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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Self portrait thread. Share yours now.
kids! stay away from that guy
now post a nude full body self portrait
Why aren't people drawing anymore? U guys suck ass.
Welcome back, portraitbrah.
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not all of us are retarded enough to post our faces in 4chan
The previous portrait thread was nice.
Most posters on here are ugly losers and are afraid of giving up any anonymity
draw from a fucking mirror. i'm so tired of "artists" doing 1to1 copy of their photos.
I would post but its so full of shitters that the will is gone.
Gotta admit that the thread DID make me draw a self portrait since I havent tried taking it seriously before.
josh moon?
no, Indi
>Most posters on here are ugly losers
The more attractive you are, the more reason you shouldn't post here. You have a 2-digit IQ it seems.
You look like you own a lolcow gossip site
i got called ben shapiro last time
Nah only If you are a woman you shouldnt post on these.
Good Thread
maybe don't be a shill for the state of Israel, then
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Classic /ic/ thread: 1 image 20 replies. Let’s just draw/paint and have fun. Or try to, this world is already shitty enough without us arguing with each other.

Anyway, here’s mine. Took me like 18 hours and there’s no way I’m rendering pores of skin. Also I just realized how lazy my eye is and the baldness in me.

Godspeed anons, godspeed.
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From my locker at work...

"Still lurking about "!
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Why did I decide to scribble shade I should've just hatched it
Rare wojak
Selfportrait with the muse.
Its not November yet
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Nude self portrait thread?

