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Pics where a man is taking a selfie with another man's butthole, or where he's taking a selfie with his own.
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Lol what a funny
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so fucking hot, love the hair

you play with your ass bro?
Nice. Love that hairy pit too
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sure do
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all time favorite booty hole selfie
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time and date stamp
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Were all of these guys born with such holes?

My skin is light white but anus and area surrounding it has dirty brown colour (yes, it’s clean). Is it just because of genetic?

I’m a virgin and when I look on my anus I realise that nobody will want to fuck it. Do you guys have pretty white anuses like on the pic ITT?
that's normal
they bleach their assholes
don't let the internet/porn fuck with your head too much.

They bleach their assholes or fuck with their pics or i dont know.

But normal assholes have a darker color. your asshole is normal for most men lol. not instagram sluts with pink holes picture perfect holes
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This thread needs more kosherchad
I would appreciate if that wasn't upside down
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fixed it for cumbrains who can't rotate images
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100% this
well you roll with gooners and you get the gooning
Idk man my Moldavian ass is pretty pale, but my perianal area (in between the cheeks directly surrounding the asshole) is even lighter, and the last time I put bleach anywhere near my asshole was six years ago. I don't really remember how it looked before, but if it's still like that after six years, it might just be how my asshole looks, which could very possibly be the same thing for them.

I'm sorry, but how does bleach work on SKIN at all, and doesn't it burn?

> imagine making an appt w a stranger, probably a female, to say "here's my fuckhole--I want it to be less brown when strangers I meet on sketchy web apps stick their diseased dicks in me to shoot a load"
So I didn't make an appointment to get my asshole bleached. I was 17 and home alone, so I went to the pharmacy, bought some hair bleach, and bleached the hair on my asscheeks and hole, keeping the bleach cream on for about 45 minutes. I don't remember it burning that much. I do, however, remember being surprised as to how white everything looked, although I didn't really notice the color of my asshole before, and if it didn't get darker in the six years since then, it probably already was that color, but there's always the small chance that I permanently affected the pigmentation of my perianal region, which I didn't even mean to do temporarily.
Who is he?
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Lol. I didn’t know there’s bleach operation.

But I cannot imagine how I go to clinic and ask a nurse on the reception something like “Hi! Bleach operation for my anus, please!” and she answered “Got it! Nice choose, sir! Would you like to bleach your crotch as well?”.

People doing such operation must be vert brave.
What smells better: his fat bull balls or his big puffy asshole?

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