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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 07-JUN-2024



>What the hell are these links?
>Are they encoded somehow?
>What the hell do I do with them?
No, they're not info-hashes or magnets; we're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing and harvesting/reporting them. You will see a GIF in the first two or three posts that explains what to do. Don't understand some of the terms in the GIF? Google them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.

>Have you seen them?

... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:

>360° Any Angle, Perfect Mastery! Introduction to Manga Character Faces, Hairstyles, and Expressions.zip (53 MB)
Last time, on Artbooks (>>7162588):

>[Studio Hard Deluxe] Draw with Digital Tools! How to Draw Hair that Expresses Character (55 MB)

>Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga v01 & v02

>English version of the first volume

>how to draw (all volumes i could find)

>The Practice of Oil Painting and Drawing by Solomon J Solomon

>Tips to Make You Want to Draw

>Ryo hirata drawing manga people and poses

>Introduction to Digital Sketching - Gokinjo
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>Kamikuro Matsumura - How to Enjoy Drawing Pictures; Tap into the joy of drawing!

>S Curves: The Art of Shane Glines (EPUB and MOBI)

>Tactics Ogre Unmei no Wa Art Works

>tomfoxdraws - Anatomy for Artists: Drawing Form & Pose

>PaintJUMP: Art of Bleach
Is picrel out?
whats this book in the OP?
Is it available in english?
Read the OP again, anon.
Oh sorry.
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Artist: M_Kamikuro
ややこしくない絵の描き方 is on e-hentai.
I'm looking for:
>>Kamikuro Matsumura - How to Enjoy Drawing Pictures; Tap into the joy of drawing!
NTA but is there an english version?
That book is decades old yet there's no scans.
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Panel Discussions: Design In Sequential Art Storytelling

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>Tadashi Hiramatsu Animation Art Book Illustration
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Is pic related actually good or just a meme? I want to go back and work on my fundies (still life, basic rendering, etc.)
I watched the videos of this course as a gigabeg and they were super beginner friendly. Almost made me want to give him money
Decided to just get a used copy of Keys to Drawing.
>actually good or just a meme?
It's both good (if you're a /beg/) & meme.
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requesting for copy.

pinterest has some refs of original tv show art but it seems to look low quality.
Amazon JP shows Art of Shin Godzilla has am ebook version, has it ever dropped somewhere?
Once again requesting the Have a nice Death digital artbook

>holy shit. the shane glines artbook is actually here!
nobody ever posts this book
I think its just a begtrap.
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>nobody ever posts this book
Here you go:
Are you being cheeky now
It's down. Someone reported it.
Dungeon Meshi artbooks are out and translated in English, please help me find them anons.
The design of comic (and not specifically the art or art style) is something I'm fairly interested in, I haven't seen any resource discuss it outside of Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics.
Is there a tomfoxdraws ver to download instead of on catbox?
Having to screenshot the pages to use later is not very good
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I found it on Anna's
wheres that
Go fuck yourself then. I'm gonna find or buy the books and not share them here.
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Oh no! the dumbass won't share content that's already been shared. Whatever shall we do book bros?1111 ;-;
nta but i got the japanese cbzs if you want em
Good lad
Shut up, retard.
nta but there are tons of them at the ehentai
this was scanned a year ago retard
Huh... this one was less than 2000 GP, and it has a working torrent!

Requesting Eliot Goldfinger - Human Anatomy for Artists The Elements of Form. The pdf I have is missing a bunch of pages.
Just look at Brent's shameless self-shilling to figure out the answer to your question.
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requesting The Figurative Artist's Handbook: A Contemporary Guide to Figure Drawing, Painting, and Composition - Robert Zeller
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Requesting any Hiroo Isono or Eyvind Earle art books.
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Hoping this Chinaland text has been put up somewhere
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anybody have this?
it's called BLポーズデッサン集 カップリング別 抱擁&密着シーン by Tankobon Softcover
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any scans of this? ebay says its called New How to Draw Pose Collection Book Mascular Man


I'm sorry, I don't have the artbook, but your post reminded me of this album where they used Hiroo Isonos art for their cover.

what's a good book on drawing textures and hatching?
so far the only one I know is "rendering in pen and ink"
>Guys there was a forum/website which was sort of an archive of upload after upload of AI translated nip and gook books, i cant for the life of me remember the link, anyone know what im talking about ? Not EH
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Requesting this
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/r/ing The Art of Paperblue
Pen and Ink Drawing by Alphonso Dunn.
it's on Anna's archive if anyone is interested
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Anyone have new Trigger artbook?
>Chocolat Cadabra Archives

Any books about body language? It's a topic I'd really want to actually understand on deeper level and to reduce reliance on reference material. Japanese and English books are both fine.
>>how to draw (all volumes i could find)
Thank you, I've been looking for these!

