these threads and will always be like this. He probably even replied to you, as a normal nogen poster. It's just that something triggered him for real this time.
I'm not going to believe someone who unironically refers to a troon as she. Obvious bait
I remember the OG meltdown when he got banned for loli bestiality.
i wonder which of the things that happened last thread triggered xer after a relatively calm week
jordach posting? wdV hate? anti-nai schizo?
but again, it's not like it really matters
It's faggles
>Obvious bait
Looks like a falseflagger to me.
Why is the spammer so obsessed with B-?
at least cascadetroons finally shut up
please stop.
I really don't want someone to trip a resurrection flag on that corpse.
This week for the preview to go out to his friends by PM.
>lolifags (pedophiles) are mentally ill
I am shocked.
WHAT? i did so much promoting of the model. i fended off the cascade shills, gave hope to the doomposters, and inspired faith in wdv as a project. yet i don't even get a preview model to play with?
why haven't you posted pictures of cathag with little boys the last few days?
Janny is in on it
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seems like the guy accusing xer of being a hag lover also got his post deleted
Been busy.
Short hair asuka is cursed
Oh is that the guy everyone is talking about? I agree with him though. It was another case of janitor unequal enforcement. People would break the rules with /e/ or /aco/ or even /d/ but only /b/ stuff gets removed because only that stuff is reported.
its nai trash
notice the extreme amount of smear,melt, and blur
localjeet still crying, pathetic
more like cute
it's pony trash actually, Mai Yoneyama lora
post the box then?
dafuq thats a lot of inpaint you barely kept anything, couldnt you reroll a bit more before going for your gen?
my workflow is beyond your comprehension
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/b/ and /trash/ usually has the more obvious cutoff. I agree though that a lot of blatant /d/ falls through the cracks even if you aren't nitpicking.
Yeah, and I thought mine was bad
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is there a functional token for control top pantyhose or w/e this shit is supposed to be called?
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Asuka is for teasing and licking her underboob sweat.
english please
also you almost got shark written properly
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that is english. afaik control tops are the darker boxer shaped part that some pantyhose have. the pantyhose she wears with her school uniform has it but they're turning into thighbands or just not showing up correctly
oh yeah
there is no tag for that, thats why it shows up randomly when you prompt pantyhose, and for ellen they are reliant on how good your lora is I guess
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Catbox please?
based retard

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Exorcism in progress.
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yeah i guess i'm just going to have to bite the bullet and increase the step count for the alt outfits
sir id like to talk to you about your vehicle's extended warranty
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Her design is made to fuck with ai, I tried to make her lift her skirt from behind and it was just fucking up all the time with her tail
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that's something i should probably add to the dataset
seems already more accurate than the other loras i have seen but thats a low bar, the hands look kinda fucked
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If the anon who posted this is still here, can you please share the catbox and/or what was used to get this style?
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>What do you mean you don't take creep shots of Asuka pooping?

hypnosis is such a shit fetish how do you even get off to it
idk if that's a lora specific thing or not, the model has no fan art in it so it's not like there are fucked up examples in the dataset anywhere
i think it's just normal to get fucked up hands sometimes for gens of that resolution with pony
maybe the style you are using yeah
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there's no style in that one, it's just autism. there's probably some burn in since it's just using koikatsu and mmd screenshots atm.
idk if i want to actually include fan art or not since i feel like it defeats the purpose
You should probably be hyper selective and include at least 5~10 or so actual drawings so you can actually label all the 3d model shit as 3d and omit said tag from those artworks so it can actually try and associate a difference between the two.
yeah i have some 2d ones picked out, i just haven't included them.
what i should probably be doing is training a bespoke style lora using mihoyo mmd models but i don't really want to put in the effort for just this one character
I'm not even talking about tentacles. Outright futa is fine if no one reports it. At the time of the meltdown there was a couple things that broke the rules but only he got banned and so started seething and shitting up the thread. This janitor stuff goes beyond /h/ because you can get banned on all boards for any random bullshit because anon is mad at you. Getting banned for off topic is my personal favorite. It doesn't matter that OP also posted 2B in her leotard on a blue board, I get banned because my pic was AI generated and anon didn't like that.
What do you mean boxer? Do you mean those diamond shapes? If so, that's argyle. I ran into that with another character lora. If you mean the darker black band, then that's thighband pantyhose. Ran into that with my current character lora.
part of me feels like things would unironically be better if they shitcanned all the jannies and outsourced to chatGPT for moderation but that would probably lead to its own form of cancer.
I think the only real solution is to go full isolationist and blacklist IP ranges from every non-English/Japanese majority speaking country, blacklist all mobile carriers and blacklist all VPN end-points while also doing a fuckhuge internal audit on warnings/bans and shitcanning anyone found to be doing incredibly stupid, vindictive shit.
but, obviously, none of this will ever actually happen. especially that last part.
no, a thighband pantyhose is a pantyhose with a stripe that looks like a thighband
he's asking about a control top pantyhose which i also don't think has a danbooru tag
Well with the last part it's just too subjective. What I was doing was against the rules but it's annoying because you know anon didn't care about the rules when he reported me, he just didn't like me. With the first part, the english speakers are the worst actually. We have day of the rake for a reason.
just give /h/ IDs or a proper janny (never happening)
>anon didn't care about the rules when he reported me, he just didn't like me.
thats why i gave up posting images on here and /e/
>things that don't get reported don't get deleted
just become a snitch and report everything then, why are you surprised?
>which I still have no idea why the fuck that was ever removed
Because mods hate us and want us to suffer. Rather than give us IDs they did the opposite. They claimed it was to stop off topic arguments where people would accuse others of samefagging because the IP counter didn't increase.
what is considered a high effort gen vs a low effort gen?
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anime style gen without glaring issues - fingernails are intact, good looking eyes, no adetailer mask stitches, no major anatomy fuckups etc.
How does one become this high IQ?
>I'm not even talking about tentacles.
Didn't think you were. I just think blatant furries and bestiality leaves /h/ territory.
Technically monster girls are /d/ but I don't think many people will give you shit over anything below 40% monster but I have seen hyper inflation stuff stay up.
/aco/ is probably hard to determine unless its obviously steven universe or photorealism.
I'm not sure why obvious /e/ and sfw gets to stay up other than probably nobody cares to report it unless its spammy. I think all screencaps should be gone personally.
So I have some practice training lora, and I'm giving TI a try for more generic 1girl characters, and for general practice/fun, and I have this weird issue where all epochs have the same result, no matter how many steps. Sample images all output the same exact image, and results using the embed in the actual UI all have the same output regardless of epoch (using the same seed).
As if it stopped training at a couple hundred steps, but kept incrementing it and saving new epochs but not adding any data.
I'm training using Kohya.
I know people don't train TIs much anymore, but I'd like to get to the bottom of it, if possible.
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is there a better way to color match then just messing with the hue by eye?
you are using autismmix right?
That's what histograms are for. If you're using an image editor, that should be something in it.
i can get behind this
that looks way too complicated for me lmao
Literally the "better way to color match then just messing with the hue by eye".
>open gimp
>make a template for panels
>make the bg grey so i can see mask draw
>img2img draw over every panel
>do whatever
>havent figured out how to get around this yet
its a lot of effort but it works, but surely theres a way i can just section out the exact grey area i want to replace more efficiently right? if so, how
I dont get what you are trying to do from your explanation
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imagine youre making a comic, and you hand-make predefined panels/pages. for the area where the content is, it is all blank, specifically colored grey. the idea is you inpaint the grey area to get the content you want in that panel only rather than the whole image itself. pic related is an example template. grey areas would be inpainted with content
problem is the drawing of the mask itself is time consuming and the cursor is round, so my issue is i would like to make a small mask that only affects the panel im interested in modifying. im sure controlnet does this, but i do not know how to do a mask there beyond drawing
Why don't you just gen the panels normally and then paste them into your template?
import the mask and the mask can be made by filling in the panels on a new layer
thats the plan afterwards. scaling gets weird so i figured its easier to define the areas, then make the images in then.
i did not think it through very much, but seeing as im half way done i figure it would be worth exploring a solution to keep doing it the same way before i swap to your suggestion
is this done with or without an external program (gimp/photoshop)
>i would like to make a small mask that only affects the panel im interested in modifying.
separate mask layers for each template
ctrl+left click on layer you want to modify = selection only affects this panel's mask and brush won't draw anything outside it

try searching some basic photoshop usage lessons, gonna save alot of your time
External. Make the template in a program like gimp > new layer fill the masked area > save or copy layer > import mask into your ui
Wait are you actually trying to gen in each panel?
Just make 3 different gen and fit them in your panel, way easier and you have more control
also btw thats some terrible paneling
thanks lads
i dont make shit like this cut me some slack
>Wait are you actually trying to gen in each panel?
yes and its working its just not easy
for the next one im just going to stick to a simple 4 panel windowframe deal, since that would be more consistent
>i dont make shit like this cut me some slack
Then take a doujin and look at how they make their paneling and why
>yes and its working its just not easy
You are overcomplicating that task for no reason, there is literally no benefit to not just take 3 pictures and fitting them into the panels
nta but having more context like panels and the actual contents of the panels helps inpainting, but I've not done it a lot so couldn't say how worth it it is
Is 8000 steps good for training a character lora with only 33 images?
its honestly just the masking itself i didnt think through and is causing the problems. at least this got a little discussion, it was helpful
Unless you've got a super low LR, that shit is gonna be more fried than chicken at a negro family reunion.
that's almost certainly way too much (unless you're training the most complicated character of all time, and in that case you'd want more images anyways) but at any rate it's fine to just keep training until it burns and then check the earlier epochs
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for the record i do at least kinda know how to deal with some of it. i have a lot of cleanup to do so just take this as an example. its not /h/ yet, that comes later
It's a chinese-game character. It's complicated as fuck.
batch 1 or batch 2 for character training?
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Cascade shills, is this a joke?
it's pretty obvious that jordach has never used naiv3 or pony in his life
thought he was deepfrying the model, instead he deepfried his braincells
1 unless you can handle 2 (or more), but also 2 if your dataset is pretty homogeneous to mitigate style bleed a tiny bit. Though there's better way to handle homogeneous datasets.
ok but can cascade do more then 1024 or are we just sidegrading now?
it's not a huge deal either way, but as the other anon said 2 can help make it a little more style neutral
>calling nai already obsolete
im still waiting to see a single good looking pictures
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Just a skill issue bros, dont worry.
so true sister!
it's the same as the people who had a skill issue genning women lying on the grass with sd3, imagine being that much of a promptlet!
stop editing screenshots
jordach wouldnt say this
yes I am
>Though there's better way to handle homogeneous datasets.
Like what?
Just tried with OneTrainer as well, and the issue is there too.
Not sure what the fuck is up. Obviously it's on my end.
I'm using AdamW8bit, 0.005 lr, constant scheduler, fp16 mixed/save precision.
that SDMSakuya person has been baiting jordach so hard into calling the current epoch better than nai that i almost wonder if he's a poster from here trying to get jordach to post something embarrassing (if so then he succeeded beautifully)
Train a general style lora off of the artist or source, merge that into the model you're training on, train your lora on that merged model.
It'll subtract the style and leave the character when you gen on the regular, non-merged model.
I see the same shit everyday from ingesting the archived threads at the archive once they arrive. It's not my fault you bought into 4chan as a "lifestyle" and force yourself to suffer bullshit for no reason except to alienate yourself.
And yet you'll suck any fucker's dick for a taste of NAIv3 for free. Who's the faggot in all of this? Who gives a shit about furries in 2024, we power your fucking IT infrastructure and oestensibly, 4chan itself.
goofing discord trannies is fun and all but the majority of /h/ posts are hot garbage worse then civit jeets
Don't you have a dog to be fucking?
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Play a lot of Persona
why does he keep gaslighting random people about the model? there is no universe where cascade 1b beats even NAIv1. it's so fucking unusable and fried. i'd have faith in this project if he was actually capable of just admitting the current stuff looks like shit and that the 3.6b will look good but no. he actually thinks the model, as it stands, is completely usable and superior to all other alternatives.
it's a major red flag showing he's incapable of recognizing when things don't look right. i get that the 1b is being used to train the 3.6b, but why go as far as to tell people your model is already the epicest there ever is when it's clearly not? every time he opens his mouth i lose more and more faith in this shitbake
is there a booru tag for hugging with your arms and legs and holding on?
>And yet you'll suck any fucker's dick for a taste of NAIv3 for free.
but i dont use or care for NAI though. im just some autist using AMD hardware
>Who gives a shit about furries in 2024, we power your fucking IT infrastructure and oestensibly, 4chan itself.
youll understand the problem one day. when i first came to 4chan in 2004, posting furshit on /b/ was a bannable offense. look at where we are now. people eased up and the problem exploded. i dont care how skilled a furry is, what their job is, what they run, etc. i care that their degeneracy has infected the world in an irreversible way

