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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 09-APR-2024



>What the hell are these links?
>Are they encoded?
>What the hell do I do with them?
No, they're not info-hashes or magnets; we're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing and harvesting/reporting them. You will see a GIF in the first two or three posts that explains what to do. Don't understand some of the terms in the GIF? Google them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres or onions. You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.

>Have you seen them?

... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:

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>Last time, on Artbooks (>>7091706):

>Kim Jung Gi - Omphalos

>Arms & Armor - A Pictorial Archive From Nineteenth Century Sources

>西洋甲冑&武具作画資料 (JPG, 43.1 MB)
>"Western Armour and Weapons: an Illustrated Archive"

>Warhammer Uniforms & Heraldry of the Empire

>Hands taught by Takahiro Kagami with all his might.zip (39 MB)

>Hands taught by Takahiro Kagami with all his might (English AI translation, not gray).zip (180 MB)

>Design Your Own Anime and Manga Characters (56.4 MB)

>Toshiyuki Inoue animation pencil tests (walks, runs, fire, water).zip (89 MB)

>Anime Architecture

>War of the Visions - Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Characters
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603 KB GIF

>Drawing people is fun! Face and head edition.zip (94 MB)

>Drawing people is fun! Face and head edition (English AI translation).zip (112 MB)

>Drawing people is fun! Figure drawing for manga.zip (39 MB)

>Drawing people is fun! Figure drawing for manga (English AI translation).zip (96 MB)

>Drawing people is fun! Clothing edition.zip (39 MB)

>Drawing people is fun! Clothing edition (English AI translation).zip (80 MB)

>Tips to make you want to draw

>Osprey Military Uniforms Books Torrent Information

>Dark Horse - Castlevania The Art Of The Animated Series (489 MB)

>Tadashi Hiramatsu's Girls sketchbook.zip (14 MB)

>Art of Mana

>Kaoru Mori - Scribbles v01 (2023) (Digital) (1r0n).cbz (50 MB)

>Kaoru Mori - Scribbles v02 (2023) (Digital) (1r0n).cbz (48 MB)
Bruh. Stop spamming.
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Does ANYONE anyone have the Production Sketches/Animation Notes/Animation Guides
Whatever you want to call it for Kizumonatari or Tenshi no Tamago (Angel's Egg)?

The ones on E-HENTAI are all incomplete

Please I am on my knees!!! These two are my white whales. I have been looking everywhere for them! maybe I'm retarded or maybe they are a psyop to drive me mad but I can't find them!!!

PLEASE /IC/hads I beg for your wisdom and guidance
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>How to create a world view: From idea generation to design - Easy-to-understand introduction to concept art
>世界観の作り方 アイデア出しからデザインまで わかりやすいコンセプトアート入門
Anyone got this one?
is that yours anon? sweet
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Yup. I have more Macross books.
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Robotech and other stuff.
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There should be more Robotech/Macross stuff.

>Haruhikp Mikimoto artbooks - mostly watercolour
checking if Koji Kumeta's "Kuigaten" Artbook was ever scanned before I take it upon myself to do it.
not sure, but if you scanned or found another link that would be awesome
PDF format, please and thank you
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The scans don't do this book justice. I think it's even better than Xiao Weichun, especially for digital
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I'm pretty sure we had this one but I can't find it now
does anybody have it?
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Hello, Anyone?
whats this
but some of the full/double pages are tiny for some reason
Can't seem to find a link for Vision: Color and Composition for Film by Hans Bacher anywhere. Does anyone have a scan?
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please i can't find it anywhere, thanks
Still, looks very good, Maybe I'll buy it and read the AI translated one, if there's one of course.
I still kinda regret learning japanese when almost all the interesting books I find are chinese or korean.
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Still looking for this nigga's book
Hello anons, I would like to know if any of you have any artbooks by the artist: 窪之内英策 (Eisaku Kubonouchi)
why are you normies still posting this thread been dead
just check his twitter and use an extension to download every sketch he's uploaded so far with one click, all you need is there, he's constantly posting drawings and sketches, enough material to study
fuck off normalfag
>English AI translation
what's the straightforward way to do this with a book?
Anyone have the settei from Maken-ki, triage x and high school of the dead?
Been looking for any of these. Nothing in the archives, so I'm doubtful though:

Sketching - from Square One to Trafalgar Square - Richard Scott

The Oil Painter's Color Handbook - Todd Casey

Sketchbook: Composition Studies for Film - Hans Bacher
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Brand new newly translated from chink to readable English!

