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State of the Art Edition

Previous Thread: >>8102749

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:


https://gitgud.io/gayshit/makesomefuckingporn (use Wayback Machine) *OLD*

NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
EF+HLL: https://rentry.org/5exa3 *OLD*
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon *OLD*

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

wife rape
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reply to this with the gens you liked but never bothered to fix/clean
#3 is already boxed, follow the quotes



https://civitai.com/models/152040/xlvaec (select c0 at the top or try one of the other ones idk)
A version of this scene with Rei, Shinji, and Asuka, but in the Mogudan artstyle, with both girls made curvier like their work.
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tried almost identical prompt on 3 different models and it's crazy how different they are with the same lora
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that's every gen
Keep going lad, just 3 more ritualposts and I will hear your prayers
sovl image
Actually the messed up one was heun not euler, but euler is also broken due to the huge resolution:

The Hentao lora is a WIP I made from his old 3D stuff. Mainly it just affects body shape.
My backlog of gens in need of some work is huge.
what was the prompt tho
look at the shine, clearly ponyslop
ai could never into cool linework
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I have hundreds of those
meant for >>8106787
about bonus
i'm amazed that pony produced nipples that doesn't look like tire valves
you got them consistently with those loras? sifw still makes them way too tick on a flat chest for my taste, so idk if it was seed or loras
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that's the default look on annihilation, nothing to do with loras, do you have a nipple prompt in? i do have one which helps
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How do I add preview images to my loras?
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Replace preview in the settings will take your last genned image
Also I think you can just put in a corresponding name image in the lora folder
ok, i will look into it more, maybe that's question of some random negs or quality tags
you generate an image with it, and then replace the image after clicking the wrench icon
i recently rebuilt my negs and quality tags, i had way too much shit in there
you can add it with the ui but it's like a million times easier to put an image with the same filename in the lora folder
Got it. Does the tree view actually work like I think it would work, by the way? I wanted a way to sort my loras out with folders, but I made a folder in the Lora folder and it's not showing up in the tree view
wait, by chance anon who was using "cuntboy" in negs? kek
did you enable it in the settings
*you are
hol up i'm not that deranged
yes it works the way you think it does
thats some big feet
this is my flowchart
base gen, want to bring out fine detail: 1.5x scale, kohya hiresfix, euler Dy SMEA, 40 steps
base gen, not so much fine detail: 1.0x regular gen with whatever sampler. 25-40 steps whatever schizo number floats your boat
euler Dy (non-SMEA) hiresfix to final resolution at about 0.25 denoise or 5/20 steps, cleanup
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denoising with smea does definitely knock back a lot of color
oh well, img2img can be done with regular euler a
I also did that
Removed all the neg tags and removed all the quality tag, work better that way
I only see enable tree view by default for anything related to tree view in settings
now you probably have too few, lol
No, im getting exactly what I want
It just got rid of the sepia...
but you replied like 10min ago saying you had problems getting nipples right, did you memoryhole your own post
that's the sovl of pony
wasnt me, there is more than 2 anon in this thread mister schizo
>no flowchart posted, just words
sasuga, retard-kun
ok right, your gens are way to normal kek
here sample of his flamboyant negs https://files.catbox.moe/9jbwf4.png
oh my god
I wasn't happy with the facial expression in the version I posted in the previous bread.
The Euler SMEA (Stochastic Momentum Estimation with Annealing) sampler is a technique used in machine learning, particularly in the context of diffusion models and generative AI. It's an improvement on the basic Euler method for solving differential equations, tailored for the specific needs of sampling from diffusion models.

Here are the key aspects of what the Euler SMEA sampler does:

Sampling Process: It's used to generate samples from a diffusion model, which is a type of generative model that learns to gradually denoise data.

Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) Solving: The sampler solves a stochastic differential equation that describes the reverse process of the diffusion model.

Momentum Estimation: It incorporates a momentum term, which helps in more efficient sampling by considering the direction of previous steps.

Annealing: The 'A' in SMEA stands for annealing, which refers to a gradual adjustment of parameters (like step size or noise level) during the sampling process. This can help in producing higher quality samples.

Noise Reduction: As it samples, it gradually reduces the noise in the generated data, mimicking the reverse of the diffusion process.

Improved Stability: Compared to simpler methods, SMEA offers better stability, especially when dealing with longer sampling processes or more complex models.

Efficiency: It aims to provide a good balance between sample quality and computational efficiency.

Adaptability: The method can be adapted to various types of diffusion models and can be fine-tuned for specific applications.

In practice, the Euler SMEA sampler is often used in state-of-the-art image generation models, helping to produce high-quality, diverse samples while maintaining computational efficiency. It's particularly useful in scenarios where both the quality of the generated samples and the speed of generation are important considerations.
Is this legit or hallucination?
I would've agreed with you if it didn't melt away half the details at only 0.25 too
as long as it includes sde i will try it
Any chance I can get some slop of the following girls from Granblue Fantasy: Cupitan, Makura, Payila, Fediel, Filene (she's also in Rage of Bahamut)
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Just search them on kemono and get all the slop you want
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i kinda wish i had the source to this specific image its sampling from. thats a clean fuckin twitter logo
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Thanks bro. How do you find artists you like? Wildcards? Ever since /hdg/ started mining I've completely lost track of most things and make loras out of whatever I see on pixiv.
Anyone still using 1.5 models for some reason or the other?
my XYs in other thread looked like it didnt matter much which sampler you use for regular hiresfixes so long as there wasnt a huge obvious problem. the SMEA was one that had some incompatibility or bugs at low denoise. if you had to pick only one id do euler Dy (not SMEA)
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Oh I forgot the stomach bulge thanks.
>abstract in neg
>still get abstract schizo shit
I am retarded and figured out the issue. I just needed to put something in the subdirectories.
Those nayuta gen are making me weak
I mean the computer itself is impressive
i tried out everything on the secret code spreadsheet and that anons recommended and compiled a list of my favorites and saved it. basically i put kawakami rokkaku with everything, i can't get enough
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i need to fix a ton but im still genuinely surprised at that specific twitter logo. its almost perfect
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Sinusoidal Multipass Euler Ancestral
btw nice gens can you remake this without the thumbsup
oh yeah, i also deleted like 200 artist loras i was never gonna use, saves a lot of time
whatever happened to the minced meat birds guy anyway
https://youtu.be/7T_K5aVyRO4?si=UOdGHD04yNDFL--8&t=386 lol
>It's particularly useful in scenarios where both the quality of the generated samples and the speed of generation are important considerations.
So always? This whole "article" reads like my bachelor's thesis when I needed extra pages.
it's obviou gptslop
it was img2img from metal album cover to be fair
but he's using those negs for all his stuff and most of it is schizo
sadly he don't post lately
>progressively removing loras
>characters mostly useless in pony due to builtins
>no need for a lot of artists to try to force good looking gens either like in 1.5
>realize i only used a few of them anyway
i think i have 70 dataset folders lying around in the obsolete folder rn
It's just hallucinating, nai page about it says something completely else and jordach sounds even more wrong than the llm
oh yeah
But I mean how did you physically do it? Just copy paste all the names and do a S/R grid? It sounds like such a pain honestly.
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it only took me like a week. no subsitute for empirical testing especially in ai
>no subsitute for empirical testing especially in ai
Yeah you're not wrong. I better get to work then...right after I make some more grids for my lora...
She seems really good at giving head
Pretty amazing how much extra noise you can use with the smea sampler. this is .7 and it's not completely fried
uhhhh it kinda is
what noise
>ask AI to educate you about somewhat unknown abstract concept
>cant tell if its lying to you by way of hallucination or not
tf man, I just wanted to learn not play a guessing game
Reminds me of that perfect genshin impact logo that animation can do.
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>if you had to pick only one id do euler Dy (not SMEA)
Idk about this. I wanted to do stomach bulge and womb tattoo just to see what it would do with the placement. SMEA put the tattoo in the normal spot and made the bulge bigger which is cool, but euler Dy (not smea) dragged the whole navel down and put the tattoo way above the womb consistently.
if i wasnt clear, i meant euler Dy specifically for the low denoise pass of hiresfix
yeah im still using Euler A because im lazy
Detaildemon can add or remove extra noise during generation, helps if you want more schizo backgrounds. https://files.catbox.moe/bguzng.png
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1x scale, wai ani nsfw checkpoint
1.5 scale kohya hiresfix
hires jpeg: https://files.catbox.moe/kychv6.jpg
less schizo bgs but i don't see any clear winner
the reflection on euler A is way above the other 2 but the background itself is nonsense
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, (m-da s-tarou:0), holo spice wolf, forest, nude, sunflowers, roses, grin

sunflowers 2 stronk, fuck roses

hires jpeg: https://files.catbox.moe/omrbr4.jpg
Feels like the colors in euler a are better
>look at couple gens without coombrain
>realize i hate one of the hashed artists i've been using
many such cases
the background doesnt really make sense. i do get the sense of better sharpness and contrast but maybe tweaking CFG would solve that
yeah but look at the teeth
i have to train some vaguely animeish compilation lora to use as a generic base besides the bashes
use a secret code instead
eh maybe i'll recheck them again
i wasn't impressed doe, i have two i use right now
damn i'm retarded
removing it is so dumb
Where did you get euler_smea?
same prompt with midkemia model
next ill see if i can improve the sharpness and contrast on the Dy samplers by tweaking cfg

hires jpeg: https://files.catbox.moe/wu7bwz.jpg
Thanks, one day im gonna know how to use github instead of manually putting files in their folder like a retard
you clearly lack vision.
does comfy have cfg++? try that one with smea
im getting black images, might be incompatible with my hiresfix or my dynamic CFG node
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hires jpeg: https://files.catbox.moe/ilvw2d.jpg
dont think higher CFG is a net benefit here
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cfg++ looks like a very different beast, maybe promising, but cannot do XYs using the same settings as im used to with other samplers
always 4 for me nowadays
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read the paper, saw the CFG range is 0-1 for cfgpp.
daym, that is pretty nice at 0.5 CFG, but it'll be a pain in the ass to actually XY against other samplers
i figured out that my auto-CFG node was dampening the effective CFG of the Dy samplers more than Euler A, i prolly need to tune them around the 8 region to compare to Euler A at 5
this shit is too finnicky and im done for the night
You have to copy paste to install this one though.
Where is this on forge?
on https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge
Is there any way to make batch size 1 work with adamw8bit? I'm so close to making this lora work bros...
NTA but on reforge you can use CFG++ Scheduler, not same effect tho


But I will try to implement CFG++ from Comfy directly into reForge on forge_alter_samplers.py, just it gonna take a while to make them work right I think.

