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After you die you will not experience anything. Everyone knows this instinctively.
Intuition also tells us that the earth is the center of the universe
Oh but you will anon. He's waiting for you, and he hates you more powerfully than any emotion you've ever experienced.
I think it's possible that consciousness might be recycled in some fashion, if only because the universe seems like an efficient computer from our terrestrial perspective
There’s this cute Japanese film called afterlife. It shows how after you die you’re allowed to constantly relive one memory for the rest of time. I think that would be sweet
No it doesn’t lol
Yes it does.

>No it doesn’t lol
Globetard cope.
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NDE studies are already growing at an exponential rate, boy

Remember the time when Thomas Aquinas confronted atheists because they thought that Time is Eternal and therefore God is not needed?

You are seeing that happen again, right now
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atheists get proven right every second someone dies
Explain Eastern religions
Tools of control, just like Western religions. Telling poorfags and slaves to accept their lot in life and obey their masters, so they will be rewarded in the next. I'm not even an Atheist, this is just common sense.
>posts doomer wojak as if this is a bad thing
>99% of all people that have ever lived being tortured for eternity in lava is preferable to nothing

Solipsism with a lot of bullshit thrown in
It's tough to say
One thing we can be certain of is that God exists, it's pretty much the only certain fact, but whether God has implemented an afterlife is hard to say
I am inclined to think that the afterlife does in fact exist due to the problem of evil
Tools to control us away from turning into dickless clowns, alright

There is a reason why no civilization was ever atheistic. Religion is a protection against madness
*straps explosives to chest*
I'll honestly take that over pregnant men
Atheism is the just modern religion.
1) It has holy texts (Peer reviewed studies)
2) Prophets (Einstein, Stephen Hawking, etc.)
3) Priests (Doctors and scientists)
3) Heretics are outcast or destroyed
It's no different.

99.99% of people following this are just believing what they are told by the ordained "priest class" of experts.

I am not an Atheist. They are just as retarded.
>empirical evidence is like jew myths
I'm sure you looked at that empirical evidence with your own eyes and didn't just believe what some scientist interpreted from a bunch of skewed data to represent a position he was paid to push you dumb faggot.

You really think you're better but you're just an ape.
you must be 28 years of age to post here
Midwit post
I’m aware of issues in methodology, for any field I’m especially interested in I look at the internal debates happening. I am an ape. I am also an ape that believes in the supernatural, but I will not deny the validity of empirical evidence just because it gets me all emotional.
How do you figure
>stars, planets, sun and moon move while we stay still
The Ptolemaic Model is a little more complex but it’s still workable.
99% of "science" is fake and gay. It's just as easy to buy a scientist as it is to buy a politician. Actually, it's easier. Scientists are whores and they exist to be bought.
Prove that it’s fake and gay.
Globeheads BTFO
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Nah, that's not Atheism, that's Scientism which is a fruit of atheism

Remember: people needed directions. People will always resort to worshiping something that would give them meaning in their lives

Atheists reject the abstract and thereby had to resort into worshipping Empirical things. Thus, they end up worshiping the government (communism), intellectuals (scientism), or even nothing at all (nihilism)

None of which lead to anything good. It always results in substance abuse, destruction of family values, loss of meaning, degradation of the value of human life, and overall madness

There is no Atheistic civilization because Atheism is not a way of life
It's a biological dead end
Why are the most religious countries the biggest shitholes?
More like why does money make you forget God?

It's been the same old tale since Old Testament
The burden of proof is on your fake and gay science to prove it's not fake and gay. Just look into the replication crisis. Modern "science" so called, DOESN'T work. Any serious investigation into physics will show you that it's bullshit all the way down. Physics has become endless crackpipe theories to dazzle the cattle and keep the funding racket going.

The Earth measures stationary but um ackshually it's falling in a straight line (Because the orbital motion was disproven) according to relativity which we can't actually prove but we make corrections for it that you're not allowed to see because they are already baked into GPS before the "raw" data is accessible and 96% of the universe doesn't work but but the math TOTALLY checks out. There must just be invisible mass.. and invisible energy.. we can't detect it but we know it's there because the acclaimed plagiarist astroturfed media sensation Einstein couldn't possibly be wrong!