Self portrait day
You still have time to add the knife
you just took that off of r/ftmselfietrain
beautiful work.
subtle, wonderful expressions.
Don't get mad at me because you're ugly
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I kneel
It seems a good amount of artists forget to eat while drawing.
(Me included)
I think I look good for my age. (I'm the one on the left)
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stfu that's my actual face
Holy shit it was true
Do I need to post my cock and balls or will you just constantly think I'm a tranny
>Do I need to post my cock and balls
as a purely precautionary measure, yes
p-please do, i need it for my reference folder
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Since I'm so nice I decided to get erect.
Don't get used to this.
with all due respect, it's better than nothing, but the stipulation was both balls, not just one. there could also be more PMC (phallic member clarity).
retard doxing himself
always nice meeting fellow metal listeners on 4chin, nice hair bro
>i read and talk about art with literal teens that still have pimps and no pubes
I need to rethink some parts of my life
This counts double because I used my finger
This thread is so deranged lmao
this thread is full of libtards
You drew Aizen Sosuke's dad
I should have posted on the chud self portrait thread when I had the chance
Small cock, no balls. Dont post that, no balls.
Theres only one deranged person in this thread, unfair assessment.
I'm gonna call him "bally" from now on
>1 ball
M-mein führer!?
you're literally me
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nevermind here's a better one i forgot i still had it
where the fuck are your balls anon are you a eunuch
>anon posts his dick on /ic/
Should I be impressed, disgusted, or aroused?
neither. you should be drawing it
I think I shall. Tomorrow. If it’s still up.
The other one is way better
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Just started drawing.
Really liked your art style so I made one just like it
This is like the most pajeet thing Ive ever seen in my life without counting ai
She's not wrong
Chill negroe, im not even a street shitter
Then why the shit-shirt and the wolf bang?
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First portrait in like 5 years
Not gonna finish, but not bad for half assed and not really using the reference
Here anon now you have both sides of the ass, it's fully assed
Thank you anon....
But I think there is some nose missing
Among other things
Ogre chad
wtf is wrong with zoomers. holy crap
>what is opsec? we just don't know
this is the last generation
Gen alpha are already 100s of millions strong
Nice keyboard
Not on my watch
I'm probably older than you and have no fucking idea of what that is
Imagine the smell
not him and definitely not an indian, but what do indians have to do with wolf fangs?
>thread is full of fags shitposting and posting dick pics instead of actual portraits
classic, /ic/ doesn't draw.
is that your girlfriend?
Should've drawn yourself as a hot girl
I picked up on 4chan. operational security. it's a term used in the militarily.
>The objective of OPSEC is to prevent sensitive information from getting into the hands of an adversary, primarily by denying access to the data.
the enemy being 4chan stalkers/doxxers/schizos etc. so don't post your face, don't post the view out your window(geo-guessers now have your address etc), don't post pics of the box amazon sent you, don't post a photo of yourself with the reflection of the bus stop you use in your eye(girl who did this got attacked by a guy who found her location through the reflection)
anon folded under no pressure
If you are a guy you are safe from that shit though
You're the only one who didn't post a portrait.
I'm the guy to replied to, it's kind of mindblowing that people that got introduced to internet from the fucking start and didn't need to learn it later in life like us cavemen need a specific definition to indicate something that should be as implied as not giving your ids and home keys to random strangers
You little shits really are fucking retarded uh. But I guess my gen is also very guilty of being mongoloids that can't teach their kids anything because they're too busy getting lobotomized by socials, so eh
Still you really don't need 300 iq mental acrobatics to figure out that leaving your personal data traceable with minimum effort isn't that great of an idea even at 12 years
>overcompensating zoomers larping as oldfags
If you've been here for more than 15 years you should know that modern 4chan is completely toothless. There's no more doxxing, no more trolls, nobody does things for fun and chaos anymore. Modern 4chan is just a cove of boring and pedantic nerds.
You can post your face or your dick, nobody is gonna do anything other than call you names.
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>schizo-stalker thinks he can lower our guard
nice try faggot
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In my defense,i did it from memory.
Also, i´m the guy in front.
I'm the one in the back
Anon, I don't mind knowing you better when we're done with this movie where you rape me in every hole, I'm sure you had a lot of issues growing up and there's a good man under that slob exterior and I'm willing to see if there's some actual compatibility since I'm really liking this violent fucking, but can you do me at least a favor and take a shower?
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I'm the 100th post
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It's typical of retards since the inception of this shithole to project stuff like "hurrr you not a oldfag u just pretend durr" as a final mean to defend an argument
That doesn't even fucking exist, since what I typed there is just generic extemporaneous thinking. So like the ancients said "suck my cock, "dude"" and gtfo fucking faggot
you sound like a teenager from the way you type and the things you say
take your meds anon i'd ask if you were >>7197391 if that wasn't me
no one cares enough to doxx some rando who posted his ball-less dick on 4chan. if you're talking about us posting self-portraits no one cares either
Said by someone like you that's in his early 20's and sound already like a acid spinster on the verge of menopause, angry at the world for no specific reason outside to avoid facing your own shortcomings and insecurities, it's a really huge compliment
Peace dude
Woman hands typed this
>take your meds
Why so offended? Saying what and why opsec is/was a thing is fine. People get doxxed on TikTok everyday. It's not a stretch to think it could happen on 4chan.
I got doxxed for gooning in the skatepark
I got doxxed for skating in a gooncave
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Now that the thread has dick pics and drama I can safely post my self portrait
I miss mass repliers so much.
Good thread anon, probably the worst self portrait thread I've ever seen
Nice, love the place where it was drawn and the drawing
I thought you were a woman for a second
The true starving artist
Looks like an adult swim show with edgy humor
Me in 2 weeks
She's not wrong
>Mogs entire thread
Even more beautiful interaction
This will be the end of the thread
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Up yours.
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I like yours, you look like a bit of a Melvin though.
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Me in the middle
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the op image i did for my thread on /i/

woah first time seeing a wax crayon work that isnt total shit
very cool

norwood reaper is approaching


how are there so many indian/paki looking niggas here?

