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Heyo! Welcome to the OC Thread. Feel free to post about your Original Characters.
This thread's theme is: powerscaling. How strong is your OC? Do they low dif Goku? Can they blow up a universe? Or are they just a lil guy? Talk about their powers, abilities, special techniques, etc. Remember, the theme of the thread is just for fun. If you just wanna sperg about your normal people OCs, that's cool too!
We have a server as well hehehe gg.3XjNhEwKdv
Annnd without further ado... Let's get drawing, oekaki!
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alex and alice
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here's alex blowing up a moon
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i think blades that come out of your forearms like this are really unwieldy weapons. i dont know why i thought it was a good idea to give him these. i can't even imagine how to fight in combat with them. i was thinking of like wolverine's retractable claws or the ac hidden blades but if it comes out of your hand/palm thats way more viable than blades that come out of the outside of your arm???
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also, they break super easily.they're made out of solidified demon blood. they're his blood. that little hair barette/ wingy thing that comes out of his head is blood too. anyway they're not sturdy and break super easily, they are worthless weapons and he can keep regenerating them as long as he still has blood in his system, but he can run out.
it took you guys how long to make this
The previous thread is still up, this is baked too early.
if you want the thread to die faster then post your work and make new threads on the board retard
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i claim credit for getting them off their ass
twas me : DDD

Oekaki Post (Time: 9m, Replay: View)
Don’t make a new thread until the old one is on page 10 this time. Don’t need two threads clogging up the catalog.
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I have, why can't you just be patient? It's going to be like two weeks until the last one is archived.
A wip for your troubles
why do you need a new thread at all if the other is still up
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bump limit
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hungry for more art posts
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I have this dumbass idea of a meek jap buisiness man twink who gets isekai'd into a fantasy world selling beer and various products, only to get an orc demon girl to fall madly in love with him and accompany him on adventures, getting into more and more insane fights. she fucks him every night in order to eventually bear a powerful son
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>How strong is your OC?
Not at all, but he's looking to change that. However he's not going to be as strong as his crush, Dina
>Do they low dif Goku?
Idk what that means but Goku is on another level so my answer is most likely "no"
>Can they blow up a universe?
He can't even squish a fly :) (Nor does he want to)
>Or are they just a lil guy?
Quoting Filat, "I’m not saying [he's] little, but [he's] still green, and trying to figure [himself] out"
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power system for the omnipotence series (temp)
still have to fill in the rest of the char sheets
might have to rework it too so that the numbers are more consistent with each other
will also have to draw the portraits of the other player sheets

the full thing's a bit too complex and won't fit in this space but tl;dr is that it's basically an autistic incremental game/roguelike game system with an interface similar to aurora 4x. the player characters are basically 'gods' who exist in a powerfantasy setting dreamt up by some insane forum dweller who posted too much on vsbattles or something. basically an isekai premise

specifically for these bunch
>How strong is your OC?

>Do they low dif Goku?
yes, i didn't watch super though so maybe there's some bullshit goku has

>Can they blow up a universe?
they do that by accident sometimes
bitch no one cares
that's a big girl
i care
big enough for me ;)
>those hands
are you using ai?
I wouldn't be surprised
cant wait for her to get mad drunk and accidentally pop his head thinking he's a beer bottle then having an iemotional crisis before joining alcoholics anonymous
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"symbolic fanart of me tangled in spiderwebs representing my lack of autonomy as a character trapped inside a narrative and being unwillingly manipulated by various external forces but i seem a little too happy about it" - cemeterything on tumblr
>anon mindbroken by ai that he can't even imagine that most people aren't good at drawing hands to begin with
do you have a crush on her or something
anon and greenie sitting on a tree,
fun fact about this one, i had souv3nir playing for 15 mins straight listener style (i had an extended ver playing) before taking a break bc my mom wanted to play a hidden objects game with me
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thank you for the claire, anon!
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>How strong is your OC?

Strong enough to ride a horse and participate in rodeo events. He carries bundles of straw over his shoulders, does farm-work on his ranch, and can fight people in Walmart.

>Do they low diff Goku? Can they blow up a universe? Or are they just a lil guy?

No, and no. As far as I'm concerned, he's a regular human being obsessed with horses.

