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Best outfit ever.
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based and leather pilled desu
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I want a brown Ari gf and I want her NOW.
>brown Ari

You put that girl in a bath full of hot water and the water will look like you've put Nesquik in it
Fine, I want my Nesquik'd Ari gf and I want her NOW.
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Mew mew
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Yummy, lollipops!
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What do you think of current day Ari?
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She's past her prime for sure but she's still my absolute all time favourite desu
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Will never stop loving her desu
she's hitting the wall, she needs to add a little weight, I think that would help
Past her prime like the other anon said but I'd still put a couple of babies in her.
Stil love this tight little leather slut so much and I'm not planning on stopping any time soon
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love love love!!!
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Goddammit why is this sideways?
Sexier than ever.
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All better!
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we can't be friends photoshoot 13GB file

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IMO she kind of hit her peak in that 2018-2020 period as she seemed to put on a little weight. It's most noticeable in her video with Lady Gaga and during her 2020 7 Rings Grammy performance. Pretty much through the Positions photo-shoot that leaked earlier this year. After she began to lose too much weight.

While there's been some times she's looked good blonde, the blonde hair with the blonde eyebrows look for Wicked was just a total no. It zaps away so much life from her face.
I think she looks like an adorable little doll and find her to be extremely fucking sexy with the blonde hair
She's gone all prim and proper since getting married.
She peaked when she was still white
She's divorced FYI
You can tell she's never fucked a BBC
well that's the best news i've read all week
You can see her wasting away because her melanin receptors haven't been activated it's really sad actually, :(
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what she needs is several large bacon and cheese sandwiches while i gently brush her hair
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shame. imagine prime thicc ari wearing that.
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>IMO she kind of hit her peak in that 2018-2020 period as she seemed to put on a little weight.
I notice that too but her faggot ass fanbase was picking on her about getting too "fat" that she lost all that weight and started to look like a ghoul. It seems as though she is putting a little weight on herself slowly but surely. I kinda see why she hates her onw fanbase now.
IIRC Ari was depressed and on anti-depressants and drinking more back then, now she looks to be more happy. I loved her back in that time period but think she looks super cute now.
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Cute homewrecker
I was an intern on 'Victorious'
Ari smelled like a perfume counter.
Liz smelled kind of funky.
VJ smelled like flowers and orange. According to another intern her feet stank.
Dani & Jen smelled heavenly tho Dani was a gigabitch
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This larp is almost 2 years old by now
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Bring this Ariana back
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Prime Ari
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That was 21 year old Ari, still trying to become a huge star. She doesn't have to do that anymore, so unfortunately you won't see it.
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With how she is now I'd say it wouldn't be possible even if wanted too
I legitimately believe you internanon. You should post your anecdotes more often though, not woth 2 years pauses in between. Speaking of which:
>According to another intern her feet stank.
You MUST elaborate on that
>2 years old
Holy shit I was in that thread too. Looks like yesterday...
is her flap hanging out?
Not a larp

