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Board Nuke Edition

Previous thread: >>8109793

- [COM3D2] -

Comprehensive COM3D2 Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/n6Uhi5zQ

Custom Maid Ultimate - 2023 Edition (CM3D2 + COM3D2 + all DLC up to 2023/05/22): https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3885249
Custom Maid Ultimate Master Guide: https://pastebin.com/1SFajwy5
Custom Order Maid 3D2 English Vanilla Repack: https://pastebin.com/1nhpdNML
COM Modular Installer [CMI]: https://github.com/krypto5863/COM-Modular-Installer/releases

-Official English version-

KISS: https://dl-en.s-court.me/top.php
Nutaku: https://www.nutaku.net/promo/custom-order-maid-3d2/
Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1097580/CUSTOM_ORDER_MAID_3D2_Its_a_Night_Magic/

- [CM3D2] -

Comprehensive CM3D2 Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/qZQGcmxX

DO NOT use Hongfire Patch, Reipatcher, or NTleas, they're old and can break the game. Switch to Japanese locale and install CMI/LMMT

Brief Installation Guide for Custom Maid 3D 2 (Updated 7/31/2017)
A recently made installation guide:

How to Play/English Wiki
Legacy Meidos Modular Toolbox [LMMT]: https://github.com/krypto5863/Legacy-Meido-s-Modular-Toolbox/releases

Latest mod releases:
Twitter Search: https://pastebin.com/kySD2ABv
MotiMoti3D Catalog: http://motimoti3d.jp/

International List of Mods (slow&outdated):

Discord for news of CM/COM Updates and DLC and more:

Presets: https://db.bepis.moe/com3d2
Man, what the fuck happened to /h/.
literally a spam bot must have made like 7 new threads in less then an hour
Mods made a teehepero~

Post dojikko maids fucking up. Correction/Punishment afterwards optional.

Check the other boards if the respective threads are still up, mods made a public apology for being retards.
We didn't get an apology for the /h/ mod though. If one even exists for this place.
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I'm no longer asking

answer me or I'll do it again

what background is this?
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The one on /ck/ is still up.

This is just an unremarkable blip for the much faster boards, but RIP to the slower comfier boards with months old threads.
What is even the source on this image? I want the maid.
I want the background.

If I get the background, I tell you the source. Deal?
>See nice mod
>Click getuploader link
>User doesn't exist
Every single time.
We can go further.

>getuploader account is still around
>Password needed
>All traces of whatever the fuck the password was is gone from twitter togetter or whatever hoops they want you to go through
Been a while since I last played this game.
So lost right now. I'm currently doing idol stuff with my maids.
What's the max level for facilities btw?
>What's the max level for facilities btw?
Level 3 maybe.. You don't really need to worry about how facility upgrades work or how much money you make. Once you build all facilities you want (some yotogi rooms are also unlocked by progressing the story), and buy all the clothes you want (in-game shop for in-game currency, also don't forget about casino shop), there's nothing to do with all the money.
Just play the story, build rooms you want to have for maids to work in or yotogi in, and have fun.
Man I haven't had meido game installed in a long time, been in Koikatsu hell

Is it still a ballache to get character mods and presets? Has there been any effort to make a booru or something for that purpose?
generally just use https://motimoti3d.jp/ and do a search. get the japanese name (like how the japanese themselves call it) for whatever it is you're trying to look up. lots of mods are on now-dead twitters from like 9 years ago etc and there is supposed to be an overall compendium they keep, but most things aren't submitted to it.
also I forgot there was a dude who was maintaining a google doc in English where he was keeping a vast excel sheet with a mod/preset compendium of sorts on it with links (also far from complete) but I haven't checked that in years and I dunno if he updated it.
>Level 3
Most of my facilities already in Level 5...
Yeah, those seems irrelevant to the plot or events but I just want to do something in the game.
Also, can someone do a layout to the story?
I remember that I need to pay the debt inherited from the uncle. Then when it finished, the maid discuss that they need to expand the business, thus the idol stuffs.
What happened after that? Getting filtered with idol lives right now.
The story is your Uncle leave his failing club to you. There is a debt, but the amount of the debt is never said. The debt will be paid off once the main story is beaten, via cutscene. You and the maid decide to do Idol shows to make the club successful. Basically the rest of the story is you doing Idol competition against various other maids from other clubs and rising to the top of the Idol maid circuit.
>the amount of the debt is never said
IIRC it's 500M
So, there's nothing after the idol stuff?
my wife's son's sister is very cute
costume pack 59 where
How do you select either of these yotogi
time to buy it yourself
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Costume Set] [Vol.59]: https://mega.nz/file/YwEXjYaC#V9-Pyu5TUrkI3sx-B1vivP0SZQUcqqyxGDiONce86I4
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Rotor Karaoke SP]: https://mega.nz/file/go0HWAZA#L22KPy-LD3PC-gKfgY4L0v1Yn7Bigq5cdSwFSHnFbmc
how do you organize your preset folder?
I just made a folder per playthrough. I divide them by type_detail