I have them already on the code on sampling.py https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/blob/dev_upstream/ldm_patched/k_diffusion/sampling.py (Euler CFG++ and Euler a CFG++)
>Is there any way to make batch size 1 work with adamw8bit?
why wouldn't it
Thanks. I'm still using an old version of the original Forge. Guess it's time to update.
Destroys unet prematurely and pixelates. LR is .0003 and the alpha is 4. I can't think of why this would happen.
that lr is probably way too high for bs1, but also why not train at a higher batch size
Batch size 2 works properly but doesn't learn enough details. I guess I could lower LR but BS 1 also makes the training take forever so it'll be tough to test.
has anyone actually demonstrated a correlation between a lora's ability to learn details and batch size?
This would have been the example if the training could reach completion.
Oh shit the next sample pic looks fine. We'll see how the whole thing turns out in 3 hours.
How come some style lora completely destroy the outfit of characters? What happend during the training for that to happen?
literally nobody has ever demonstrated a correlation about a single thing related to lora training
Poorly tagged outfits in the dataset can do that. Also burning the lora with too much training or too high LR.
the tags in the dataset of the lora also get shifted depending on the images there
e.g. if the style lora has a bunch of images of a character from that artist with a single outfit tagged as "blue dress" then the lora will learn to associate the tag "blue dress" with that particular outfit, and then if you try to use that lora to prompt for the blue dress of a different character the model will get confused
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I see thanks that make senses, really annoying how often the outfits in loras are just tagged as "dress" or "shirt" considering that can cause these issues
take it to /aco/ you retard
my gyaru love.
nice rayrays
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What is cfg++?
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Goooood morning siiiiir!!
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Is there a way to grab the boobs straight in the middle instead of squeezing them from the side?
This always sucks because /aco/ is such a mixed bag so I never want to post there. People here will get mad if you post ATLA characters even if it's in anime style.
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someone explain cfg++ to me please
rescales CFG to where fraction between 0 and 1 is similar to a normal sampler between 1.0 and 12.5
does seem to reduce artifacts and improve coherence
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Thank you anon
So it is considered to be the best schedule type right now?
>rescales CFG to where fraction between 0 and 1
I'm not sure I understand this correctly, how is it a good thing?
nah it's fine, style is what matters
doesn't excuse his image
You say this and yet I'm still seething after getting a warning and my post deleted for that shit. It doesn't matter, even if it's in anime style.
it's just something you need to know to use it
in my 1of test 0.5 was quite soft and low contrast, 1.0 was quite sharp and high contrast but not fried
wait so cfg scale needs to be between 0 and 1?
for the implementation on comfy yeah, you can go higher but you wont like it
That's what the rules say. Maybe jannies only go by the number of reports, or maybe it wasn't as anime style as you thought. I posted Raven before a few times without issue.
>I posted Raven before a few times without issue.
It's 100% dependent on whether or not someone reported you. Jannies are shit because they do it for free and only enforce the rules when someone wants to be a shitter. I just got banned off /v/ for "off-topic" after telling a joke someone didn't like I guess. Maybe I really should move to treechan.
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I'm using reforge, and have no idea how it interacts with the slider
Can I update my forge into reforge without losing extensions?
haven't read the paper on cfg++ but i suspect 12.5 cfg scale on forge is cfg 1 on comfy.
>t's 100% dependent on whether or not someone reported you.
i got my posts deleted because i told that they ban for reporting spammer and i've seen other anons posts deleted for the same reason
surely that's because of reports
Yes, just follow the installation instructions, it's straight forward unless you modified some key files yourself manually (but even then you can just redownload said files manually since it tells you which ones)
Catboxes please
Is reforge the new forge? Should I even bother or will this new cfg and sampler stuff be on A1111 by the end of the week?
This is what b-chan looks like in my dreams
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This is a funny one
reforger guy here, removed CFG++ as a scheduler since it didn't work, and added new samplers:

Euler/a CFG++, DPM++ 2s a CFG++, DPM++ SDE CFG++ and DPM++ 2M CFG. They work pretty good at CFG 0.5-1.

Im gonna be honest I am already lost at /path/to/stable-diffusion-webui
Yes you can I just did it. Just copy your extensions, models, and output folder somewhere else, then copy paste the zip file on reforge into webui folder. Then copy your 3 folders back. Easy.
still not a single good nonco lora...
Thank you, but what does 0.5-1 cfg actually mean? You can't set cfg scale below 1. Does that mean 0.5 cfg is 6.25 cfg scale?
go to where your webui bat file is usually located (where you'd launch your stable diffusion from), if you're in windows 10/11, right click anywhere in the folder, click open cmd/terminal then do the commands as they're ordered (wait for them to finish ofc)
What do each of the score_ups do? Like 4 through 7?
7, 6, and 5 are for anime. Ignore the lower scores or put in negs.
8 and 9 are just mandatory, then?
I only use 9 and 7
>20/4770 [01:57<7:18:56, 5.45s/it]
see ya later
(score_9:0.1), (score_4:0.4), (score_5:0.5), source_anime
and use style loras
9 is for composition with a minor effect on style. 8 is for heavy western style. Use none if you want your lora to look like your dataset but most use 9 and 7. 8 can look fine if your lora settings are good.
if you love 2.9d /aco/ slop, sure
Is there a difference from score and score_#_up?
forgot add "up" for 4 and 5, such a dogshit model holy shit
thank you, is this the main branch? I'm new to git
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tried that commit out
it spits out an error
For now on the dev_upstream branch. On the main one since it only has the a1111 upstream changes, it has no CFG++ implementation from the backend from comfy.

Just pushed a fix, I forgot to remove the uncompatible CFG++ samplers.
I followed your install instructions (base forge to reforge), and it still shows up
does that mean that I have the dev branch?
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forgot picrel
>tfw can't post flatties without fear of ban
Thanks, didnt have the option somehow so I had to modify my registry
The main branch still has CFG++ Scheduler, it doesn't work as expected but since I couldn't implement the backend CFG++ samplers from comfy I kept it there (for now)
cuter than I expected
Thank you for your responses
I want treech to have more posters but I don't want to have to post.
Any tips to get clothes on floor? I tried unworn_clothes and it keeps getting naked chars to wear them.
Do loras need to be separated with commas nowadays? I noticed some people don't bother and just stack them all at the end of prompts
they never needed to be separated with commas, they don't exist in prompt for gradio GUIs perspective
it never mattered, they're just simply called into the model
am tard what mean

Oh okay. And is it fine to use BREAKs a lot in prompt to sort things out? I've been tending to use a BREAK to separate stuff like background details, character traits, outfits and such
Just post something you fag
nta i'm using github desktop to solve merges
You first I'm shy
Already did and it wasn't even /h/ gens
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treech is pretty cozy
It has potential, needs a little bit more activity
>github desktop

I think I fixed it with that thanks anon.
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What should I do to fix up the eyes?
I just use it on the default face_yolov8n while genning? Or adetailer on an inpaint?
in case you missed it
The default settings should be fine but I use 128 mask padding, 1024x1024 inpaint with, and 0.5 denoise. If it doesn't look good automatically then you'll have to type in her facial features into the positive prompt in adetailer. Make sure to put the loras too.
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Here is what you meant by mask padding, right?
Just to double check, does the inpaint dropdown apply to txt2img or do I have to grab something and actually go into inpainting with it?
Yes it applies to txt2img. Those are just the settings for the process adetailer is going to do.
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Honestly, this is better than I expected for my first night learning this. Thanks for the help anon
Also set your detection "mask only the top k largest" to 1.
Didn't see it, thanks.

>genning with a lora takes more vram than genning without (pretty sure this wasn't the case before)
why the fuck is it reloading the model (or just loras?) between images if batchcount>1? (I'm using --always-gpu even)

If you're using dev_upstream, something with the model_management changed to comfy upstream that does that for VRAM usage I think. In theory when you use a lora you're loading that on top of the model. If you use main branch that doesn't happen?

You can try --pin-shared-memory tho (with this when loading the model takes like 0.00 to 0.005s), but I think even with that, the LoRAs always had to be reloaded (it just wasn't a print before). It takes about 0.6s on a lora of 200mb.

Now, if not using lora, I think it literally takes 0.00s most of the time.

Also, I haven't tested --always-gpu, I though it was the same as --pin-shared-memory but I think it doesn't. The latter is only effective if using --cuda-stream as well.

--cuda-stream allow concurrent executions on the GPU, for computation and model transfer.
--pin-shared-memory allocates the memory in a way that it won't be moved by the OS.
--always-gpu runs TE, CLIP, etc all on the GPU.

Here are all the args https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/blob/dev_upstream/ldm_patched/modules/args_parser.py

>reducing Maximum number of checkpoints loaded at the same time doesn't unload any checkpoints when you press apply

Yeah that isn't implemented, like if you set max checkpoints 2, load 2 checkpoints, and then set to 1, it doesn't unload the model. I didn't though of it since it wasn't on A1111 either, but good idea.
Gotcha. What does that do during the genning process, out of curiosity?
Applies its function to the face with the highest confidence, usually the largest face in the pic. It stops it from applying your female facial features to all the males in the picture for example.
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I'm on dev_upstream, I mainly just want my 1girls with loras to generate without this between each image:
Begin to load 1 model
[Memory Management] x4 ..
Moving model(s) has taken 0.17 seconds
To load target model SDXL
Begin to load 1 model
[Memory Management] x4 ..
Moving model(s) has taken 1.24 seconds

different combinations of --pin-shared-memory and --always-gpu dont seem to make much difference
>donating to cascade so he could... bake slower???
what was the point of this again?
What's the way to go to upscale an image? img2img it?
File deleted.
How can I set forge to have my txt2img parameters values set to certain defaults?
To add, here is the time of a case using the 3 settings at the same time. The prints are only on dev_upstream, and are hidden on stock forge/main branch.

