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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

Previous thread >>>7204342
post orginal image and ill draw it
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thank you im cooking
At what point is my art presentable enough to be posted for feedback in these beg threads? I had a break but now am relearning and i just noticed that even the old things i drew that i thought were nice at the time really weren't. I am currently just playing around with loomies but any suggestion to kick start again would be nice.
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I continue to not draw. You people are just a bunch of assholes who will say anything I do is NGMI.
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Started following along Ctrl paints videos. My goal is to make historical paintings like picrel.
Well two of my pos things are in the OP being dunked on so if you are more shit than me pls start posting
oh, those gains? don't mind if I do. *yoink*
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See that's your problem, you put waaaay to much of yourself into this board and the (you)s you get. Do yourself a favour and focus on yourself and your art, do studies, grind fundies and HAVE F U N with it. At the end of the day how much impack does someone calling you a /beg/ really have?
>taking orders from a no-draw
I just want to see if my gains are being put to good use, retard.
eat my shorts
I cannot even handle drawing half of what you did in the op. When i draw now, even if does not look very bad i just cant, cross is over and start a new page. I have around 55 pages and only 10-20 of them i actually worked or "felt" it. I feel like i should have never come on this board and just do whatever but not come here. I want to post something new so you know at what level i am but i just dont get that far now.
Anon, you can't live in fear. Once you post something you'll either get praised, or roasted, or most likely ignored. If you get good feedback great, if not who cares? Anyway, I'm about to do another self portrait so in a couple hours we'll see how much I improve on yesterday's effort
getting feedback is so addicting I feel horrible about any work that gets completely ignored
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I am really talking about posting here as i draw for myself but now i cannot do that. I did in the past but now i just stop. Top right is what i draw when i don't look at what i am drawing and bottom left is when i am. I cant explain it hopefully the image says enough.

I want feedback about my retarded mindset and how fix it right now if that makes sense.
I am NOT talking about posting.
Fuck my head is fucked i just cant
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Better in some ways, worse in others I think. I tried to set a timer, almost more to get a sense of how long I was taking rather than to put a time restriction on. Spent all of my 15 minutes to do the sketch, but only an hour of the two I allotted to paint. Also I can't paint in my tiny bathroom so I had to used a pic for ref and the disconnect in angles between sketch and pic probably didn't help. Slowing down would probably help but painting is fun so I just go at it. Next time I'll stick with just sepia for the darkest layer, adding grey to it really made the whole left side too dark.
If you destroy what you create you'll never get a sense of progress. Let the frustration guide you to improvement, rather than it being a barrier to even trying.
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Hey anon, I see what are you doing there, and I support your cause. I did something for (You), I hope it helps. Here's the ANIMATED version:

(sorry, I posted it in the dead thread, here you have it)
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reposting here, just want to improve my perspective game. Any redline on any of these would help a bunch
oh it feels good to be ignored.
I read your post, I can't go and watch people from a second floor at the moment but thats a good thing to consider if I find myself in that position
hello bros idk is my art intresing? allways feel like im missing something skill ? maybe dam
You get used to it desu
Dude (You) should be redlining others.
just find pictures online you dumbfuck
Your colours are great anon. I would suggest spending a bit longer on the initial sketch, seeing if you can focus on the proportions. The eyes are too close together, is the most noticeable thing.
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Hello beg, with this stuff out of the way i will resume my daily routine. No i have not died or any of the other nonsense anons speculated about. I did catch a flu though.

your mech is cool. but if you are looking for broad appeal, start adding colors to your pieces. no color = no likes on social slop
nice ass
based goal. i do believe this style is called romanticism. hit yandex with phrase romanticism paintings
grow a pair of balls and post your work. at worst they will call you the gamer words
>heads i drew more than week ago are in the OP
what in the fuck is going on
Dude we gave you a proper funeral in the earlier thread >>7204342
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This isn't Pawell. This is an imposter. Nobody reply to this bastard.
How the fuck do you paint appealing backgrounds? everything I try ends up looking like elementary school smeared paint...
also nta
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Who are some of the artists you'd like to draw more like, or learn from?
Unironically watch Bob Ross
i painted it with watercolors later on, but colors made it even worse
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I drew a girl
given those eyes, I'd guess she was inbred
She's from alabama
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from the very start, portraits are too complex try rendering primitives first, you are symbol drawing which is bad if your mid term goal is to do portraits, the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" will help you achieve that goal since thats the first and last assignment.