you look like a chinese court eunuch



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I blame the glasses
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Stupid sexy Melvin!
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Got up real close in the mirror with my glasses off for reference
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you perfectly encapsulated the look i like
it's great
the style also reminds me of something but unsure of what
a cute mouth expression, I too make this face when feeling awkward
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Ai? Ai Uehara?
What did anon mean by this?
Are you fat or is it just the angle?
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i've always had round cheeks, the blankets and cardigan probably don't help
My portraits escaped the AI accusations bois. I'm real, I'm full of vitality.
moggs the thread
Too bad u ugly
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a self portrait i did trying to emulate FKMT's artstyle
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wa! love it
love you hair and approach
no, it's beautiful
a nice expression a feeling of classic handsomeness
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>Homosexual depresive face
You should shave, get a nicer hair cut that balances out your head shape and start working out/eating better.
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Here's my attempt. Abt 4 hours at the mirror. Just pencil on paper. Every little advice is welcome.
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drawing i did of myself, do not be mean !!
this might be the most insane picture i have seen this year, and i mean that in the most negative way possible
The worst thing about this isnt the subject matter itself, its the art. Perfect blend of amateur art and ugly style, probably gives this away that its bait from the fact this couldve been drawn in 10 minutes.
Man cartel and war gore are less disgusting than this kind of stuff
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First one I posted was old so I did a new one that wasn't the size of a postage stamp
You are a woman, right?
Yeah but I don't really look like a plastic baby.
Kinda like it
>decent sized cock
>is circumcised
>tiny balls
You look miserable. Get off of 4chan, shave the stubble and start lifting weights.
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>I'll take a triple catholic deluxe, who can cook. 4x4 trad style, no older than 25. White only, no degree, unvaxxed and still a virgin.
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Sorry anon, best I can do is suicidal tranny, ex-coal burner with mud-kids or nazi femboy
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The west has truly fallen.
looks nice, you look like someone but i'm not sure who
my advice would be to try and not make so many hard outlines like lining your work, let your value be the edge.
great job!
i like the mouth a lot
looks goode
i'm partial to images with people wearing their headsets
Tradchads rise!
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Gave it my best try
very nice cheeks, nose, lips and facial hair especially
Understandable, nice drawing either way.
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thanks anon.
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No need to tell me what the issues are, I already know, contrasts and values are shit, and the hair is barely worked on, didn’t finish, didn’t have the time.
This is the best one so far in a technical sense.
Dunno, I feel like he's still too green with those brushes. It's one of the best of the thread for sure, but I give my vote to Melvin, imo he's the most technically complete here. After mine obviously
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Kevin James with facial hair.
...uh, ig latina cakes guy?
Yeah my brushwork is a disaste, I had 5 hours to rush something “decent” to hand back in the morning. And then I got fucked anyways for not doing any sketches and gouache studies kek. The moral of the story is, always do ur studies before you start ur final, so you don’t end up making half assed pieces of garbage like me. And I think you guys are being too nice, my teacher openly tore me a new one in front of the class for handing in something this shit kekw
You forgot to draw Emerald Splash
... I have no idea what that means
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The year is 2017. I am commuting every day to attend med school in another city, wishing every minute that life was different and I was on my way to art school instead. I've just gotten my first iPad with Procreate. I am looking at myself in the weak reflection in the train window, wondering why I am insisting on doing the wrong thing in my life. Over and over again.
well then, are you a doctor now?
If you are a doctor can I be your househusband?
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Nobody asked your opinion.
you guys all look the same

Unfortunately yes. At least in around a year or so I can become a pathologist and permanently work part time, so that I finally can do art the rest of my time.