>>pre_[char_name]_alt_[alt_type].preset (alt hair, pregnant, etc.)

>>1_[set_name].preset (general outfit sets)
>>2u_[uniform_name].preset (maid uniform sets)
>>3s_[swimsuit_name].preset (swimsuit sets)
>>4b_[set_name].preset (s&m, bondage sets)
>>4l_[set_name].preset (lewd/lingerie sets)
>>5_[char_name]_[set_name].preset (char specific outfits)
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I don't suppose anyone grabbed the costume that comes with their Music Albums yet?

I hate that you got to buy the albums just to get the outfits
Can anyone explain to me what is KCES? I installed it because I was curious (my installation doesn't have the X0 dlc but I did update it), I linked KCES to my COM3D2.5 folder but it doesn't load any of the DLC in the editor. And apparently you have to buy KCES items on their store to get more options beyond the basic one?
Am I doing something wrong or is KCES simply refusing to access the DLC and appends because their content aren't compatible with the new body type?
>is KCES simply refusing to access the DLC and appends because their content aren't compatible with the new body type?
Wow this new system is pretty useless. Might as well have added it into the game as a special customization option instead of requiring to update the game entirely for it.
It has nice modification/customization options, but it also isn't compatible with pretty much all mods. Plus, you specifically have to download compatible versions of DLCs for it. If you notice, when you install new DLC, it also offers the option to install KCES versions of those new stuff.

KCES is for those playing a new game/vanilla install from scratch and has no intentions of ever modding/installing plug-ins for the game. When installing new stuff, just select the KCES compatible versions. And to be fair, it does offer some nice customizations.

But otherwise, stay the fuck away from it.
I actually do want to try that out not gonna lie. The new body type not having access to older plug-ins and DLCs is a huge minus but being freed from the massive clutters and multiple choices once in a while isn't bad. The stock costumes are fun to play around with too.
Do we still have a direct download place for all the separate DLCs? I want to get all the installable stuff for KCES.
Thanks for the assistance man.
Is the gyaru personality 2.5 exclusive?
>Do we still have a direct download place for all the separate DLCs? I want to get all the installable stuff for KCES.
Read the OP anon. All those pastebins and guides exists for a reason.

No. You can recruit her just fine. All COM3D2 DLC and expansions are made for vanilla COM3D2 first and foremost. With added optional compatibility for the few weirdos that actually use 2.5/KCES.
Aight aight, thanks.
Anyone have an archive for the DLCs for COM? Pastebin doesn't have em far as I could tell.
>Pastebin doesn't have em far as I could tell.
This time, actually read the stuff you claim to have read.
Here, I'll even do you a favor and single out the one that'll lead you to what you're looking for.

>Custom Maid Ultimate Master Guide
And if you're somehow using the official EN release instead of the JP release (either still in moon or using ripped translations/MTL).

>Custom Order Maid 3D2 English Vanilla Repack
Is there an unpaywalled 4.9 modpack? The guide links a post in ulmf, which just links back to the guide, and the only existence of the modpack above 4.0 seems to be on that one dude's patreon.
-- [COM3D2xCRES Shop] [Costume Set] [Vol.60]: https://mega.nz/file/8lFgAJ7J#8r9m56cMfhqobP6QZmuAl474VmDwT_YsepNWJLOSvJU
why are there so few options for /h/ vr? i have the headset, but sometimes i get sick of playing fps games and want to nut on a catgirl. is that so much to ask?
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lick it
Is there a prepatched torrent somewhere?
Oh hey, Yandere is getting an English release. Guess they're finally gonna get back to porting the rest of the CM3D2 personalities after just strangely starting on Sadist and forgetting the rest for years.
yandere smells.
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Muscle girls in dresses
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A neat little link I found