... I think.
don't tell delta he'll get mad
Haven't been in /i/ in a few years, glad to see you're still kicking, and good improvement
>good improvement
i love it when my wife has different sized hands
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NTA >>780508
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ur gona get zaped xD
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Vasana has so much power that even God is too afraid to handle. Her tight innie pussy has became the biggest game changer that it can change people’s perception of the world, not aware that they are one of her statistics on how many people she fucked, even got creampied by many. She can also steal your virginity, no matter of your gender and sexual orientation, and others doesn’t mind about it.
the fuck
another troon self-insert
cmon green, gatekeep your thread better
hi delta
rent free
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This is Erlang Shen. A blind monk who travels the lands to seal all Evils within his beads, which he uses as magic eyes to see. The bigger the bead, the greater the amount of souls sealed within, and grows red if enough evil is collected. He is currently undefeated in his journeys thus far...
I'd bang
I’m a cis, so…
projection from a self hating fag
dont care. post ocs!
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My ability is to never sleep.

Oekaki Post (Time: 36m, Replay: View)
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esoteric ancient lore
shmorky stop posting your skype erp logs on oekaki
delta himself wrote it
kott dug it up
neither of these people are important can they go erp somewhere else
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Haven't posted in a bit, focusing on non fred shit and basketball.
That brang back memories of watching those old animations by that diaperfag; le good old days.
>how strong is your oc
He can teleport but that's it. He's as strong as a wet paper towel getting came on.
>could your oc dif goku
No he'd get anally raped and hanged lmfao.
That brang back memories of watching those old animations by that diaperfag; le good old days.
>how strong is your oc
He can teleport but thats pretty much it; he's as strong as a wet paper towel getting came on.
I will never get powerful opish characters; like there's no fun in em. Maybe im just not 'tism.
Im a fag, and this gave me a eye sore. Need to werk on the head's perspective, autism focus bridgman heads.
More unique than avg jap crap i guess, go for it.
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>Best drawing I've made of my OC so far
>It's a full frontal nudity sketch I made because I was horny and couldn't sleep.
As far as power level goes, she's on par with an early to mid level D&D character. She's a good fighter, knows a few basic attack spells and has some unique racial abilities that make her harder to kill, but not invincible.
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Also non canon lactation pic
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wouldnt bridgman heads encourage even more flattening? i love the guy's work and all but he carves his heads out of cuboids and i never got my own head around that

personally i'd suggest just studying real life heads at that point, i cant think of a single construction technique that accounts for the way the head looks in high/low angles

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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i only see 2 looms
The answer is to study anatomy/real skulls yeah.
I redrew it later anjjtvyway
i got the guide to drawing from life, carving from a cuboid like a marble statue *is* the bridgman method for drawing heads, whereas loomis starts from a sphere and builds. it's the differences in approach, and while i'm usually the carver type it just didnt make as much sense for me with heads. different strokes i suppose. neither method gives an easy way to construct around extreme angles though
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>curves his head outta cubes
Thats more like a practice/beginner tech to get the head wrapped around your mind. It's mainly just to show the angel of the head.

>personally i'd suggest just studying real life heads at that point, i cant think of a single construction technique that accounts for the way the head looks in high/low angles

Unironically this, even doe i am a bridgman cock sucker,i have to admit studying from irl / pics of people is the best.

Pic rel, bridgman also teaches to use lines to mark land marks in the head. This was made in like 3 mins, plus i am a eternally schizolet so don't take it as a good example of a bridgman head.
I enjoy the carving method because its really good at establishing the head's angel. That and loomis brick walled me so yeah.

>unqiue racial abilities
Can she defend and plead christ like a puerto rican?
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a delighttful classic
hope he grew out of that phase in his life

nice to see you fred
do more surrealst comics like that "fred gets dehumanised" one
that shit was funny dawg played off your beginner art style very wellv

might be a long shot but is that you Mr.Crawler?
wow honored to have you on the board if true

Oekaki Post (Time: 45m, Replay: View)
u guys gonna hop on fortnite tonight too or what
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i guess their power is lucid dreaming, which they do to fight monsters that cause nightmares.
>how strong
they're skinny girls
>can they beat goku
in their dreams haha
She was raised by pious dwarves, so maybe. Her main racial trait is that if her head is otherwise destroyed or decapitated her mind is backed up in her snake tail so she can keep fighting until treated with the proper healing spells.
I don't know a Mr. Crawler, I'm just a simple man that likes big women of the non-human persuasion. Also thanks for the doodle. It's the first time anyone else has done art of my OC.
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avnas in a bunny suit :3
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I'm actually working on part three of fred gets dehumanized. Gonna finish it this thursday.
Pic semi related the thumbnail to the comic on tapas.

