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Tomboy Edition

Previous Thread: >>8099747

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>nai op
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NAI looks like shit after using autismponykohacuntmixAlphaV3928absoluterealismmixdiffusionHeartOfAppleEpsilonmix
Anyone here use Automatic CFG in comfy? what cfg do you typically use for it?
>nai op
I can hear the freetard's fans whirring as he's cooking a new oid batch. Cute pic though.
>No one is complaining about the nai op
>naifags have such an inferiority complex that they have to literally strawman themself with some imaginary hate posts
Yeah, not like it's been whineschizo outburst and spam happening every time there's nai op, you disingenuous lying faggot.
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Photoshop is much better at this than any Lora.
more hebe/JS
There is one guy always complaining about NAI and there's you always complaining about pony. You guys should get married
is there even any people in this thread or is it just text generated slop
Go back to /vtai/ and stop remaking this shit thread.
I don't complain about pony. I only complain about g-spammer and whineschizo (who still could be one person).
>hiding it
see now youre just over the line.
>tomboy op
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More Priestess please.
isn't she way too big here
Nothing wrong with buffing her a bit
What sampler you guys using for img2img upscaling?
CAME vs Lion?
it doesn't matter, his stuff is trash even if it was png
Ps for what? the cum?
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The cum.

What's the problem?
CAME better in my exp
I use REX + CAME though, so YMMV
Have you made actual comparisons?
>THIS artist is a female
I BEG YOUR PARDON??!!??!!??!!!!??!!?!???????
whats the problem
there are two types of optimizer
adamw and memes
>anon finds out women can be massive degens too
Better take some pills to forget about it before you pursue this further.
I deleted all my nochekaiser loras
how much space did you gain in doing so and is it higher than 0
>LR 1
Simple as
Why did you have them in the first place
Around 2 gigs
He was usually the first to release character loras and they were somewhat useable
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same dataset
prodigy, adamw, all had weird issues
CAME + REX no issues
I use Schedule Free AdamW too now though
Yeah he bulk trains his shit using full booru scrapes of one character and then auto-tagging it and just pressing go, all garbage in, garbage out.

why tho.
is auto-tagging really that bad?
shit on boorus is tagged so poorly, that tagged with wd seems to be better
75% confidence is so high it leaves you with like 8 tags per image, and it can still recognize "hair over one eye" as an eyepatch. Even Gelbooru tags are way better.
>is auto-tagging really that bad?
any automation is bad unless you do a manual review
Its not perfect like the other anons said. Youll want to prune/add to revise any mistakes the tagger made, still, better than manually adding every single tag by hand, so theres still some human intervention to be had (not in nochekaiser's case though)
But noche is the #1 creator on civit and you guys aren't...
nta but are you using v2 or v3 taggers?
>75% confidence
why would you even crank it up that much
attempted to bake lora from VN in the past and after checking dozen of tagger outputs they seem to be correct, didn't even had idea what to add or remove manually
v3 is okay, but i don't have that much experience so check it yourself
sometimes it doesn't pick censoring or stuff happening outside of 1girl, like surroundings or time of day
If its a style dataset tag usually there's some room for mistakes (still avoid them if you can), the character datasets are the ones that you have to usually be more careful with when it comes mistagged features.
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I had a mega shitty dataset, even img2img + anytest would sometimes create body horror out of it. Figured better to have a few accurate tags than random hallucinations.
there was no problem with censorship, but what surprised me was that tagger correctly captured copyright stuff, because i cropped most of it and i thought that it can cause issues
It can cause issues if Pony doesn't recognize it, and many copyright tags were hashed.
what's is solution with copyright text then?
want to attempt to make this lora again when i get better gpu
i should inpaint it or something? cannot crop it completely, because title is slapped on characters, for example https://exhentai.org/g/1678558/94cae65429/
Oh you mean watermarks. I thought you meant franchise copyrights, like Blue Archive. Yeah just remove it, either with lamacleaner or better use masked loss training.
you can cover them with a blank text box (the tagger recognizes those lmao) or like the other anon said, lamacleaner and IOPaint, is all cases if you cant do either just tag it as "text" and "copyright name" and hope it doesn't bake in
and yeah, i worded it pretty poorly kek
i had copyright name in tags, tagger captured it even with couple letters left on cropped images, still i will try to get rid of it completely
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Is there a guide on how to do masked loss training? I assume you have to edit all your images to add the ignored area somehow.
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There must be some guides, but I don't know of any. You make a new image that's full white, then make the stuff you don't want black. Doesn't have to be precise. You can also use shades of grey as partial transparency, for things you still want the model to be aware of but you don't want it burned in. Like backgrounds, or other characters in the image.

if you use easy-script to train just put them all in a separate folder with the same filenames, there's an option to provide the mask folder path.
idk if this covers everything you want to know but i'm not aware of any others
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Reverse Suspended Congress/Full Nelson rape album. Catbox album thumbnails are currently broken, but all of the images still load if you click on the broken thumbnail.
We have confirmed females in this general, how are you surprised they can like degen shit too?
wildcarded? they seem pretty similar on most of them
Did B-sama get a rival?
No woman can rival you in my heart, B-sama
yes, """females""" (trannies)
>Spent too much time here
Can't differentiate good new styles from sloppa anymore
>Doesn't understand the word confirmed
Wouldn't worry too much, bro, it's not that you can't differentiate anymore, it's just all sloppa here.
Dont think its related to here specificly
Does it actually matter? Long as you can still tell whether you like the image or not.
While current gens are much better than aom trash, it's still all slop in the end. I'm getting really bored with AI lately despite being literally obsessed for quite a while.
why does it look like it was trained on an amount of jpeg artifacts that'd make Astrakike proud?
>as you can still tell whether you like the image or not.
I cant anymore
i'm watching currently much more NAI gens on pixiv than soulfull 1gachagirl standing on danbooru desu
DDIM and JPEG compression
https://files.catbox.moe/a82ocr.png looks like this with euler
I liked NAI a lot for few months but even that got repetitive, most people are reusing same fucking styles anyway, it's either some variations of ciloranko or yd-redrop shit. And you can see NAI's matte rendering in 99% of gens anyway, which I strongly prefer to local's looks, but it still got boring.
Euler looks infinitely better in my opinion, but I assume you're going for that intentional noise filter a bunch of pivix artists use for whatever reason
>sometimes gens make multiple extra arms
>add tag "extra arms" to positives
>can now get even more handjobs with an excuse
problem solved
>twice as many fingers to inpaint
>genning things with 5 digits per hand
sasuga normie-kun
How to get better at genning?
yeah, fair enough, but for me best thing about NAI i how it renders anatomy
like you know, bodies looks like bodies, it has this "2.25d" look to it unlike very sketchy and cartoony look by most of artcels
You don't. You're either born with the talent or you aren't. Better pick up a pencil because you just aren't gonna be able to hack it in the AI world.
Im really getting annoyed at how flat the skin textures is on local, havent found any artist lora that solve that so im not even sure if thats possible
Been genning with ddim for a couple days now, mainly with this prompt https://files.catbox.moe/dhi1lt.png the effect isn't that strong in most cases
Nothing local can currently surpass whatever tech euge used style and character-wise.
Yeah that ones a lot more reasonable
Could you post examples? I mean these might be solvable but words don't describe them well enough.
Correct, not even aomslop or sd3 are as bad as sharti. Can't be shitpassed.
literally all you need to do to surpass that is to train on cosxl
im convinced it's just been one anon posting about arti/euge this entire time because everyone else immediately wrote it off as the trash it is. what I don't understand is what the point of shilling it is
Arti is really good
It's a troll tactic
>but for me best thing about NAI i how it renders anatomy
it renders it really differently though, I mean it really depends on what artists you're using. I really like adding a bit of pija in artist mixes but that tends to produce some issues with anatomy/perspective sometimes, pretty similar deal to hero neisan.
Well it does look different at least, could work as a 6gb style lora. "storage is cheap" or some shit
>no gen
Euge was based. He accepted all the criticism and advice for his model and made no excuses. Shame they offed him
Let me correct you:
He accepted all the criticism and bailed because he knew he couldn't do better.
I've seen it mentioned several times that NAI has 2.5D bodies and 2D faces but I'm just not seeing it. To me most of local gens look more 2.5D.
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That much is true of pony as well. You just have to minimize score tags since they push everything towards one generic body type.
I think they mean how a lot of nai gens have that look like the body is that of a vtuber, that weird pseudo flat 3d model thing. I've never used nai but I'd wager that's artist dependent, at least
it's unfortunate that he had to die, but you don't get to live if you think you can compete with our lord and saviour astralite
rip in pieces to euge
at this point, I'm confused
what does sloppa even mean

Arti is a pain to wrangle but the artist and chara knowledge is useful
What happened to that retarded open model initiative thing that got laughed off Reddit? Wasn't astracuckie involved in that? Did it implode yet?
To me these blanket statements make no sense at all. There are just so many different styles on both.
>but the artist and chara knowledge is useful
It's like animagine doesn't exist for you retards
I mean the mix everyone use on NAI is a good example, it has this painterly feeling that is hard to replicate on local
my post was >>8102976 second one by somebody else so we can talk about something else, but for me those are quite good
https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/18510872 or https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/90281477
yes, it's ciloranko slop, but anatomy is just better than most of stuff on local or traditional illustrations
>{"text": "score_6_up, 1girl, loli, (chibi:0.8), penis, vaginal, 1boy, long hair, light smile, open mouth, bottomless, nada haruka, from behind, creampie, excessive cum, heart eyes, anus, best quality
it understands this tag?
i heckin love ciloranko
local anatomy is more solid than nai for non-cunny
No matter how (You) tackle it, Arti is simply the best local model style-wise, composition-wise and character-wise, you can not do the same thing on any other model. Yeah some styles may not work great, but if you find a great artist combo, it works wonderfully. And the compositions it makes are thousands times more appealing than the cartoon slop.
Arti is better, anon. And it doesn't have 1.5 AOM look to it.
Low effort gens of any kind, and using overdone styles like floox, AoM based checkpoints, etc.

Arti is hard to work with and I hate how all the outputs look like unfinished drawings. Wouldn't call it slop though.
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They formed a committee, that formed another committee to then form some working groups which were needed to contract some ethics experts for the dei board. They are currently in the process of streamlining their talent and gathering input from groups marginalized by ai
>if you find a great artist combo, it works wonderfully.
If you believed this, you would have posted a pic.
yes, for shiny cartoony titty golems
>still no gen
You don't like anything that doesn't look like it came straight from /aco/, why bother anyway?
Yeah it works. On e621 it's aliased to cum_inside and maybe it was trained with both, or maybe it's astralite's natural language captions. Who knows.
>no gen
Yes, that's why literally no one uses it and whenever gens from it are posted it's instantly recognized as hot garbage.
i think most people agreed from day 1 that arti can produce more appealing styles than pony out of the box for simple 1girl prompts, the problem is that since it can't do anything besides that it doesn't have much use for an /h/ board
on the other hand i'm kind of surprised nobody is using it on /e/ since it fits the purposes of that board better
but i'm probably responding to bait
>shiny cartoony titty golems
we're not talking about style here anon.
autism breaks anatomy into nonsense less often than nai when you do complex poses. stretching torsos when doing young girls is another issue imo.
>If I assume you're a disingenuous retard, I win!
Have you tried actually pretending to fit in, shill?
threw it at autismmix and it seems to work. neat. guess i should loosen up a little on the booru style tagging
jesus christ, it's as if it's their fetish to be retarded faggots
I'm not advocating for Arti, I know Animagine is a much smoother experience

so any style that is popular = slop?
I was honestly wxpecting a more technical defenintion, like 3d-ish shading or something

ah it got red taped
Going for formal establishments and corporate red tape is a recipe for inertia and mediocrity

the whole thing should have been done like how Kojima makes games: Have an auteur that decides everything

AuraFlow might have fumbled the dataset, but the architecture is good
NAI only sucks because it can’t gen obscure waifus
Slop is just a buzzword that was thrown around here and caused this place to have less images than the llm thread
I wonder if there's even a single possible outcome where this shit isn't gonna be irrelevant garbage scam
I'd say too many cooks spoil the broth, but it'd be surprising if they get to baking in the first place.
something i learned in my time being raised by tax collectors, is that if there is ANY incentive to involve money into something, people will do anything they can to milk the fuck out of it.
this is not always the case, but often is. this is why any work i personally do has no financial motivation. the shit you see here >>8103018 is the direct result of money and people wanting to abuse this small opening for their own personal interests and money, not for the purpose its supposed to be
Are there any good lora trainers that are not kohya? I just can't get it to work anymore no matter how many times I try.
>think most people agreed from day 1 that arti can produce more appealing styles than pony out of the box for simple 1girl prompts,
The only thing everyone agreed to was that arty was trash at anatomy, concepts and posting and that styles were extremely underbaked. I've yet to see a single Arti gen that doesn't look like it was rendered poorly in live2d. I've got pony fatigue too but I'm not going to straight up lie and try to defend a horrible model. The literal only hope it had was if euge continued baking and came out with an entirely different model, and instead he ditched. Why it gets brought up at all is still a complete and utter mystery to me, it's irrelevant and unused in every respect. Even these anons shilling it won't post gens from it because they know their gens will get called out for being garbage
>caused this place to have less images than the llm thread
that's far from the only reason
also paid upscaling
*uses tile upscale*
but yeah that still sucks if you gen a lot.
If only such resources existed in the OP...
Nice, now gen the rest of her at that resolution
I only managed to set it up by copy pasting all my errors into gpt until we finally worked through each of them. Most of the time it's because you don't have something installed or you installed the wrong version of something.
>concepts and posting and that styles were extremely underbaked
That's a weird way to say the poses weren't fried into model, lmao
not him, but wouldnt this be doable if you gen it in quadrants? you should be able to extend an image, then clean it up later. genning in one go clearly wont happen but surely what im describing is a valid answer to this?
>post pony luckies
>NAI anon responds with NAI luckies
i see the pattern
it's not about just cunnies
pony produces over the top hourglass figures with too narrow waist, to wide hips and balloony tits by default
NAI has just better moderate figure, breasts and ass shapes, head to height ratios and this hard to describe "anatomically correct" look, with small things like fat distribution and bone landmarks
also imo pony doesn't strech lolis it just makes rib cage to narrow and that's why it looks to long
i've done someting close to that ages ago by inpainting except i gave up on that pic
Except they were, and extremely shittily. Censoring was so cooked into Arti that it couldn't understand how to do basic penetration. You're trolling and your lack of gens showing otherwise only makes that more obvious.
>this hard to describe "anatomically correct" look
If you believed this you wouldn't be using words but posting pictures.
why arent there faster, more efficient manners to gen stuff? it seems weird that we're not collectively working toward this. i understand the hardware limitations at play but even so there should be significantly faster methods to do this stuff
I dont even see luckies posted
The eye
what I don't understand is why haven't we bypassed the pixel limit in an image while genning? the amount of detail I get in eyes with adetailer should be the constant base default, it makes no sense
oh, I registered that as mashu, didn't even look at filename. ok but where's the pony lucky
linked examples from pixiv here >>8103010
if you prefer pony anatomy then good for you
Nothing stopping you from making a style lora and getting the good anatomy though.
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sorry for sepia, just a lora test
so why is no one retraining for a higher channel vae?
sdxl is trained on images with 1024^2 pixels
if you want an image with 2048^2 pixels then you need to gen several images with 1024^2 pixels and then make sure that they fit together properly, which is what stuff like multidiffusion does
armpit sex
i can somewhat understand that limitation, though. most people dont realize how fucking horrifying this is on vram if you were to really look at it closely. vram is like a shotgun, a really really fast shotgun and you need a lot of it to do anything, not just the horsepower
loras can't fix everything. there's a reason why people are training new models and are bothering finetunes instead of using base 1.4 and applying loras to it.
because you would need to retrain the base model from scratch too
there are some efforts underway to strap a 16 channel vae into sdxl though, but i don't know how promising they are
afaik the actual architecture needs to be built around the vae so retraining a new one isn't possible. sd3 and cascade both do have higher channel VAEs but the monetization requirements for those models means that trainers don't want to bother with them, or they don't think it's a notable issue. one guy on github said he found a way to switch the sdxl vae with the sd3 vae but that was a couple weeks ago and i haven't heard shit since
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Maybe. They can change body shapes though, quite easily.
Nothing you said in this post is wrong but you didn't refute mine. The style lora will 100% solve the issue you're having and you can just make your own pics without ciloranko if you hate him so much.
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uhh what
NTA, this is straight from Arti
thigh sex
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You could just gen at a higher resolution and downscale it. https://files.catbox.moe/njmkes.png This one took 7 minutes and it's just not worth it for all the time and extra mistakes that even a low denoise high-res pass brings,
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>hey this preview is turning out pretty go-
>oh, nevermind
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You mean you'd rather prefer to look at uncensored slop right? This is straight from Arti.
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two-handed handjob
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not as bad as that seemed, i think i can salvage it
>use multiple LoRAs
>get shit like this
>meanwhile never get this issue with NAI
Why would I go local?
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because im gambling my lora weights constantly and it really isnt that hard to tweak it to my liking. i already know which of the 5 in that specific one is causing the problem
There a people that prefer a simple walled garden. Nothing wrong with that
Why do you want to start another flamebaiting session so much, schizo-kun?
any local intel arc users? in the unlikely chance even ONE of you are here, how is it going? if theres nobody, then ill be the first if theres incentive to
Why are you so hurt?
You're a real one for fostering competition on the gpu market, but why?
I'm tired of this thread being full of same meaningless sepia and blur insults.
i'm sure that if you keep replying to the spambot you'll convince it to stop
That image proves exactly what was said, the girl is hovering over the cock it doesn't understand penetration at all
i have an A750 and A770 on hand and as much as i like my 7900 XTX, i am legitimatley curious for ai slop purposes how its holding up.
dont get me wrong, i am beyond fucked for being so anti nvidia, but i can at the very least try
if i did try, id use the A750 because the A770 is still sealed and its the LE one that they arent making anymore beyond partner models
show us penetration please
I used to have one, was a tad slow but worked okay
memory usage was somehow not very efficient, might have improved by now
get the 16 GB card if you are getting one, the memory inefficiencies will make the lower VRAM ones a pain to use
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Forgot the pubic hair but oh well.
>Forgot the pubic hair
i already have one of each model except the A380 because who the fuck is that one for. its more a matter of me not wanting to open the A770 16gb yet
ah yes, all the new friends who have been lurking can now see with their very eyes how bad it is at concept, posing and style. you've got to have the same kind of single digit jeet iq that makes nochekaiser the #1 civit lora baker to shill for arti, mind boggling
Anons, any idea what artist tag may be used here?
might be the wrong general for this but how can you reliably get more violent scenes? i'm trying to make some waifus fight and have one be stabbed (don't question it) but even with the most autistic of regional prompting and masking i cannot get any realistic violence like someone being stabbed to work at all.