I already have the best househusband, I'm sure you will find someone :)
>Anon has prosopagnosia
the curse of constructoid drawing
Sorry i thought you were another guy, ignore that
you're super welcome!
is there any chance you have some place you upload your art to? no pressure if not.
also cute cool moai (You)
i think it looks beautiful.
i love your colour choice, your skintones eye colour etc are lovely. good job anon.
you look like a comfortable modern southern american (confederacy?) general. it's very classically handsome.
absolutely wonderful
i love the style and approach, i love the classic feel and pose
incredibly handsome, wonderful work anon
you look like a formidable professor that is incredibly rewarding being acknowledged by.
i hope you can weather it long and find joy and patience. medical is incredibly hard. wish you luck. make sure and prioritise leaving work at at work best as you can as time goes on. it'll make all the difference.
cute and lovely nose and inset of eye
Dutch nigga
>absolutely wonderful
>i love the style and approach, i love the classic feel and pose
>incredibly handsome, wonderful work anon
>you look like a formidable professor that is incredibly rewarding being acknowledged by.
Ahah thanks for all those niceties
ofc! i meant everyone of them ˙͜M˙
>I've just gotten my first iPad with Procreate. I am looking at myself in the weak reflection in the train window
That's wacky. I was that person in 2017, sitting on the LIRR. The next year I had a mental breakdown. Dropped out and became a NEET, which I still am.
Even worse, I’m French :-(
Is this level achievable natty?
First anon u quoted, having rich parents help, I have my own flat to myself, big bed, pc with screen, and soon a tablet + iPad, don’t need to work a student job to survive, etc. Honestly art is a daddy’s son job kekw
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>is there any chance you have some place you upload your art to? no pressure if not.
Yes I do, but I would feel weird linking my face with my art account here.
So If you have a discord or something else I would gladly share it with you.
>also cute cool moai (You)
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I tried again to do it less shit
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Nice, but you look like a japanese middle schooler with a fake beard
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This one's a bit old, I should paint another one soon. Can't say my portrait skills have grown a lot since... Thoughts?
I like this Mike and Melissa reboot. Nice.
Reminds me of HunterxHunter.
Very nice lineart. Look at that subtle line weight. The tasteful swirliness of it. Omg, it even has a texture.
Very classic, feels like you started drawing a cover for some vaporwave album.
Good work, I think you could benefit a lot from some blending sticks and having more edge variety and a larger value range.
Why are pooners like this? I like the eldritch look of it though.
Very clean anon. Did you sketch beforehand at all?
Did you get tired by the end? It looks pretty alright, but you should take a break and go back to it afterwards to care for the lines a bit more, the disjointed contrast some areas have interfere with the reading experience.
Mood. Hope you found a fork on the road, anon.
Vtuber morph.
Solid, keep practicing anon. Feels like you made it way harder for yourself given the choice of medium.
Another great loss for humanity
>granted life on easy-mode
>decides to "become" a "man" based on ironically sexist stereotypes
>is more strict about gender roles than most of society
your brain on leftism
>This is why I hate American Politics
hate your representatives
a very cute image and a nice but also understandable message
unfortunately i'm not a discord person so that won't work. but i do appreciate you thinking of a work around. appreciate it anon, wish you the best of luck!
i like it. the colours are really lovely. the stylisation reminds me of something but i cannot remember what.
mm, nice. ball point or? i think it looks pleasant over all but maybe just the top of your noggin is a bit short. either way, pretty lips and nice eye shape and facial hair pattern.
i don't know if you were being genuine, but if so thank you!
>i should pain another one soon
you should!
i do love this though, the double specs are very cheeky and fun as is the tilt and expression. it's nice. i also like the pursed lips sorta grin. would be nice to see something new and maybe a bit brighter in light!
Should I do it from a mirror or from a picture?
From a mirror is best.
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Mine wasn't AI. Neither ia this one.
this is /ic no one cares about your schizo ramblings, go shit up /pol instead, I’m sure the fags over there will jerk off your anti communism. Also pyw retard.
Dont bring politics to a self portrait thread of all places lmao
well that is what i look like
You two faggots are going on since days on your fucking indoctrination shit, now you shut the fuck up and glomp down all my fucking turd. If you eat already the diarrhea media spray in that fucking empty lot where a brain existed years ago with the fucking silver spoon you can slurp this one too. It's the same thing, you should be used eating the crap thinking people throws down in your pighole.
Next time don't start yourself throwing around fucking niggerfaggot vs nazi politics around you fucking retards, Fuck off
>I just wish people weren't so afraid to discuss their positions and always put them in doubt
affirming an idea doesn't mean you aren't open to changing it.
Yeah same, I’m not reading that slur salad.