Also the CBM is oriented around the Earth which proves geocentrism but that's just another one they chalk up to a "strange" anomaly. Literally every observation proves geocentrism but retards have to believe they are spinning 1000 mp/h, orbiting 66,600 mp/h despite all evidence to the contrary because the scientist priests say so and it's a FUCKING RELIGION.
retarded schizobabble
You can derive Kepler's laws from the three axioms of Newton. How do you explain this?
>Everyone knows this instinctively.
I don't
>t. retard who thinks he's on a spinning ball traveling billions of miles per hour through an infinite vacuum even though the stars never change or parallax and the movement is actually spacetime itself bending and warping due to a mystical force which can't account for 96% of the observations but is real because experts who are paid by billionaires turning you into cattle said so
Who cares. Kepler and Newton based their theories on the solar system and none of that shit works on the cosmic (or quantum) scale. Physics has been dead for over 100 years and only exists to beguile the masses and gatekeep true findings.
I'm not particularly fascinated with NDEs, but there might be something to it.
Now it's only a matter of time before you incur the wrath of the NDE anon.
Technically, intuition tells us, everyone's at the center of their universe.

From each of us, everyone else at a distance, in each of us, everything at our appearance, etc.
The guy is right, dude

Depending on the branch, 40-95% of research were found to be completely impossible to replicate
What's more, is that after ChatGPT, there was also a massive increase in research papers which suggests that researchers have been using AI to further worsen the problem

Just look at this recent case

The entire root of the problem can be attributed to the fact that scientists are now being measured based on the amount of papers published. Which entices everyone to just spam whatever they want.
Meanwhile, research that takes time get left in the dust
Technically OP didn't say 'intuitively.' "Instinctively" was used.
I do, I want coherence. I want logic and an explanation. Kepler had no theory. He only made observations and came up with his three conjectures - Kepler's laws. Newton derived those conjectures from his three simple axioms. Impressive!

If you had a theory from which you'd derive Kepler's laws, I'd give you credence. Why won't you do this?
If this were true religion, mythology, archetypal symbolism etc wouldnt exist, hunter-gatherer people would all be reddit atheists etc etc, but its the opposite. If anything, everyone instinctively knows there IS something after death
I don't. What's your proof?
not really since we are social creatures.
I don't actually
not experiencing anything is nonsense
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Scientific ways an afterlife could exist:
Depends on how the world actually works and where it came from.

If we existed and were exactly the same 50 times before we were born, we'd have no way of knowing it. That this could be the case isn't incompatible with several cosmological models that very smart people take seriously. Comes down to how selves are defined then. T

here are also plenty of plausible idealist and religious and monist systems that very smart people take seriously and most people instinctively believe.
Would be interesting to look into the origins of this idea. Know it's common sense in certain circles and certain countries now and probably can't be traced to much directly pre-Enlightenment and pre-Marx and them. Think this idea might have been common among ancient Jews first possibly. Heard recently that the idea of immortal souls or something like that entered the Judeo world from Greece.
money comes with interaction with other peoples who have a lot of things you consider valuable and consider your things equally valuable. It's like barter, money can only exist in the context of other peoples.
Unfortunately, this means that these mutually exclusive belief systems interact when money is being made in large amounts. Which means they fail to work, and atheism shoots up.
I already experienced nothing for billions of years before I was born, it wasn't that bad.
>99% of all people that have ever lived being tortured for eternity in lava is preferable to nothing
Exactly. Christianity or Islam being true, barring universalism or annihilationism, would be some truly awful outcomes.
according to science, it actually is
If everyone knows it, then why can't anyone imagine it? We cannot imagine non-experience. Honestly, Buddhists got it right. The end goal of personal development is to attain the lack of experience in this world.
Yet every single person who comes back from being dead and doesn't turn into a vegetable describes SOMETHING that certainly isn't a total lack of experience.
Do you think civilization is good? But you'd probably also agree with me if I pointed out how pleasure-seeking activities that civilization allows and promotes turn people away from spirituality. There's a reason why post-Soviet states and Third World have less atheists and non-practitioners than USA or Europe.