DPM++ 2M, AYS, 25 steps, 10 hi-res step with Restart, Adetailer, RTX 4090.

No LoRA:


Total time moving the model -> 0.03+0.01+0.00+0.02+0.01+0.01+0.02+0.01 = 0.11 seconds in total.

Total inference time: 15 seconds.

With 220MB LoRA:


Total time moving the model -> 0.32+0.04+0.00+0.31+0.04+0.10+0.34+0.04 = 1.19 seconds in total.

Total inference time: 16 seconds.

With 1.4GB LoRA:


Total time moving the model -> 0.30 + 0.45 + 0.05 + 0.00 + 0.48 + 0.05 + 0.14 + 0.46 + 0.05 = 1.98 seconds in total.

Total inference time: 17 seconds.

With 3.8GB LoRA:

Total time moving the model -> 0.45 + 0.63 + 0.05 + 0.00 + 0.63 + 0.05 + 0.19 + 0.63 + 0.15 = 2.78 seconds in total.

Total inference time: 18 seconds.

For reference, same settings and no loras/loras vs stock A1111:

No LoRA:

Time taken: 19.2 sec. (4.2s more vs reforge)

With 220MB LoRA:

Time taken: 20.9 sec. (4.9s more vs reforge)

With 1.4GB LoRA:

Time taken: 26.3 sec. (9.3s more vs reforge)

With 3.8GB LoRA:

Time taken: 34.4 sec. (16.4s more vs reforge)

Seems A1111 actually inferences faster on base steps/hi-res steps, but is slower on upscaling and img2img. And then, it is way slower moving models.

(Gonna add this comparison in the readme probably)

I can suppress the messages if you want. The thing is, before they just were hidden and now I print them even if using pin shared memory. Before it wasn't.
you know that stuff's not really allowed on this board right....
My bad, I deleted it.
they're saving the remaining donations to go towards the 3.6B bake, iirc
forgot 3.8gb lora pastebin https://pastebin.com/ZunAETej
I don't care about suppressing the messages, it's the extra time taken between images reloading the lora when generating with batch count >1 that is the problem
dont worry, i've saved it
reload forge, set t2i params, go to settings, "Defaults", you'll figure out the rest
stop genning in batches, slopmeister
Seems I had a 3 sec increase to my gen time on my 4090 rather than a decrease
To my gen time after switching to reforge*
no, they're saving them to buy better hardware, for which they would need to get a bunch of money from reddit after showing them the 1b model (which isn't happening)
that is not what they said, there was even an update to the donation page explaining things. they also have better hardware access incoming ($1/hr h100 nvidia gpu access and for experiments, intel gpus, if they can get them working as expected)
Do hires fix, or use controlnet in img2img or put it in extras tab.
hires fix seems like I'd have to do it for every txt2img gen. Is that correct? If I wanted to upscale something that came out good already, I should do controlnet in img2img or the extras tab instead?
hello shill
if their cloud computing costs will end up lower than expected then most of their donation money will end up going towards their own hardware, like i said
also, how do you reconcile the fact that jordach explicitly asked for donations to speed up the bake with the fact that they've been baking on a 4090 for almost a month now?
If you untick the hires fix box but leave the settings you can just press the yellow star icon near the image window to hires fix automatically. Using controlnet is just an arguably better hires fix in img2img. If you just want to blow an image up then use extras tab.
they explained those exact things on the donation page, read any time if you want actual answers. you won't, of course, because you just want to bait and stir up drama
>they explained those exact things on the donation page
they didn't though
I'm not replying to your bait any longer, anyone actually invested can read it themselves
Okay tested stock Forge and seems to be actually a bit slower vs dev_upstream branch. Totally on par vs main branch. Used this forge commit https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commit/bfee03d8d9415a925616f40ede030fe7a51cbcfd + AYS from https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/commit/49c3a080b5fdc624cf0ac46030c2d37eec68c57e

Also, on stock Forge, when using batch count > 1, it still reloads the lora (stock forge log: https://pastebin.com/WezdvAct)


No LoRA:
Time taken: 16.6 sec. (0.6s slower vs main, 1.5s slower vs dev_upstream)

With 220MB LoRA:
Time taken: 17.2 sec. (0.2s slower vs main, 1s slower vs dev_upstream)

With 1.4GB LoRA:
Time taken: 18.0 sec. (same speed vs main, 0.8s slower vs dev_upstream)

With 3.8GB LoRA:
Time taken: 18.4 sec. (0.4s slower vs main and dev_upstream)
you always always have the option to shut the fuck up, b-sama.
why don't you ask her out already? christ.
i actually thought it was a different shill at first but i guess that every other cascade shill gave up already
In that case, what's the best upscaler to use? R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime?
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NTA but I use 4x_NMKD-Siax_200k and I kinda like it.
foolhardy remacri
Is this the NAI general?
your choice of upscaler isn't that big of a deal when you're using hires
most of the work ends up being done by img2img anyways
Jordach only sends his dumbest warrior.
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Where do I put upscalers in forge?
>jordach had power outage
>60h of setback
Is there a way to tell pixiv popularity without their subscription?
the truth is that every artist that was ever successful enough to get comms already knew the world was like this
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shit, you triggered the bot
NSFW field will never recover from AI exposure, in 99% cases as long as you can recognize FOTS being stuffed with melanin rich sausages noone will bother fixing shit beyond that
reforge anon, if you're still here
any idea how to change cfg scale start from 0 or 0.1 and increments from 0.5 to 0.1 (for cfg++)?
tried doing that in ui.py, but nothing changed.
I really don't see how anyone here can say they empathize with artists, as if we're kin or something. We put words in a box and masturbate to the result. That anyone makes money or gets recognition from it at all is just due to ignorance.
Speak for yourself. I sketch all my scenes and let i2i take the wheel to flesh them out or add color. AI should be a tool for artists to help streamline workflows, the hate is retarded.
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good theme
When nudifying an existing artwork with inpainting, does the model matter?
it matters based on what styles the model is capable of, I guess
There's also the other kind, who survive by doing their one weird niche for decades slowly accumulating loyal fans. Think Sparrow, Smash Daisaku (スマッシュ代作) and so on.

I actually wonder if that would be possible with AI. Most genners are not consistent enough with their styles or concepts.
wife pur(aut)ists if they seeked monetary success
An inpainting model will be better at matching the existing style. Try this one https://civitai.com/models/430948/animaginexl-inpainting
It has its own problems from being Animagine, but otherwise you have to find a style on your checkpoint that looks similar to the image.
Post on treech!
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yeah ESL moment
>current month current year
>most of them are still frying literal aomshit with fucked contrast and colorspace
i don't get it you literally have to try to do that now
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>spending like additional 5 minutes on a gen but there's no incentive to do so.
it won't give them more money, why bothering
I think aomslop fell out of favor now
it's the same 3 nai styles now and the local loras that replicate them
yeah hence "no incentive"
imagine being and artist, learning to draw for years and slowly trying to get big, perfecting your skills
and now seeing how the whole space is being overtaken by this fucking shit
I liked where this one was going but it's messy and anatomically fucked
sometimes I think it's money laundering but then I look at nochekaiser getting Patreon bucks for shitting out the world's worst Loras and I realize the majority of people who will pay for this stuff simply don't notice the difference or don't care
capitalism runs off useful idiots
scat doesn't belong on /h/
Some sure but there's still the stuff with that characteristic blown tf up contrast and jap babyface
smart artists saw this coming and either learned to incorporate AI into their workflow or learned animations (mizumizuni)
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i still have not seen one artist making less money because of ai
if anything the top sloppas are getting even more, like diives
Or they draw shit that AI cannot produce, such as anything with a dialogue, story or even just image progression.
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the artists that you'd know didn't lose anything from ai
it's the noobs and middling ones that get utterly fucked and replaced
that goes for anything ai-related. ai will make the top professionals' lives easier and will utterly ruin entry level and mediocre workers.
i think he's the one malding
I'm sure the original sloppers are getting less, like ero-enzo and greengiant. Their stuff was worse than AI quality to begin with, just running on the size fetish that is so easy to do with any model even 1.5
>anything with a dialogue, story
possible with passable drawing skills for speech bubbles
clothes and environment won't be consistent but that's where i2i and inpaint-tsu comes in
>image progression.
image sets with different body positions are a bitch, but people haven't fucked with it too much i feel like, biggest issue in most cases is people not hiding changes made by i2i where they shouldn've happened in first place even with simple undress stuff
Or just force beginner artists to use AI in their workflow. Which might not be a bad thing.
This will kill the Sonic vore industry...
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Who is this character? I only know one that is quite similar, but with pink hair.
loll that's rem and ram
then who's vram
yeah I know about ram, but never heard of that "rem"
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come on, that joke got old a couple years ago
I know, but I needed a le funny text to go with my gen
them youngsters are talking weird rot
sorry bro I'll gen some asukas next time
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you know what they say
if they're not 50 they don't deserve the... diddly
Nice gape
i love my gf
extremely based
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>so (you) starved he switched to blacked cunny
owari da
sick song, will listen to the album

typical he is legend song, it's ok

>Rat Boy
kinda boring, pandemic relic song

shit meme song kys

>Azax set
listened to about half, really picks up after about 10 minutes, great

>Let Go
kinda boring

>Back in Time
not my favorite huey lewis and the news song but it's still great

>Dark Beach

>Bree Bree
ironically, when the singer wasn't screeching "bree bree" it was pretty good but that's most of the song