times have changed whether i like it or not, but my hate for furries will never change
leglock? if so good luck because its shit to make it work
Like a leg lock?
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Jordach and tree, serious question: when are you guys going to finish NullSector? I really need to escape from this troll shithole asap so I can post gens at peace
they just keep making themselves look worse and worse
end of last thread they showed up and looked like huge morons
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andddd this is why i put my faith in Neggles! capable of staying humble and recognizing that no, their crappy pre-alpha bake does NOT already beat NAI and there is still a long way to go. the mindset of a true leader, there is always more work to be done.
gradient checkpointing? I see that it implies I can cut off training times even more but wonder if its worth it
don't waste your time posting here, aren't you busy archiving all the loli stuff from e621? (pretty based desu)
Ok no I'm sorry these guys are pure cringe fuel, I apologize furryman.
But sir, I pay for NAI and use autism locally, both of which MOG everything else (not shuten anon btw, just like his style combo kek)
neggles probably has a better eye for aesthetics than the furries but that doesn't even matter since xer model will never release
she also pruned golden posts so its DOA
i remember a few months ago there was some retard who would spam "why do cascade shills never post cascade gens", and it was a bit annoying. i though,
>is he unable to grasp that the model didnt even start baking yet? stupid fucking trolls try to ruin everything nice
now 3 months later i fully agree with him. the model is turning out to be a fried mess and still is nowhere near usable. i'd ignore it if he wasn't so obnoxious about saying how good it is when it clearly isn't. why is it always like this? why is there nobody who is committed to quality first and can actually deliver?
Yes, you're getting from me model updates and it's capability in real time, not gated behind personal DMs. Everything posted is goddamn public.
I have no problem when people use it as a tool for creation, not a gacha machine for creation. I have zero interest in boring ass slop.
>>everyone else
If you like being handheld so much when genning, have you tried NijiJourney? I heard it's got /great/ aesthetic.
>i got filtered by basic things
Maybe actually put in the effort in figuring things out rather than expecting a silver spoon of the gods.
jordach already recognized 1b cascade is shit, lurk more retard, and just wait for the 3.6b for aesthetics.
this was completely fabricated as absolutely zero source has been posted. more lies from cascade shills to try and derail the last good local project (wdv)
(not true, by the way)
how is that not true? stop pretending you're me
good morning neggles sir
I'm aware it can be "bad" but consider:
1) it's not finished training in total.
2) I can let it sit and simmer more training post TE completion.
>neggles continues the tradition of tech bros not understanding things as a tool
i was thinking more like getting chased up a tree and wrapping your arms and legs around it but its not a tree and its a giant cock
>why is there nobody who is committed to quality first and can actually deliver?
because only troons, furrys and retards have access to money generators for some reason
I'd bake a cunny tune if I had money
if you do honestly believe that the 1b model still has a long way to go and it's nowhere near even pony, let alone naiv3 yet then that's perfectly fine and i wish you good luck with the rest of the bake
the most 1b it can do is 1girling so no i don't think the 1b will go beyond that, maybe it will get male/female right at most
but the 3.6b oh boy that one will definitely kill pony specially judging by how the 3.6b proto performed damnnnn that was good
ive been memeing about neggles but i honestly dont even think he knows this thread exists. checking their discord the model is barely even mentioned
someone go ask one of the wd team member if theyre really using danbooru gold pics or not, i need to know
I have a problem with losing detail when going full body on localgens. When generating upper body, cowboy, portraits, etc the details are good. Is there a solution to this? Outpaint to retain detail?
Is there like a guide for that? I'm interested
Sounds like I could train a char LoRA only using koikatsu ss
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Call me when Cascade can do this bros
t-two more weeks...
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If you work certain artists the thing bangs, but unfortunately for most people in here, not all artists are for you, in the same way certain ones /aren't for me/. You have pretty much access to any aesthetic via artist tags and style meta tags. Look into the auto complete CSVs and you'll find so much damn content included out of the box it's nuts. Learning about something is what makes these things special, learning their inner workings and tricks to squeeze even more performance out of it.
Broski with the correct tags and effort I can get non pov duos out of it. I can't catbox because the /sp/ retards managed to get catbox banned in Bingland. I'm not going to go out of my way to fix eyes from a quick and dirty txt2img. There is a trick to get it to perform "hi-res fix" inpainting but I've not gotten around to implementing it in a GUI friendly manner. I'm just aware that it exists.
I'll give it a spin later.
jordach, real question. if you're going to try tuning sdxl, how are you going to tackle it's inability to do pure colors, since you don't want to touch cosxl?
It's more of a science experiment than a production model, but it's more to "give it a burl" on hardware I don't quite know as intimately as NVIDIA. If it starts cooking well, it'll obviously get releases like the Cascade model in all of it's unfinished glory, warts and all. But otherwise it's the mad science category that might turn out "useful" results and further information for others. I need to fuck around and find out with regards to Intel ARC/DC Max GPUs before I can attest that they'll cook SDXL properly. From my reading of the documentation, it should just work. Meaning the hard part is implementing the HF Diffusers code to load SDXL and train it. However, since I do have dual 4090s available, I can attempt in a very cursed manner to keep text encoders on one GPU and SDXL on another to try and free up memory. That in theory should also work. There's plenty of hacky cheap options that take longer than a single H100, but are within consumer purchasing prices.
>half bake
>melted but got the sex position right
>and despite all of that, if you obviously don't look at details, it looks cooler than pony sexo gens
okay so far i think the model is behaving well for being half baked, bake is doing fine, just needs more time in the oven and thats pretty much it
good luck furrydude keep cooking
If you want an honest answer. I have no issues with Cascade as a project, I hope it succeeds and I hope you are able to create even better models going forward. But when you say that current models (pony/NAI/whatever) are 'already obsolete' it doesn't really inspire confidence. Nobody in this thread is using Cascade, not even your strongest allies. Because it's simply not ready, everyone can understand that, so why do you insist on preaching about how it already beats everything else?
It starts to seem more like you're driven by salty spite, to prove drhead/neggles/astralite or whoever wrong than to actually just do your own thing and push forward. You can't just tell people to 'get good' and 'its a tool, stop using it like a slop machine' when it simply doesn't work properly at all. If it did, all your buddies would be sharing amazing images with it here but they're not. It's simply not ready. You're adopting the exact attitude Lykon did with SD3, saying everyone who can't use the clearly broken model has a 'skill issue'. We already saw how that went..
You seem to have a very 'fuck everyone else' attitude constantly as if everyone around you needs to be proven wrong and that the world should realize your greatness. Like you have something to prove, yet nothing to prove it with. Just keep baking your thing, stop making grandiose claims about a clearly unwieldy work-in-progress model, and keep working until it's done

You apparently already have the hardware coming, so retards shitting up the thread and instigating should mean nothing at this point. Plus you have funds remaining too to bake the 3.6b. Stop getting so aggravated about pointless garbage in a thread that's already spent all they're willing to spend on your project. You will just keep falling into bait over and over again. No redditor is going to donate to this when your discord is full of 4chan drama and you're flailing around like a mess. Move forward, and come back when it's ready.
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your gens aren't very impressive for most people here, but to be fair there have been a handful of nice 1b pics from your shills, like picrel
it just seems like your taste is just so different from ours that you don't understand why we find the stuff you post so underwhelming compared to naiv3 gens or the best pony gens
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there was someone who had a really good 3.6b proto gallery that actually gave me a bit of faith in the model. this had to be at least 3-4 months ago though
>3-4 months
no lol, jordach's bakes are not that old, it's actually 2 months at most
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Here's the prompt info:

STYLE(A1111) by kawakami rokkaku, human, houshou marine, red eyes, 1girl, bedroom, vaginal, nude, pussy, penis, bedroom, <3, on bed, balls, cum inside, detailed background, duo, reverse cowgirl position, faceless male,
Negative Prompt:
STYLE(A1111) censored, text, anthro penetrating human, loli, crazy eyes,

It's a mix of e621 and Gelbooru tags but both work together without crossover bleed so results may vary depending on seed luck. Using artists it's more comfortable with (ie, high image counts) generally increases the performance of the model, which is also obvious in 1.5 models that have artists on tap. Seems like model confidence is tied to aesthetic confidence.
They're obsolete from my perspective because they're "frontier" in that they require more manual external effort to make them behave or be usable to certain extents. A bit like converting your Diesel V8 engine to run on LPG. And, yeah you're right. Person that I live with is having cardiac issues and is giving me lots of unfortunate anxiety.
The problem is anime is so /consistent/ into itself that anything is a technical rule breaker, and I have little mental coverage of anime artists, content and tags. I'm still learning what the model can do. It does understand a mating press but hasn't figured out where the feet go. It's close but needs a bit more oven time.
Would I be correct in assuming that the style lora should not have any pics of the character you're trying to train?
i will fucking need that one dude to do the kagami test again with e7 when it finishes baking
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I don't really know why you need much of a guide. The steps I mentioned really is it.
Any other nitty-gritty shit is just down to training a style lora normally, and then training a character off the merged model normally.

You'd think so, but I haven't had any issues with that. Just as long as you have different characters in there.
>They're obsolete from my perspective because they're "frontier" in that they require more manual external effort to make them behave or be usable to certain extents.
so Cascade won't be any different because it'll need photoshop to patch up missing/extra fingers, change composition/body structure and shit
pony and NAI are as much tools as Cascade will be if its gonna be good
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I've been trying to copy shutenanon but couldnt ever get "adult" shinobu right so I've settled with incase loras
>Just as long as you have different characters in there.
Hmm might be worth a try tomorrow I guess. I've got several character loras made with game CG so I can hopefully just dump them all in and make the style lora.
box me up, king
Yeah, just make sure to follow the general rules for styles. Leave out character tags, just focus on what's visible in the image.
This thread will surely be more images and less walls of text from both sides.
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sorry my friend, i am a humble naigro (do not use the term naigger that is offensive)
the style used was a simple mix of halcon, wisespeak, and aki99
NTA and unrelated but, does batch size 1 has even any use? For any reason? Or is just the biggest meme that needs to be avoided?
tsukasa is still baking, sorry
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I agree, let us make it happen.
NTA but I've always done BS because I've always had bad results with anything higher. BS 2+ does what he said earlier, weakens the style slightly and also makes it catch less character details in my experience so it's never been worth using.
If you can't use anything more than 1, then you use 1. There's a use right there.
If you can do a higher batch size, then I'd still say 1 has a bit of a use, in that you can have the model a bit more focused on single images which can sometimes help details more. Higher batch sizes kind of averages things out.
It's both a general rule, but also one of those things that really just depends. There's a lot of factors in training that can do the same thing, the same thing but different, or kinda the same thing that does something else.
Above all else though, dataset is king.
like the other guy said, it makes the lora stick a little closer to your dataset. in particular, it learns details a little easier and learns a bit more style information. but it's not as big of an effect as if you were trying to control for either of those things properly
as a waifudiffusionv supporter, text is all I can provide at the moment
>I've always done BS because
Ok but what number kek you misspelled
BS 1. Anything higher isn't worth using imo unless BS is blowing up unet.
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I see, thanks a lot for the replies guys, helps a lot. In my experience, BS 3 sucked ass while BS 2 and 1 did not. I'm talking about character baking only, tho.
as a cascade supporter, text is all I want to provide at the moment
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As a pony supporter, this is all i can offer.
Does anyone know what the downside of using BREAK too much is?

I know what it does and how to use it (it basically resets the importance of prompt order from that point on, so the next words have high priority), but I'm just wondering if there could be drawbacks to using it 6 times.
Are there any specific settings you use when you merge the lora?
that's not a thing that a cascade supporter would do
they would just spam catboxed cunny instead
>they would just spam catboxed cunny instead
I love cascade supporters now
as if that's somehow a bad thing, retard
wait, there's unironically non-cascade supporters that likes cunny? i thought cascade supporters were the only lolifags since it's dataset is all gelbooru
Make sure the lora's weight is set to 1 in the menu where you merge it with the checkpoint, or whatever value is the most stable when doing gens with it, like 0.8.
I forget what options there were for the merge/save precision, but I think I did either full or fp16. Unless you're low on space, it couldn't hurt to do both and just do a quick test which looks more accurate. As long as the style comes through, I'm not entirely sure it matters in the long run.

I do know that if you're genning sample images when training the final character lora, they're going to still come out with the style you're training against though, so don't worry too much if they come out looking like the style you want to remove. The magic seems to happen when genning on the model proper.
gonna be a cascade supporter if it can do luckies out of the box, im stuck in lora training purgatory with pony sepia poison and its killing me inside
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here we go
you better convert to cascade supporter right fucking now, because i have good news for ya
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Alright thanks a lot for your help.
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Oh boy, looks like someone summoned it.
No worries, hope it works out for ya.
cunny cunny cunny
you hear that groidy?
clean innocent sweet shiny wet cunny
This would be such an amazing shinobu if she wasn't melting so much. The eyes are cascade-tier bad.
our double agent is wasting people's time in jordach's discord so easily that i almost feel bad for them
yeah wtf are they doing, just ban him and be done with it
pls anons

tits on sticcs

and/or hardcore assfucking
>makes you think
yeah you should try doing that
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how dare you reply to me with your shitlogs. kill yourself
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anon, I know Resonance is chugging along nicely, but your choice of gens that you post here is painting it in a poor light
here's a better example of what you can get with Resonance (this is e6)
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Which one of these is the best? Or is there a list that compares the results of all of them? Or even just links to their respective githubs... they're a bit hard to find (most links just lead to the generic Tagger extension itself, which has no info on the individual models).
Could just train a lora of his style, there's enough images by now if you were saving them.
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what causes this to happen on some gens?
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Kagami from Resonance

search and enable no norm in settings
at least she's cute
Thank you! That's a huge help. I don't know many artists, so I haven't had much success getting eyes to come out how I want.
i figured it out, it was a weird tag conflict
There are no tag conflicts that break output, unless you're doing emphasis 1.8 or more. It's just the no norm setting.
There's v3 out of Convnext and some other one I can't remember and I think people consider those the best. I only know how to use it in the Tagger extension since it downloads automatically so I don't know how you'd get it in other programs.
>scroll up
>absolute generational levels of jordack meltie
local is doomed, isnt it
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i have no idea, but theres not enough images in the thread so take this
Actually there are but you have to be pretty far gone to trigger them (like +100 unique tags with varying weights far).
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would a short high-effort story be worth making? wholesome first, then /h/, or wholesome with /h/ elements
Am I having a skill issue or does pony really fucking make 2 assholes every time you do mating press? This is so stupid.
up to you. is it worth multiple faps for you/are you gonna monetize it/are you seeking validation? depends on you
ideally no, for me at least i jsut want the idea to get out of my head
i have no desire to monetize any genned shit. i do it because im bored and looking for a job in the mean time (laid off recently)
>seeking validation
no but if people like it then sure
sounds like you won't be happy with the spent effort
i havent been happy in a long time anon, i just want something to do
play vidya
thats actually the other half of the problem but lets not turn this into a blogpost.

yes or no should i make >>8100391 and should it be wholesome and ending with /h/ content or wholesome with /h/ content along the way
find a waifu to obsess about
Learn programming
no :)
get /fit/, do it for your waifu
my waifu is too obscure ot have a lora, and even if it did i wouldnt use it. shes a product of her time and should stay such
been considering this actually. i know a little bit of python hence why ive been doing some more ai slop stuff since its mostly python it would be good to learn a little more
im gonna do it just to spite you, this is the motivation i needed, thanks anon
thank you for letting me know, I ended up finding the repo from searching for v3 at https://huggingface.co/SmilingWolf/wd-convnext-tagger-v3/tree/main
>shes a product of her time and should stay such
bullshit, my wife didn't had lora either so i baked it myself
i want to make sure one of her isnt made if i can help it. thankfully the spotlight was taken by other characters in her series and i dont have to worry too much
there's a sloppa generator called nochekaiser and it would be better if you were the first to make a wife lora, because he'll mangle her otherwise
think about it.
i am confident that even if you gave that guy several years to guess, he wouldnt get it. close, perhaps, but we're talking really obscure and considerably unpopular of a character. i do understand the point though since that guy's loras fucking suck
actually decent idea
Honest question, have you tried NAI3 yourself?
even if he tried it - he can't have good opinion about it because he isn't into anime enough to acknowledge its aesthetics and NAI's furry model is dogshit
Yes, self-improvement is good.
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Thanks that anon for telling me about Designdoll program. A lot of tricky hands or POV stuff is a lot easier now with anytest controlnet on PonyXL.
Don't know if you already found it yourself, but there is a cracked version that let's you save and load models floating around on the russian web https://files.catbox.moe/hee68v.zip
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I adjusted the prompt a bit to fit NAI's format.
It won't always get the position right like here, so sometimes you get regular cowgirl instead of reverse cowgirl.
that hairstyle is fuckin weird man
It's just twintails tied up with a thick ribbon.
yeah i know but it still looks weird
why would you waste anals on this garbage feature
To show off a grid of four gens.
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that was with a different artist mix, here's one with the same artist
heterochromia aside, the subject is fine but the background is meh
3.6b should be better once fully baked

NAI looking good, looks like it has very good concept separation
yeah I get it but can't you use a1111 extension for that?
I'm too retarded for A1111's UI.
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Cascade 1B .75 to e7.
It can aaaalmost do spread pussy by now.
Is this with jordachs schizo "handpaw" neg? Kinda concerning that it still messes up hands so bad in a simple position
>still messes up hands so bad
I think for 1B it's alright. No, I don't use that neg, I'll try later, already closed comfy and doing other things with my life at the moment...
OK? What exactly s doing down over there? Post more of that please? Goes double for the naked one.
imminent_rape clearly
Bro, it's not his gen, he got it from pixiv.
You can see the pixiv name, just go to that image id and you can get everything that mediocre genner made, but I would advice to find better ones.
This is the weirdest isekai since field study of creature girls.
>finger fusing with pussy
I wish AI would stop doing that.
>not the one where the mc is isekai'd into a fantasy world where hes a panty vending machine
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Me, my waifu and the ghost in the cabinet
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wdym anon you can get spread pussy in e6

how did you even get this working
there's probably a way with inpainting/controlnet if someone has a lot of time and patience
but that was just an edit of a real image
I mean you could at e6, but I didn't like how it was always coming out huge as fuck, so I had to put "gaping pussy" in the negs. It got a little better now in that regard.
love that style anon, gattobox?
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>e621 banned loli
Even the degens are infighting now.
Building a new PC. Is Nvidia still the way to go GPU-wise?
it's not just loli, if i understand correctly things like imp midna and goblins are banned too