Ok, so I worked by craft service, almost directly across from Ari's 'dressing room'. VJ was down the hall and around a corner and I knew the girl who worked w/ her as a kind of PA (only Ari & Schneider had a personal assistant when I was there {Season 1}.)
Basically she said VJ's feet stank. Not much more to it. We were not that much older than her but we still saw her as a kid and so we just kind of laughed about it. She had stinky shoes sometimes. She would also take hot water and put an orange over the mouth of the cup for some reason, like it was aromatherapy. I don't think it ever smelled like anything. She seemed like a real little girl, younger than she was- more like a tween- despite being the star and trying to behave as tho she had producer authority.
Ari never, ever stunk. She smelled strong tho, like she used too much perfume. Her mom often stank, like she didn't use deodorant.
Ari seemed even younger than VJ, like she was a little princess. Both of them seemed autistic or something like that- super sheltered. Liz was a normal teen girl. So was Dani, but she was a bitch.
Liz smelled kind of funky, but it was sexy. I saw her bare ass, her entire backside really
it's a larp. you said you'd provide proof then you buggered off when the time came.
all her concerts had such horrible lighting
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99% of the stuff ever posted has been from Jingle Ball concerts, award shows and TV performances. Her tour concerts lighting has always been trash, although at least with the first tour she did good gif/video clips were released at the time.
All the evidence is with my ex and she really hates me. It was 14 years ago.
Short of calling up Leon or possibly Matt, and looking like an absolute schizo- I have to wait for her to get over her weird covidian, TDS, resistance thing and stop being a schizo herself.
I'm reaching out to Eric Lange. Doubt he'd come on 4chan and verify my story w/ a timestamp.
If I cleaned myself up I might even try and contact Liz, who had a crush on me, and I'd assume is still pretty cool- I dont want her to see me looking like John Walker Lindh tho
ah so we've gone from i will show you absolute proof by halloween last year to u-uh m-my ex wife has the proof bro
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My ex GF and if I ever claimed I had evidence I would've said she had it. I dont remember saying I'd prove anything by any Halloween.
Some things about Ari not many know
>loves cocoa puffs
>hates banana
>loves hockey
>had an actual crush on Michael Myers
>loves the Beastie Boys and had a crush on Mike D when he was young
>wore masks and played with stuffed animals when she was HS senior age
>is terrified of people in general; prefers animals
>scared to flush toilets
>saw her reading a book by Thomas Ligotti
>thought England & Australia were US states 'in the canadian part'
>she cried when VJ called the above assertion 'imbecilic'
Got tons of VJ stuff. If you like gross gossip she constantly picked her nose, picked wedgies, had stinky feet and would roll boogers in her fingers and flick them at Avan & Dani.
Liz would 'swallow' burps and blow it all over craft.
All of that would've made Ari run away crying
uh huh
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>over 6 min between posts
This board is dead.

And idc if you dont believe me. Young Ariana was the most beautiful creature I've ever laid eyes on. Its indescribable. Its doesn't make any sense
Ari got hit by two hockey pucks so I am inclined to believe you
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That pic really doesnt even begin to do her justice.
ignore the board is dead part he's just trying to change the subject
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Fags posting the same content over and over again, every thread, ad nauseum.

Worst part it? It's not even their fault, she's so useless at giving us new content that we have to make do.
>Basically she said VJ's feet stank. Not much more to it.
>She had stinky shoes sometimes
>had stinky feet

I hoped in something more detailed but whatever... *unzips*
Imagine using that pumpkin as a glory hole
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She makes me Grande
Fuck off feederfag. The only thing she needs to lose those garbage tattoos someone drew all over her.
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If it helps, the stank was described as 'bad pineapple in saltwater'. VJ was real skinny then, didnt look like she does now. My money wouldve been on Ari to be the hottest one
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>Dani & Jen smelled heavenly tho Dani was a gigabitch
I *need* to know about Jennette's stink, anon! Please! Tell me every detail about her.
Sorry, I meant the actress who played VJ's mom. I think her last name was Carta
Ahh, Jennifer Carta.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. Lol. At least tell us more about VJ's stink. How did the intern even know that her feet were so spicy?
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yeah, sorry, I never met McCurdy. Ariana had a personal assistant, but she was the only one. Strange as she wasn't a star yet. In fact Liz would tell people they were in a musical together and she (Liz) had a bigger part than Ari.
The other intern did all kinds of things for VJ and to a much less extent, the other actors & actresses. For some reason she had to organize VJ's shoes.
VJ tried to act like a little lady, and a producer but she was ornery as hell and an absolute mess underneath it all.
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>bad pineapple in saltwater
I legit don't know wtf that smells like. Weird description choice.
>I *need* to know about Jennette's stink
Not direct source like internanon but maybe this source can give you an hint:
She sold her well worn sweaty sneakers for a few dollars. The lucky bastard who bought them describes the smell of her feet as "intoxicating"
>For some reason she had to organize VJ's shoes
Was Victoria wearing them without socks?
Fortunately that wasn't my job or I'd have filled her smelliest shoes with the most abundant, thickest, messiest cumshots of my life. I'd use her funky footwear as my secret cumdump, not fapping for days only to unload in her stinky sneakers, soaking the insoles without cleaning afterwards, leaving them ready for her to wear them
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I dont have any feet stories unfortunately. But yeah, she was struggling to describe it and said, 'like old, bad pineapple and its salty', something like that.
I'm not a scat fan, but I did see Ari's poop 3 times.
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Now we know you're lying because Ari doesn't poop.
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She most certainly does. She was a very healthy girl. I've never seen dooks that big. First time I saw one, I thought it was fake and I was being punk'd
she literally a moor
Need my ass licked then fucked while I lick her tiny brown pussy. Fill me up with cum so I can fart it into her mouth and suck the bbc clean then cum swap with Ari. Then prep that big black soft cock till it's hard and guide it into Ari.
Why did she bog so much bros? She was so hot, she would have aged very nicely, now it's just one of those plastic faces
Get ready to be sued for libel.
wtf dude.. Just end it

