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Thirty-eighth edition

Previous Thread: >>8167744

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

Take all discussion of VNs to >>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
Take all discussion of non Japanese games to >>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
Take all discussion of 3D games to >>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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Are there any other games like RJ01144692 where a strong female character gets NTRed by someone way weaker?
gimme your gifs and webms
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What are you playing?
What are the best NTRkino of the year?
The best NTR is when NTR enjoyers get cucked out of life.
>Seething about NTR in 2024
It's not even about crying myself to sleep because some fictional bitch is getting fucked by someone that isn't me (the player). It's about NTR not being hot. I don't get a boner when I imagine not getting to fuck, and anyone who does has to have a mental illness that extends beyond mere autism
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still getting through winter memories
starting to miss short games
I'm just finishing up summer memories coincidentally and ironically am missing longer games. I know somebody said they didn't like how games like BlackSouls had way more rpg than porn and another or the same person said they felt like blacksouls felt unerotic to them which I understand given the atmosphere. (Dodo makes me diamond though) Anyway in my case I missed the sense of exploration and variety of things to do. Not that a game like summer memories lacked that. I actually enjoyed the minigames and time management stuff. Mostly just frustrated with the control scheme involving the mouse. Might pickup Dohn Dohna or something like Sequel next maybe even MGQ if I'm feeling extra.
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Anyone played Syahata's bad day? I unlocked the gallery but the end scene vids don't seem to play, it just shows pic related. Is it because I'm playing on Linux or something?
I know that this is really vague, but does anyone know the name of that RPGmaker game where the female protagonist is actually a fertility something or other?
they work fine for me on windows. Only issue is that the looping isn't seamless and the screen flashes black for a split second when it loops
I was JUST doing some image editing for that game lmao. Anyway, it works fine for me on windows as well. If you're really wanting to view the ending vids, just open up the game directory and extract/view them manually.
Use Asset Studio or any unreal engine ripper.
For me, if it's feMC I don't insert as anyone, but more enjoy the corruption process. Or if it's a few particular niches I'll insert as NTRman to steal the girl.
>I was JUST doing some image editing
Oh, what kind of edits anon?
Vitamin Quest
or Hazumi and the Pregnation
or search the bin for femc+preg tags
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anyone got recs for hidden/mystery ntr ge? anything with a male POV, preferably unable to see sex directly (mostly). so far i've liked these the best:
>RaiOhGar and Solgante
>Boy Hero Ken
>A Gentle Girl and a Short Escape 1-3
>NTRMAN games (yes yes I know)
even better if there's gameplay gimmicks involved. the comms screen in raiohgar is still the hottest shit i've seen. i'll take anything in terms of art quality too. the art in boy hero ken and AGGASE is hilariously bad but somehow the writing makes up for it
How does /hgg2d/ on /h/ feel about people asking for a name of a game? For some reason /vg/ /hgg2d/ hates it.
>Erm how dare you ask a group who is very knowledgeable about something to share their knowledge thats very bad! Why? Uhh... because it just is okay?
sheer autism
>"how do we feel about X's game?"
>"Play Y's game."
>"sex with Z"
>who the fuck is XYZ
>"lurk more newfag"
>Uhh... because it just is okay?
Because actually lurk more and read the damn threads.
if the title or code is in the filename or image, i have the right to forcibly enter us into a haptic suit safety-off duel to the death over the internet, loser gets probed by aliens
i'm also convinced troll-bait-bite posts, when not funposts, are samefags trying to bump the thread at cost of shitting up the thread
Nebel Geisterjager. In-depth mechanics, but very grindy and chance-dependent.
You have a cardiograph that tell if the girl is either fighting or being molested or cheating; which can be upgraded so you can see X-ray and stats.
Its incredible to see the cum xray while she's doing her everyday activities.
Changing underwear types depending to submission level when work clothing is damaged in fight can be seen.
To see her being molested by day you have to install cameras everywhere, and the recording can be sold for money (special NTS ending if you made bank out of this). By night its chance encounters, with recollection inside dreams.
You can fuck her too, but depending on her submission to the bull and your dick size the scene can be different (e.g. lewd as fuck and vaguely seen having nipple piercing under her dress)
Yes, dick size can be customized. Bigger dick than the bull can make the girl lose submission when you fuck her. In NTR route if you got a bigger dick but never fucked her she can express her dissappointment that everyone else plowing her wins due to technique. The bull can get frustrated and try doing more violent sex.
Small dick is straight up common dissapointment and humiliation
Romance event triggers can be hilarious (e.g. kiss: 300pt relationship + no semen left on her mouth, must went down to her stomach already)
If the name can be easily found within the filename or found easily within the context of a conversation, I just don't answer because it forces the blind newcomer to follow the reply chain or read.
Past that, I just answer without saying any dumb shit, if I have the answer
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Yarimon Master (Pokemon-like but you can rape the trainers)
Demons roots is way better than I was expecting. Found a AI translated version of Kings exit to play and I'm thinking of playing Demons roots a second time again.
I didn't think rpgmaker slop could actually be decent but guess I'm wrong.