Take one for the team and go with amd. I don't want them to give up on gpus completely
I'm picking up a 7800X3D for what it's worth.
For ai shit? yes, probably
im already on amd with 7900 XTX (2 of them). dont worry, im taking several magazines of bullets for you all for the last few months. just wait til i get on intel
nvidia for sure
the cpu wouldnt matter here but the X3D variants are always a bonus. i regret not getting an X3D personally but a 7950X will suffice
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Your sacrifice is greatly appreciated
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i assure you, it has not been pleasant but it is an effort i am willing to make solely because my passionate hate for nvidia is stronger
>the cpu wouldnt matter here but the X3D variants are always a bonus.
Yeah I figured, I just recently heard horror stories about the latest Intel CPUs so I'm going with that one. I'm also into emulation and the extra cache on the X3D is apparently helping out fairly well.
what's wrong with the amd? besides no cuda?
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not really
Nothing. Some 7xxx cards had vapor chamber issues, but for gaming they are good cards
ive been on amd only for a decade now, and its not that bad unless you feel like doing ai shit. theres a long combination of reasons that it ended up in a shit state for this specific thing but it will improve eventually. zluda was the big one recently, but it cant replace nvidia's dominance here
every single ai thing is geared toward nvidia. youre getting around 1/5 the performance nvidia offers even under the best conditions. im running amd's best offerings and it can barely crack 3it/s without jumping to linux AND going for equally complex optimizations just to catch up, and even then you wont. zluda helps fix the cuda part sorta, but its not adequate enough. trust me, theres a lot of things you will only realize wont be available to you until you try it yourself. just stick to nvidia until times change. who knows maybe intel might show up with a bafflingly rare slam dunk on battlemage for ai shit, and make amd want to eat a bullet
beyond the MBA (made by amd/reference card) having a defective vapor chamber, drivers can be a bit wacky sometimes. a 7900 XTX basically a 4080 but without the dumb power connector and less good at ai. its otherwise perfectly fine
Sadly yes. For Linux desktop, AMD is still better. I just use a headless machine with a nvidia GPU for AI.
Because nvidia dominates the market by vendor lock-in with CUDA. This has been going on for decades and they have left AMD in the dust. To make it worse, AMD is coming up with new APIs all the time, which aren't open source and which support only the newest GPU. I had to learn this the hard way when I tried to get SD to work with my RX 580.
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ahh I see

oh like that
yeah it's a bit out of control
theyre never going to kill polaris and its really funny especially because Vega wasnt as bad as it could have been it was just a bitch to keep cool. its a compute monster but it doesnt fucking matter if none of the compute stuff supports it.
I have a luxury of owning an excessive amount of vega gpus (non-mining related, im just autistic), and the radeon pro vii has an infinity link connector, but the connector is 1000 fucking dollars. if i had it youd get 2 VII cards working together with ridiculous power output and a 32gb HBM2 pool, not to mention the fact the pro VII is pcie gen 4, so if you got both in their full capacity it would be monsterously good. but again, locked behind the no support and even if you had that support theres no guarantee the bridge would work with your shit either because of fucking course this is a problem

ive been considering just benchmarking the vii pro because like i said i have 2 of them and it would be genuinely amusing to see what perf they get with zluda, but im not holding my breath. the only thing they offer worth a damn is HBCC, which offloads vram into normal system ram, so if you ever went over the physical limit, it might be useful to have that
her last moments
Maybe you'll get lucky and rocm finally makes it to windows this year. They've been pretty active on that front lately
youre funny
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why boner
so do you guys generate a high res image right of the bat or generate something low res and then run another process to increase the resolution?
>generate something low res and then run another process to increase the resolution?
Exactly this
Speak for yourself, I like genning natively at 1920x1080
Gen and catbox please, I would like to see that
How do you guys feel about 4th tail vs Autismmix anons?
so been trying to train my own body/person model because the one adetailer has is crap,
and easy enough for anime,
but training it to be good on eromanga is a whole different beast, there are so many outflies and edge cases, it is maddening.
i have been working on a watermark/author sig detection model for a while now, you have no idea how insane the labeling decisions for it have been making me
4th tail 0.45 has a weird style when you use the quality tags it's trained with, but when you don't the artist tags become less stable. i wish the guy who trained it didn't bother with trying to fight the shitty pony quality tags since that's probably a lost cause
the extra character knowledge is pretty nice though, and maybe you could get some nice styles with the right artist mix, but i haven't experimented enough yet. i should also see if the autism+4th 0.45 model the author posted works better

how so?
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yeah kinda
>The best thing about LORAs is that they are incredibly flexible and can be used with any base model
>Try to use pony LORAs with non-pony models
>Try to use non-pony LORAs with pony models
>Some pony LORAs only work with certain mixes of pony and nothing else
How did we get here?
Astra nuked sdxl with his retarded lr. Pony is basically it's own model.
pony is a special case of 100x LR so its hard to train anything on it without burning shit because it is crispy by default
Stop whining about astralite's decisions. Train a better model if you're so fucking smart.
brains isn't what i lack it is funds
If you're so smart, why are you so poor? Seems like "dumb" Astralite is both more wealthy and more capable than you are.
bro you see the asinane decisions huge corporations make? intelligence is not the main thing that pushes people to the top.
furrys are being given money due to their disability
sisters jordach said that yall are just lazy faggots go start baking your own model instead and theres no excuses for not doing it
This. If i was a crippled black woman i'd get all the H200s I want
>watermark/author sig detection model
seems like the kind of thing for a synthetic dataset.
So it's your high moral qualities that are holding you back from success and earning decent money? How noble.
We all know that he's employed, stop making up excuses. And disabilities don't pay tens of thousands for GPU farms.
for the watermark det its:
text is somewhat bigger and letters are somewhat spaced: do i label each letter separately or together
-- and related: do i label smaller and larger text differently or not
there is a text and logo of the same size right next to each other: do i label separately or together
do i create a new class for logos and increase complexity
there is larger text and smaller text very close stacked on top of each other: do i label separately or together
text is inside a logo: do i label separately or together
text is vertical and at an angle: do i label the whole thing and have EXTREME amounts of empty space or do i go schizo and label part by part
if i mostly do lines of text separately then how do i do the lines like --------- that are sometimes between them
text is in the image but its not a signature: do i not label and risk confusing the model, or do i skip and implicitly let the model tag it during inference
there is a logo on the character's clothes that is part of their design or whatever: what the fuck do i do

there is probably way more that i cant remember off the top of my head

well i have a script to create them to supplement the cases the model struggles with (mostly the partly transparent ones), but ur never gonna get actual kind of shit people put in if u go full synthetic and the model is gonna have trouble with the cases I have trouble with
just so you know it guys, just checked the wd discord and it was basically confirmed that theyre not using danbooru gold images cuz its all loli and gore, and if they release a model that is able to do that then it will get banned, simple as

i mean it was so obvious why didnt anyone though about that, they aim for a civit release as well so yeah the model will get trooned
I fucking hate when they don't specify which mix you need, or if you can't find that mix at all.
Anyway, not downloading another 6.5GB shitmix for each LoRa, so if it doesn't work with confetti it's trash anyway.
I know you're lurking here tree
Do something sensible with your dei bucks and hire lllya. Jordach needs some competent non furry help
not him but my experience with synthetic data is that while it can help pad out an already rigorously labeled dataset,
it is unlikely to actually generalize by itself, the model will likely latch on to a pattern that is exclusive to images generated in that manner.
this happened to me when i tried training a body detection model using alpha transparency prepared pngs, and having random backgrounds inserted during training.
the resulting model was really only good at images that had a background added via the alpha channel but terrible at everything else.

in the end a good portion of your dataset has to be the images you are actually going to encounter in its use.
illya has a job already
and i doubt hes getting paid badly, if he has a full time job and didnt drop it yet then it definitely is paying generously
How do you collect a dataset of that size? Pretty sure any booru would block me if I tried to scrape the whole thing.
the only people who replied to you are randos who aren't in the wdv team
just stay in jordach's trooncord lordseek sir
He has no job, he's a phd student.
some dxd succ-ing

Is Comfy AI good or should stick to Auto111?
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then it's even less likely you could get his time for anything he isn't interested in already
Who says he wouldn't be interested? Looking at his past projects he kinda dabbles in everything. I don't see him being completely opposed to helping a little with a finetune.
>asia with breasts
Catbox please
>The best thing about LORAs is that they are incredibly flexible and can be used with any base model
[citation needed]
when training a Lora for a character should I raise the TE learning rate if it isnt associating that tag with the character feature? Character has small horns but when using the Lora the horns are just generic horns
yeah I dont know what this guy is about because the best thing about lora is that you dont have to retrain a whole model just to add one character/style/concept
Jordach said it doesn't matter if his base model can only do 1gardevoir standing and we should just bake loras and not be lazy
So what are the current positives/negatives if you're using loras?
positives: you're using the lora
negatives: you have to remember to enable the lora
drop score tags if you're using style loras
*Laughs in r3c lora*
more like laughs at r3c's loras
i tried to resolve this for weeks and only had improvements after switching to a 1:1 dim/alpha, so if you're not using that then i'd recommend it
I'm still experimenting with this, but when you prompt an innate anime artist it seems to negate the style bias of score tags. So that might be another way. But of course then you're getting a mix of your style lora with zankuro or quad-a.
>go to lora setting
>set tags to be added when lora is called
>it does not do this when added
am i just retarded? surely it should be that simple right?
try completely resetting your SD session
when i save prompts it won't let me recall them until i do that so maybe it's similar
its always been like this, no matter how i refresh, restart, start completely new in a brand new git clone with no residuals, im just convinced im retarded at this point
idea, just make a wildcard for that lora with the only line being the lora and the associated tags
What's the best sampler and why is it still Euler A?
The auto/forge ui for adding tags is a little finnicky. Make sure that there are no linebreaks in the activation tag field
I like ddim because of the artifacts it introduces. Looks more painterly
got an example? im interested to see this
It's Heun actually
if you don't mind waiting twice as long
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wow I hate it, its like I can still see the noise that was used for the gen
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Second attempt at making a Taoqi lora. Thanks to Anon's suggestions, I can show her naked without bits and pieces of her gear. Tacet mark on her back is a mixed bag of dicks, but can't really complain because this kind of detail is always extremely rare to get right.
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daym perfectly meaty
kinda missing the hair over eye but from this angle it would have been weird
>pip installing pytorch nightly
Wish me luck boys
rip in piece
Has anyone succeed at doing girl masturbation with a sex toy? I cant even get that properly so I dont think assisted handjob with a fleshlight work either
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You mean like this?
If you've been trying to do it with "onahole" or "fleshlight" then that often doesn't work. "penetrable sex toy" is how furries typically tag it.
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Or like this?
I managed to do those so kinda but holding it in her hand instead
What a dumb tag, i'll try it later thanks
like she's holding and moving it I guess, nta
Like this?
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getting paid again fo this one
also learned how to make images less overbearing on one color by editing the color balance curve since some anon mentioned it
How much? Also you forgot to remove the shoulder pad on the guy
...paid? where do you find poor souls to scam?
25 for one then 22 for more pics from the same batch (wildcarded positions), this was pic 2 so just 22
twitter, i just put a pastebin with commission info in the bio and people come to me
25 of what?
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Elf sex
Catbox I saved from here in march: https://files.catbox.moe/5tqhnb.png
US dubloons? what do you think
nice manlet, she has head bigger than his thigh
Are you scamming normies or are they willingly paying that much for AIslop?
25 thousand dollars.
is there a difference
>those negs
Thats anal tho, will try to swap the prompt but I doubt it will work
>gpo in negs
holy cringe
based elf enjoyer. she would look so good pregnant.
How i can make it so art looks less blurry?
You can use a sepia filter, it overrides the blur.
>sepia filter
where i can get it?
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on Astralite patreon
>State of the AI art: choose between local sepia or saas blur
You think I'm stupid? Imma go play vidya instead
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The strongest sepia filter is img2img with any pony-based model. You can start with autismmix.
novelai just cannot stop winning
Yeah kinda like that, do you think having the arm going down instead of behind is doable?
are there any guides on how to get better at prompting?
it could never be done
I don't think so. Just open every catbox and look at how it was prompted. And keep experimenting.
>Mfw there is no vidya to play
well I havent seen it done so yeah
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Anyone want monster x loli? It's all I've genned today.
there is already blacked spam
>whole gallery spammed with period blood shit
civitai was a mistake
Any Pony-checkpoint LoRA maker here?
I can make SD1.5 LoRAs but when i make SDXL LoRAs they don't work.
When i test them they do not generate the character trained on.

I tried:
--optimizer_args relative_step=True

But when i try inference NONE of the results resembles the LoRA, not even remotely.
The issue is only for SDXL, i can make great SD1.5 LoRAs with the exact same dataset.
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The blacked spam is abysmal quality and doesn't really tick the corruption box for me.
Unironically still better than the birdposter gens

there are what stood out to me
Of course, there's a black man there.
I wonder about Civit galleries. Looking at cum trail lora and some of the images are totally sfw 1girl standing, with no sing of any fluid.
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base gens without using a style tag/lora are just revolting
how are you not bored of the same old soulless ai style that has been around since the start of 1.5
not surprising you faggots have shit tastes though
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at this point it's either malicious or just retardation
basically any anime style lora has gallery with 2.5d or photorealistic bara, furry or bbw granny shit
Why does he keep begging for catbox when all he does is repeat the same basic bitch prompt with some randomized anime character?
are those gens in the thread with us?
Bots? Maybe there is already a blackmarket for reselling buzzed up civit accounts in india?
Is this where the chinks are hiding their shit?
Too easy to filter if it has no text attached, same with the randomized resolutions and swapping filenames between A11 and comfy default formats. It used to steal text from other prompts at random, but that got it easily flagged and banned for spambot. So now it writes based and catbox instead, as a reply to random posts.

I think the point is to obscure the spambot enough so janny can't tell at first glance, and then people get banned for false reports.
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>My Demon Wife Can't Be This Horny!
This looks just like deviantart only with korean faces
>"I thought you didn't like him."
>"I don't! I am just extracting his soul essence!"
>"You are not a succubus."
bro its a bot with random caption
>all gens I dislike are done by a spambot
wtf is wrong with this thread?
yea it's insane. like sure maybe all of these images have the exact same style, the same content, random nonsequiter one word replies and are posted in batches. but that doesn't mean that it's a spam bot. it could just be one severely mentally ill anon making manual posts.
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You really can't tell with the blacked autists sometimes.
What's "nonsequiter"?
>he's trying to blend in
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>"I'm gonna tag you anon, you better run!"
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Help, does anyone know what styles and prompts this guy uses? I am pretty sure its niji journey.
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yes its honestly boring how samey all the "style" loras on civit look as well so anything that looks different is a breath of fresh air
pony has shown good style+character loras are possible so i think people need to step it up
but i think it has to do with shit tastes mostly
Use Adam.
Probably, I specifically wanted the arm behind.
do cowgirl version pls
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There sure are a lot of drill enjoyers in this general.
Because drill ojous are great.
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but really just a lot of subhuman slop enjoyers around these parts
if you dont have 3d in your negatives you should probably kill yourself
>complains about shit styles
>posts asanagi
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>trying to fix fingers with step/strength lottery
>getting no luck but remembered a trick that worked right away the first time
>basically I just put "extra digits" in the negative
>surely this won't work again, it's all placebo, right?
>put in it
>it worked right away
Well shit.
This isn't said image btw. It was a sfw image.