>>Introduction to Digital Sketching - Gokinjo
Link doesn't work, just goes to the website's price list.
Go to mangadex.
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Anyone know of an ebook version of pic related or somewhere there's a preview?
Maybe something like this book? https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B09ZYDL3WC/
It takes character traits and breaks them down into components kind of (pose + expression)
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i dont think there's an ebook version of that but basically, that's a translated version of picrel
but we only have decent quality from chinese scans
>Introduction to Modern Animation Techniques: Pen & Ink
here's the title
this looks cool
we need more focus on dynamic anatomy indepth
seconding this request
Does anyone have this one?

pretty good collection
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Could anyone who have this kindly reupload? The link in the archive from a few weeks ago (https://gofile.io/d/JCJgS3) doesn't work anymore unfortunately..
Thanks to the first anon, I found the link to the Zim book

If anyone would be kind, I still have my request out for the Have a Nice Death Digital Artbook
Do you guys have omphalos?
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Is CSP's color mixing still dogshit?
I have to use sai still because I like to color everything on one layer.
Paying it forward. Enjoy
sai has high stroke resolution, in other programs the lines look pixelated
>Do you guys have omphalos?
More or less.
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Thx anon, Ive been looking for this for 2 months
Ask for better books
remember to back up all these asian books no matter how stupid or obscure to e-hentai, archive.org and nyaa.
does anyone have links to any fechin books? can only find high res images here and there
Wdym this thread is all about fechin books
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Gretchen, stop trying to make "fechin" happen. It's not going to happen!
Any zbrush books? And mari books as well, fuck it if you’ve got things about Nuke and Renderman I’m also down
Has this book been shipped out yet? I know it's supposed to be this month.
>tomfoxdraws - Anatomy for Artists: Drawing Form & Pose
will there ever be a digital version of this book that's properly scanned and not skewed to the point of being unusable?
anyone have Human Body Figure Drawing by Kim Rockhe in English?
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Is this a good start if i want to make little caricatures?
the translation is pretty shit but it's better than nothing thanks
You should look for:
Dimensional Drawing Workout with Wouter Tulp
The Art of Caricature with Jason Seiler
on Schoolism
Not exactly a request, but are there new KyoAni artbook scans?
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Is there a way to pirate the courses or is there something else for free?
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is there any anon that are tech savvy? do you know how to rip the art from this software? https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B000A53Y3A
I've been wanting to view the 88 constellation art for years. Here's the example of the 88 constellation on their jigsaw puzzle.
Hey, does anyone has some nice books on Flemish painters (like Bruegel or Bosch ?)

pic unrelated just wanted to post it

thanks in advance !
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requesting kyoani's Free! Keyframes Collection
also looking for general kyoani content like artbooks and storyboards.
How do I download Art Books on ehentai? The torrents have basically zero peers to connect to and I need some sort of "funds" for the archive download. Is there some sort of script to load it all at once so that I do not have to do it by hand?
Is it really any faster than bittorent?
Just go into the hentaiverse and battle in the "arena" the monsters to get credits. You have a tablet? That helps to make it easier. You will grow a fortune in no time. It will become another time eating addiction on top of all of the others though.
jdownloader is just a "manager" to queue your downloads . You still need to "buy/unlock" those links, you need to farm credits. I've never torrented nothing from there.
Those are two different things, anon.

*IF* a gallery has an active torrent, and you are set up to get things like that, it really doesn't matter how fast or slow it will run. Just set it overnight while you're sleeping.

The problem is with galleries that don't have a torrent (or one with no seeds or peers), or for which you don't have enough Gallery Points (or the patience!) to download from the front end. There are browser extension scripts like jdownloader that behave like clicking on and downloading each of the pictures one-by-one, but automatically, essentially "harvesting" them for you.

What artbooks do you want from E-H? Maybe we already have them somewhere, or can get them with a modest investment of GP.
The Way is to upload obscure art books that everyone is looking for, or even scan and upload them yourself. Basically just upload galleries and you will get credits and then you'll never ever have to worry about GP again (like me).
Anyone have a collection of artist edition scans for old comics? Would love to look at some of those.
Does anybody have high quality scans of the KJG artbook collection?
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Hentaiverse is such bullshit. No one wants to play a psuedo 2000s game made by autistic virgin otaku so they can download porn
>No one
No one who's not interested in download artbooks easy and fast. Farming credits through battle is the easiest way to download whatever you want in that library. Easier than uploading and maintaining your own bullshit galleries to farm some miserable gallery points. Wich also pollutes the site with a gazillion lame galleries done just to farm credits to actually download quality galleries. lol
That’s why places like cgpeers exist. I admit it’s a massive case of “fuck you ive got mine” since they stopped accepting new accounts years ago but if you can hijack a friends account you’re gold.
Skill issue. Upload useful galleries or smth don't bitch because you can't don't have anything decent to share lol
>Skill issue
Same the other way around. You can get 100k credits in a day on hentaiverse. Much faster and easier than uploading unnecessary shit, bloating the site's server and without gaining enough GPs for shit anyways.
>Unnecessary shit
It seems your incompetence extends to your ability to grasp the written word. Look up what the word "useful" means and, I dunno, improve your taste since you can't seem to think of any good stuff to upload.
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Hoping for pic related
Do you have a link for the store or something
i think that's on e-hentai
that cover pic is already the best of the bunch though, the rest of the contents were kinda mid
I remember there are k-on gengashuu, hyouka gengashuu, hibike and liz gengashuu. Other than that I don't know.
if it is i can't find it
I'm looking for this book, does anyone have a scan or a pdf? I've been searching for a while with no luck.
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Why are all online editions of KJGs sketchbooks incomplete? Just the 2013 edition is supposed to have over 500 pages, yet all the download versions I found were 160 (and also very pixelated). Should I just buy the books or am I looking in the wrong place?
Still looking mainly for Free!-related artbooks.
Sounds like you're looking in the wrong place, the full thing is on e-hentai
Thanks, that worked as a preview. Seems underwhelming for the price it's going for and some of the reviews I had seen. I had expected more panels from Trigun/Nightow's inking. Going to give it a pass.