it's amazing that you can make the most degenerate cunny rape gens but the second you try to make people fight it just falls apart. like the model doesnt understand that a sword can go THROUGH someone and not just visually over them.
guro, gore, blood, add a lora for any of these
This doesn't even understand what a pussy looks like, it's like a troon hole that doesn't belong. How do you cope with this, holy shit
Do you not have eyes? It's unfathomable to me you can't see the glaring difference/issues. Skim through a few pages of booruslop til you remember what it's supposed to look like
i've searched for guro/gore loras on civitai and couldn't find any. pretty sure they delete those on sight.
if anyone has those kinds of lora, please do let me know where tf to get them
Just controlnet, photoshop & inpaint bro.
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thanks, now i know how pussy looks like!
Does pony have violence pruned too?
man hand
-le that brat!
youd probably have to check huggingface then, or pray some japanese man has made his carefully curated guro collection into a lora
you can make it with other loras if youre brave. the carnage one, plus phantasmagoria, and some other "horror" ones should suffice if you mix it just right because theyd likely have these in the training data

god speed, good luck
>Cherrypicks random shit image instead of getting an averaged idea from skimming the pages
I already knew you were retarded, but you don't have to rub salt into your own wound. I was originally confused how anyone could look at Arti and not see it's obvious faults, but I'm legitimately beginning to believe it's an IQ gap. Like the meme of the black guy who doesn't understand object permanence. Fascinating
Surprisingly, yes, I gen on an intel arc a770 16gb, I only started a few days ago so still learning a lot
It is a horse model after all. You can try dropping all score tags, guro gets rated low even when it's done well.
it's probably not in the dataset in the first place (unlike loli which is definitely there, just with pruned tags)
score_9, score_8_up issue
whats your approximate it/s for a 1024x1024 on sdxl/pony/autism?
for comparison purposes on euler a im getting 2.83it/s on a 7900 XTX under zluda on windows.
Nice one, seems really accurate again
>make people fight it just falls apart. like the model doesnt understand that a sword can go THROUGH someone and not just visually over them
That shit is actually a more complex interaction than cunny fucking and is usually poorly tagged, most people don't bother with it. I think the only model that can do this is nijijourney sadly.
Simple guro (guts, amputee and shit like that) you can train yourself I'm pretty sure
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>no gen
It's just a lack of samples and inadequate tagging. grab some animu screencaps and tag with stabbed in the head/chest/thigh/back and you'll get a serviceable lora
>no tsurime
>long hair bleed
it was an attempt at least, thank you
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+large breasts, sagging breasts, tareme
-petite, loli, child
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Meanoldtree just unlocked the ability to rent H100s at $1/hr
We're so fucking back cascadebros

>Currently doing all the paperwork and making phone calls on it, but effectively equals $100k-$1m in GPU rental at reduced costs, access to Nvidia engineers for training harness code review, ~60% discount on HGX machines, and a bunch of other neat stuff im finding in the documents (Like Cash Funding once a MVP has been created)
>Basically, Nvidia is paying for Resonance training on 8X (big fucking card) machines since unlike the Intel stuff none of this is experemental. CUDA is known working.
good morning b- sir
As usual this is all meaningless hype until someone posts a good picture with their model.
She looks like she has Down syndrome of some other severe neurological disorder.
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what you're describing relates to artists more than it does to the base models
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I wasn't really trying though, those were just wd tagger tags.
Looks like tsurime eyes get overriden by the artists though.
Tested pony and autism and it's like 1.85 average, I really don't think it'll be comparable to a 7900 XTX in any way

If you have a link to SDXL I can try that for you too
>Anon's are shitting on arti again
>While posting shitty pony slop
Holy shit, anons, can I call you a-non because you ain't got none to give.
or quality tags
Where did you get that Jinhsi lora? Are the horn hard baked into it?
pony/autism are sdxl so its correct
>I really don't think it'll be comparable to a 7900 XTX in any way
the only way i can break the 3it/s average right now is to go to linux and im waiting on some things to do that. that is legitimately the state of AMD ai stuff right now
>linux has rocm and zluda
>windows has just zluda
>without zluda, which just makes it do cuda workloads experimentally, your only choice is directml
>directml is so fucking bad you should just give up, unless youre some SD1.5 user in which case you have olive+onnx which gets you 4080 comparable results in the 20+it/s
hopefully you understand why im so interested in arc performance now
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trying to solve the mystery of the asymmetrical gloves

Yoko is only meant to have an elbow glove on her left arm, however despite the following

>only have images with this done correctly
>all images have had the tag "single elbow glove" added
>flip augments is off

The lora I train will always get this wrong giving her double elbow gloves, even if I turn up lora strength
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dont really know what tereme is but I threw it in
hardly matters what you think of the current model progress when they now have the compute to recook the thing a hundred times over. more if they secure nvidia funding
not me kek but I would've posted it if they hadn't
arti sucks desu. dead end if the baker is mia too
>trained for 83 epochs
>it sucks
>"surely if we just have more compute, it'll work!"
it's the eyes, they're very misaligned
I don't know how the dude missed it, unless he's into that type of girls
those tits are not big enough to sag that much
even small tits can sag
Hews and..?
And the style's pretty nice.
>recook the thing a hundred times over
irrelevant since jordach is delusional enough to think that the current 1b epoch looks better than naiv3, so he's never going to recook it
>that much
e7 is rounding out nicely, more bake time will do a lot for resonance. but even if you don't like the current bake, having compute and funding would allow them to make the changes that'd improve things more. I'm extremely excited
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hows that
0.05 jordachcoins have been deposited into your account
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I made it. No but I put some pics of her horns in the dataset so I wanted to see how it would look.
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And a schizo list of another 10 artists (some are probably unnecessary)
Complaints about pony would reduce about 90% if their was a checkpoint with dong feng lingling zanghyue as the base style
that's just tponynai3
that asshole is weirdly misaligned and i think you should fix this
This. Anything that is not obviously western hag style is literally one todcon artist.
Well nice job, that style is not working well with her face tho
Yeah, it seems like they're almost comparable despite the 7900 xtx being a much faster card, intel also do talk about gen AI a bunch in relation to arc. I'd wait for battlemage if I were you though, that should be revealed somewhat soon
This whole thing will end with tree in prison for defrauding investors and jordach hanged in a motel room wearing a fursuit
holy shit todd howard has a convention now?
What do you mean? If you mean the flatness of her face, that's how it's supposed to look.
if you actually follow the things he says he discusses the model issues and why he's chosen not to ruffle its feathers due to the risk when using limited donator funds and general hardware limitations. sorry you got meme'd by some dicksword screenshots kek
I do it for FREE
best anime model?
NAI3 > ArtiWaifu
isn't tree talking about hiring you? you're literally going to be a paid shill soon
holy fucking shit lesgooooo

memes aside, im unironically excited about this because jordach and tree both actually delivered something, ANYTHING, good or bad whatever but they delivered, and still baking.
>wah wah cascade le bad1111!1!1!1!1!!! MUH sdxl bettah!11
dont worry little pathetic doomer nogen, theyre considering to finetune your favourite sdxl sloppa as well, dont kill yourself yet.
>sorry you got meme'd by some dicksword screenshots
if you get jordach to explicitly admit that the 1b model looks worse than EF then i'll shut up about it
he's joking, I have no employable skills unless they need someone to jump out of a cake at a bachelor's party
sounds like a you problem ngl
I mean the fluffyness of her eyelashes
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Need I remind you?
>theyre considering to finetune your favourite sdxl sloppa
lol, what a retard
if you want to kill yourselves so badly then go ahead im not holding you back, its up to you
>I have no employable skills unless they need someone to jump out of a cake at a bachelor's party
god i wish that were me. im just a game dev (i dont program) and i feel fucking useless in my own field until they need a genuinely insane specialist. im good at what i do, but fuck me nobody is hiring right now so i may as well take your idea
if anything, it's jordach who is killing himself
or maybe he's winning since he managed to nurture such faggotry
Local SFW?
Local NSFW?
It's alright, we can defeat your copium addiction together. Just a little less hope and a little more realism day by day
>if you get jordach to explicitly admit that the 1b model looks worse than EF then i'll shut up about it
>bastard mix of an already fully baked furry checkpoint vs a half-bake of a finetune
nuke vs coughing baby moment
Only good answer
Nai only makes 2.5d sloppa, not real anime
Whats your speciality? Im in the same industry and I feel like there is a clock for every single job in here with how ai is going and how much better the game engine are becoming
>not using AI to program for him and making a hooker in a cake jump out simulator
the future is now
Is arti really better than animagine? Actually if you look at /e/ they're using Pony, 1.5 and OlympusXL, no sign of either of those.
I do a lot so I'll do the highlights
>Quality Assurance primary (on paper Junior, in practice Lead+)
>Archival/Preservation secondary (ill spare you this one's specifics)
>Console hardware/PC hardware and compatibility and performance specialist
>Development hardware infrastructure as a day to day if needed because rotating between 9+ platforms at once becomes challenging

the world is a much safer place if i dont program
Actually kohaku is better than all of them, even nai. Guess you have to be a chink to make a real anime model
animagine has a strong (intentional, btw) aomslop feel to it, unlike arti. I personally like arti a lot
nobody uses it because nobody there knows about it.
Why is that no matter what I do the face is always shaded, what goblin is running around with a spotlight doing back lighting of my girl?
>no gen
im not the arti shill. there were arti gens posted itt
get some h100's and diy faggot, its what both jordach and astrakike says to people often
oh wait...
>Just a little less hope and a little more realism day by day
put the bullet in your head already or just straight-up leave this thread forever for good and change hobby, if youre so unhappy when thinking about the state of local then just uninstall sd and erase your gens folder and just come back after 3-6 years, pretty simple
>nuke vs coughing baby
exactly, and yet jordach and tree would never admit that their model looks much worse
Animagine is good but it's very rigid in terms of style and poses.
Even with style loras it always has that animagine style in it that ends up making every picture look the same.
Arti is less consistent, you have to reroll more often to get the desired result, but you also get a lot of variety in styles and poses.
Arti also knows more characters.
>nobody uses it because nobody there knows about it.
Arti shilling was spammed there and here when it came out and everyone who tried it immediately dropped it for how great it was, right? Everyone loves Arti pictures and asks how to make ones so good every time they're posted, so how can this be?! Ah, wait...
why are you posting in this thread? fuck off to jordach's trooncord or to meanoldchan
my god
too bad im an autist because i cannot unironically tell if what youre saying is just sarcasm or the most retarded thing i have ever read ITT
>telling people a model is good and they should try it
it's literally free lmao. the only real shilling ITT is NAI because it's paid.
post gens instead and ill stay just lurking
Remember, this is the groidspam and Arti shilling thread. You cannot, and I repeat CANNOT discuss or be excited about other hentai models here!
yeah and they all sucked ass, when someone say " I personally like arti a lot" I expect at least one gen to show the possibility if done well, you cant complain about people not using it because they dont know about it when every example posted since the model released ranged from garbage to mediocre
if i was the spammer i would just reply with groids
go falseflag somewhere else retarded nigger
When did heart of apple become irrelevant? I remember it being all the rage around here a month ago.
uh we'll stay nogen i guess
all the rage? i only recall seeing a single anon posting gens with it
good for styles and some few characters, but gets outperformed by pony at everything else. simple as
gens don't get (you)s
wasted effort
why do these threads have 4x the activity on weekdays? do your parents make you leave the house on weekends?
>check civitai
>go to models, sort by pony, newest first
>ShindoL style catches my eye
oh no
if you can't post unless you get upvotes then i recommend moving to reddit
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u guys post just to get (you)'s only?
that's sad, and retarded
i cannot post shit cuz its all kani
Am I supposed to believe that NVIDIA will sponsor nsfw porn model capable of bestiality and underaged characters and trained on copyrighted materials and they will be mentioned under such model?
How much did they lie or omit in this application
catbox them you coward
That's euros for you. None of them have jobs
It's just a style, you don't have to make messed up things with it. I use Kids Gamera to chibify faces.
ah, forgot to mention I am phoneposting as well, I don't have gens saved on phone kek
I never implied you were the spammer, reading comprehension must be hard for you.
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ugh this looks like arti
im aware but ShindoL is special. there is some treasure in that dataset
that wouldn't explain the activity drop during weekends
just saying, but yeah mb
I'm not sure how much we should care if it nets us a useable model in the end
People shitposting on company time
What else do you post gens for? If anons don't appreciate them then I might as well keep them to myself. Don't wanna be like the spammer.
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dont worry it seems like a garbage lora
>ugly nai garbage
id rather have no gens than this
you post just for the sake of sharing what you think it looks good and worth sharing, you don't need (you)'s for a living
i wasn't being ironic when i said that if you're the kind of person who can't do anything without validation from others then anonymous imageboards might not be for you
didnt know you were the thread adjutant
How to merge a lyco to model?
you dumped enough of them last thread anyway, when's the next batch?
its pony
uh oh nai melty...
i just post images and don't care about that shit
never understood the attentionwhore mentality
serious question
what looks more melted and smudged
this >>8103306
or this>>8103285
>Cascade shill is now in full meltdown mode
>Attacks any gen while not posting any of his "superior cascade images"
it's the spammer, retard
cascade meltie
nai meltie
arti meltie
pony meltie

what about i fucking melt your insides with my hot cum you retarded faggots, how about that
>perfectly content with local
>dont even care what other options are there
it does what i want, how i want, and i have more control over it. plus its basically free unlike other options. why this is even an argument is stupid
I respect admitting when you were wrong, kudos honestly.
the sanest cascade meltie
thank you mr. sepiaslopper, now fuck off to civitai
if you dont constantly suck nai's dick you must be a schizo spammer chud
Just go to the very active /hdg/ thread on meanoldch cascadeshills lol
>why this is even an argument
Because it doesn't do what other people want, obviously.
just put sepia in the negs?
it seems pretty thorough. what are people looking for exactly?
if you mass reply to anon gens with made-up bullshit just because the existence of saas makes you angry you are no better than groidspammer, yeah

if youre not with nai youre against nai and that makes me shit myself to death
>what are people looking for exactly?
blacked and pedophilia
top 10 hentai fights
NAI keeps winning
this but unironically
Always has
meanold said he linked to a channel in the discord as example gens in their application. the only example gen channels are of NSFW furry and hundreds of nude images of Ghislaine. whether they actually checked those or not who knows, but it was provided
*melts down and starts spamming thread with melanin*
take it naikeks!
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>B-chan said that solomon is her husbando
brb getting ripped and bleaching my hair
>gr**d spam only starts when people shit on nai
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>nicer /hdg/ exists
>and hundreds of nude images of Ghislain
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so whats your printing process for this
mental illness. Kill yourself
>what are people looking for exactly?
Well answering that will start the cycle of arguments you find stupid all over again. I can, but do you want that?.. There seems to be plenty of people posting cringe already!
NAI update when?
>posts pixiv with the most generic nai style possible
why are nai sissies so retarded?
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Open to hearing some ideas for other such projects I could do as this one was a lot of fun to make. Does not have to be necessarily hentai/anime, but that is also fine.
It's been updated about 2 months ago?
It's called artiwaifu, just look it up on civit.
You'll get frieren at the price of all artists tags
>price of all artists tags
how will that work?
A pain is what it is, but do not trust printing companies to get it right. Plus, you know, not exactly comfortable sending this stuff to someone else to print.
She's from /fit/ right? Maybe our forearm and grip strength can impress her?
you could make a proper deck of cards. each suit has a theme, avoiding the obvious one here, dont do that for one of those suits
right but whats your method?
teh funny thing is it won't
Funny you say that since Frieren is the reason I asked
I hope so. Without the artists tags NAI will die
its arti
>E7 drops
>Jordach starts using arms_behind_head in his preview pictures
Hurry up, NAI. I want to gen some Frierens!
lmao is he also still using (by novelai:2)?
That would be really funny to see all the patreon grifter kill themselves but I dont see a world where v3 doesnt stay as legacy anyways
I'm out of the loop why Frieren specifically?
does she not work already? had a bunch of images before the anime came out
First FOTM character after NAI's dataset cutoff. Bonus points for loli, I guess.
i kneel
holy smear and blur
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I though about that, but that is a lot of cards for sure. You have some ideas on the themes of each suit?