Where's the golden shower?
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Not sure if I should kms
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This jordach guy should start a minecraft youtube channel
ok im starting to see what anon's mean when they say that he's retarded
>That filename
>That resolution
>That image
but about gelbooru likes it's probably bias remember losertuser stating that those tags are around 2% of the site traffic
but putting 3d in neg make the outline super thick
yeah, I'm lazy
based and lazypilled
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Persona5 is the only game I ever quit after already playing it about half-way through
you're not just lazy, you're posting 1.5 slop gens from an online service
please don't post here if you don't have a gpu or a nai subscription
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yeah p5 does overstay its welcome and if the characters don't click with you I can understand it being unbearable
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anythings better than the boring default sdslop 2.5d look man be real
looks negative to me
i personally dont think that happens to me but i wouldnt mind it if it did, i like my "drawings" looking like drawings
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What did poor atago ever do to you?
Box please?
don't talk about gen quality when you're not even capable of posting an image without fucked hands
i don't have 3d in negs but what i do have is koikatsu, realistic, blender on negs. should i kms
It was mainly the combat and the fact that I couldn't turn off the annoying voicelines. Even rpgmaker turn based combat is preferable
oh wow sorry i didnt spend my precious time to work out the hands to impress you retarded faggots
be too sexy!!
Unpopular opinion, but I'd rather see some base autism gen with good hands and otherwise flawless details than some nice style with the girls hands devolving into Cthulhu
>i like my "drawings" looking like drawings
Check Danbooru and see how many artists use a thick brush like that for outlines in a finished piece as opposed to a sketch.
anon, you are sassy that i got boner imagining that you are mesugaki
nta but the outline lora for pony works very well and together with vectorscope you can at least change 2 of the 4 "obviously p*ny" factors
you call that >>8101003 devolving into cthulhu?
No, that one is kinda sad cause it'd be such an easy fix with inpaint
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oh yeah that can understand that
the ear is also fucked up
koikatsu in neg make it more 3d for some reason so I would avoid using that
>find really nice gen
>uploader deleted the metadata
I didnt feel this blueballed by normal art. Ugh.
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sorry for the delay sir

It's Yd,blushyspicy,re:drop,csr
Actually about half on the first page right now
Im not even gonna ask what it is because I already know and someone already told you
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any good tags to get that "used and thrown away" look unconscious, paralized and exhausted don't really work and sleeping looks too peaceful

box please?
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I've been away for awhile, is ponyXL still the king of local?
based 1.5 poster
variant of it but kinda yeah
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its been dead all day
between the cascade shills and melanin spam no one wants to post
I've noticed it dies really bad during the weekends. Also, it's really shit during the non american hours.
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nice saggers
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after neggles now confirmed 100% that gold images arent in, everyone lost hope in local
don't feel like running the gpu on full blast during a heat wave
EU hours it's comfier but much slower
I'm actually working on horns for my character lora right now and I'd just recommend more pictures/higher res/close up for AI to learn the style. IMO changing the LR should be one of the last things you do. The first would be to train for more steps. Next would be to change your dataset, and next would be to increase alpha or play around with your dim/alpha ratio. If all that fails, then you start increase LR.
Score 9 can work by itself with *maybe* score 7. It's score 8 that heavily changes things.

My current PonyXL LoRa setting is to overcook with Prodigy at 30-50 Epoch on 5 repeats. Why? It the only settings that appears to work on Gacha characters with extremely complex designs with various accessories, trinkets hanging off them, and a pet that is always at their side. Needs to be overfit enough to remain completely on model yet flexible enough to change clothes and undress. It trains for 4-5 hours with like ungodly ~6000 steps. Probably not many people are willing or able to do that. Most important thing is dataset.


Training parameters and dateset included.
saying half of them are trash garbage is honestly probably being really generous.
probably closer to 90% are trash garbage. but that applies to *booru-shit as a whole.
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Yeah I was having problems with the tacet mark too but it's AI mistakes from its understanding of "tattoo" concept. I'd get stuff like picrel for 1girl, standing or pov doggystyle but then get screwed if the pic was taken from the side.
If you're at least getting *something* on the back then I'd call it a win. I couldn't get Yinlin's tacet mark to work at all.
good gen
yeah the weekends is always dead and I dont understand why
Well, it wasnt. What Im actually looking for is this
You shouldnt have called it anything tattoo related, just make up a new word instead to avoid bleed like "tacet mark"
Holy cunny
and anons said i was lying
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>"tacet mark"
I disagree because the stupid pengu terminal always gives me trouble. I tag it as "gourd" but since pony doesn't know gourd it doesn't respond to it. I even got really unlucky on the latest bake where it interpreted the terminal as a rabbit tail. Unless you mean I have to train a new concept. I tried calling it something new for the Yinlin lora and should would just show up with nothing on the thigh.
Alright my bad then, guess we cant really expect the ai to understand that too well sadly
I can see dingling fangshye zangdang, ciloranko, posumachine
probably ningen mame, wlop slapped somewhere
What's your batch size? This is my Prodigy settings and I do 10 repeats but 3 epochs for somewhere around 3k steps at BS 1. It's usually very badly overfit if I run it for 6 epochs with ~100 images.
Dataset seems okay but I remember struggling with a gacha girl with [spoiler][/spoiler]30 pics since it would overfit without learning enough.

Batch size 4.
So is that 6000 optimization steps or 6000 actual steps? 24k steps is definitely overfit. I mean with your dataset it's 60 pics * 30 epochs * 5 repeats = 9000 steps which is most likely overfit.
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umm, wdv bros????
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Can someone give me a quick tl;dr about this wdv and cascade stuff?
It'll take forever until next NAI/Pony drops, so we kill the time by memeing about a bunch of nothingburger models
Right after you box this up for me.
model is never releasing anyway so it doesnt even mattress
time to gen in cascade and refine with WDV
as if, don't worry about that concept, if you're dying for a fix that's probably the easiest one to train.

things that don't matter:
style tags, character tags, specific objects or poses
you just train them in/finetune them in, optionally using lora.

what does matter is more boring:
color range, luminosity range, concept diversity (poses like limbs being tucked behind another, folded torso, handstand, weird posture. camera like angles, foreshortening, fisheye, etc.), prompt adherence, checkpoint neutrality (is it boring/good by default?), de-JPEG, anatomy at various angles, are things connecting to the right places?

right now the limitations of PDXL are mainly around JPEG compression in gens, poor colour, nuked pose diversity in autismmix, not a great deal of camera angles or compositional effects, poor contrast/scene color diversity (which is apparently a free lunch with cosxl/wdv, hell even cascade promises this if it wasn't fried)
this sorta stuff would bring it right up to par with most use cases. not NAI still, but up there.
Why do people care about danbooru gold when there will be plenty enough of the stuff people want from it from sources like pixiv and gelbooru lol
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Overfitting just enough is the goal. My prodigy settings seems to work on Gachas. Able to produce almost carbon copies of the dataset yet flexible enough to change clothes/poses. Give it a try if you don't mind running for 5 hrs, lol.
>he doesn't want to use danbooru gold because of loli
>lol why he doen't scrape it from pixiv or gelbooru
Which JK lora is that, anon? The one in the OP is a frakenstein of various shit.
Astralite is the only one who will deliver, screenshot this.
>The one in the OP is a frakenstein of various shit.
It's probably the one you're thinking of.
>artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop,realistic,2023,{{best quality}}, {{amazing quality}}, {{very aesthetic}}
I use it for backgrounds and skin/hair lighting.
tits too small
What folder do I put these files in?
cope. gelbooru requires you to log in to unblacklist so he likely filtered it there too, and i bet he ran the autotagger and filtered pixiv as well. he has the gold images, he said so. he's just not including them. he will do the same for all other datasources including ones not tagged 'loli' if his tagger picks it up
local is, and forever will be, a complete joke
Huh. Guess I'll give it a shot. Thanks.
>gelbooru requires you to log in to unblacklist
it doesn't
I don't think it is that hard to understand why they won't train on loli content. wdv is using corpo compute. The fact that they train on nsfw is already a blessing
i don't see what the issue with not including danbooru gold images in the dataset, why are people up in arms about not having images tagged with 1girl that have male physiques?
I said in my post that I have no idea how to do that stuff and could only use it in the extension because it installed it automatically. Sorry, I can't help.
>local will be a joke because it doesn't have "loli" in it
blue archive players worst nightmare
How do you get round bubble butt cheeks? Ass tokens give a flat cheek on thick thighs
hes right
a good model is malleable clay
The actual answer is sore wounds over pony hashes. He went out of his way to not only hide artist tags, he hid various characters with 20k+ hits like daiyousei + vtubers just because they were flat chested. Imagine a brony calling a lolicon a degenerate. Now people see anyone intentionally removing some images for "ethical" reasons as another astralite.
increase the weight or use cutesexyrobutts
"huge ass" doesnt work for you?
prompt cellulite
>you just train them in/finetune them in,
That's a copium and a half. No one actually finetunes this days and finetuning will always produce better results than lora.
>limitations of PDXL
You didn't mention that it doesn't remember anything from base SDXL compared to something like NAIv3, which is unfixable
He went on about how fucking children in the ass is the natural way of things, I would not let him within 50 yards of a playground.
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Well local bros, it was a good run. We're stuck with an autistic furry who is blind to slop, a horsefucker that is training on base xl again (I LOVE SEPIA HAHAHAAH), and a tranny that has been promising a model for months in "just two more weeks" with nothing to show for it. ITS FUCKING COOKED.
>an autistic furry who is blind to slop
Outputs are improving, at least. Gens from their discord of the latest partial Epoch
i never want to see a 1b gen again
id rather they shut up until 3.6b has something
Alright I change my mind, there's a bit of hope.
Well fuck off until it comes then, faggot. The rest of us are interested in seeing if its progressing decently or not.
>The rest of us
uh oh whos gonna tell him...
>sub expired
man that reddit funding ploy is gonna work out amazingly
Buy another one, simple as
nobody is gonna tell him shit because you're a fucking doomer schizo who hates anything that isn't usable right now and doesn't wants to even wait for models to be baked, just fucking be patient
fuck you
its only 25 a month for a blurry mess with an outdated data set
uh oh b- is on her period
Almost getting to 1.5 level
Nai is obsolete btw
Too ESL for B-sama
he's the type that thinks because he's in charge of a project that everyone wants to hear him preach about stuff unrelated to the project. he's going to sink his own ship with how he acts on the discord rambling about troons and groids.
he is not forcing you to listen to him, if you dont want to hear him rant about anything just dont go on discord
>rambling about troons and groids
I haven't seen him say anything about either. I have seen him get weird about kiddie diddling on multiple occasions.
hey guys just started using pony diffusion yesterday, someone suggested using autismmix but every picture have extremely strong sepia tint, is there a solution to this?
have tried using loras and "sepia" in negs, doesn't help at all
Try "dimples of venus"
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glad im not the only one that find out of frame pictures sexy
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Install the Vectorscope CC extension:

Turn on the Enable and Alt. checkboxes, then increase the blue channel to 0.5. If that's not enough, keep increasing the blue channel.
Guess we're gonna be having a strong bias for elongated torsos and abs on women. What a shame, wdv was the one I was looking forward to the most too.
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Been playing a bit on a new PC, decided it was time to install AI stuff on it and-
>Optimizations *NEW*
I'm going to assume I only need the last one.......? There's also https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/ but it's not in the OP for some reason.
its a naigro seethepost
do not slight pony in this thread
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Rate the gen
I've been obsessively making tifas and recently karlach paizuris
I made so many I think I honestly exported this kink to some of you guys and in civitai also
local just cannot stop losing
Not /h/ out of 10.
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It is a character from a japanese game so it IS
All anime loras in pony are doodoo anyway and look the same, other models are not being worked on as much by lora makers
solid gen for this thread
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Just like a cosplay of an Anime character is not /h/, a western art of an Anime character isn't /h/. Now fuck off.
i think its boring
looks like cathag pedo got dethroned in category for nastiest aco garbage
i hope that 6060 images is enough for this character lora
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Guy that forked forge here.

Checking the code itself to update features, I can say for more most of the backend is based on Comfy code, with some patches/modifications to work.

Credited them both on reForge, but man, knowing that, I think I can implement Cascade and SD3 here.
I was tempted to give it 1/10 but 0 is more fitting honestly, my day is wors from seeing this
Sounds good. I still need to switch to your branch. Probably do it tomorrow.
One of their main devs is a lolifag, it will be fine.
Now atm applyng a lot of lora fixes from the past 7 months and in the way some cascade things. For now it doesn't load but it has all the configs.

Probably would need an UI to load different stages tho (a,b,c)
You can only do things for SD inference? What about trainers?
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thanks lad, glad i waited
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This is just funny and I don't know how it happened.
what is that Fish model?
I haven't looked much about training being honest, i kinda had a hard time adding REX and CAME into kohya scripts natively IoI
A shitmix I plan to post tomorrow.
Y'know, solving the issues that the sd-script's pr for pivotal tuning has right now and make it work with SDXL would just be the cherry on top, just saying
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is CFG++ still in the Schedule types or is it only on DPM++
It is on schedule types on the dev_upstream_a1111_customschedulers branch.
ah youre right
do you know how to use it properly? i looked up recommended settings and it says to use with CFG of 1 but it looks like a normal gen with a CFG 1
It is a WIP mostly, I kinda transformed the implementation from sampler to scheduler, but sadly haven't tinkered much yet.
box please
lowres https://files.catbox.moe/qwebfg.png
upscale https://files.catbox.moe/g3z7d9.png
lora can be found here
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I am pretty sure the consensus is if you have good hardware (ie good GPU install the optimized A1111) and if you have lower end lower VRAM GPU install forge still.

The Panchovix one is made by an anon here and I am running that one currently, which updates some parts of forge and adds new schedulers.
Anyone know if there is an extension that does a good job of saving artist mixes but with thumbnail previews? There is this but it has a bunch of extra bloat it looks like.
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starting to get closer
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Two questions for LORA bakers ITT:

1) What do "Regularization images" do and what should that folder include? I've baked a few LORAs that came out fine but never really used that option in Kohya_SS. From the name it seems like you're supposed to use them to smooth out a dataset's irregularities, so it seems like you'd want to have images from your dataset that are the most like what you're aiming at. So like official art for a character. Is that true?

2) If a character has an official alternative outfit and you want to create a character LORA where you can prompt either the regular outfit or the alternate, how many images of the alternate outfit do you need in the dataset? I know that you can give it a unique tag to invoke, but I'm not sure if my dataset has enough art of that given outfit.
just tell anon about flaws and he'll fix them in the next gen (i hope)
>how many images of the alternate outfit do you need in the dataset?
try having same amount of steps for both outfits and see if it works
don't bother with regularization images. the concept and idea behind them and their supposed execution is fucking stupid.
And you can tell tell this because it doesn't seem like anyone actually knows what the fuck they're for, how to really do them or how they're supposed to actually function.
>If a character has an official alternative outfit and you want to create a character LORA where you can prompt either the regular outfit or the alternate, how many images of the alternate outfit do you need in the dataset?
Really depends on how convoluted/complicated the alternate outfit is.
Realistically it shouldn't actually matter much and you should be tagging out the outfit normally as you would if it were just a regular image in a style lora dataset. But if it's a hardcore gacha-style special snowflake thing you'd be better served making a lora specifically for it.
>1) What do "Regularization images" do and what should that folder include?
regularization images are images that have step in their loss function that reduces the scale of their loss, resulting them in having less of an impact during training. they are a holdover from the training method that was used before image captions were available in sd-scripts. ideally your regularization folder should be empty.
2) If a character has an official alternative outfit and you want to create a character LORA where you can prompt either the regular outfit or the alternate, how many images of the alternate outfit do you need in the dataset? I know that you can give it a unique tag to invoke, but I'm not sure if my dataset has enough art of that given outfit.
1:1 or however many steps it takes for the AI to learn the outfit. if you have fewer images of it then use repeats, that's what they're there for

1. Tried Regularization once when dreambooth was the meta. It didn't work that well, so I gave up experimenting with Regularization.