>Denobu dance mix
listened to 25min, it's ok

>Where the Things Have No Color
my song, i like it a lot
anon that's not even tan.
That's just plain white complexion vs very pale.
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need gyaru
good morning sir, please redeem the vae
he has vae, he just did color correction to remove sepia
sdxl 's shitty vae is not about the color, it's about jaggy lines.
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I don't see a single pixel of difference, isn't this the one packaged with pony and just about every other XL checkpoint?
how the fuck is this vae any different?
there is only one single sdxl vae
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if you don't see the jagginess on her hands and hair I don't think anyone can help you
there is, in fact, 2 sdxl vaes, 0.9, the good one, and 1.0, the shitty one with jaggy lines
there were other "memory fix" vaes but that's not relevant now
some checkpoints bake in the good one, some leave the shitty one
these 'blacked' posts are as stale as blurry nai and sepia pony posts
not even worth replying to them
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is there a lora for this artist? couldn't find anything in the repo
I see it, but no difference when using the VAE you linked. Think it might be the style lora causing it, or something else entirely.
Those artifacts are pretty distinct, I doubt it's caused by anything else. You sure the vae is being utilized?
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eyes are still bad
I scraped their twitter and I'll consider trying to do one later(read:10-36 hours from now).
someone else is free to try in the meantime if they want, hell, here's the scraped and pruned dataset(minus captions) to what I'd consider to be their 'modern' look from thumbing through things if they want a shortcut(though I'd probably suggest cutting it down further)
kind of doubt much of anyone will bother to try since this is a real hard style divorce but hey, who knows.
Either way I'll still end up running it through once or thrice and see how things go.
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Sir, why not cathag with male childrens today?
I appreciate it. yeah, probably only the newer works would be better for the sake of consistency. I'm not very familiar with the artist, but I'd like to experiment with a style like that.

also, that 7z triggered my windows defender for some reason
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It's tanned-male Thursday.
We've had this conversation many times. All the big names like fellatrix who charge $700 for 1 pic aren't complaining, even if there are less people doing that bullshit now that they have AI. It's the average guy who used to get a pass simply because he was drawing someone's FFXIV character or a less popular FGO girl that's seething (or someone who's friends with this artist). Still, the response had always been that for this average guy AI is a tool. A person that understands color theory and can draw basic sketches is a huge cut above your average prompter. You might argue that gooners don't care about 6 fingers but being able to sketch an idea and flesh it out in controlnet in seconds is a literal godsend for the average guy who can now catch up to fellatrix without having the experience. Yet he's seething because he now realizes that doesn't have more creativity than the prompters he hates. There's a reason why AI is so good at 1girl, standing, white background and many people used to get by simply adding fotm girl to this recipe. Perhaps it's for the best that artists no longer can.
that said it's just an archived directory with a bunch of jpg's in it so there isn't really anything to worry about.
and yeah the artist is at least unique(which is the only reason I'm going to bother). Only real concern is how biased it'll be towards orange hair and if it does some weird dumb style bleed of needing orange hair to really get resemblance. Probably won't be a big deal but that's probably the angle I'd suggest considering for anyone who wants to try and prune the dataset further.
but some of the big names do complain
and even nightshade their pictures
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i can't believe it. i trusted in you guys, i trusted that cascade would never be able to learn a single concept well, i believed that it was going to be shit no matter what and it had zero chances to get better, but you guys lied to me. now it turns out it even is able to do concepts that pony can't do. i hate you guys. i really do.
it's mutual
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No, it'll be cascover. It has to be cascover. Nothing ever happens. Repeat after me: NOTHING EVER HAPPENS
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me on the right
hot af
now do the daughter
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I know you have a gaping axe wound but even you should be able to tell the difference between a penis and an anus. Take this instead.
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it'd be interesting if it wasn't the same three controlnet templates since Jan desu
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CFG++ looks interesting. worth tinkering around with.
however 50 steps is mandatory, uniform scheduler is mandatory at least for the couple on comfy.
time to mess with hashes again
I want to try and train a style Lora, who cares if I have just 8gb. Is the guide in the OP the go-to, or has there been something new?
big redpill is that everyone has a completely different process
the guide's not as bad as the others tho
it was last updated in mid 2023 so it's missing mention of pretty much every sdxl optimization that's been made since, which afaik is almost all of them
Well that's encouraging in a way, it means there's not only one way to do it right, less chances to fuck up. As long as I have something usable that doesn't weight 800mb I'm fine.
>Artist loras aren't very effective and produce pretty bad results 9//10 times
>All artist tags that are still in the model work about as well as NAI v3
>Most artist tags are hashed
Why would you go through the trouble of making a model as good as NAI v3 but then intentionally crippling it?
Does he think that hashing artist tags is going to safe him from getting sued by random pixiv artists?
You're still using their art lol holy fuck I can't with this pony fucker
So what's a nice updated guide?
If it requires 50 steps it's not worth tinkering with
wow buddy
did you travel here from last year?
NAI just keeps winning
Sorry I'm new to pony.
Just switched from NAI because I have a good GPU now.
there isn't one
The size is entirely dependent on net-dim and conv-dim values. Going too low will make it not learn fine details, question is how much "fine detail" do you actually need for a style.
>Just switched from NAI
go back, pony is not worth it
that might be specific to the comfy node, there are also options on reforged
local is worth it. pony would not be worth it if NAIv3 leaked, and is hopefully rendered obsolete soon regardless
more like nai is not worth the money if you got a good gpu and/or your patreon minions aren't paying for the sub
pony/autism were indeed fucking ugly back in winter but now you can get by on local if you want to bother.
>least obvious samefag bait
we should do this more often
GPT daisuki
always helping me in making basic scripts for easier testing
>local is worth it
of course, but it doesn't have good models aside from /g/ or /e/ kohaku/animagine stuff (pony gens aren't even /h/ in most cases)
>pony/autism were indeed fucking ugly back in winter
so they're still fucking ugly
>pony gens aren't even /h/ in most cases
nai schizo is at it again...
kill yourself groidspammer
now you're gonna samefag with blur and jpeg artifacts shit
then sepia
then groidspam
seen this too many times
I got it, issue was the VAE packaged into midkemia. I'd deleted the checkpoint since and was running tests with reweik instead, but its vae is fine so I didn't see an improvement.
>prompt from file now inserts the whole thing into the existing prompt
now i get why everything was fucked up kek
I was wondering how well Cascade respond to multiple colors being used, something like orange hair, pink hair, multicolored hair, pink colored inner hair, red eyes,blue streaked hair,
Mind to catbox? I dig the styles.
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this you?
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Much appreciated.
So I might just start working on the dataset while i check on the rest, that's the one thing I should need regardless of how I approach the training later. Manual tagging? How many images do I need? And how small is too small? Some of the images I want to base the style on are pretty old.
>Manual tagging?
Nah but clean the auto ones up
>How many images do I need? And how small is too small?
Eeeeh around 20 is the minimum if they're good and the characteristics are prominent enough
for a style lora? it depends on how complicated the style is and how well your dataset represents that style, but as a general estimate if you have over 50 images then you're fine. you can still train a style with less images but that might require some shenanigans
also, you have to upscale all the images that are below 1024^2 in size
>zombocrombo lora
good morning sir
There's a guide on civitAI with links to google drive stuff and an automatic tagger, are those good?
50 images can be done, but I will have to upscale some of them I guess.
I use caformer
use taggui, it has built-in autotagger tools
How do you get a pose like this?
Keep coping
>one hash chocos my girl
fucking awful holy shit
>nogen bot
these DAZ3D VNs are getting better and better
sir im using nai
yeah but accurate, I'm surprised it can replicate the style
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its 7:30 in the morning i just woke up and im busy fixing hands, or at least trying
object permanence my beloved
MMD actually
DAZ would be /aco/
that looks nothing like mmd though
they're learning non euclidean geometry anon
>twistedscarlett hash
>ugly ass output
actually nevermind my brain is fried and i thought that said koikatsu, hard to say that it doesn't look like mmd when mmd looks like basically anything
what token did you use?
Orc king with a tiny penis, but the elf slaves all need to pretend he's fucking them super good, or he'll have them executed.
What's the lora called for that?
Can pony use loras made for older models like sd1?
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I don't know somewhere on civitai it is a old gen, I link catbox
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>My hero academia 428 preview
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>sick song, will listen to the album
Glad you liked it, the whole album is weird in the sense that it has many genres on it but it is good
mashed a bunch of 3D style loras together, I think it's mostly bengugu
they just won't do anything

SDXL loras work, but they're pretty weak if not made for pony specifically
>half of these hashes don't do shit
That's what a hypernetwork/embed does, well it more like toppings on the burger but still just train that.
Can look through this at least if you don't want to/have seen the OP.


it's so over
I'll post a gen if this comment gets 15 likes
Most of my gens are not even catboxable. Nothing personel
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Tomboy thread when
I'm rebaking >>8106820 with better tagging
oh hey i recognized that guy who draws sexy pigs from a hash
How low do you guys go with your dim for character loras?
any dim for character lora
at least 32dim for wife lora
>at least 32dim for wife lora
Bro don't say to me kek this was my philosophy also. I'm trying to convince myself to start doing 8dim.
then why does no one use it? if you could just insert temporary data into the model that just seems better than a lora
32 just because that seems good enough for almost anything i've tried and i'm lazy
because they're worse than loras
Loras are temporary too.
tested 16/16 to be best nowadays and i resize down to 8 and then test against each other
honestly if you have enough space just do 32dim and don't share your stuff because people will ask you to kys over seeing lora size otherwise
yes but im referring to inserting data so it works like its baked into the model rather just layering it on top like a normal lora does
this is all just wishing anyway
this fucking hash kek
kek again this is my philosophy but I wanted to change.
Alright guys I'll keep my settings thanks.
i had shitty 128:1 dim/alpha ratio wife lora that was basically dim8 and it was working okay but lacked stripes consistency, today i've baked 32/32 and through limited testing it looked a bit more stable despite having 4 different outfits so if your character isn't extremely simple - 8dim won't be good, 16/16 should be okay in most cases
you better have a repo of nayuta gens I can farm for spank bank material
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Could anyone share this lora with me? Apparently all of that guy's stuff is 404'd and I can't find it archived anywhere.