play with the camera and check thats what I would do.
anon you need to learn first the proportions of the face first, use loomis or anything just start getting the proportions right. Doesnt matter how well you paint it, it will look horrid if the face is all fucked up
take everyone elses advice but also keep doing self portraits, especially if you find them fun
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Appreciate the feedback, I am doing my box faces and practicing other fundamentals (some pen and paper, some charcoal, most digital) but I've never really done self portraits or life drawing generally so I'm also working on those skills. I just think it's boring to post my digital sketchbook (which is also full of shit), and something about physical media just feels more like I'm actually practicing and not dicking around, y'know?
try to be more conscious of the three-dimensionality of various features, like eyes for instance. they're too symbolic in this rendering.
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>water color and ink
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
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Its taking me forever to draw this and you did it in no time at all. Im still not finished. Pretty funny flash and nice work it kinda helps.
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I feel a little proud of this draw. It was fast, relaxing and just get in the mood.
I feel too disappointed to draw today,
draw anyways. Don't forget to wipe the tears from your tablet
I wanted to draw something for a friend's birthday and it isn't coming along great.
find more references!
glad to hear it, ESL-kun. you're on your way.
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Some medsmap
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Thanks anon! No prob. Just having fun. You chose a quite difficult pose there. It makes me realize that it's not enough grinding "just figures" but also we need to grind "multiple composite figures", grouped figures.
Well, I added and extra effect to the animation, and fixed a couple of things on Vegeta's face. You can check it here >>>/f/3509145
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I drew another girl
I wasn’t called a beg, you dumb fuck. I was told I was NGMI. So why even bother?
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I'm carving out a path on my Art Journey. Really wacky perspective, I think that'll be my niche. But regardless is this good for a /beg/fag with no anatomy knowlege?
Sex. Can i see your guidelines for some shape practice?
Same shit, keep drawing or quit crabbing your choice.
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Still here, still drawin girls
Could you tell me what artists are you studying for such art style?
Post more in the mecha thread sirs....
Same /beg/ here.
Edited the faces
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Some eye practice
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I need to practice figures, but keep warming up with portraits instead.
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Reposting with some fixes before colouring.

I like it.

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Ive been messing with this, im not done with it. tell me what you think I should work on for drawing in general or think of it or whatever.
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I feel like my heads are a little weird in a way I can't place, specifically around the jaw.
draw bigger, 2 heads per page until you get the hang of it.
Wow, saved
Got bored of drawing fruit 20 times, tried a value face since I want to actually draw those instead of bell peppers. I feel like I kept the value grouping decent enough

These threads are way more useful if you only pay attention to people who pyw

As usual, I am repulsed and aroused.

I like it and it looks like you started with strong shapes but maybe lost some of them in the greebling

I think you have the same problem I do when using Loomis where I truncate the chin/jaw too much into the cranial mass. I don't have the issue when doodling, so may try and stretch the chin down past where you feel like it should be and see how it looks when you just work through it
Very nice anon
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I went down the rabbit hole of only watching Japanese/Chinese YouTube videos and applied some of the many different art tips they sent. I'm wondering what art level I am
low-mid /int/

hands are high beg
The mouth is all fucked up and in a totally different perspective than the rest of the head
OP here, Is it ready?
>hands are high beg
Thank you for the critique, I'll work on improving more, I'll practice some mouths and perspective today and maybe I'll send here later
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sometimes i wanna finish my warmups
in perpetual "never finishing works" mode
tips for going all the way?

me too
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i need direction on how to improve, please help.
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6 months have passed and i'm still shit at drawing
and what are your goals?
if it's just "to get gud" then that's not specific enough
if you are directionless and goal-less and also not enjoying it, then you probably wont improve
now draw her giving birth
that's to be expected. assuming you want to do more realistic stuff, it will likely take you years, maybe a decade or more, to get to a comfortable point in your abilities. that said:
>6 months
time by itself is not a clear metric of one's (expected) ability. all other things being equal, if one person studies 30 minutes a day every day for six months, and another person studies for that same time span but instead two hours a day, obviously the latter is going to see more gains. perhaps you need to be more realistic about your goals and how long it will take you to reach them, but you should also (and probably periodically) consider how you can improve your studying process, how well focus you are, what you study, what you might better study at this stage, etc.
That looks great. Just keep sketching. Just grab random images, and "sketch them" with simple lines. Try to get the overall idea down, and keep going with another. To be God, you need to know God's creation. Know everything. sketch everything.
then look at the cartoons you like and try to replicate the styles you like
then draw that style from memory
learning fundies helps though, sometimes you get stuck with no improvement which means it's time to do some fundamental work
as a wanna-be cartoonist myself, it's important to remember not to skip the fundamentals
Buddy, people spend decades trying to "git gud". They even get good and they still think they suck and keep grinding like maniacs. Get real. Or get filtered.
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So it goes
Any advice on which social media site I should roll on to post my art?
Or how to find an online (/discord) community in general to do so?
I'm not very good but I think it would encourage me to draw more and draw better.
Totally clueless about the current social media landscape.
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>10 minutes once or twice a week
my sides

this is better, assuming you are NTA tho
I don't get people. Why do they choose the instant doxing? Why beings begs decide to automatically throw themselves in the social DOX volcano like that?
This is the safest environment to grind if you're beg. You scratch that "itch for sharing your art", you stay anonymous, your shitty stuff just goes down the toilet as it should, and you just keep grinding.
alt accounts retard
nta but i hear you. but also i'd never use my real identity as an artist online tho, that's for damn sure
There are no "alt accounts". You'll get doxed eventually, if not for the art style, because all accounts are linked by same e-mail, phone number validation, or ip address. 4CH is the only site keeping your ip somehow safe. If you have a discord you're fuck as well already.
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you think so? Theres something very wrong with the wrist
the neck is better
look at your left wrist at that same angle. clean the lines up a bit and take a second look, it does seem a bit flat to me but i'd personally have to clean it before it becomes apparent
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Good afternoon. We draw today as well.
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>look at your left wrist at that same angle
looks about the same?
sure but people like you have found out about this site so there is not much of a point in using it anymore
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the only real issues i'm seeing is the mouth
from our angle, we should probably be seeing the bottom teeth

from the wrist bone to the elbow, is essentially a straight line (on the outside of the arm). in your drawing, the wrist looks a bit like putty, the hand is bending at a weird angle off your wrist bone. poor boy has a near broken wrist :'(

thumb seems a bit too far past the knuckles based on the angle we are seeing it

1) wrist needs to be straight, there's solid bone in there, keep hand at a straight angle off the wrist (any angle you prefer, just straight!)
2) double check thumb position at the index knuckle
3) confirm mouth angle, should we see his bottom teeth or not?

