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i need to know so i can say the opposite to others and watch em burn
She was murdered by a group of niggers.
I'm genuinely upset and pissed off.
>first Jesse Jane dies
>later Kagney Linn Karter hero'd herself
>Emilly Willis is closely to die
>now this girl
wtf is happening with the industry?
i think the reason all of these porn whores have been killing themselves lately is because they're starting to realize that they could have made the same amount of money on onlyfans without actually having to fuck anyone.
How does that make sense? They wouldnt get into the industry in the first place if they felt so much shame and regret about sex. Oh and Sophia's death isnt investigated as a suicide
simping pretty hard rn. I wasn't actually contemplating the reason behind the recent suicides, as much as I was making fun of these whores.

>Oh and Sophia's death isnt investigated as a suicide
Ok captain save a hoe. I really don't care how any of them died. I just hope that more of them die.
>I'm genuinely upset and pissed off.

bro is this you?^^^^^
Don't be angry because you're worthless anon
maybe if you kill yourself too you'll be able to hook up with her in hell. try it.
You know its pretty dumb to go on a porn board and complain about those who create it
I'm not complaining about them. I'm celebrating their deaths. You are being a simp. It's pretty dumb to get angry over the death of a whore that you've never met. "I'm genuinely upset and pissed off."

Now shut the fuck up.
It's called "paying the toll" anon
Wake up schizo

Porn is sex between professionals, it's not reality.
You are paid by a production like traditional cinema.
How many rappers die? How many rockstars die?

Murders and drugs affect all social backgrounds.
Yeah don't shoot up your school
Good, she looked like a fat mamacita after returning from retirement
>someone getting murdered is a suicide now
bidens open borders claims another american woman
Were they nigs? it's new mexico so they were prob illegal bean eaters. Or nigs.
welcome to obama's america men are women now too and no illegal foreign invader woman murderer is illegal!
Rockstars? Rappers? bro like 200,000 normal americans die from drug overdose every year because of the CIA and FBI
I’m cooming so hard rn. Hopefully it went something like this
Coal toll paid in full
>wtf is happening with the industry?
It's the porn industry retard
>dead gypsy
monumental tragedy
Close the border.
whats the tldr on emilly?
think she OD'd and is in a coma
harlots get what they truly deserve
Stop lusting over them then hypocrite
Obama lives up your ass -
>Emilly Willis
good news bro's, she's conscious again as of todays news!

anyone want to bet on whether or not some hung orderly put a coma baby into her?
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>Emilly Willis
>'vegetative state'
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ngl i'm absolutely hard as diamonds right now thinking about this little vegetable
in bad taste
Claims some kike on welfare
did they had a scene together ?
lmao dumb slut
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this scene came out after she died
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> Her brother was quoted saying to TMZ that ‘doctors aren’t anticipating further improvement’.

She's done
She's probably like 60lbs now and her body is totally atrophied and pale and she's braindead only able to wiggle her eyes around a bit. probably smells disgusting too.
But she got murdered by bean eaters. Also she was a beaner so she's already coal.
but you lied. why is it always a homosexual saying "ngl"
she woke from the coma but is brain dead she will never move her body or have a coherent thought again. She can move her eyes a bit but that's all the improvement that will happen.
She wasn't even white.

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