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Yeah, I'll get lemon Pledge next time.
What did he say?
every nationalist should read his book on the national question and dialectical materialism

great works
Yeah I remember being a 14 year old retard and thinking the same thing. Then I became an adult and got a job
>Then I became an adult and got a job
and how did that change your opinion exactly?
The idea that I need a "collective," the idea that privatized property is bad, the idea that borders, nuclear family, and nationalism is bad, etc. etc. When I was a lazy piece of shit smoking weed all day Stalin seemed like a genius
Looks like you are still a lazy piece of shit, only this time you are intellectually lazy. None of what you said has anything to do with Stalin.
Sure thing 19 year old living in a dorm mom paid for
>Takes advice from a mass murdering pedophile who most likely would have shot him for being an unemployed degenerate
This is the state of the modern left
I am not a Stalinist I just know you haven't read him.
Nobody gives a shit what Stalin thought you faggot
He was a manlet who died in his piss
Get off your fucking ass and get a job because defending dead dictators isn't going to get you one
>This is the state of the modern left
>Implying the 'left' is stalinist
This is what stalinists look like.

Today they are... a non existant breed.
>Nobody gives a shit what Stalin thought
>He says posting in a thread about Stalin
>Non existent breed
Uh, they're all over Russia and do exist in the west
Sorry you're retarded and live under a room, but you can get medication for that
>thinking stalin was a great statesman means you are a marxist-leninst-communist
Lol. I guess Hitler was secretly a communist too because he thought Stalin was a great man? xD
The cult around Stalin is rightfully seen as radioactive and fringe and best kept out of any organized movement that takes itself seriously.
>It's nawt socially acceptable!!!! waaaaaah
I can easily say Stalin and Hitler were great men without so much as stuttering. Not everyone is an oversocialized westoid subservient to (((public opinion))) like yourself.
These labels are meaningless.
Stalin and Hitler agreed on most things. They hated faggots, banned abortion, were highly nationalist, killed jews and communists.
But you're really torn about what label people use for them because you care more about aesthetics and being a pseud on the internet because you're trans.
Because leftoids (hell even many rightoids) are pussies and can't accept the power and masculinity of the STRONGMAN BVLL Joseph V. Stalin
Thinking stalin was a great man /= being a stalinist
Stalin was a patriot, not a nationalist-chauvinist. Stalin preserved the national cultures under the USSR while Hitler destroyed Germany and its people. He also followed the Lenin line. He was a Communist with a capital C.
You're making that distinction between you're too pussy to own to your beliefs of lionizing Stalin.
You communists are the biggest cowards. You love praising dictators until you have to face the consequences for it.
I think Caesar was a great leader does that mean i have le hidden monarchist sympathies? Lmao. This is like when people are 'racist'and leftoids call you nazi, lmao.
Notice not a single faggot ITT has actually listed anything positive about Stalin?
He industrialized russia. He conquered 7 countries.
>Stalin was a patriot, not a nationalist-chauvinist
>Stalin preserved the national cultures under the USSR
You even refuted yourself saying something so retarded. Stalin was responsible for multiple ethnic cleansing campaigns in the USSR.
You are dumb as shit.
>while Hitler destroyed Germany and its people.
Its funny you say this... Stalin was the one who gave Hitler the materials necessary to launch Operation Barbarossa.
If anything, Hitler could have a case for invading the Soviet Union because the Communist International, even before WW2, had conspired multiple times to overthrow Germany's government.
This example doesn't even work because Caesar wasn't a pedophile responsible for multiple genocides.
>Sent his peasant army to die then his """empire"""" epically collapsed one by one in embarrassing fashion
Pfffft hhahahahahahahaha
>he doesn't know what caeser did to the gauls
Genocide is normal 14 year olds are not women. Kys leftoid.
>are not women.
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Wasn't a genocide.
>Genocide is normal
t. edgy 14 year old atheist that lives with his parents and loves Stalin
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You are very aggressive in being wrong. However, you must recognize that Stalin repudiated Hitler's "nationalism" as cosmopolitan and imperialist, it has ceased to be nationalist. Stalin was adamant that for patriotism to be fully manifested and flourish in various local nations, the exploitative global bourgeoisie need to be overthrown.
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Sure, now face the wall comrade
>Actually, Stalin being a pedophile and doing multiple genocides is okay and heckin' normal!
>I must defend this mass murdering pedophile from critics... why....I JUST HAVE TO OKAY!?!?!?
The modern left in 2024 everyone
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After you, comrade))
>for patriotism to be fully manifested and flourish in various local nations
They needed to be forcibly replaced, right?
>>I must defend this mass murdering pedophile from critics... why....I JUST HAVE TO OKAY!?!?!?
>You're wrong because Soviet propaganda says I'm right
How this is an argument? This is just mental retardation.