What other rpgmaker games are on the same level?
none, that was the peak anon, its all down hill from there
In my opinion, Demons Roots is awful. It's generic RPGmaker slop, but pretentious.
It has a surprising amount of positive reviews on DLsite and steam.
I initially pirated it to fap but ended up not fapping and then I bought the game on steam.

What game is to your preference then?
Black souls 2, but play the first one first (obviously).
Sequel games, Black Souls games, Taima Miko Yuugi, Three Charms games, Mercenary’s Adventure
I heard a lot of praise for it and played through it, but I didn't really enjoy it.
It was boring is what it was. It was boring. It was all over the place. And there simple just wasn't enough actual hentai. I hate when porn games get it into their heads that they think they're making the next big RPG adventure.
Bros why aren't there any escapism games like Teaching Feeling except just, more? Like something you boot up when you get home tired from work, with tons of content and replay value so you never get bored of your waifu. Why is there not a single game like this?
Games with casual nudity that aren't NTR, corruption, bad ends for nudity, etc.?
Play Liz
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Please recommend a Steam game to be my 4000th game.
Looks interesting. Which version is the best one?
Isn't that monochrome imouto (or whatever it's been localized as, from the dev of Sister Travel) game basically just that?
If you aren't into simulation games, there's Natsu no Sagashimono which I heard hits right into feels by the end.
Summer countryside games are usually pretty chill, check out Poluluka (Ctrl+F in the bin) and other games from that circle.
Runaway Girl?
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How would an AI-driven remake of the 90s "Nocturnal Illusion" be received? With love or hate?
Well first they need to use an actually good model/LoRA.
If they did, would you be in favor?
You are missing the video codecs. Try the Glorious Eggroll version of proton it has more codecs and might work.
The girl only fucks one guy in that game, right?
Correct in only one ntr bull/cuckoo. False in that the player/mc can fuck her, plus in prostitution scenarios she fucks multiple unnamed characters
the art isn't good enough
Which places are worth checking regularly other than F95 or ci-en dlsite for regular updates/releases and search for specific preferences like futa content
/vg/ is genuinely a shithole but if it is like what >>8259118 says than they deserve to be ignored.
Its feed a man a fish vs teach a man to fish mentality
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There should be normal tit size 2hu games.
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I agree
if you're going to draw an existing character it should always be on model
i wish i could cum enough to fill a cup, or dog bowl
games with good gokkun scenes?
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Let's see if this game is any good.
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The animations and the gameplay systems were pretty underwhelming. 10/10 because of picrel.
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/h/'s football team is playing again this weekend in the Autumn Qualifiers.
We played on Friday beating /xs/ 5-1 to put us in the box seat for qualification,

Here is a link to the match against /xs/
https://youtu.be/N-I6YlAoyLM?t=1220 [Embed]

Stream link and additional info can be found here

We are also running a team roster poll to update the team for next year.