How do you resize a lora that is already baked?
how would you resize a lora that isn't baked
>artist tags...work about as well as NAI v3
>making a model as good as NAI v3

god this place cracks me up sometimes.

kohya-ss gui or onetrainer
scat doesn't belong on /h/
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Sure you need it? Seems to work well enough with just a prompt
localtards are so delusional
a smeary mess is for paid only
He's not wrong, the few innate styles we found under hashes are very accurate, and some unhashed ones. Try kagami hirotaka, aqe, mjm, nyamota,...
Yeah. I'm on local and the other Neisan style I can see is very soft compared to this one. This one seemed most accurate.
I am also on local
I figured someone would start talking about dim/alpha values if I didn't say it that way.
Can easy trainer do it? Where is the option?
What does NAI stand for?
Oh wow. Still, can't imagine that's viable on most pony mixes without a lora.
haven't used that so no idea anon

Nanny AI
Neural network Automated Illustrations
saying it would be as good as naiv3 is cope but it's true that all astratroon had to do was not hash and prune artist and characters and xer model would have been 200% better
what a fucking idiot
contrapposto is a tag i literally have to google every single time
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Worth a try. Base pony clearly knows it, and most innate styles transfer well even to mixes. This is Zankuro (mjm hash) with the PVC figure mix.
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NTA, Cascade gets confused about the inner hair, but the rest work
there are plenty of artists that you can prompt with the normal tag because astralite is such an incompetent retard that he can't even prune tags correctly
1girl, quatro fromaggi
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and without mjm
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buncho other ones i don't remember now
Is rentryanon still around? I have a few that are missing from the list.
mdf an
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what to do with konata's "mole" and "mole under eye" tags? if i prune them - it'll be trying to appear on face in most cases (and on wrong side of face if i prompt side profile), but if i won't prune them and force myself to prompt it - mole will be jumping everywhere around her face because of pony's mole knowledge...
i hate asymmetric character features
was more thinking about the color being split in the middle but im not sure there is a tag for that
use danbooru autocomplete or smth?
but I use it for most of my 1girl gens so I remembered it anyway
Groidspammer's mother had a 95 pound mole taken off her ass
unique trigger word
Do not prune, inpaint mole manually
i'd rather kms than force myself to search non-poisoned trigger word that isn't a part of hashed word soup
i feel this is the way
The mole, whateva happened there...
i wonder why nai gets her mole right most of the time
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weeb model with deep character knowledge
also my loras are shit
needs a bush
least obvious jordach trooncord member post

u first
ah two-tone hair
yeah that does not work since it is pretty rare
>Loli/shota allowed
I post on both.
nai is fucking clearly overfit on default character outfits/traits
like even if prompt hachikuji but neg her backpack it will still gen the backpack
and shit like this happens with most characters. reducing tag weight does help though.
two-tone hair only means that the hair has 2 colors (duh), not that they're split in the middle
You can hide threads you don't like.
i hide you
>Seething his turd world country is blocked from using Treechan
Can someone confirm that turdworlders are blocked from treech?
they aren't
Sure buddy, let's get you back to your room, okay?
well I can't seem to open it from my israel vpn address, but it might be that the server's lagging rn

yeah it is annoying, i've noticed that if i describe the outfit i want in detail it tends to do that less but that's not an option if you want a bare slug
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>Train loras regularly
>Want to make my training data available to all on huggingface
>Realize ~90% of the training data I use is straight up uncensored porn (art style Loras)
>A few OF model nudes sprinkled in here and there for loras trained on a person

Would making these available in a zip file format be a bad idea? Does anyone know whether or not Huggingface gives a shit whether or not training data uploaded there is porn or not?
I hereby pledge to post one high effort gen a day on treech if all non-euro/us ips get blocked
have you tried something like
positive: completely nude, (outfit item1), etc
negative: (backpack)
>half the gens on nsfw models/loras are 200% degenerate trash so disgusting most normal people would puke, and it's presented right there on the gallery
>"would my zipped vanilla porn be okay guise?"
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File deleted.
whoops you are right
jank booru tags moment
the correct tag is split-color hair and it can do it
I'm not talking about gens though. I'm talking about the data set used to train it. The pictures used in a data set for a Lora can be 100% SFW and still be able to generate smut.
I kneel
fucking kek
Good start I guess
Unless it's copyrighted, illegal, or otherwise violates TOS, everything is fine. Though uploading paid Onlyfans content could be considered copyright infringement.
is this how we can get their nvidia and intel connections severed?
ofc I did
it works on maybe half of gens, spamming curly brackets on neg backpack doesn't help much
appears on "completely nude" and "bikini" which are the outfits I wanted. I'm not really annoyed by it much but it's a clear sign of overfit
Who/what is "treech"?
Why would we want to prevent local model progress? I'm so tired of you retards.
so cool
updoots to the left fellow trannies
Her trip dates back years when I checked archives, terminally online 4chan behavior.
here you go bro

most of them are average raw gens that I never bothered to fix though
i think there are no actual connections though, they probably don't even have any access to hardware. as soon as an employee of nvidia/intel checks out what they are doing, which is likely will happen soon after they start a reddit campaign under the flags of nvidia and intel, any ""connections"" will be dropped immediately
>local model progress
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>local model progress
sure thing, buddy
>600 hashes
>fqx vum rhc mdf soso gjem hiko bke only ones that aren't visual vomit
so based ponysissies
ayyy nice one cheers
How did you make this? I've been meaning to do figure porn.
>he doesn't know hdg lore
There are no hashes in pony. These are latent vectors
tf i searched it. b-chan is really a oldfag?
>no gen
how is 2012 old?
How is it not?
wow ur so smart
kill yourself newfriend
prompt like regular autismmix, only you don't have to minimize score tags

...also you better get the catbox extension
>groidspam for months
>just to shill your discord pedo altchan
wew lad
longer than ive been here...
>12 years ago isn't old
I tinfoiled that once but no one who uses cascade can produce a gen as good as cathag, who is obviously the groidspammer
I have it, I just can't read node slop. I saw "PVCStyleModelMovable_pony151.safetensors" and gave up assuming it was a lora or something.
>pony lore
Oh I see now. Can you box this one up too please?
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slightly less jank colours
cathag joined long after the groidspammer. groidspammer is the reimu armpit poster
fun fact
just prompt for figurines and it'll pop out naturally because ponyfag is a hotgluer
They aren't sponsored by Nvidia, they had Inception Membership approved. You sound retarded
But still how was >>8103699 made? Style lora with pics of figures? Guess I'll study the metadata.
cathag is one of the groidspammers many alter egos. If you look at when and what they post it adds up
It's literally the same thing, just removed "mjm" from the prompt.
>they aren't sponsored, they are just given compute for free YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!
I never tried 3D artist tags.
>reimu armpit poster
literally who
>n64 kino lora still not replicated on pony
why bother desu
10/10 baiting, if it weren't for the redditspacing I'd join the B-chan simps
Read all archived threads since mid January
very nice!!
i've been here since then and i have no idea wtf you're talking about
Look up the Nvidia Inception Membership Program, retard
Post the dataset
i don't have it it was some other anon
or was that on civit
0.003 jordachcoins have been deposited into your account
>you'll never have B-sama lock you out of the house to force you to take her on a date
why do i even live....
is NovelAI the only cloud based generator that supports nsfw?
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Any NAI users have experience using vibe transfer for obscure characters? I know it can't replace a lora on SD but any best practices?
not gonna bother, sorry b-
how much is that in b-athwater?
There's civitai at the very least
the exchange rate was initially set to 1 jordachcoin = 1 liter of b-athwater but it fluctuates per day
resonance cryptoscam when?
>not selling NFTs of B-'s nudes
wow I love B-chan now
he was furious at first but after months of thinking he decided that it is a reasonable way to raise funds
the little I played with it it seemed to heavily impact style and pose. I'd get the character (mostly) but they'd basically be doing the same shit they were doing in the vibe transfer pictures. Maybe it's better with more transfers though.
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Where did you get this pic of me?
i kneel
>B-sama will never be your psycho tsundere yandere gf
why do i even live....
>titmogged and cucked by your own mousepad
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Resonance bros..
We're BACK
Damn I kneel
>you'll never have Kagami-chan lock you out of the house to force you to take her on a date
why do i even live....
that was my experience as well. Im thinking maybe multiple angles/pictures (like you would for a lora) would help. I'll keep experimenting I suppose but wanted to check incase anyone did the work already.
That guy must use a HUGE mouse
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>actually giving an ETA when using big compute
wdv sisters not like this...
double-dipping because /e/ is dead
neggletroonies just wait 2 more weeks for another preview of wdv this time for real for real
This is simple but looks nice, catbox?
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You're in luck because I just posted this catbox to /vg/
I'm more interested in this 3D smugcat
Hate this position with the dick perfectly straight when it should bend upward. Why can't virgin artists get it right?
maaan thats right in the feels desu. its been 8+ years and there is not a day that goes by that I don't still regret not being a total faggot in that relationship. we joked around a lot like that (we both used 4chan & had an edgy sense of humor) but even re-reading those posts its obvious I pushed his boundaries and drove us apart. neither of us were blameless but that's one of the few things I'd 100% redo in my life if I could. I've loved others since, but I never truly got over the guy in that story. live n' learn I guess but it really makes me sad knowing I used to think that was ok. I'm sorry M, where ever you are, I hope you're happy and found someone who knew how to treat you right :c
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here's the full series i genned
all characters from Zenless Zone Zero using a LORA that imitates the in-game models' artstyle
>tested all those hashes
>arrived at the exact same ones as last time
well fuck me kek
<lora:ZZZ_Style_Pony:0.8>, ZZZ_Style, <lora:anbyPDXL_scarxzys:0.8>

Are those loras somewhere? I would love to have the ZZZ style lora :(
post them
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lets talk meta
sometimes, I can't post broaderline ecchi AI pics on the blue boards coughvcough