To summarize I print onto translucent thin paper and then I stick that to a holographic laminate.
Because I love her
What else would it be? it's the only significant anime that dropped since V3? People aren't exactly lining up to gen marcille
can it do bweeeeeeeeh crying chibis? i didn't try it when I was subbed. it could do gyates that's why im asking
Good taste
hello normalfriend sir
I didn't save the metadata but here's the prompt:
1girl, by kmgrn, by opossumachine, by hero neisan, by boingoo, 1 oosuki mamako, raincoat, unzipped raincoat, lace bra, pantyhose, white panties, blush, :O, beautiful color, detailed, amazing quality
bad quality, worst quality, lowres, abstract, deformed hand, fused fingers, extra limbs, extra arms, missing arm, extra legs, missing leg, extra digits, fewer digits

Model: artiwaifu
euler a, 50 steps, cfg 5.
samefag? this is extremely ugly
uh oh another nai melty...
>50 steps
>another local melty
it's Arti
waaaaah you aren't allowed to criticise local gens or i will poop my panties spam the thread with niggers!!!
>You have some ideas on the themes of each suit?
>heart themes, womb tattoos, tramp stamps, pupils, heart hands, hand holding
>jewelery, fancy outfits, anything generally wealthy/fancy
>raves, concerts, glow sticks, weapons to keep the club theme?
i hesitate to answer this one, but
>dark skinned girls, shovels (spade),

you could also theme them like such
uh oh nai sissy about to spam "dark" individuals...
Just following the civit page instructions.
I haven't really messed around with different settings yet.
Are ya colonizing, son?
you receive: 25 dollars
i receive: a blurry smeary mess
thats the gayest male ive seen and that includes actual yaoi. what the fuck man
read that as slop at first
oh, tits.
a disgusting piece of garbage for only 25 dollars? where do i sign up?
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Idk why AI has such a hard time understanding this hairstyle.
oh no :(( poorfag groidie meltie :(
lol this
ive paid around 900 dollars for nai and its totally worth it
its only 5 dollars per upscale too which is honestly pretty generous
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Oh you're not poor? Prove it by sending me $100.
>the thread devolved into 2 (1?) severely mentally ill faggots baiting each other
What a sad sight.
Outstanding gen. Just what we needed on /h/ (hentai), surely.
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i think im starting to get better at this
Pretty sure it's 2 "people".
1 NAI employee (or maybe someone shilling for free?) and 1 model baker who can't stand that his cascade model has 0 hype in this thread.
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from behind views always mess up long hair, it wants to show her ass and back
Yeah, surely being dissatisfied that there's a faggot harassing other anons' gens means it's a paid shill. And that cascade part is literally pulled out of your ass.
Can confirm, I'm a NAI employee on a mission to shill the service to the remaining 6 anons here
Organic exchange and wonderful gen.
Not really. It was the first pic I genned.
All the Jinhsi loras struggle with her hair because AI only understands the hair loops but not the twintails. I put a bunch of pics from behind in the dataset which is why this works but I guess it struggles when she's not wearing the outfit.
how many nai melties will we see today?
Depends. How many samefag falseflag shitposts are you gonna make?
Luckies are nice, so anon gets inspired.
I hate false ass flags man.
Shit pisses me off man.
While all of us are out here trying to climb up in the world, you're standing there throwing rocks.
How about you step up the ladder and handle your shit, or stay right there and let me drop a fat one on you instead.
too bad im a promplet...
learn 2 filter or use nicer /hdg/
non local is soulless and not even close to art, you have no control or repeatability
A problem would be because I put the cards in toploaders the deck would be too large. It could not even be easily shuffle it would stand like a foot high. Not that I use the cards often anyway.

I like your idea for spades as its easily identifiable and allows much more freedom with the art (colonial girls and such). Diamonds is also good (rich girls with jewelry and a cup or chalice somewhere in the art). For the other two suits I need something that is more concrete and easily identifiable on each card while also allowing room for creative freedom.
it knows her, sometimes inconsistent and messes up her outfit, well i didn't really prompt her outfit at all, probably would work fine if you describe her better

don't think it works well, well gyate gyate has a tag and i don't think this one does, could be that i was doing something wrong though, a couple of kagami ones where she has messed up clothes were me trying to vibe transfer it
here's a few separately with the prompt
uooooohing wife...
>nicer /hdg/
Where? The one I know is dead, treech is dead too.
a script that hides nogens and no (You)s
at least try to space your samefagging out a little
NAI is the businessman choice
best post right there
NAI is a wealthy waifu enthusiasts choice
>just use filters bro
meh. ignoring the stinking pile of shit won't make it go away.
yeah shame that
every garbage nai post has a samefag too
they REALLY need to justify their subscription cost
NAI is for netorare enjoyers and pedophiles.
Can NAI even generate mature women or white men?
The digital stinking pile of shit is not real and filtering it literally does make it go away.
>netorare enjoyers and pedophiles
my further actions were usually resulting in warnings so i chose filters
NAI has to put an extreme emphasis on dark-skin male or it naturally makes the darkest BBC you can imagine
Frierenbros we won
emphasis in negs*
the pile of shit being (you), you are little dumb so let me clarify that
it isn't, same as anything else happening here. might as well go touch grass lmao.
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funny how upset nai babbies get when you insult their trash
theyre calling for filters and safespaces and they try reporting dissenters
fucking sad dude
what style and character loras did you use???? how many nodes in the workflow???
how did you get the image looking like you smeared vaseline on it? photoshop?
Jannies ignore their reports and ban them instead lmao
schizo sister doesn't understand the difference between criticism and spam
melts down every time someone dares to mention nai in a good light and turns the thread into shit
been doing it for months
mental illness really is sad
That’s NAI
i just want to samefag my nai posts but i get called out every time
its just typical freetard behavior. absolute meltdown cause they can't run it on their shitbox
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its only 5 dollars per upscale and inpaint
freetardlocalturds are so dumb
>im just a game dev (i dont program)
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more like your brain doesn't understand jack
on top doesn't mean balls deep dumbass
and while we're at it, Arti can do that just fine

that was to show the good artist blending you fool
since you can't handle shading, here's a flat style gen
game development has a lot of facets, its not just programming. just wait til you learn about TRCs
ugghh fucking localtards
anyway im going to samefag
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>the cock looks like the spaghetti condom
thats kinda funny, but that also tells me it cant well-distinguish between spaghetti and dicks. i hope to god that shit is free
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the resident schizo doesn't "believe" anything, xe's just trying xer hardest to make the thread unusable. the nai shitposting hasn't even been their only strategy, xe's also tried:
- ironically hyping up arti (nobody really cares about that model)
- ironically hyping up animagine refiner (too obvious)
- ironically shitting on pony (everybody agrees already)
- ironically hyping up cascade (also too obvious)
so in the end xe's settled on the strategy of ironically shitting on nai, which seems to maximize butthurt from our thread's newfriends and retards
>xe's just trying xer hardest to make the thread unusable
What's the motivation for this?
because xer cunny gens are getting deleted
If you think its all one person you need meds immediately
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Loving all these /h/ nijigens zomg.
Pony+comfy is the professionals choice
sometimes the the mix is so weird, I don't see any of those 10 artists in this
what a mess of a gen, man
new record for nai melties
there are several different shitposters, obviously (plus the gr***sp*mb*t)
but the person i'm talking about has a pretty distinct posting style so i'm 90% confident it's just one guy
So you think this ALL, including gspam was done by one lolifag who got butthurt in April? Bro I hope your whole post is ironic too.
you don't know how schizo people can respond over petty shit happening to xhem
then it's a good mix
if you're using one style or can tell which artists are in your mix then you are posting the worst content this general has to offer
NAI is comfier than Comfy desu
local users, reply to this post with the following
>sd interface (automatic, forge, comfy, any fork if necessary)
>approximate it/s for 1024x1024 SDXL (autism/pony/just normal SDXL)
I wish to collect more recent numbers and metrics
truly, worse than a nogen
NAI is the sloppiest blur this general has to offer
Windows 10
Forge main fork
1.4it/s, can go faster with Forge unstable flags
I mean it's possible, but I doubt it.
But I think it's just a cope, making up a single bogeyman is easier than to accept that the general at this point is being raped by several very mentally ill people and there's probably no coming back from this, ever. There's probably not even a single oidspammer, instead we got several parodying each other.
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thank you
if you call out the obvious samefagging you have severe mental illness
just let them do it they are heckin valid
3it/s with a 60% powerlimit and 3.7 without
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Stubbing your toe is comfier than ComfyUI. I still love it though.
totally not an aco gen, very nice
it clearly belongs to a hentai board
Not wrong, but I think we have more important issues to deal with right now
>pony and NAI are the most popular models ITT
>complain about aco gens
what? if you're so concerned about aco gens, why not use animagine, kohaku or heart of apple?
Pony can do anime with the right lora, it's just Nai that can't
the only anime gens itt are done with arti, cope shills
This. People are shitting on NAIv3 this is a defcon 1 situation.
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hey, that's a lot better
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Sup homos. What's your favorite pony mix?
Ha ha it's funny because that's an old, vastly less capable model and you are providing a useless answer! LOL
Oh I get it now. Haha!
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extremely based
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yep im gonna samefag and im not even trying to hide it
arch linux
a1111 with optimization patches + preview enabled
pytorch 2.5
3 it/s at 225W and 5001 memory clocks, 3.7 at 375W
wait didn't the optimization patches get pulled into main?
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been wildcarding for new mixes and i think i got one i like
i didn't update since i merged them myself
much appreciated so far. is anyone with a 4090 present able to get a quick metric? id be interested to see where that lands
very nice
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anals bought
post samefagged
yep localturds are owned
why is there no prompt
can you recommend any anime screencap upscalers/enhancers? wanna use them as a part of dataset
I came
Thank you for reading my blogpost
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cause these things are more inpaint and editing than ai at this point.
this digusting mess was "fixed"? jesus christ...
I mean you could at least leave tags or artists which were used
>you cannot delete a post this old
Guess it's staying there. I got so focused on getting the mix right I removed all the anime artists without realizing.
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1girl, 1boy, (dark-skinned male:2)
you don't need to compress your gens so hard, the limit is 4mb
The forbidden kereno and possum combination sure is something
>it actually has metadata
i kneel
Most cunny posters are nice about metadata
where's the kereno lora?
only on /h/, /b/ will gladly ignore you in most cases
(by hews:1.1), by mignon, by fymrie, by nekoda \(maoda\), (by xingzhi lv:1.2), by ciloranko, by as109, by neocoill, by opossumachine, by fkey,
Those aren't jpeg artifacts. I think it's from doing upscaling and img2img with anytest with not enough steps or something.
Adds character.
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mine, miqomix
don't bother, his shit won't become better anyways
>Makes objectively good gens
Somehow still the most hated poster
He should compress it more so we don't have to look at that shit
we never saw both him and melanin rich male spammer posting at the same time
its the only reason
here you go anon, compressed it for you in one word:
no its probably the sampler
"Objectively good"
>Ugly aco style
>Unnatural and too technical feeling composition, posing, style choices, like when you ask AI to gen AI
lmao the only thing objective about it is that I object to having to see it

Also note he only posts shortly after groidspam and Nai melties
he belongs in /aco/ and is an obnoxious cunt.
do something about it then
Please never stop posting. Hopefully one day /hdg/ will be full of sexy cat women only.
style and composition are subjective. His gens are inpainted and upscaled and the subject matter is more than 1girl, cowgirl, pov.
note that he showed up for the first time, shortly after spam started and cried about anons being racist because they don't like spam
2024 is halfway done, are we waiting on anything in particular?
The loli gens belong in /b/ and the 1girl posts to /h/. This place is (sadly) not too strict about the rules
i really wish they didn't remove the post counters
how may posters are here now, realistically? 40?
>The loli gens belong in /b/
yet this pedo spams his shota shit alone more than all the cunnyfags together
>>Unnatural and too technical feeling composition, posing, style choices, like when you ask AI to gen AI
Anon what the fuck does that even mean?
20 at best
i get what he means
it looks stiff and boring, like he does controlnet at 1 to force the position at any cost
me, you and the other anon
I think we had around 150 during the peak activity back in ~february, right?
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yea, it's never truly fixed. But overall im happy with the outcomes and I have yet to see many others doing stuff in a similar composition and lighting, so i'll just keep chipping away at it.


nta, long winded way of saying "stiff". The ai is forcing a perspective (full view of vaginal penetration along with the girls physique) that is practically impossible irl.
Better be quick, might be taken down soon apparently
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The PVC figure one https://civitai.com/models/400329/pvc-style-modelmovable-figure-model-pony

Sure it's super niche, but it just works so well. Even with style mixes, it manages to take those features and doesn't turn back into 2d.
>9,15/24,67 GB
i hate mega holy shit
Point out every shota and loli post in this thread so we can count and compare.
I don't really mind shota or blacked/bestiality for that matter. As long as a hot girl is the central aspect everything else is a minor annoyance. It only gets weird when special attention is given to the male participants in a scene
tips on getting black, seethrough tops like pic related? AI always going for white despite telling it not to
half of the non-pov gens here have males with detailed facial features, it should be off-putting for everyone by default but its isn't the case for some reason
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I aint ever gonna stop
one his shota 8102768
and i only found this 8103002 that can be considered as loli, so today is evenly matched
i don't see any catboxed links for it
go to thread where he was active and count yourself, but i know is that you pedo so you know better
Please don't hold back, don't let the haters get to you. Post more of this beautiful cat goddess.
>conveniently missing the literal toddlercon loli posts not too far up
post number then, i could overlook catbox link
thats why I either gen pov or head out of frame man, I mean at this point I should just gen disembodied penis

>>8103632 >>8103621
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combining black panty hose, and see-through generally gets it for me at about half the outputs.

I'd probably try 'see-through', black pantyhose, and transparent at different weights till it got me the desired look.
ok you are right here, have not seen them
so 3 to 1 today because he (you) wasn't active
then go to threads where he was posting shit
try bodystocking
>text posts with a catbox link
>vs some hyper /aco/ fag that either posts it outright or does a hard crop while linking out, wasting an image slot
one of these seems more obnoxious than the other.
either way I don't understand why you're white knighting and trying to pull whataboutisms for some fag that intentionally shitposts and spams /aco/ on /h/.
because it's xim ximself
The leg penis...
>>text posts with a catbox link
Vs... text posts with a litterbox link.

Two posts.

You seem to have constructed some sort of man. One made of straw.
>vs some hyper /aco/ fag that either posts it outright or does a hard crop while linking out, wasting an image slot
Nta but the shuten poster does the same
we know who you are, fag
i see
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We'll never get to 3.6b at this pace
How can I make pony gen a monkey that looks like an actual monkey. Like an animal. It always defaults to making some gay fursona or literally just a weird monkey dude with a human face.
>Two posts
continue to pretend you don't know how much offtopic you post
>The annoying avatarfag that posts my fetish should be allowed here, all others have to go
only 4 more months anon, why do you have to be so impatient?
meanoldtree secured training on h100s for a dollar an hour
trust the plan
sounds like the ideal candidate for preference training. Do you have a dataset you could share?
Or else: https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/pull/1427
and yet they will keep baking in a single 4090
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thanks, This is a little preview of a lora I have been working on today. my aim with it is to enhance double handjobs and make it more consistent. I had an annoying time with them without it.
dont be like me, curate your datasets
In the entire last thread. Today it's only been one and already you are sharting your pants because your deranged mind simply cannot ignore [thing you don't like]; gotta sperg out and let everyone know how offended you are. Write a blog post about it.
Doesn't matter. Jordach is committed to finishing the 1b on his semen crusted 4090.
off by one?
holy sethee
uh oh pedo melty
yeah I wasn't looking at the dude
Ohhh, very nice, any more with this concept? And amazing, very lovely catto gens, she's such a seductress.
so if my understanding is right you have to go through your dataset putting down which image is better for each pair? Might be worth investigating
tree said about a week until they get access, then resonance can train on them if all goes smoothly. don't lie
your "loss" part of each image pair would have errors, like the glove on the wrong arm.
not sure I understand because there are no errored gloves in the dataset, does it generate images and you mark which is better as a gen using a base model/prompt and you mark which is better? Kind of like openai in chatgpt showing you two prompts?
>The schizo, B-sama, miqocat and (You) are the only posters in these threads. Everything else is samefagging.

How does this make you feel, anonymous-kun?
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I'm still figuring out the little quirks of the lora before I put it out.
>tree said about a week until they get access
source: it was revealed to me in a dream
Sure, sure, In 10 business days they'll have the intel hardware and the h100s and all the vc funding and maybe even the 7900xtx from that amd guy. It'll be amazing. One has to wonder why they are so adamant about conserving donation funds when millions of aws credits are about to flood in.
I see a few more identifiable anons
Enlighten us moriarty-kun
This is false, those are your alter egos samefagging. It was fight club all along.
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>One has to wonder why they are so adamant about conserving donation funds when millions of aws credits are about to flood in.
it would be irresponsible for them to throw away donations prior to being 110% certain the training is happening, working and secure. iirc they've otherwise been saving the remainder of the donations to put towards baking 3.6b properly. it's exactly what I'd want them to do if I was the yuge money donator, personally. not much of a wonder at all
my source is the main discord channel, very sorry about your disability anon. it must truly be difficult to be into such a visual hobby when you're seeing impaired
Loras doesn't fix everything. I can't make my gens to stop getting deep fried or turning into a colorful mess after using 2 concept LoRAs, 1 style LoRA and 1 Char LoRA. And no, I'm not even using all of them at full strenght. Hopefully, a new model comes out and saves me from using at least the concept ones.
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Mmmmh. Corm.
screenshot where they say it will take a week you retarded piece of shit
Very nice, moar?
if you merge the style lora into the model it works better
amazing gens sirs, i'm huge fan, please redeem one with handsome indian male
let me see some asses
i wish to be her
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Depends on the loras really.
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you're either lazy, stupid, trolling or all of the above
wet popcorn is disgusting
Is this why butter on popcorn is so popular?
butter grease isn't the same as wet
>By the end of the week we should have actual results on the Nvidia front
this means literally nothing
kill yourself phoneposter
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There is no difference between nut butter and regular butter.
Looks a bit "stiff" and boring, like you did controlnet at 1 to force the position at any cost. The AI is forcing a perspective (full view of ass along with the girls physique) that is practically impossible irl. This gives it an unnatural and too technical feeling composition, posing, style choices, like when you ask AI to gen AI.
if you actually read the discord you'd see further down where they're talking about moving training to speed it up. kek keep seething and dilating, I'll be enjoying the model progress
good idea its surprisingly hard to gen double handjobs, you think it will work for self masturbation too?
>they're talking about moving training to speed it up
and they've literally been saying this since a month ago
Doesn't use controlnet or anything related to pose for that matter
Looking forward to it, been having such a hard time with that
like futa? I'm not a fan of futa stuff but I gave it a whirl to test it and it seems like it works. I didn't try too hard since it was a pretty basic test.