A mod repository from various creators. These includes a few notorious autistic ones that wall their stuff on getuploader with constantly changing passwords or only allowing limited access for a brief amount of time.
What is [Outfit Sets] DLC?
Seems like I always miss those DLCs, I can't find them other than the base DLCs for them in the cryptpad.
I'm sure there was a website where you could upload a card and it'd tell you what mods were used in it so you could download them but I can't remember the name. Am I going crazy?
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Oh god fucking finally. Thank you. I've been looking for this guy's Granblue stuff since forever. His Anchira and Shatora was something I always wanted. Shame that this doesn't include his Vikala though. But I'll gladly take the Monkey and Cow.

I'm not much for recreating existing characters completely, but I'll definitely get a lot of mileage out of Monkey's bangs and pigtails that are just the right amount of fluffy, and her one piece that shows off and accentuates the ribs.

This place?
Though its not comprehensive.
Some uploaded presets have links to the mods used in their description. Some don't.
Click on the "Preset Analyzer" button
That's dope, just wish it had a visual guide so we don't have to check moonrunes for every single file to see what the contents are before downloading.
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very beautiful, anon
Fucking hell anon, give your meido a sandwich or something. That's a spoopy skellington right there.
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First time trying to make a chocolate meido.

The usual skin texture tattoos don't really play too well with skin tones darker than light brown, so in an attempt of frustration and overcorrection, I went full scorched earth into charcoal in the oven here, and I think it turned out pretty well.
Anyone know the password for this modder?
Thanks, anon!
i wonder if there are going to post more dlc to download here? it is a really good thing, i am thankful and appreciate the person who does that
say his name...
hehehe funny guy you know this buddy here No.8177026, anonymous...like all of us.
hehehe funny guy, you know this fellow here No.8177026, anonymous...like all of us
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-- [COM3D2&2.5 Shop] [Special Service Pack] [Imperial Villa] [Complete Edition]: https://mega.nz/folder/0IEzQbKQ#zk9ZnbDdURd01YbRyMv97g
She looks really nice. If it were me I would remove those sleeves and expose more skin though since they're hiding her main appeal.
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yay, amazing thank you so much, i wonder if you can share these as well

COM3D2 Gyaru Lovey Dovey Marriage Pack
COM3D2 Coupling & Harem Pack: Bookworm x Little Devil.

like i said it is really appreciated, thanks
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Coupling Pack] [Bookworm x Little Devil] [Harem & Yuri SP]: https://mega.nz/file/dkch1Y5S#Bz3dqLO7ddLkcC8D5zJHfwRlVwRJik7kBn-K4bWqr8Q
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Gyaru RabuRabu Marriage Pack]: https://mega.nz/file/EhF03KST#cbuqWYciAc21bQGn7-kBAKTy3j6yZktQvpAD77bDB48
Oh yeah, removing the sleeves was definitely a good choice. Either way, she was designed to be Blunt and paired up with Sadist. The two icy bitchy "treats-master-like-shit" personality duo if you will. Was going for a complimenting yet contrasting design thing with these two.
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But their personality types are the best to send through a thorough maid correction course.
Her dark skin really makes the cum and tears stand out.
oh great! thank you so much, appreciated work you are doing here
god bless you anon
Tried playing around with the some reflective mirror objects and got a neat little idea.
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-- [COM3D2xCRES Shop] [Costume Set] [Vol.61]: https://mega.nz/file/wp0nyTrS#u4TUc1QrxIOua1RyG2sil1B6TKAGSTfa4SkjVSGyRmc
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Goodness! thanks so much anon
Just set the game up. Is there any way to hide events? The list is absolutely full of shit that shows intimate interactions with characters I've never even met yet. It's like the flags for when they're supposed to become unlocked are broken and they're just all being dumped from the start. I literally just inherited the mansion and I'm already making out with the blue haired bookish maid in a summer villa.
This is great. many thanks.
BUUUMP for port
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can someone share this Noshiro?
nice fertile pits