And what you think of as "madness" could be considered divine passion some centuries ago.
>It's a biological dead end
So were the young women who refused to marry pagans or worship pagan gods and got killed without being able to bear children because of it. So were the Christian ascetics who refused to have children at all. Yet they were and still are worshipped because of it. Your outlook is tainted with modernity and you don't even realize it. The belief that survival is the goal of human existence and thus life is inherently preferable to death is a very modern and very materialistic belief.
Would you like me to give you food and drink for your family for life or do you prefer I give you nothing nothing? So something is better than nothing.
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The point is to figure out what fucking works!
If a design evolved independently throughout a set of animals, then natural selection tells you that that design works and anything outside of it died out.
The fact that every civilization have religion, and no one is an atheist dead sets the conclusion that atheism is a failure of a design

Cope however you want.
Nature has no mercy for the failures

Apples to oranges
Those guys abandoned having children in favor of serving God, which means that they are serving the people one way or another. Even those ascetics who decided to live humble lives set themselves as a paragon of virtues to emulate.

Their existence prospers a culture of trust and love amongst all who look up to them

Meanwhile: Atheists aren't really abandoning having children. No, Atheists get more sexual experience than theists. Instead, they abandon forming actual intimate relationships with each other. They have fewer marriages, more adultery, and more unwanted pregnancies, and are the prime users of abortion clinics.

Atheists aren't abandoning their biological purpose, they completely reject and defile it.
Replace it even with what? Gay shit?
Dangers of fame, fortune, and power have been a time-tested lesson since time immemorial and you are here acting dumb

>yes slaves, accept your masters cutting your cocks off and branding you like beasts, for you will be rewarded in eternity!
Guess I better clip your cock off and burn my initials into your forehead, farm equipment.
>no civilization was ever atheistic
The first one into space was.
>who cares?
People who matter, unlike you.
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>The first one into space was.
Read what you posted but very slowly this time
You are glad and proud of the Soviet Union and their atheism.

Let that sink in
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>I'm sure you looked at that empirical evidence with your own eyes and didn't just believe what some scientist interpreted from a bunch of skewed data to represent a position he was paid to push you dumb faggot.
I mean I fucked a scientist when I lived next to a particle accelerator and she showed me some of the documents regarding the jiggles in spacetime that neutrinos undergo so I think I'm better qualified to say I've seen it.
>You really think you're better but you're just an ape.
I'm an ape who fucked a cute redheaded former ballerina turned scientist and makes more money than you do, so I'll just save us time and remind you that YOU'RE A WORM. A FUCKING WORM BENEATH MY BOOT. AND YOU ALWAYS WILL BE
I have died once already. I know what lays beyond the door.
Like pulling back a stage curtain, the world you percieve changes, and you are irreparably changed with it. Keep God with you and have faith.
>crushed the Nazis and raped them so hard it split Europe in half
>largest land army on Earth
>conquered every major frontier in space exploration except for the moon landing, a backwater beating out the finest in Germanys rocket technicians less than a century after they figured out heavy industry
>biggest bomb ever detonated to flex on the USA, had to be talked down from making it twice as powerful
>fulfilled Chernobyl's power quota for six years in the space of ten minutes

Yeah it was a dysfunctional state that collapsed, but so was the Holy Roman Empire. One of these places went to space. One of them allowed incest babies to rule as God's messenger on Earth.
You guys sure have a hard time accepting that nothing happens after death
Ok, now tell us what it costed them

And everything
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Good job. You got it

Everything has a cost
The cost of abandoning God is that the value of human life vanishes instantly

Stick that to your mind.
>everything has a cost
Not everything.
>the cost of abandoning God is that the value of human life vanishes instantly
If that's true why are atheists and agnostics so underrepresented in the prison populations, specifically murderers and rapists, when the vast majority of those offenders are professed theists?
>stick that to your mind
It's dumb to start, especially if you consider that the most hideous and painful tortures and executions were from Christians trying to punish even more fanatical Christians for heresy.
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Oh you silly little glue eater
>no reply
>no rebuttal
>ad hom
Thanks for opening the gate to calling you names, you utter waste of ejaculate. You reductive pile of protoplasm. You simpering, gibbering fucking retard.

I'll accept your concession here and save us both the time. Don't reply until you answer both of my previous questions.
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Bruh, you are defending the Soviet Union
There is no need for me to say anything
>acknowledging an achievement is the same as going to bat for something
Objection: Irrelevant to current discussion.

Sustained. Court will strike anon's cringe post from the record.
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Now pull up prison populations by religious affiliation :3
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Says here 55%. In a country that's 70% Christian
>LDS 3
>CHRISTIAN science 3
>JW 2
>SDA 2
>Cath/Prot 55
So 65 percent of the violent criminals are YOUR brand of theistic, and the rest are other brands of theistic except for 1 percent of atheists.