I think I'll put it on civ tmr, I'll post it here too when I'm putting it up
they've been saying they've been working on getting things, but not since a month ago. you're being disingenuous, stop wasting my (You)s. I have a limited amount of fucks to give and I'd like to spread them out
Waste your fucks on me B-chan
then shut the fuck up, nobody is forcing you to reply
see you in a week when they're still cooking an epoch every 10 days in a single 4090
It's just a shitpost referencing another shitpost. Relax.
NTA but holy, based seeing her as futa.

I'm surprised at how good is local for that vs NAI for some reason.
Ignore this troll B-sama. He isn't worthy of your grace. Please post more
He's kinda right tho, the torso is too long which makes it look weird. Nothing to do with pose or composition however
oh look, a pair of homosexuals
get the fuck back to /d/ you gay garbage sissies
Nta but they're the only bakers that have actually delivered anything so far, good or bad. I respect that. Doomposting about a project you don't even care about is dumb.
this. take the retarded nigger loving aco cat spammer with you while you're at it.
>I'm surprised at how good is local for that vs NAI for some reason.
western porn is doing a real huge lifting inside pony's dataset
it really is a pain in the ass to prompt hyper penis without making the girl a futa, seems like hyper is deeply attached to futa and is likely a dataset issue, that just made a huge overfit
seems like you weren't following the reply chain (which is fine since it's very silly) but i'm not doomposting, all i'm saying is that so far i haven't seen any proof that the 1b model will finish cooking before october
pony took 6 months, why are you complaining now?
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Im not into it either I was just testing if the lora could do it or not for someone else
complaining? i don't really care either way
i just got annoyed by b-'s reply, that's all
nta but then explain why her penis is bigger than your average faceless 1boy
1futa in pony always has a bigger penis than 1boy, because that's also the case in danbooru
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Pony training took maybe two weeks of actual compute time at worst, the rest was spent meticulously hashing tags of artists and characters astrarag doesn't like and enhancing it with GPO.
excuse me but why are people like this?
i thought the man was supposed to be bigger, i mean, we invented the penis
You raged when B-chan posted news about Cascade, then repeatedly denied it even when she provided screenshots. Literal doomposting about the model's training.
Jordach is pretty hard on B-chan. You think he'll eventually whore her out to reddit as well?
sorry anon but you're significantly less fun to reply to than b-, so i won't bother explaining why you can't read
Seems to work yeah, to be honest the model already knows the concept but just need that little push to be consistent so it should be versatile
if the futa doesnt have a huge dick then whats the point
>see my old shit
>shitty models, probably pre aom
>hypernetworks or early loras
>more sovl than what i do now
what went wrong bros...
>no gen
mixslop happened, and ponyslop followed. jeetcoomers would rather see aco than h
Where is all this mythical /aco/ you speak of?
there was unironically some sovl in frying half the style in that happened with those early hypernetworks or loras on 1.5
i never got gens that on model later when i got "better" at baking kek
>image from around 16 oct 2022
>been doing this for two years
shiit, what was the model meta back then? idr
I'd be pretty hard on her, if you know what I mean.
Unironically my type
baiting b-sama into replying for maximized attention?
I'm stealing this strategy, thanks.
she will have to date me then.
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The /u/ thread is now usable, anon.
NTA but just went there, out of curiosity
It seems they're facing a spammer problem, this time is a DALL-E spammer that posts 3dpd and aco garbage

Now serious question, when did 4chan stopped being a safe place for aiposters?
that thread gets like 1 post a month
we have a NAI plague
they have a DALL-E plague
kill all SaaS
You're the only one who gives a shit what people use.
oof i hit a sore spot?
well they could've had three more
absolute state of india
freetard salty he cant run it!
well quality talk itt guys i'll come back in another two weeks to check in, behave without me
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Got this composition while doing some random prompting. I really wish I could get that kind of "picture-in-picture" rear view more consistently, but trying to prompt it manually just leads to abominations.
>/udg/ has flat chested character in the op and that's ok
>you post same shit here= 3 days
also i don't get why aco posters are so obsessed with hentai generals
they like this artstyle but they refuse to post in generals intended for them
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I have run out of creative juice (and cum)
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Baked that character LORA with the alt-outfit last night. I think it turned out pretty good, though without some coaxing it won't fully appear. Made the panties crotchless so this is technically an /h/ post.
>Made the panties crotchless so this is technically an /h/ post.
I don't personally care but that actually just makes it an /e/ post
How many pics you actually like have you kept all this time? I have about 100 since 2k22 after a recent purge.
A hundred or so. Every single one a (masterpiece), (best quality).
I catch myself posting /aco/ here too sometimes without realizing. Guess most people probably like all sorts of styles, not just the pure 100% anime. But the /aco/ thread feels completely different to post in. We share boxes, bake loras, talk about new models. In contrast they feel like normies who just discovered AI a few days ago, and that's when there is any interaction at all. Often it's just one or two people spamming a dozen images of whatever style they happened to discover today. And you get stuff that's still anime-adjacent and fappable right next to marge simpson, it's almost like /d/ in that regard, no quality control and random boner killers.
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FUCK alright well hopefully this offering appeases the jannies

A few dozen. I'll probably go back and pair even those down, since they're not necessarily good just examples of solid prompts that I got lucky on. I remember going back and deleting almost all of my SD1.5 gens. Man how far we've come.
My folder with touched up and inpainted gens are getting close to 700 images, I also have all those gens around from when I gave Naiv3 a try.
Oh yeah a good 80% of the ones I kept are recentish.
Given that in early 1.5 times I genned hundreds of pics to get a couple of good ones, it's no wonder.
There's something about that one pic in a thousand that tickles your balls enough to keep though.
13,226. I am a pack rat and it's actually down from tens of thousands when I used to save all the text-grid things.
Are you the same maid guy from whenever? I haven't been keeping up.
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About a thousand? I like to retry prompts with new style loras so I keep one of each "set" to go back to.
Probably, I don't really post that much anymore.
i don't personally care that much tbdesu, don't feel offended by my earlier post
it's more about some aco posters that are really fucking notorious and relentless in their shit
Huh I'm surprised it came out so clean for a base res gen. Nice job.
I don't gen much anymore either desu
Yeah vidya has been keeping me busy lately.
pony claims another victim
what do you play?
Kek I stopped way earlier than that
My tastes don't change and genning the same images but with different models and artist gets boring
>Guess most people probably like all sorts of styles, not just the pure 100% anime
Pretty much this. I like some western artists and even some western characters but the reality of the /aco/ thread is that it's a mess of spam, low quality (Some people are clearly still on 1.5 for god's sake), and lacks any kind of filtering mechanism for more fetishistic posts. You mentioned it before but /aco/ doesn't have any kind of /h/ and /d/ or even /y/ distinction so it all mingles together, resulting in a thread that has muscle Marge Simpson posts next to femboy bondage. Plus you get people treating it like a draw thread and requesting certain characters, clearly ignorant to how AI works and not understanding that, no, we can't generate a background character from an obscure Nickelodeon cartoon jerking off, stop asking. I realize the board would probably die off if it was split too many times but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

There just really isn't any other board where you can talk to people who know what the fuck they're doing like you can with /h/, so people who are up to date with AI stuff congregate here. It's not perfect, between the groid spammer, the schizo shit stirrers, and the mods banning anything below a C-cup there's a lot I'd change, but unfortunately this is as good as it gets. Don't even get me started on Civitai jeets.
I am an Indian
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MH and MO2 mostly but I'm also replaying "old gems"
How being an indian feels like? any cool perk out of it?
Hmm I'm looking over all my gens now. What's your process if you don't mind me asking?
process for what?
We could migrate to treech...
The lora I guess. Doesn't look like you did anything special with the gen itself.
you've reminded me, i wanted to play it
Did you steal that from the civitai lora preview?
My forge UI isn't working any more, I keep getting a connection error with out a reason why it's doing this, I've been using it for a while now so don't know what the fuck it could be.
Might not be a terrible idea if they can be a little more permissive when it comes to lolicon stuff and a little less permissive when it comes to trolling and botposting. My concern would be the activity levels. If it's a ghost town then why bother.
What does your console say?
It'll obviously stay a ghost town if nobody ever gives it a shot. Nothing wrong with keeping it open in a separate tab and crossposting for now.
No, I made the Lora
they said that they're allowing loli (in the /adhd/ board) and banning groidshit
but even so i don't want jordach and tree to have a record all my posts so i'd never post there
>DALL-E spammer that posts 3dpd and aco garbage
My guess is that is the previous "owner" of the AI threads before /e/ re-took the place.
But everything you post here gets recorded on aos...
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i trained a style lora on koikatsu screenshots, mmd screenshots and pony gens, then merged that lora with the base model. then i train a character lora using that merge. the character dataset is around 90% screenshots of the character from MMD and koikatsu, with around a 50/50 split between the two programs. around 10% of the remaining images are pieces of 2d art but in the example i used there they were at around 50% loss and had next to no effect on training i think.
i did something to make the hands and a few other details come out a lot better a few iterations back but i don't know why it worked and it isn't applicable to anyone not doing the same convoluted, dataset dependent training method.
i would like to make a guide for doing this kind of screenshot based training method but i lost a lot of steam from my sails recently as i increasingly don't think that i understand what i'm doing or why this is working. imo this lora is actually turning out pretty shit and i'm not really sure why, it's exactly the same principle as the xenoblade ones i've been doing but the output seems significantly more fucked with the style burned in way harder.
>already increased contrast twice on my images so they don't look as dull
>three image posts of which one is by jordach
nothing indicating as to why its disconnecting, when type in prompts it show a question mark and stop the gen and have a connection error.
Guess that's true. Drop me the link and I'll check it out

Sounds promising enough. I like anonymity but given how well text bots can recreate 4chan posts I'm assuming several AI companies have already combed over my posting history for their models.

The way you describe this LORA method it almost sounds like you're basically creating an automatic img2img layer for a 3D model. Not saying it's a bad thing, what you're doing works, but it's interesting from a technical standpoint. Are you also responsible for the Xenoblade character LORAs?
For me? It's watching ugly bastard JAV and getting ideas from camera angles in scenes. Recently watched an OL one and now I'm just genning low angled ass/hips focused frottage ejaculations with a look back and disgust.
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Idk why you're saying it looks bad because most base res gens don't look that good. I'm still very confused because score 8 is a very strong tag and should significantly alter the results but it doesn't seem to affect yours. I also trained a style lora on screenshots and this is my result.
(This actually came out a lot better than I expected)
I then merged the model and trained a character lora on the merge to gen on autism dpo but this is what I was getting.
It barely learned the character and wasn't anywhere close with the outfit. The style didn't look like yours at all and it's still fuzzy and blurry even after hires fix.
i hope that Jordach will ban pony posts from treechan
Need to figure out how to get better object insertion on pony models, a lora for every object would be awful.
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Hand over the lora
Sure. I've got it mirrored on Civitai since I posted version 1.0 on there anyway, but here's a MEGA link in case you don't wanna go there:


This was something of an experiment so you do need to coax the AI a bit to get the outfit right. Even with the anime out, I was only able to find like 18 good pictures of the witch outfit, and some of these weren't entirely accurate to the real deal. It seems to be generally okay but you'll want to take it down to 0.8 if you mix it with a weaker style/concept LORA. I'll also copy some of the advice I posted under the Civitai upload. You'll want to add "dark-skinned female, pointy ears, red eyes" to most prompts just to keep everything straight. The manga seems to alternate between white hair and light purple hair, so adding one of those as a tag can help you choose. Same goes for monochrome/grayscale in negatives since the dataset had a fair number of B&W images. For the witch outfit, the trigger word is AltOutfit, but adding "bustier, thigh boots, high heel boots, elbow gloves, cape, multi-string panties" when relevant helps a lot. Like I said it can have slight issues meshing with styles, but most of what I tested came out alright. Oddly enough, it's not so great with the Methonium style LORA I have. Not sure who's fault that is, but it turns her a little too orange at full strength.
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yeah i made a lot of xenoblade loras. and the way it works AFAIK is that the LORA weights update whenever it makes a change that reduces loss, so if you train an X style lora, and then train a character lora where every image is X style, then it either can't or greatly struggles to make changes to the weights that reduce the loss due to the style so it just learns the character instead.
if you mean the xeno loras i trained then yours shouldn't look like them. those are learning the game's art style to a fairly significant degree.
but if that's what your style lora came out looking like then i don't think that your training worked. picrel is a comparison for the one i'm using for ellen:
what I think you want to do is use activation tokens for style you want to train with while leaving the base model's style as unaltered as possible. the token itself also seems to matter, i had way better results when i switched to 3d, but getting that token to work required using the forbidden schizo captioning technique.
and i mean that it looks bad in terms of character accuracy, especially wrt the school uniform. it keeps thinking that the control tops on her pantyhose are shadows and it's constantly fucking up her choker or the length of her dress or the shape of her leotard. i can get those aspects more consistent but I think that it requires increasing the strength of the unet LR and doing that bakes the inherent styles in even more.
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NTA but are these loras posted somewhere?

Wuwa Style_v1.1
HoyoMMDKK xl 005
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>if you mean the xeno loras i trained then yours shouldn't look like them.
What I meant was that following the method you described earlier, my character lora should at least look somewhat similar to your Ellen in style. Wuwa are ZZZ aren't exactly the same but they look pretty similar. Meanwhile, in addition to not looking like Ellen in style, it didn't even the learn the character either.
So you're saying your catbox is the style lora you made with mmd and koikatsu screencaps? But where's the style? It doesn't look anything like ZZZ and only looks like KK when prompted. My style lora looks like a 2.5D version of wuwa. Hmm maybe that's why it didn't learn the character?
>using the forbidden schizo captioning technique
What is this? Are you saying you used 3d as your activation token for the style lora?
No we both seem to be testing the same technique with our own loras.
yes, 3d is the activation token for the MMD style and koikatsu is the activation token for the koikatsu style. it wasn't trained on ZZZ screenshots. mihoyo releases all or most of their player character models for MMD and it was trained using that. i've never played ZZZ before.
and the thing i did for the 3d token was basically this in reverse, using wildcards during training to activate styles inherent to pony that astralite wasn't able to remove. it wasn't working great before but that usually does the trick.
16 channel megumin that isn't toned and 6 foot? we may just be so fucking back
>using wildcards during training to activate styles inherent to pony that astralite wasn't able to remove.
Sorry for all the questions but what exactly do I do for this?
using sd-scripts you can use --enable_wildcard to enable wildcards and a few other features. wildcards will take {a|b|c} and select one of a, b or c to insert into the prompt whenever that image comes up during training. i basically use that method to pick a bunch of copyright tokens that have an outsized influence on the model's style. this means that during each step of training the AI is trying to make it look more like a different inherent style and is learning to make that style look more like the dataset instead. in my experience this improves the results of style loras a lot.
this is the list i'm using atm: https://files.catbox.moe/ycyn7e.txt
Oh wow very interesting. And this was done for the style lora and your Ellen lora after or just the style lora?
just the style lora. i haven't tried it with a character lora. i'm not sure what would happen. i think it would just burn the character dataset's style into the lora more than usual, though.
Hmm alright thanks for the explanations. I'll give this a try in a bit.
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anyone tried this and been able to get something good? https://civitai.com/models/564727?modelVersionId=629367
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it's by the trifusion guy so no
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im sold
euge has been pinning arti gens on the civitai page of the model as recently as 5 days ago so it seems he's still alive
So on local, how do you guys enhance images? I've been messing with it, using hires fix, and while it enhances it seems to disregard character traits when it does, change hair style slightly and stuff. Am I missing something or retarded?
>phat ass white girl
good morning sir
Don't kink shame
Few variables to account for such as upscaler, hires steps, denoise strength, whether you're doing another round of adetailer, etc. I found you can keep a fairly original image just blown up at about 0.15 - 0.2 denoise.
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foolhari remacry 0.5 denoise at 1.5x upscale. It shouldn't change your hair color unless you've fucked up your install
>mess with stable diffusion in the beginning with my shitty old intel cpu
>upgrade to a high end amd cpu
>oh boy I wonder if stable diffusion will be even faster now, haven't messed with it in over a year
>remember amd is supposedly shit for it
>update all my shit, download all these new loras and checkpoints and shit when these weren't even a thing when I was playing with this
>3/25 [09:00<55:05, 150.23s/it]
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they liked your name anon
SD is a GPU workload, not a CPU workload. the fuck are you doing.
>is amd this shitty for sd
this is also true unless on linux, since directml is slow as fuck, and zluda is unstable
very nice
that's right I misremembered that it's gpu heavy, well I upgraded my gpu too so that shouldn't be a problem
this is honestly insane, it shouldn't take over an hour for one pic unless the first prompt is extra slow for whatever reason
it's because you're running it on cpu instead of gpu, silly pants
>CPU genning
This is like building a car with square wheels and a wooden engine and wondering why it doesn't drive so good.
makes sense, when I reinstalled shit it must have made it automatically run with my cpu instead of gpu
yeah I'm a big silly pants, let me figure this shit out
youre still running on cpu ggiven what youre saying
what gpu are you using, this is also worth inquiring on. i dont use nvidia, i use all AMD, so i know how bad it really is
>blacked and cunny
You really want those (You)s huh
that's the thing, I have a nvidia gpu, a 4060, but an amd cpu
genuinely confused on what setting is causing it to use my cpu instead, my gpu IS being utilized in task manager though so I'm at a loss
it's so fucking slow though
which cpu? maybe its got an igpu that its using by default that causes this problem
now i only hope that they will introduce no pony rule
A non ti 4060 is a little on the low side as far as VRAM goes, are you using Forge/Comfy UI or Automatic1111? Also what model are you using. If you're getting full GPU VRAM utilization then exceedingly low generation speed is a sign that a decent chunk of the model is being loaded into RAM instead of VRAM.
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Mad man this guy.
Automatic1111, the old webui one
Pony Diffusion V6 XL cause that's what a bunch of loras seem to use
>A non ti 4060 is a little on the low side as far as VRAM goes
well shit, it's gotta be way fuckin higher than my old 970
A 4060 is a lot faster as far as linear computation goes but PonyXL is, as the name implies, an extra large model. In order to get the most from your hardware, it needs to be loaded into the fastest memory it can get, which is VRAM. Automatic1111 is a decent frontend but introduces a chunk of overhead and more memory efficient frontends like Forge or Comfy UI are what I'd recommend. Forge in particular is basically optimized Automatic, and the maintained branch is linked in the OP.