Ari was scared to poop at home cuz she shared a bathroom. At work she had one door to her dressing room, another to a vanity and yet another to her bathroom. Three doors. And I know she was afraid to flush the toilet because she used a whole pack of wipes and was afraid it would overflow.
She was absolutely the kind of 17 yr old girl who would have her mom flush for her
>Ari was scared to poop at home
>she used the bathroom only at work
>mfw Ari held her shit for entire days, filling her bowels to the brim, only to release massive pent up turds for you to see, not even flushing and making the place a gas chamber. I bet she desperately prairiedogged before reaching the toilet and finally drop the bomb
She ALWAYS forgot her phone as she was always singing and dancing and playing make believe. She could not be w/o it nor have her PA be away. So I was tasked w/ retrieving it, as her mom got in a huge fight w/ the security guard who's desk was right around the corner (she even dropped the N bomb, hard R.)
So I got the key and went in to get Arianna's phone. She charged it in the bathroom. I know what she did too. She would stand to wipe (using a whole pack of wet wipes) and shove them in a small trashcan in her vanity and then take that bag and throw it in the trash outside her room, in the main hall, right by craft actually- gross. So I saw three poops, all of them perfect, like I was in toontown. The smell was not that bad. Im not a scat guy but the memory challenges me. Ari was a master pooper, an artist
manchester didn't happen
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It did and it was tha bomb.
Liar. You always claimed four. You said there was a massive 'period steamer' that made you gag
Pay respect to Reviewbrah. RIP
I couldn't see her fairytale dooks due to all the toilet paper and the smell made me flee
>due to all the toilet paper and the smell made me flee
You said she wiped with tissues she discarded in a bag and that there wasn't much stink. I'm starting to think you are a larper
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Why would anyone do that on the internet?
He put a lot of effort in it though, describing details of the dressing rooms and all. Sadly he became top bold about the turd part and fucked up. Probably the scat fetish is so powerful that confused his mind
is this real?
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Yes, there are dozens of leaked pics from her Positions photoshoot.
theyre leaked?
virus, do not click
Thanks Anthony
Faggot, made me download just to check. It's 7 GB worth of picture files, including RAW and TIFF images and outtakes. Nothing spicier than what was already posted, though.
She wiped with wet wipes; the kind girls get.
When she had the 'period steamer' this anon-- >>4881479 talks about she just put them in the toilet. Ari is a bit of an immature, airheaded retard

I don't have a scat fetish
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No pasties leak???
anymore of these?
At best he's some little nepojew creep that was allowed on set to do fake "jobs" a few times and has been schizophrenically weaving tales ever since.

The point is the "stories" all fucking suck either way. If this were radio he would be hung up on and being made fun of some time ago.
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This shoot kills me fuuuuuuuuuu
will she ever be thick?
White guy from Tujunga. I took the internship to be closer to the girl I spoke of, the one who worked with VJ. I was a successful 2nd unit director before leaving homowood around 2019, after I couldnt take it anymore
Paige is back
are you sure?
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yes, the fucking light from her concert are the worst of all time, fucking hate that shit
Internanon here- this sums up the source of her beauty perfectly.
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What does that mean? You're a fan of Inter Milan?
it means you are old as fuck hoping to have a hard on in 5 years
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Oh, i'd just use some Cialis ath that point.
kek use whatever you want your timeline is DONE
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Alright then
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It's Ariana's birthday, so I'm going to bump the thread with a few pics.
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Happy 31 for Ari!
>that pose
>that face
Looks like she has just extracted that pyramid dildo/butt plug. Must've been painful
how does she smell
where are people getting these uhq shots from?? also the voice outtake ones in uhq I desperately need
with her nose

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