The post will say "successful" but something actually gets posted. What's going on? is there an autofilter that the mods put up?
based bunnylord
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they're all on civit
this is the ZZZ style LORA https://civitai.com/models/554990/zenless-zone-zero-style-xl-pony
this is the anby LORA https://civitai.com/models/568370
basically this >>8107983
but i only ended up keeping mdf_an (not a hash) and gjem kek
Based, many thanks anon.
weird patreon shill plug but okay
I like how the screenshots are not even 3D, just buried under a pile of score tags
soso and hiko aren't hashes either
and yeah the problem with the hashes is that they're probably much longer than 3 characters, so the 3 letter tags we have are much weaker than the full hash would be
not sure
the ones that are clearly real artists do work as is
but the training data must've been fucking shit
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oh well
some of the hashes seem to be so strong that even a truncated 3 character version of them is enough but that's clearly not the case for most of them
can't even be bothered with /e/ lately, most of the good posters seem to have stopped posting
What is this?
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Damn bro I remember how literally half a year ago he had 800 paid subscribers...
The competition of course hurt the business a lot lol
Calm down, brainlet, it's just a simple question. Is it 8 step or 4 step?
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Never forget that he got his style stolen. He walked so other bbc patreons could run
too bad you cant do cunny on any of these kind of sites, you'd probably make good money
i also know nothing about making money on "art"
Seems to indicate a problem with the lora imo. Probs low LR.
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>his style stolen
he got fucked by his incompetence, though luck, just checked and his new style looks like shit so no wonders
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>Is it 8 step or 4 step?
Should be 8 step considering I only get good results with 8-12 steps.
You're laughing, his hard work was pirated and you're laughing
>fucked by his incompetence
Even if he didn't leave the metadata in, anyone could have made a style lora regardless. That's the great irony of "his" style.
Damn bro it look so pathetic. How mad he is now that every second author in pixiv uses this style and generates bbc porn.
I am sure that his subscribers just found other similar authors but with a more interesting style and lower prices.
>As you guys have learned how much I hate this whole pirating stuff, the artstyle I managed to pull out after a long effort eventually got stolen too. I dont have a problem with it, what I hate is that whilst they have a tool which they can use to make infinite amounts of different and actually original styles, they just copy cat.
idk bros i'm with the artists on this one
we should publicly execute this kind of person
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Hurry up and plap her anon.
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The levels of irony here are so high I might die. Truck-kun's cope at the end isnt helping lmao
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im not even looking at what this stuff is i just imagine from the name alone truck-kun is generating anime girls hit by trucks and its a lot funnier than it should be
I actually have him on trooncord. Should invite him to jordachs server, would fit right in
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this body type is unbelievably lewd
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it is
/aco/ but nice. I'd be scared to make eye contact with girls like that in rl
>adding anything in negatives completely destroy the style
what kind of cursed lora am I using
They banned groids, more based than this general now
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O, is a strictly anime aesthetic the meta here? What about hentai manga aesthetic? Pretty much my first time here. I usually post on /b/degen
yup its anime/hentai eastern styles here, for realistic styles and western ones you go to >>>/aco/csdg
Spent some time trying to reproduce the style, I think what's happening here is that those character loras bleed style which helps the zzz lora. Because by itself it's weak, not even 3D without specifically prompting for it. And "3d", "render" from your prompt push it towards SFM /aco/faces.
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Anyone got any good public/enf stuff?
hand over your wife gens, NOW
I once again return to multi-artist autism.
tianliang duohe fangdongye, ciloranko, tsuda hayato, wagashi and kiato
ciloranko and tsuda hayato are a bit weak but that's not a big deal since I consider them to be mostly supplements in this case(and ciloranko is weak as fuck to begin with). Though the later expresses fairly well if you give them 1.21 weight.
image related(since I had to jpg it to fit 4chinz): https://files.catbox.moe/rf9dav.png
hello naigro
is there a reason why you don't separate them
Welp, what are some good anime style SDXL checkpoints? Already got Pony, Hassaku, basically most of the popular ones.
Enf what?
embarrased nude female
start by leaving the name field empty
I mean, I do, I've got individual lora's for a few artists scattered around my mega

beyond that though, some artists get expressed best when given something to differentiate against. This is also all work put in to be able to do artist lora's with fairly tiny datasets while using a combined total from other artists to help with regularization to prevent stiffness in outputs.
Haven't used Hassaku much, but turns out it's horseshit at genning hands
too lazy
I like using ebara, waiani and others with strong default style so i don't have to waste tokens on score tags
kill yourself namefag
Hassaku is the current best model, dont worry you just need to put bad hands in negs to fix hands problems
Thanks! I'll check those out.
Calm thyself and wank anon
Ah, I'll try, thanks.
I have no idea what to make...is this what real artists feel sometimes?
Relatable. I just ask for suggestions when that happens kek. How about lewd yoga poses/angles?
fuck off back to /b/ and never post here again
plus the pressure of having to make "something" every few days to keep patreon going
thats why a lot of artists just hop around doing "flavor of the week" girls
Damn, that's crazy m8. Lets see you do something about it.
tree bros, we can't stop winning...
based namefag exploding anonnies
mind giving us the catbox?
What is "wdv" supposed to be?
Just another pony like model or is it supposed to be a NAI v3 level model?
catbox pls
you say that like there's any other local model on the level of pony
they're aiming to beat nai v3 but the problem is that it's never going to release
>you say that like there's any other local model on the level of pony
Sorry, I meant "Just another pony mix"
it is expected to be NAIv3 level or even better due to wd team having basically a cluster in terms of compute
but that remains to be seen if they actually deliver a model that is at that level or not, we will see if a team having a big fucking amount of compute is able to deliver something good
>What is "wdv" supposed to be?
The savior of local
Based on what neggletroon has posted, it's a cosxl remake of dreamshaper. With their track record, though, we'll never see anything.
He isn't coming back, is he?
I see.
Hope they succeed.
euge is still pinning gens on arti's civitai page so it's not like he left the internet
but he hasn't said shit about any further training plans
Can you blame him?
He made the only promising model so far that isn't a pony mix, and everyone just shits on him because the model can't do [insert your waifu] getting tripple penetrated while also giving a footjob to a 4th guy
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1girl, 1boy, anal
When will we get cathag mix on civit?
i shit on him because he posted images that represented the model but couldnt be replicated on the model he released
it was from previous epochs that looked better
it also looks a bit fried and needs way too much steps
i will gladly use a model of his if it isnt shit
hello BobsBlazed
whens your next mix?
>losing my mind over Hassaku giving me shitfart gens
>scan my workflow for discrepancies
>check clip skip
>two sets of ears
I would never.
sure BobsBlazed
can you make it so your mix works better with Loras?
XL completely ignores clip skip at every level.
fuck off already you literal fucking retard.
>"XL completely ignores clip skip at every level"
>calls me a retard
kek, anon literally coomed his brains out
He's not wrong. Clip skip shouldn't matter or at least it doesn't on forge/auto
>look into lora training
>find a way to get tags in the dataset
>next a guide says you need scripts to resize images that are too big
>several other guides don't mention this at all
Boy, the research for this is getting crazy.
comfy can force clip skip on anything, even cascade
I use ComfyUI. It most definitely matters on there if you're setting it explicitly (to mess around).
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>this retard can't even do a grid for an easy fucking test
and I thought this place couldn't get any worse
Funny you posted this guy, I've been trying to figure out his artist prompts for a whole month it's been driving me insane. I'm not sure if he is using ciloranko, though.
Of course...
it's not ciloranko but ding dong fag zhehg
guide saying to resize shit is retarded.
That's what bucketing does. It'll automatically resize images and stuff them into appropriate buckets.
Cropping/manually resizing CAN be beneficial but it's very case by case dependent and will be placebo more often than not.
I got some almost true black
even during the absolute lowest points of groidspamming and schizo shitposting the one thing that has made this place slightly less terrible than the other ai generals in this website has been our 0 tolerance policy towards namefags
if we're letting that go then it's actually over
Infilled/inpainted, but here's the base if you really want it
nai makes the most luscious BBCs
localtards could never
im salivating right now
Efficiency nodes it too smart, it does things behind your back such as detecting SDXL. Or their XY plot for clip skip is fucked. Setting clip skip manually to -1 gives random noise only, -2 is the same an 0, lower values make the model dumber.
>Can't read
>Doesn't understand his tools
>Doesn't understand how stable diffusion works
Way to embarass yourself anon. Altho desu knowing how SD works to gen stuff is probably overkill, but how about giving it a try to avoid future embarassments, eh?
We have a ton of namefags and no matter how toxic we were they didn't leave. I'm tired, anon
So, in the case of images I need to upscale because they're too small, should I just resize them to the correct resolution then? But what about not squared images? And most of the images are going to be bigger than 1024x1024, what about those? Sorry for the retarded questions but this keeps getting less and less clear. One would think that reading several different sources would give you a better picture.
>act like he know all while genning absolute garbage
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i'm not too fond of miqoanon and cathag anon either but if you think that's as bad as namefags can get i advice you to pay /b/ or /g/ or /d/ or /vtai/ a visit
>Bakugo still not black and has no afro
the difference is we named them ourselves
You don't need to worry about any resolution bullshit until you're at a point where you WANT to care about resolution bullshit.
The only thing to take note of right now is to try and avoid images with a total resolution below a combined 2048 pixels, but even that is pretty negligible and not a huge deal. Though you should also probably try and avoid images that are way too far in one direction in either width or height(so something like 920x4400) since those can fuck up anatomy.
Bakugo doesn't even like women
bucketing will automatically resize/widen/narrow/heighten/crop/etc your images so that they maintain as close to their original aspect ratio as possible while fitting into one of the training buckets you have set. it uses cv2.INTER_AREA for interpolation which should be good for everything besides upscaling, but for upscaling you can get better quality by using something like 4xnosmos8kdat. that's much slower but it'll be a much higher quality upscale.
I don't really disagree with that kek. I'm trying to get used to Hassaku. It doesn't seem to like my LoRAs or just has a super high inertia towards em. Maybe I'll switch models.
That's a relief. Thanks anon.
Pretty much the whole cast seems asexual other than mineta. Highschool is the time when kids are supposed to go crazy for each other.
That one anon, that said hassaku was good, was trolling btw. Most people here use autismmix
>Though you should also probably try and avoid images that are way too far in one direction in either width or height(so something like 920x4400) since those can fuck up anatomy.
super wide is fine, super narrow is what you want to avoid because the character takes up too much of the image and unless they're in a weird pose the ai can learn bad things
If we don't get a local NAI v3 equivalent within the next 2 months I'm going to start a new life in the forest living off of berries and small critters.
Dont tell him what to do he is a master of his craft and knows how his tool works extensively
>dull sepiaslop all the way up
grim how jeets cant even see it
>Highschool is the time when kids are supposed to go crazy for each other
Ya wish Uncle Lester
Super narrow like what? Those dakimakura pics for example?
make sure you've got a shit solar panel, a powerbank and a shitty low power laptop so you can write your own walden and become the modern henry david thoreau. Just make sure you drop the dumb religious bullshit.
based the only saving grace was that beautiful BBC nai pixiv
freeturds are so blind
What is the connection between BBC fanatics and NAI users?
Do you get a NAI subscription because you love BBC or do you love BBC because you have a NAI subscription?
Is there a 3rd link we're missing?
saas > cuckoldry > bbc
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my slenderwoman waifu can't be this cute!
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it can happen at any aspect ratio but it's a lot more likely to happen with daki type images. basically there's nothing preventing the ai from learning image composition and there's nothing preventing the ai from using bad contextual clues to do it. the issue with daki type images is that they're typically all framed in exactly the same way, with the character dead center in the image. if you include too many of them in your dataset then the ai will learn to place specific parts of the character in parts of the image. that's very bad and why cropping images to maximize the area that the character is in is not great advice imo
I think it is because NAI is quite literally retard proof so you can throw any shit you want at the prompt and get your desired waifu next to a giant black dick with little to no effort
it "started" as a joke because NAI has a strong bias towards heavily tanned males and there were people trying to make it stop, to little or no avail.
>most blacked porn is made using nai
>its a saas service so blacked fans can just pay 25 bucks instead of learning anything or buying hardware
>can just copy prompts directly into it and start genning blacked porn within minutes
pretty simple thought process, just lots of people copying artists they follow which is why you always see people come in these threads and ask how to copy various NAI blacked porn
>Pretty much the whole cast seems asexual
Isn't that pretty normal for shounen stuff? I always thought its one of the ways to keep waifus pure to sell merch. Let shippers do the work for you, fanart and doujins will do the rest.
link to your pixiv? i need to see some large black penis
I guess? Been ages since I watched one, wasn't like that for naruto, dbz or shaman king
Ye I'mma fall back to autism kek. Haven't tried many models besides vanilla pony, autism, DucHaiten, and zonkey.
How about a mechanical typewriter instead? Or even pen and ink?
yeah he is gonna bring science fiction stuff that doesnt exist, very funny
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I mean, those are options(and you should have pen/pencils/paper regardless) but there's something to be said for having a digital copy at the start rather than having to try and scan/OCR a ton of pages or transcribe chicken scratch writing.
Also with a laptop you can have an offline version of wikipedia so you can try and identify bad things/learn how to do shit properly.
Of course https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/90281477
really love that expression/style catbox?
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mdf_an makes the prettiest faces fr fr fr
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evenin' bros
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pretty happy with how this came out
Nice one
did you add the kda yourself or it cames out like that?
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added myself and img2img, angled by making it a 3d object and screenshotting it turned the same way that the machine was
>no new model
The hobby is dead.
that looks amazing! you got a catbox of that?
is fork anon around?

