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Who are some handsome celebrities/ models who you highly suspect are gay but have yet to come out...

I'll start by submitting to you Shawn Mendes.
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the most basic white fag you could choose of em all
He must have a foot fetish
He's very attractive, be serious now
if you're into ftm sure
Almost certain he does. There are some pics on wikifeet that make him just look like he's showing his feet off intentionally.

He kinda hit the wall here >>2611514 and he's only 25. Too skinny. The twink look doesn't work for him anymore.

The new scruffy Shawn is an improvement.
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I think Jack Champion looks hella gay when he isn't hanging out with a big blue amazon waifu.
froy for sure
Love the dude making the weird face in the back.
why does he look like a lesbian trying to be masculine so bad
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He has been publicly dating Zane Phillips since last year. But Richard Madden is still deep in the closet
Imagine the sex
I always get that impression from guys that like showing feet too much. Jacob Elordi I'm onto you
I would kill myself if Richard Madden had dumped me
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>taron egerton giving hugh jackman the fuck-me eyes
>tom holland giving jake gyllenhaal the fuck-me eyes
god damn, these bussies need to be broken and they're just standing there???
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zane is a massive upgrade to richard
i wonder for how much longer his and zendaya's bearding contract is going for. she's also very obviously a lesbian, everyone talks about it, so they're both benefitting from it.
will it be like toby and andrew who ended their pr relationships with their co-stars after they were no longer spiderman, or will they keep bearding for each other because it's beneficial to them?
What big ones am I missing?
taylor zahkar perez. dude's gay and has been dating the same man for years. there's also talks about nicholas galitzne.
jacob elordi dated tommy dorfman when tommy was still a dude
Kit Connor
My bad, misread the OP post. Kit came out as bi
>He has been publicly dating Zane Phillips since last year
source? I thought that was just a rumor
After being bullied for being a pink money whore. He's a straight guy who was in too deep
He could legitimately be bi, gen z is very bi compared to previous generations.
They've all over Zane's insta, kissing and all
I guess, but he gives me straight guy vibes. Like, you already on a gay show where you play a gay character that kisses other men. Why make such a big deal about coming out... as bi, on top of it all
Its possible that he just did it for peer pressure. He said that when he got the part he felt pressured to hit the gym because people said he wasn't buff enough, so he could have been presured to say he was bi to get the heat off.

Might or not might be. He seems to cave to peer pressure honestly
I only see one pic and it's not kissing, just kinda gay stares.
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Easy to forget, but he's just a kid still. Definitely could explain why he's reacted the way he has.

See attachment
Much thanks, my heart is broken now knowing that Froy is taken
if it makes you fell any better, you likely never stood a chance with him
Dresses like shit.
Yes, I know he's a 18yo self proclaimed infant.
I couldn't help but giggle when he said to fans "You just forced a 18 yo to come out as bit!"
I bet I could if I was rich. I think I'm handsome enough, but my income is just too low to be in his stratosphere.
Gonna need to see some proof bro
handsome doesn't cut it.
he dated andrew matarazzo and richard madden and now is dating zane philips. you basically need to look like a greek god for him to dick you down
mom said I looked like a greek god :(

I'm mostly just dreaming, I'm honestly happily taken already. Lust is a bitch.
not at all lol
oh you faggots never cease to make me laugh, so delulu kek
very porn addicted**
Absolutely not
bisexuality is still real