otherwise the rest generally looks fine, you fixed his neck, face looks fine
but the forearm isnt flat, its surrounded by muscles
That's very pretty anon, I completely fucked up the hand perspective thinking about now, another thing to work on. I have another drawing of this character and more about him if you are interested
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Fully agree that my eyes are especially bad in terms of symbol drawing. I did some spheres for warmups and felt even worse today about my eyes; but I think a big part of it is the construction around them too which I'm also bad at. For today's self portrait I made a grid as Loomis suggests (3 units wide, 3.5 tall) using part of my pencil as a measuring stick. I tried to sketch in broadly where I'm seeing planes of my face and keep them in line with where they ought to be according to the grid and loomis' guidelines. I'll post the painted version when I'm done but I figure seeing this will probably make it easier to diagnose specific issues.
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i understand that, but trace your finger from your elbow to the wrist bone, it should be hard and straight the entire time, no? the muscle then wraps around it. your pic looks like the bone-line itself is bending, rather than muscle forms wrapping it. you sound like you know what you are doing but maybe it is not being conveyed properly in your pic. I suppose he is also wearing sleeves here, based on the painted artwork posted earlier. if so, are the sleeves baggy or tight?
Is it appropriate to talk about psychology in these threads or is that too nodraw whiny? I have some mindset-related questions.
what's your current mindset and what mindset are you looking to be in?

mind over matter bro, it really does have an effect
I'm pre- to low/beg/ and I wanted to ask how to approach "for fun" drawing and general complete pieces. I feel like that due to my lack of skill in pretty much all fundamentals, I feel discouraged from drawing actual works instead of just spamming structured exercises because I feel that I cannot measure up to my desire and image in my head, and feel ashamed when it looks ugly. "I just gotta get good enough at these fundamentals and then I can finally try drawing what I want" ad infinitum basically.
My desired mindset would be to just send it, draw my ideas, fail, swallow my pride, and keep going, while allowing myself to accumulate proper mileage in the meantime. I'm too sensitive to shame basically.
No offense bud you need to measure your shit with a ruler or with your thumb on your pencil first and see how REALLY off you are. Mark making is just as important as just drawing.
I'm a total art tard that wants to start drawing. I plan to buy a sketchbook and take a walk around my city to sketch some shit.
I know that I should reproduce what I see not what's in my mind
Others advice ? Some specific things that I should draw ? Also what should I use, I have a few types of pencils, a fountain pen and some bic kind of pen
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1) practice fundies (you cannot escape this, but don't dread them either. use them for warming up)
2) look at art and styles you like
3) apply what you learned from your fundies / warm up and try to re-create the styles you like

trust me when I say that near 99% of artists are gonna hate their own work. but you DO have to start somewhere and you will not be a pro by just imagining it, you have to put in the work

just remind yourself that and put in the mileage! imagine where you will be a year from now. the more you draw and apply theory and fundamentals to your work (as well as practicing said fundies) you will excel past 90% of this board
I have heard that advice before a good while back, but there's no harm in refreshing it.
Redrawing someone else's artstyle I like feels like "stealing" though, which is probably the same faulty thinking that people scared of references make. Hurts a bit more to have a direct 1:1 comparison then.
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wip 16"x16". ignoring that the hand is too big (erasing and redoing it), how we feeling about proportions bros
i'm assuming you're not Kim Jung Ji level autism to just draw w.e. the fuck, and even he had to create an encompassing visual library

drawing from real life might as well be "stealing" with that mindset. no one "owns" art styles, there's just people who do it good and their name is associated.

besides, you can study realism, stylism, what have you, and before you know it you will develop your own style. it seems you are getting caught up in things that have no realistic effect in reality which is strange but i'm not gonna make fun of your weird neurosis. you either bite the bullet and will yourself to learn or you end up a /nodraw/.

my best advice: find something you like, draw it, have fun. do that a lot. also draw from realism too. build your visual library, you can only do this by drawing and doing studies. one day you will be doodling and drawing shit straight from your mind and that feeling is very cathartic. that is your end goal. you got this, just DO IT!
Thanks for the advice and encouragement.
>it seems you are getting caught up in things that have no realistic effect in reality which is strange but i'm not gonna make fun of your weird neurosis
Thanks. I'm very much aware of it. Not gonna whine much about it so I'll just do my best. I'll go draw now.
the only based answer, don't forget to enjoy the process :)
The only important thing is to make an habit of it. Try to facilitate the activity, turn it into something pleasant. Like when you do it outside with that sketchbook have your earphones to listen to music or the news, so you don't think that "it is taking time out of your routine". Make it part of your other routine.
I draw while hearing the news everyday. Unless it is something that "I have" to pay visual attention, everything that I play on youtube is background sound for drawing.
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fuck me fuck my life fuck this gay earth and especially fuck APD APD can suck my dick. now that I have finally set up a scanner I will draw and I will post it here every day(except sunday) or I will beat myself with a stick. somehow the drawing looks (a bit) better on paper than scanned
Level and plumb lines will solve questions about why your drawing doesn't look right. Just hold your pen up to your face and check what features fall in line. Read up on it.
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i have begun the arduous journey
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Nice I fucked the drawing AND the painting. Didn't even bother to finish it properly because it sucks shit. Maybe tomorrow will suck less
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Painting is kind of fun. I don't know what I am doing, except going from large to small. Used default CSP oil paint brush for this. There has to be a better way.
Good luck.
If this is your day 1, then don't worry; you're definitely not starting at rock bottom. This looks better than what I can do 2 months in. I wish that the gains come swiftly to you.
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no i see, the bump is supposed to be higher
i dont think you fucked up the hand, you just drew it at a different angle
you can post more
cute cat
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oh.. i thought he was an urban femboy, carry along then
thanks! I like how it came out a little bit
He's a femboy, just a demonic one. He's the son of a Succubus after all
*urban fantasy
>dnd players are massive fags
colour me not surprised
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Hello beg, its over (the 2nd draw year that is)

