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as i say
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I chased after my asian friend all through middle school, then high school, and even went followed her to college. within the first month, she was already getting her pussy pounded by frat boys while i sniffed her used panties and socks to jerk off.
are you a gook boy?
unfortunately, yes.
Have you thought about transitioning? It really is the best way for gook bois to have an active sexual life.
I've been locked in chastity for a year now, I don't deserve to cum.
email me at vetmom@proton.me i want to talk to you sissy
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To all the asian boys: This would be your view of your girlfriend if you were white
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See her Queen of Hearts tattoo? She only fucks BWC
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This picture makes my asian weewee stiff...
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I wanna see more footage of FOB foreign exchange azn cuties getting their first taste of a White Chad's manhood.
sauce pls
Massive gay vibes from this thread, straight men are not this concerned about other men's dicks.
Maybe it's just Asian guys' stuff. Most of them are on the smaller side so they get insecured about their size and obsessed with WMAF
Babykittyp she does a lot of raceplay content
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Good luck with your filip wife who will slowly poison you for insurance money lol that's the reality of wmaf
can't you also say that white men crave asian women? I understand not wanting to marry or impregnate ugly smelly low IQ shaniqua or low brow ghetto Marisela, but that still doesn't explain the base sexual preference that white men have for chianeez bitches. Or is it just because you can't get a white girl to have sex with you?
Lol wut.
For me it’s a cultural thing. I’m bored as fuck by the cultures I grew up around.
my chinese gf just wants to poison me with duck tongues and fried silk worms.
Hah, that sounds like a good problem to have
funny because I am Korean and went to college in California and was fucking new white girls weekly lol
this is a white man's cope because white girls have Korean fever nowadays. If not Korean then it's Latinos and blacks. anything but weak white men
>but that still doesn't explain the base sexual preference that white men have for chianeez bitches
I just think they're pretty.
Too bad your dick is tiny and upsetting for women. I sat down on a plane next to this chinaman and his mom,and the dude got so upset lmao. He must've know I've fucked 7 asians lmao. Fucking I could crush your head you gook.
More like you're coping.
Here's the thing, when a white guy fucks a woman from another race, it's because they find the woman attractive and vice versa (white guys are rated the most attractive in the world by everyone).
But when a white girl fucks someone from another race, it isn't because she finds you hot. She's using you to boost her own rep (to herself or her "friends). You're nothing more to her than a way to prove she isn't a "racists" (the thing white women fear being seen as the most), and saying "oh yeah, I fucked a korean that one time," is a great way to prove to her friends how inclusive and non-racists she is.
Truth is, you're not hot, you're not attractive, you're just useful for getting a bit of clout and then you're off the table. That's why you fucked a new white girl every week, cause a new girl needed the clout every week.
These always read like somebody who's never spoken to a woman before and gets all their knowledge about relationships and female desire from porn.
Wow, I hope if I ever become this stupid that I forget what it was like to be able to think clearly.
LOL. This is how the lame white men show off their "superiority" because of inferioity complex. So lame. So pathetic.
Yeah, some Asian girls like white dicks. So what? How many percents? I bet maybe 5 to 10% LOL
Any those Asian girls mostly do it for money. You're so pathetic LO
You could barely crush your keyboard you sad white boi. Enjoy the Asian take over. It seems like you accepted it already.
White women don't even count anymore. They are so easy to find. When I moved out to bum fuck Arkansas for remote work. My Tinder lit up with all these random white women who probably just wanted to try something different.
you sound like a basic white woman, they love to talk shit about other females and gaslight white males, for not wanting them. what's wrong, are you upset cause ultimately you're just a slampig, that cannot get a white male to date you?
Asian sized but at least it's white
I'm Asian. That's pretty big for us actually, most Asian are way smaller...
White girls are dumb as hell. If you want someone intelligent you have to go Asian. Give the selfish white spoiled princess cunts to the niggas
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Cope; sometimes Chang marries and impregnates the girl of your dreams.
Pretty well known that she's a hooker and that's her pimp.
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Is this why my Asian friends are so …. You know.

t white guy
Kek, I think he’s in jail now.
White guys are the ugliest guys. Asian and Latino men are way better looking. White guys are so pathetic for these threads touch grass faggots
- me literally dating an Asian guy
lol this was me and my gf in college except we were white
this entire thread reads like a cope by sexless white incels who feel defeated by black men and white women
get help
seek therapy
quit porn if its making you behave like a creepy retard
if this is well-known, what are their names? any proof or are you just mad
Are you being serious? Do you actually not know who that is?

Lmao, her and Amouranth got "married" to Kims or Changs when they were low value trash, they got a simp following and now slut themselves out for other men online
most of these profiles are scams, unfortunately
what an embarrassing cope. your racebait is just a projection of your own insecurities. it is hilarious seeing you trying to justify being such a loser haha
Why do asian boys always pretend to be asian or white women online? Is it because they are naturally more feminine in looks and behavior?
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You yellowbois are raging on the internet invented by White men meanwhile ....

Lol lol lol
Yeah you're retarded. Sorry to inform you. Every race has their own inventions. Asians invented gunpowder, decimals, and a ton more shit. We invented blue light, which you always look at to jerk off your tiny dick
We invented asian female orgasm.

I remember reading a post here before saying that, in some Asian cultures, it is expected that teenage girls will help their brothers relax and focus on school by giving them handjobs whenever they feel the urge… mostly after dinner before it’s home work time.

This supposedly partially explains why some Asian women don’t seek out Asian partners when they’re more independent in college. And also why some Asian women give phenomenal handles…
>Racebaiting cuck shit
keep that trash where it belong
Pity the Asian "man" and be happy you can slay his women easily.
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White man vs riceboy

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