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Pics out at getchu


Seems more tentacles than anything, but animation looks actually really top tier. To bad its filled with small boobs and tentacles.
I bought all the four shinsei kourin games
I'm excited
Have you played any of them yet?
I'm thinking of specifically getting the one Murakami is going to be adapting now.
Just to get a basic idea of the plot, which usually elevates these adaptations for me.
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>it's filled with small boobs and tentacles.
So it's peak?
But yeah, I have to agree that it's looking pretty good. Hopefully, it's a step up from whatever the fuck the last one we got was.
The sample movie is here
>Impact frames and decent animation on a new Murakami work
We've never been more back
1st Arcana Rouge
2nd Dacryon
3rd Dacryon Runa
4th S-Tran[c]xe

The 3rd one got the anime adaptation.
The Dacryon Runa game consists of both the prequel and sequel of the 2nd one Dacryon.
The stories of 1st and 4th are not related to the other two
Oh, that's cool.
And are the 1st and 4th games connected? Or are they both individual stories?
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I don't need to see any more.
I've already found the best girl.
Honestly, the only hentai that I watch nowadays.
Other studios don't do rough sex like these.
>magic girls
>tentacle rape
>cunny only
Why do the good ones never get translated?
my GF said, on us watching a few of these, "this is how women fantasize, but also fear, getting fucked".
Very true my GF likes it rough just like these hentai but is also terrified lol
I'm more surprised that Murakami drew a mecha
I'd imagine that they fantasize doing rough sex with one man, not with a whole gangbang, that's understandable imo.
I dunno, My GF is very very turned on by the idea of 4+ men beating her face with cocks.
Brings me back to the good days of hardcore hentai.
All the other shit feels vanilla in comparison.
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I feel like if I showed some of these screenshots at someone, they wouldn't guess that it's hentai.
I wonder if the Mecha gets in on it and destroys one of the girls like Priness 69 ep 4 LOL
1st and 4th have different universes but one girl from 1st was conjured up in 4th
Please be good
Aw hell yea, Extremekino might be back.
Anyone got a mega/gofile for all of Murakami's works?
I believe that there was a thread on reddit a long time ago that had the best quality, but i would recommend muchohentai.com
I wish someone could find that thread.
But I second getting them from mucho. It's pretty good.
Either from there or Nyaa (+ MyAnimeList to see the full list of his works.)
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Real hentai is back on the menu, boys!
Can you upload the Pv on other place?
Shitted melonbooks 404's for me.
Hey, does anyone know if any of Murakami's works are uncensored besides Dark Love and Tokubetsu Jugyou or if there's any third-party effort to decensor his works?
Not a fan of Murakami's tentacle stuff, so I'm worried. Nightmare x Deathscythe was very disappointing. Maybe he'll put in some effort because it's tentacle focused, but I've never seen him do it well in any of his previous works.
Here you go
I think some older ones are uncensored, too.
Basically, every hentai of his that has been released outside Japan has an uncensored version out there.
That's how we got SLG and the other ones uncensored.
Sadly not a lot of his works have been released outside Japan. (And by that I mean get dubbed in another language)
In terms of fan decensor edits, I only know of Etchi Atto. He had done a couple scenes, but not entire episodes.
can you find this on dlsite?
I can't. The game is here though
Finally some good fucking food.
I love murakami but I hate tentacles/futanari, truly a shame to skip on this. Will most likely take 3 more months to see the next murakami production after this.
Hoping there will be a few non-tentacle scenes
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There are orcs in the sample movie
3 months? Since when?
It usually takes around 6 months for the next episode.
So, since episode 1 of his new work comes out this December, the next would be around the summer of 2025 or earlier.
His next work will come after that 2nd episode. And that wait is usually longer. For example, the wait between Ep 2 of his previous work till this one was 12 months. (Admittedly, it was longer than usual, though)
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While you are correct, he may also be correct.
Since it will be a year once the new animation releases, Murakami may have already been working on episode 2. Only time will tell.
Even if he's already been working on Ep 2, that would mean that Ep 2 is coming out in the next 3 months, not his next work. Which is what I'm assuming anon said he is waiting for. (Since he said "Next Murakami Production").
Night shift nurses, is uncensored.
so is Princess 69, (before he reached his peak)
Dark Love, uncensored,
SLG uncensored
I really hope more people buy CHAO-R games so that they can make another hardcore kinky cunny games and more of their games would get hentai adaptations like this
They are a sliver of hope in the genre and I'm happy to spend my money on their products
recommend one?
Judging from the fact that Dacryon Runa got a hentai adaptation, Dacryon and Dacryon Runa from Shinsei Kourin (神聖昂燐) series would be their best sellers so I recommend them first.
Otherwise I recommend Jain No Ikenie (邪淫のいけにえ) series and the rest of Shinsei Kourin games
>Tentacles focus
Pity, guess I'll just be fapping to Nightmare Deathsycthe and Sei Dorei Gakuen 2 for another year.
Does Murakami not have social media? Not even a pixiv/nijie?
yea I prefer cocks with waists slamming into sluts its just more.. primal, tentacles always come off mechanical sort of, as in, they get nothing out of it, or if they do, I cannot imagine that they are.
His producer has X but he himself doesn't
>small boobs
>THAT studio
Jesus Christ, it's like it's tailormade for me

I know several ladies that have some very dark and violent fantasies. The important thing is knowing the distinction between fantasy and reality as well as letting them know it's safe for them to indulge in their fantasies a bit.