nice cat
the common beg advice is to first learn how to draw before tackling painting. simply because before you properly wash the brushes and mix paint you could draw 2 or 3 heads instead at same time
good luck anon, we will all need it
as far as i understand it, almost all software for scanning has filters enabled by default, which detract some soul and appeal from the scans. you should do a research and set up your scanner to NOT filter away paper texture and with it the soul. head is okay, the neck looks a bit too long though
INT. i kneel
keys to drawing. it is a book
even me, who gets shamed by my peers for doing "too much" studies and not enough original artwork, i still occasionally do an original one when i get the right mood / inspiration for it. basically think less, draw more
if that was supposed to be a practice for ellipses, i suggest you to actually look up how ellipses look like
mandatory: twitter, devianart. coomer: furaffinity, pixiv. cute and funny: baraag. selling paintings to boomers: facebook. children audience: youtube, ticktock, twich (stream the drawing, upload speed paint with hip hop music and flashing lighting while zooming in and out chaotically)
https://discord gg/UWTzgmzs
learn how to paint, learn perspective and draw background, learn how to draw hands
i like it
i kneel
do a research about how heads are connected to the bodies. and drapery
>is this good
eyes get closer in 3/4 view, not further apart each other
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at least i have fun drawing i guess

the improvements ive seen are VERY little
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can I get some critique?
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This took me 6 hours
Perspective is completley wrong, noses look weird. Asking for redlines in the /beg/ thread on ic never works because nobody except that one SEA faggot can actually draw in perspective properly and everybody who can is too busy hustling on social media or making money. You're wasting your time expecting any genuine help from here
Nice! What did you use for the animation?
i'll do the opposite of every advice you give
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First time I ever posted here. I am new to art and particular digital art. I'm finding I have more fun making these scratchy drawings than clean ones.
You should include how much time is spent on each image.
Thanks, I used CapCut on iOS
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I like your character, I guess being a femboy makes sense when your mom is a promiscuous slut. He could (should) be a good-looking chad though.

i'm just memeing
Thank you, I didn't add many succubus elements to him other than him being half (whore) demon. It's nice to keep in mind tho
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im having immense difficulty making him look at the camera
FINALLY, Pawell posted a finished rendered art piece! and it's GOOOD you really should do less studies and more finished work. Don't worry about that inate talent bullshit your hardwork will pay off.
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i arleady know its real and i dont have it, you look like you have even less
doesnt stop me though, not gonna let those privileged faggots beat me
just move his left pupil a bit more left
how do i motivate myself to draw outside of a single 1am autistic fugue state every few months
even then i barely scribble anything down
i want to but i dont do it for some reason
fuck i should get an adderal prescription
if you don't want to do it then you don't want to do it
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didnt work
Been trying to figure out how to do the jojo thing where characters perform actions that a human would perform, but also pose like it's a fashion expo at the same time. Harder than it seems. Araki just might be a master of his craft and i may be a disphit.
he directly references fashion magazines you retard
he doesnt do it on purpose, hes shit at posing, he cant into gesture
Just make your drawings stiff and weightless
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Max and Lily were two visual artists who met on 4chan's /ic/ board. Max, a painter, had just posted his latest piece, a creative pepe frog, and Lily, a digital artist, stumbled upon his work and was immediately drawn to the colors and composition.

Lily left a comment praising Max's work and asking for his thoughts on his own piece, a wacky anime girl. Max was thrilled to receive feedback from someone as talented as Lily and eagerly responded with his own critique.

As their conversation evolved, they discovered a shared love for indie rock and old-school video games. The connection was undeniable, and before they knew it, they were exchanging numbers and making plans to meet up.

Their first date was a walk in the park, where they talked about everything from their favorite artists to their childhood memories. Max pulled out his sketchbook and began to draw Lily, capturing her beauty and essence on paper. Lily, moved by the gesture, began to sketch Max, too, and they sat there, lost in the beauty of the night and the beauty of each other.