So why exactly are the people who believe in the sanctity of life so often the ones killing people or raping children in direct violation of their objective morality while subjective atheist morality leads to a severe under representation in the prison population? Shouldn't they be OVERrepresented?
Hey guys lets only judge groups instead of individuals, and then we can judge based on groups instead of ideas. Then we can all ignore the actual pursuit of truth and cry to our tribes!
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70% of the population commits half of the crime. So what?

Also, 7% are unknown, you know
That doesn't answer OPs question
OP did not ask a question you baboon
Don't make me tap the sign.
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I got you a better chart

70% of the population does 65% of the crime
But 4% of the population (atheists) does 10% of the crime

>But 4% of the population (atheists) does 10% of the crime
Dumbest claim I have ever heard.
>so what?
Doesn't answer the question. Poor attempt at deflection. I'll be deducting points for that.
>70% of the population commits half the crime
So why is so little of that population atheists? I will remind you, atheists have no attachment to life and morality. One would imagine in a country where atheism is the fastest growing religion, they would be at least partially represented, but they're severely underrepresented. Why is that? Do religious people actually not hold human life as sacred? The data certainly seems to say so.

How many atheists have broken people over the wheel? Or burned witches at the stake? Or skinned people alive? These don't happen in developed countries. They happen in medieval shitholes or cartel run narcostates, which, I might note, are majority Christian, every single time. Seems to me that Christians don't give a fuck about human life unless it's a fetus.
>No religious preference
Not atheism. An atheist isn't going to speak to a chaplain.
>How many atheists have broken people over the wheel? Or burned witches at the stake? Or skinned people alive? These don't happen in developed countries.
Are you 12 or just American?
>fucking 2011
Beheading with a guillotine is so much more merciful of a death compared to what was happening beforehand in Europe that it's incomparable. The Revolutionaries didn't skin people alive nor did they burn witches, the worst were the mass drownings of Spanish rebels. Europeans under the guidance of God have been torturing each other in unbelievably horrible ways for centuries before this. Don't try and say some beheadings and kangaroo courts are anywhere near breaking on the wheel, drawing and quartering, crushing beneath stones, gibbeting, or any of the other life affirming, clearly compassionate ways that Christians would punish each other.

The Reign of Terror killed less than half a million. The 30 Years War, fought for explicit religious reasons, killed 4 million on the low end. The Wars of Religion killed even more.
>fought for explicit religious reasons
Actual retard. Name the two religions. Since you don't know let me inform you that France fought against the Habsburgs and their protestant vassals.
>Catholicism and Protestantism
>The war was traditionally viewed as a continuation of the religious conflict initiated by the 16th-century Reformation within the Holy Roman Empire.
Crazy how that happened between two competing sects of Christianity. I thought Christians knew life was sacred? Maybe when they depopulated half of Germany and hanged entire villages for being the wrong kind of Christian, they just forgot that there's a rule in the Bible about not killing.
>Crazy how that happened between two competing sects of Christianity.
It didn't. That's why Catholic France opposed the Emperor while some Protestants supported him. I told you in advance you were wrong and you still decided reality just isn't for you. Amazing.
>so yeah the Christians butchered each other even when they shared denominatons
But Christians all recognize the sanctity of life right? What about the Catholics and Huguenots? Surely fellow Christians were worthy of gentleness and compassion?
So we went from "atheists would never do something as evil" to "sime christians did evil". Will you at any point acknowledge that your point was wrong or not?
For reference I doubt a single person exists that claims all christians always recognize the sanctity of life.
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>atheists would never do something as evil
Never said as much. I'm just commenting that despite every modern, functioning society being largely secular, and yet we don't often see large scale campaigns of torture and murder and rape, whereas Christianity in particular with the Muslims being a good runner up, there's been centuries of genocides and oppression/destruction/erasure by the Christos and Muslimes.
>but the Soviets and Chinese and Cambodians and Norks
Evil. Still outliers in terms of secular societies. It's a good thing you brought up the French Revolution because we've seen increasing limitations on religion since then and things have only gotten better since then in terms of human rights and the states ability to discard human life as it did when Christianity had a stranglehold on life and law.
It doesn't seem to me that people who believe in non earthly paradise in general have exceptional empathy for the human condition and in general seem to not place any value on life beyond their own immortal soul.

