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Pierced nips are purely the best
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Anyone know her name?

She took piercings like a champ.
all those torture galaxy girls were awesome. not for filthy normies though. normies want their teddy bears and gumdrop pops and everything cuddly.
Did you just crudely draw 2 green dots on a nipple in mspaint?
WTF is wrong with you?
I was really excited to see a pregnant girl with pierced nipples and then I gotta see this?
Boner ruined.
Kek that’s funny
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Jade young
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Pt 2 jade
She should 1000% do an onlyfans.
Yeah but almost everyone else were in visible pain. This pink haired beauty not only took these needless (and kebab skewers) om her boobs like champ, she even laugh them off almost like they're nothing

Sad she didn't do more extreme shit like nailing her boobs
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bump for rings
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Dude yeaah
Her ass
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>tfw never had a girl with pierced nips
What’s it like?
My wife wants to get hers done, how long is recovery?

Overrated. Messed around with a couple who have had it. One had these huge rings that were like a halo around the nipple. They totally interfered with my ability to touch and suck on her nipples. 0/10

The other gal just had a barbell and it was OK. Looked nice, but still not as nice as a bare nipple in my mouth.
Nice rack
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Very fun imo. Great to play with, love the texture contrast but I'm an autist, so your mileageay vary.
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OC from tonight

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