Nanako used to be on the team, representing 2D hentai rpgs (mainly rpgmaker stuff), but she fucked up badly in a game so was replaced by Grimm from Black Souls. Grimm has been a much better player and even scored yesterday at https://youtu.be/N-I6YlAoyLM?t=2108.
Do you guys want a different representative on the team? Demon Roots is pretty new and was good fun but in my opinion is too yuri to be on the team.
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What happened to this game by Ishikei is it ever coming out? Chiekone ~Chie-chan Connect~
Mostly completed Sakura Gozen (?) after eventually settling for a basic translation and feel both excited for the english, potentially uncensored release on steam but also kind of unsettled by the ouma ending which I got
expected more uncut and futa content with how many girls there are around
can see myself checking it out again once it's released for the western audience

be aware, it has some graphic stuff as well
I'm looking for Pokemon but with porn. What do we have? Hopefully something fleshed out.
It should be Nanako because Violated Heroine has historical importance..
Yarimon is pretty good new one. But you mostly fuck trainers.
Pocket Girl Hunter, but all mons are just girls in costumes.
Palworld probably has some porn mods…
Thanks, I'll check those all out. I'll look into palworld mods. I remember playing the Touhou pokemon clone for a good 100 hours, hoping to get at least 50 out of a porn version.
You guys got any recs for stuff that's exclusively/mostly mouse controlled?
Ctrl+F laplace in the bin
Games by BouSoft (not in the bin)
Pretty much anything tagged with "Touch" on DLsite
And the best of all, visual novels.
Most MV/MZ games
I crave games like NTRPG 2 but they are either non-translated, bad or non-existent. Only that weg from ntai with shitty writing is popular and thriving. Not fair. Currently I wait " Her Fall in the Last Days" full release, I hope it will turn out fine, demo was ok.
any trainers games where (You) are being trained instead of the trainer?
someone recommended me EraTohoReverse but I'm not autistic enough for that
I am talking about the oldschool akabur games but reverse, not general fem-corruption games that still get made a lot.
Long Live the Queen
Cute Knight
from the screenshots I looked at that, that's what I mean thanks. gonna try long live the queen now
Male MC is also fine and more pornographic content is appreciated because these don't have any porn in them? that's mainly why I'm playing them
Almost finished with milkyquest 2. Really enjoyed the combat system.
I don’t trust Nanako anymore

It’s tangential but maybe something like Naked Order might be up your alley. There are a lot of games in that sort of genre.
Gears Freak RJ156965

>Male MC
No idea (I wish I had), but I'm currently playing AIslop #12256342361
and it "trains" MC in the sense that 100%ing affection of any party member lets you change your main class or sub-class into theirs. I had no idea I wanted this so much, being rewarded with something actually fucking useful that still kind of makes sense storywise.
Reminds me of RJ200470 Devil Seed where you get STDs from fucking female enemies, then fuck your party members and transmit skills to them. Or make your party members fuck male enemies and get their STDs yourself. STDs being skills in this game. Btw none of skills from male enemies are important and you can get by with skills from female enemies only, so you can keep your harem exclusively to yourself if you are not a subhuman cuck.
Just got done. Last fight was a challenge.

Are there any more games where combat solely revolves around fucking your opponent into submission? I thought the abilities were very flavorful, and the H elements were decent
Ricoche ~A Weak JK's Climactic Battle with Orcs
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any memory puzzle games like this?
What's this?
Any game with father-daughter action?
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I only have oyakodon
So, corruption and tf games...recs?
Does anyone have download links for Alonsfactory Futanari Dragon Quest series? All of the old links in the archive are dead.
If you have any other futasub games, then that would also be appreciated.
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>AIslop #12256342361
Having just finished that AIslop (it was playable but not fappable) I decided to check previous AIslop #12256342360 aka ダンジョンタイムリーパー aka RJ01254818 and I'm amazed at how did the dev manage to make a game that caters to absolutely no one. The gameplay is so bad that the dev hardcoded it on autobattle for everyone but MC (who can autobattle too), so gameplayfags can move on. The H-scenes you get exactly 1 per dungeon run and you can't repeat dungeons. The sex exclusively consists of MC whoring out his companions who don't give a fuck about each other. This alienates vanillafags, cucks and everyone in between. What remains is art which isn't even art to begin with, just uninspired AI slop. There's no story or writing worth reading either. The whole shit is the definition of soulless. When we eventually get to the point of AI making porn games wholesale, whatever it will shit out will be exactly like this.
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>games made in 2020 are now considered "old" games
This isn't right
Which games in your opinion have best sound design regarding moans, squelches and etc.?
what game?
Definitely from visual novel (or normal H game) since professional sound engineer for video game is a thing and some of them can be contracted for hentai game.
Beyond that, there's also professional seiyuu who could be pretty expensive and is beyond the budget of doujin game.
>Emma The Alchemist's Debt Story