If you also were going to med school I can tell you that the only thing you missed out on was a salary.
don't want to march towards the image limit any faster so i'll just link this one >>7206439

ty, and yeah I enjoy painting more than any other medium and since i've got some cheap watercolors I figured I should use 'em. I really like the expressiveness of your portrait, I wish it was a little brighter however.

ty, i'm just enjoying the process and not aiming for anything specific other than "capture a recognizable image, and generally improving my grasp of form/perspective/light/etc. I get what you mean about the style, it reminds me of some piece or other but I can't put my finger on it specifically. maybe someone with actual art knowledge will show me what my unconscious mind was aping
Thread was very funny to read
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I had been growing my hair out for six years, then finally got to shave it all off in December. This is from a photo my brother took of me, and i think it’s the best smile i’ve worn in years
Thats a cute story anon. You look like my wonderful bald uncle, Barry.
This anon is right, its a good story. Made me smile.
Thanks anon.
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Wtf is that %aura angels and demons bullshit?
Your uncle sounds like a swell guy! I think that with Art, and especially Self portraits, one should try to have fun. We shouldn’t get blackpilled about the jews and fags and all that.
WAGMI, anon!
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pretty damn good
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Anon I suggest you to masturbate before making posts.
hehe funi apu.
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gave up
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Nah there's no way! You should have kept going. That's a very interesting style to look at
i had done more but it lost its charm i think
Yes. Now go away, I dont like you.
You smell bad.
okay sorry ill go shower
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I've spent a couple hours trying to fix the eyes to no avail, so I don't know if I'll be able to work on this past the rough stage. It looks ugly as fuck, so it's at least accurate to some degree.
for what it's worth, the nose looks off to me. it's as if there's no right nostril, like your nose was amputated/rounded off or something. obviously it's a 3/4 angle, but I feel like you would still see some indication of the right nostril.
Proportions are off. The head is roughly divided in thirds, which is good, but some of the structures inside have the wrong length or size. Aside from what that anon said about the nose, it should also be longer (look at how you drew the philtrum; too big). The perspective and tilt of the eye forms is incorrect, and the irises are each pointing in different directions. Also the eyes shouldn't be stuck so close to the nose; there's a little plane in the middle. The eyebrow shape of the eye on our right is too far to the right. In that manner, as a rule, the eyebrows always precede the eyes.
All these cluelessness doesn't apply, it's just his style.
Don't listen to /beg/s outside of their confinement thread, you're on the right track.
>All these cluelessness doesn’t apply, it’s just his style.

Dumb take. You realize that other artists can see what you know and what you don’t know how to do, right?
looks good 2 me
He’s trolling
Nah you are
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Another day another self portrait I will paint
Based Zodiac Killer
just now. holy shit i keep fkin up these captchas
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It was going great and then I thought "let's add a little more shadow on my light side" but it got away from me once more. At least it looks a little more like me and I'm clearer on what proportions are off and where I'm making some of the big mistakes
If I were you, I wouldn't worry so much about minor nuisances there's people out there like Sakimi-Chan or that guy from One Piece who commit the most outrageous, outlandish "errors" regarding fundamentals and proportions, yet they make way more money than anybody nitpicking them about silly stuff. Don't ever get derailed by people's jealousy.
The real key is to be colorful and appealing, there's no such thing as "polishing a turd" like some people here like to say.
Like you said the biggest mistake I see here is the tonal value blocking on the light side of your face. I'm not really familiar in watercolor so I don't you can just add more highlights to the face like you did on the forehead, but you were on the right track.
Next time keep track of the highlights in your drawings since it certainly can make it look more appealing.
The proportions are still way off anon. You can divide the face into thirds: from the hairline to the brow, from the brow to the root of nose, and from there to the bottom of the chin. You drew the midface almost doubly as long as it should be.

>face too long
I was trying to follow the proportions loomis uses in Heads and Hands since he's been my main reference in facial construction thus far, and he recommends a ratio of 3 wide to 3.5 long for a head which is what I attempted (I used a fuckin compass and measuring tape like a nerd to draw my circle and put down some points); when I was sketching that felt a bit unnatural but in an effort to learn rather than do what I think I know I tried to stay in that framework. I definitely pulled the brow higher and the nose lower than I should have based on that. its hard to thread the needle between squished face and long face but that's what practice is for I suppose, ty for feedback.