For what it's worth, SDXL-based models like Pony are leaps and bounds ahead of SD1.5 models that you likely messed around with a while ago. It's worth the extra VRAM demands as it's capable of detail, coherence, and resolutions that SD1.5 just isn't.
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well the bad news is that it does have an igpu. the good news is youre probably having it default to the igpu for some reason, unless during genning your 4060 does in fact get used a ton
What, an SD model imageboard tied to a discord? Doomed to fail because discord users are addicted to circlejerking with names and clique behavior. No imageboard can survive having a discord attached to it officially or unofficially.
>pedos spamming the blacked shit thread again
ughh do we really want go down this toad again
How much do they pay to act as NovelAI's defense force?
Is there a way to extract a .json or toml out of a lora's metadata so I don't have to enter teh settings manually?
>thread is either shitty nai spam, pedo spam or blacked spam
better no gens at all than this
im writing a rough plot for a comic that hopefully will be better than the previous one. the opening is all i need to figure out, i got the rest sorted out
whats more tragic between these
>mother dies in birth, daughter grows up without a mother figure
>mother dies in tragic accident, father and daughter survive
>mysterious illness afflicts mother, and dies leaving everyone conflicted
i promise this has a purpose i just cant decide which is the most fucked up
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I made this. Does this improve things?
>shitty nai spam, pedo spam or blacked spam
done by same shills btw
that's very cute, i would buy pillow like this
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heres a box for this unexpected success https://files.catbox.moe/gbf6jk.png
can't be helped.
I'm busy testing a config training cursed shit.
I have a 4060 and it takes like 10 seconds at worst to gen sdxl on forge, so something is definitely whacky. switch to anon's forge fork (someone post the link to the github for him pls I'm mobilefagging and lazy)
don't reply to me with this pedo shit ever again
>prompt futanari both in positive and negative
>get perfection
found link:
mistakes into miracles. i didnt even notice that
>treech is dead too.
People are posting a bit it looks like. I'll start posting here and there til it picks up.
Loli/shota will be allowed on the nsfw board now it sounds like
it made me wonder about pony capabilities in genning pictures of plushies and similar toys
it probably can just fine honestly. on the other hand im trying to figure out why its just giving me a bunch of eye patches now
did he really redeemed one melanin rich male spam post before posting his /aco/ after >>8103652 pointing out they're never posting together?
what site?
New, but only one way to break it in.
why would you let the inmates run the asylum?
welp, getting connection timed out guess its fucked rn
>koikatsu screenshots, mmd screenshots and pony gens
That's why there is more style bleed probably since copier does better when you are isolating the difference more precisely.
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if anyone wants a lightly cursed style lora, here's an updated tera terada that literally no one asked for
additional catbox examples:

as made obvious by the grids, "chibi" is a tag that works.
ugh thanks for your shitty aco loras sister, you are valid
Yes you are loved and respected. I appreciate the lora (unironically).
Not really my thing but you did a good job from the looks of it.
i spent days on cooking this ugly shit and now i must samefag
skitzo sissies.. our response?
it's so cute
thanks fire
>Fertile Lands Edition
cunnyfags were again blessed with a thread shared with furries and yaoi
anon, why did my comment hurt you so much?
i just pointed out that's the b case yet again
basado, thanks
cute samefag
ughh now that i samefagged enough
onto another 200 hour ugly lora bake
time well spent
Yeah I can’t figure out how to get that “paint” look in local. I might need to try out NAI.
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I think you can't direct link to the boards or something, don't recall. maybe this works for you guys:
treechan.net should be up soon-ish as an alternative url they said
Feels weird being there without 4chanx.
imagine anons voluntarily sharing the same thread with furries and yaoi, lmao
the window of discourse is so fucked, thanks mods and b-chan
You know what he's talking about? I mean just the fact that pedos here use a different mix than blacked patreons or nips on pixiv makes me confused about the "mix that everyone uses on NAI" bit. And I wouldn't call any of those painterly.

It might be possible to replicate on local, we've done it for other style mixes. I just don't know which one it is.
if there is anything specific that 4chanx does that you miss I'm sure they'd be happy for user feedback, though obvi I can't say myself how viable something is or if they have time to make advanced changes right now with all the funding opportunity stuff going on lol
he basically said he'd be willing to bend the rules to the overall vision of the userbase, aka the opposite of what mods do here. if actually becomes a problem they'll move that shit to its own spot. it's not that hard, don't be such a baby
cute, I mean it
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white cat
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very nice
the catbox extension, obviously
We can fuck femboys there? I'm out. Enjoy the groid.
Well the obvious one is being able to hover over a pic and open it. Then there's catbox userscript.
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I'm suggesting to them a site feedback thread or something of that kind of thing for these, but I'll tell them they're wanted features too. again no idea if it is within their means/time constraints to implement at the moment or not, could be a pipe dream for all I know
so current jordach projects/goals are:
- 4chin and r*ddit PR campaign
- yet another dead imageboard
- DOA cascade finetune
- DOA SDXL finetune
- homegrown diffusion trainer
- braindead 3B vision LLM finetune for NSFW
- CAPGUI as an A1111 replacement
- finding funds

his previous records:
- failed fluffusion
- failed waifusion

ya think he's gonna make it?
seems to be the only person actually delivering anything so far and they've both done what they've said they would, so I'll keep shilling for him and Mean. Meanoldtree is able to host everything himself with ample space, and they've been doing well for funding opportunities by the sounds of it. if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out, but if it does we get a bunch of free stuff that isn't censored or monetized. sounds pretty good to me
Not that anon but it's hard to describe what exactly 4chanX does for the average user since it+Oneechan are basically a ricing suite that has been refined over more than a decade by autistic /g/ users. There's an options menu with hundreds of tick boxes, and it'd be foolish to try to replicate them exactly. For now I'd say the options suite is fine, and it's nice to see that I can keep using the Tomorrow theme on another website. Maybe add an option for image hover, it's the most immediate change I "felt" navigating the board.
>actually delivering anything so far and they've both done what they've said they would
what did they delivered?
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scuffed but whatever
nothing apart from an e7 1B cascade finetune that is not capable of 1girling while claiming it's beating NAI
I posted about it in discord for now, so at least they can consider it when they're less busy
>7 epochs of a model with public release/disclosure of every step, still in progress, more coming
>made treechan.net so we could get away from the trannyjannys and groidspam if we wanted
>hit original crowd funding goals
>secured intel gpus, secured nvidia gpus
>secured AWS cred
>working on proposals to nvidia(I believe?) for more funding grants
>fully functional CAPGUI is already out
>pretty sure jordach has had some kind of trainer out for some time, not really my forte so can't touch on that
and it sounds like there is potential for them to attend some tech thing coming up for more funding possibilities (I'm not clear on the details there). meanoldtree owns all the servers for everything they host, and everything is done with free use in mind and all funds held by a non profit, so they aren't in it for pure greed

they're actively doing a lot and sharing it, every step of the way, which is exactly what they said they'd do. pretty gucci imo
everything takes time to be done and lots of things have changed over the course of time. it's all there for anyone who wants to follow it, I have been. you don't have to like or use the stuff they've made or are working on, but its kind of weird you're so drama mongering about it. you are like a little gossip girl or something kek
can you just go to reddit already and try to false advertise there?
>7 epochs of a model with public release/disclosure of every step, still in progress, more coming
After one epoch it will finally be good, trust the knot! >>8104430
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it's really not hard to sign up for discord if you want my attention this badly, anon
you going back to discord is also an option
Huh, it improved alot. 1B might not end up that bad.
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so where do you get your inspo from? Do you roll with wildcards?

Seeing your gens has always been a fucking schizo trip (not in a bad way).
>Seeing your gens has always been a fucking schizo trip
Not him, but he's just using base pony which has much more wild composition swings compared to autism. No need to do anything special prompt-wise.
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>Good morning, Onii-chan~!
based brocon belle waking her brother up
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hi guys, how do you call these type of clothes?
I would call them tribal clothes crop top and shorts with pelvic curtain, but I highly doubt Stable Diffusion will understand the prompt.
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>>8104501 (me)
Actually I got curious and tested it, and it seemed to work. The prompt I used is as follows:
>1girl, solo, tribal clothes, tribal outfit, brown crop top, brown shorts, brown pelvic curtain, midriff, navel, small breasts, native american, tanned, black hair, hair ornament, long hair, braided hair, cowboy shot, nature, jungle,
I bet you could modify it to draw the clothes on non-native american characters.
yea i guess so, well thx anyway
wow, thank you!
If you just want her canon outfit it's usually baked in. Don't specify any clothes and add sfw, or if it's nsfw neg nipples, pussy, topless, bottomless that kind of stuff and you'll get it just from her name.

If you want that sort of outfit for someone else, the closest tags are probably crop top and loincloth, which should also push it towards a tribal look. As a general rule, look through a few of her booru images and see how people tag it.
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If the style is right, the proportions are not. If the proportions are right, the style is off and the composition is fucked. POV shots are boring as shit and I try to avoid them, but trying to get a nice scene is so fucking tedious.
For me it's NAI
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Any idea how to get better faces? I'm fucking losing my mind. And no, it's not the resolution, it's high enough.
put /aco/ in negs
You could use the "proportions are right" image in controlnet, and just reroll the style as much as you want.
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Reweik randomly added this weird two-tone hair shading once, but it is impossible to replicate without shooping.
I don't know what you think is a better face, but controlling face shape comes down to two things, minimizing use of score tags and using specific art styles. Innate ones, loras or a mix of both.
its nai
And you can't replicate it with "two-tone hair"?
if you want tags for her outfit you can just look up one of her images on danbooru
here's me prompting something along those lines
it gets close but anything more specific you'll need to draw in yourself and img2img/inpaint

if you just want neeko she's promptable on nai and has loras on local
Is that a stab wound?
didn't help at all
>but I highly doubt Stable Diffusion will understand the prompt
NAI does
Could you mask the whole image for inpaint, except for the characters' outline? That could mimic the behavior of softedge controlnet. But it's a long shot and a lot of work.
Well post a catbox, otherwise we can't do more than guess at what you did wrong. If you don't want to then look at the catboxes itt and copy what they're doing.
Maybe the sibling rivalry went a little too far once.
looks /aco/ so shitface is understandable
She's promptable on Pony, but weirdly enough even though it gets her face it can't get the clothes right.
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definitely viable but then it's basically big effort for gens that don't really end up looking that great. I avoid controlnet since it seems to make my gens look "stiff".

I was just bitching anyways.
You can play with the strength, disable it after a set number of steps, or mask areas that should ignore controlnet. Even at 0.1 strength it helps with composition while allowing limbs to move.
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We're officially dead.
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nothin like manual edits because pony keeps de-browning my girls
(dark-skinned female:1.6)
he asked for brown, not charred
(dark-skinned female:2), <lora:saturation_v1:3>
that's well done, not medium rare
(Pale skin:-1.3)
subscribed to patreon
I'm already cumming
I too use NAI
>can't use "feet out of frame" tag, one of the main framing tags, because it has feet in the name and it so it gens feet

The absolute state of AIbros
clip moment
it works
probably doesn't have as much hits as "head out of frame" and "feet" alone is stronger
not prompting anything about feet, footwear and using "cowboy shot" should work
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browning done
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hey, e7 of cascade 1b is starting to look pretty good!
maybe there's hope for local after all!
jesus, i never notice it but when you finish an image make sure to edit the color balance in something like CSP or photoshop
slide it away from red and into cyan, the difference is night and day
this is amazing, love the proportions and the pose
can you please post more of her?
>feet, foot focus, barefoot, toes in negs
Artiwaifu has unironically renewed my joy of proompting
>no gen
completely depends of your lora/gen, from what I use I usually do +5/+0/+15
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>Time taken: 46 minutes
Not bad. Trying out Vectorscope now and the red is still overwhelming even at -1.5 strength.
vectorscope sucks, you are better off having a correction preset on photoshop and just copy pasting it whenever you need to
Oh...... (´・ω・`)
>Massive Breast
Is this an actual tag or some pajeet shit?
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Anon is correct in part, one of the reasons I use base pony over autism is more dynamic gens, although I pile loras on top.

I don't usually use wildcards, I gen whatever comes to mind or I get inspired by things I see here or in manga and doujins.
The actual tag is "gigantic breasts"
This but NAI
been thinking about a skin tone lora based on the chocolate anime girls chart that was posted on this very board ages ago (the one with funny names for their darkening skin tones) its probably impossible given how random AI can be and the variables involved though
also hyper breasts, but others work to some degree thanks to natural language
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I just posted my two handed handjob enhancement lora today, feel free to check it out. For some reason I don't see it on the main civ page or my account yet, don't know why its taking so long, so here is a link.

check out this preset https://files.catbox.moe/sjspu0.png
works for me in most cases
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I don't know whether Vectorscope actually sucks, but try Diffusion-CG. This is a default gen, only recenter, -1 red, and +1 red.
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well fuck
A11 and Comfy
imo someone should use that new DPO PR on sd-scripts to train a unsepia lora
its easier to make a script that color correct after the gen, kinda like adetailer doing a second pass
the shit mfs will do to avoid spending 10 seconds in an image editor
i don't know color theory so i'd rather rely on vectorscope
Niggas will write a thesis on color theory but still can't be bothered to inpaint their hands
It's different than editing in post. As you can see here >>8104642 in pic 2 and 3, it actually adapts the background to the new colors, giving it a more summer look. Works even better with luminosity offset, it can completely eliminate light sources if you're doing like a dungeon or night outdoors.
jokes on you, i draw eyes manually because AI fucking sucks and inpainting doesn't help
Ai is good at doing eyes you just suck at it
AI sucks at doing wife's eyes sorry
why didnt you use the "two handed handjob" tag when tagging your lora?
Show example
lora issue i'm afraid
Y'all need to stop obsessing over the eyes.
Most of you fuckers haven't looked a woman in the eyes since your 11th birthday.
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I'm wasn't sure if I needed a custom tag or not so I added one. I never know if I need my own or if I should use existing ones as my main tag.