>Know a girl into ryona and rape stuff
>Have an old Airsoft pistol
>Do her from behind while having the gun pointed at the back of her head (Unloaded)
>She squeals and cries whenever I slap her ass as hard as I can while she's begging for her life
>Nut and pull the trigger
>She cums like a damn lunatic when she hears the pop of the gun go off
>Beat her ass harder when I go for a round two as she plays dead
>Serving her homemade hot cocoa with extra mini marshmallows and whipped cream about 10 minutes later, telling her what a good girl she is
>We then watched MST3K reruns with her snuggling me like a teddy bear

Good aftercare helps, too.
>more murakami
nice I hope he keeps cooking stuff.
Besides if this story is true or not. It's a fact that there are women with hardcore kinks.
Guys here just refuse to believe it sometimes cause they see women as way different than men, and that they'd never have as brutal kinks as they do.
You don't even have to look hard to find women like that.
Like every other kink, it doesn't mean they're fucked up human beings for enjoying it, like (I'm assuming) most of us, they can easily differentiate reality and fantasy.
Hell, I've recently seen a girl on Pornhub rubbing her clit to Kangoku Senkan.
Chicks are just like dudes in that most don't tip their hand and show too many kinks as their afraid their partner may think their gross amor degenerate. In my experience most chicks are down for degrees of bondage like her hands tied together
These hentai videos are $50-60 per video? Damn that's expensive.
So this is where we are now? Murakami has done less and less big tit work and now were at the point where he's doing lolishit. Go back GO BACK.
>Less and less big tit work
>Now doing lolishit
Why do I feel like you haven't watched anything post Taimanin Asagi or Kangoku Senkan.
If anything, he hasn't done enough lolishit. Every work so far has had both big tits and flatties, mostly big tits. Plus a full loli work he did, Imouto Paradise, came out ages ago, this isn't new.
The loli twins didn't get fucked enough in imouto paradise. And it was in a dream sequence that they got creampied. He kept pulling out last minute to save it for the pink haird girls route. Takes away the mood if he ain't shooting inside all of them.
Didn't he just do one with twins like a couple years ago. We're all the academy chicks are turned in slaves including their mother
I am gonna laugh my ass off when he goes full mask off and does a full futanari hentai focused one.
That would be based as hell.
I mean, he has already done a futa scene or two, so why not.
Ofc its fucking loli shit. Does nobody wanna work with Murakami but the most deranged fucked up ppl now?
>Priness 69 ep 4
Tomo got fucking destroyed
i wish they'd show the orgy.
Yeah, I guess I get the bit of comedy but all the girls being willing would've been a nice change of pace. Also Episode 3 had the damnedest logic.
>My Fiancé is getting raped? Well better fuck this other girl! For some reason.
>Full FUTA focused
Didn't the magical girl one have the first half of the second episode focus on the one girl becoming a FUTA and raping the other?
I think that impact is made up by how the tentacles tie them up so extortively,
I think tentacles have the potential to fill girls up completely. And also flip them upside-down. And fuck them really fast. Just my thoughts.
I wonder if the game and the hentai have the same VAs
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I'm happy it has transformations. Very cute
Yep. With the evil doctor encouraging it, even.
>tentacles and childbirth
/d/, bro
The game had five girls. I hope the silver girl will appear in the next episode
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Couldn't agree more
wtf this look good
It'd be cool if they use the official song from the game
They always do.
So yeah.
Damn, he needs to come online.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's a boomer hermit who only relies on emails, lol.
Seethe you greedy retard. Also Murakami has been doing this kind of stuff for AGES.
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Sometimes, the non-H scenes in Murakami's works make me think his style would work great in actual anime as well.
I remember someone pointing out that one of the scenes in Delicious Party Precure looked a lot like his style. And while it was obviously not him, it made me wish we got an anime entirely in that style.
The game is half off this month on DLsite

I hope it gets more attention because the plot was unexpectedly well written for a hardcore loli hentai.
The writers seem to have struggled to make the magical girls go through a bunch of lethal monster rapes and survive all of them, and that made them write a story of resilient girls overcoming hardships.
It was like very dark Precure where the characters keep their chins up in despair. The anime hentai will probably not go that deep into the story though
>And while it was obviously not him
You don't think these motherfuckers moonlight for legitimate anime productions?
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The dvd jacket is out.
There seem to be scenes with orcs
Will be released in a month?
December 6th.
Though it might take a day to be posted around the usual sites.
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Murakami has never put this much effort into eye design before
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These are pretty great too
Does anyone here have Teacher's Carnal Courses? Apparently it came out with the english dub.
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Someone in the murakami discord said the image quality is nice but the English dub is disappointing, missing alot of dirty talk in the final orgy
Do you have discord link?
Thank you :)
Oh shit. Just in time for Christmas
getting a married women, a wife, andher daughter, and banging the fuck out of them, and making the mom strapon fuck the daughter is obscene.