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Oh shit. Guess it's time to read something new today.
bless u anon
Nice! I was waiting for this.
has anyone translated the rinotuna color and light yet?
only AI translation so far I think
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What's a good clothing design book? I just can't draw clothes; it's too fucking hard
Standing characters are one thing, but action poses where the character is fully clothed are complicated. Drawing folds in perspective is definitely not easy. I'm going to need tons of references
What's the best book, compilation, or reference resource out there?
oh my god anon this is amazing
>translated by Ceo of /beg/
holy shit Pawell you're a god
>CEO of /beg/

God fucking damn it, I was about 60% in my own version of the translation. I had a look and the translation is very good. Guess I'm going to cry myself to sleep. Good work tho.
It has a lot of weird MTLisms, would be interested in your version.
>>7137241 (me)
Honestly I didn't notice the weird MTL on my first brief read but I don't think I'm going to continue working on it, for now at least.

As an ESL and a native Chinese speaker, I find it quite discouraging because to be frank, from what I read, the translation for the most part is decently accurate and direct, which is very serviceable and makes my version kind of obsolete (doesn't help that I write like 12).

Here's the link of the google docs of my version and I don't think I'm going to continue and I think it's better for me to work on my own stuff desu.


picrel is the layout version on figma which only has a couple pages in, just to testing how it looks.
https://e-hentai.org/g/2010275/9172328b4d/ I'd love to see this book translated
an actual posing book? BUMP
He will graduate from /beg/ into intermediate /int/
Try Roxy anon's script:


He updated it recently but I haven't tried the newest version yet.
Now that this book is already translated to English /beg/tards will still complain. This book is ripping off Loomis, Bridgeman and Hogarth but essentially rewriting it for aspiring Character designers for Videogames.
thank you
>>7137278 (me)
im a fucking dumbass and almost doxxed myself

here's the new link
you were thikning of this one
but it doesnt look the same
where exactly do you type all that code,i need a retards guide to this
chant it out loud in a dark room on the night of a full moon
You don't need to type anything. Read the instructions. You'll need a Google account.
pretty sure it already is translated, search the archive for theorem of pose
gay af
how do you make pdfs with selectable text and all?
thinking of translating some Japanese books, but not sure of the workflow
Nevermind, found a link in the archive

it's clearly just ran through deepL, if you're actually translating it yours is probably better
yeah your explanations make way more sense, thanks
Amazing stuff, please keep going.
Doesnt work
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i like how the general understanding of tech is going down so people are surprised when PDF behaves as... well as default normal PDF file should.

Anyway pic related anon. Pretty detailed. To look up how to do frill stuff like headers or footers or numbering headlines is easily googable.
What I'd been doing in the past was to manually shop the original text out and type in the translations, then saved as an image since the originals were images, then compile them into a pdf with a script.
i'll OCR before i compile them from now on.
>drawing men is... le gay
Someone post a guide on how to scan art books.
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bros it's stilll doesn't work for me
it's an absolute crime that Nathan Fowkes two books on landscapes and portrait paintings still haven't been scanned yet, idc that we have the lectures, we want the books dammit ! he rambles too much in the courses with that godawful hissing mic.
theyre the same shit you retard
It's always entitled newfags that type that shit. Not like they'd actually read the fucking book anyway.
idc I hate his faggot wholesome chungus voice
Kill yourself.
seethe harder faggot, go listen to his 30th anecdote about his heckin college friend who inspired him to do never give up on art
If looking at his art isn't enough for you to be able to do studies then you're fucking retarded.
how fucking stupid are you? how would i know theyre the same shit? take a fucking wild guess dumbfuck
is it possible that i have both???? kill yourself beggar fuckface
Great projection. I'm not the one that's crying over not being able to spend $20 for an easily accesible book.
^^ this retard is pretending to be me