Hitler and Stalin both killed communists, both killed jews, both did genocide, both were socially conservative and nationalist.
There's no real difference between them besides the fact Hitler only did meth and did not rape children like your hero Stalin did.
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Of course after me, lol. No one escapes.
He wanted to fug his niece.
>Defending pedophilia and mass murder is a part of our ideology
>Why are people so against communism and Marxism?
Ah yes, its the CIA lmao
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Stalin took an impoverished agrarian country and turned it into a spacefaring civilization in half a century.
He almost singlehandedly defeated Germany (the Lend-Lease was not ultimately decisive but rather reduced casualties).
Stalin ended the famines (which were contrary to popular beliefs regularly occurring, with one famine killing one 1/3 of the Russian popluation during the Tsar rule)
What did Hitler do? He killed tens of millions of people and destroyed Germany. They were two completely different rulers in both objectives and results.
In my eyes, he's one of the greatest rulers to have lived and Khrushchev was a criminal who betrayed his progress and destroyed the people's state.
>turned it into a spacefaring civilization
Now that's just a straight-up lie. But what else would you expect form a Stalinist?
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>Stalin took an impoverished agrarian country
And caused multiple famines that killed millions of people that was totally avoidable as countries like Japan and Finland did. He didn't even industerialize Russia as that was already happening under the Tsarists. Where do you think the proletariat came from before the Bolshevik Revolution, retard? Russia had the biggest railroad system in the world before the Bolsheviks even existed as a party.
>Defeated Germany
Actually armed Germany and provoked them to invade. It would have been impossible for Germany to invade without his support since Hitler would have not had the fuel to do it. Hitler was also fighting a two-front war against the US. Stalin was not.
>What did Hitler do? He killed tens of millions of people and destroyed Germany.
Just like Stalin did to Russia by helping Hitler arm himself and invade the Soviet Union.
You have two retards who destroyed their country for no real reason.
Imagine sending German communists who fled Nazis' persecution back to Germany, totally wouldn't have happened under Stalin, right? Right?...
I don't see any mistakes here? Lol.
The whole "le Stalin industerialized teh USSR!!!" has always been stupid.
1. Most of Eastern Europe was industrialized before Stalin and had higher literacy rates than Russia. And they were monarchies.
2. Russia was already an industrial country before the communists took power. They weren't necessary for economic development.
3. Russia did not industrialize under the communists on their own. They had help from American companies. Siemens, Ford, And Koch were the ones doing all that in the 1930s. Even the space shit was done by kidnapped German scientists and their nukes were built using stolen, classified material from the US.
Up until the USSR's collapse, it just stealing and copying western technology.
Even now Russia has to rely on China for everything because they've never created anything without stealing it from other people.
The USSR was a total shithole with nothing remarkable about it so Sovietboos who defend it make no sense.
>Most of Eastern Europe was industrialized
>Up until the USSR's collapse, it just stealing and copying western technology.
Um sweety it's not stealing USSR paid for it that's the free market.
No, they literally stole stuff. Not always, of course, but still.
It's called the free market and it was bought and paid for.
>Retard doesn't know Eastern Europeans had universities and cars before Russians did
LMAOOOOOOOOO, you have to be unemployed and live in California
How do you unironically cite this and expect to be taken seriously
>"we do not value people"
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They absolutely didn't pay for some stuff.
Im afraid you got filtered.
>Artillery is the god of war
True or false /his/?
I live in the balkans nigga and my country was 85% agrarian in ww2. Also unversities are not agrarian, dumb shit.
>Amtorg Trading Corporation is marxist propaganda
>le pirating
This thread is about stalin honey.
Shut the fuck up, mangal
>Also unversities are not agrarian
Not synonymous with industrialization.
Don't you bave NATO dicks to suck fren?
Is jewpedia any better? Moron.
Fuck Putin, fuck Russia, fuck Ukraine and fuck the US , kys turd
>This thread is about stalin honey.
This is the statement you were arguing with
>Up until the USSR's collapse, it just stealing and copying western technology
Read again,
Is Wikipedia's creator a Jew? Marx definitely was.
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That's wonderful dear now may you please open your state issued economic textbook and read it? Thanks.
He was a Jew in the way Jesus was a Jew
>In my eyes, he's one of the greatest rulers to have lived and Khrushchev was a criminal who betrayed his progress and destroyed the people's state.
And how did Khrushchev do that? I don't see why you guys dislike Khrushchev so much. It's such an incredibly weird, cult-like position to have because you have to simultaneously believe Stalin was the greatest revolutionary in human history and that all of the institution he built were torn down by one hilariously incompetent political maneuver by a kooky little metal worker from Kursk with a jovial laugh a big love for corn.

