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I don't understand how can someone have such clean lines using graphite. Everytime I draw my lines end up chunky as hell, is it the pencil? Graphite size? I don't get it
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Mileage. It's simple line confidence. Stop opening threads to make dumb statements or ask questions that have obvious answers jfc.
>amazing artist
>makes awful manga
Such a terrible curse.
this could very well be digital imitating graphite. look at the guitar string. also it used to be common to clean up your scans. now zoomers just take a pic with their phones and post as it.
30+ years of holding chopsticks
is everybody on this board retarded or something
It's because he's extremely confident with his lines, if you've seen him draw you'd know he draws everything right the first time
That's an ability that you'll get once you have years and years of drawing under your belt
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Not op but isn't this drawing abit too clean? I've watched Hiroaki Samura draw as he uses pencil alot, he uses a lightbox to trace the sketch to have clean lines but it still doesn't look as clean.

as one of the anons mentioned maybe he just cleaned up the scan or maybe he uses lightbox
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>It's because he's extremely confident with his lines, if you've seen him draw you'd know he draws everything right the first time
i've seen him drawing and he definitely doesn't lol
How come Gege, Fujimoto and Gotouge can't draw as well as Horikoshi despite all being twice more popular than him, published on the same magazine and working on the same deadline?
Artists who settle with this cross-hatching pencil drawing style mostly happen to be 3rd world SEA-niggers. Paint like what real artists do. Graphite is boring as fuck, you happy with that? it's gray as hell.
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i'm pretty sure out of these he is the one who enjoys drawing the most, this is fanart made by him when he was 15.
Plus I think he has the most assistants
Because how well you draw doesn't equate to an appealing story and no hate to horikoshi but mha story is shit, I don't think he's less popular than those two though at least in terms of how known their most popular works are people forgot mha was a small global phenomenon when the anime released in 2016 gege probably is more popular than him now though. fujimoto and gege stories also have a bit more substance which leads to more people talking about them more frequently than horikoshi and mha
draw lightly with a sharp pencil
a kneaded eraser also helps
nice try retard i specifically remember being in the threads when this was posted and it was during japanese cold season and hori was basically dying of pneumonia
I'm 95% sure this isn't graphite, or at least graphite that hasn't been digitally altered. Look at the guitar chord.

But besides, you need a smooth paper, good, well sharpened graphite, and some dexterity.
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Yeah, I think it is digital, simzarts posted this early, it is clearly digital, hori must use a similar brush
in addition to what's been said, every time something looks clean or meticulous it's far larger than reproduction you looking at on the screen, be it trad or digital
>I don't understand
What you don't understand could fill a library
This is all digital.
Wow. Gotta sit for a moment and ponder upon that. Thanks anon. That's deep.
Use thinner lead, either that or skill issue

>despite all [list of things with no relation to drawing skill whatsoever]
I dunno anon why can't I draw like Horikoshi despite also breathing air, sitting in a chair and not cutting my hair? It's fucking mystery.
what you don't eat could fill a supermarket
Even on digital i cant gat lines that clean. My lines are blurry and jagged at the same time
>artistic skill =/= writing skill
many such cases
that's you being retarded
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Practice drawing with your arm for months. Draw circles clockwise with your whole arm for 45 minutes every day for 2 months. Then Draw circles anticlockwise everyday for another month.
Draw from observation.
NEVER go back on a line. Do NOT pet your lines. Ever. If its bad, erase it and do it again until its right.
Know where the line is going, from start to finish.
Its that easy anon.
Picrel is my progress so far. Its that easy anon
it looks fucking nothing like OP.
Ofcourse it looks nothing like OP its a head floating in space. OP is asking for tips I gave him tips. This isn't about me
bruh, your lines are trash
Hahaha. Yeah okay
dunning kruger
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Yeah must be
I'm actually curious to see how you would do it. Post your trad lines
yeah, I'm not getting into a pissing match with a butthurt /beg/ namefag
step away from the screen and read the thread in a couple of days, you're ridiculously out of your depth
>no tips
>no work
Calm down anon all you gotta do is draw it one stroke at a time, quickly and precisely. Keep it up for a few months. I believe in you
You know you can get perfectly straight lines by using a flat edge to guide your pencil, right? The guitar strings looking so perfect doesn't suggest that this is a digital drawing.
errr idk why people are trying to say this isn't pencil or w/e. just watch this vid, hori is godly at drawing. Its def a little digitally altered like on of the guitar strings and the jack cable, but its like 99% pencil art, he's just very very good.
I meant, the power chord, especially the lowest portion of it: it's a pure flat gray as you'd get with a hard round. you can't really get that with graphite
Thanks; it's perhaps the paper + lead holder combination which trumps me, as I'm not used that much to the latter. I guess on a smooth surface like bristol, which he probably uses because he inks on top, such smooth tones can happen
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np! he actually might use bristol for illustrations (seeing as how he is kinda into western comics and thats what they use) but actually most mangaka don't use bristol. They mostly use the brands DELETER, or I-C because they are very good for providing smooth inking lines with a nib.
please shut up. comic boards are easier to ink on and people use nibs all the time. hunt crow quill was used all the time in the past. some used winsor newton water color brush. but the garbage gpen nibs used in manga doesnt need magic nippon paper to work and using the lower gsm deleter shit is actively worse to ink on. they are just smaller paper format and cheaper because they dont care about quality. they want quantity. smaller, less detail, production pipeline. saves on toner packs and ink with all the black fill they use. now its mostly digital, but the smaller size format and production pipeline remains. just tracing and 3d models with photobashed backgrounds.