Anyone got the patch? The IPFS link ain't working and I cant read runs, but I can see an ENG file
>RJ01026771 - Manuella patch
There are not many besides the ones in the list... there are some in DLsite but, you might have to try your luck begging on anime-sharing or some other place
>Found a new pixiv artist I liked
>they just announced they're starting to develop a game, which means basically no new content for a few years

Seriously, why do so many artists try to get into the 2d H-game scene?
Is it that one demon loli artist that announced he was going to make a VN or was it someone else?
Games are usually more profitable.
FMC games with male POV CG?
There was a game I played a while back that was fun, but I forgot the name of.
You play as a sister, go to a family farm, you find tapes with some green haired girl that does beast porn or something, and the town is some sort of cult filled with sex havers. It's driving me insane trying to remember the name of the damn thing.
That's the best one because after that it's just sex
>Play this game
>Too much work, not enough time to fap
I think I can't tolerate h-game with too much involvement with my hand. I need it to shake my dick instead
You mean you were too busy trying to maximise profits and couldn't focus on jacking off or that the game has weird BF mechanics that require both hands?
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>was just rescued from being brainwashed into bad guy mook by super duper strongest mahou shoujo
>came up with plan to infiltrate bad guy (you) base to steal something
>part of the plan involved getting brainwashed to disguise as the mook
I'm sure this is going to go well.
Vitamin Plus
any recommended management games? I like to just lay back and see the lewd machine at work. I remember a brothel management one a while back that was p good (bifrost?)
any good futa games released recently?
>You mean you were too busy trying to maximise profits and couldn't focus on jacking off
This one. I dislike playing inefficiently.
This is why I hate game that encourage defeat to unlock h-scenes.
Just let me unlock the h-scenes without playing poorly.
>found good looking sidescroooler
>good art
>game ruined by ntr, necrophilia, zoophilia and sometimes all of it
why devs are like this?
i liked sex hex game, but those gems are VERY rare
Gemu Name?
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>I like to just lay back and see the lewd machine at work.
I'm exactly the opposite. If the game's universe doesn't revolve around Me The Great winning everything and owning everyone (big titty enemies in particular), I don't give a shit about it.
That said, RJ01001193 comes to mind. Everyone else lives the life while you're keeping them fit as a mayor of the town who can't do shit himself because you're a shota (with a dick, so not completely worthless for the female adventurers).
>revolve around Me The Great winning everything and owning everyone (big titty enemies in particular)
Games that do this?
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Megrim's last 2 games: Love Love My Buddy X RJ269568 and YariNari
Niramare Quest kind of
Pic related RJ01154724
[オフタウン工房] 転生男のNPC姦 ~絶頂以外は無反応~ RJ01124223
to name a few
F95 has English patches and/or prepatched games, maybe except for the last one. Someone should put them in the bin for the wholesomeness and convenience. Cuckshit, if present, is disabled by default (LLMB) or the netori type (last two)
Why is the ballon clicker contest thing so buggy? It keeps freezing the game and forcing me to close and reopen the game.
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Games where this happens?
thug hero party
I don't recall any fatal bugs and my saves are from v1.4. The game is currently at v1.6 and at least v1.5 is piratable, update if you have an older version. I played in JP locale and Unity games by JP devs - especially as incompetent as H-game doujin devs - tend to have bugs in non-JP locales.
If you're running AutoTranslator or other mods, disable them temporarily to see if this changes anything.
TL;DR worked on my machine as far as I remember
Obviously not Boku no THPico in case you're new
project sena
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So... Anyone got the new Rune Factory yet?
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>ooh timestop
>oh ryona and guro
any recs for games like Summer Clover where you have control while fucking big ass chicks instead of a CG
Anyone happen to remember a typical pixel art hentai game, where one of the monsters was a pear shaped alien that took the girl character inside its stomach and used tentacles? Cannot seem to find it anywhere.
Echidna Wars. It's in the bin.
Not in the usual places (yet), but other decently looking male MC games are out: RJ01146733 and RJ01248810
which board is the karryn board
trying to play violated princess.

get a loading error, failed to load: img/titles1/ and then its a japanese png.