I don't think it makes too much of a difference so I just added my own with 2hhj, also throw in two-handed handjob with it.
two-handed handjob only has 18 occurence in your dataset as opposed to 2hhj so im not sure it does too much on its own beside being recognized by pony
>LoRA (217.88 MB)
Why does nobody ever debloat their loras?
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It's prime day, just buy some more storage, chud
there is already a color temp lora on civit
Yo, is autismmix still king? Or is there a newer blend worth checking out?
rewiek is pretty good, but use 1.1 (unless theres a 1.3+ already out)
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Nice try, Samsung shill.
artists draw iris to accommodate their style and its understandable why it doesn't turn out the way i want, thinking about including screencaps in lora for more consistency
1.1 is way worse imo, i keep on getting fucked up anatomy issues with it when using loras
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I pulled
well obviously if you show the ai a bunch of different iris shapes then there's no way it can read your mind and guess which is the one you want
you could include close-ups of the eyes from screenshots of the anime and give those a special tag, and then prompt with that only when you're using adetailer
yeah then use 1.2 (I havent even tried it just stating that off a sample image an anon posted here a few threads back)
might even reuse fixed gens for it to dilute screencap style that can carry over
Remember that you can hide the groidspammer!
like with wojak spam they can just dodge the filter with a tiny bit of effort. its a waste of time on both fronts
>they can just dodge the filter with a tiny bit of effort
Except not this one, kek. He still doesn't know how it filters his posts.
>worrying about file size in 2024
I can understand not having a 4090 but this is silly.
I actually tried putting this in a bunch of editors before, it doesn't seem to be a valid regexp at all.
NAI is king
Well in that case nobody should complain about 120 GB game downloads and 80 GB day one patches.
of blacked
any current thing >10gb vidya is usually ass and isn't worth your time
Are you still alive?
cyberpunk is almost 100gb
Because it's a 4chanx filter rule, dummy.
mostly talking about CoD and other FOTS session shit that is gonna die in a year
Yes, and for my next trick i will pip install --upgrade pytorch
If you still buy ubi/ea/blizzard and sadly even bethesda, you deserve a full harddrive
lite version of loras usually have less impact on the style while still being able to perform their intended purpose
give it time he'll either figure it out or not even bother until someone points it out for him. *i* see what this filter is doing but im also a weirdo that understands regex. definitely better than most filters
Resized loras don't really lose style unless you're doing less than 1/4 dim tho
i'll rather fill my HDD with nochekaiser loras than buy something from those tards
same with loras and >100mb
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>fiery hair token adds fire to the scene
it's fucked up
ugly cut ameriturd bitch
Did the blur complaining get old?
>give it time he'll either figure it out or not even bother until someone points it out for him
Neither happened for months despite the filter being posted many times.
>*i* see what this filter is doing
This is actually surprising since I tried to obfuscate the main part it a little. And also without some important context even if you know what it's doing you shouldn't be able to understand how it really filters him.
Pretty much but there's a new cunny model here:
if those are single characters then maybe, if its a character pack i'd rather have ~8dim for each character than 32dim for ~100 characters
>you shouldn't be able to understand how it really filters him.
you have to understand, im making a few educated guesses here, its my job to figure this out sometimes but mainly due to my line of work. i may not know ALL of it but i got a good picture for what its worth. do your thing id rather it be uncontested personally
I don't understand. /d/ is so full of cocks that nothing else can survive and simple tentacle and monster girl fags were pushed out. Yet you still have to post this here? Just go back ffs.
thanks. first time I've seen this thread.
this one is also good
>This is actually surprising since I tried to obfuscate the main part it a little.
Bro I put that shit into ChatGPT and it told me what it does. Welcome to the future.
Tell us
>filter le groid
>99% of posts are still about him because nobody posts images
just because it tells you what each step does doesnt make it fully understood. thats a pretty specific regect
im out of ideas. being an artist is hard
>groidkek melty
>been doing this for like 8 months now
bros you really still have not ignored him kek
it truly is, real artist have it easy with how slow they are they have more time to think about their next piece, lazy fuckers
I'm simply incredibly uncreative myself.
Basically just checks whether the resolution/aspect ratio of the image is outside of certain bounds, as well as checking whether the post is a single line reply. Filename matching is obvious.
watch any moe anime then gen wholesome yuri gags with chars from it
thanks bro, will be fixing this soon :)
theres a little more to that but yes thats most of the matching it does
>test artist lora mix on face close-up
>looking good
>prompt sex
>looks like shit, style is worse, hands are 1.5 tier, poses dont work well, genital are awfull
Im going mental
post some examples for research purposes
Closeups are governed completely different than the rest
>can feel a kidneystone
>decide to set a 100 gen batch while i pass it
pray for me lads, i dont think this is going to be a fast one
That's why you aren't supposed to rely on LLMs, bro.
I hate how I have limitless possibilities yet I find nothing appealing
still fucking with luckies dataset, sorry
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I accept that a kino pic is 1 in 1000 in AI and real artists
I'm just too tired to gen 1000 pics nowadays
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>this thread
Did you not read the rules when you entered this board?
Im more talking about the style im using, I dont mind the composition too much since its rng anyways
Any new, cool tech in the pipeline?
Why does waiani never get shilled here?
Oh. I basically went from like 60 trained styles to a dozen I actually use.
I've been using a couple built ins hashes lately more than loras.
1.5 aomslop
i tried it once and it seemed like an entirely unremarkable jeetmix to me
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As requested from /edg/
Are you the same guy that was doing her months ago?
Is there a generally agreed upon upscaling method for Pony (a1111/forge or comfy)? I swear every guide I read recommends a different workflow. Also is it better to upscale before or after inpainting?
I'm actually the opposite. I'm so incredibly satisfied by genning povs of my waifu that my life is complete. Meanwhile, retards here are perpetually unsatisfied and interpret spending 1000 hours in inpaint and photoshop as a good thing.
having little desires is a good thing, anon
once you let go even of the desire to gen your waifu at all then you will be ready to escape from this cycle of death and rebirth
To me it's
>fix big issues with lama cleaner
>paint on and inpaint what's needed
>fix face
>upscale with nomos dat 2x in extras
>get it to img2img at 0.15-0.5, reroll until good
>fix stragglers if needed, do a final 0.05-0.15 pass
At least pony base res is good enough that you don't really need to fix it twice.
I like simple tease with my fu but how many can I do lol
If it makes you feel any better, NAI has this problem too so it's a SD thing. I encountered the exact thing you're talking about quite a lot when I made NAI mix loras. Not even just closeups, but basic 1girl standing and povs with the girl as 80% of the image was always immaculate but anything else slowly worsened in quality. Group scenes and gangbangs usually looked terrible.
You shouldn't be cumming so much. You're out of water.
Just how buckets are, the majority of training images are a relatively full body shots in portrait ~2:3
You used the Hands XL lora for some of those gens, did you notice any improvement with it?
upscale after fixing/inpaiting stuff that is a part of your prompt (hands, body proportions etc.)
inpaint something that isn't a part of your prompt after upscaling
>and interpret spending 1000 hours in inpaint and photoshop as a good thing.
there's stuff that is impossible to t2i properly without regional prompting and photoshop autism, and people wouldn't be doing that if they had good base model
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Never going to happen anon. This tech is all I ever wanted.
I didnt really bother looking at the hashes honestly, any examples?
>and people wouldn't be doing that if they had good base model
NAI is a good base model and people still roll 100 times in inpaint and take it to photoshop after. They do it because they want it to be perfect. "Meh it's good enough" is a standard they had when they were new but they've since "outgrown" it. Never mind that once that pic is done they'll lose all value in it and obsess over the next thing.
Yeah I mean it make sense for 1 girl to looks better since I would assume there is a lot more data for that but its still really annoying
Also something annoying is having a style that work in a way but the moment you change character its wildly different
i still goon on fixed wife gens, its weird to obsess with something you're not gonna look at ever again
NAI can do less poses than my modded skyrim, there is still a long way to go until we have a "good" model
you have freecam in modded skyrim thats cheating
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16 channel vae please
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I think it helps somewhat from my testing for characters that have nail polish it helps get the right colors, most of the ones that used the hands xl was my friend who was helping me make some images.

I still feel like its better to leave out the fingernail colors, or put them in negatives to make it look better. Feel free to experiment and send some of your images, Id be interested to see it.
im kinda disapointed the two hands are overlapped so often, I was expecting one at the top near the tip and one at the bottom
>16 channel
>not just going straight for 32
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bjp - sususigi
vum - bluethebone
are the ones I'm using now
soso (chlgksk110) is based too but it's a leak not a hash, same with reiq
baka is nonamoth
there are a lot of working ones but most of them are fugly or aco, i'll have to do a second pass some day
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Yeah I noticed that too, You can get lucky sometimes and get them separated, right now I'm experimenting by adding glansjob to the prompt it seems to add the idea of the hand being more upwards and helps, try that out.
this will be in pony v6.9
>retards here are perpetually unsatisfied
>and interpret spending 1000 hours in inpaint and photoshop as a good thing.
i don't understand how those two relate to each other
if anything by embracing photoshop and inpaint you open yourself to a wide variety of ideas and possibilities outside of bounds of t2i which makes it harder to run out of ideas, dunno what you're upset about
>NAI is a good base model and people still roll 100 times in inpaint and take it to photoshop after. They do it because they want it to be perfect.
bullshit, i do it because it's fun to get an image somewhere close to what i want or to enhance an image AI gave me
>"Meh it's good enough" is a standard they had when they were new but they've since "outgrown" it
doesn't work that way for me at all, either way gradual improvement is never a bad thing for anyone
>Never mind that once that pic is done they'll lose all value in it and obsess over the next thing.
also bullshit, it's always fun for me to look at things i've generated or spent some time on
everyone has their own standards and reasons for doing things
I doubt it desu, the quality is not impressive since florence2 wasn't trained on nsfw.
>This is an animated image. In this image we can see a woman.
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>perpetually unsatisfied
A good artist is never satisfied. I try to fix every minor detail I can find because, even if you normie cattle will probably never see it, I know it's there and it pisses me off.
Thats nice to know thanks, didnt really like most hashes I tried because they didnt look that good but I guess they can help changing the style a bit without frying the gen
based wife autist
What is this expression trying to convey? or actually, what even is this expression? Looks like wavy mouth + open mouth.
i mean s m h for nonamoth ofc
there are some strong ones but like i said
they kinda all suck lol
>The image is an illustration
>The image shows an illustration
nice job guys, natural language sure is epic! I love baking mandatory filler metatokens into the model that don't actually represent anything in the scene!
this is what clip was designed for
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Would this be physically possible?
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This one took 24 minutes, used 8.6gb of VRAM. Useless information but total power consumption(including monitor) was around 300-350w on load.
>larger base resolution(1080p) starts generating horrors
Well fuck.

Based Fore gen. Saved.

Thanks, I was missing the blue not being cranked up. Still going to fiddle with the settings but right now I'm using -1.5,-0.5,2 with the saturation at 1.1
I'm on reForge right now so can't use Diffusion-CG but will install it once I get my A1111 setup going.
Why not streamline it when it's possible?
Don't even ask. I wanted to make Darkness getting pubic tattoo like here https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/7727890
but got this random gen
why does using a lora increase my gen time 20x
it happens if you're using A1111
is there a solution besides not using a1111
buy a 4090
>now waiting for 5xxx
I tried it out a bunch but I can't tell if it does anything, I don't think it would though since it's for SD1.0
Sometimes it fucks up memory allocation for no apparent reason. Happens on Forge too. Just cancel and rerun.
Could I just run pony for the better base pose then swap to autism halfway through?
What kind of tests do you put your loras through post-baking to decide which is the best epoch? This is the hardest part for me..
Forge forker guy here to reForge.

If someone was using --pin-shared-memory for more performance, I did some upgrades.

Now it should be a bit faster (a bit more than the ~20% before vs not using it), but also added VRAM management to it.

You can use multiple checkpoints at the same time (with the option) and not get OOM (before while using this, models weren't unloaded if using multiple checkpoints)

Also on Settings->Actions you can unload/load models, so you can unload them if not using it and load them again when you want to and get good speeds.

Both main and dev_upstream have those changes

https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commits/main / https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commits/dev_upstream
Whatever I'm gonna use it for.
If it's a character then a basic clothed one to eliminate early ones, then nude, then some sex poses, etc.
3-5 seeds in a grid and I'll eliminate them by whatever errors pop up not in all of the seeds.
When I get two or three, I'll resize and repeat.
That's great but why the reddit spacing tho?
habit t.b.h kek, have to stop paragraphing like that
its fine that guy is just being a faggot
probably the spammer
OOL, what's reForge?
I wish people would stop posting so much slop
>Monkeys paw curls...
I wish people posted more slop instead of arguing over ecelebs and which vaporware model will be the next revolution (none of them will).
I mean our current models are clearly not the peak of what we can have so expecting future model to be a revolution is reasonable but also, you cant get disappointed if you are expecting nothing
>cleft of mars
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I shilled for treech here a bit but if the christmascake tripfag gets mod i'll take it all back
>they will get your ip address
She hates troons and groidspam, I'm for it.
Is that what men have above their cocks?
she already has mod powers though
They'll get the ip of my ivacy vpn
FYI the best trick to not fuck up your only masked inpaints at high denoise is to put a dot of mask somewhere else on the image too
What are they going to do, send me fursuits? You already trust 4chan jannys with your IP.
B-chan is online 24/7, at least mods will be active unlike here.
obviously the jannies and the feds have my ip and my whole post history but i still don't want jordach and tree in particular to have them
>but i still don't want jordach and tree in particular to have them
Once again, what are will they do with it? Will my entire area get dog dildos in the mail once they 1337 haxx my IP? This is the stupid fear ever.
You are just increasing the area it sees. That's what the padding value slider is for. Set it to 128 or something large.
i don't like it, simple as
best trick is to use controlnet
Could I have your ip? (I'm not a furry)
>if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear :)
I can't see IPs if that's what you're worried about, kek. I'm also not the one making rules and I'm not enforcing things on a random/personal bias. you are free to hate me as a person, doesn't mean I can't help improve a board
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i like mechanical angels. am i retarded
only a dead jannie is a good jannie
>using liquefy tool because i can't get inpainting to not make square pupils
>jordach has no idea that anytest controlnet exists
lol, lmao
What music do you guys listen to while genning?
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>Perfect opportunity to canonically ntr her with the fat bastard duke while wearing a wedding dress
>Goes for generic orc pov instead
that's her dad anon
i'm just making her dream come true because all of the orcs are dead in konosubia
I meanz this dude https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=alexei_barnes_aldarp
>no gen
atleast he put himself out there for cowards like you to criticize.
post some gens so we can make fun of you instead.
piece of fucking shit.
next time you post your ntr fetish how about you also post a link to a livestream of you sitting in a corner with a dunce cap on while your wife is getting railed by your neighbours.
>try to gen handjob pov
>cant manage to get it while standing up always end up lying down and having the girl on top
How the fuck is this working
Try kneeling and from above
what he said still applies, though. anytest was trained on pony, so it works for pony. the other controlnets were trained for base sdxl and pony is too far gone from base, so they work poorly on it
Welcome to /hdg/ newfren. That "nicer" /hdg/ thing they're trying to setup won't be any different.
I watched that years ago IDR
What about canny, depth and mistoline and all the kataragi ones?
nta but huh? Did some ntr happen in canon?
they still work better than the others but not as well as they work off pony. its not a black/white line rule but what he said makes logical sense if its read in context
What did he even say? Did I miss a screenshot?
>sudden constant nonetype errors
what did zirs mean by that
No his suggestion is actually useful because you can expand it more towards the direction you want instead of outwards from center. For example many times expanding it to include the face (if possible) is the best choice because model understands anatomy of a person it's trying to draw better if face is in frame.
Last season was about darkness being forced to marry that blonde dude and kazuma having to rescue her
he said
>[ ... ] different datasets will tend to use different blocks for different things
>this is why ControlNets are useless on PonyXL in specific
the internal data representation is too far gone in those blocks and no longer resembles the original ones
the model inferencing method is still the same
but the interior of the model looks completely different

and >>8105002 is trying to take it out of context because they have a weird hateboner, actively stalk the discord and try to turn it into drama here for no apparent reason
gotchu ty
but I want the girl to be standing and pressed against the chest+face close up, seems impossible to get without cn
>metadata gets saved after processing image nowadays
oh well who cares then i just wanted to get it back into the image
good thing that we have somebody actively stalking the thread to defend jordach against any negative comment
Hmm I've only been able to do this from side. Have you tried hug or couple tag? It's the magic words on NAI for getting characters to be really close together. Might work on pony.
Can we go back to talking about the OG lolcow truck-kun?
I'm in that thread too
Yeah im about to make a lora on raid 4's boss if someone rips a model becaus hoo wee.
:^) I came from /hdg/, I will stay in /hdg/
do we believe him?
>herd /hdg/ refugees
herd doko?
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metallica, anthrax, linkin park, blind guardian, some amazing youtube poops, blind guardian again but this time tracks that go hard, an occasional eurobeat track, some romanian pirate station thats all metal, sonata arctica, alice in chains, how its made, some insanely obscure demo tracks that im convinced have been lost to time with every private tracker going down, the rez ost,
https://8c han. moe/hdg/
Kind of doubt there are many people on hdg who learned about the Cascade fine-tune from the furfag discord vs here. Their discord has more active participants on the anime side of things than the furfag side, it adds up.
secret /hdg/ skype group call
that's a pretty cool concept
They're talking about only having and enforcing rules on a thread level and explaining that to new users. B-sama wanted the role to use the mod capcode to help explain that to hdg users coming to Treechan.
Anyone know if there is a way to prevent prompt bleeding from artist name? I'm using "by hood \(james x\) and it keeps genning hoods on the characters. Now that im finishing this question, putting hood in neg might stop it. Im retarded
just wait til you see mechanical high heels. id show some but im not into feet-focused content i just like the idea of it
based blind guardian fan
you can \ \ out the 'hood' part too, thats what their function is
>by \(hood\) \(james x\)
i know anon, just poking fun about lack of activity on treechan hdg
you seem to be extremely knowledgeable about the furry trooncord
watch your tone when you're speaking to b-sama
I'm not moving until some of our all time greats like miqo and cathag show me the way
im not into feet but im into high heels
every 4chan alternative without fail every time is just for pedo shit
I scroll through it to see what's going on when someone posts a screenshot here. Same with Pony, Wdg, Sai, Openai, Nai discords.
i want a thread for photorealistic underage images.
>The 27 year old discord scroller
just go on every random aislop site and see the jap childface galore
I'm 100% convinced that if every discord user died we would immediately return to the good old days of 4chan.
Joke went over my head, my bad.
I'm pretty sure most of the oldfags who haven't just left moved to discord to get away from the retardation here, ironically.
I know, and I still meant what I said.
you're either a newfag or just fucking stupid
not using dicksword especially after all the crazy shit that usually happens in NSFW centric servers
I'm both faget
why would you use something that has the lifespan of six months before dying to some tranny mod drama
Idk about you but 10 years ago I posted the funny banana in ylyl and it was a lot more toxic than here
>thats why i go to dicksword/plebbit when I want to find new stuff, and I go here when I want to shitpost.
i don't mind using treech but i won't touch any kind of shitcord
you aren't missing anything, I don't know why irrelevant screenshots from it keep being posted here. a salty anon who doesn't realize he's giving them free advertising, maybe.
>I don't know why irrelevant screenshots from it keep being posted here
zoomers and newfags are the reason
If we had no
>discord screencaps
>reddit/civit links
We would have about 4 posts a day
so it would be a much better thread than what we have now
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>sharing a thread with ff14 troons

it was always obvious, but mang, what a fucking curse.
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they have made some songs and cameos in other band's shit that are so good its ridiculous. that singer is too perfect of a fit for this shit. on the other hand the parts that hit hardest are very short and its a real shame they dont play into it more. the start of bright eyes for example. i dont like avantasia but when he shows up in them his bits are really good.
dead sound of misery even if its a demo track reused is also pretty good, and i prefer it over the final track which funnily is the start of that album and thats a really clever joke on their part

for you then, a quick and dirty no hires fix. though im not a fan of high heels specifically. may we achieve skynet soon
it was a lot more active before groidspam started up for months on end. you can see it start to heal when it goes away, then they start up again to try to chase off the remaining users. its probably some faggot study on fbi tactics to make the thread uninhabitable long term.
the list is too big
>high heels
I only use discord to speak with my friend, joined like 2/3 servers one of which is just mine that I use as a notepad
Didn't anon figure out B-chan was a girl because of FFXIV threads?
>one of which is just mine that I use as a notepad
kek I do the same thing. I'll lose so much hoarded stupid info if discord goes belly up
that's a good enough reason desu just go and talk to close friends, I bet most of the bigger servers are under surveillance after those retarded leaks

Yes iirc b- frequents the /vg/ xiv general
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ive been tempted to make a catgirl/miqo thread over there to test the waters, dunno if there is any real interest in it tho.
why would you need a separate thread
you should do that, anon! you are based and deserve your own thread, wanna lick between those sexy catto tittes
yeah I know, It just seems like something new to try, no real harm in it. Only issue is thread splitting and making this already slow thread slower.