2. I would balance out repeats for alternate looks. IE 4_Default, 10_summer special. However, if possible you should have the same number of data for each looks. It would be less of a hassle during testing to find out the right balance in order to switch clothes.

Drake: Nikke Goddess of Victory
AdamW: ~30 mins training time.

Liter: Nikke Goddess of Victory
Prodigy: ~5 hours.
I think Prodigy produces more accurate results, just take 10x longer to train....

Training data and parameters included.
>But if it's a hardcore gacha-style special snowflake thing you'd be better served making a lora specifically for it.
Well it's a little unusual but I don't think it's that crazy. If you're familiar with the series, I'm trying to bake a LORA of Kuroeda from the chubby elf manga. The alt outfit is basically a set of tight panties, lace-up boots, arm-length gloves, and a backless leotard. The issue is that there's very little "clean" art of it, either in the manga itself or in fanart. In fact I find fanart often fucks up the details of the outfit, which makes training counterproductive. That said, I wanted to take another crack at it, and this LORA in general, since the anime just aired the episode that introduced her.

>regularization images are images that have step in their loss function that reduces the scale of their loss
I'm not exactly sure what this means, but since it sounds like a depreciated training method I won't ask for an elaboration.

Good advice on the repeats, I'll try out a folder with just the alt-outfit.
>want to add text and speech bubbles
>finally get to use my pile of 80gb of fonts
oh fuck yeah, finally
okay implemented most of cascade into forge, BUT it is missing to patch forge_loader.py, specifically load_model_for_a1111.

I tried some hours but failed if someone wants to check or knows a lot of comfy and a1111 IoI


Well time to upload the lora libs from comfy into forge.
are you saying we can finally use cascade under a1111/forge? no more comfy x capgui incest shit?
Near that, we can if we modify the load_model_for_a1111 function, since for now it is only taking sd1, sd2 and sdxl models.

Cascade itself is implemented in the code (everything on ldm_patched), but since it is not added in forge_sampler.py it won't load the model.
>The alt outfit is basically a set of tight panties, lace-up boots, arm-length gloves, and a backless leotard
If there isn't any random weird hyper specific outfit details it shouldn't matter. Just tag everything out properly like you would with a style lora(this includes her 'normal' outfit, as well) and it should probably be fine.

Also, from experience, DO NOT bother with trying to do mixed repeat counts and different directories. I don't know where, how or what exactly is fucked but kohya(or at least bmaltais UI) has some weird bug with multi-directory training. It will not train the directories equally and it does it in a way that I can't really explain.
I know this from trying to train style lora's with multiple artists and noticing weird patterns of at least one artist always getting 'lost' when I used directories only to find out, that, surprise, that issue goes away immediately when only one directory is used.
If you really want to try and do mixed repeats you'll have to train at batch1 and manually duplicate your dataset within the directory.
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>switch screenshot with 3d in the style lora
>hand quality suddenly significantly better
i understand
But now she looks like a man
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built for blue one-piece swimsuits
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she has boobs and vagina idk what else you want
I appreciate the examples, for these kinds of outfits I would expect to have to train a separate LORA but it seems to have worked well.

Good to know. I am using the GUI since it's just the easiest to work with for me, so I'll have to manually duplicate some of the training data in order to match the datasets. Should I bother with a specific activation word for tagging? Something like "AltOutfit"?
Since you cant easily add legibile text with genning, what's a good font to use for this?
>I am using the GUI since it's just the easiest to work with for me
switch to easy scripts, it has GUI too
>Also, from experience, DO NOT bother with trying to do mixed repeat counts and different directories. I don't know where, how or what exactly is fucked but kohya(or at least bmaltais UI) has some weird bug with multi-directory training. It will not train the directories equally and it does it in a way that I can't really explain.
>I know this from trying to train style lora's with multiple artists and noticing weird patterns of at least one artist always getting 'lost' when I used directories only to find out, that, surprise, that issue goes away immediately when only one directory is used.
it's fine actually
easy training scripts is the GUI, the actual training script is sd-scripts like the bmaltis gui
Funny brown nipples.
>Should I bother with a specific activation word for tagging? Something like "AltOutfit"?
Personally, I wouldn't. I haven't noticed a whole lot of benefit to it.
Ideally you just want each bit of clothing tagged appropriately. You'll have to prompt each thing individually but at the same time it also becomes individually removable.
As much as I like easyscripts, even the dev branch is missing a whole lot of shit even on the dev branch. It's missing a few lyco types and still doesn't have debiased estimation loss. Past that it's also still kohya on the backend, with its only real features being that it has some extra schedulers.
>it's fine actually
It absolutely is not. I've had someone else independently confirm that it's fucked and wasn't just a hallucination on my end.
You might not notice it much on characters due to how samey it is but with trying to do multiple styles it's a real problem.
>It absolutely is not. I've had someone else independently confirm that it's fucked and wasn't just a hallucination on my end.
>You might not notice it much on characters due to how samey it is but with trying to do multiple styles it's a real problem.
i train style loras and character loras that have multiple outfits so idk, this sounds like at most a fuck up with one version of the bmaltis gui
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easy scripts produced cutest tard in her (melting) uniform unlike bmaltis refusing to paint it pink before overfitting and im using 1-2 repeats folders
>missing a whole lot of shit even on the dev branch.
at least it has fp8
Animagine was also trained without gold images iirc, yet it's still able to generate decent lolis. I think it should be fine and way better what Arti can do regardless.
He probably uses other datasets also.
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not enough fore around here
>time to gen in cascade and refine with WDV
That's technically impossible because wdv and cascade operate in different latent spaces. Furthermore, it also wouldn't be possible to refine with wdv any regular SDXL checkpoint for the same reasons.
>which is apparently a free lunch with cosxl/wdv,
It's apparently not, cosxl uses v-prediction but neggles mentioned that something is fucked about its sigmas or something so he uses his own schedule.
DOA for /hdg/ but might be decent for aesthetic SFW stuff
Too early to doom, it might be pr, they have plenty of retarded prudes in that discord. WD has actual lolicons in the team.
Is your dataset only screenshots? I always have problems with this because pony can't fully replicate the model so it doesn't learn all the details cleanly and badly fucks up hands among other things.
Is this just with the base style or is there a style lora on this?
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any carnivores in the chat
i'd be glad to lose NSFW if wdv can output NAI eyecandy-tier SFW gens, its always better to be good at one thing rather shit at both
I am once again asking for assistance with this issue.
I've asked before in different places, but all I get is a "why aren't you doing it the way I want you to do it (train a lora instead)", instead of actual help with my issue.
I know I can train a lora, I HAVE trained loras, I WANT to try to train an embedding.
It's more like "why aren't you doing it the way everyone else does, then I could help you".
>instead of actual help with my issue
because most bakers has left generals, and there are much less embedding bakers than lora ones so its much easier to tell you about loras than embeddings
check civitai for guides about them or something
SFW-only "aesthetic" model with shit anatomical knowledge would be way too fucking boring. But that ain't happening with wd either way, they WILL have nsfw, the only thing in question is lolicon.
>Is your dataset only screenshots?
>I always have problems with this because pony can't fully replicate the model so it doesn't learn all the details cleanly and badly fucks up hands among other things.
I trained a lora on most of the official mihoyo mmd models and the default koikatsu models and I'm training with that merged with pony. In the past I've done only screenshots on base pony and the results would be super fucked.
>Is this just with the base style or is there a style lora on this?
It's the base style.
are your captions set up right? you're training a token so you need to remove overlapping tokens from your caption and include your token at the end, not the front. so the format should be
[everything that you don't want the AI to learn as part of your token], [your token]
otherwise i have no idea
The issue with that is that I already know how to do that. I'd say better than most if I'm going to brag. I don't have any issues on that front. I'm trying to train TI's for my own academic purposes.

I'm looking on Civit, but most of the shit is just general settings and the like (nothing specific to Pony though). I'm using similar setting myself, but somewhere something is fucking up, which is why I was asking for more specific help.
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Maybe it found such a strong local optimum it can't break out. Aren't TIs super small? It could happen in theory I think.
>are your captions set up right? you're training a token so you need to remove overlapping tokens from your caption and include your token at the end
Now this is some new shit I haven't seen. Thanks anon.
The way you describe it, I guess they're not. I just autotagged the images. I think my token I was training was just 1girl (since you have to keep the shit simple I think), which obviously was present in my tags.
Should I just remove the tag altogether from the dataset? I guess if I have to include the token at the end though, shuffle caption should be turned off too, right? Keep token only works for the front, not the back.

I don't know, it could happen, but I don't think that's what's going on. Results just output shit from the base model as if you just did an empty prompt. So I don't think anything was trained. I think I'd rather have fried outputs that look like SOMETHING was trained rather than nothing.
Still, I'm gonna give it another go with the advice above. That's the kind of shit I was expecting to hear, and shit I couldn't find elsewhere.
AI tech moves too fast at the research level but its extremely difficult for plebs like me to use it. Thousands of Loras have been made but no progress on how to make them better. The people who know show just move onto the next project so we're all just forced to stumble in the dark
What do you want to know?
Best settings are subjective, Neural Networks are kind of a black box that you can't account for in terms of "this will definitely make the AI do x and not y", and all that matters is your dataset.
>The people who know
noone knows how to bake perfect lora
>and all that matters is your dataset.
more like if your GUI of choice even acknowledges your dataset's existence
no one replies to my gens anymore goodbye
What does that even mean?
If you point it to your images, and you've got the folder set up correctly, it should just see it and your captions, yeah?
Is there some UI that fucks that up?
You have to include your token and it should be at the end and you definitely should prune the tags. Also use a unique string of text for your token.
If using sd scripts then you can use keep tokens separator and the secondary separator functionslity to shuffle captions and keep your token at the end.
id recommend just reading this rentry, it's mostly based on posts i made and it's been over a year so they're probably more accurate than what i could remember now: rentry.org/simplified-embed-training
the stuff about traiming with the auto webui is irrelevant but the fundamentals of the process should be the same
never seen anyone use a higher VAE batch size so wondering about the results of that
Not asking for perfect but this is sort of my point. No research will done to find the best method but they will make new experimental Lora techniques for projects which will take months to reach the general use and by then theyll have even more projects
so long cathag anon
Happened across multiple versions of bmaltais(and, by extension, multiple versions of kohya).
I'm not saying it's unusably broken. I'm saying that it just didn't treat directories fairly. One artist would always end up getting overwritten by another artist for completely unknown reasons and without fail. And no, they wouldn't have to be visually similar, either.
For what it's worth I've been nailing down an """accessible"""(read: batch1, cosine scheduler, fits in 8gb VRAM) config for style lora's over the past few days that's been working pretty well and really just needs some LR adjustments or at least a disclaimer that you might need to adjust varied on artist.
Downside is it's a 442mb~ lora. Plus side is that it actually works and won't run into the "every lora looks pretty much the same" issue.
They don't know how discord works, it's understandable.
Because you don't gib catbox whenever I ask. I thought anons took it as flattery but the fact that they now ignore people asking for catbox is crazy to me.
no one asked for a box
>he still hasn't brought the take away box
You're a terrible waiter anon.
I've used mixed folders and repeats without issue on the Kohya gui. Granted the dataset was all by one artist.
just cut the dim size and alpha to one third
>For what it's worth I've been nailing down an """accessible"""(read: batch1, cosine scheduler, fits in 8gb VRAM) config for style lora's
which, speaking of, here's the current cleaned config
read the training comment for some context for the TE/unet LR's.
it's set up to output a lora every 176 steps(and retain the 'last' 360 steps worth, which means you'll have four different lora's at the end of the 3k steps). You can disable this if you really want; but despite that it's cosine I've found that it still has minor differences at those intervals and one of the four will usually have cleaner eyes/details than the others.
Oh and something I didn't write in the comment, I'd recommend doing 3~ repeats unless you're using a fuckhuge dataset or something.
If you want a working example of a lora using the config you can check the one provided here >>8101310
It was trained with the more conservative LR values of 5e-5.
no. that's actually retarded.
It actually ruins a lot of detail and makes everything look like shit. I know because I specifically iterated through various dim sizes before settling where it's at. And it's only at 32/32; the big reason for the filesize bloat is because it's a glora - which is about twice the size as normal because it has twice the u-net.
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I will never leave.
Wouldn't call it accessible then if it's five times the size it needs to be. Look at the Asanagi lora, 55mb and it's a perfect fit.
why the fuck do you even care
just post on pixiv or shitter if you want attention
why post pictures here at all
accessible in this case refers to fitting on 8GB GPU's(which is probably the majority) while having less autism involved since it should be more 'consistent' being that it's a cosine scheduler as opposed to something like constant.
besides that though, if storage like that is what's making it "inaccessible" then you clearly can't afford to run this shit locally so it's irrelevant to you anyway.
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Any idea what's causing these distortions? I assume it's just a shit lora, and there's at least one other person in the gallery having the same issue. But others look totally fine.

to share something with others, participate in the thread and contribute to it
there's always a high chance a dozen random lurkers that don't ever say anything liked something you posted and you'll never know because this isn't your upvote friendly normalfag social platform, and even then does it matter? in the end it's just something to stroke your ego and if that's what you want you can do it more efficiently somewhere else
it can be fun if someone's reply to you leads to an interesting conversation but that aside i couldn't care less
It's fine when you have a dozen styles saved, not three hundred. Making them huge for no reason sets a bad example for the rest of the lora community.
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I bring you a 10 page comic
It is probably shit, but I hope someone likes it.
Text and Textless versions provided https://files.catbox.moe/274497.7z
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Now that it's been confirmed that gold won't be included in wdv, I've completely lost hope in any decent independent local models. Gonna see Aqua with Darkness' abs and a 6 foot Megumin, whoop de doo. See you all when/if NAI3 is obsolete and released to the public.
Also he somehow got two upvotes on that broken shit. The civit bots narrative is starting make sense.
holy pseud
>Aqua with Darkness' abs and a 6 foot Megumin
What does any of that have to do with gold?
300 of them is only 132GB
You can get a BRAND NEW 2tb HDD for $65~
I'm really not seeing the problem.
(these are, largely, duplicates from testing that haven't been properly cleaned - because I haven't had to because STORAGE IS FUCKING CHEAP)
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gonna drop all 10 pages and then fuck off for a while
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Anything that is tagged loli is immediately locked behind danbooru gold. The loli tag doesn't only include e rated images, there's at least like 260 pages each with ~200 images from what I've seen of that the AI won't ever know about by virtue of this decision.
This includes content like this
And for some reason among other stuff, this

I'm done seeing muscular women in my gens after astralite decided to prune the entire loli tag in PDXL so I've got grounds to believe that it's going to be fucked here too.
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Alright im done. like i said, textless is here >>8101484 and its probably shit but i felt confident
also some exceeded the 4chan size limit so all the ones in that link are pngs

Looks fried. CFG too high or LoRa strength too high is usually the cause of these for me.
Nice work anon!
thanks, any tips on making not shitty text boxes?
But megumin has thousands of non-gold images. Pony still understands the loli tag, so clearly they weren't pruned effectively. And I've never had a problem with unprompted muscles. Maybe in first week of pony release when everyone used the full score tag suite, and even then you can just add a neg.
The non standard text box is off putting. I am way too used to japanese mangas and doujins I guess. Otherwise, nice effort.
>megumin has thousands of non-gold images
Yes, but the main issue is just losing a significant chunk of an equalizing body tag. Even when the issue isn't as overt as my Megumin output, it's still present even within this thread with examples like the ones here:
If you pirate something like CSP it has a robust system for exactly that along with other manga specific tools. Outside of CSP it really depends on what you are using.
Alright, so after a quick test (and some other shit), I think it's working. I only trained a few hundred steps, and while it doesn't look like what I'm training (yet, I hope), something is coming through. Or at least I'm a bit further to where things need to be.
Thanks for the help.
Learn text hierarchy and how the eye flows when reading.
That's CFG 5 and strength 0.9. Although the guy recommends 0.5-0.9 strength, which tells me the lora is probably fucked.
good effort
Seems intentional, the guy prompted "toned" and got it >>8101265
could be the same for the others
thanks anons, and notes taken, will spend time on the suggestions
can confirm here, i used abs for the prompt (>>8101082)
>/hdg/ prefers the same basic bitch poses and "styles" as long as the hands are not fucked
>The hands are not fucked because they're literally always in the same 3 positions/gestures
>Anyone who posts something slightly more artistic gets shit on by the pony gang
It's over. You guys don't even want to generate good pictures.
What's even the point of progress if you guys are already completely fine with your 2.5d pony slop?
Could you point to someone being shat on for this reason?
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how about i fucking behead you bastard retard tranny, how about that
If danbooru gold content is considered CSAM somewhere, you will feed that same "CSAM" anyway by means of there being loli not tagged as loli (whole of fkey has 0 works tagged loli on danbooru), or by means of it not tagged explicit though it would be considered sexual in nature by the same countries/lawyers.
So if you are such a scared cuck maybe you shouldn't be training on anime at all. After all anime is pedophilic in nature.
Trans rights.
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The hypocrisy is strong
this is gramatically incorrect, the correct word would be "simps" here, even though yes hes describing himself youd have to change the way the sentence is worded to do so
call em a fag for me
Take your drama back to discord, nobody cares.