I appreciate the sentiment but I think if I ignore my fundamentals any more than I already I'm holding myself back.
>I was trying to follow the proportions loomis uses in Heads and Hands since he's been my main reference in facial construction thus far, and he recommends a ratio of 3 wide to 3.5 long for a head which is what I attempted
the Loomis method is a generic convention which can be used without any manipulation for imaginative heads but will often need to be adapted when applied to real portraits. perhaps the proportions of your face neatly map onto those of Loomis, but you shouldn't uncritically use them for something like a self-portrait.
You Chinese or Japanese?
also what's your home address and phone number (and social security number if American)?
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acrylic painting
Based Lord Farquaad
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I like you guys, dont come to this thread tomorrow
I suddenly want to come to this thread tomorrow
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Made this 3 years ago
Make one now, come on. Everyones posting new stuff, lets see if youve become shitter after 3 years or not.
>head proportions how do they work
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very nice nose and lips, they look lovely
nice style, nice colours. great job.
nice pose and expression. glad you feel better after the big chop.
very cool
please make a new one and share!
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Me again. Trying to focus on values a little more like kind anon >>7204023 said. It'so fucking hard.
Messed up quoting. Sorry.
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Even though a doctored photo is utilized, this is a self portrait, kinda sorta. Truth in Advertising at least.

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>this is what nodraws think a correction looks like
These I like
Others are shit
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no dick stays up that long
Honestly i don’t want to draw it anymore. I retract my promise
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Despite the feedback I wasn't skilled enough to be able to act on any of it and just ended up walking in circles until I gave up. I might come back and work on it a bit more, but I'm pretty tired of it since it's just a series of compromises I don't agree with but can't correct.
You can use a rubber band. The dick should take at least five days to completely necrotize and fall, you have all the time you want to draw it
what can I say, in 50 years of doing art nobody has ever redlined my work, I didn't know you proportionlets had been corrects so much you developed standards.
you are mixing perspectives, drawing what you think you should see not what you see or maybe studying at the wrong angle and trying to mix. have you tried with a selfie instead of a mirror? do you have face pieces that aren't self portraits?
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>do you have face pieces that aren't self portraits?
>50 years of doing art
Sounds legit
Please master, show us what 50 years of doing art looks like
You should've listened to me instead of trying to apply something you can't really apply or grasp because of your skill level.
You're literally cutting your own wings.
Biggest troll of /ic/
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During my govie days
very cool, I like it a lot
this is so satisfying to look at due to the symmetry.
love your brows, hair, ears, eyebags, nose and the cute round dog to the right.
style as well of course, the reflections in your specs :)
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old one from a oekaki thread i was in
Whoa when you learned all this stuff about computers and drawing Pickle, it's really amazing!
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here you go
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Here it is, started drawing 2 days ago after a 6 months break and getting started again at digital
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Very quick and poor. Messed up the eyes. Gotta draw more
i like it. you look like someone i know.
i like your ear especially. and fluffy brows
looks very cool. threatening but inspiring aura
I don't remember asking for your opinion but it's okay I guess
nta but shut up, stupid faggot. Don't post your shitty drawings if you don't want nice anons to comment on them
oh mb, which one are you?
he's the one that looks like an inbred arab
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Guess I'll post it here too
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No homo, but anon you have very kind eyes if this is accurate. Like you would make a killer chicken soup and nurse me back ro health without asking anything in return. Or like you would rub my feet on the couch after coming in from a hard days work and while you excitedly tell me about your day. No homo though.
Nah that's you
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I drew from a mirror and it came out much worse
Jk this is actually me no cap
Why do you have a dick arm?
It's actually my 12ft tall demon bf's hot sweaty pulsating cock
just got a drawing pad yessss
since people drawing COCK i decided to draw myself with a MUTATION
I WISH my COCK was this massive
imagine the PORN
its time for me to sleep
imagine the smell O-ouo-O
i need a 10 page fanfic of these 2 immediately
dont make me do somethign similar
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here you go
im off to bed
Post more feet?
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Lmaooo this is gold saved
soulful thread
It was a good thread until that one schizo found out about it
What schizo? You mean testicle anon?
This thread is fucking epic
Who's making the screencap for the /ic/ memes?
We have a lot here to unpack
Nice. Love your lines and characterisation.
To me it looks much better, looks more like a person.
long time since i laughted at something on 4chan, maybe /ic/ is healing
Im lazy so this will get lost in time now

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