But having a more curated AI board/thread for AI-exclusive stuff does sounds appealing for me.
Old ass generals that have three posts per day about a 20 year old piece of media are so kino doe
i hope that the alt site takes off because it sounds like it's designed specifically to appeal to the people i wish would stop posting here
imo we should just cross post to both boards for now
Would you say, that you have a hard time recognizing sarcasm in online text messages, anon?
/haniho/ will have one or two more surges of activity in the coming years before fading into obscurity forever...
Yeah, I want only text posts and groidspam here, fuck AI
why would they keep posting here if the people they want to troll move to a different website
They'll get banned on that website
well yeah clearly
And that's a good thing. 2 miqote posts and 2 cathag posts per day. Best /hdg/ can offer, you DON'T need more.
Can easy training scripts do masked training? Not seeing an option for it in the area where you upload your folders, do I need to update or am I missing something?
First of all, thanks.
Second, how do you even browse 5ch?
I checked all the threads and I couldn't find a single mega link.
Or the guy just posts his collection from time to time?
I fell for the "Go back to base pony" meme again...
Nevermind, I'm dumb.
b-sama lovingly rimming me while i browse /x/
its not even that bad with good loras to be honest and as a bonus you get more dynamic pose and better colors
>how do you even browse 5ch?
it depends on what browser or device you're using but i'm currently using the firefox addon titled 5CH STYLE FORMAT 2017 (although it seems that 5ch will soon implement some changes that will break it and i don't know what i'll do after that)
this is the current thread: https://fate.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/c/liveuranus/1721060995 (note that it is currently being raided by a gore spammer so be careful if you're bad with that stuff)
there's a mega link from a different guy in the current thread. but yeah, it mostly depends on whoever feels like posting at a given time
the mega links also typically die within a day to keep outsiders from using them (i.e. so nobody does what i did...)
All i got was sepia and mangled hands. Then again, I'm not really up to date with how to prompt base pony
are you using a good style lora?
God I wish that were me
is there an extension or lora that enables adding text boxes and text or am i insane
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Do you need that extension to access?
Because I'm getting this error
is B-sama dominate or submissive?
I tried a couple of my recent favorites that work well on other checkpoints
nvm I managed to enter, thanks again.
You need to summon a servant first
is there a working img downloader for sankaku? it has so many more sources than most boorus but grabber doesnt work on it
oh yeah, i think that's related to the 5ch changes i mentioned
glad you figured it out because it would have been annoying to explain lol
Thanks a bunch, that seems to fix it
plays submissively at first, but turns dominant as soon as you try to get her laid
I legit do not get sepia color when swapping back to pony, if anything I get more saturated colors because autism dull things, the style also stay mostly the same but my issues is that I dont like how thick the lines on pony are
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go back to base pony its better bro, trust me
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i swear im not the groid man
please go back to yuri stuff instead of this....
Bratty sub, calling it. Screenshot this
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im done with this prompt. figured i needed some experience with actual /h/ content.

But yea, I don't particularly like how they came out.
B- is about 30 now. She's the clumsy older type
Let me guess, you need more?
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>>8105110 (me)

I made a treechan thread as a meme to see how it goes.I am not moving over there fully, just dipping my toes into the other board. I made it /mdg/ Miqo Diffusion General but pretty much any kind of monster/animal girl/Kemonomimi is cool

if anyone is interested here's a link.

So I can take a lora with fucked hands, do some gen, fix the hands and make a lora again out of it but wouldnt that dilute the style too much? Maybe I should just ask the guy that did the lora for his dataset and fix it instead
>dilute the style
Never tried is myself but isn't this for some reason far less of an issue with synthetic images? All the Nai grifter style loras on civit are far closer to their source material than the average real artist lora
>Bake lora
>Test epochs
>Hands are fine but style/character needs a bit more
>Next epoch: style/character is perfect but hands are a garbled, unrecognizable mess

Why the fuck is it like this
>He stole my op template
Can't have shit on treechan
are you using different seeds?
Its a good enough template and I was feeling lazy, I customized it a little bit.
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I can't for the life of me get the right combination of tags to have the girl squeezing her buttocks, it's always this ass support pose. What am I doing wrong?
>ding ding dong dong szsyxhzeshe CHINA NUMBA WAN
i like it
It's a project I'm doing updating Forge to upstream A1111 changes (on main branch) and A1111 + Comfy changes (on dev_upstream branch)

>want to do a room filled with smoke and incense
>concept is not recognized by pony
fuck you
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I'm having the same issue, if you don't have it try adding skindentation
Nothing, it's just not a pose that Pony recognizes. You can try a controlnet or a concept LORA.
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<3 /hdg/
just inpaint with "spreading ass "without touching the asshole that way you dont actually spread the ass
clip is SOTA? more like clip is SO reTArded
kek based
pony is a 2.5m finetune, very small and has not enough data to know how to do that, not to mention the lr the unet used so it just ultra overfitted on quite some poses and concepts
UNET? more like UNOT
>gpo and ces have entered the chat
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nice, inpaint job tho
Just look at how muddled the tag is on danbooru. I don't think this one is astras fault
yeap, also that. false positives tags also poisons the well a lot. in the end it's a combination of factors that makes a model good or complete fucking garbage
its naiv3
it's NAI
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Skindentation apparently likes to add random belts or thighhighs.
It's baffling that this was easily achievable with SD1, but pony seems completely unable to do it. No concept lora for that on civitai that I can find.
That seems rather convoluted, but if it's the only way...I might try open pose or something.
ting fang zang dugye fong zheng mao zehdgong
redeem bing chilling please
>zhengdong (zhengdonguser)
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im goin to mcdonalds
You're not going anywhere >:)
Did she win in the end?
you fat lazy naigro
you will perish
>im goin to mcdonalds
can you pick me up one of those kitkat banana split mclflurries?
im cummin
>MUH clip
i literally haven't seen something so fucking retarded that surprasses my 8yo down syndrome cousin, but clip btfo'd his retardation by a huge difference
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warriors of light, warriors of heaven, heed my call. It's time to get b& on the treechan
transformers are the future. Attention is all you need, but some adhd sperg like jordach obviously doesn't get that.
>cant complain about clip because we dont have a better alternative
yeah stick with your down syndrome cousin, he still has things to teach you
What other models can I try? Using autism confetti atm.
they should ban all lazy nai posters true
>we dont have a better alternative
i don't believe you, that can't be true

fucking kek, i love you anon

>password to post

Do i need one or can i just post without it?
you dont need one
he's somebody who unironically brings up the halting problem when talking about the limitations of ai, he has no idea what he's talking about
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she won the fat bald ojisanbowl
i never saw the ending of the series but i've heard the author went giga-retarded, possibly because people liked sena more than his favorite girl
ok im getting in the car and leaving now bye (i'm not really going to mcdonalds i'm going somewhere else)
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a model that is able to make that one thing you want it to do? no atm. inpaint or get fucked
A model in general, in case I missed some new cool thing.
There are a lot of cool new models but none of them do hentai
SDXL finetunes are still the least shitty but that hopefully changes soon if another takes off.
Care to name a few? I'm not against some /e/ pinups now and then, as the bunny can prove, for hentai pony with some loras satisfies me already.
uh sure, i mean pony is the best one at sex, but if you want SFW or something that does cool looking styles then try: ArtiWaifu, Heart of Apple, and Animagine
all these do 1girl good but really sucks at sex, can barely do pov sex at most
you could also try some pony mixes other than autism, like for example, reweik or tponynai.
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Anyway here's another challenge: blindfold slipping away to reveal one eye. I might try with the blindfold flip lora or whatever it's called tomorrow.
Recently we had kolors, auraflow and the tencent one (hyundit?) They all have some shortcomings that keep them from becoming the next big thing
i favor midkemia, and there's some unusually nice artist loras like norman rockwell
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I will look into those, thanks.
Tried to high-res fix it and the resulting image crashed my gradio tab. .2 denoise wasn't enough
i just proompt raw gens at 1.5x kohya hiresfix and pick one out of a few seeds to poost
the password is so you can delete your posts and its automatically input so you can ignore it, they used to have the same thing on here
1.5 doesn't seem enough for that style or maybe your step count is too low
you suck kys
2x kohya gens are too prone to spaghettification and what have you with human subjects
im using 34 steps but ill run a few w/ higher
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>lora learns the control top as shadows under her skirt
>edit the textures of the mmd model to have bare legs so the ai can learn where the shadows are, modify the model to remove the skirt so it can have examples using the leotard with and without the pantyhose, recreate the entire costume in kk so it can have examples with a different lighting scheme
>add 100+ training images to the dataset
>lora learns the control top as shadows under her skirt

i dont have the heart to prompt the shit you're posting. but gods work lol
at some point I would just give up on for some fotm gacha slut
we can use any encoder-decoder large language model like flan-t5 instead of clip (encoder-only)
we can also use whatever tech kolors used to utilize decoder-only model as an encoder (chatglm3)
the problem is that there is no good pretrained diffusion model to serve as a good base that is *substantially* better than sd3/sdxl
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here's one at 38 steps
are there any specific issues you expect to change with more steps or a mild denoise hiresfix?
at that point you're probably fighting with the model's opinion on what pantyhoses are supposed to look like
maybe you could try using a special tag for the control top part?
i kneel
Just feels like the details around the jewelry and eyes aren't quite fleshed out
>actually almost no sex pics with waifu
need to work overtime tomorrow
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figuring out how to improve ai's ability to render pantyhose is important
i'm not sure what i'd use, though. in my experience pony completely sucks at learning things like this unless the initial tag at least has a passing similarity to what i want to make it learn
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might do some XYs with steps tomorrow

>all this tech talk with comfy autism
>this is the output

holy fucking kek
i can admit im probably too obsessed with 2.5d, but post your gens if you're so great
>hebe diffusion general
based. I'd post some kuro there if i wasn't busy genning jalter
i don't think there are any tags similar to this, the closest ones i can think of are "thighband pantyhose" and "gusset", but those aren't quite it either (even though some of ellen's pics are tagged with thighband pantyhose...)
you'd probably have to approach it as if you were training a clothing lora from scratch and include a bunch more examples
Went to /fa/ to get new dress-up ideas for my waifu. We have much to learn in the toxicity department
after seeing the sorry state of the other attempted illegal general I decided to just say fuck it and very specifically tailor a better one designed to be usable and not just be /b/ part 2.
whether I stay to post in it is a different story but hey, the skeleton is there, at least.
>board full of literal fags and manlets who are desperate to make up for their height deficiency
no way...
amazing, thank you.
do you think integrating something like loractl (dynamically adjust lora weight during inferencing) is possible on forge? i think right now it's the only real thing forge is missing.
or something similar on comfy
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i can believe 40 steps has advantages over 34, getting cleaner eyes but that might be in my head or coincidence
if its not against the thread rules, then no one cares that you're posting it. you can upload multiple images to one post and save yourself some time, though
doing god's work, anon
didn't take long for the new board to turn into an asylum
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im taking about treechan
unless Miqocat has a problem with it being in his thread, I don't see the issue
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I'm just keeping the monkey entertained

I don't really, pretty cool with anything
unironically based
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>I don't really, pretty cool with anything
if it gets to the point you want a new rule against certain kinds of content in your thread, make a report and it'll get cleaned up
i bet some /b/ folks would absolutely love /hebe dg/, it's what we needed, the idea hits right in the spot
thanks for the heads up
b-sama were handed a banhammer...
I'm not a mighty ban handler desu
you need to find and appoint the most petty, bitter sack of shit as a supermod
how long until "treechan" gets filtered like 4+4 chan?
If I'm making a character lora with an unusual outfit and the lora keeps learning pieces of that outfit by accident even when I prompt the character as nude, can I use loss masking to just mask out the outfit for training? Do I need to mask the outfit as grey so the AI doesn't get confused by a floating head/hair?
Mods don't even glance at these threads unless you're reporting groidspam, then they'll ban you. So probably never
onetrainer or kohya?
do you really think prompting your waifu nude is more important than getting her outfit right? she'd be disappointed in you, anon
im not interested in looser content restrictions than /h/
i just need a board with more persistent and searchable knowledge about making better gens and model baking, links to catboxed loras, etc, as opposed to shit constantly falling off and having to crawl through archive searches
the mask is just telling the AI to ignore whatever it puts in those areas when calculating loss so it won't be confused by a floating head. i haven't tried doing it to that great of an extent, though, so im not sure what would actually happen
That's my fetish
Hmm, guess I'll try it and see what comes of it.
Someone needs to make a wiki having all the info in one spot, separate rentrys with all the infor scattered about is a bit confusing.
does such a hero even exist
imo that's not true
posts that mention j-word get deleted all the time
this faggot is searching for it

maybe you could stop being such a fuck up and actually put some work in? This is all relatively new tech, there are no guides. The final product is completely subjective, and more convoluted methods actually lead to shittier outputs. Just ctrl-f "comfy" if you don't believe me.
Sounds interesting, shouldn't be that hard to implement maybe, but I'm killing myself trying to fix most of controlnet IoI

At least based on the comfy implementation, it should be the same as that for reForge, just creating an UI to make it work.
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the tree hears our pleas
having a wiki based training guide seems like a very bad idea given how poorly people handle the subjwthect
they're discussing it being various user submitted pages with edit history/restoration, so everyone can kind of make their own guides due to the subjective nature of it. it'll just be like a hub to search/keep everything
kys newfags
wikis don't work and get outdated very quickly with this shit
how far are we from natural language models where we can just say "draw a girl with x clothes" or "change the shirt color to blue"
>wikis don't work and get outdated very quickly with this shit
Opposed to what, exactly? If you have better ideas go tell them so we actually get something out of it.
-1 years iirc
If I wanted update on discord discussion I would join it
This is has proven to be a terrible way to do things
When is that going to get implemented to the anime models then

>Generate a picture I really like except for some minor details pretty easily
>spend hours tardwrangling the AI trying to fix those minor derails
I just want stuff to be easier man
No you need to find pictures in your dataset of the character nude or in other clothing. If you mask just her face it would be like putting a portrait pic of her face. AI needs to see her body doing something else in order to weaken the association. However the easiest thing you can do is lower lora weight to 0.7 when you want to prompt her nude and see if that works.
Yes? "We" as in everyone who would benefit from having a grouped knowledge search, you dumb faggot.
What's the point of the grey mask then?
>I want to comment on a discord discussion
>I don't want to be told my comment was already covered in that discussion!!!
ok spazz
Like the other anon said it just tells AI what parts of the pic to learn and what parts to avoid. But like I said, if you just had a serious of pictures of her face it wouldn't solve your problem either. You don't get good hands my having "hands behind back" in your dataset but by actually having good hands.
>If you mask just her face it would be like putting a portrait pic of her face.
no it wouldn't, that's something you have to keep in mind with masks desu
Writing essay for the ai to decipher is not going to make stuff easier you will just end up with a retarded prompt
I mean how when you're making loss masks there is white for train on, black for don't train on, grey for kind of train on. What is the use case for grey?
that's not how loss masks work in lora training
I guess it's not 100% the same in that a portrait pic is a literal portrait with different tags but it doesn't do anything for the association of the character name with the outfit.
Then explain instead.
Not an essay, simple instructions like do x.
>Like the other anon said it just tells AI what parts of the pic to learn and what parts to avoid
it's not telling it what parts to avoid, just what parts to use for loss calculation and by how much. if you only have the character's face masked then it's still going to make updates that potentially effect the whole image and if the updates to the face are good then all of those changes are treated as being good.
you ask me to spoonfeed you yet you also call me a dumb faggot? learn some manners first, b-chan
Learn not to be a dumb faggot, retard.
am I B-chan?
Well he needs to try it and tell us how it goes then. My point is that more information is always supreme and you're better off inpainting your character nude and putting that back in the dataset. I've done it and it works.
5ch has a decently well maintained wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
it's filled with mistakes and a bunch of it is from the 1.5 days but it's still an ok attempt at this kind of thing
Damn nice ellen! You got some more in the tank?
Is clownpiece BJ in the cards?
Can I have that without the xray?
you going back to trooncord and never coming back is also an option
Rope pedo.
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when i grow up, i want to be ojisan asking girls what color panties they have
what panties do you wear right now?
I'm not a crossdressing faggot like you, poohinder.
>I'm not a crossdressing faggot
that's why i'm asking
white with brown strips
Hydrus works, sometimes sankaku changes their URLs and you have to fix it yourself. Also remember to import your user cookies if you try.
mean tree man if youre reading this, drop the link if you end up making one, I'll probably contribute with some notes ive amassed
post a photo
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i will call my mom, creep
im barely 30
is the schizo RPing with himself, wtf am I reading
I'm guessing they did this:

>Get a foil trading card (shitty, underpowered Magic cards are plentiful and relatively cheap)
>Use rubbing alcohol to make it blank >Print out your own design on it
come on b-chan, we all homies here, i wont tell anyone
oh look it's a baby of 360 months old, how cute
you can just buy foil cardstock
it's been a while since i've been here, say, has there been any hot models since pony autismmix, or is that still the go-to for SDXL? what about regular SD, still using based64?
>he doesn't know about the nudes
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you mean those from ff threads?
yeah, i ended up spending a whie getting hydrus to work. kinda stupid because the uiof hydrus is awfully clunky but it worked so it's w/e
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that's pony? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120570077
i don't think that NAI has this character
somebody recognizes what loras he's using? (beside opossumachine)
is there a big breasts short stature lora for Pony v6?
its nai with vibe transfer
pony cant do that
shes right
only nai can make such a blurry mess
>vibe transfer is that good
How did local get btfo'd so badly? I really should have put more effort into it when I still had sub
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I wonder if its possible to make old hags without going 3dpd like in these examples


wanted to /d/ you but im tired already, post more please
time for bed
Are people able to make money off of this? Thinking about getting a 4090 and generating hentai to pay for the card itself.
>>8104961 me
>basically the same it/s with the optimizations as regular forge without
regardless, your requirements.txt have a conflict that hangs the process, at least on my end on loonix
If you're the 1% of a 1% of beggars that succeed, sure?
local can't make appealing soft BBC slop style unlike NAI but you can always tinker with thousands of style loras and find unique style that looks good
you also need to learn photoshop, i2i, inpainting and many more tools to make pony gens not suck ass, streamline your process as much as possible, sprinkle some FOTS girls being gangbanged by melanin rich males and spam hundreds of gens per day
if you want to make money just get nai. inpaint model 1000% better than pony's dogshit one, and style tags work infinitely better than loras. localkeks will cope and throw a fit but just look at the top of pixiv, it's all nai for a reason. that's what people pay for.
nai can do ONE style that looks like a smeary mess
nai is honestly pretty cheap and if it was so much better this thread would be 90% of the thread instead of 10%
>want to get more sex
>realize i still prefer the tease
He's not wrong though. The stuff people pay for on pony is NAI mixes too. The only thing pony has over NAI is that it's free which is why it's 90% of the thread. I vaguely remember for a few of my NAI mixes that pony score tags actually improved the NAI output so there's that too.
>requiring hundreds of dollars in gpu
nai is the poorfag option doe
People aren't buying gpus just for AI though they're good for games.
not that retard but one single competent gpu spend will be infinitely better than paying to gen
your used 1030 didn't cost that much
Nice reading comprehension
thanks i just woke up and chose to argue while drowsy
paying to gen beyond local (power bills) is retarded
when messing with batch size sometimes my set epochs go to a smaller number, why is that? like, batch 1 with 35 epochs is 35 epochs, but batch 2 turns into 28 epochs
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Very nice
Just set the max epochs as 35 too and it will do 35.
why you're responding to a schizo
why are you such a soft little bitch?
I thought the schizo was responding to the post above his.
it's like this general has been stuck on repeat for half a fucking year, fucking retards
if post has anything about nai and blur, smudge, sludge, vaseline, 25 dollars a month etc. its a schizo that either spam melanin rich males, cries about nai or post his /aco/ cathag
youre just as bad dicksucking nai every time its brought up
you're not denying that you're cathag anon at least
anyone got some music to wake me up while i try to gen stuff with an opened third eye?
i feel like the mental state im in is making this harder
nah im not him
pretty sure i found him on civitai though
Sorairo days
Thank you, my friend.
Don’t cloud solutions censor the hell out of generations? Also if you generate a “questionable” character couldn’t it be traced back to you? Isn’t local superior?
if NAI was censoring anything it wouldn't had its own section in OP
its less censored (if there's any) compared to local pony
for the first nothing has changed
for the second, i dont think anyone even cares about 1.5 anymore
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this is just a v1 but I wanted to toss an unprepared, impromptu dataset at this config and it seems to actually work so here's a tianliang duohe fangdongye lora
you can ignore the attached example, here's some catboxes
previous+a tag https://files.catbox.moe/ed54xr.png
preivous+a tag https://files.catbox.moe/ngx3h5.png
wow its almost like we havent got any new toys in half a year either... weird how things line up like that
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so does batch size matter for loras?
no? why would it
I've wasted so much fucking time on this shit AAAAAA
higher your batch size=higher your LR's have to be to compensate. Also if your batch size is higher than 1 you shouldn't use repeats at all.
past that things get kind of weird and subjective as far as what it actually does.
it should also be noted that batch size 1 is SLOW. Like, REALLY FUCKING SLOW. I haven't really tested the in-between all that much but batch4 gradient accumulation 4(on 12gb vram) is probably 150~% the speed of batch1.
only thing on google about it is reddit retards saying higher batch size makes the loras worse
i dont even care if theyre right or wrong, i just care that they havent provided proof. the main thing theyre probably bitching about is loading/unloading the models or something
in my experience, and logically with how this should work, the answer is no
It does. Higher batch size is for checkpoint sized datasets, using them for a lora is stupid.
In my personal experience, higher batch sizes require more steps to reach batch size 1's convergence, but not 2x, I'd say 1.7x more steps on my 3080 ti, which does 1 it/s on batch size 1 and 0.7 it/s batch size 2
Batch size 1 has always been better than all others for me. Yes I sit and wait the full 2 hours.
Accuracy is decreased with higher batch size. This is meant to be evened out with the overall joint learning done with the batched images, but the amount of images used in lora datasets are rarely enough to actually round it out. So by running a higher batch you are, infact, making your lora shittier.
The better question is whether or not to use shuffle captions
Always. Not even a question.
if arti or kohaku teaches you anything it should be that the answer is "yes."
you shouldn't come here for training advices astralite
The better question is whether to use huber, smooth_l1 or l2 scheduled huber loss
Do you think he's figured out what caption dropout means yet...
I will never git pull. I live a healthy and fulfilling lora training life in a world where those options weren't yet introduced to kohya scripts. sucks to suck, but you can't all live up to my glory.
I kneel.
I love you B-sama, but I can't live up to this man. >>8105772 Take him as your husband, it's only right
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amd bros, we might have a chance
if you're on batch1 then huber, if you're on anything else use l2(the default).
unless it was fixed at some point, the huber implementation was fucked and is broken in a certain way for anything higher than batch1.
exponential or constant?
what huber c?
huber, snr, 0.1
>1536 / 227
based and textpilled
What do you use to get this style?
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have an oni
ao oni
Yes, it changes them almost completely
I like 2 based on own tests, posted them here whenever
No for me also based on own 1:1 tests, but the difference is smaller than batches.
Try this one https://civitai.com/models/560172/oppai
>some jackass out there on sdxl 1.0 is getting 30-80it/s with amd
fucking incredible
>h100 has less it/s than rtx4090
Bros, we could reach 2000 for the first time. Should I start something?

Do you think loras are enough for EVERYTHING?
How do you feel about nai outperforming pony in realistic shading?
How do you feel about pony outperforming nai in flat shading?
JCs are NOT loli. Not to mention flat-chested JKs.
You are all pedophiles though and should get the rope.
Black people are GREAT. They make smart life choices so they end up impregnating our waifus while we sit at home all day masturbating to AI-generated depictions of their real life.
Ugly bastards get the rope though. Keep your fantasies to yourselves, pathetic incel losers.
Artiwaifu or waifu diffusion? (cascade already lost obviously)

>still using forge/a1111
Haaaaahahahahhahaahahaha, I knew people here aren't very smart, but this level of cumming your brains out is... pathetic.
kys pedo melaninspammer
You did get a little jealous on that black people line, didn't you? Well sorry, all you can do is cope... Such is life of a loser incel.
White boy seethe incoming
>still no good way to get feet almost on face pov
knee up, stepped on, pov, from below, feet, soles
i mean more cowgirl position type
depends on model, setup, etc. people definitely dont realize how ridiculous the 4090 is, but on the other hand a fucking h100 shouldnt be losing to it either
oh. maybe some controlnet shit or inpaint shit depending on your console
>Do you think loras are enough for EVERYTHING?
Yes I am retarded, that's why I use them
>How do you feel about nai outperforming pony in realistic shading?
Pony is shit, and it will always be shit. It's not even good enough for the lowest tier of AI artists, anyone can tell is a piece of shit, but people are too retarded to understand that
>How do you feel about pony outperforming nai in flat shading?
I don't know, I'm not a faggot
>JCs are NOT loli. Not to mention flat-chested JKs.
JC's are not loli because I say so, and flat JC's are obviously inferior, but not loli. I have never seen any loli art that isn't loli.
>You are all pedophiles though and should get the rope.
No u
>Black people are GREAT. They make smart life choices so they end up impregnating our waifus while we sit at home all day masturbating to AI-generated depictions of their real life.
Black people are obviously superior, I'm just a bit disappointed that they are too smart to make bad life choices
>Ugly bastards get the rope though. Keep your fantasies to yourselves, pathetic incel losers.
Ugly bastards deserve to die, but in my opinion the rope isn't enough, and they should die more
>Artiwaifu or waifu diffusion? (cascade already lost obviously)
Artiwafiu, but I also use Waifu Diffusion on those days
>still using forge/a1111
forge. a1111 is obsolete, I have used comfy too but I didn't like it, the colors looked weird
>90% of ai images on r34 are fried aomshit
blacklisted for a reason
Very cold takes.
intel will beat amd in ai slop gen just fucking watch
while everyone else is building sandcastles, jordach is building an empire.
retards go outside
>he doesnt appreciate sandcastles
look at this faggot. just for that im going to add "sandcastle" to half my prompts
retards, don't go outside, just kys
Just a little more powerdraw and they'll catch up. Just get a 2000W PSU for your 5090+15900K, chud
This. What will he think of next? A minecraft server?
he was talking about intel GPUs you retard
has anything happened in the last 4 months
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The bakery is open
bacon was better
too spicy hot for me
ha ha
i feel like this alone could save this fucked general but that vn is too good for this
What could?
katawa shoujo
I've posted AIRin since before /hdg/ aye
i can imagine but still, it definitely has the power to improve a lot of things. shame most people posting on 4chan today havent experienced it. perhaps its for the best these days
i can imagine the point would be missed with nuchan audience
funny that it's was 4chinners who made it
i was there as it happened. it was definitely a product of its time, and an experience you can only truly appreciate as it happened. the final product is objectively fantastic no matter what but its better having been a small portion of that momentum

that said, are disabled girls /d/ or /h/ these days
>that said, are disabled girls /d/ or /h/ these days
depends on the context i think, rin chan isn't amputee porn per say
i only got banned for her here when some janny thought she was a loli kek
bros I wish I had my shit together like meanoldtree :(
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forgot i did this
Just get good taste in anime like her and the rest will come naturally
the worst thing about anime girls not existing is that i can't smell their hair
>spent a bunch of time inpainting a kino landscape image
>just realized it has centipede torso
Wash your hair with different shampoo and conditioner then smell that
kagami sweaty hair after jog...
thats gay
i don't have hair
but you don't get the sebum so what's the point
I've heard other lore that adamW optimizer performs best when you have at least 1000 per epoch
I don't watch anime produced prior to 2010
very based
I hate zoomers so fucking much
yes we know
self hate amongst zoomers is high
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midkemia model
norman rockwell lora
987 score, (m-da s-tarou:0) or other japanese artist at zero or low power
3d, realistic in negatives
fuck off to /aco/ you fag
i use japanese artist in proompt therefore anime or something
that's not how it works.
unironically kill yourself.
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this one will have to do
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where does /h/ end and /aco/ begin precisely?
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with you.
now fuck off.
Don't mind him, he'll seethe unless you post .1 denoised lain screenshots
he's mildly amusing
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ignore the retard perspective but i like how this solo prompt got turned into a 3some
How did you get a 90° double handjob working? It always defaults to 180° unless i help with loras or cn
>tried to prompt for 1girl1boy standing hj
>this popped up
the secrets of the ai are deep and mysterious
my prediction for naiv4:
failure to train their own model
based on sdxl again, basically a newer dataset, controlnet and maybe some model quirks worked on
artist tags intact
I certainly don't believe they'd be able to train their own model from scratch so likely they'll just take the safe route after couple of fail bakes
at best they'd expand dataset for some furry concepts, would still be an sdxl bake
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i hope they at least move forward from sdxl
and leak naiv3
>i hope they at least move forward from sdxl
not for a long while
maybe I'm wrong of course, but them shitting the bed continuously with text models is kinda telling
most other models have licensing issues
>and leak naiv3
hopefully cascade delivers and we won't need that anymore anyway
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what makes you think they'll keep artist tags intact? i'm not very hopeful for it. I'm also not a furfag but furry v3 seemed pretty underwhelming.
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>can prompt quickshots too
they should just domicile somewhere with no bullshit copyright laws
They will not leak anything ever again. Every slight model advancement on local is elevated by all the community tools. They can't take the risk of NAI3 with loras,cn and shit being better than whatever marginal improvement v4 will bring
v4 could be much better than v3 if they successfully break from sdxl
Verdict on https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
good or crypto miner?
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>They can't take the risk
They certainly can. I'm certain at least 90% of their imagegen userbase is completely retarded and would never master these tools or even be able to install shit and get started locally at all.
They just don't stand to gain anything, that's all, but I doubt they would lose much.
the power of Astralite-sama
>what makes you think they'll keep artist tags intact? i'm not very hopeful for it.
imageslop is their golden goose at this point
I really doubt they are delusional enough to think anyone would use a model without artist tags and no ability to make loras for it. vibe transfer is sorta useful but absolutely not enough for style control.
as for furry model it's speculated that it's due to furry community being majorly western and much more mentally ill, they could potentially bring more trouble than it's worth. directly copying artist styles has always been the more contentious topic.
of course they could end up listening to their sycophants and think that vibin' is enough but it would be so fucking idiotic lol.
hot 'toro
yet they didn't release NAI v2
>They certainly can. I'm certain at least 90% of their imagegen userbase is completely retarded and would never master these tools or even be able to install shit and get started locally at all.
practically no one was using v1 from their service
Yeah but it's not because it was shittier than local. It was because it was shit.
Big problem for NAI are compute costs. V4 can't be much more compute intensive than v3 or they'll have to raise subscription prices. They already loose a good chunk of money on the llm front and can't afford to turn their cashcow imagegen into a 70b model with incredibly slight margins
idc about them at all but they had their biggest peak in site traffic at v1
So rude.
how did you prompt the 3 middle panels?
how tf do I train a loha? locon == works, change type to loha, it always undercooks (like literal 1 pixel moving lora or no lora difference)
I think all your posts are cool guys, /h/ should be for everyone as long as you catbox the niche stuff.
with magick mogrify -brightness-contrast 0x10 applied
or was it 0x5
I wish I was on treech with b-sama right now
#3 popped out on its own while trying to prompt #2
but the other two were img2img. Trying to get #1 with just prompting kept resulting in used condoms or condoms in wrappers. #2 was first prompted as a penis kiss and then I just added the condom and img2img.
What does noche even do when he updates his loras? Not like he could actually fix the dataset
nothing, he just puts the same thing and calls it an update for Patreon hype
im tired of testing checkpoints, so much slop, so little progress
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bros did I miss out on the patreon boom?
im a third worlder neet so the potential 500-2k bucks is huge for me
im seeing how many grifters are earning real money with shit im doing for free and it starts getting to me now
But you aren't doing sets of 50+ images five times a month.
take this https://civitai.com/models/518834?modelVersionId=576507
have a cunny
most of those are txt2img nai spam with similar prompts
im not sure they even bother inpainting, ever
i can handle that
250 images a month doesn't seem crazy if they're no effort, I have the free time. prompting black dicks seems like the worst part though, but maybe there's a way around it
watch it be a hunyuan-dit
let's see
Honestly doing a patreon sounds boring as fuck. Being stuck with one style or the retards leave is stupid.
he is posting on aibooru, so you can check his prompts https://aibooru.online/posts?tags=sirius_fw&z=1
>test checkpoints
>always came back to the same few
>just using autismxl now
>1000000 third worlders saying the same
>a thousand actually making money
it's the same as twitch shit
Sticking to the same style and theme seems like the worst part of maintaining pixiv/patreon if you want "audience". It's so boring and limiting. I want to do both cunnies and hags, yuri and ugly bastards, with all the styles I like, but it's purposeless to post that anywhere except for some boards.
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>it's the same as twitch shit
i mean with patreon I can do same quality and better than those dudes.
i guess the value here is the right momentum. I had no idea that there was so much demand for this back in january and just happily slopped for myself and 4chan, and now the market is probably already saturated enough. guess ill just try posting whatever and see what flies still.
There is still money to be made, but not for the mind of the thirdworlder. If you peddle your ai slop in a slightly different form you can acess completely new markets. Some rpgmaker ntr game with laserflip adjacent style would fly off the shelves on dlsite
eh it was saturated back in nai 1 times too, january was already long past the peak
not like you can't get in but it's just 1-in-10000 luck someone picks it up
why hasnt cascade cooked yet
I'm gonna use this for hags
the quality and productivity gained from v3 (pony was very raw back then) was pretty significant back then and I don't really remember so much ai cuck shit before that moment. it was pretty much a new thing.
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Imagine paying for porn.
still waiting on audio gen to catch up
i remember making fun of these patreons here long before v3 came out
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>The year is 2026
>Ai has replaced all conventional jobs
>You are forced to gen nigger dicks for meager patron bucks
Only death can save us
bruh its open source, just look over the code yourself if youre that paranoid
small hag...
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https://files.catbox.moe/7979d7.png post yuri
Oh my God, its so good. Actually decent /h/ poster.
yep its cunnycoded

pretty based ngl
love it, guess gonna download it and extract a lycoris out of it
yeah the default style is nice.
>doesn't recognize oppai loli
How do I get paizuri+deepthroat? Its either a deepthroat or a light fellatio+paizuri but never both
how would that even physically work
Swallow the cock with tits
very long dick
I meant a fellatio deep enough to hide the penis but while keeping the paizuri
Dicks only bend that much in one direction, it would have to be "hers".

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