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Post old technology from the 20th century and even the 2000s. Catalogs , advertisements, the whole shebang.
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I had one.
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I aint posting screenies of 500 magazines.


Just go thru, find one you like, plenty of old tech alongside games and such.
Pick a good one, your fav.
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the best part about this is for MANY years people were buying "computer" speakers cuz they didnt know any better.
They were underpowered, overpriced, and the vast majority did not have shielding, so when you put them right next to your CRT (which most people did) either the audio fucked up your video or the video fucked up your audio. Even back then you could get small home theater setups that sounded better and cost less money.
this thread died faster than a baby in a black neighborhood,
Or you could have posted a few of them every other day until the thread inevitably died, just food for thought retard.
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>Post old technology from the 20th century

Any oldfags remember these?
I really do take my vertical flatscreen for granted.
Personal home computer PC 1715 (Robotron)
from the GDR
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This shit, right? I had this (not branded as Target, but it was all the same model). 100W "PMPO" -- 100W of peak output, maintainable for 5 ms before they'd blow up. And indeed, you couldn't put them too close to your screen unless you wanted rainbow special effects.
Old ads are NOWHERE near as cool as seeing old photos of technology in the wild.
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behold: https://www.are.na/evan-collins-1522646491/channels
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Now I miss my dad's TRS-80
>Electric car charge.jpg
Look at the picture, ignition plug and aircooled motorhead - thats a fuel vehicle !!!
Does 4chan count as old tech?
I do
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R2R is so good
RIP XMB, you were too good for this world.
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Compared to the biggest best now, this qualifies.
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Well, I'm sold!
that curved monitor must have cost a fortune in those days
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That was a 1980 Sharp XV-5070. You can't find anything on google about that model today, except for this German catalog mentioning it.
Looks like a front projection TV, with the projection screen being curved due to very basic optics optics (screen needs to be curved because the tube surface being projected is curved). That's what happens when you try and make a short-throw reflex projector and only have simple non-aspheric glass to work with.
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are there still cool tech gadgets being released today or did technology peak in the 2000s?
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Well guys, I just stumbled on a treasure with some googlefu... some Korean autist made a website with a bunch of hi-res scans of old ads for electronics and video games on it. I'm getting a S O V L overdose just skimming through, way too much to fit on this thread but I'll post some coombait and other stuff to bump. Here's the link if you want to take a look:

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wow that's beautiful
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>korean gex
'Only the mightiest moustache can win'
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good find thank you anon
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Did everyone really think the gulf war would turn into a world war?

I thought it was a success for Americans
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I want one!
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There is one for $2225.00 on Ebay right now
Doesnt make sense. If its for right hand that would make letters upside down everytime you pressed them
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Here's this projector I found at my local goodwill, I wanted to buy it but then I asked myself, what the hell would I use it for? I mean, I could probably clean it up and sell it, anyways I decided to leave it.
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and I also found this a long while back
That's a rear projection TV. The curve wouldn't have affected the price, but generally rear projection TVs were more expensive than CRTs. They also had shitty pictures that required watching them in low light and required changing expensive colored bulbs on a too-frequent basis. But they could generate pictures much larger than CRTs, which generally didn't get much bigger than 40 inches until the 90s.
Those are some great VCRs
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I had one of these as a kid, the images were always so crisp in clear from what I remember.
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old schooL >>4881805
~ Lesbian Gay ~ IBM

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