From that moment on, Max and Lily were inseparable. They continued to create art, but now it was infused with the love and passion they shared. Their relationship became a masterpiece, a work of art that only grew more beautiful with each passing day.
AI post
But the end result is so fucking cool though.
Yeah ik but he makes fucking getting shot look like a stanky dance move. I've been trying to figure out how to do "that"
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Also picrel. The guy is literally just lying on the floor, but somehow it's the coolest fucking pose.. I'm a fishj out of my depth however because i can't even do normal humans well
well he's still not really looking at the viewer is he?
God Diego's legs were so weird. Is it cause of Dinosaur powers?
Also i hate how often they do 1:1 slide show recreations of manga panels in the manga. P6 is a real victim of that and it's just so lame.
do something fun like 30 second gesture
his face is pointing right so his eyes need to point left. really push it. one method is to remove the pupils entirely and just draw the iris, leaving him with blank white iris and let your mind fill in the blank. once that looks good, pencil in the pupil
>do something fun like 30 second gesture
Nta but those aren't fun at all. They just make you realize how hard you suck at drawing people and then you drop the drawing practice for another year before pathetically returning to where you dropped off.
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literally take some random lying down pose that doesnt look like anything it should be and use that
he also references roman statues
that doesnt sound productive.
30 sec gesture SHOULD be fun, the idea is you only have 30 seconds to explain the movement of the reference. the goal isn't to be accurate but to be fluid and exaggerate what you see, literally just looking and letting your mind go free

if you can't even do that and have fun with it, idk how you picked up this hobby
Ok that is a pretty good base.
I need to look up statues of dudes supporting their weight on one leg/cane for a thing.
It isn't. Lead me to spending my youth NOT DRAWING so now i'm off to 12 hour shift construction work for the next 50 years and if i'm lucky maybe a bitch wife that doesn't even love me and thinks lowly of my dick.
If i'm lucky.

Should've drawn. I guess i still have two weeks~ left. I could try it one last time before my slow descent into death comes around.
>if you can't even do that and have fun with it, idk how you picked up this hobby
Sorry. Wish i was better suited at it. Not everyone is into what they were made for. Especially since some people were not made for much.
Gonna add this to my list of things that didn't happen.
damn man you are in a weird headspace, hope you get better and find some light in your life to hang onto. hell is and always will be in your mind, and i've been there and back. love you bro, always look out for #1 (you)
To deny that some people have less potential than others is to deny reality. I'm not trying to doompost or blackpill but it's just the truth of this reality.

This being said due to how averages work, most people have the average or close to potential. It's like dicksize.
Yeah you're not going to make a woman cum but at least you're above average at 6.2'
>To deny that some people have less potential than others is to deny reality. I'm not trying to doompost or blackpill but it's just the truth of this reality.
>Used the same word in the next sentence back to back
Shows that i'm retarded i guess fuck
>keep drawing over and over
>do circle practices and line practices
>everything still looks like shit drawn by a middle schooler
>been at it for over a year
honestly feel like crying whenever i see good drawings because it feels so unattainable
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if you aren't disabled mentally or physically, and are obviously capable to do whatever you like (such as drawing), then you have potential, anon.

i'm no master draftsman but my drawings were similar to >>7207762 when I first started. it's hard man, like any skill-based hobby. but skill is acquired. yeah some people are born with a better capability at leveling up said skill, but you aren't born with the skill.

what keeps me going and improving IS the difficulty behind it. if drawing was easy, i'd master it and move on to the next hobby, but i'm not because I have not mastered drawing. I can't tell you how many times i've posted and cringed at myself, i still do

i still can't draw clothes and i can't render or even fucking color properly but when I look at the pic on the left from last September to what I do now, it makes me glad that i powered thru the cringe and the pain and just kept at it. Willpower is real bro. Even looking at pic on the right I can see the problems and it makes me cringe. i'll move on to the next drawing and try to do better

well show us your stuff so we can see what you should tackle in terms of practice
will do in a bit, currently afk from drawing stuff
I am trying to fix up this rat face, but its becoming a challenge. Can someone red line this for me? Thanks in advance.
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alright here's a bit of drawing
the sketchbook is stuff from about a year ago
the sheet of paper is a couple of sketches i just did over the span of like 10-15 minutes
i feel like there's be little to no progress, and it all looks like shit
why are you doing circle and line practice for a year? that's supplementary exercise at best and most people dont even do it
no sorry i phrased that poorly
i haven't been doing it for a year, i have been doing as well as practicing for a year
i just started watching some asian guy's drawing course on youtube and that's what he started with and i figure i may as well do that just to start from the very beginning
what might help you is trace something you like, then draw it again from scratch. build the muscle memory of how it /should/ be, then draw again from that memory. also more line confidence