>lizard like
I very much like it! Reminds me of the avg mexician. What if you cut her tail off? Those she suffer negative effects from lacking her tail, or does her tail only really activate after her head gets cut.
What are her nightmares/dreams? Btw interesting designs

I like this.
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The only things Koxasy can do while sober is spraying your eyes with mace and run away. If she drank any alcohol, even if the ABV (alcohol by volume) is dangerously high, she became belligerent and start using the bottle or anything that she can reach to throw at you. If she’s not threatened, curls up into a ball and starts crying in a puddle of her own vomit until she knocks herself to sleep. She might wakes up confused with a throbbing headache with no memory of what happened.
he's the same dumb nigger as always
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>brickwalled by loomis
desu the initial shapes of both methods are a jumping off point for beginners, with neither providing a concrete guide for drawing heads. i think the main difference between the two is whether you map out the angle on a cube or on a sphere with the sides cut off.
i symbol draw the heads nowadays anyway kek

Oekaki Post (Time: 6m, Replay: View)
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the two of them actually invade other people's dreams (kinda like that episode of spongebob) to kill monsters that cause nightmares.
Sarah specifically has become so keen on realizing she's dreaming that more often than not monsters will just insult her through her dreams instead of directly attacking her.
hey pedophile can you stop trying to groom the minor.
Fredo the Pedo
jfc we havent seen him post any of his retarded mushroom girl ocs in over a year. anons on this board are malding so bad over a guy who isnt even around anymore.
ahem >>780589
guess we got to fuck him up again
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even if a bunch of my characters are supposed to be all fightersm, im bad at giving them abilities...

his name is eclair, he's part of the bunch of eclipse ocs that social media artists did (including me)

he is not too strong, the only great thing he casually has is having a lot of strength but then nothing more. has like a special ability that is just to keep enemies away on where as it implies, his head just becomes a eclipse looking thing. it doesnt burn, but it can cause the same eye damage as the normal eclipse would do, and with this thing activated it also affects the surrounding to match the ''eclipse'' thats only seen by him and the focused enemies.

can he beat goku? hell no , can they blow up a universe? hell nah , are they just a lil guy? yes he issss

>>780612 smash
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I should really do a parody of that damaskas song herbert the pervert, but replace the lyrics with fredo the pedo. Like the ring of it

Finished up muh nu-est fred shitpost now to do comic lineart and shiwiwieiet.

I know that, i mainly block in heads as shapes with slight landmarks, usually comes out meh but it works well enough. as for the brick walling its probably because i took loomis and holy scripture for a bit and feel for the head meme; instead of seeing it as a /beg/ way of learning the basics of the head.
>symbol drawing


So sarah has to exprence the avg 'cord clique, interesting ever time she enters a dream. Do they go into the dreams just to kill le nightmares for the altruistic sake of doing it, or is there any other motives at play
So he is a mild nuisance at best. What if someone were to put something in his face while he is eclisped(ie a cock or something of that nature)
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this is angelo his powers are repelling all pussy with his terrible personality and not having friends
he is very weak and stupid and would probably piss his pants if he was faced with a physical altercation (even though he talks a lot of shit)
basically he's a /pol/ frequenter

Oekaki Post (Time: 20m, Replay: View)
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He's kinda cute
he looks like he'd still get more pussy than you kek
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fred compress your drawing more
dont leave so much empty space on the canvas
make things more minimalist and efficient like pic related
unless you're gonna doodle a lotta stuff in the blank spot' it makes the comic feel empty

dude those lyrics are hilarious
do the parody that shit'll slap


Oekaki Post (Time: 58m, Replay: View)
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Reminds me of one my cousins. Is he a futa fag as well?
Not lel anon but i like this a lot, good job.