would impregnate
pitfag, pitfag!
when will u post pits, pitfag?
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Adult Enhancement Pack] [PINK] [Vol.3]: https://mega.nz/file/BtdwBRRL#hTEuJ4s0cWBr3EGqtLhFpib4F8rm9L-hkCxwY2kQcsU
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>Create Osananajimi personality maid
>Make her a non-virgin, but give her starting zero lust for shits and giggles and just to see what happens
>Go to the section of the interview that talks about her sexual experience
>She talks about how she only ever laid with one man in the past, and that it was a case of unrequited love and that she has never been with anyone else since
>It's implicitly clear that (You) were the one who took her first time in the past, but you just really treated her as a pump and dump fling that you promptly forgot about
>She gets a slight glimmer of hope that you actually remembered her during the interview, but (You) go full dense blackhole romcom MC and asks her if something is up
>Just shrinks back and tells it was nothing

This whole dialogue chain only happens if you make her a non-virgin but also set her at zero or very very low starting lust. Meanwhile, I just checked again and if you create her as a non-virgin while dumping even a few hundred points on lust, her backstory changes to that whole retarded: "I ran through a whole train of men to gain better experience on how to satisfy you" excuse. So they managed to bother reconciling the setup of "she's not a virgin" and "she's not a fucking promiscuous whore" for a character that literally revolves around being obsessed with (You).

Man, for all the ducktaped together jank that is this game, there's a lot of attention to detail in places that they really shouldn't have bothered with.
>but you just really treated her as a pump and dump fling that you promptly forgot about
I never understood how you can forget a person you were friends with. At worst you might get a feeling you know them from somewhere, but it only applies to people who you interacted with personally a couple of times, not your childhood friend.
There's more to come from her storyline, and you will truly realize just how oblivious Master (yes, not (you); I refuse to associate with him there) can be.
To be fair, she wasn't really a "childhood friend" but more of a "this weird girl in my neighborhood that was clingy to me when I was younger"

Still weird that MC forgot about her, since the implication of this timeline is that he fucked her when she was young, probably around JC age AT BEST. So yes, MC is possibly canonically a lolicon and an underage diddler in this permutation of the storyline timeline. And no, I'm not gonna sperg about the morality of underage fucking for fictional characters, but the main point here being that you'd think someone would remember that one time he fucked an underaged girl.
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Yeah, I always assumed she was a weird smaller kid tailing an older boy she had a crush on, while he was too focused on other things to notice. Thus her slight imouto angle.
I personally find her cute, but she is not without her fault. There are some things suggesting she is wacky even as grown up.
I only rate pits of others

mine are too precious to unseal
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Reject hiring innocent virgin maids only to corrupt and mindbreak them.
Now is the era of hiring used goods and emotionally dead inside maids in order to heal them and protect those smiles.
I'm gonna install the game after years. what do you guys recommend go for, the EN ver or the ultimate? are the DLCs also translated?
she has nice eyes, post more
very good, save those meidos, anon.
jp ver has more content, but is ofc untranslated. eng ver has been catching up with the dlc, but is still behind.
I really doubt you're gonna get all through the content in one go or two. Or three. Or even a month's worth of playing really.

If you can into moonspeak and don't mind downloading pretty much an entire hard drive worth of stuff, then go for ultimate. There's also MTL and some people that regularly rip the official EN translations to be put into the JP version if you're an EOP.
But if you want a more reasonable download that you can just dive into brain dead with no worries, then download the latest EN pack. Only thing you'd be missing out on would be the CM3D2 compatibility stuff, and the latest DLC.
Both releases are still receiving active DLC updates and the EN pace of catching up is actually fairly fast, with JP DLC often getting an official EN release just 1-4 months. The only thing the EN stuff is really behind on is the backlogged CM3D2 compatibility personalities, and they've finally started catching up on that too. I'd give it half a year or so before they catch up on that as well.