You lost eight posts ago anon, you just spent however long nitpicking and finally got triggered when I said the Soviet Union went to space.
You're not a theist if you only pretend to believe for practical reasons. Sorry to break it to you.
The universe doesn't care about my feelings about not existing at some point, I can't plead or bargain with it

And if I don't exist, I have no worries about it

It will be like before I was born

That's my cope anyway
Atheists will always reveal their fedora
Doesn't matter
If you can see the practicality of having a fence, don't fucking bash it
It does matter, and a whole lot. Faith is about personal experience, not what's practical. It's not just a set of laws to follow. The fact that you compare it to a fence tells me a whole lot about you. Just like a fence is used to close something off, your thinking is close-minded.
You proclaim the unknown with such certainty... But why should I listen to you when you cannot even prove my nonexistence? There is no proof that my consciousness doesn’t transcend death. The absence of proof isn't proof of the absence.
apparently u experience some kind of opioid hit, right before death
Fences are made to keep things out, bitchass!

And just because you don't like it, doesn't mean no one enjoys it.
If you cannot replace it, don't fucking bash it

Who cares if you are not faithful? If you are not there to attack the faith, you will benefit from having it.
We run on herd immunity here, bitch

Enough people following Jesus' command would protect even those who do not like Jesus.
religion appeals strongly to those in crisis
The replication crises isn't in physics or biology which is what you guys are attacking
>hunter-gatherer people would all be reddit atheists
They are. You can look up interviews with modern hunter gatherers and they're atheists for the most part
These are fake interviews planted by the satanic CIA. Anthropology is compromised by leftist academia to undermine tradition.
No they aren't
I just watched an interview with the last hunter-gatherer in Africa
When asked about it, they said
"Body dies but the spirit goes up, but we don't really know"
I came from nothing, and I return to nothing, is it that much of a stretch to believe that I may come from nothing once again?
How can you be certain that you came from nothing if you don't remember where you came from?
>comes back from being dead
No such thing; none of them died.

That's why literally no one anywhere on the entire planet was an atheist prior to like 1900.
Jesus Christ literally said in the bible that people in that era would not die. Then he "came back to life" and promised it was all going to happen in two more weeks.

Not falling for that shit. Crypto scams have better narratives.
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Remember what Jesus said

"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

The key word is "seen"
A humble heart quickly admits that the world is designed to love and care for one another. A love that cannot exist without a maker who made it in his image.

All disbelief stems from pride.
Pride that you will never be in a situation where you need God
A God who's willing to embrace the lepers and prostitutes
Nonexistence isn't nearly as unsettling as there IS an afterlife, and we have no way of knowing what it's like or if we are prepared for it.
I was clinically dead for like a day and a half after a failed suicide attempt and there was absolutely nothing. It felt like waking up from a deep dreamless sleep
That's one of the shittest copes of Christianity
>better then that believes with no proofs than those who believe with no proofs
Well fuck, I'd rather have some proofs than spend eternity in the torture chamber, how about that?
You were already given every tool you need to find him.
But all proud men are blind
and by proofs I don't mean "some guy made an epic post on 4chan one day"
doubting thomas had Jesus literally appear before him and ask him to touch his crucifixion wounds. That's the level of proofs I want. I don't care if I get to level 80 in heaven by believing without any proof.
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He can do that.
But that's the thing in context:

Who the fuck are you to decide what evidence should be?

Evidence is independent of whether you are convinced or not. Abandon your pride and ask why would your friends, along with a thousand men lie about it and die for it

Jesus never said to believe some blind testimony. He said test their claim. You are not the standard for whats real and what's not
>Abandon your pride and ask why would your friends, along with a thousand men lie about it and die for it

I could name ten religions at least that would satisfy that claim. Should I turn hindu and start worshipping some blue shepherd? If he said test their claim, then what's the test? what are the controls? He was perfectly happy to go see doubting thomas when he was doubting so why not me? I would believe then and be saved from the torture chamber.
No, absolutely can't
This is the one and only religion where the founders never lived large, oppressed throughout their ministry, and died shameful

Hell, why not fucking study the Roman culture at that time and see how shameful it is to be crucified.