>fred compress your drawing more
dont leave so much empty space on the canvas
make things more minimalist and efficient like pic related
unless you're gonna doodle a lotta stuff in the blank spot' it makes the comic feel empty

I've noticed that problem a lot, i'm gonna attempt to add moar shit into the my pics. Feel like i did a decent job at mitigating that problem in >>780821 pic rel.

>dude those lyrics are hilarious
do the parody that shit'll slap

Ill see if i can do it in muh music DAW. My fav song from that guy is this one https://youtu.be/nsmHXcRpw14?si=ncOslyKSYMQg4BdX

Also kino fred pic, i really have to get off my ass and draw some kott pics when i get home.
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I got the idea that when someone is aware they are dreaming, any injuries they receive while dreaming are translated to their real body.
At first it could be just protecting people from being killed in their dreams (as someone may become aware on accident), but could dive into a deeper "plot", perhaps a serial killer or government conspiracy. I'm not sure, this isn't something I've had a lot of time to think about yet.
the only time i went lucid in a dream is if i concentrated on the specific brand of chocolate milk i was holding. can choccy milk drunk while dreaming also translate to choccy milk in the real body?
very cool concept so far
Not entirely sure if drinking or eating would fill your stomach in the real world, as that would create matter out of nowhere (though i guess being injured from dreams may be supernatural enough so summoning choccy milk wouldn't be too far out of the scope of normalcy)
it would certainly save money on groceries.
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as i said, it doesnt burn or anything- it will surely traspass his face. the eclipse thing is very thin and whatever you put here will feel like they're traspassing some air barrier

(featured character in the background: paronte with the wrong design)

Oekaki Post (Time: 10m)
Uh why are all these characters Aryan in the OP .
>government conspiracy
Isn't what the feds were trying to do with MKUltra
if you aren't in the know the american feds were trying to "awaken" people's psychic abilities by getting people high on LSD and other mind altering drugs and then shoving them into those isolation pods to see how their mind's vision evolves in absence of outside stimulation
I know about MKultra, as well as some other CIA stuff like astral projection. I find it interesting and weirdly hilarious that the American government does supernatural stuff.
bro did you just post a homestuck character whose skin color doesn't match my headcanon?
fuck you
Permabeg slop.
it was a different time during the cold war
then the damned hollywood jews ruined all the wacky bizarre experimental shit
now its all pedophile honey pots for blackmailing politicians and bussiness men
Green didn’t even draw the last one you tagged, it’s a different artstyle.
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Her name is Momo.
She's a bit of a clumsy witch.
She can control crows.

Oekaki Post (Time: 19m, Replay: View)
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nice trips!

Oekaki Post (Time: 2m, Replay: View)
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Vivian worked in a convenience store for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, getting paid above minimum wage just to survive in a city. Fortunately, she lives with her cousin, Sasha, in a small 1SDK (sitting, dining, and kitchen) flat without A/C, which is why both of them walk around their home naked during summer, even sometimes skinny dipped into a swimming pool where nobody’s here. Vivian is also exhausted mentally after dealing with different types of people who go to the store, which is why she sleeps during a day.
Dont care slopshit is slopshit
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goyslop cat

Oekaki Post (Time: 4m, Replay: View)
>uses perspective lines
>uses them incorrectly
>don't even apply them so it might as well not exist
never change fred
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Here's more Zhenya!
Also which outfit would be your favourite?
pyw and show us how much better you are then newfren
whoa this is cool, love the composition.
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stop looking down you dumbass
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One day ill go from schizo /beg/ to pre /beg/.
Probably in twenty years lmfao.

Gonna color page and lineart.
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picrel is a pair of entities I've seen in my own dreams that they might fight
>the screens
I've posted a pair of images already. basically a CRT or Flatscreen TV that is usually bright red, with white text. The text is usually related to biblical stuff like hell and the end times, but insulted me when i told it to fuck off.
>wire guy
a monster i encountered on a rooftop. It's a man's corpse with some copper wire replacing a large portion of the body.
The wire "arm" can extend, and the three fingers on the end are some kind of sensor. (for some reason i assumed it could smell things)