- If you autistically want EVERYTHING (a lot of which are stuff you probably wouldn't even play through unless you really hardcore dive into the game), go for JP.
- If you want a less bulky and more manageable release that you can approach at the pace you want, go for EN.
If you bother giving them the "Secret Past" trait in creation, do all personalities have the same backstory, or is it unique per maid?
If you get the maid through scout mode, I think they draw from the same dark past pool. I think there are three or four variations that are randomized.
If you get the maid through hiring interviews, the pasts are unique per personality and they have multiple variations depending on stats and prior sexual experience established during creation.

thanks! I think I will go for the EN ver then
Hi, does any one have a light weight vanilla repack? I remember, that was a thing half a year ago. I skimped through the op links, but couldn't find anything resembling it
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The Keijo mode is getting an update with Meido Personality vs. Meido Personality rivalries now. It's no longer just your meido and an NPC maid trying to kill each other. Updated with new animations unique to each personality like victory/defeat animations and special moves

Also, we get a full blown shounen battle tournament arc now. If you win, you get to enjoy a special night of debauchery with your meido of choice. And holy shit Emma is included as one of the rewards you can have your way with.
If your meido loses in the tournament though...
I have low hopes but does anyone here have Elysia's mods?
I think he just closed down his discord.
Anyone play Nightpool SP Extreme yet? Is it any good?
I hope the custom scenario maker can be shared.
Hopefully that will generate enough content until CRC3D.
bump for bg port
can someone share Elysia's mod?
Just got the ultimate 2023 edition after leaving the game for three years and it seems Maid fiddler is not working and haven’t got an update for years
Anyway to get max stats hack? Would appreciate a full save file
I use Fiddler like a month ago and it works fine. Though I only change the NTR block to permanent.
The latest CMI releases already has a built-in cheat system for tweaking maid stats.

The actual Cheat Engine program also works perfectly fine for COM3D2.
Can you check which version comd3d2 your on and fiddler update
Last time I checked fiddler stopped at 1.6 something and com3d2 is on 2.0’s now and they need both to be on same update
Or I’ll just check CMI thanks
You should be using CMI regardless anyway.
Im new to this game and pretty lost in regards some things. How do I get my maids to actively engage with customers? Im on day 103 with upgraded luxury rooms, married, my maids all have high yotogi stats, already tried playing life mode but only event that triggers is the S&M green guy blowjob, a blowjob in the theater with master and a handjob with master in the hotel nothing else. I also hate NTR turned on. So what am I missing?
>I also have NTR turned on
Found it, here is a ~11gb version, if anyone wants it
Koikatsu won because this community fucking sucks
Nah, COM3D2 wins by default by nature of being an actual fucking game with content instead of being a glorified MMD dollhouse that only autists and patreon scammers use.
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Anyone happen to have the Custom Order Maid Vocal Collection? The one with Luminous Moment.
If you're just looking for the full songs themselves, then I'm pretty sure you can find them on youtube.
If you're looking for CD rips in some autist audiofag file format for archiving purposes though, then I don't think there are links around. At least not anymore.

I do think I have rips of the CD booklets around here somewhere though, so if you want those just say so.
Nah, I was just looking for mp3. Seems like a few of the songs are on YT but not the whole CD.

The booklets would be neat, though.
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Shut the fuck up and go beg for cards over there you cock sucking nigger, nobody will miss you.
Post meidos.
she looks like she fucks black guys. is this true?
Here you go, the CD booklets.
bump for entrance hall com3d2 bg port

bump for Elysia mods

else we will switch to Koikatsu

this is a threat
Hello fellow maid lovers.
Recently my game broke, but I thought that I would be okay because I backed up my save, presets and thumb folders before the update broke my game.
Unfortunately, now that I got my game working again, I've noticed that a couple of my maids are missing and some have different outfits on now. I assume that this is because of dlc I'm missing.
Have any of you guys encountered this problem before? Once you found the dlc's that you were missing, did your save go back to normal?
It's bugging me that I may have permanently lost some of my girls
Yes. The game flips out and either subs in other clothing, no clothing at all or puts in some unholy untextured mess when a save/preset asks for assets that doesn't currently exist in the game files. You're most likely missing some DLC or mods in that old install you had. If you somehow put in the missing DLC or mods back, then the presets should work just fine again.

There's also the possibility of a corrupted install or version fuckups if you updated the game or installed a newer version of the game when you reinstalled. And that's actually a recent problem. In the JP version of the game, the recent 2.39.x/3.39.x series of updates had a problem where it deleted some existing DLC if it were in your files. I /think/ it's been fixed with the latest update patch since then, but if you updated within the past week or so, you may have been hit with this issue.