It is exactly like a bunch of weirdo telling you to worship Mr Hands and that all who believes in him shall die the same way.

Want to have a cherry on the top?

Jesus is the ONE and ONLY philosopher in the entire history of mankind whom no one can ever debate with
The Bible has been open to the public for 2000 years but, for some reason, no one can say that Jesus is wrong over something.

Address the fishy elephant
He's wrong about saying we come from Adam and eve, as evolution has been proved
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Anything made by man can be made undone by another man
But if Jesus was just a man, why can't any man undo what he has done

He is just a man
He is just a man
He is just a man
What are you talking about? I'm simply stating the fact that we've proven humans evolved from an earlier primate ancestor and that Adam, Eve, Noah, the flood, etc never happened.
Quit playing dumb. You know that Jesus never mentioned Adam nor Eden
If there's no fall why did he get sacrificed
Alright, let me address you here

And you are mistaking something here
Adam and Eve are NOT the first humans.
Humans were born on the 6'th day and God just picked one up to be a caretaker for the Garden of Eden

This is an easy metaphor for the day God made first contact and created the first priest whose first order was to name the animals.
The fall was when they corrupted the first religion for her own sake.

Which is why Jesus fulfilled the old laws and created new ones. With him at the top

Can you look at Jesus now?.
>Can you look at Jesus now?.
Yeah, I'd like to, that's what I'm saying. Have Jesus come before me, show the crucifixion wounds, and I'll be a believer. Not too much to ask really.
Look at the given clues and use the available tools. Don't be lazy.
God attends to trillions of dead solar systems across the Universe and won't even appear before be, the one made in his divine image, to give me proofs.
You sound like a similar idea that the YouTube inspiring philosophy says. It's a cool idea but I'm not convinced to be honest.
I think either nihilistic materialism or panthestic open individualism with reincarnation is the correct metaphysical position based on my experiences and the evidence around me
It could also be a closed individualism too idk
How does evolution work in your philosophy
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You say this and then ignore the fact that Jesus is the only figure in history completely beyond criticism

It's a mystery that has been staring at you since you were born and have been so costumed with, you never realized that it is something that should not exist

Fucking kill yourselves
Krishna is also beyond criticism.
Why can't you answer the question: How does evolution work in your philosophy? Because we've proved evolution by natural selection so if your philosophy doesn't work with it you're wrong.
The entire Hindu society believes in social classes. Piss off

I don't care about biology. It doesn't disprove nor prove anything
Jesus is a case of History and Archeology. And boy does he stand out like a sore thumb
Biology does prove and disprove things as does science in general. For example, it's proved that humans and chimpanzees both descend from a common ancestor
Don't care
If you want to confirm Jesus, your tool is archeology and history
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Existence is zero sum. No energy can be created or destroyed.
Matter doesn't actually exist, even under scientific materialism they admit 99.99% of matter is just empty space with the 0.01% being atoms. All is mind.
By looking at nature you can clearly see intelligent design
It's tough to say. As an atheist I'm sure consciousness ends at death, but I know God exists and I'll got heaven.
I can criticize him right now. His sacrifice for the sins of others is not heroic. He is a simple victim of collectivism, to be pitied and not idealized. Also threatening eternal torture after death is a dick move.
Can someone explain to me why anybody is afraid of “experiencing nothing”?

How is this different to what you were prior to birth?

I just don’t understand the strange “existential terror” it brings up in some of you guys. It’s not pain. You don’t even have the ability to think so no stress or worry or boredom either.

Seems like a juvenile, not well thought out fear.
>Everyone knows this instinctively
I thought most accounts of people brought back from the dead was walking into the light and feeling sleepy?
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No shit, retard. Jesus is not a hero, he is a savior. He willingly took up all of our sins because surprise surprise. Not one of us is worthy of heaven.

In case you have forgotten:
Mankind is meant to be the 10'th choir - a being so important they were gifted with his own image, the ability to participate in the creation of life, and the authority to judge.

Not even the highest of the angels were granted a drop of what he gave us. And to add insult to injury: Heaven is an inverted kingdom where anyone who is at the top will serve the ones below them.
Humans being at the very bottom means that everyone in the entirety of Heaven is catering to our needs (not wants)

Our roles in heaven were the entire point of creation. Had God not saved us, we would have been doomed, heaven would have no meaning, and Lucifer would have effectively won.