also give >>7196009 a shot. i started doing the dynamic sketching course, realizing my trad work is horrible but it's quite fun imo
oh that's exactly what i started watching! i'll stick with it, thanks anon
based, im doing it too, usually each new week as warmups. wagmi anon
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It still baffles me how little art is every other female in that game besides the fugly gargolye lady.
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He has returned
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I've started trying the "copy Bridgman" approach, and I'm not very far in, but how exactly do you benefit from it? Does analyzing, copying, and then drawing from memory actually work? I feel like I'm trying to cast a magical spell.
On the left is a copy from memory of one of Bridgman's drawings and on the right are three 2 minute "figures" from reference. I heard that after you do a study you should try and apply that which you have studied to references afterwards, but I feel I couldn't apply much to these figures. Is that just plain inexperience, the poses, or the time limit?
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>He's back
>He seemingly posted finished pieces instead of studies.
Why the fuck are you not painting the left more often?
What 3rd world tablet are you using to get those scribbles? Drop the 1990s GridPad and buy an actual non Chinese tablet or draw traditionally. You're obviously holding yourself back.
you're really great at portraits. Just keep figure d rawing, and you'll be a great artist
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check his website, it's real
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>right hand
a bit derpy, I know. will probably try to rework it later. but I wanted to start doing more detailed tonal studies of figures but am not sure how I might go about making preliminary marks for more subtler shifts in value. I'll post the ref in a sec.
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goddamnit what do you study to get this good? id love to give tips, but i cant give any you probably dont already know.
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>goddamnit what do you study to get this good?
I'm not sure how good I am, given that there are still proportional mistakes in my figure drawing, but whatever skills I have in that regard are in large part due to the first three chapters of KtD. beyond that I just always try to improve those skills - sometimes from life drawing but mostly through drawing photos.
>id love to give tips, but i cant give any you probably dont already know
who knows our difference in knowledge without actually having that conversation. to be honest, I have a very basic and somewhat hollow understanding of rendering and up until this point have only done a handful of the early Bargue plates and a few studies of basic geometric shapes: how to go about a more complex subject like a figure is beyond me. I often just simplify things to three values, with the tone of the paper serving as the midtone, an HB pencil for the darks, and a white colored pencil for the highlights. but I'd like to start making attempts at rendering figures more finely and with more values. and I'm sure there are ways of going about it more efficient that I would probably do myself at this point.
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>not sure how good
well just know at least one person in this thread looks up to you (me)
believe me I know, I am horrible at drawing in general, but figures seem to be the most convoluted thing to draw. (this is me >>7208102)
i dont know if you have any tips or any good resources, but how do you go from making people made of shapes into making them people? i do a lot of those asaro heads and loomis heads and cubic bodies, but then I find it impossible to translate that into the reference image.
i really don't think this tip will help as you probably already know it and are not doing it for reason or another, but something i did when messing with shading some eyeballs was rubbing the graphite on the paper. i drew the planes and then i set where the shadow was and used a very light pencil shading for the skin tone, and the paper itself for the highlights. i know that theyre trash too, but it definitely gives you more values if thats what you want.
also keep it up; in spite of the flaws, that figure is aspirational to a guy like me
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proportions aren't super off, is sloppy line weight just holding me back or am I missing something else?
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I know you're going to call me a permabeg and all that and yeah I'm shit but the fact that B looks longer than A really fucks my brain when it comes to intuitive perspective, when you're just eyeballing it that part is always hard to draw
you drew your vertical off, so of course it looks wrong
Just keep at it anon :)
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I tried to fix it but this is how it looks
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I can never have enough Minerva.

I've spent the past week improving my ability to copy exactly what I see. I've certainly improved, but I think I may do another week of copying before I go back to studying fundamentals.

I'm preparing for the arduous task of copying Bridgman, twice. After I finish Steve Huston's book, though.
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you're right, I'm using Krenz's shitty boxes he drew as an example and it does look better
Not even pulling your leg, but "copying accurately" is a fundamental, perhaps the most fundamental skill there is. It's the fundamental that lies below all the other fundamentals (construction, anatomy, composition, lighting, all of that depends on your ability to observe accuraetely)

Good news is that you will get better at observation no matter what you are copying, whether it's Hampton, Bridgman, or furry hentai. Be free
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second attempt, how do i draw beautiful eyes?
I would recommend copying more artists, rather than drawing from life. Your main task moving foward should be to gain as large of a visual library as possible, and if you're going to be doing line drawings, you need to gain line techniques and shape design. No better way to do that than be doing master copies. Life drawing can come later, when you have a stronger foundation.

the best way to do all of the above is to do this:
i hate the cog draw shill. btw ive copied bridgman and hogarth I just don't have much practice with faces
this was also my first time working digital
suck it up and do it, baka yarou
go back to the study containment board, we work off imagination and life here
May Loomis save your soul, ameen
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Did a quick redline, the arms needs a bit more adjustment to really see the weight they are carrying. You need to construct the body a lot more to add depth and form even if some of it is under clothes. the green sketch arm needs to be pushed back a bit like you did with the blue to accurately depict the pose. There are some more smaller things but hopfully the redline highlights em.