they are not the same I've seen vids of the books on yt they're much more detailed then his rambly vids
there's a bunch of stuff that's not even mentioned ever in the video course
misfired, i thought you were the beggar

jesus FUCK youre stupid, you realize the class has VIDEO demonstrations AND critiques? The online class is better in every way, fowkes just knows how to maximize his revenue, youre clearly talking out your ass
I'm just guessing here but the images in the zip file are probably in a folder and that's why the script can't see them.
Never mind, you're right. The script doesn't work anymore.
Have the Seiichi Nakamura series of books been AI translated?
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Anyone know what artbook this is from?
when in doubt yandex it out
Any one got the english version of these?
>Fundamentals of Painting vladimir mogilevtsev
Was only able to find the "drawing" one.
seconded, i was looking for this all over couldn't find it
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posting a better picture

Be sure to select the correct download button ("original pdf"). Images are low-quality tho; one good reason to actually buy the damn book aaaaaaaaaaah.
doesn't work for me
>one good reason to actually buy the damn book aaaaaaaaaaah.
cheapest one I found was 88€,but regardless it's out of stock, so I actually can't buy it.
Who do I gotta sissify myself and spread my cheeks for to get this book?
worked for me but yeah quality could be better, thanks tho
no one has it, buy it yourself rather than whoring yourself out. the only shit you will see on these threads are ancient art books or shit which is available on kindle.
Anything on anime keyframes?
On Sad Panda you'll find tons
can you drop it on mediafire for me nigga?

just go on sakugabooru
What are the best artbooks/how-to books for drawing porn?
The Umena Bunbun book is decent but I want more.
>Setteidreams model sheets and gengashuu collection (exhentai) 2022-11-05 (90 files, 1.64 GB)

More here (very large file sizes):
added another
pixeldrain com/l/5CnN4e8h
Thank you very much anons I love you all.
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>What do you guys rec for webtoons/manhwa?
>The Morpho Series by Michel Lauricella (2014 - 2024).zip (370 MB)
tysm nigga!
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requesting dorohedoro mud and sludge and other dorohedoro artbooks alternative dl options
no one's seeding on ehentai and i dont have enough GP unfortunately
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>i dont have enough GP
I'm not surprised ... it costs almost 100K GP! Fortunately, I *do* have enough GP. I'll have to stash it somewhere else besides MEGA, though, since even zipped, the file exceeds 2GB.
>you guys rec for webtoons/manhwa
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Translation when...
Non translated book where?
>[tenten] Special training on animation human body structure performance techniques
>[tenten] Special training on animation human body structure performance techniques (English AI translated)
i think gofile has no file limit but the link wont last long
i think its enough for anons to add it on the /ic/'s own archives
It should, but you have to work a little bit to click on the good two buttons because they try to fool you.

The low image quality for the English digital version is purposeful if I remember correctly. I don't remember if it was the drawing book Russian version which had better image quality.

You don't really want to study that kind of book from a screen anyway, just give them the cash if you think you'll spend dozens or hundreds of hours working with it and move on.

Don't be cheap with good books you'll study, unless you're 3rd worlder or whatever, but if you were, you should have learnt how to hustle already
i swear ive seen this one before, picrel is another page of this book
>i think gofile has no file limit but the link wont last long
gofile it is, then. Let's see how long this lasts.

thanks, anon
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takin a shot in the dark here. if anyone has this please scan it.
any rec for stylized environments?
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It's posted on PA Works' twitter.
I don't have all of it.
>Toshiyuki Inoue
Man all his books look usefull
Got two books on special effects aswell
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Can someone identify the top two books on this image?
What a guy, thanks bro
any one had this: Carole & Tuesday art book