the best part is that the Mom was so into the whole thing.
I wonder how they crammed the twisted plot of the magical girl eroge into the only two episodes hentai
Your forgetting the mom was the dudes original slave from years prior.
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I need this in higher resolution
You'd have to wait for the episode.
I don't think there's a better source for the DVD cover, and no AI upscaling would be able to make such a small image look decent right now.
I have the EN Dub of this. It's true that it's way worse than the original, but I expected that.
It's not so terrible that I regret getting it, though. I actually liked some scenes.
The mixing is terrible, though. It FEELS dubbed, if that makes sense.
Yeah I can't wait
I'm curious which it will get a good or bad ending.
I don't even know which I want to see more
I really hope it's a bad ending
Nightmare x Deathscythe had a really rushed finale and it pissed me off
Is that Tokubetsu Jugyou?
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I hope it's a bad end.
Bad endings of magical girl stuff could be disturbingly cruel, especially for dark ones like >>8305968
The girls may turn into monsters themselves or be literally eaten.
Part of me says I'd be interested to see it but I'm not sure I'm ready for it.
>The girls may turn into monsters
Any game where they turn into an additional boss for your next playthrough so each time gets a little harder?
I must be [spoiler]un[/spoiler]lucky then since the worst bad ends I've ever seen were generic "girls get mindbroken/become total sluts" not that I'm ever gonna get bored of them.
Not only that, didn't the mom imply that the dude might be her father?
90% of murakami BAD ENDs are just girls becoming sex slaves, he usually stays away from disturbing deformity and gore
Isn't that also what finally drove her over the edge while simultaneously getting DP'd by then? That her mom was a willing participant and the guy who raped and had been toying with her is also her father.
This line pretty much confirms it
>You're getting DP'ed/raped by your parents.
Damn. That's a pretty fucked bad end. And mind you this guy directed a nurse forced to shit, get shitted on then pissed on. In that exact order!
There was a thread years ago where people were talking about which murakami girls got it the worst and while others had way more physical abuse. She was a mention for mental abuse and torture
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One of the greatest hentai scenes ever
One of the great things about those scenes, and Murakami's works in general, is that the VAs aren't doing silly ambulance voices like they do in everything else. They're screaming their lungs out.
Especially this scene where the VA is giving the performance of a fucking lifetime
it isn't a bad end for her, her friend, or that blonde teacher, because they are deeply masochistic and enjoy being sex slaves.

these men gave these whores what they always wanted, debauched sex and servitude in sex slavery for life.
Yeah. In terms of who got it the worse.
>Saki-Gets continuously raped by her dad and discovers her Mom was also his sex slave.....AND she joins in fucking her. I'm surprised they didn't end with her getting pregnant.
>Tomo from Princess 69-Basically a combination or variations of the various tortures the other 4 girls got including forced to shit
>The Sisters from Kuro Ai-The Blind one gets to be a prostitute because Sister in Debt is a turbo whore and sold both of them. They get fucked to the point of vomiting by at least 2 dozen guys and pissed on. Also they end up pregnant with someone's bastard kid.
>All the girls from Murakami's take on Night Shift Nurses. At least three different girls ate shit.
>Manshou no Nie-The Pirates win and make the country a den of scum and villainy. Also the royal family is literally fucked by everyone.
Asagi and Sakura didn't get off that easy getting continuously gangbanged my monsters and big ass monsters.
The chicks from prison battleship got gangbanged by the entire crew and had their minds completely rewrote and didn't even understand how at the end was already too late and their old personalities would die the second they removed the gadgets on their heads.
The monster household one really was just NTR where the father and brother banged is gf in oblivion
Yeah but at least Asagi killed Oboro & saved her sister. And Leri & Naomi from Kangoku did get a ending killing Doogan. So they got something besides dicked.

A shame we didn't get more Asagi & Kangoku from Murakami.
And not only did iris from Mashou no nie 3 get forced to shit twice she also got pissed on twice and like you said got fucked by literally everyone (including a sea god) which was like an entire village of pirates and random men nutting inside her, in my opinion she definitely got the worst end who knows how many babies she ended up having as a result.

My point being BRING BACK FUCKED UP BAD ENDS to murakami hentai.
It just works
I love when nice married women become like this, fuck pigs for life for endless men.

its a rarity in hentai now.
Soooo. Who had the best Murakami Scat?
>Princess 69
>Kazama Mana
>Mashou no Nie
>Nanase Ren
>Yagami Yu
>Kangoku Senkan

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