Good job so far
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I am completely hooked on FitMC's 2B2T videos. Imagine if we worked together and did epic shit like that but with art.
You have to be over 18 to post on this board.
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>well just know at least one person in this thread looks up to you (me)
>also keep it up; in spite of the flaws, that figure is aspirational to a guy like me
thank you anon, I'm glad to hear that I can inspire someone in these threads.
>figures seem to be the most convoluted thing to draw
I would agree with that. obviously the scale and pose matter, but practically speaking, in figure drawing you're taking already complex subjects like the head and hands and making them into a composite subject. so it's only natural it would take particularly long to gain some facility in it.
>i dont know if you have any tips or any good resources, but how do you go from making people made of shapes into making them people? i do a lot of those asaro heads and loomis heads and cubic bodies, but then I find it impossible to translate that into the reference image
without seeing specific examples from you it's hard to give specific advice, but I'm happy to look at some and try to help where I can. as far as general advice, the most important thing you could do is get good at using those conventions by themselves (e.g. being able to accurately construct loomis heads with his generic proportions and properly place the simplified features). then you will need to work on your overall observational/measuring skills, as not all heads have the same proportions, of course. picrel is not perfect by any means (the eyes are the most glaring problem to me), but I made various measurements of my reference photo and noticed it didn't match the loomis proportions exactly - so I had to make minor adjustments. and if you don't already, I would recommend taking photos of your drawings and verifying your proportions by overlaying them onto the reference photo in some photo-editing software. as far as relevant resources, aside from KtD for observation, Hampton is really only one I've taken a closer look at thus far. though I hear Huston's book is good for that sort of thing too.
>re: values
I've tried rubbing the graphite into my paper, but very sparingly. I've actually been meaning to try it out more, but I just haven't gotten to it; it's more so been in the back of my mind. but I think I'm gonna start trying it out in my next few studies, so thanks for the reminder.
ref for drawing in my last post
it's just a drawing. are you afraid of a lil comptetition?
Thank you <3
is there a reason /trad/ is so popular here?
am i fucking up by kumping into digital?
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Calling it done
I have no idea how digital works and refuse to learn
>is there a reason /trad/ is so popular here?
I guess we're just raced a bedpilled?
>am i fucking up by kumping into digital?
idk what kumping means, but do whatever you want. if you're doing digital but think you might enjoy trad, then try it out for a week or so and see how you feel afterwards.
>raced a bedpilled
and* (fuck!)
>raced and bedpilled
also i hear people say trad feels better for some reason.
I bought a big screenless but i am regretting my decision right now.
Because people here aren't serious enough to spend 50$ on a tablet
Pretty much all trads are begs
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Do you think I'll make it bro's?
then try trad, bitch ass nigga. if I could draw on a tablet with an overhand grip I'd probably do it to some extent, but holding a blocky stylus is just not for moi. maybe if I practiced with it more I'd eventually get comfortable with it.
i saw a pretty art from a /trad/fag here.
>50 dollar
i asssume you are referencing a screenless, if so these people are better off on trad.
screenless are the biggest fucking meme, too unconfortable. Display or bust.
yeah i am gonna do that, see if it's more confortable for me.
>screenless are the biggest fucking meme
get filtered
>drawing green niggers
ngmi especially with that absolutely chaotic "influence map"
Would you prefer it if he drew black niggers?
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>absolutely subhuman
there is no difference between green or brown/black ones
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Yes, yes.
I am filtered anon.
Dont see any point to expend time to fight screenless tablet when i can just use that time to fight my lack of skill in drawing haha
costs less (to start) and is more fun
>Pretty much all trads are begs
Michelangelo nigger
>Pretty much all trads are begs
that goes for digital artists too. if indeed more higher-skilled anons here are digital artists, that could simply be out of its relative popularity.
please tell me these are boys
>Not serious enough to spend $50 on a tablet
Aside from the fact that trad is more expensive to initially get supplies AND has recurring costs over time AND you can't cheat it by Ctrl+zing your way to a beautiful finished product, what kind of shit tablet can I even get for fifty bucks? My old intuos 3 or whatever model Wacom it is was eighty bucks a decade ago when money meant something, have prices come down despite inflation?
He is a man of refined tastes, and only has an eye for the very blackest of niggers.
you can get a deco 01 v2 which has a nice size for 80 dollars i think. but
didnt know he posted on /ic/, sick
Idk ask the anon who made the original sketch, I just red lined it.
>trad is more expensive to initially get supplies
nigga begs here are chicken scratching with hb pencils on a notebook they found lying around
no :)
>screenless are the biggest fucking meme, too unconfortable.
display is a meme, screenlles is all you need for digital.
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sunk cost
good luck expending months fighting this nigger tablet while i /draw/
haha unless?
stop caring and draw however you like
trad or display
screenless is just a meme
New schizo just dropped
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uh uh
Is display that good compared to non display?
Both have pros and cons. Only way to know which one works for you is to try both and to not listen to schizos on /ic/ and shills on youtube.
the ONLY downside is price for display
even "muh ergonomic" is easily fixable with a monitor arm or just a drawing board fit for the size.
Rather than expending on a useless paper weight you'd profit from just learning the basics in trad and saving for a display.
>in 2022 I worked through some of keys to drawing
>last year I did drawabox from like august to october
>then stopped because finish my degree took up too much time

I've stopped and started trying to learn to draw a few times now. How do I do it and stick to it this time? Do i need to do the beginner stuff all over again, again?
Alright thanks lads.
Was going to buy a display one if I ever have enough money for a decent one anyway.
But for now I'm using a wacom intuos pro M after I did start out trad.
does anyone have a hand reference collection?
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well this is embarrassing, I guess I need some proper brushes first if I want to do landscapes, not just basic round brush?
Either way I got bigger problems than brushes.

Can someone give me beginner resources for landscapes.
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black pen really makes your mistakes obvious haha, i think i’m getting better though
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God dammit.
Wrong file.
Cant delete for some strange reason.