Is Monster Hunter: World - Official Complete Works uploaded anywhere? couldn't find it on zlib ehen or libgen
Where's that pic from? My guess is a Japanese animator but I could be wrong.
Holy rare, can't even find a copy on ebay.
It's 人体デッサン赤ペン添削塾
roughly translates to "human body red lining correction cram school (improve character poses fast)
It's on zlib
人体デッサン赤ペン添削塾 (キャラのポーズがみるみる上達!) *
zlib is back! but you need an account now? I can't download this
update: apparently somebody uploaded the entire thing as a facebook gallery. the scans are less than ideal but beggars can't be choosers
once i've got the whole thing dl'd whats the best way to put up the zip? i could put it on mega but idk if capcops will break my knees if the link gets reported in the future
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in return i just downloaded these 3, it took a while since only 1 was seeding the sketchbook
for anons here, download it while the link is still active
He's an oldschool japanese background artist. Responsible for some famous background art in Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer.

anon on second post here, thank you

i've checked anus archive and it's also available there, too
What the fuck, this thread has become extremely based with all these exptic finds.
Does anyone have KJG's Omphalos? I really need it.
not human TL, though
Nevermind lmao

could you share those?
i've been trying to look for his books everywhere

also bumping this cuz i really want it too
alright well this is a 3day litterbox upload. i trust someone who knows what they're doing can reup this on a better host in that time
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Requesting anatomy for 3d artists
here's a gofile link
thanks man
>could you share those?
>i've been trying to look for his books everywhere
Sorry I don't have any of them, just looked him up on google
Is there a version of Capcom's Design Works in english? I have it in japanese but I can't understand a thing. I'm mainly interested in the names of the artists so I can look them up, but even those are in runes.
Thanks! I love seeing what books pro artists use.
Do scans of either the Sonic 25th anniversary art book or "Sonic the Hedgehog Art & Design" exist anywhere?
Quick bit of googling tells me no, sorry. Doubt there's been a manual translation either
This is retarded, just use https://capture2text.sourceforge.net/
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>Street Fighter The Animated Movie Gallery.zip (88 MB)

downloaded from exhentai
Trakker's gonna lead the mission

This joke is not available in my country.
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Anyone have the Have a Nice Death Artbook?
Hey guys anybody know a good camera to use for scanning books? I have a DSCWX80 but it gets blurry when zooming in. I wanted to archive my books and buy some, like the Suhsio KLK books, or the Journey artbook, but don't want to go through the hassle of fucking the binding up to get them on my scanner.
There was some russian site that was good for finding books, but I don't remember what it was at all.
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Hello anons, does anyone have this artbook?
any suggestions for a physical anime/manga book, something with poses and faces or w/e just something i can pick a drawing from and copy everyday for fun
This one's pretty good
A PDF of it has been uploaded on here before
You mean the Russian mirror of lib.gen?
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Any chance someone has pic related (The Art of Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together) in PDF? It's on e-hentai but the torrent appears dead.
>Draw It With Me - The Elegant Female Form
Thanks anon.
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>[Yoshida Akihiko] NieR_ Reincarnation (official artwork).zip (21 MB)

>YoRHa No. 2 Type B - DX Edition figure (Flare).zip (57 MB)
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>how to draw female fashion
can someone find the book again?
>It's on e-hentai but the torrent appears dead.
That's all right anon, I have enough GP.

I don't have it in english.
I think this is the one that's been shared here.

Is there any good 3d body model thats better than the default CSP one?
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Anyone seen one of these books before?
I like this style of vibrant, colorful background but buying the books is so confusing...
There's a "regular" and "complete" version and I don't know whats in what.
Also There's like 5 books and I genuinely can't tell which ones are just artbooks and which are the instructional books
updated version
is the AI tled version old ?
Why are there 2 versions of ex hentai and I can only enter one
Man i remember seeing a copy of this at 10 dollars on some local ebay-like platform copy i regret not buying it
Thanks fren! The art in that book is incredible.
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>Cognitive Drawing: Learn the Female Figure
Does anyone have this book?
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anyone has the two books on the right?
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Anyone have this?

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