>anime is pedophilic in nature
Anime existed decades before pedo pandering became normalized. They were kids shows, only some of their fans never grew up.
I don't care what anime was. It IS now. Absolute majority of the shows have underage cast. They may not all be "loli" in it's "below 12" meaning but they are certainly underage by law in most countries.
Been outta the loop for a few months. What's y'all's favorite model right now?
Uhhh I think it's been at most a few hours since you last asked though..
We need a hentai model trained under careful inspection of Japanese government.
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not that guy but this is relevant https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1720952304287039.webm
im not saying youre wrong, im saying that arguing with these retards is pointless because the goalposts will always be moved to favor their stance unconditionally. the common one i love is the age/visuals of konata izumi and yoko littner
>konata is 18 by the end of the series, 16-17 through most of it if you go by canon
>yoko is 14 through most of it til she gets her job as a teacher
>if you point this out they go on about the visual design being too young looking
>if you go by the visual design they bring up the age
>even if you age them up, or draw them in clearly older versions they bitch
>even if you age them up, draw them in their canonically older forms, which are legal aged, they will bitch
just tell em to eat shit and worry about real problems like real trafficking that goes on. so long as its legal and fictional its irrelevant to argue. its socialy deplorable but that does not mean the same is true legally. theres countries where it is and thats understandable.

observe my wisdom in action
pic related. this character is brand new to the universe. they are 17 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds old. visually they are by no means underage, but by the logic of these """people""" this is unacceptable material, and i agree the quality is way too low to be acceptable.

and also while im at it, you never see them bitching about underage drinking. do you have any idea how many anime characters under 18 drink alcohol? its because the drinking age varies too but nobody is up in arms about that because who gives a shit.
>just tell em to eat shit and worry about real problems like real trafficking that goes on.
Protecting pixels on reddit and 4chan is easy. Doing something substantial isn't.
exactly my point but i digress
the problem is protecting pixels at all. its weird and abnormal behavior. its like caring about not feeding a tomagachi in an act of animal cruelty. it makes no fucking sense. id rather the whole argument with it just be avoided because its arguing with brick wall.

i dont even like cunny/loli, i like my women with flat chests and adult but cant even have that anymore
>oh shes 24 and flat
>must be a pedo, or youre gay
this is the logic they work under and its retarded
Don't jinx it, asura user said the same
I do like among other things. I'm not bothered that actual loli is not welcome at most places, but I do find it fucking weird that people are absolutely openly discussing their guro, torture and lethal fetishes in discords while 100% 2D loli is considered to be literal kid diddling pedophilia and strictly forbidden. Bizarre fucking shit.
And equating jk girls (see railgun girls like Saten for example) with lolis is another bizarre trend. It's an actual thing and you can even see it happening here at times.
Idk why you are mad at neggles, he basically just said "we live in a society".
>you never see them bitching about underage drinking.
but when you point out at kids making serious decisions about cutting off their breasts/genitalia and xhe/xhiming theirselves - you'll be called transphobic, its just a way of living resulting in crying on internet, you just need to switch a subject that would result in the same whine
fucking NPCs figuring out why they're butthurt this time instead of fucking off
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>Something is fucking up my training
>Stay late monitoring shit

This is the fourth time I had to disable that cancer.
Feels like DPM++ 2M CFG++ responds a lot stronger to vectorscope
i do agree with you i dont give a fuck what people fap to, but when arguments start i just genuinely desire to kick the shit out of both for being this way. its an endless cycle. it stops when everyone starts being civilized, whether they like degenerate shit or not
let me tell you a short story. a long long time ago, when /g/ was for guro, and not technology i was there. even then i knew it is best i not get into it. it was a weird feeling seeing guro, it wasnt vile, it wasnt concerning, something in my mind knew that as neat as it is that this is even a concept, i was able to understand this is a degenerate thing and should avoid it. why we had a board ill never know, but one can only wonder. that said all the blacked/groid shit needs to fuck off too

>you just need to switch a subject that would result in the same whine
fucking NPCs figuring out why they're butthurt this time instead of fucking off
correct and thats why i often stand my ground when these degenerates decide to argue. they start the fight, and i either escalate it so far they back out, or they admit to everything theyve done wrong and admit defeat. the world is fucked and id like to unfuck it a little bit even if it means theres some angry hate mob ready to dox me or break into my house. in the end that demographic is just money cattle to companies. they will get their slow painful death one day but for now im going to keep cranking my hog to small/flat chested smug adult women
Asura is a /hdg/ shitposter?
Guess he means the anon who (over)used his style
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>The Panchovix one is made by an anon here and I am running that one currently
Yea I remember seeing some anon posting updates here but you had to git pull it. Going to assume he decided to make it more of official thing, which is cool. I installed both Forge/A1111 anyways just in case.

I'll get back to genning her soon(tm). Bit of a bummer that SSD prices have gone up by nearly 50% since I wanted to get a storage dedicated to AI but oh well.
>even if it means theres some angry hate mob ready to dox me or break into my house.
the only reason why i've written convincingly-looking nickname generator and not clicking any links because 99% of them are either screamers or ip grabbers
>im going to keep cranking my hog to small/flat chested smug adult women
>its an endless cycle. it stops when everyone starts being civilized, whether they like degenerate shit or not
this is one of the biggest issues with this general, it feels like one or two inflammatory posts is all that it takes to turn people defensive over their preferences and make it unusable due to spam and schizophrenia that comes after that
>that said all the blacked shit needs to fuck off too
yeah I used to be pretty indifferent to this but after the spam and seeing blacked general on trash my opinion kinda changed
loli is against the rules
>the only reason why i've written convincingly-looking nickname generator and not clicking any links because 99% of them are either screamers or ip grabbers
what the actual fuck are you referring to here. ipgrabber i can understand, but whats this screamer crap about?

>yeah I used to be pretty indifferent to this but
i still mentally filter it out but its a site-wide problem. this doesnt stop at blacked shit either, cunny on /v/ is quite common too, nikocado's ass, etc. i am mentally able to filter it because they'll just dodge the file filters anyway but i have 0 tolerance for it anymore. when you can go on /gif/ and apply a basic filter, and 80% of the board becomes hidden, it should be evident why its a problem.

we know, we're busy discussing the social problems surrounding the retards screeching about it

back on topic, im genning random shit with like 500+ style loras to find mixtures that are decent. i must admit i did not expect some of these results to look as nice as they do even without hires fix.
I used to post more often but being drowned out by the mass replying, filter-evading blacked spammer for weeks/months just killed my motivation to do so.

Sad thing is that it's his mission to make others stop posting and in this way he succeeds, but I'm tired of fighting it all the time. There's greener pastures.
>we know, we're busy discussing the social problems surrounding the retards screeching about it
I think this was supposed to be an "inflammatory post"
I've been seriously considering starting a /hdg/ thread on meanoldtreechan. Maybe some people will eventually find their way there
>what the actual fuck are you referring to here
that links aren't worth it to be clicked anymore
>"inflammatory post"
no matters, retards will respond
ah my mistake. yes i know what youre on about. im more concerned with how readily retards want to click on shit without thinking and then are surprised shit got breached. like i said the world is fucked. some things you just cant fix though
dont give up anon, i assure you, there are ways to keep doing as you see fit without him winning. willpower is all you need
I see more screeching for loli than against it. This whole things started with a post complaining about no gold in WD
lolifags are all either mentally retarded and/or will find an excuse to write parahraphs about how they're some persecuted minority on the right side of history.
solution then. add it later. does it suck? yes absolutely, but does it need to be this way? no it doesnt. we are limited by our own resources which sucks cock but thats life sometimes. id rather unfiltered and filtered results exist simultaneously but since people give a fuck about money i wont get this way
Being singled out and lectured how your fetish is literally evil while all other degenerate shit is a-okay simply sucks.
i hope the day will finally come when they stop writing essays about what some randoms think about their fetish
you will not change the world by repeatedly writing same shit over and over
>you will not change the world by repeatedly writing same shit over and over
It won't but people can still vent their frustrations when they feel powerless and have nothing to lose doing it. I'm not one of the guys who's engaging in such behavior though
That's basically what you've done with pony as well, right? People still complain that the loli doesn't look as it should, but I can't tell how much of that is just skill issue.
You could try shooting the former leader of the free world on live tv
its a skill issue for sure. i am using pony and autism mix and sure it looks a little weird sometimes but it otherwise gens the tag perfectly fine
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pony has overall problem with making different looking proportions
different artists draws different ones and by not having way to promt for artists and small dataset for them, only way are loras, but they clash with default proportions, so control over it's really poor
(fully matured) lizard
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Bros, I fixed her: https://files.catbox.moe/j4a7sn.png
how do you did that? photoshop?
Yeah puppet warp. But it only works because background is simple so I could manually fix parts of it that broke.
thanks, never learned photoshop so i didn't know about this function
sadly that there is no way of tweaking proportions directly while genning
>tweaking proportions
do the same trick with shrinking proportions and pass it to i2i if you're on local, its the only way of fixing cunnys for me
yeah, i like 1girling so that will do the trick mostly, but for sex scenes it's probably rough
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I never have to fix my own stuff this way, only works of others who have different preferences. While genning you have the options of many many negatives. Wide hips, thick thighs, huge ass, fat, plump, obese. They work pretty well, I'm genning hebes left and right and have no problems with any model.
yes, mostly it's ok with negs, but they are some issues, like tendency for to narrow rib cage or to big head
getting really good proportions like this (for my taste) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/119813957 it's gacha and pain i the ass
>neckerchief of uniform transforms into bow randomly
>add "neckerchief" to positive
>it fixes itself
its not only intentional, but i've tagged them myself if they've appeared in dataset and forgot about doing so... actual dementia
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im pretty sure this series ended in disaster but i still like sena
ever watch rave master by chance? just curious
I haven't even watched/played half of stuff I gen, most of anime shit is simply boring, doesn't prevent me from cranking it to anime girls.
Also, catbox/artists pls?
>rando on cascadecord with TDS sperging out
>talks about a hunch on his past life making republicans even worse
i knew he wasn't mentally sound when he rambled about republicans, but turns out he's a bonafide schizo
furries not beating the mentally unwell allegations
I like you B-chan, please go out with me
wrong cord user
burgers should still be asleep
jordach go back to sleep
the ones with a regular sleep schedule maybe

>he's still rambling alone
minijob lora on civitai
I've maybe caught 10 minutes of it on tv
eh I like to have the context.
artist: yabuki kentarou, artist: ishikei, artist: shu-mai, artist: niliu chahui, [[artist: halcon,]]
9:30 on the east coast, perfectly regular time to be up
>eh I like to have the context.
me too that's why I read summary and/or watch 1 episode. Sometimes I even like the episode though
Witnessed in real time how fast B- tapped out of dealing with that one jej.
is meanoldtreech not working?
Works for me. Empty as ever though.
wasn't resolving but works now yeah.
>Empty as ever though.
yeah, nobody's posting although it seems to be working.
>randomly generating shit
>this shows up https://files.catbox.moe/zlby94.png
my fucking sides holy shit
><lora:Concept-HoldingFishCatch:1> hud_prz_c4tch, fish, holding animal, outdoors, smile, boat, lake
sir what did you expect
the face i didnt expect
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only if she looks like this
box me up fampai
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failed experiment
dont worry im a failed experiment too. different problem though
longer hair
B- lora??
>all this time I thought bluevoll and b- were the same person anons were just censoring her name for no reason
can someone explain this "B" meme to me? I don't get it.
I thought it was literally b minus
What is it actually?
bunch of sex-deprived simps go crazy over a scent of a confirmed female that graces this general with her presence once in a while
gross normies care about 3dpd slut instead off anime girls
that's it? gee, I don't know what I expected.
Make her wear a kigirumi mask, then we can have both?
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that's for post-pregnancy
yeah, she will look like from those 2.5d jeetslops, so i guess she will belong here
too wide, a little narrower
also this is /e/ material, make it more /h/, please
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There's cum inside here pussy.
well now youre just being rude
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not my problem
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Nice image.
Thank you for bringing this great lora to my attention.
>nice image
dont thank me, thank rng
i saved it because i thought it was funny. i like tomboys and fishing so im glad i saved it, got a hell of a laugh out of this
>yellow background in neg
>no more sepia
Dont thank me
thats nice but can you fix the pinkshit pink hair showing up? or the gradients? i already have simple background and white background in negs, im running out of ways to force backgrounds here
From what I tried you shouldnt put white background in neg, also no idea about pink hair or gradient, might be related to your loras
death to pinkhairs, noted for white background, thanks anon
Any idea on a negative prompt for getting rid of whatever makes things so damn shiny?
Realistic and 3d maybe
I hadn't tried realistic, thanks
realistic and 3d. theres also this one lora that tries to fix that exact thing https://civitai.com/models/524105/skin-and-highlights-softener-ponyxlsdxl
don't use autismmix and reweik
what model and artist mix is nyalia from pixiv using?
Do I really need ControlNet 1.1 for Forge or is Integrated the same?
Impressive. Very nice.
Muscle only shows up unprompted when you prompt characters retards always draw with muscle like Korra. Otherwise you have to ask for it, or loli, before you get it. The only time loli doesn't work for me is when prompting bouncing breasts or something but that might be a lora issue.
Let's see anon's style lora(s).
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You guys are missing on a crucial information.
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the ones for that entire comic, exactly as i did it

pic unrelated
nobody is missing information here, pedos are simply deeply retarded
Thing is, non-pedos aren't in the market for new local model anyway. If you like ugly shit, you are already golden with pony!
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easy scripts definitely works better than bmaltais gui, both miyuki and tsukasa are working good
seems like screencaps are required if i want passable iris...
>easy scripts definitely works better than bmaltais gui, both miyuki and tsukasa are working good
why are you like this
how are 7 loras not frying each others
i understand its both kohya backend, but bmaltais wasn't picking up repeat folders for some reason, with easyscripts even botched bakes had pink-ish uniform instead of default blue sailor uniform
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i put a lot of effort into figuring that out.
>make some dynamic prompts of just stuff
>make a massive list of all the style prompts
>give the style a dynamic range of values, in my case stepping by 0.25, though i have done by 0.1 steps
>force it to pick 3-5 of them
>dont do a high res fix
>send off a batch of like 8-16 in portrait or landscape, not 1:1
>if it looks good with a simple prompt, save that combination to another list of "good" combos
>from there force it to pick 1-2 of those combinations of combinations
>if it still looks okay, maybe tweak it to your needs
in my case the Noveau one likes to fuck with the bg and make it swirly. it likes blues and greens and golds. keeping that one low was the important bit. the pokemon one fries the fuck out of everything it touches so 0.25 was necessary because it handles eyes in a unique way. the rest are fairly harmless.
pic related. i more care about "does this seem okay looking?" this often will generate fuckting horrifying content, but it can also just fuck up basic anatomy too. ive had pussies between a pair of tits while cunnilingus was added and it is something to behold. theres tons of bad mixes, but a surprising amount of good mixes too
some actual lora autism here, ain't reading that shit
because they're at low strength ant not trained with noise offset
Holy mother of fucking fuck she is SWEATY. Think I'd be really dizzy by panel 12 and lose consciousness by panels 18-19. I-imagine the smell........