What's even more bizarre and ahistorical about it is that Khrushchev is much closer to how a lot of Stalinists imagine Stalin: genuine attempts to purge the most sclerotic factions of the bureaucracy, ambitious agricultural reforms undercut by ignorance rather than malice, and aggressive commitments to the defense of third-world revolutions. It's a vast oversimplification too, as if the USSR was killed by one man and not a mixture of its own interior problems and exterior political pressure -- let alone when Stalinists don't seem to have anyone they think would've been better. Stalin was going to die eventually, dude.

And all that being said, if you think any of this is somehow relevant to contemporary debates idk what to tell you other than that it isn't.
>I live in the balkans nigga
Sure you do, Jamal
What having no job and being raised by a single mother does to a mfer
Literally the opposite.
So why does Russia Today call Stalin a dictator and fire people who defend Stalin?
Why are Stalinist parties mostly small, book cults?
NTA, but Khrushchev's rule was a direct consequence of the system Stalin had built. When Nikita swooped in, crushed the opposition and denounced his predecessor everyone just went along with it, because that's what they were used to do. Mindlessly obeying the authorities was the way to survive both metaphorically and literally under Stalin, so they kept doing it.
Stalin was a great leader.
Because he was great at killing communists
>and fire people who defend Stalin?
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>He does know
Oh no no no.... tankie sisters? What happened? I thought the Russians were based like us!
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NTA, but I'm pretty sure the overseas stuff have a different editorial policy. What matters is that Stalinism in Russia itself is encouraged
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>NTA, but I'm pretty sure the overseas stuff have a different editorial policy.
This is cope dude
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Sameera Khan getting shitcanned from RT for praising Stalin is pretty funny. They must think Americans are really weird. Like Russiaboos.

I mean most of the Stalin busts in Blyatsokrug were probably installed by a local KPRF branch or babushka Stalin club which is a different thing from the Russian government. It does seem like the Russian government is relatively more comfortable with Stalin's image as a whitewashed "patriotic" leader during WWII rather than as a revolutionary, which co-exists with memorialization of other figures in Russian history who were treated as outright reactionary during the Soviet era.
Khrushchev's virgin land campaign was a catastrophic failure that turned the USSR into a net importer of grain
Khan and a few others even had meltdown when Putin called Stalin a dictator in one his speeches where he was justifying the invasion of Ukraine
Russian government tolerates some Stalinists for propaganda reasons, but they really don't like them and will shitcan them if they step out of line
>The man who called himself a Stalinist did not like the fact that the leader’s portrait was on the shawarma packaging
It was sacreligious.
>probably installed by a local KPRF branch or babushka Stalin club which is a different thing from the Russian government
Doesn't matter. If something is done in Russia, it's either by the government or has been approved by the government or the government haven't learned about it yet.
>It does seem like the Russian government is relatively more comfortable with Stalin's image as a whitewashed "patriotic" leader during WWII rather than as a revolutionary
Of course, my dude, it couldn't have been another way.
he's what they really believe
>Stalin was a patriot
A patriot towards what country? He was Georgian.
Its extremely revealing that the first great man you could think of is Caesar and not your father.
It couldn't more obvious you were raised in a single mother house hold. It explains your affinity towards pedophiles and tyrants.

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