His sacrifice was an act of divine love to save those who rejected him.

>Also threatening eternal torture after death is a dick move
It was not a threat. It's just the reality of things
Time is God's mercy - it does not exist outside of this realm. Everything past this is a world of eternity and our only option is to be with the person who loves us or the creature who hates God

Do not waste his mercy
You wish.
Jesus calling the canaanite woman she's a dog and refusing to give her food until she said the breadcrumbs fall off the table is a criticism. He was a Jewish supremacist
>no that's taken out of context
No it isn't
Jesus didn't exist.
Atheists are genuinely soulless retard subhumans, so it doesn't matter to me. Die, preferably in agony and then get reincarnated as a nigger or pajeet. Or maybe a mixed race mamzer kike.
The point is that you don't have an afterlife either, or if reincarnation is true you will also be reincarnated as well even if you are angry about this or say you don't care
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>Religion is a protection against madness
No, it is taken out of context
He's telling her to follow the rules and go to the rabbit to be a Jew. The Messiah is meant for the chosen people.
She has no qualifications, she does not know the Law, and she is not even from the lineage of the 12 tribes. Why must Jesus serve her?

This is literally the case of a migrant asking for gibs.

She responded that she knew she was not worthy. "But even dogs ask for breadcrumbs"
Jesus tested her and found that she is a woman of humility with just a genuine love for her daughter and she is willing to do anything to save her.

And thus, Jesus twisted everyone's expectations and served a non-Jew

>He was a Jewish supremacist
Everyone is a supremacist.
Christ turned it all on its head and Christianity is the only religion to say that that ideology is wrong.
>No, it is taken out of context
>a bunch of apologetic bs
Nope. Jesus outright said that the nonjews are dogs
Everything is exactly as how god intends it. I am not to judge that. I only expect that what waits for me after death is as it should be.
Yes, because it is what every Jew expects him to say.
But it was not what he did

In the end, his actions speak for itself
Cope, youll fear it when the time comes. Expiriencing things is a luxury you benefit from without noticing
>I'd rather believe nothing happens (I don't know what happens btw but I'd rather do an inductive fallacy which is a basic scientific mistake than admit I don't know something)
>yes believing there's no afterlife is better than hope, my life is better by having an existencial dread based on nothing
Why are you pretending to be a materialistic pragmatic chud if you're not even following the most logical pragmatic line of tought? You don't know the truth and whine about how you're so certain your life is meaningless. You do you I guess.
People really come to 4chan.org/his just to be allergic to nuance, misuderstand, and be willfully ignorant. It's so tiresome.
>Everything is exactly as how god intends it
Is there a more cringeworthy take?
This just sounds like you’re scared and can’t comprehend why others aren’t.

I have had to have a lot of surgeries unfortunately, so the concept of losing all consciousness, not even dreams is one I’m familiar with. Never ever been scary because you do not have the ability to be scared.

If you can’t understand how that works then go read a bible I guess
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Life will find a way to break everyone.
It will be a moment to learn humility or resentment
Either way, God will be by your side waiting for you to return to him
Not defending OP's point view, but this text and image are flawed. All of what I'm gonna say is supposing we're talking about the thesis of no afterlife, which I don't know if it's true, but it's important to be honest and describe it as it originally is not to strawman it like you did.

First of all, in death everything is supposed to keep existing, just not consciousness. No one was saying that time and other things stop existing. Second, saying that death can't be infinite because that would imply no possibility of life is circular: you're already assuming reincarnation. Third, when we die, we're not supposed to end up "where we started" because there's a difference between what has no beggining and an end and what has a beggining and no end. You call both of these two things "death" and make they seem to be the same. They're not.

I don't even know if the thesis of no afterlife is true and sincerely I tend to feel that it's not, but as I said, it's important not to misrepresent it to defend the afterlife thesis.
Have sex, incel
I have pre birth memories so my soul did exist before I was born.
Yeah, and? You scared? Little doomer zoomer? Little nancy boy? Gonna boo-hoo that life's gonna end at some point? Pussy.
>Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.
You clearly want a reward in this world.
No, not really. I know my purpose and, honestly, that's something worth more than anything the world can provide. Anything.

Many things can be improved but, as it stands, if it's not blocking the way, it's tolerable
It's not. That's the materialist view.
This desu. Can't even remember after the fact that I was alive. It's chiller than it sounds.

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