But really, I wouldn't fret too much about clothing. They're the easy part. It's the body, face, colors and shapekeys that are the pain in the ass to get right again if you fuck something up. You're most likely gonna be dressing up your meidos in all sorts of outfits anyway.
Thanks. You were right.
Once I found the dlc I was missing my girls went back to normal.
Doesn't look like I lost anything.
Which is pretty nice considering how many years I've been playing this game now.
Why are maids so quick to drop their boyfriends and jump on my dick?
which maids?
Hello, anyone kind enough to share this dlc?

COM3D2 Nightpool SP Extreme
Thanks in advance
no, go found the game if you like it
well given that i am nice, here you go folks


Have fun
you are welcome
thanks for the dolphin
But I made my Secretary Maid personality a lolibaba. What now smartass.
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-- [S-Court CR Shop] [Empire Pet Catalog] [First Issue]: https://mega.nz/file/lpsGxSBC#kGYb7QhTLjiAnTbttM6d7Rf8oc1N7vMRNG6x4cIPEeU
-- [S-Court CR Shop] [Uncle Ai Hanging Scroll]: https://mega.nz/file/Ms92GZCK#ynEw32E668DGoddkmWums0FeU7td9qNsMHSQEQ4Z2JY
-- [S-Court CR Shop] [Uncle Ai Mat]: https://mega.nz/file/ts0CjTQC#q21ymnERhAJCoSDAl7tpaSIaov_SOg00kh1VIeaHWfU
-- [S-Court CR Shop] [Uncle Ai Coaster]: https://mega.nz/file/R0lnGarT#hjCBxOEcxNbj4deGO0oypnHMeRrHVbBisTjr9A4lriA
-- [S-Court CR Shop] [Uncle Ai Portrait]: https://mega.nz/file/Fo1iHLIL#pNPxaIGcGSHJ0KXyu6dkZSA6gPM7ZXGmgj9LuoD-_N0
-- [S-Court CR Shop] [Uncle Ai Bromide]: https://mega.nz/file/FpEFACgR#Dt3UUkoKAHTxUm6Dwe-t1IGzLkv2ARaBgdKNEshul3Q

-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Karaoke Pack SP] [Medley Karaoke]: https://mega.nz/file/BoMnhYwR#lT53qALwvDHcmyMC7ZpinM7SU9ZhWC6asSain4EIpr0

-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Night Pool SP Extreme]: https://mega.nz/file/4l11GAzR#zXN4-sz-mQauFM4q-DkJynVw58Ah9V3pNi0XZp4GdOo
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...forgive me for i have sinned
Anyone knows how to fix this problem with KCES? It seems like a directory path name problem (\ and /) but I'm not sure, don't know how to fix it either.

import .brd file not existed. -> D:/CUSTOM MAID/COM3D2_5\.__EDITWORK__\c8e58cfe-955a-4c22-85f7-8e3f2eb77756\gp03_export_c8e58cfe-955a-4c22-85f7-8e3f2eb77756.brd
Can't really help you with KCES/2.5 related stuff.

Try the discord link in the OP.
>B-But muh zoomer discord and botnet I don't want to make an account
Just use a burner email for fuck's sake. Literally most of the big modder/plugin devs hang out in that place with a bunch of other bored nerds that tinker with the game. You'd most likely get a better answer with far faster response time for tech support there.
As much as I love this game, the modding and sharing stuff/presets really sucks I do a lot of modding for Skyrim and the idea that I would lock shit behind a password or not provide presets for some of the characters for others to enjoy is alien to me. At this point multiple other mods were build upon what i did created and then other people used the other people stuff to build more it is one of the main reason why Skyrim modding is so awesome and still so popular. Here i need to rry really hard to download some mods and Presets are shared far and betwen.
Most of the actual big COM3D2 modders/plugin devs keep a pretty open repository of their work with past versions easily accessible. So if you want the really good stuff/massively used ones, there's no problem.