How do i fix?
1) You don't have Jap system locale
2) Your unpacker didn't currently handle the Japanese filenames
Mostly likely the first one
can anyone recommend any good incestge (preferably brother-sister) that aren't summer/winter memories
What's the name of the one were the MC starts a correction program and captures 3 villainesses to turn them into heroes but instead turns them into cocksleeves
Selenoxia's trial on 11/15 (hopefully).
where are the hentai games with actual good and fun gameplay?

don't get me wrong I like me some groping simulation game but where are the games where the stuff inbetween scenes are actually enjoyable?

I got
>Holy Knight Ricca RJ363824
I know it's 3D shoot me, still the best Hgame gameplay so far
>Nightfall Princess RJ01183715
simple but addicting
>Bugs and Wizards RJ01195085
the porn did nothing for me but the puzzles were chill
>AI-Deal-Rays RJ406835
and that's pretty much it

games that are almost there but not quite
>JSK games where you fight the girl
>millions of side scrolling beat-em-up games that just feel clunky and basic

Again where are the Hgames with GOOD and FUN gameplay?
Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress RG43577
Any recommendations for games that break the 4th wall, where the characters are talking directly to the player on the other side of the screen? Bonus points if translated.
There's Marionette Fantasy (RJ088200). It's about a girl who gets stuck in a video game and (You) have to control her to get her out. There's a fan translation in the bin.
Anyone have the name of this game?
Isn't that the plot of How I Met Your Mother?
Succubus Affection
Ayura Crisis
Eris Dysnomia
Setalia the Demon Realm
Seal of Lutellaria
Blazing Aries
Pretty much but the game has a loli atleast
I recently finished translating Holy Hand Device(RJ01250461) and Alraune's Dungeon(RJ01127379) in the Fap Hero thread. They're more "masturbation support" than normal games, but they break the 4th wall semi-frequently to address you.
Anime-sharing as of right now
>[241027][Breeze] 魔族の王は討伐されたけど、世界はまだ平和じゃない(Ver24.10.29) [RJ01281256]
This looks better than the Yu-No comparisons.. But AI will be too inconsistent with the character designs, it will be hard to get all the shots to look like its a consistent art style and not different from shot to shot.
not brother-sister but SUMMER/WINTER~Life in the Countryside~
Where are the mods for violated princess again?
Can't fucking remember.
What the FUCK is the name of that old sim brothel game?
Had elves and demons and shit like that where it was a management sim and you had to mouse over to collect coins, had sprite graphics I think.
It's not the 3D one.
I could have sworn it was fucking called sim brothel but google search is AIDS.
I’ve been playing the TL for Vitamin Quest 2. Is there any sort of surrender button? I wanna see the defeat cutscenes but actually losing to the enemies takes like 30 minutes because your party’s starting health pool is utterly massive.
Also I feel like there’s no indication of which character will move first in a given turn, which is really annoying.
in the author`s ci-en page you can find most of them
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This one?
Anyone got the update for RJ01199958?
>AI will be too inconsistent with the character designs
For now, yes. But that won't be for too long.
the h is a bit lacking though
Women's Prison?
Hentai-sharing claims they've got "Ver24.10.02" whatever it means
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You can find a download link in fag95.
uploaded just after I asked, nice
looking for orc-based games, ideally featuring human females and themes of impregnation. entirely new to these games so apologies for the hand-holding
That link if it's a mega link is dead.
Trying to look it up under the title My Slave Brothel finds nothing on my search engine.
Violated princess is a good recent one, even has a mod that expands on the orc content
You should find a save that is past the excruciatingly long prologue though, it's also femmc and loli focused if that's a dealbreaker
Goblin Conqueror
If that one doesn't work get the JP version from a-s.
Does anyone know if the creators of Night of Revenge are working on a new game?
Morning After of Retribution
what are some must play hentai games?, finished a uni semester so kinda have a shit ton of free time. any genre is fine
Karryn's Prison
Fumika Fantasy
Naedoko Daemon's Ground
Anyone willing to pay for AI slop needs to be lined up and brained with a particularly blunt rock
What was that one rpg maker game where you're all nude in school and you have to rape boys in rpg turn based battles or something like that
If you have a lot of free time you should play rance series.
I love that in like a week she can go from a prude to drinking pints of cum like a thirsty whore, very much feels like a condensed experince of watching a good girl get into porn and become a raging cock slut.
anymore games like
This is the only thread where I can ask cause it doesn't belong anywhere else since it actually is japanese and its not a VN. Also the other thread on vg is also 2D hentai...
What is its name? I can't even find it anywhere.
I think the RJ code is wrong.
Ruins of another world ~Sacrifice of lewd darkness~