this is cool. do you mind sharing info on it?
I would honestly give up drawing if I was you. How can you think this is good enough to post?
can you guys stop giving him attention lol. post ocs and hide/ignore derailers and trolls how hard is it
da lore (pdf wip)
that's pretty awesome actually. i love lore like this
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Yume, a wandering sleepy witch who resides deep in a foggy forest, who emits spores from her mushroom hat for that can cause various magical effects for both offense and defense- from beings to become delirious, fall asleep, paralyzed, or even death. She can float in the air and glide using her Jellyfish broom, its tendrils causing immense pain to whomever tries to steal it from her.
Can also be used as a staff her to cast spells, her favorite being one to summon the countless of minions and creatures, who have wandered into her forest and controlled by her spores....
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I do envision her as being of somewhat Hispanic complexion because she's outside adventuring a lot and also brown chicks are hot.
Posting my last two nude pics before I go back to drawing her fully clothed again. Just wanted to practice a rear view and hand bra sketch. I swear she's not normally this slutty!
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As you can see I'm much better at drawing goat legs from the front. The hooves continue to be difficult though
AI slop? On my /i/?
I must be getting really bad at telling what is ai anymore
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Being retarded? On my /i/?
Ok i didn't think so
Bury nice
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robot with hair vents. her name is anise.
can you ai fearmongering faggots post any evidence that you actually draw and if not can you fuck off already
a VILE fucking HAG, SIR!! YES!!!
The Begslop pandemic here is far FAR worst. Al would be breath of fresh air.
Bait-chan thread is down the hall. >>774117
>far worst
Yeah, looks like the only thing worse is the ESL posters.
* Sasha, like Vivian, worked in a convenience store for 10 hours a day, 5 days a week, getting paid above minimum wage and live in a small 1SDK (sitting, dining, and kitchen) flat. She also chose to be naked during summers because her flats has no A/C. Unlike Vivian, Sasha used her homemade shisha to smoke her minds out, regardless it’s tobacco, marijuana, or all mixed, as a coping mechanism after work. She also think about opening her own smoke shop and lounge in the future instead of working in a convenience store so she can work while getting high while seducing men with her breasts.
What the fuck? Coombrain get off my baord
Based francophone coomer
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a winning smile

Oekaki Post (Time: 23m, Replay: View)
all this naked talk and i see them wearing clothes
Not a francophone, but a Puerto Rican in Florida (a.k.a. a Floricua). Might plan to move to France in the future.
I’ll post all of them naked after I finish the rest of five of my OCs.
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hell yeah bro
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old woman......
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You really don't have to. In fact, I'm begging you not to. Nobody wants to see that.
Yup. This threads' filled with begs as usual.
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how could i be homophobic i blew his fucking brains out
Most likely you who don’t want to see mine. All you have to do is to hide all my posts and that’s all.
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This is a windspirit who likes to eat cheese and steal your shit. Can fly at highspeeds and has collected various magical items and trinkets along her journey...

blog ?
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>How strong is your OC?

Between yamcha and base Goku (from the Saiyan saga) level but he can have some toon force if needed
5 down, 4 more to go.

Flotilda from Gisêblîs has left her city she was raised to a new city less than 500 kilometers away so she can, while outside, being temperate and meet new people and cultures outside of her hometown. But while she comes back to her small 1R studio flat, she became hedonistic with a computer to play games or talk in group chats, disposable vape bars and dab pens to blow on it and make tricks, sex toys whenever she felt horny by masturbating it while watching porn or using her thoughts, and unlimited amounts of vibes. But Flotilda’s indoor hedonistic lifestyle has led to her flat being messy filled with empty food containers and packages, empty bottles and cans, and disposable vape bars and dab pens, and her flat has a stench of whatever the flavor she smokes, even it got into her clothes and hair for days.
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This is Nickben Eleven. He has the ability to absorb energy from others which in turns gives him little random stat boosts or even the powers of his targets. He's just trying to have the best time of his life, going around having fun. This is his cursed form though, so his power has been halfed until he gets that fixed. (Which will be relatively never lol)
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This is Vaski. She is the spirit of a fictional 14.5x114mm anti materiel rifle. She is an android foxgirl. She is a mary sue and schadenfreude. Her height is 194cm, her gun length is 215cm and weighs 46lbs. She has a full length top rail for clip on night vision. Her most common configurations are with a bipod or tripod.
Did this for an daily October challenge lol

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