I will repeat the previous question:

I don't even know what to ask .
Im worn out.
Can anyone give me any pointers
I am almost satisfyed with this but not quite
Maybe i bit off more then i can chew.
Something feels off.
Strange shapes?
Too messy?
Am I too judgemental of my self?
Should have i spent more time on this?
I can't tell at the moment
Halp? Pls? Help if you can?
>well this is embarrassing
>I guess I need some proper brushes first if I want to do landscapes, not just basic round brush?
>Either way I got bigger problems than brushes.
>Can someone give me beginner resources for landscapes.
start with composition and perspective, how to place stuff in canvas to create an illustration, loomis creative illustration, copy videogame, movies, etc, backgrounds you like

the main thing I don't like is the murkiness of your brushwork, don't mix your colors in canvas have a dedicated layer for color mixing and select a color and then place it where it should go. The values are ok good choice the black car behind the pale model. good job go rest and have fun.
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i've done nothing but draw loomis mannequins for 2 weeks or so, only managed to draw 40 of them
i am very frustrated, do these mannequins look ok at least?
If you think this is murky you shoul ave seen my previous stuff XD
Thank you for the advice i will try to apply it next time
Time for a nap and then once more unto the b(r)each
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hair too hard also breasts from the front is so easy to fuck up when they aren't the same side
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have you really not been drawing anything else? Why not study something you find interesting and incorperate it into your exercises? The hip/legs looks like a stand out between all of the mannequins, good lines. Overall there is a lot of room for improvement.
I miss the anon that draw girls with big eyes in that cute style, where are you anon?
Are shapes actually the secret to success? I find it a lot more entertaining to do studies when I look for the shapes of the things I try to draw. I become a lot more immersed in drawing something by finding and copying the shapes. Is this the way?
Your frustration is permeating all over your drawing. It's as if you just don't care about improving. You just want to draw, without pupose. What a good way to waste your time anon.
cute, blog?
Not bad, weird hands tho
How fkd are my proportions on this pose?
Bad. What person looks like this? None. Therefore it's fucked. Move on to a new drawing man, you'll do better next time, stop polishing this turd
Draw from reference, anon
thank you!!!
@e1ainma on x
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Another /beg/ thread that passed 300 replies, soon to be replaced for the next.

Let's take this moment to reflect on all the submissions of the hard working artists with high ambitions, and the kind replies of helpful anons. Day by day, thread by thread, we are all getting closer to our goals
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find it yourself, you lazy fuck. just kidding, it's myramoans
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is my lineart truly soulless or am i just smoking crack?
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Is this better?
Wip. Really trying to learn rendering by doing requests for anons
Shouldn't she be smiling if she's wagging her tail? Nice draw though
there a better website for poses than the two in OP?
Yes, my pose folder.
thanks a lot anon. do you use any specific program or just slideshow them in whatever?
I use the "GestureDrawing!" app. It is $15 but there may be free alternatives? No idea if you can pirate it
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as always I didn't draw enough and half assed what I did, it's so over, at least I drew something so no stick for me today
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Hello beg. it appears from now on i have to aim for 20 heads per session. i am slacking with just 10 of them. its over

push values harder
idk, looks okay to me. i never really had line autism so i am probably bad judge for that
keys to drawing
>when you want to draw human but cannot draw heads or hands
i understand you feeling worn out, cause this is GRAND scene to draw. but at its current state it looks like WIP to me. i suggest to do a bit less ambitious scenes in the future. like just a car, just a thot, just a landscape
this looks like something i would see in Vilppu book (that is compliment)
your values are off, you did not render water
me before drawing and after drawing
you forgot to PYW + you are doing meme exercises
worth every minute
nice grunts
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ink drawing, very calming to do even though i dont usually draw in this style
I will now exclusively be drawing my humans 12 heads tall.
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I plotted out the figure in perspective to try and practice that and proportion but kinda stopped thinking too hard about both when I actually got to drawing he he
Also I don't know how to take good photos of paper without daylight if anyone has any tips please tell
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>just keep practicing it gets better
if you practice properly enough, yes
I get bored of staring at pictures and trying to draw what i'm looking at when i have ideas in my head that are more interesting than picture of a coffee cup number fourteen
>I get bored
then work on fighting through that boredom, if you truly want to see improvements. otherwise you're only reinforcing your tendency to favor short-term pleasure/ease to the detriment of your long-term goals.
thanks, i will try. is it bad form to try copying other drawings you like, rather than objects? or would that just hinder development?
This anon >>7209045 is a total fucking liar by the way. You may not have given drawing enough of a shot yet, but after a bit of time investment, you'll be able to tell if you have the talent for it or not. No amount of practice will be able to save you if you don't have it. If that day comes around and you realize you weren't made for it, then bow out, it's not worth your sanity. By the way, not saying you don't have talent; you may have it.
idk here's something from drawing a thing in real life
i do think i could get better if i really tried, my dad can draw pretty well and so could my mother's father so both sides have done it before
just not sure if im not too depressed to slog through the early stages
>is it bad form to try copying other drawings you like, rather than objects? or would that just hinder development?
you can and perhaps should do both. plenty of skilled artists recommend doing master studies in addition to other studies like still lifes. at the very least, experiment with both, making an earnest attempt for an extended amount of time, not merely half-assing a few tries, and see how you fair and enjoy them. the only potential downside to "master" studies is that you pick up certain mistakes that you might not be able to see. but otherwise I don't see how doing them would necessarily hinder your progress.
sounds good, i'll give that a proper shot then. maybe i'll narrow down a list of artists and find a piece from each, alternate between those and some real life drawing, and go from there. couldn't hurt at least
>couldn't hurt at least
exactly. it also wouldn't hurt to post those studies with the original reference for critiques. best of luck, anon.
Too much SOVL to handle right there
NEW THREAD >>7209072
Stab yourself, you carrion dog
Seethe harder you worthless nigger animal

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