I can see it being pretty great to have back in 2006 when it released, especially compared to some of the other how to draw manga type books. It seems to have some good professional info, there are just a lot more resources now.
JD2 isn't downloading the whole thing here but the few pages that it won't download I just save normally.
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Thought I'd post a link to this article: https://animationobsessive.substack.com/p/artist-resources-we-love-vol-3
and in particular, point out the 1,000+ paged google doc guide written about character design in the top part of the article. I would have posted to the doc directly, but I've heard that google docs are often unsafe, so I thought anons would appreciate using a reputable middleman (a well known and liked blog) instead.

On a separate note, I can't seem to download the pdf of that google doc; I swear half of google's shit is broken, I can't even respond to youtube comments these days, now where do I harass people on the internet (other than on here and twitter)?
If anyone can download it, please be so kind as to shove it onto archive, thanks.
Sorry for the kinda vague question, but are there any artbooks for games (or even comics, movies, etc) where designers talk about what went into creating said designs? The Darkstalker art book has a few tidbits, for instance.
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Found the 2013 version, cannot say the same for the 2007 version. It is supposed to have over a 100 pages, yet I could only find 160.
*A1000 pages not 100.
He already hard subs his videos, you don't need that book if you're here
>I can't seem to download the pdf of that google doc
Wait more;it's a 1k pages document, it's unusually large for a google doc. Once you click on downloading pdf, a bunch of requests start to pop, so it should work in the end
No wait, I've spoke too fast.
Ok so basically all the requests are just the basic document being fetched. There's about 5.4k of them. After that, you can try clicking on download pdf or "print", and it does something, but it's still not done after 1h, so I'm giving up
>I can't even respond to youtube comments these days
Youtube is such shit now. I get notifications of responses to other people in the thread instead of me and I can't even view my own comment in the thread. I can't even mute conversations. The only thing I do is turn off reply notifications entirely.
>Ok so basically all the requests are just the basic document being fetched.
>but it's still not done after 1h, so I'm giving up
I might give it another go later, but thanks for trying.

>I get notifications of responses to other people in the thread instead of me and I can't even view my own comment in the thread.
Same for me, except my responses just outright do not exist. I can see them in my comment history, but it isn't added to the reply count of a comment, and I can't see it in either my notifications or the comment thread itself, they're ONLY visible in my comment history.
I suspect this isn't even a shadow banning, but because I don't use a chromium browser, or possibly even because of adblock (or the combination of the two), I don't know but I'll use any excuse to shit on google.
Fuck google.
This is on Anna's
link ? it's only in the metadata section for me
Meant to reply to >>7212520
now it's showing up on search for me too, very weird
thanks for the link book looks cool
my god can someone upload this on another filehosting site please
anna's keeps fucking dying on me whenever I try downloading shit
thank you!
Good stuff, thanks.
seconding this notion
After having the entire document load, it still wouldn't save as a PDF, so I did some digging around, and apparently this is just a common issue with google docs that are 'large' (as in over 100 pages).
In fact, the recommended trick is to hit the print option and save as pdf in chunks of about 50 pages... BUT EVEN THAT DOESN'T WORK! For whatever reason, I only get blank white pages, so I guess we can only read this in browser.
Seriously, fuck google and their shitty products.
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Anyone got the these books? There's a series of them.
>How to Draw Manga: Character Guide - Uniforms Book
>How to Draw Manga: Character Guide - Girl's Body Reference Book
>Introduction to Digital Sketching - Gokinjo
Can someone with points please put these up for download? They are expensive and I dont have any points on EH. One of them was uploaded before but I can't find a download link anymore. thank you
There's jp ones on there but they're not translated, there's also "Game Design Companion: A Critical Analysis of Wario Land" and the Cuphead artbook on libgen but that one is more about animation and old disney designs. also there's a recent one "Eastward: Design Works" -pic related
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>They are expensive and I dont have any points on EH.
They're also big, which rules out MEGA. I'll put them on gofile for now. They won't last very long that way; grab them while you can.


Thanks bro

Took screenshots from a digital version I have

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