but bristol is just thicker, smoother and easier to work on.
way to overreact asshole. I never said you couldn't get smooth lines on bristol, and as someone who literally has both types of paper at the ready, I find the japanese paper easier to work on, as I am sure a lot of comic artists do. Deleter quality DOES suck ass, but I-C is actually really nice. I've also had bristol paper that was complete shit. So there is no end all be all paper
>I don’t understand how an east Asian artist can be so flawless in every way

Japan isn’t the exception, they’re the rule
Nice clean lines anon, you got it, OP picrel however, is digital.
You can't draw.
OP picrel is digital.
nvm, I zoomed in and can see the grains of paper, it's trad and scanned.
why are drawings in grey so much better than drawings in black? My lineart just looks ilke a map, it doesn't have form, even if I use straight lines or trace a model perfectly.
>lines end up chunky as hell
Use smoother paper and get a pencil with hardness that is comfortable to you (for me it's 3B) and sharpen it properly. Or just use a mechanical pencil. And make bigger drawings. The only problem I have with drawing lines like this is that my hand smudges the lines, but that's just how it is with my hand posture... I prefer the darker lines I get when using india ink fineliners anyway though.
You could try using good filters after scanning your drawings. Smoothen lines, adjust contrasts etc.. Also, you can spend more time going over the same lines to thicken them in the right places and make them more prominent. Horikoshi did it too.

Draw bigger motives. And try using a softer pencil than HB
why is this board obsessed with clean sketch lines, the entire point of a sketch is to be loose and experiment. Then you redo it, add shading etc and finally ink.

it's like no one has actually watched a pro work from concept to finish on trad before, just digital slop artists.
Grayscale fags are amateur.
Are you perhaps a fucking retard? What does any of that have to do with what he said + he posted hard evidence of manga inked on the paper he was explicitly referring to. You were owned before you even posted.
Retard. NGMI
Ever consider suicide, anon? You're clearly schizo and ngmi with art. I think with AI combined with your lack of skill just gives you all the more reason to finally jump in front of a train.
There are different grades of graphite for better line quality go buy a bunch of different pencil and pens and draw,
thanks for the insight into manga papers
develop the ability to skim through threads and lightning fast speed filtering the pests and sometimes you get some practical information
I can tell you are a beg.
>Nice clean lines anon, you got it,
you are blind
>OP picrel however, is digital.
you are retarded
You are a massive dunning kruger. Your lines are beg level crap.
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Mechanical pencil plus smooth paper? I dunno. It's easy.
That paper in your pic is bristol, but it's just thinner. >>7161817 is right, but they overreacted.
the only thing separating bristol from normal paper is that it is multiple sheets glued together to form a multi-ply "board" of paper. The fact that manga paper is not that, means it is indeed NOT bristol, but just a heavy kg paper. That guy isn't right.
is this bait?
there's no point comparing yourself to seasoned pros that have been drawing amazing since they started and made money and fame off their art with MOTIVATES and INSPIRES them to be creative and plus ultra. Drawing as a /beg/ with a tablet for no reward while you fight off thoughts of suicide is not even in the same ballpark as what pros do. Of course your lines are going to be worse.
Holy projection, Batman.
I'm .... projecting that horikoshi is a good artist???
That's computer generated.
Mechanical pencil you dumb noob

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