idk that was what was at the end of the link.
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Dacryon and Dacryon Runa
They got Murakami Teruaki's adaptation this year
RJ282703? I don't think it's rape though
Newfag here, can I get some recommendations on oral-focused (BJ, deepthroat, etc) hentai games?
super deepthroat
I've played that one so much, it's still my go-to, that goodness for modding.
Has any game even come near to Flower Charm Sequel's level of quality for rape/torture games? I haven't been able to find anything that scratches the itch as perfectly as it does.
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Anyone able to recommend any good isekai RPG where you get to make choices for your character? I'm playing through The Last Sovereign now (not an Isekai I know) and I just wish I could actually make some choices for corruption/pure paths.
Not technically an isekai, but Life is Paradise RJ094661 (avoid the remake). You get to make choices for your island.
Fall in Labyrinth is even less of an isekai, but you have two slaves you get to make choices about. Nothing bad though (you could abuse your slave in Gate of Windnest but the dev got rid of it in FIL).
Black Souls is where the girls are (not) fucked.
>Life is Paradise
Speaking of which, its dev has just released another cringekino ドラマチックRPG RJ01281685
No links in the usual places yet, though.
Whats the mod called?
who's got a list of all the best virgin buttslut ge?
Is it possible to buy from Digiket overseas? I dunno if it has a points system like Dlsite
Is the /weg/ board just gone? It's been a while that I didn't realise. I was just about to look for a game but I don't remember what it's called and don't know where to look now.
It was a pixel western game set in hell I think. You played as a girl who had to work off debt, maybe? I remember there was a bunch of jobs like looking after zombies on a farm, guard duty at a castle and going to dinner with a giant frog man who fucked you afterwards.
/weg/ was never a board. Ask there >>>/aco/weg
any chance for the last 2 leaf geometry games to be added to ipfs, "SEQUEL thirst" and "INNOCENT RULES"?
The raws? Create a torrent and post it in the git. Otherwise you will have to wait until these have been translated.
i have no idea how any of that works but yes i mean translation. INNOCENT RULES has been out for almost 1 1/2 year at this point
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It says "Partial WIP " in f95.
why so slow just use ai to finish in 1 sec
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Innocent Rules’s translation is still unfinished, half the h-scenes still have to be translated. At least it seems it should be done in early 2025.
Sequel thirst isn’t even translated yet, the f95 thread says 171/345 so I’ll assume it’s halfway done. Or maybe a third of the way done. I don’t know if that number includes all the h-scenes, and we all know how wordy they can be.
Soo Cubus
There was a sequel in the works, but the dev got a job working on a non-porn game and disappeared a few years back.
Actually it might have been Simply Mindy, a different game by the same dev set in the same universe.
The game has a nice voyeur mechanic, but they missed the fact that half of what makes ntr good is the corruption. She just stayed defiant other than 1-2 scenes where she's a bit more willing.
>will be too inconsistent
It won't, just train a LoRA, maybe use controlnet and learn how to prompt.
Especially for basic looking girls like the picture that was posted.
If it's too inconsistent, then you have skill issue.
Anyone got the latest codes for Goblinman's Rinko Kageyama Endless Summer mod? The 5.6 version
Thanks, looks interesting, I'll look into that one.
I tried Alraunes Dungeon actually, and the 4th wall breaks in that one got me wanting more. I ought to play through Holy Hand Device too. I'm fine with "masturbation support" type games as well as normal games, both are good to me. Thanks for your work translating those two already.
yeah it's simply mindy, the artist is sexums.
I could recommend like half of the cohabitation genre (the other half is runaways) but in particular, RJ01123559 is good and RJ338582 is legendary.
What are some good preg games? Bored and looking for something good.
Hazumi and the pregnation.
Without spoiling how do you get the cosplay items?
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Smug cunt
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Any similar games to Touch The Girl?