>t. millennial bisexual
The Rumor Come Out: Does Bruno Mars is Gay?
Same. Love how butthurt gays and straights refuse to believe someone could possibly like TWO things.
Married bi dude confirming. Social pressure makes me have to pretend to be straight outisde of the far too infrequent occurrences of my buddy's dick in my mouth.
more for us I guess.
ewwwww..... fucking gross. We don't claim him. Send him straight to hell.
Elordi is Australian, if you've ever been there they are all shoeless savages
yeah. paps are constantly spotting the hemsworths just walking around barefoot.
not even at the beach when they're surfing, which would make sense. it'd be them walking down a sidewalk, completely barefoot.
but i guess when you live in a country where every living creature is out to get you, being barefoot is the least of your concerns
You bi folks are butthurt all the time about *bisexual erasure* because people don't talk about you enough, meanwhile nobody else gives a shit. Go fuck who you want to fuck and quit bitching.
It's more that they just legit don't accept bisexuality is a real thing and start instantly trying to categorize you into gay or straight
You can fuck a woman in front of them and then suck a dick, and when you're fucking the woman they'll say "oh, you're straight" but then when you suck the dick it's "AHA! You were only PRETENDING to have sex with the woman, you're really gay!"
Gets a little exhausting after a while my man, imagine going through your life and about half the people you know think you're straight and "confused" while the other half think you're gay and pretending not to be
This is even worse when you lean even slightly more in one direction than the other
Even better: the people who are absolutely adamant that bisexuality means your sexuality is to have sex with two people at once, at the same time, in the same bed, and absolutely nothing can convince them otherwise
Who the fuck believes that? Are they well?
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Freddy Fox
Surprised no one posted him yet
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If not gay, at least bi. He's very quirky and gives off a certain energy.

But that could just be because he's an actor..
Dunno who that is
There's a lot of nobodies in this thread but at least people have the common sense to name them
Ben Starr

They have gay face
Even Henry. If he had a trendier haircut it would become so clear that he has gay face
i didn't know either. looked him up. never saw anything he's been in
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Iñaki Godoy from the one piece live action
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I have no proofs, but Oliver Stark sure gives me closeted vibes
He could be working for bilatinmen
Butterfly tattoo? Yeah he’s gayer than a bag full o dicks
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>But Richard Madden is still deep in the closet
He never denied it, so it's more a "don't ask, don't tell" situation.

I think Froy was tired of being "discreet" because of Madden. You can see he's having fun being all over the place with Zane.
I don't think he's handsome, but at this point Pedro Pascal is in a glass closet.
idk if this is an unpopular opinion cause i've never seen anyone thirst over him but he's so hot, especially when he was younger and had long hair
just go to the gas station and find 4 guys that look exactly like that.

I'm bi and I think bi might be the most common non-straight sexuality. I think most bi people just never realize it, or think that they fucked up their minds with porn (or are prison-bi lol).

I've had the desires since I was a kid. Never really acted on it and it was confusing and only added to my self esteem/image issues.

Bi is a real thing, but it isn't easy or fun for many of us, I'd say.
>I'm bi and I think bi might be the most common non-straight sexuality
I'm gay and I think bisexuality might be the most common sexuality overall. Most "straight" people are just too cowardly to admit their proper sexuality, and that's where all this nonsense about sexuality being a choice comes from.
Sexuality is absolutely a spectrum, even the term "bisexual" sort of implies someone likes both men and women equally and for the same reasons, when that is basically never the case, even most gay and straight people I feel would get with someone of the opposite or same sex depending on the circumstances.
>You can see he's having fun being all over the place with Zane.
Tbf if I was him I wouldn't let Zane out of bed
I would kill myself after losing the prize that's Madden
It's the stigma behind it. Either you're into fucking and cumming into girls or you're a faggot. Also you're a faggot if you like girls with any masculine traits (muscles, dom, etc). Also you're a faggot if you're into black girls. Also you're a faggot if you like eating pussy.