Im on his newest version and when you hit the (i) on a lora to see the metadata of the lora it only shows me the training data now. Id rather see the tags, anyone know how to fix that/ show the old view?
i'm starting to think that the reason why this lora is coming out with such flat shading is because all of the training images have completely flat shading
there isn't really much to share, it was a lot of inpainting and small manual editing. Was just autismmix + char lora


here it is for one of the similar raws
I don't get it. If vaush likes AI horse porn why can't he use his millions to sponsor a better local model?
chat is this real?
I'm on vladmandic from ages ago
Is it time to come back to automatic1111?
Are most folks using SDXL now?
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It's bait and will never release.
I did some upstream A1111 lora changes, you can try this commit (if on main branch) https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commit/50e80181c3426aa59418973af376a7daf0df289a and see if it works?

If not, is an A1111 upstream change on
I haven't seen anyone use 1.5 for months in this thread.
Jordach is literally Vaush you retard
You can't be serious.
how can I improve backgrounds on pony and its derivatives? I feel like 1.5 Anythingv5 gave me more detailed backgrounds compared to pony. Maybe because I don't/can't use hiresfix with SDXL models like Pony?
I'm one of the retards who hates git, if this is all that's different can I just overwrite the file in my instance with this file manually and relaunch or is there more to it?
>Not even 800 replies and we're halfway to the image limit already
Textbros, not like this...
Someone recommended me this.
You can also use this.
You can do "git checkout 50e8018" to go to that commit, and then "git checkout main" to go to latest main commit.

If you want to manually do the change, this is the last commit with the change on modules/ui_extra_networks.py https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commit/b0de80ec8d50bb0f6ee548a481b91ac4c3694786

And this is the complete history for that file https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commits/b0de80ec8d50bb0f6ee548a481b91ac4c3694786/modules/ui_extra_networks.py
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Am I retarded or are the proportions fucked? I've been tweaking the prompt and resolution for half an hour now and all i'm getting are looong tomboys
midkemia, wai ani nsfw, flyx3_mix
>4 month ago
will try thanks anon
I struggle with this too without LoRA usage. I just browse the following and get what I need:
That's the point
>its going to be fun destroying your dreams with wdV
>in about a month in theory
>have a little teaser coming first week of april
you can cope with loras like those the other anons posted but ultimately the problem is that pony is so fried that it forgot all of the base sdxl knowledge, so it's fundamentally impossible for it to produce backgrounds like 1.5 can
was just an april fool
any days now
the funny part is that wdV will still destroy resonance if it actually releases
The seethe in this general when NAI4 comes out early next month will be brutal
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This. Tho some pony derivatives can actually make pretty sweet and detailed backgrounds, like DucHaiten PDXL.
you have no control over nai or any closed source model, do you really think nai is going to make something like this anytime soon

if I want to do backgrounds I inpaint selecting characters, change model and inpaint not selected
guess im a gittard I just got spoonfed and that didn't fix it. Even tried it manually
>if youre over the age of 25 and have a gpu, you MUST use this model
master puppeteer, and soon the Savior of local.
>do you really think nai is going to make something like this anytime soon
bait or mental retardation
This but unironically
Literally going to irl meetings to secure compute, dedicated to the cause.
>I inpaint selecting characters, change model and inpaint not selected
Can you elaborate?
i fully support idortism, ive had NAI sub and still have a lot of points left for genning
but i never figured out how to tune the style and detail level how i pleased, it seems like 95% of NAI posts just combine the same few artists
the one NAI user i can tell apart from the rest is shuten poster
look it was nice of nai to get their 1.5 model leaked to start us off but it's always been worse than pony
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this image is character from pony and background of animagine, just mask entire character and inpaint
>I want to try the current cascade epoch
>I don't want to install jordachs malware
>I don't want to listen to some indian accent explain me comfy for 20min
well, I've ran a v1 and while it kind of works I've also discovered a different weird quirk with the dataset in that there's a heavy use of shadowing on figures. So now I guess I'm going to dick around a bit and try a few different ways of fixing it.
for reference here's a few catboxes from v1
>I don't want to listen to some indian accent explain me comfy for 20min
literally all you have to do is drag any image made with cascade into comfy
Do you just gacha the background perspective and hope it matches the character? Also I know how to inpaint a prompt into an image (txt2img) but not sure how to inpaint an image over another image. Gotta research a bit. Thanks for the tip.
she really is watching us...
if you are inpainting the entire image it will fit the picture around it, you just reverse the mask so you are inpainting not masked
They have some public instance site that runs the GUI but I don't know what it is or if its up to date on epochs
I get that, but no idea how to do that in ComfyUI lol. Or at least, it's not obvious how to. I'll look around.
If you have an A1111 folder at hand you can test if it's an A1111 issue/change (probably is an A1111 change), the thing is what commit would made that change to revert it
Hilda is a bad influence.
looking for tips on nai proompting
The man just had sunburns
If I was using Nai I would try to get an unique style too considering how saturated the 2 most popular are, I think I have something kinda unique going on for me on local but im incredible annoyed at character compability
Oh hold on, I think I get it. I just need to
- Mask the character
- Invert the mask and mask the background
- Make a composite of both so the character is laid against the background.

But then, if your mask is not perfect, it's going to look choppy. I guess you just VAE encode the image and pass it through the UNet a few times with a low denoise factor? Would probably need to pass an appropriate conditioning too. I'll try this out later.
{{{dark-skinned male}}} {{{redeem}}} {{{patreon blacked style}}}
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I guess its the artist but whenever I try to get a fat ass i just get obese thighs
>See this in the catalog
>Decide to give it an old college try despite being mentally retarded and struggling for two days trying to install SD when it first released some years back
>Within a couple hours, I finally managed it, and I'm generating ">gr15" poon that has me leaning in and making monkey noises
Bless you autists, I shall now rip my cock in half. Have a good one!
>prompt threesome
>male become black
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>never oom integrated turned on
>CUDA - System fallback policy = No preferred
>4070 ti
>32gb of RAM
>constantly getting "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable"
This only happens when I use a LORA. It will give me this fucking error then if I hit to generate it will obey, but the next gen after is always another error, then after it will gen, then error, then gen etc.

Does anyone know if this problem can be fixed? I find it hard to believe it is a hardware issue when it never does this when I don't use a LORA.
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this is why you ALWAYS have (d*rk-skinned male:1.4) in negs
If using normal Forge you could report the complete issue on https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge/issues but not sure if Illya will fix it. "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable" is the "final" error, something else failed above that.
i knew NAI recognized tsutomu nihei and just decided to add him into a mix, like the result
>0 ideas
>no gens
it really is over for me
for me, its far left
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According to console I'm out of GPU memory from a single LORA. I don't get it.
I kneel
yeah he forgot this thread is for blacked cucks and 3d ponyslop enjoyers only.
i'll apologize on his behalf.
Try restarting whatever UI you're using. If that doesn't work, maybe explicitly instruct the UI to use "Medium VRAM". Your UI probably has an option for that.
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reForge guy here, that's weird, at least it should have changed to no_vram mode automatically before starting inference when doing turning on never oom integrated.

Maybe it is a bug on stock Forge? Just tested on reForge and it seems to be working fine
>0 ideas
>let nested wildcard run infinitely until I get an idea
I dont know anymore man, I guess ill deal with it on forge for now.

Just so were on the same page you intend that when you hit the (I) on a lora you see the training data only like this?

idr how to fix it because its been forever, but I know you can fix it. try copy+pasting the full error into chatgpt and see if it gives you any ideas (not joking, its resolved a bunch of stupid errors like that I've gotten). make sure your gpu drivers are up to date and try deleting your VENV folder
I'm using regular forge. Should I try reforge to see if it still happens? I was coincidentally just looking at the github for it.
i would but my room would turn into an oven over time

Start first my prompting artists that you know. Then go to pixiv and prompt their artist combos if they still have metadata in their files. You can also lurk here or beg and see if anyone still has NAI combos they can share.
i crawl aibooru for has:metadata novelai and it's rare to find something that is both very different and something i actually like
Fuck, probably cuz my dumbass had "pussy" in the negative prompt from genning SFW a while back.
Then start mixing artists at different weights and see what comes out.
Non-censored version
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Oh I see it now, sorry I don't use this much (I use mostly additional networks from kohya to see tags and metadata)

But yes I see the metadata only when pressing the i for info.