New fetish unlocked: excessive sweat.
why are you even here
you clearly don't care about any of this. any post you make is just trying to stir shit. and yet you're so fucking 'on top of' this garbage that you have random screencaps for fucking days as if it's the only thing you ever fucking do.
fuck off and unironically go touch grass or something. your life has to be bleak as fuck.
Wait Controlnet 1.1 is still not usable in Forge?
I'd be questioning my life choices by image 4
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Actually he is not on top of it, because literally all of this was already posted here and "discussed" just a bit ago.
holy shit that arm length
i fucking kneel
only re-stirring shit then, that makes it okay
Yeah I did the exact same but with a wildcard instead and its way easier but I still have a hard time finding loras that dont shit on each other after more than 3, also completely destroy background knowledge and pose success rate, at least on my end
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Mine was always Fumina. She was the first JC porn I encountered and absolutely no one cares that she's in middle school because they always draw her with huge tits. May from Pokemon is an even better example. Then when you draw a 30 year old woman with a flat chest and wide hips everyone gets mad. No idea why people love to fight over pixels but world ended in 2012 and we've been stuck in a time loop ever since.
This shit always sucks because you can't even post basic povs on /hdg/ without anons seething. This must be how troons feel. People were indifferent once but now hate all of them because of a few loud obnoxious retards.
>blurry and ugly as fuck
yep its nai
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i dont use wildcards because im inept. my best advice to you is keep going until something works. theres also some styles that are more appopriate for certain content. huffslove is shortstack central, but cant really do normal looking anatomy, so depending on the mixture PLUS the actual content you prompted you may find that the combination is totally fine for certain content.
in my case i account for the following
>huge tits/mature female
>flat chests/loli (i dont care for this but its good to know what works with it)
>vaginal/anal/oral/feet (ideally as many of them as possible close-up)
i dont care for the order, its more to sniff out what works with what. im currently trying wizardry and magic to see where this goes. results are a bit odd because "spellcast" "casting spell" "casting_spell" always brings up a camera because casting tends to be associated with casting shoots rather than magic
you wish bozo
Well this time it really is ugly I'll give you that. NAI chads need to step up their game.
At this point why not merge them?
because i dont feel like it
It only takes a couple minutes anon... but to each his own I guess.
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wtf no one told me arti could do this
nobody told you that arti can 1girl?
just train your full nelson reverse suspended congress lora already retard
cope spammer
arti/neta/animagine is about as close as you get to Counterfeit SDXL
highly opinionated, hard to control but catnip for the chinese
if you want a phone background it's great, if you want to do anything specific with it you're outta luck.

that navel seems a bit high up right, hand is a bit melty too. even the skirt details, yeah the whole thing is sorta approximate.
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Thanks for the mega link anon!
I'll try your method.
np anon
What would the _etc folder be? It has images of the subject character but they are not part of the dataset folder.
Thanks for summoning him you stupid retard.
why are you responding to a bot
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>he responded to the spammer
o no no no
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pony gang on the defense kek
pony's fucked too anon
autismmix barely salvages it, such a neutralising mix was never made for animagine or variants.
more kisaki
you posted this one already, gen something new
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Anyone recognizes the style LoRA he is using for these? I'm greatly interested
I legit cant tell the difference between this and any other generic anime style
well it doesn't have sepia at least
>this work cannot be displayed in your country/region
Well that's a first for me living in america.
>ant not trained with noise offset
Wait I thought noise offset was supposed to improve colors? Does it also make style loras not play well together?
Based us gov banning japanese pedo shit
set your location to japan in profile
>it actually works
What even is this model
Only the magic tags for getting rid of shine and gradients left to figure out
what are those gradients you are talking about?
Trying to use Controlnet here with openpose. I'm trying to use Forge's integrated with OpenPose, I got the legacy model from huggingface and tried to gen something, but I only get an error that says "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable". Any ideas? Maybe I'm missing pre processors?
maybe oom, but impossible to even guess at from that vague description
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I just ran the pre processor alone and that works, so the problem is the model.
I don't know the mechanics behind it but regular noise offset seems to "add up" if you use multiple loras trained with it. Some anon mentioned pyramidal noise should be fine, but I haven't tested that.
what temp email places still work with civitai? seems like they blocked the one i used and my token finally expired.
fex.plus should work
Ok, so I'm using a pony based checkpoint, and decided to try an SDXL controlnet model from https://huggingface.co/lllyasviel/sd_control_collection/tree/main
This throws no more errors, but I'm not so sure it's working the way it's intended to. Are the old Controlnet models supposed to work with pony or any SDXL models for that matter?
not getting the email there either.
can anyone verify that service works as of now?
No, for pony you need anytest
proton worked for me
how do you not have like 10 throwaway gmail accounts
why do you even need throwaway?
because those take way too long to setup and I just want to downloadsa friggin lora
You could have finished setting up 20 gmail accounts by now if you didn't waste time creating throwaway emails.
Thanks, I'll look for it.
Where do you still get gmail accounts without phone verification?
same reason someone would want to use a retarded temp email service. you want to use something that requires an email address but don't want it tied to anything you actually use and/or want to maintain a surface level amount of internet anonymity.
Only a throwaway gmail account is convenient in that your shit doesn't get lost for forever and you can diversify.
>he didn't make his shit back when things were easy
zoomers must have a hard digital life.
>>he didn't make his shit back when things were easy
half of my old gmail accounts got forced to reverify or straight up banned for "suspicious activity"
I had like 20, now I have around 7
at least cock mail works for plenty of places
holy shit, i used my main one and now they know that i downloaded Tianliang Duohe Fangdongye lora
fex+, and guerillamail both don't seem to go through anymore.

proton worked.
goodbye all that unspent buzz :/ ohwell
just add +1 before the gmail and its counted as another mail while still sending the mail to your original mailbox
>/wsg/ link
Why would you post this here in a thread where people have a genuine waifu and have enjoyed this content for decades before it became 'cool'? I hate those social media idiots so much. He's there on social media talking to real life women so he can tell them that he ignores them while wearing the skin of some nerdy escapist. The existence of these ironic memers are actively detrimental to people who are genuine lovers of 2D and just want to be left alone. This ruined my day.
I found this https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
And goddamn it's slow with my GPU. I might have to stay away from Controlnet until I upgrade.
Depth, normal and softedge work fine, openpose is not very good. That's just SDXL in general, nothing pony specific. But with how good anytest is there isn't much reason to use anything else, unless you're making your own poses.

I've got 4 that I actively use. Though I also wouldn't consider "reverifying" a super big deal since the entire point is preventing other services from knowing your active details; google is going to be able to figure it out regardless(and if it's that super important you can get a burner phone or three for pretty cheap and use those to verify).
not that it really matters in my case though since I can just spin off e-mail addresses at demand if I needed to via my own domain/hosting.
That's why they have multiple sizes, just grab one of the smaller dims of v4
For me it was always more about preventing my actual mail getting leaked to indian spammers
Good tip, gonna try that, thanks. Just from the preview I can see this is a lot more accurate to the pose I wanted.
>unless you're making your own poses
Yeah, that's what I was doing, really. I'll try softedge next.
Never enough Sena.
Good character selection.
sd-scripts are so uncomfy ughhhh
Box please
Damn, even 64 is too much for 8 GB of VRAM, and I don't have the low vram option for some reason.
Tick the never oom box if you are running out.
Box please
It actually runs and doesn't tell me it ran out of VRAM, but it's insanely slow compared to using no Controlnet.
Definitely NAI but i can't help you with the artists
I also had set High res fix for "both", I just set it to low-res only and it went faster (sorry I'm still not very sure of what all the settings in Controlnet do).
catbox sir?
>pyramidal noise
Oh okay that's what I meant. It's apparently called multires noise in kohya and it improves colors and makes things work better generally if you train with it.
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It's an old NAI gen. I think it was upscaled in SD so the metadata should be there but idk why it's not. Try this one instead.
Weird I'm not seeing it with the userscript now but I just checked it in SD and it works.
Thank you both
forge forker guy here, added a lot of new parameters if you want to use them or try them from comfy into reForge


Also I have upstreamed model_patcher, model_management and lora (among other things) up to upstream comfy, so in theory, if comfy got faster in the last 7 months, this should as well.
>Nah, I don't feel like inpainting, I'll just reroll until i get a good one
It is now 66 gens later and I should have inpainted
Thanks a lot, anon. Do you know if there's a way to get pytorch 2.5 working with forge and if that would improve speed?
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I use torch 2.5 without issues on ReForge

It it a bit faster than 2.3 maybe.
Just did a pull and it looks like loras are broken for sdxl. Also, im seeing lots of api related spam in the console despite not having this enabled. Went back to a previous commit and all is well. Would make an issue on git but i cba
Would it be good to make poses in Blender with mannequins and use screenshots of that as controlnet's edge detect and depth input? Since I was told OpenPose is a no go.
What's everyone setting for Adetailer's Detection?. I set "Mask only the k largest" to one and it keeps getting secondary face or crowd face. I only want it to do one main face.
just tested loras on sdxl but it worked, can you give me the issue here pls?
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Blender and Cascadeur work for that purpose. I used UE5's manequin for this, for example.
Is that Grace?
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Unless it's broken, if you set it to 1 then it should get the one with the highest confidence.
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Nice! I saw that was getting an anime
I know he means the hashes when he says GPO, but saying your model has GPO has a negative quality connotation. It's kind of funny they keep doing it.
I dont get how to pose shit in blender, I cant pose anything without ik constraint without being annoyed
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Tested a lora + dora and it seems to work D: if you got an issue in the console please tell me.

Now, about the HTTP prints, ngl i'm not sure where they are coming from IoI
Im too afraid to pull for an update since my shit currently work but I want to play around with the new scheduler...
speaking of random tokens
there are a few poc examples of mapping token -> vector and then reducing dimensions with UMAP and plotting a token cloud. Wouldn't that massively accelerate mining?
Being able to reduce dimensions then calculate idk, distance to AUA or pitvnm or whatever the fuck, could be automated.
It's working now for me actually, sorry for the false alarm. Not sure why i got an error, probably a one off thing. And yeah im also getting the http prints, but thats whatever.
Don't scare me like that anon, I have been like 3 days tinkering to upstream lora changes from comfy and make it work.

At least now most of the lora types should work vs stock forge.

Also fixed the debug prints, now it will be like that only if using --debug-mode https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commit/535e7ab7a893dd37e8cedf042b0e2d42d6f63293
how do i update to pytorch 2.5?
>Make /hdg/ thread on meanoldch
>No replies for 5 hours
>Finally a reply
>It's tree telling me not to post loli
Has anyone here managed to get TensorRT to work on their Forge install and if so, how did you do it?
The extension?
Ok, but what are hard working gooners?
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NTA but im getting this
ye, whatever I do I keep getting new errors and when I run my forge without xformers it gives an error too
please tell me I'm just retarded and there's a way to do this
Gatekeeping works faggot. Go back.
Jordachs mind in an enigma. Don't know why he's so butthurt after getting at least some donation money from this place
why is there no Waterkuma lora?
Because you haven't made it yet.
Gives me a bunch of errors on startup and fails to build the engine
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I'm sick of trying out artist mixes
holy box please
its nai
notice the extreme melt and smear
What I actually hate is when I see stuff on pixiv and I can't figure out what artist mix they're using. Or those retards hiding their stuff to sell it to people on patreon
thanks. hard agree with second part
somehow I managed to get it to start building and it saved...
this and launching forge without --xformers did it for me
Did a commit that maybe fixes it (removed the title on Progress bar on sd.py)


Can you try if it works? I kinda upstreamed tiled vae from comfy so some things may happen
worst part is whenever I find something I like I get bored of it in a few days
damn 4 months ago i'd thought we'd be basking in a bunch of new local models by now. i thought stuff like kohaku and arti would have ~10 epoch versions out that btfo pony. meanwhile NAI remains on top and we're stuck with sepiashit. it really is fucking over
Im having a worse dilemna, I found a guy whose style I liked and managed to get his prompt but he prompt like shit and I cant manage to replicate 1:1 what he does even with the same settings
bored of nai but ill stay subbed just to support them. already spent around 800 dollars might as well give them more
>Sudden influx of totally organic posts
Why did you think it would only take 4 months for this? Do you know how long it takes to train a model?
you clearly weren't here for last year when we spent months without basically any progress
it works now. thanks for ur efforts
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is there a way to reliably draw the male subject's fucking legs
just inpaint
that's admitting defeat to the prompter
thats admitting the prompter is retarded and need some screwdriver stab in the neck
>2015: Draws cunny taking the BBC.
>2024: Character designer for ZZZ.
And not a lora in between, really makes you think.
more nai eye cancer please
with extra smear
damn the pale prompt actually does something on nai
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Would you like me to make you an album?
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the prompter can have today's battle but ill win the leg war one day
his defining traits as an artist are basically bodytype and conceptual(read: character design quirks). They also bounce around a bit with their style and overuse film grain a lot.
This makes trying to do a lora from them a pain in the ass and makes it hard to really even figure out what you'd expect from such a thing.
>juice wet pussy
I'm a real sucker for the simple things.
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Based. Impregnate the hag.
"pov legs" is a tag on Danbooru, but it's only been used 77 times.
just call it "pov: you've been amputated upon capture by the nihilego cult and are getting milked for seed"
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Whaaaat the fuck is going on how did i fuck this up
1girl sitting....
modern art
Please generate more images with {{{{{huge ass, flat chest}}}}} thank you
you wont bait me thats ban worthy
Here is a FULLY ADULT attempt
It seems to have a hard time mixing bodytypes like that
holy retard neg, no wonder you get that
also what is that size and cfg 11??
>Flat chest is ban worthy
Bros... Wake me up inside...

Very based, flaties are sexy even if they're not lolis
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throwing my hat into the ring aswell

cute lizards as always
kinda long tho
Thanks, have another
Probably the tall resolution stretching her out to fill space
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will flat chest tomorrow, for now it's big chest
Is there anything new on any front since anytest & autism/reweik?
use our lord and savior bluvoll's finetune
Try restarting the UI, it's happened to me twice after changing checkpoints, only restarting fixed it.
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I just uploaded a shitmix for 2d style like pic related. It's not showing up in search so I'm worried I might be blue balled by Civ. Can some anon check to see if it's visible for them?
turn cfg to 5, use a standard SDXL resolution, delete your entire prompt and start anew cause that shit is cursed. most importantly search for emphasis and turn it on (I think that's the protocol for a1111).

I fuck with bluvoll. I'll give it a whirl.
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when is it not big chest time?
it does show up with the link, don't worry
i've also noticed this before, but it seems like new uploads to civitai take a few hours before they show up in search
Oh is this the one from earlier? Nice backgrounds.
Catbox? I can never get more than 2 cocks to appear on pony.
I see, that's good to know. My loras usually show up right away so I wasn't sure if I fucked up somewhere or I got denied or something.