It's just insecurity projection all the way down.
Meh, Zane is better
he straight which surprised me
idk what kind of hold madden has on some fags. zane literally looks like a greek god
He looks like any roided gymrat with a face full of fillers. I find that off putting
he doesn't tho. like yeah he's hyper muscular, but that's because he used to be a twink with body image issues and now he's buff. and his face looks completely normal.
froy's face has a way more distinct difference whenever he get his fillers
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>Oliver Stark
Fuaaark I want to fuck his hairy ass so bad
Richard Madden is undoubtely hot and fags are right to lust over him, sure. But Zane is just better in all regards except for acting, these are just facts.
Also, let's be honest. Who wants to live as a shameful onahole to be hidden forever just because a guy is still closeted in 2024? It ain't a way to live anymore, anyone deserves better than that
froy isn't an onahole. zane is a bottom, and based off richard's other ex(brandon flynn) being a strict top, richard is also a bottom. so froy was a shameful dildo.
he's still hiding tho. all the stuff with him and zane, kissing and taking cute couple pics, none of that is on froy's account, it's on zane's and other people's. if you only followed froy, you'd never guess he's with zane
>character he plays kissed a man today on tv
I want to hope
>idk what kind of hold madden has on some fags
idk maybe the fame days from GoT still lingers on them
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not one but two blond hunky dudes kissing? damn that was hot
>still a dude
Always will be
Isn't he engaged or married to a woman now?
ricky martin dated multiple women and was about to marry his girlfriend before he ended everything and came out
So were Richard Armitage, Raul Esparza...
Having Evans being gay would be weird as fuck since his brother is also gay
so? colton haynes has an openly gay brother, and only came out in recent years. his brother being gay and colton in the close lead many people to think colton must be straight, because clearly he has acceptance in his family, so it shouldn't be an issue to come out. and then he comes out and reveals he stayed in the closet because he was told from the very beginning of his career he'd never amount to anything in hollywood if he was out
>and reveals he stayed in the closet because he was told from the very beginning of his career he'd never amount to anything in hollywood if he was out
And they were right. He hasn't done anything relevant yet
I don't think Evans is gay, women probably are his preference. He does look like he enjoy some occasional homosex, though.

Well, it's not like he was doing anything relevant when he was closeted, either.
saying tom holland is gay just cause he's a massive twink is so lazy

he's a bisexual bottom who is romantically only interested in women but just can't fuck them
>He does look like he enjoy some occasional homosex, though.
Sexo if true
I mean...just consider....what if...
>saying tom holland is gay just cause he's a massive twink is so lazy
It's not because he's a twink.
It's because he clearly didn't got into Hollywood because of his (awful) acting and because he keeps looking at his male co-stars like a sex starved cougar. Anyone who isn't a teenage girl can notice this
You can pretty much assume all successful attractive male actors have been banged by dirty old rich fags to get where they are, it's standard in the business.

That doesn't make Tom or anyone else gay though.
>because he keeps looking at his male co-stars like a sex starved cougar. Anyone who isn't a teenage girl can notice this

Pic or it didnt happen (also it's on topic for this thread).
it was painfully obvious him and harrison were together. it was some sort of bradon flynn and richard madden, or froy gutierrez and richard madden, type situation.
his team probably didn't want his career to be ruined by his love of cock, as being spiderman he has to be child friendly, and a lot of parents wouldn't like a fag playing spidey. so they did what they always do and got him a beard. and it worked out well that zendaya was his love interest in the spiderman movies, because they both got a deal out of it, as she's basically the new queen latifah. everyone and their mother knows she's a dyke. so they get to use each other for bearding
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He cute
You guys are delusional kek
Hi Richard
Girl I wish
yikes. We're all balding boomers here
I also want to see this, I've heard it said before but never witnessed it myself.
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He used to do this with Gyllenhaal, but I think it was just bait for engagement.
never forget when tom thought he was gonna get fucked by mark wahlberg and was completely down for it.
all because mark has one of those massage guns, offered one to tom, mark invited tom over to his hotel room to show him how it works. and tom had no idea that was a massage gun, thought it was a sex toy, but was still down for it
>thought he was gonna get fucked by mark wahlberg and was completely down for it.
I would too, tbf
>mark invited tom over to his hotel room to show him how it works.
anon they definitely fucked
Does this have a sex scene...asking for a friend
There was a rumor about him being caught with a black porn actor in a hotel, Sean Zevran iirc?
>Bucky getting blacked
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Henry taking it.
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Tim Tebow

I just know he's a power bottom
Yeah, he has a gay vibe

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