Do you have the button in the image? Not sure if on my case comes from an extension IoI, but there is shows the tags where it was the lora trained with.

At least for that test using reForge it worked fine on dev_upstream branch (the one with comfy upstream backend changes). Let me try the main branch (just A1111 upstream changes)
Has anyone here ever successfully used SuperMerger to merge XL (pony) loras? I only get the "index out of range" no matter what I do and github has a guy reporting the same thing.
>find artist you like
>mix them and play with weight
adult wife plapping
What is that artist in a bunch of NAI mixes called dino something?
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Okay tested main branch on reForge and it works fine as well. I think I did a change on model_management to make this work as it should on both main and dev_upstream branches
Need their butt holes gaped and then filled with cum
i dont think NAI actually knows norman rockwell but regardless ill see how using the tag goes
I know, enough dildos. But I was just impressed by how the model genned picrel's leg on the dildo.
fuck that ass is perfect catbox?
its fine, when I hit that I do see the activation tags for the lora in question, which is good, but I liked being able to see ALL of the tags in the lora like I used to, when I hit the (I) before.

This is what I see when I hit the wrench and hammer icon.

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I think it shows all the tags, but it seems that for that particular lora it was trained only on that tag?
Alright i'll give it a shot. Just gotta remember how to clone a git directory again.
It does not show all the tags that I normally used to have/see.

If some other anon not on reForge, but just a normal forge install could hit the (I) on a lora and send a screenshot that would be appreciated so I could show what I am talking about.
Relax, I trust you, but I'm not sure what A1111 commit that I upstream from the past 6-7 months did that change haha.
I lost it after switching to reforge, so there was a change somewhere.

Doubt that will be of any help lol.
figured out how to clean it up a bit
You probably want to put "abs" in your negative prompt.
it's in the positive prompt because im not a pleb
woah is this a lora?
Man maybe it was my lora. I've been getting btfo'd a lot today.
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Kinda hard to see, at least seeing the file history https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge/commits/main/modules/ui_extra_networks.py

One of those commits did that change.

Unrealed, but added a new scheduler into reForge, beta (thanks to an A1111 PR https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/pull/16235)

Man there is like 10+ schedulers now IoI
Thank you
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Can anyone recreate this style?
I made it a while ago, but for some reason the saved .png prompts don't make much sense with the style and I can't recreate it again. I used the AutismMix_confetti model.

So it still occurs with reforge, but i seem to have found the culprit. I tend to keep adetailer on during txt2img generation. If I turn it off the error doesn't happen at all instead of every second gen press. Also it only happens if I put something in the adetailer prompt instead of leaving it blank.

So it's a bit annoying and I guess I run out of VRAM because adetailer is essentially reserving a copy of the checkpoint which is why I'm running out of VRAM with my 12gbs of VRAM?
Huh interesting, I guess adetailer doesn't have that kinda implementation for "enabled for unet".

But if just using cuda malloc and cuda stream, you still get OOM?
>But if just using cuda malloc and cuda stream, you still get OOM?
I'm too retarded to understand this part sorry. What is cuda malloc and cuda stream?

Also to be clear I don't tick the enabled for UNet option in Never OOM integrated. The gen time is just too incredibly slow with it on.
>rereforge is shit
Oh well, back to a1111.
If you're on windows, on your .bat file to launch, on set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=, add the arguments: --cuda-malloc --cuda-stream
i tried cascade epoch 7 and it's a fair bit better from when i tried epoch 4. still quite worse than the 3.6b from month ago. hopefully he can finish this 1b crap soon enough
yeah the prototype still mogs it extremely hard and at this point i don't see that changing with any additional 1b epoch
we'll just have to wait for the full 3.6b to start baking
So how do I get tiled vae working on reforge? I installed the extension but it doesn't want to enable it because tiled diffusion is built in.
I think forge by default disables it (stock forge) because it is built in, I guess it's the same for reforge.

On modules_forge/config.py, on always_disabled_extensions you can comment multidiffusion scaler line, but it prob won't work since it uses A1111 backend and not comfy backend (that forge uses)
same anon from earlier, but I found a way to see them in the current menu, but it's kind of convoluted.

It looks like the tags I want are under ss_tag_frequency menu/option

Is there a good alternative for it then? It was pretty useful for hires fix.
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The integrated one doesn't work on Forge? Or if using neverOOM + multidiffusion, it doesn't work? (I really have no idea IoI just giving some ideas)
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Here's the wuwa style lora if anyone wants. I really need to get better at inpainting...
https://pixeldrain com/u/GuNPHVWa
on 1b timeline
There's no way that's base autism with score tags. You must have type a secret code by mistake which somehow got left out.
How do you get that x-ray effect on clothes?
Or an inpainted gen which only saved the inpaint prompt.
Huh I see. Honestly I haven't found what commit did change that. Probably it isn't ui_extra_networks file, probably another one. Maybe it can be one of the .html or the .js files.
Yeah, but do you like, mask the entire lower half of the dress and fully denoise it into something transparent? Or do you do some kind of weird noisy latent composition type of shit?
tried it out, didn't work nearly as well as A1111's tiled VAE. I've been using high res fix less and less lately since it adds an extra 3 minutes of gen time on my GPU so I should be fine without it.
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I masked a rectangle around her pussy in base gen. Then prompted see-through, pussy, dildo insertion, pussy juice at 0.55 denoise and 64 mask blur. I then had to gacha for a while and shift max padding around until I settled at the right transparency. I'm sure there's a better way but I don't know what I'm doing.
Based, thanks for the lora anon
Just look at the size 128x128, it just kept the last inpaint data instead of the whole picture
Hey reforge guy, adding a single lora made my VRAM usage increase by 4.5GB
Well that for sure shouldn't happen, if dev_upstream that's because some comfy upstream changes.

I guess I'm gonna get the model_management file from stock forge and make it work with the other comfy upstream changes instead (like regressing? in some performance aspects gained vs stock forge, but that much vram lora usage is not ok so it's a good tradeoff)
works on my machine
(i use --pin-shared-memory only)
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Does anyone know what you need to do to get "easy" training scripts to use multiple gpus?
It can't, none of them can. I even installed linux trying to make this work, used deepspeed, it simply doesn't. No idea why its an option at all.
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my images coming out bad, what the hell's going on?
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damn this is nice, catbox?
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wdym bad, like /aco/? you're using pony-based mix, making /h/ out of it is hard
why is he wearing black gloves?
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It's a mystery
Fucking lovely!
Ello there Miqoanon, just found out about your mix on Civitai, gonna give it a try
Change your sampler to euler. Gen at 832x1216.
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nice, let me know how you like it
Okay I did create 2 experimental branches (one for main and one for dev_upstream) with the original forge model management.


Probably it breaks multiple checkpoints and unloading/loading model from/into VRAM/RAM, with or without using pin shared memory. On dev_upstream it probably breaks more things.
I think VRAM usage was the same but I could be wrong.
So, who here still generates locally anymore? I heard everyone moved to NAI to try and make patreonbux
I'm also dumb and was moving unet unnecessarily to cpu when using pin shared memory, pushed a fix.
yes, we all are on nai genning pooping girls in cucktcha mix style and making gazillion bucks off cucktreon
Ah, that explains why people don't really post gens here anymore. They've already gone pro and are focusing on their patrons now.
Damn. Kinda sad, I enjoyed talking with some of the regs here.
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I didn't even realize that was my model, I downloaded the catboxes and didn't even inspect them til someone mentioned it was miqomix.

Looking really good, cool seeing stuff other people did with it.
what tag do you use to get those kinds of panties? Those are my favorite.
he will never stop haunting this place, will he?
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I just did black panties, if you are referring to the cameltoe wedgie that is a lora I made. works with a lot of different outfits

>no gen
Post your stuff
THanks! I'll try it out too.
Do it. Bet you can't. You know if you do you'll never get (You)s again.
a1111 is all I use desu
mostly because Forge is too hard to figure out and Comfy is too hard to figure out
Install wise
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okay after a bit of fiddling, v3
it can still occasionally overshadow the face a bit unprompted but putting "shaded face" into negatives clears it up. I wouldn't use it as a permanent fixture, just keep it in mind if you're finding yourself having issues.
grid related without specifying bust: https://files.catbox.moe/pf6c27.png
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ehhmmm uuuh erm well

i don't know what to say

how was your day yall?
weirdly enough it went away but adding --pin-shared-memory --cuda-malloc --cuda-stream decreased VRAM usage very nicely. Now all I need to do is find out how to hiresfix without OOMing.
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the hands fuck
based moe
of course it's a black dick
sir, this is /hdg/, bl*ck penises here only
Why do all pony lora bakers upload examples that are absolutely impossible to recreate?
I swear most of them img2img actual art from the artist and then upload it as an example image without mentioning it's img2img
they img2img artist pics for examples
its just what got spat out. i didnt tag any skin color
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severe lack of hair in these threads
and anons were saying this shit is only being posted on /d/
remember to put "anus" in Negative otherwise you'll get anus that look like this: >>8108463
remember to put "(dark-skinned male:1.4)" in Negative otherwise you'll get artifacts that look like this: >>8108735
How do I prompt for ugly hairy fat bastard? All I get is muscular blank slate dudes.
Fuck off racist
you'll need a lora of /hdg/ resident, here's dataset: >>8108766
>puckered anus in prompt
its go time
>Pubic hair is considered /d/
This general is so fucking gay lmao
Why not just say that you love cock?
I made a lora for fat bastards ages ago for pony, it should still be up on the LORA link in the rentry

"ugly man" works okay on pony
ironic, considering liking any body hair is dangerously close to faggotry
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most anons spend too much time looking at cunny
I don't understand, what's being compared in these images?
its just batch size 2
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nice tits
as far as i can tell, average 'ai slop genner' doesn't bother using style loras or even any artist tags.
so much slop.

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