Simple, straight to the point, no deep story or gameplay, just groping and fucking with some light BDSM. Stuck in wall, sleeping or timestop is good too
what game has paizuri gameplay more advanced than meet n fuck
>Touch The Girl
Ah, good times.
>just finished Alien Quest Eve
Not sure if this is the correct board for it, but game was very fun
is VQ2 finished yet?
How does one support this dev, if I live in a cucked country away from jap?
Don't, the devs still havent figured out long term gameplay, a save file can brick easily still

But personally I would pick rocket league and only play rumble mode as a 4000th
Any games that have a strong emphasis on the protagonist being forced/ coerced to give blowjobs and swallow cum, particularly if it has mechanics of actually sucking from the perspective of the protagonist? For example needing to breathe and swallow at the right times to be able to swallow all, or the player controlling how well they are sucking in an immersive way? Basically reverse POV would be good but I know it is rare.
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Mahou Shoujo should stop being so sexy if they don't want to get raped all the time.
As long as it's not shit, I literally don't care if it was made by a human, ai, or a dog.
The one on the right is very generic.
The one on the left isn't?
>Mahou Shoujo
>dresses like she is an android
This kills the roboge player :(
Anything like the CircleGyu games?
I love them all. It's got pretty much everything i want in a game
... that's really specific. Ask /d/.
Just reverse image search it, it came up with some weg
I commend you for your specific tastes
this was awesome. i wish it was a bit more polished and a bit longer, does anyone know more like this? looking especially for the avoiding girls and then being captured thing, the horror atmosphere, and the 3d graphics / first person perspective.
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It's Up.

I don't know if it'll be as good as the previous one, spreading the focus around multiple enemy types instead of only Goblins loses the theme a bit, but Goblin Conquista was pure SOVL, so I'll at least give this a chance.
any games similar to renalith saga? simple rpg, decent amount of cgs and plot, i dont mind the heavier stuff either
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Yandex and SauceNao ain't comin up with shit, got a sauce for that one?
I often find myself playing wegs because they're never too complicated and often center around one male fucking a huge harem covering many bases. Anything like that in H-games? I usually only find female protagonist, NTR or games about chasing only one specific girl.
Why is this general slower than the /vg/ general?
because people post in it less
Here you go anon
Sure but then why have both?
Artists like Enoshima Iki? I just finished Silly Girl Quest and Obasan saga and he draws the perfect MILFs and voluptuous women
poor guy now his fantia club is also blocked
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I hope Ikis game is better and longer than the previous ones, he hasn't been posting a lot of art so I hope that means hes focusing more on the game which has also taken longer to make than the previous 2 games.
So Dragon Conquista finally came out.
Is a virgin run possible? Is yuri avoidable?
Liked the two event stages wished her mentor had more early game content
Need more level 99 hero loss all their power and becomes a burden and then every woman in his life is corrupted
Yeah, I need more games like Metamorphosis.
I personally just use steam's proton.

Some games require me to use PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% in launch options, but that is it. Very simple.

>open steam
>add a game -> add a non-steam game
>properties -> compatibility -> tick one box
>shortcut launch options paste: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

I do that for 2d games and even 3d games made in e.g. unity
as long its mv/mz, you can play it natively without any issues in 99% of cases.
I do not know/delve deep enough to know what rpgmaker version was used for every game.
Any easy ways to tell?
if it has js files, and a package.json/index.html or whatever file its mv/mz.
The engine icons I guess?
Love from Indians, hate by literally anyone else.
the one on /vg/ is the original/"real" thread
the /h/ thread was originally a shitpost that eventually grew its own legs

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