Yeah, it was my goal to get 2d with nice backgrounds.
for the anon who asked recently about 5ch loras, here's a collection of a bunch of character, style and concept loras from a single guy (mostly cnnuy adjacent):
(the link dies in a day or so)
annoyingly, he's obscuring the artist and character names behind memes, so you'd have to try to guess which one it is from the sample images
hope he doesn't see that i posted it here...
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Thanks. Hope dl limit won't be a problem.
Which AI companion app or website is the best all around? For instance, character.ai.
Also, are there any dedicated threads for that on 4chan? So far I haven't found any on any board.
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What am I doing wrong? I'm using autismmix with a character lora and artist lora. When I use the artist lora it fucks up.
are you using a lora from nochekaiser? if so that's your problem
1) one of the loras is fukked (if both work independently, disregard)
2) the loras dont play nice together due to retarded training settings
3) the lora weights are 2 stronk

I would try 1) if you haven't, then 3) via adjusting the weight of each

otherwise post catbox so we can see your settings
welcome to pony!
this has been a complaint since day 1. pony is completely fucking broken when it comes to using styles and characters together. its not your fault, its the fault of all available local options being complete dogshit
Its depressing that I bother with refining my datasets/lora settings and this flip makes thousands a month on patreon for shitting out these 0 effort monstrosities en masse
>pony is completely fucking broken when it comes to using styles and characters together
literally not an issue if you don't use loras trained by retards
i still hate pony though don't get me wrong
either the artist lora or the character lora (or both!) were made by retards.
good morning b- sir
I'm guessing that's a creator? No, then.

1 doesn't seem to be the case, and I don't know enough to say if 2 is the problem. But 3 is probably the reason since I have both lora at a weight of 1 (?). Here's a catbox link: https://files.catbox.moe/j11j5b.png
kek, good catch
Thanks for you hard work, anon.
I do have one minor issue with the webui. Trying to edit the metadata of a lora with the button in filetree view causes an error notice over every field. It seems that it can be edited from the default view without issues, however.
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>even though the style lora's end up with a lot of different composition most of them still feel extremely similar
how unfortunate.
>also they obfuscated their training settings
wow that's retarded.
lol yeah
that's also the one that attracted the most attention in 5ch
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just dont think too much about it anon
I don't see anything glaring issues with your gen settings, though you could try lowering the CFG and see if that helps. I'm pretty sure there's a hash for pony that works for ishikei, you can try that instead of the style lora and see if it suits you. otherwise give me a moment to DL these and test
>most of them still feel extremely similar
did you read the txt files in the folders (through google translate if you don't know nip)? seems like some of the styles use the name of the lora as a trigger word
Thanks for the report, gonna check it when i have time.

Now I will do this

dev_upstream_a1111 -> main branch (with all the changes up to a1111), it will be default

New branch: dev_upstream

This branch will have all the a1111 changes and also all the comfy backend changes up to upstream, new model support etc

I will do the branches, more upstream comfy changes and then gonna check that a1111 bug :(
When the first LORA I see is an Utawarerumono character instead of Generic Gacha Slut #931,295 it speaks very well of what I'll see here. Thanks.
i respect how you deleted your post and reposted because you misspelled underwater ray romano
I'm just looking through the provided sample images.
Some of them have more radical differences but a lot of them are mostly light anatomy/composition changes with really similar linework weight/shading.
makes sense. labeling the directory as ロリのその先へ, having it just titled as [pedo] and not including a preview image is pretty attention grabbing.
speak for yourself I cant tell what any of those characters are and no matter where I click its just character lora
hello zoom zoom
PonyキャラLoraまとめ - characters
Pony性癖Loraまとめ - concepts
Pony画風Lora集 - styles
yeah, I tried 5 cfg and got this with your same settings/seed:

that weird style seems to be baked into the character lora (its baked poorly)

alternatively if lower cfg doesn't fix it for you, make sure you have no norm turned on in settings - usually that looks a bit different but just incase

here is removing one of the character trigger words (you have it twice in your prompt) - https://files.catbox.moe/rh9j4x.png

using 8um (one of the ishikei hashes from https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf ) and no style lora:
same thing but 8um weighted up (single bracket) and character lora weighted down to 0.7:

there is an ishikei lora here: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff you could try too, haven't tried it myself so not sure if it would fair better at overpowering the char lora's style. best bet is probably making a dataset for the char and having someone here bake it (if you don't bake yourself)
I have brought eternal shame upon myself. I had deleted the last part of the name when I edited what I was going to say.

Well I can't recognize all of them, but it's a mixture of anime and video games from what I can see. I'm most surprised/impressed by the Yuki-onna from the first few episodes of the second season of Kyokou Suiri.
You know you can translate webpages, right?
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Im trying to install stable difussion throught automatic 1111, once I ran run.bat I got this error about failing to run torch. Why is this error? I tried method 1 and not method 2 which said I should instally python, is the error because of that?
Any retard that takes the time to hide his training settings should be vilified, and then ignored. His loras are worthless and can be easily reproduced by someone else.
Checking the thread someone tested it.
Seems kinda just like a proportions slider.
I'd argue it takes a lot of effort to do it that badly. I don't see how anyone finds value in it objectively, especially when there are so many others you could go to.
>the loras dont play nice together due to retarded training settings
Thanks, kinda regret checking most of those concepts tho
I recognize some of them but dont really know them by name, also
>all those grandblue loras
>still not Sturm
Didn't that also get a very short lived gacha too?
>it takes a lot of effort to do it that badly.
He automated it, he doesnt do shit, thats why they suck and thats why he can shit 10 per days
I like how some of the concepts are like, "General fella" "Pregnancy" or "Bathroom" and then there's shit like "Meat armor" "Skull fuck" and "Electric chair". Pony doesn't even need a LORA for general oral sex but I guess they might not know the danbooru tag since "fellatio" is a lot weaker than "oral".

Looks like low effort fast cooks. Not enough samples to prove his lora works. Thanks, but I'll pass
There's a lesson in here, and it's that quality doesn't really matter as much as speed and proliferation. Especially on anything with algorithmic search and a social element (Follows, likes, etc). A lot of professional youtubers stress this, you have to upload frequently. Same goes for streams, tweets, anything really. You can reach this guy's level of success you just have to be willing to make stuff constantly. I think that's where he and most /hdg/ bakers differ. He obviously shits out whatever LORAs he thinks will be popular whereas /hdg/ autists just make whatever LORAs they want to use. I know that's what I do anyway.
kek, hablas español? GPU AMD o Nvidia?
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going by the .txt it seems like the 普通のフェラ is for producing blowjobs without getting puckered faces
which i also don't think you should need a lora for but whatever
I mean, I also downloaded and tested it. You know, for science. And I was testing a style lora, anyway.
And I didn't try adjusting values up/down but it definitely adjusts proportions and steers toward toddlercon.
without: https://files.catbox.moe/7n5wh3.png
with: https://files.catbox.moe/sktwby.png
without: https://files.catbox.moe/o6mt89.png
with: https://files.catbox.moe/zp02nu.png
without: https://files.catbox.moe/nqrb6d.png
with: https://files.catbox.moe/gjbiyt.png

I did also test it with with using pedo(which the txt claims is its trigger word) but it didn't really do anything of worth, same with using loli.
moar aerith pls
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si y tengo Nvidia, y puedo jugar armored core 6 en ella asi que creo que es buena. Que puedo hacer para arreglar eso no quiero quedarme todo el dia en esto
Box please?
Yes... but I don't like to acknowledge that monstrosity. Aquaplus at least announced that they're going to have an Utawarerumono and Toheart announcement in November and it seems unlikely that they're gacha and are instead games/VNs. That's my hope at least. Well, I guess that's enough off-topic for now.
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breed the cats
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Look. I love my old eroge as much as the next ojisan in thess threads, but after that one Doukyuusei card gacha game I would rather pretend everyone died in an earthquake.
how can I download this because mega has a download limit
dios mio...
I also just realized that in the character LORA folders he's not using their actual names but seems to be making a joke with each folder, for example one I saw was "Strong anal" and it's for some Disgaea character.
its the sad reality of full slopworld..
siento por mi pobre español pero..
hmm que interesante
tal vez intenta eliminar la carpeta "VENV"
>\Escrito\AI maker\webui\venv
luego intentar ejecutar el programa nuevamente
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each title is a meme related to that character
pretty obnoxious but it's kind of cute how he knows all of those characters well enough to pick jokes specific to each one
you can speak english I undersand perfectly
>tal vez intenta eliminar la carpeta "VENV"
There is no VENV folder
you ran the 'update.bat' first, then the run.bat after?
So how exactly did confetti/autism actually get good hands out of pony? Why does my style lora not also have good hands if the pics in the dataset have good hands? Do I need more pics?
God i wish that were me instead of the machine.
me too anon.
>Why does my style lora not also have good hands if the pics in the dataset have good hands?
It didn't come out good. Rebake the lora with different settings.
Can you post your settings?
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Forge forker here to reForge

I have added all the new models into the backend of forge

Now the thing needed is modify forge_loader.py to accept all these new types of models. Honestly, not sure how to do it exactly but if someone knows kinda something it would help.

Probably SD3 would be the easier to add on forge_loader, with Cascade being the harder (because it is separated in different models)

Discussion of how branches work here:


tl:dr, main has a1111 upstream, dev_upstream has a1111 + comfy upstream
switch clothes to dryer. bed now.
well fuck
>make sure nvidia driver is up to date
>open windows cmd window and type
>cd C:\users\yourname\onedrive\Escrito\AI maker\webui\
>pip install -r requirements.txt
if there is no requirements.txt in \webui\ try searching for it and seeing if a requirements.txt exists somewhere there, I haven't used A1111 in so long

if you don't wanna fuck around with it try installing forge instead
seeing as youre actually competent with programming, how do you feel about the generals when discussing changes? how does it compare to /g/, /h/, /trash/ etc. surely theres a quality difference in threads when dealing with actual programming efforts
I haven't go into /g/ since the naiv1 leak I think. No particular reason, I could post there yeah.

I'm a total noob of 4ch so I know /g/ and /h/ (kek), I'm not sure what the other boards are or if they would be interested in reForge.
>I'm not sure what the other boards are or if they would be interested in reForge.
considering theres more programmers on /g/ than other boards you would get some actual valuable discussion inbetween the cancerous shitposts. i trust /trash/ to be full of programmers because of how furries exist in some truly skilled fields but are degenerates beyond comparison. pick your poison i guess but id stick to /g/ and see where that goes. ask questions, improvements toward X thing in forge, just stuff like that. you may find what people care about more that way
>I'm a total noob of 4ch
ive been here 20 years and whenever i read posts like this i feel something. its good to know i still feel but god fuck
>unzips megabasterd
nobody knows how to program in /trash/ and the few people who know how to program in /sdg/ and /ldg/ only care about comfy anyways
nice one, box?
>its the sad reality of full slopworld..
I don't think of it as sad, but rather as an opportunity if you're willing to take it. If you think you're good at making LORAs, you can actually make a lot of money with them if you're willing to be consistent and upload frequently.
Huh I see, thanks anon. Gonna take your word then, thanks.
>pip install
uh what does that mean? im retarded and havent installed pythong yet
i assure you there are a few programmers that exist there, whether i like to admit it or not. for every 1 programmer theres several thousand degenerates not programming. if you can find that 1 that does, you will get one of the most skilled programmers on the board
does main have the schedulers?
Now yeap, merged them.
awesome ty
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Ooh. I like. Thanks for sharing, anon.
Would it be worth making a newer or more up to date hardware performance tracker?
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What is this called?
See >>8102408
I don't understand
so is it
>gen small, without hires fix
>if its good, do hires fix
if its good, photoshop till better
adetailer, hide seams in photoshop
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1) Go to the given mega folder
2) Download the sex related loras and examples
3) ?????
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interesting how monochrome picks up all the details
I'm trying to figure out what outfit that is and what that hair thing is called.
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sorry comfyui users, you're now filtered
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some interesing tags here
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It's a bot. You are not responding to a person. It spams the same basic bitch blacked prompt with a randomized anime character over and over.
>'groid spammer time
Okay, time to go to sleep.
in my headcannon its a bot hoster samefagging this hard, been happening too often lately
some anon here was doing an expressions lora for pony
did he post it?
He wasn't doing a lora. He posted a large picture to show which tag words actual work on pony and which don't. Another anon posted a website/program someone did that does the same for NAI.
ah I see
I think this is a viable /hdg/ project
each anon collects quality images for each expression and the bakers here can bake a single lora for all the expressions
this is a terrible idea
do you know where i can find that large image? or the website
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they changed the fucking file name lol
if tentacles are /d/, then are disembodied penises also /d/ or no?
my bad, is it supposed to be it
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Dildos can be thought as disembodied penises, and those are allowed here.
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Anon, wait. What did you do to give that girl that kind of skin color? Or is it a character lora?
The person attached to the penis is absolutely there, he is just 100% transparent, trust me! So they aren't _really_ disembodied.
>tentacles are /d/
still can't grasp why its /d/ but excessive armpit/pubic hair isn't
You could probably do it without all that effort using the kopiki method, which would also keep it safe from style contamination.
go on /aco/ and youll ask the same about why diapershit isnt /d/ material but is constantly there
troll girl, blue skin, colored skin. Not sure if the troll part matters or not.

plenty of people posted tentacles here before
catboxes please
disembodied penises are fine.
tentacles are /d/ because it's inhuman and for all intents and purposes /h/ is the vanilla board.
pretty sure excessive hair literally is /d/ material. they have a thread up specifically for it. granted there's also a thread on /h/ for it but that seems more a weird selectively ignoring it kind of thing than anything else.
Usually people don't report tentacles unless it gets extremely grotesque anyway
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Just so you know, this is Roll. If you use this lora, you may get loli unless you prompt otherwise or use a grown woman model like Miqote Anon's.
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Catbox please?
>and for all intents and purposes /h/ is the vanilla board.
tentacles are more vanilla and /h/ than excessive female body hair
I love Atuy but the lora has the anime style burned in fucking hell
beastiality is in no way vanilla.
fuck off and go back to /pol/ you insferrable faget.
you're as much if not more a part of the problem than the fag running the spambot(and this is assuming you're not one and the same just trying to stir shit).
>excessive female body hair
How excessive are you talking anyway? I think an unshaven woman is still more normal than fucking a squid but has someone been posting detailed hairy nipples or something?
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Also a vanilla NTR board:)
And that basically covers it. Rest of the threads here are just relics of the past long gone.
there was one weirdo spamming jungles of pubic and armpit hair combined with dark huge areolae nipples and /aco/ milf lips, looked like average civitai poster and it ruined me a little
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all good. thanks for the heads up
Reddit-tier self-censorship. Welcome to 4chan, 2024!
Yeah, she's great. Extremely limited training data if the anime isn't included, though, so that's probably why.
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Not them but faget is literally oldfag speak. Do redditors even try to say faggot?
Kindergarten-speak. All you are missing when using it is a pacifier in your mouth. "Wawa, he cawed me a faget! He used an N-wowd!"
Actually no need for pacifier, you are already pacified enough.
Okay newfag
>KoЯn is oldfag
>Thinking it's related to the song
Nu Metal has been old for awhile now...
>it's a cool 4chan gamer word that us oldfags invented in barrens chat
The only question is which of the brainwashing jetix cartoons plagiarized it from that trash band to make it popular.
slowly I learned to despise everyone in ai community except for blatant coomers
New Thread

I cloned the mega link into my own just in case


should help with the limit issues
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excellent, nearly missed this
Where do I get a scat Lora? preferably realistic one

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