The problem is the more quiet and obscure modders who make maybe one or two piece of fetish clothing or recreate FotM characters. Somehow, they're the turbo autists that lock everything behind limited access/passworld blocked nonsense.
a lot of jp and kr mods for skyrim were pretty much the same as they are here, locked behind weird shit or region locked in boards that require living in korea, japan and stuff like that. it's a cultural thing and it happened always.
if your complain is that they are retarded, yes, they are.
COM3D2 modding is great and easy if you want to create OC meidos. Modders that just go around creating body, clothing and hair mods are generally the cool ones that don't really create bullshit hoops to get to their stuff. All the retardation seem to be mostly concentrated on character recreation mods.
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-- [COM3D2xCRES Shop] [Costume Set] [Vol.62]: https://mega.nz/file/NtE2AapI#M99L5Brq2AfFLLeLx6A0FiA3_ZJznOb0P4SkONXN04k
-- [COM3D2 Shop] [GP02 Compatibility Pack] [Shukujo]: https://mega.nz/file/Mx8jAaQK#OPTdzQ0zl_kgtHgfhL_vUmGh-L9bG6HlYeKtqlCtEKo
Please try using opacity to better blend in the hairs.
thanks for uploading the DLCs
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That's extremely retarded
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Coupling Pack] [Oneechan x Imouto] [Harem & Yuri SP]: https://mega.nz/file/goFHGR7a#O2jyt6XwA3xlM9w2GZpDo-nyU1Xp6UtscF4htwBLwMQ
Is there a way to see how the initial stats affect the starting interview, especially the sex related stats and features?
Interview dialogue has variations unique per personality based on each non lewd stats at specific thresholds, Bust Size (Small/Modest/AWOOOGA). Virginity status (Complete Virgin/Only Vaginal/ Only Anal/Both used) and lewd stats.
Don't quote me on the specific numerical thresholds but I think the general ballpark is:
The maid gets additional dialogue for each non-lewd stat at levels of (300/750/1500).

Her sexual history will have variations depending on the combination of virginity status and lewd stats.
I'm not sure about the specific numerical thresholds of the lewd stats, but one way to find out if you hit a threshold is by looking at her automatically generated biography which changes on the fly as you allocate lewd stats. You know the parts that go:
>She is completely pure and has no experience....
>She has had anal sex but is still innocent...
>She has experience with multiple men with her ass...
>Yoooo this girl is a fucking manic buttslut nigga....
And so on.

If I had to place thresholds on the lewd stats that makes dialogue changes, I think it's around a (<300/500/1000/2000+) distinction, but don't quote me on that.
Yeah, I know that but I'm just curious to see how they change without having to make a million maids. Which personality say they had boyfriends before, which ones admit that they were a gangbang slut, and which are shy and deny everything.
>Which personality say they had boyfriends before
That'd be most personalities really if they're non-virgins and had a half-decent amount of lewd stats. The general rule of thumb is

Virgin in both holes:
Pure maiden regardless of lewd stats

Non-Virgin in one hole:
If low lewd stats: Victim of some flavour of coercion or assault
If moderate lewd stats: Had at least been in one consummated relationship before
If high lewd stats: Had multiple flings before

Non-Virgin in both holes
If low lewd stats: Some kind of messed up past or trauma
If moderate to high lewd stats: Promiscuity and Sluttery of varying levels of consent

Openness towards talking about their pasts, whether their past relationships were amicable or if they were just going through the motions because you were just expected to be in a relationship, who coerced/assaulted them, or what were the circumstances of them losing their anal virginity while still remaining a regular virgin varies per personality.
There's probably some autist out there that compiled all the possible past circumstances of each personality. But he's not here. Finding out for yourself is part of the fun of the game's robust character creation system anyway.
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I just got a new SSD and I want to move my Custom Order Maid 2 onto the new drive. Is it possible to just Cut & Paste to a new hard drive? or do I have to install everything again?
that should work.
make sure to use the .bat that checks the install directory
Ok it works. Thanks!
nta but I freshly downloaded it but can't get it to run. Guess I've got brain damage
Downloaded, used the .bat, crashes on startup on japanese locale. Alas
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Can someone help these guys before we lose any more people to Koikatsu?
Koikatsu is immediately troonslop because it has no proper animations for kissing
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-- [COM3D2 Shop] [Yotogi Class Skills SP] [+&ACT3 Revival]: https://mega.nz/file/QW8yFYJQ#FbbjuEk9f-mGI9Qye266HP92KIn-H6UsCoT2kGw20N8
Thank you homie

thanks man

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